Topic: Blush

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:33 EST
August 17th, 1615

So many changes.

In the aftermath of the attempt upon the lives of both the High King and his heir, the Pomeran court had been turned upside down. Not only did the noble class have to deal with the knowledge that five of their own - five of the highest ranking men in the land - had planned and plotted with Coimbrans to assume control of the throne, but they also had to adjust their views on class distinctions. For, just a few days after the open attack at the festival, Henri, the King's brother, had openly acknowledged his children, Henry and Elspeth, elevating them to the noble ranks with a single proclamation. Not only that, but the King himself had ennobled them, creating Henry the Earl of Ayleth and master of the Castile Elyn, making him by default one of the wealthiest lords of the land.

As the news filtered out across the country, the nobles were shocked by the outpouring of love for their monarchy that came from the lower classes - not only in their anger at the attack upon them, but in genuine joy that one of their own had born children that were acknowledged and accepted at court.

With the trials of the five lords ongoing, their Coimbran counterparts already executed, the focus of the royal family turned toward fitting their newly acknowledged cousins for court life. Lessons filled each morning; each afternoon was spent on more practical matters. In a matter of weeks, both Henry and Elspeth were adept at reading and writing, with Henry growing proficient with weapons as Elspeth learned how to control a household. Yet they still found time for one another, needing that link to themselves and their mother, even as their regard for their father grew.

There were rough spots, however; not all the court was as welcoming as the royal family had been, and some of them were not afraid to make their dislike of the royal bastards known to their faces. It was after one particularly unpleasant encounter with a known agitator during a court session that Elspeth fled, to hide away in the rooms assigned to herself and her brother, unaware that the Crown Prince and Princess were dealing with the malcontent in her absence. But in that moment, as she sat by the window willing the summer sunshine to dry her tears, she longed for everything to be as it once was, even knowing that it could not.

Henry seemed to be faring better than his sister. He had always dreamed of a better life for himself and his family and had always fancied himself in a position where he could serve his king and the royal family. Now that it had become a reality, he was brimming with excitement at all the prospects that were open to them. Proving himself worthy of the title so kindly bestowed on him, he was a quick study, eager to learn all he could and proving he was up to the task.

Yes, there were those who were jealous and not so happy with their appointment at court, but Harry, at least, was mostly content to ignore them, hoping to eventually prove he was worthy of such an appointment. His sister did not seem to be adjusting so easily, however, her gentle heart hurt by the unkind words of those who were jealous of their elevated rank and station. It was after one such encounter that he found himself chasing after her, only to find her crying alone in her rooms, when she should be outside enjoying the sunshine.

"Sister!" he called as he pushed into their rooms to search for her. "Elspeth! Come, walk with me in the garden!"

Wiping her eyes quickly, Elspeth shook her head. "Please don't make me go where they can see me again," she pleaded with her brother. "I can't stand it, the way they stare and pass comment on me. I know I should not have run away, I know that, but Lady Margaret is so cruel."

"Lady Margaret is being dealt with as we speak," Harry informed her, unable to hide the gleam from his eyes as he relayed the news. "Just before I left, Stephan and Marianne themselves were giving her a dressing down in front of the entire court! She will do you no more harm, sister. We have been given the right to be here, and she is being banished as we speak," he told her, sitting down beside her and snatching her hands into his.

"But others will hate me for it," his sister whimpered. She knew she was softer at heart than most ladies at court, even the princess, but at home, she had never had to be hard. Yes, her hands bore calluses, but no one had ever used words to make her feel inferior before she had come here. She sighed softly, raising his hands to lay her cheek against his knuckles. "I keep thinking I want to go home."

His heart softened, sympathizing with her, but not quite wishing for the same things. He, for one, was reveling in his newfound purpose in life, while she seemed more than a little bit lost. He frowned sadly at her admission, knowing she was happy in the simple life they had enjoyed before the Coimbrans had turned their world upside down. "This is my fault," he said. "It is because I look like Stephan that all of this happened."

"Don't say that," she frowned, squeezing his hands hard. "Don't ever say that. It is no one's fault that you and Stephan share a face, and there is nothing wrong with that face. I love this face; it belongs to my brother, and I love him more than anything." She looked into his eyes imploringly. "Tell me what I should do to make you happy, Henry. That's all that matters."

"I am happy, sweetling," Harry assured her gently. "I have longed for something like this all my life. It is not my happiness that worries me, but yours. I do not wish to see you sad or to see you cry," he told her, prying one hand from her grip to gently brush the tears from her face. "What can I do to make you happy' That is what matters."

"Make me like the princess?" she suggested, a quiet, hopeless smile on her pretty face as she shook her head lightly. Marianne was the way she was because she had been raised to it, but even Elspeth knew that the harsh words still hurt her. The difference was that Marianne had her place absolutely secure, and would reinforce it with the birth of a healthy son. "I don't feel I have a purpose," Elspeth admitted. "I am not made to do nothing more than look pretty and play the lady. All the women here at court ....they're here to either catch a husband, or for their husbands to show off how beautiful and rich they are. They are just trophies, nothing more."

"What is it you wish to do, sweetling?" he asked her, though he had a few ideas of his own. "You bring hope to the people. Have you thought of that' They adore you because you are of them. Perhaps you can think of a way to help them further. We were like them. We are still like them, in many ways. We understand their lives, their struggles. Perhaps we can use our new stations to help them further," he suggested, though he wasn't entirely sure how to do that just yet.

"I do not want to leave you," she said quietly. "Or Father, or the princess. Surely if I want to make myself of some use, I will have to leave the court, and that would mean leaving you all behind." Drawing in a deep breath, she straightened her back. "And that would only fuel the unpleasantness behind my back."

"You never have to leave me, if you do not wish it, love," he assured her, though he knew that was unlikely true. Still, she was too tender, too gentle a heart to brave this life alone. "And if I am not with you, Marianne will be. Or Father, or one of our cousins. You need never be alone, dear heart. I swear it. I will always be here for you. You will always be welcome in my home. Always," he tried to assure her further, pressing her hand to his cheek.

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:34 EST
Elspeth smiled at his promises, reassured by her brother's constant affection for her. She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him close for a long moment. "I am sorry," she apologized for her behavior. "I know you are enjoying our new life, and I am not helping. I will find my place, Harry, I promise. It is just taking a little longer for me, that is all."

