Topic: Wishing on a Star

Lady Sarah

Date: 2010-01-16 05:21 EST
((Theme Music))

No pain, no gain. The path towards her front door wasn't entirely long as it was lonely. The gravel path leading to her porch was fine lined with a stone line. Lights rose up all around her like street lamps all glowing warmly around her. Her family home wasn't entirely the smallest of thing to be seen. It was more or less a small manor or a very large home. Most of the lights were off besides the porch light and a few of the interior lights.

The front door was a heavy wood, something thick and sturdy to weather all and any imbalances in the elements. Most of the house was built that way. It was a towering home, more floors than expected. There was a simple white porch swing to the side of the vast porch. The way it spanned was hardly believable. It was large enough to fit a swing and the largest vegetable gardens found with a home its size.

When she was up to the door it opened before she could reach for the knob. A brittle, old man bowed his head as her brow rose upwards," I thought I said you didn't have to stay up?" He merely smiled to her as she limped her way into the Estate. The sight of the limp didn't seem to bother him in the slightest.

"How was your evening Miss Matthews?" His voice was fatherly, tender, kind, and, above all, warm in nature. Not even the sound of the door clicking shut behind her could hinder the kindness that was this old man.

"I could say it could have been better, but then I would be lying, now wouldn't I" The night was as it usually was." She said. Her shoulders rolled into a shrug, a small frown formed on her lips, and she shook her head a bit. Slowly she started towards the stairs, quickly making her way up them with nothing more to say.

She just wanted to slip into a bath and try not to relive this day. It was the usual, the same old same old, everything good and boring.

Harris told her that being silent, being quiet and thoughtful would never get her snatched up, but she wasn't sure she wanted to be snatched up. As far as she had seen of this world, every woman had a man, every man had three women. Everyone that was anyone, was taken by the throws of a lover's passion. There was no room for new, fresh, and single. Well, at least if they were woman, the ratio was perhaps 4 to 1 in Rhy'din. Though she was sure that the minority of males were enjoying it.

Once in her room, she paused to look over the bed. Her eyes scanned over the blankets and the pillows strewn about the room. A note was where it always was, rested on a table. She could read the golden print in her passing to the master bathroom, and as per usual it was those words that were more destructive than she thought they could have ever been.

The Brightman family is pleased to announce the Marriage of Jhonathan David Brightman to Tilyanna Aryel Wilkonan as of July 16th 2009. Please help us congratulate them on their nuptials!

Why couldn't she just throw the damn note away'

With the hot water running she managed to mutter," Men.." Pwwffftttt.

Faith defines plenty, and if there was something Sarah had little faith in, it was love, men, and happy endings. Eventually the changes that come in life don't usually come the way one wants them to. Sarah learned that the hard way.

She didn't dwell or revolve around what had happened, just took it in stride. She was guarded more now than ever, but such was life. With a bath tub filled to the brim with water, it was easy to just slide in and enjoy the warmth seeping to her battered knee.

To Sarah this was just another day of banishment. Slowly she found herself musing," When you wish upon a star". Makes no difference who you are"." Her eyes rolled and she slumped entirely under the water. Just another day.