"I know you did not ask for this, Els. I just wish I could make it better for you," he said, hugging her back. As far as siblings were concerned, there were few closer than Harry and Elspeth. Perhaps it was hardship that had made them close or the fact that for the longest time, they'd only had each other, but more than likely, it was simply the lifelong bond of family and the fact that all of this had only served to bring them closer together.

"It is better," she admitted reluctantly, drawing back to look at him. "Here, I am a lady. Before, the highest I could hope for was to be the fishmonger's wife." Even she could see the irony in that - that she, a child of the royal house, had been hopeful that a fat old man who sold fish might decide to marry her.

"I promise I will not allow anyone to force a marriage on you, nor will I allow anyone to belittle you," he promised her, though he wasn't entirely sure he could keep the first promise. Stephan had been good to his word, making sure that no one but those closest to them knew what Maverly had done to her, ensuring she was still marriageable, if a suitable partner could be found, but Harry was in no hurry to marry his sister off or to use her as some sort of bargaining chip for political gain.

Yet that was precisely what they both were, in political means. They were useful bargaining chips - royal blood, who could be offered to broker peace within the realm, or with other countries. Elspeth giggled a little. "Everyone seems so worried that I might be forced into marriage," she pointed out. "All our cousins have said the same to me, and the Queen was most insistent. I do not think it is my marriage you should be worried about, Henry, if I ever marry at all. "

Harry arched a brow, as he realized she was talking about him. "Well, at least I have something to offer now," he admitted, insisting on seeing the bright side, rather than dwell on the fact that he'd likely have very little choice in who he wed. He had never been popular with the ladies, always too busy trying to earn a living and take care of his mother and sister to bother much with carousing. "So long as she's not old and ugly," he added with a teasing grin, refusing to let her see whether it worried him or not.

"You have always had something to offer," she told him, but she laughed as he teased her. "Besides, now you are a prince of the blood. No one would dare offer you an old woman, or a hag. Men get the pick of their brides, don't they' So you might even be able to choose a pretty wife."

Harry grunted at the talk of marriage. "I would sooner marry a kind homely woman than a haughty pretty one," he told her, knowing it would be easier to live with someone he was at least friendly with than someone he hated.

"Ah, but you are a man," his sister pointed out teasingly. "You will marry for political reasons, but no one will think less of you should you take a mistress once you have an heir. Maybe you'll find a kind, homely woman to soothe your heart and share your bed that way."

"I would prefer a kind, pretty woman, but we shall see," he admitted with a smile. Beggars couldn't be choosers, after all, and he knew it was only the title bestowed on him by the king that was the prize. "What would I do with a wife?" he asked her, sighing softly, letting her see a little of his own uncertainty.

The look his sister gave him was deeply amused, if a little pained. "I refuse to believe that you don't know what to do with a wife," she informed him with a faint smile. "You make babies, Harry. And a wife would give you allies through her bloodline, a wider family. You can always make a friend of her, if you marry for reasons other than love."

"Yes, I know what is expected of me, Els. It is only ..." He sighed, wondering if he should have said anything at all. "No matter," he added, refusing to think he might be paired with a harpy for a wife, like Lady Margaret. The king did not seem so unkind as that, and he was not a stallion being sent out to stud.

"What?" His sister edged closer to him, brushing his blonde hair from his brow. "Tell me, what is it' We've never kept secrets from each other before we came here, Harry."

He frowned a little, not wanting to worry her. He had been perfectly happy with their situation until realizing she was not so happy and that he might be forced into an unhappy marriage. "It is only I had hopes of marrying for love," he admitted, ducking his head, knowing it was a silly, futile hope.

"You still might," she reminded him gently. He had far better prospects for that than she did, after all. "And who is to say that, if your marriage is political, you will not come to love your wife" Look at Stephan and Marianne - their marriage was made to cement a political alliance, and they love one another deeply."

"It is foolish to worry about, I suppose," he admitted, forcing a faint smile to his face as he reached over to brush a wayward strand of hair from his sister's pretty face. It was no secret that he loved her and was devoted to her, and that alone might cause fresh rumors to abound at court, but he did not care. "I only want you to be happy, Els."

"I will be happy for your sake, Harry," she promised him softly. "I will try not to let them upset me with their words, I swear it. Perhaps now Lady Margaret is banished, I will not need to hide so much as I do now." Perhaps she would even make friends outside the royal blood, if the most vocal of those malcontents was gone from her place of influence.

"You can come with me to Ayleth, if you wish," he told her, hopefully, and if the king allowed. Though he thought she might be happier with Marianne for a companion than himself, the thought of parting ways made his heart ache with loneliness, but it was not something they needed to decide or worry about today.

"I should like that," she admitted with a shy smile. "Though Marianne is very good to me, when she and Stephan return to Peronell, it will be as man and wife with their newborn child. They have invited me to go with them, but I do not think they will wish to have another so close at such a time. I would much rather stay with you."

"Then you will stay with me as long as you wish," he said, taking her hands in his once again. Or at least, for as long as they both were free to choose, neither knowing how long that might be. "No matter what happens, Elspeth, I am our brother. I will always be your brother, and we will always have each other."

"Even though I pull you away from your friends and your amusements with my tantrums and crying fits?" she asked teasingly, squeezing his hands gently between her own. She didn't escape that often, but she knew she would have to start making more of an effort to stay composed in public, or risk a reputation as a woman prone to hysterics.

"I would sooner spend a few minutes with you than an entire day with them," he told her. "Do you not know how much you mean to me" How much I love you?" he asked, fingers touching her cheek, not like a lover but like one who had known her all her life, since the day she'd been born.

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:35 EST
"You are my big brother," she reminded him affectionately. "Do you truly think that you mean less to me than I do to you? You are all I have left. Our father tries, but he does not know us, no matter how much he wants us to love him. No matter what happens, no matter where we may end up, we began here, Harry and Els, from the moment I was born."

Her words brought a smile to his face and tears to his eyes. "This is not a bad thing, Els. It is a good thing. You will see," he told her giving her hands another gentle squeeze. "Now, come. Walk with me in the garden. The summer is long and you should be enjoying the sunshine."

Obediently, she smiled, nodding her acquiescence. "Very well," she agreed, rising to her feet. "I will not disgrace you by showing wet eyes to the court?"

"Never," he replied with a smile as he rose to his feet with her. "You could never disgrace me, and I care not what the court thinks or says. We have as much a right to be here as they, if not more. Let them talk. We know the truth. Hold your head high, little sister. You are more noble than any of them can ever hope to be."

She rolled her eyes, laughing at his reassuring words. She still felt as though she was playing dress up; that any moment someone would come and haul her away to prison for impersonating a lady of breeding. But it would not happen. "Come, then, noble brother," she teased softly. "Let us circle the gardens and pretend we are just like them."

"Shall we make excuses and have dinner alone in our rooms tonight?" he asked, a slightly mischievous smile on his face. As much as he enjoyed the companionship the royal family - their family - provided, the time he shared with his sister had become even more precious now that there was so little of it. "It will be sure to set tongues wagging," he teased.

She giggled as they set out from their rooms, shaking her head at him. "You know perfectly well that we have to have dinner with Father tonight," she reminded him. "He is trying so hard, Harry. We should not cut him off without giving him a chance to know us."

"Very well," he admitted with a sigh, as he took her hand to lead her back the way they'd come. "We will have dinner with Father. I should like to see you beat him at chess again," he added with a grin. Apparently, since playing with Stephan, she had gotten much better at the game; either that, or their father had been letting her win.

That comment set her to laughing again. Thus, when they emerged back into full view of the court, it was with smiles and warmth, no wet eyes or sense of discomfort to be seen. Lady Margaret was nowhere to be seen, and her usual array of sycophants had been dispersed to their various husbands and fathers. Evidently the Crown Prince had been most stern with all of them.

Harry was relieved to find Lady Margaret and her group of cronies gone, at least for now. It was too lovely a day for his sister to be hidden away in her room when the sun was shining and there was a warm breeze in the air, like a soft caress to her cheek. "There's something I want to show you," he told her, as anxious as a schoolboy, as he tugged her by the hand toward the rose garden, which he knew was a favorite of hers.

If any whispers followed the siblings, they were kept very firmly inside the mouths of those who noticed them. Most at court were content to see the High King's family grow - they had not been given anything that might have come to anyone else, after all. Hand in hand with her brother, Elspeth slipped toward the rose garden, eyeing him with amused suspicion. "What is it?" she asked curiously, terrible at allowing a surprise to stand.

"A new rose!" he exclaimed as he led her along the paths, ignoring the inquisitive gazes that followed. At times like this, they were as inseparable as twins joined at the hip. Whether it was unusual for a man of his age and standing to show interest in roses didn't worry him much; most of the royal gardeners were men, and while they didn't defend the castle with swords and bows, they worked just as hard laboring to keep the grounds green and beautiful.

"A new rose?" Elspeth was instantly fascinated. Neither one of them had ever seen gardens like this before they had come to Castile Garia; the sheer variety and beauty of the royal gardens was a wonder that would not soon lose its sheen for them. "But there are so many roses already!" Her free hand caught up her skirts as she hurried after him, giggling like a child, uncaring who saw her. Between her and Marianne, the Pomeran court was beginning to understand what young women could be like, if allowed to live without too many restraints.

"Yes, but there can never be too many roses!" Harry called back as he led her through the many paths until he stopped in front of a rose bush that had yet to bloom that summer. The color of it was unusual in that it was pale peach in color, not red or yellow or white or even pink, like so many that grew in the gardens, and it had made him think immediately of her when he'd seen it. "You see?" he asked, lifting a hand to touch the soft, pale blooms, careful of the thorns. "I have named it Blush of Elspeth, after you," he whispered, smiling warmly.

"Oh, Harry .." She bent to sniff the fragrance rising from the soft petals. "For me?" The surprise on her face was marked as she straightened, smiling into his face. "I thought the Queen named the roses in this garden," she whispered back to him, delighted by the surprise.

He shrugged, unconcerned what his aunt wished to name the roses. "Those are the official names. No one needs to know that I've named this one for you," he told her quietly, a soft smile on his face. It warmed his heart to make her smile, if only for a little while. "I dare not pluck it, but once it is in full bloom, I will ask the gardener if I may have one so that you can press it in a book and keep it forever."

"Thank you." She dared not embrace her brother so publicly, but the embrace was in Elspeth's eyes and smile as she squeezed his hand. "I will keep it in my box." She jumped then, startled by the sound of a familiar voice not so far away from them.

"See, didn't I tell you she was beautiful?" It was Marianne, bearing down on them with a man and woman at her side. "Lord Henry, Lady Elspeth, may I introduce you to my companions? Lord Thomas Montague, and his sister, Lady Jane Montague." This new brother and sister bowed and curtsied in their turn as Marianne smiled. "May I present my cousins, Lord Henry Greville, and his sister, Lady Elspeth Greville."

Harry frowned a little as their quiet moment together was unexpectedly interrupted, but seeing Marianne, he relaxed, knowing it was good for Elspeth to make some new acquaintances who could potentially become friends. "Lord and Lady, the pleasure is all ours," Harry replied, practicing the courtly manners they had started learning with a short bow in respectful greeting.

"My lord." Thomas Montague smiled as he rose from his bow. "My lady. Please forgive our intrusion - we are new to the court, and the Princess kindly offered to introduce us to others who might be feeling a little at sea among all the frippery." He offered Henry his hand to clasp in a friendly manner.

Elspeth curtsied to the newcomers, glancing at Marianne to make sure she had done it properly, only to find the princess already wandering off to claim her own husband once more. She blushed, rolling her eyes.

Harry - obviously, the more sociable and less shy of the pair - offered a friendly smile as he clasped Thomas' hand. "Well met, my lord," Harry replied. "Please, my friends call me Harry," he added, amicably.

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:35 EST
Jane, too, smiled, a little shy of Henry, but hoping to at least make a friend of Elspeth. "Good day, my lord and lady," she greeted them both with quite politeness.

"Tom," the young lord grinned, nodding his agreement to call Harry by the name he preferred as they clasped hands. "Shall we take a turn around the garden and make the gossips panic about what awful things we might each be telling each other?"

Elspeth glanced at the men a little in alarm at this announcement, but offered a shy smile of her own to Lady Jane. "Good day, Lady Jane," she greeted her in return. "Do you expect to stay long at court?"

"I think that sounds like a splendid plan!" Harry replied agreeably, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. As much as he wanted to avoid any scandal involving his sister's name, he was not terribly concerned with stirring up a little gossip involving his own. "Shall we, ladies?" Harry said, offering Jane an arm, rather than Elspeth, as was likely expected of him.

"Oh, yes," Jane started to reply to Elspeth, a brief look of panic at her brother when Harry took her arm.

"Go on, Janey," Tom encouraged her, bowing as he offered his arm to Elspeth. "May I, my lady' Otherwise we will be abandoned by our fickle siblings, I fear."

Despite herself, Elspeth heard a quiet giggle leave her lips at the display of terribly gentlemanly good manners, taking Tom's arm with a smile. "Thank you."

"There you go, Jane, you can't possibly say no now," Tom informed his sister with a teasing grin. "I very much doubt the Princess has introduced us to anyone bearing the plague or any sort of lustful designs upon your person."

Jane huffed a little, more at her brother's impudence than at Harry's offer, though, like Elspeth, she was a little shy and new to court. "My brother worries more about my virtue than our parents, I'm afraid. He is convinced every man at court has designs on my virtue, which is ridiculous, of course."

Harry's smile faded but only briefly at the mention of his companion's virtue, his thoughts turning to his sister, but he quickly recovered. "I can assure you, your virtue is safe with me, lady. I have designs on no one!"

It wasn't only Harry's smile that faded, but while Elspeth's gaze lowered, acutely aware of her own lost virtue, Tom did not allow it to stay so for long. "No, I worry about your reputation, Janey," he corrected his sister with a smile, gently covering Elspeth's hand on his arm. He wasn't so much a butterfly that he couldn't pick up on a hint here or there. "The appearance of virtue is far more important than the actual fact of it."

Elspeth blinked, surprised to hear this opinion offered. "Is that so?"

"If Lady Margaret is any example of virtuosity, I quite believe it!" Harry remarked, as they four of them slowly strolled among the garden pathways. While it was uncertain whether the woman was still a virgin, it was the way she presented herself to others that was damning.

At his side, Jane couldn't help but giggle at the mention of Lady Margaret. "It is horrible of me to say so, but you should have seen the look on her face when His Grace sent her and her ladies away."

Reassured by the way the topic had been dealt with, Elspeth relaxed, her curiosity coming to the fore. "How did she look?" she asked. "I know I shouldn't ask, but I have a particular dislike of that woman."

Beside her, Tom grinned at his own sister, encouraging her to answer with a nod. It seemed as though Marianne had managed to pair the two sets of siblings rather accurately; they had certainly fallen to conversation with ease.

"She is a horrible woman. Simply beastly," Jane said further, encouraged by her brother's nod. "Oh, I know it is not nice of me to say such things about people. It makes me no better than her, I suppose, but she is like a green-eyed monster with tentacles coming out of her head," she said, raising one hand to wiggle her fingers near her head, like mock tentacles. "Beware of that one, my lady," she added a warning.

"Yes, we've already seen her in action," Harry replied with a frown.

"I should hardly think anyone missed today's display," Tom nodded. "I must say, Lady Elspeth, you endured her taunts very bravely. I would have slapped the silly face in front of me before she finished the first sentence."

Elspeth shook her head, smiling at Jane's impression of Lady Margaret. "The Princess warned us about her before we came to court," she offered. "Apparently Lady Margaret thought she could intimidate her when she first arrived here, despite the fact that she is married to the Crown Prince."

"The nerve!" Jane exclaimed with a gasp. "Well ..." she started, turning her head so that Elspeth could see her grin. "The Crown Prince threatened her with banishment if she cannot stop wagging her tongue," she whispered conspiratorially, followed by a giggle. It never really occurred to her that she was doing the same thing, since she was merely speaking the truth.

"Perhaps she will take His Grace's advice," Harry interjected hopefully.

"I doubt it," Tom predicted. "Mark my words, the silly woman will open her mouth again before the week is done. But this time, it would seem she has no falling grace to protect her from the consequences."

Perhaps somewhat boldly, Elspeth abandoned his arm as he spoke to Harry over her head to take Jane's arm instead, bending her head to that of the other girl to compare notes on the rest of the ladies at court.

Tom chuckled, falling in behind the girls. "We have been abandoned, Lord Henry," he declared. "Perhaps we should work on our sparkling conversation a little more."

Harry laughed as Jane, too, abandoned his arm in favor of Elspeth. "I'm afraid court gossip is not my strong suit," he told Tom falling into step behind the women and alongside the young lord.

"Nor mine," Tom chuckled, settling his hands comfortably at his back as they walked. "Though I am pleased to see Jane taking to your sister as quickly as she seems to be. Our father died recently, releasing our mother from her obligation to keep us at the estate. She sent us to court at the first opportunity, but Jane hasn't had much social practice since she gained her majority."

Harry wasn't sure which of the rumors circulating court regarding himself and his sister the man had heard and whether there was any truth to any of them, nor did he want to tell him too much, though the mention of their mother brought another frown to his face. "I'm afraid we have a similar story to tell, but I'm sure you've heard all the rumors," he said, wondering if Lord Thomas would take the bait as to sharing what he'd heard.

Tom rolled his eyes. "I have found that there is a great deal of difference between truth and rumor," he said calmly. "Take me, for example. Rumor has it that I killed my father for his inheritance. The truth is that he fell from my horse while out riding, because his own was too restive to chance the journey. See how rumor twists the truth?" He glanced at Harry with a wry smile. "The only part of the rumors I have heard about you and your sister that I would consider worthy of repeating are the comments made about your mother ....that she was a rare and special woman who won the heart of a prince. I don't see anything in that which could be considered a lie."

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:36 EST
"No, but it is well known that she was a commoner and that my parents were never married, hence, there is talk about whether we really belong here at court, but who is to argue with the king?" Harry asked, relieved that the rumors their companions had heard were not to their detriment, as those he'd heard spread by Lady Margaret.

"No one sane argues with the king," Tom told him. "Do not fear the gossips, Harry. You and your sister are clearly welcome here at court, despite those harpies and their best efforts. I would wager that they are jealous of the attention you are both getting - two more opportunities to marry into the royal house." Which might well explain why Elspeth had borne the brunt of those verbal attacks, if Lady Margaret had already decided who among the upper echelon she wanted her niece to marry.

"I doubt I will have to worry about her choosing me as a possible suitor," Harry said. Though he couldn't say the same for Tom, he had a feeling Lady Margaret had set her sights a bit higher than that. Goddess help Maksim or Felipe if she was hoping for them, though again, Harry doubted it. Lady Margaret and her niece were simply not high enough on the social scale to win a prince.

"No, I think you are safe," Tom chuckled, shaking his head. "You and I both, thank the Goddess. I was thinking that perhaps Lady Margaret was hoping to catch the Duke of Fendral's son for her niece, and perhaps the old man for herself. High and powerful positions, but suddenly there is a young, beautiful, royal princess at court. The Pomeran crown has not had a princess to play since Anne married Sigmund of Edessa eighteen years ago."

"I am not sure I like how that sounds," Harry admitted with a further frown. If anything, he thought it would be his name that would bandied about for possible marriages, but he had no way of knowing for sure. As yet, no one had approached either of them regarding a match - it was simply too soon for such things. "I would hope the king will be kind in the choices he makes," he added, knowing that bearing royal blood had its drawbacks. "I should think he will be more concerned with marrying off his sons, when we have only just been acknowledged."

"By all accounts, the High King is too fond of his family to split you all up so soon after you have come together," Tom assured him, inclining his head to Prince Maksim as they passed him by. "I shouldn't worry, Harry. Pity me, instead. I have to get betrothed or I lose my inheritance and my sister's." He flashed a grin toward Harry. "Can you think of anyone" Pretty, buxom, and not terribly inclined toward anything more intellectual than sewing?"

Harry nodded a greeting at his cousin, whom he would have stopped to have a conversation with, if they had not been introduced to Lord and Lady Montague. It was clear Marianne was hoping to expand their social circle, and he knew it would be good for Elspeth, if not himself, too. "I see you are not hoping for stimulating conversation," Harry remarked, though it didn't really surprise him, considering the reasons Lord Thomas was looking for a match.

Tom shrugged. "I do not expect to marry for love, nor do I really expect to find love within my marriage," he sighed. "Practical, I know, but hardly inspiring. I have the means to make my wife's life comfortable, and I do not intend to over-burden her with my presence. Marriage is business among our ranks, Harry, and I must marry, if only to protect my sister's wealth and station."

"I do not envy you, Tom, but then I am sure I will face similar circumstances at some point," Harry admitted, though he hardly had to protect his sister's wealth or station now that their father had acknowledged them. Still, he was sure they would be expected to do more with their lives than simply take up room at court. "Her Grace has offered to make Elspeth one of her ladies, if she so desires." That might keep Elspeth somewhat close to home for now, at least. He could not say the same for himself.

"She should take the offer," Tom nodded, choosing to pause and let the girls walk on a little way by themselves - just not too far. "Jane has been offered a place in Her Grace's circle, too. By the same token that the Queen protects her ladies, so too does the Princess. They would be safe from men with objectionable methods within that circle, and have the choice whether to retire to the Prince's estate when Their Graces leave court, or to remain, or to take the opportunity to return to their homes until such time as the Princess returns to court. Added to that, the Princess has made this offer to only a handful of ladies, all of whom are around the same age. It would be good for them."

Harry paused beside Tom, turning to watch as Jane and Elspeth walked ahead a short distance, heads bowed together in conspiratorial whispers and girlish giggles. He sighed. His sister was little more than a girl, in his estimation, not ready for the challenges of marriage just yet. Perhaps he wouldn't always feel that way, but he was the elder brother and it had always been his duty to protect her. "I believe she will. She only worries that I won't be near, but I think she will be happier there than with me at Ayleth, where there are few ladies to befriend her." At least, until he had a wife of his own, and even then, there were no assurances the two of them would get along.

"She will have the choice open to her," Tom reminded him gently. "I doubt the Crown Prince will remain at court once his child is safely birthed and his wife churched. I daresay Elspeth and Jane both will be given the option of going with them, or going their own way until summoned back." He cast a smile at Harry. "You worry too much, you know."

"I do when it comes to my sister, I'm afraid," Harry remarked, knowing it to be true, but they were both new to court life and though he was settling in nicely, he wasn't so sure about his sister. "It is good to hear her laugh again," he said, watching the pair of women from a short distance, where they'd come to admire the flowers while their brothers chatted a short distance away.

"It's good to see Jane coming out of her shell," Tom nodded, his smile turning fond as he looked over at his own sister. "I don't suppose you'd like to marry her, would you?" he asked, a seemingly off-hand comment that might be taken seriously, but for the laughing gleam in his eyes as he met Harry's gaze.

"I could ask you the same question, my lord," Harry said, eyes sparkling with humor at the man's jest. He knew it was an unlikely pairing for either of them, though strangers things had been known to happen.

Tom laughed out loud, not even bothering to stifle the sound despite the curious eyes that glanced their way. "As honored as I would be, Harry, I do believe marrying your sister would probably put me in gaol," he chuckled cheerfully. "She's meant for a man far more worthy than me."

"Perhaps," Harry admitted. "I only wish her to be happy," he said, turning his gaze toward the two women who were giggling and looking curiously their way. "She has not had an easy life, I'm afraid, though it has been a simple one, and I am not sure she is very happy at court." He turned back to Tom, his smile friendly once again. "I think perhaps Her Grace has put them together for a reason." A fairly obvious reason, considering both women were about the same age and new to court.

"Her Grace, like the Queen before her, is a very adept ....busybody," Tom murmured through a grin. Spoken like a man who knew his own little sister well enough to be able to spot the same traits in others, even royalty. "She put us together too, did you notice? I should like to call you friend for your sake, Harry. Not your title."

"I appreciate the offer," Harry replied, his smile widening. Though he had his cousins, it would be good to have a friend at court who was not related by blood and forced to spend time with him. "I think I would like that, as well," he said, offering the man his hand once again in friendship.

Taking Harry's hand in his, Tom chuckled as he clasped it firmly. "You're stuck with me now."

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:37 EST
Ahead of them, Elspeth looked back over her shoulder in time to see the men clasping hands. "What do you suppose that is about?" she asked Jane curiously.

Jane shrugged her slim shoulders, smiling warmly to her new friend. "Who knows men's minds" They are a mystery to me." She paused a moment as her gaze drifted briefly to Elspeth's brother. "He is rather handsome, your brother. They say he bears a resemblance to the Crown Prince, but ..." Here her smile widened and she blushed a little. "I think your Harry is more handsome than he," she whispered.

Elspeth's smile widened, pleased to hear praise of her brother. "So do I," she whispered back. "But then, I am a little biased. But he is brave and good and kind. He is the best brother in the world." And there was the clue to bringing out the full warmth of Elspeth's nature - turn the subject to the brother she adored.

"Not all sisters are as lucky as we," Jane added, taking the other woman's arm again and meandering slowly among the flowers. "I know Tom worries for me. Our father died a short time ago, and our mother sent us to court," she told her, a hint of sorrow in her eyes. "I'm afraid I'm not accustomed to life at court, and I'm always afraid I will bring shame to my brother. He is trying so hard, but he worries too much. Princess Marianne has offered me a place with her ladies. I have heard she made the same offer to you."

"She did." Elspeth paused before continuing, keeping her voice low in case of eavesdroppers. "You know more about being a lady than I do, Lady Jane. Until a few months ago, I was nothing but a village seamstress. Now I must be a lady, and a royal one, at that. Perhaps we should stick together, so that we can learn together what is and is not appropriate for the court."

"I should think so long as we don't become like Lady Margaret, we will be fine," Jane offered with a smile. "I would be honored to be your friend, Elspeth. May I call you Elspeth' You may call me Jane."

"I should think no one could possibly become like Lady Margaret without her intimate instruction," Elspeth murmured, trying to hold in a smile without much success. "I should like a friend. The Princess is very kind, but it is a familial kindness. And please ....those who are close to me call me Els."

"It could become more than familial in time," Jane observed, though she barely knew the Princess herself yet. She tilted her head close and lowered her voice so no one else would hear. "Do you think if we wandered off alone, it would cause our brothers a minor attack?" she asked, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Up until that moment, mischief had not been a part of Elspeth's life, but as soon as Jane suggested it, she felt a part of herself light up with playful eagerness. "Let us find out."

Jane giggled into her hand, darting a look back at their brothers who seemed deep in conversation over one thing or another. Snatching up Elspeth's hand, she tugged her along behind her as they two of them darted, as quickly as their dresses and shoes would allow them, around a corner behind some bushes only to bump squarely into Prince Felipe. "Oh! Pardon me, Your Majesty ....I mean, Your Grace ....Your Royal Princeliness!"

Lurching after Jane, her own giggles barely stifled at all, Elspeth didn't even realize they were turning a corner until she came to an abrupt halt, with Jane wedged quite firmly between herself and her cousin, the prince.

Felipe, on the other hand, looked just as surprised as they were, gently making sure Jane stayed on her feet as he stepped back. "Forgive me, ladies, I am obviously very much in the way," he apologized to them both, with a flicker of a smile on his handsome face. "Would you like me to thwart the brigands chasing you, or merely pretend I have not seen you rush by?"

Jane flushed a deep shade of red as she realized just who she'd bumped into, face to face with the most handsome of the Hasperan princes - at least, in her opinion. Of course, she thought Elspeth's brother wasn't hard on the eyes either, but she knew both young men were likely far about her station. Still, as shy as she was, she couldn't help but play along with the prince's game, an impish grin touching her lips. "Oh, thwart away, your Princeliness. We shall be hiding ..." She cast a quick look around before pointing to a large flowering bush. "There!"

"Best be quick and hide then," Felipe suggested, winking at Elspeth before flashing a rare smile to Jane. She was rather sweet, that one; he didn't think he'd seen her around court before. He bowed to them both, chuckling to himself as Elspeth pulled her new friend away from her cousin and behind the desirable bush.

"You like him, don't you?" she whispered to Jane, genuinely pleased to see that her handsome cousins got the same reactions as well as her handsome brother.

Jane was still blushing and staring when Elspeth tugged her new friend to join her behind the bush. "What is not to like?" she asked peeking around the bush, though the young men were now hidden from view as were they. "He's young and handsome and he's a prince!" she whispered back at Elspeth with a giggle.

"Shhh!" Giggling, Elspeth shook her head. "Do you take a liking to every handsome man you see?" she teased, peering through the leaves to watch as their brothers rounded that corner themselves.

"Yes! Don't you?" she asked quietly, eyes bright with mischief. Though a little bit shy and lacking royal blood, she still had eyes in her head to admire a pretty face when she saw one, princely or not. "Do not tell me you have seen no one at court you admire?" No one who was a blood relation, anyway.

Elspeth blushed, shaking her head. "I have not really looked," she admitted shyly. "I find it difficult enough not to curtsy to everyone I pass still - it is strange to suddenly outrank all these people who had such power over my childhood." She bit her lip. "But your brother ....he is handsome, I think."

Jane started to laugh, before clapping a hand over her own mouth, as she remembered they were supposed to be hiding. "Oh, he is, and he will make a fine catch someday." She frowned suddenly as another thought came to mind. "Though I think he worries so much about me he will agree to a hasty, unhappy coupling just for convenience."

"He will not have to, if you are one of the Princess' ladies," Elspeth whispered, pointing through the bush to where Felipe had apparently engaged Harry and Thomas in earnest conversation, doing his best to "thwart" their pursuit as he had promised. "You will have a secured income, and your inheritance rights protected. Trust me on that one, it has been hammered into my mind almost every day since I was presented at court."

"I wonder if anyone has told Thomas," she whispered back, peering through the bushes to watch the trio of handsome men chatting together. Which would she choose if she could" Felipe or Henry' She frowned, turning quiet, as she realized that choice would likely be made for her - and for her new friend.

"I daresay someone will," Elspeth whispered, gently squeezing Jane's hand. She could guess what had crossed her friend's mind. "There is always hope, Jane." She bit her lip as she caught a little of what was being said on the other side of the bush.

"....see two bright little birds fluttering about," Felipe was saying, drumming his fingers on his chin. "One flew straight into me."

Jane gasped upon overhearing Felipe, knowing he was talking about her, but she bit her tongue, saying nothing. She only leaned a little bit closer so as to hear what else he might say about her ....them!

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:38 EST
"About ....yea big?" the prince was continuing, waving his hand roughly at both the girls' height. "I would say beautiful, but I do believe one or both you might attempt to make me take that back, gentlemen, since you both have an interest in the birds themselves."

Thomas was chuckling, shaking his head. "I would not say beautiful in the case of one of them," he said cheerfully. "She would peck me to pieces for overlooking the other one."

"Oh, that is enough!" Jane hissed, her birds' feathers ruffled as she lifted her skirts and came out from behind the bush to confront the young men. "And which one would you deem not beautiful, brother?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at the lot of them. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't as both of them were pretty in their own way, but it was not Thomas she wanted to notice her.

Beside Thomas, Harry was biting on the inside of his mouth and trying not to break into laughter.

Utterly unsurprised at the sudden appearance, Thomas bowed to Jane as she flounced back into view. "Why, you, dear sister," he said innocently. "As a man of the Goddess, t'would be unseemly for me to state that I find you beautiful, would it not?" Damned or not, he was going to give it a good try of wriggling out of whatever she was about to do to him.

With Elspeth lingering helplessly behind Jane, Felipe watched, a small grin playing about his lips. He didn't like the games at court, but family games those were always entertaining.

"Ah, but when a lady says she thinks my brother is handsome, do you think I say no?" Jane countered, hands on hips as she eyed her brother, looking a little more feisty than her diminutive size would suggest. "I would think you would encourage such compliments, seeing as you are so anxious to marry me off!"

Backed into a corner, there wasn't much Tom could say to that. "I have never said anything about marrying you off, you goose," was his counter - a tad too familiar for the court, perhaps, but definitely fond. Fond enough to set Felipe to chuckling, though he made an attempt to hide it behind his hand.

Encouraged by the sight of a brother and sister who teased each other in a very familiar way, Elspeth weighed in with a quiet note. "Do you honk when you are alarmed, Jane?"

Now Jane almost looked like she might cry. Perhaps all the excitement was a little too much for her, or the worries about her brother marrying himself off to save her, or herself having to submit herself to a man she didn't love just to keep a roof over her head, though the Princess had offered her refuge. She turned to Felipe and curtsied low. "I apologize for my foolishness, Your High Princeliness. I am new to court and unfamiliar with customs and such."

Felipe lowered his hand from his mouth, but that smile so rarely seen outside his family was still there. He inclined his head to the feisty little woman in front of him. "Not at all, Lady ..." He glanced to the men, and Thomas hurried to introduce him.

"Lady Jane Montague, your highness," he said. "My sister."

Felipe nodded, turning back to Jane. "Lady Montague, my title is highness, should you wish to use it," he told her gently. "And I can see nothing foolish in a woman who wishes to be praised for her considerable beauty, and who desires her friend to feel the same praise. However, since that friend is also my cousin who blushes whenever a man so much as glances at her, I would ask that you give your brother leave to praise her in your ears, but not hers, until she has learned to accept that she is the equal of his sister before me."

Jane lifted her gaze to Felipe's as she straightened from her curtsy, torn between two handsome men, both of whom she found appealing and both of whom she deemed unachievable. "Your Highness, Lady Elspeth is indeed lovely in both looks and spirit, and I will be happy to hear my brother sing her praises to me, so long as he does not forget that I am his sister." She dropped back a pace, remembering her place, only to almost back into Henry. "Your Highnesses, please forgive my clumsiness. I think perhaps I should retire now. I am feeling rather ....flushed."

"Highness," Felipe corrected her, catching her hand to gently kiss her knuckles. "I fear I have discomforted you. It is my place to retire, Lady Jane. Lord Thomas. Harry, Els." He bowed to them all and turned to walk away, chuckling to himself at the little display put on.

Elspeth gently nudged Jane's arm. "I think he likes you," she whispered.

For his part, Henry remained quiet, merely amused by the entertainment Lady Jane and Lord Thomas afforded, glad to see there were other families at court who were not so stuffy as some.

Jane proved her excuse to be true as she flushed deeply as Felipe touched a kiss to her knuckles. Her knees felt weak and she briefly wondered what would happen if she fainted in his arms. But alas, that was not to be, as he made his excuses and turned to walk away, Jane's eyes following his retreat regretfully.

"There, there, old girl," Tom reassured his sister, wrapping a robust arm about her waist as she wavered for a moment. "Not every woman can say they've had their hand kissed by Prince Felipe of Pomerania." He grinned at Jane, kissing her temple affectionately. "Snap out of it, goose."

Jane sighed audibly as she watched the young, handsome prince walk away. She and her brother were new at court and she was still a little starry-eyed about the whole thing. Besides, he was very handsome and he had kissed her hand. "Oh, you!" she exclaimed, elbowing her brother affectionately, but not hard. "I shall never wash this hand again!" she declared, with a playful wink at Elspeth.

"He'll never kiss it again if you do that," Elspeth laughed. She had been worried for a moment, when Jane had wavered, that her new friend was impressionable enough to faint just because a prince had touched her, but she was happy to find that was not the case. Reclaiming Jane from her brother, she looped her arm through her friend's once again. "So honk and intend to have a very dirty hand for the rest of your life," she said quietly, playful teasing sparkling in her eyes. "Is there anything else I should know about my new friend?"

"Would your brother like to kiss it, too?" Jane teased, leaning close to whisper that question to Elspeth before dissolving into a burst of giggles once again.

Abandoned once again, Tom chuckled, nudging Harry as they resumed their amble behind their sisters.

Thankfully, Harry hadn't overheard himself mentioned, but he did have an amused smile on his face. "Your sister is a lively one," he remarked quietly to Tom.

The eruption of giggles from the two ladies in front of them made Tom eye his sister suspiciously, but he smiled as he nodded in answer to Harry's remark. "She is," he agreed. "I wasn't expecting her to come out of her shell so quickly ....she's been nothing but a frightened mouse for the last two days. I blame it entirely on your sister," he added, his smirk more than enough to take the sting out of his words.

"It seems the Princess chose wisely when she introduced them," Harry said, with a friendly smile. He didn't bother to mention that she had introduced them, too, as it seemed the women were more in need of friends than the men. "How long have you been at court?" he asked, curiously in an attempt to make friendly conversation.

Elspeth Bradan

Date: 2016-01-26 19:40 EST
"Two days," Tom told him with a faint chuckle. "Our mother will be joining us once we've established a house in the city - she was one of Queen Catherine's ladies before we were born, so she already knows she doesn't want to be a regular face at court. My job is to establish that house, make sure Jane is secure, and start putting together a list of names for my mother to vet and choose which lady I'll be courting from." He snorted with laughter, rolling his eyes. "Monumental tasks, all of them."

"And that is all?" Harry asked, arching his brows. Though they were certainly daunting tasks - especially the part about making a list - he had a feeling Tom would prefer to be doing something more useful. Harry also wondered if his sister's name would be on that list, but it would have been rude to ask, so he didn't.

"Well, the idea is to make friends and allies, get myself noticed, and with luck, become attached in some useful capacity to the royal house," Tom explained. "That's what all these lords are here for, Harry. They want advancement, and the only way to achieve that is to be noticed by the King, the Chancellor, or one of the princes. With the vacuum left open by the trials ongoing, there is a lot of political maneuvering going on around us right now."

"I shall put in a good word for you," Harry said, though he wasn't quite sure if it would do any good. "Unless you would like to be part of my circle. I'm afraid I don't have the same political influence as my cousins or the king, but I will need some men I can trust."

"If you are forming your own circle, then I would be honored to be a part of it," Thomas nodded warmly. "I confess, I do not like the maneuvering, though I have been taught how to do it. I would rather hold a position of trust with a lord I admire as a friend, than worry that some ambitious idiot is going to get my head chopped off out of jealousy."

"You would be the first," Harry replied with a smile. Though they had only just met, he had a good feeling about the other man, and the fact that their sisters were going to be friends didn't hurt. "Of course, I understand if a better opportunity presents itself, but the offer still stands."

"Give it a day or so before making the offer again," Tom advised. "Give yourself an opportunity to decide what it is you'd want me to do, and allow me the opportunity to cast a net through the court. There must be others who would wish to be a part of your circle."

"Perhaps. I'm sure they would prefer one of the princes, but I will inherit the duchy one day, and I need to surround myself with people I trust who can advise and guide me," he explained, though he was only just learning about court and the duties and responsibilities that would be expected of him as earl and one day as duke.

"You have plenty of time to learn who you can trust and who you can use," Tom assured him with a faint grin. "Jane and I are from Ayleth, you know. Our father was Baron of Milei, a fairly small town near the border with Gelre. We're still waiting on the court's ruling as to whether the title comes to me, or goes to my cousin, who is older and, to be frank, needs the land more than I do."

"Well, then, even more reason you should accompany me to Ayleth," Harry replied, mirroring his companion's grin. "My sister and I are from Merek, near the border. I know very little about Ayleth," he admitted with a heavy sigh.

"It's the richest province in Pomerania," Tom chuckled. "Most of our trade wealth comes from Ayleth, and it houses some of the most beautiful temples in the land. It borders Alanic and Epirus in the west, as well as Gelre at its eastern border. It may be a challenge at first, but you will never be bored."

"Boredom is the least of my worries," Harry said. He hesitated a moment before going on. "I'm sure you've already heard - I was born a commoner. I was a carpenter by trade, until ....well, until my father acknowledged us. I know nothing about politics or economics or how to rule a duchy. I am learning, slowly, but it will take time."

"Which is why you need people you trust," Tom told him carefully. "I'm not telling you this to try and force my employment on you, believe me. I am sure your father, the Duke, has plenty of names to recommend to you, and will already have begun the process of teaching you the ways and means of running the duchy itself. But there will come a time when you must stand up for yourself, and it will be easier to do if you have cultivated your own circle, and your own loyal men."

"And if you accept my offer, you will be the first," Harry countered. He didn't want to force himself or the position on the man, but if he thought he could make use of a man who already knew Ayleth well, and it wouldn't hurt to have a friend with him when he traveled there. "It is your choice, Tom. I will say no more on the matter."

"Give me a day or two to think on it," Tom told him. "Whatever I decide, it will be an honor to be your friend, Harry. But in politics - and this is politics, don't let anyone tell you otherwise - it is wiser to take time in offering and accepting, than to do it on whim." He smiled at his friend. "And it will give you a chance to find out all the gossip about me."

"Gossip is just that, Tom. I prefer facts to that of waggling tongues, and I would like to think I am at least a good judge of character," Harry replied, but he would not press the man about it further. They had only just met, after all, but Harry had a good feeling about the man. "In the meantime, do you play chess, by any chance?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I do," Tom grinned. "I also play cards, and if pressed, the lute." He chuckled. "But only if pressed. My musical ability is not so dazzling as to be impressive. I do enjoy chess, though. Do you?"

"I do, but I'm sure you are far better at it than I am," Harry replied, chuckling at the mention of a lute. "I'm afraid I cannot impress you with my musical skills, as I have none, but I can make a very impressive table." He grinned back.

"I'm sure you can," Tom laughed, clapping Harry on the back. "Come, then. Shall we play a game or two, and give the ladies some privacy in which to make firm friends without the whole court watching them like hawks?" He was right about that, at least; everywhere there were eyes on Elspeth and Jane, no doubt calculating or wondering about the girls as they giggled together.

"Do you think we can trust them not to get into any trouble while we are away' Your sister nearly collided into my cousin," Harry teased. Not nearly - she had collided into Felipe, but Harry and Tom had not seen it happen. "What if Maksim strolls by' She might faint dead away."

Tom laughed. "We could take them with us," he suggested. "No one would think anything of us retiring to one of the court rooms to play a game, nor of them following to stay close to their most immediate male relative."

"Perhaps that would be best," Harry replied, with a glance at the two young women. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, but that he didn't want anyone else upsetting either of them while he and Tom weren't there to protect them. If he had been protective of Elspeth before they'd come to court, he was even more protective of her now and with good reason, considering all she'd been through.

"Come, then, let us find them an airy window to sit next to, and we can test each other's strategy," Tom suggested, nodding to Harry as he lengthened his stride to catch up to the girls. "Sister, my lady ..." He bowed. "Would you care to observe a battle of wits over a chess board?"

Jane looked over to find her brother bowing extravagantly to her companion and she rolled her eyes a little, before her gaze strayed to Elspeth's handsome brother. "Bored with flowers already, Thomas?" she teased her brother, with a smile toward Harry as he joined them.

"And tea!" Harry interjected. "I shall ask to have some refreshments brought around, as well."

"No flower in this garden could ever compare with the two beautiful flowers standing in front of me," Thomas declared with a grin. "Is that better as a compliment, little sister?"

Elspeth giggled softly at the banter. "I think that sounds like a lovely idea," she offered, looking to Jane. "What would you like to do?"

"Oh, I would not miss watching your brother defeat mine!" Jane replied with a cheeky grin, as she took the other woman's arm. "Come, I think all of us are going to be great friends!" she declared with a wink at her brother.

As the two sets of siblings moved inside, out of the heat of the summer sun, many eyes watched them go. Some unfriendly, of course, but one pair of eyes was more than a little smug above her smile. Princess Marianne smiled to herself as she returned to her conversation. Yes, that little group would work out very well.