Topic: Conspiring


Date: 2019-06-09 13:09 EST
"The arrangements have all been made, Nasir," Lady Shahista assured her son during their daily discussion. "You will be married on the last day of this moon, and may crown Safiya at the same ceremony. The entire court speaks of little else but your impending marriage and her expanding waistline."

"The court, yes, but what of the people?" Nasir asked, though he wasn't really expecting an answer. "Will they accept the changes we are making, or think we are trying to become too much like Pomerania?" he said, giving voice to his worries, though nothing but outright rebellion was going to change his mind.

"The people of Iska seem truly delighted to be able to celebrate a royal wedding and a coronation, though some of the older generations grumble about the lack of a male heir before marriage." Shahista shook her head, dismissing those grumbles as what they were - just grumbles. "As far as the people are concerned, they know nothing of the plans to give Safiya true power near equal to your own, and we will have to move slowly on that account. But I agree the best way to gain acceptance of that plan is to garner affection for her, and the best way to do that is to put her at the forefront of your educational plans for the populace at large. Have her open schools, visit chapels; have her be seen to be a mother of the country as a whole, just as you are seen as the father. They will want to know she has power after a few years of knowing she cares for them."

"Yes," he admitted, pausing in his pacing back and forth across the room. "That's a good plan," he admitted, though he didn't look all that much relieved. The attempt on Idris' life had shaken him enough that he'd ordered their enemies' heads taken down and burned. He knew Idris had meant well, but better not to enflame their enemies' anger and encourage their desire for revenge. Still, something had to be done to bring their country together.

Shahista watched him pace, smiling gently at her son. "When you have sons, you will be able to take a tour of the country with your queen," she reminded him. "It may take several months, but on each stop you will be seen by the people, and you will do such things as endowing libraries, schools, and clinics in each place. Little brings a population together so well as the knowledge that their prince cares for them."

Nasir arched a brow at his mother's mistake. He had never been a prince, not really. He'd been an exile, one in line for the throne, but never a prince. And now, he was the king. "And if this child is a daughter?" he asked, hoping the goddess would see fit to give them a son, as so much depended on it.

"Then you will simply have to wait a little longer before you can make that journey together," Shahista said confidently. "I have faith in Safiya's ability to bear many children to you."

It wasn't that he wouldn't welcome a daughter. Oh, he'd welcome half a dozen daughters, if only the first was a son. But he wasn't so desperate as to take another wife or impregnate another woman. No, his heart belonged to Safi, and no other. She would give him a son, or they would find another way. Change customs, allow daughters to inherit the throne, like they did in Edessa. Something. He realized with a jolt that his hands were curled into fists at the worries that were laid upon his shoulders, and he shook them loose at his sides.

"It is difficult to be patient," he observed. "How have you managed it all these years?"

She smiled at him fondly. "I had my companions to keep me from despair," she told him. "I had Sasha, and Teres, and Safiya. I do not think they understand that they are the daughters I could not bear myself. But in caring for them, in raising them, I could assure myself that I was, in a way, caring for you in your exile."

He nodded, moving to one knee to crouch in front of her, taking both her hands in his and kissing each one. They might have been parted for years, but it was no secret that he adored her; as he'd adored his father and his brothers and been devastated to witness their deaths. No, their murders. "I am glad," he said. Glad that she'd had Safi and Teres and Sasha - the daughters of her heart, just as he'd had Ezra and Idris, the brothers of his. "I am glad because I love her, and I want you to love her, too."

"Darling, I loved her before you did," Shahista laughed, stroking her hand over his hair. "I chose her from the slave market." She sobered for a moment, frowning thoughtfully. "It would be a good idea to eradicate those flesh peddlers from Valentia," she said. "Slavery is nominally banned here, but men and women and children are still sold in the shadow markets of Valens and Tipora. I cannot simply buy every one of them."

Nasir smiled, not only because his mother loved his intended, but because she wanted the same things for Valentia that he did. "I agree," he told her. "Slavery is cruel and hateful and inhumane. We must do what we can to banish it from all of Valentia," he said, gray eyes flashing with determination before moving to his feet again and turning to pour himself a cup of strong, black coffee. "Idris has just come from Tipora, where he put down a rebellion. Those who cling to Clovis' ties to Lotharingia."

"Well, Tipora has been trouble for generations," his mother admitted reluctantly, sighing as she clasped her hands on her lap. "I know little of strategy, I cannot help with the practical application of such wishes. But I believe it will be easier to remove the slavers from Valens than it will to eradicate them in Tipora."

"Perhaps, though Valens is a port. Pirates and slavers come through Valens on a regular basis. We might have to send troops in order to stop it," he reasoned, offering her that first cup of coffee.

"Thank you, my love." Taking the little cup into her hands, Shahista sipped the coffee, smiling at the bitter taste. "If we could find the former crew of the Wayfarer's Lady, we might be able to convince certain of those pirates to turn buccaneer for us."

"The Wayfarer's Lady?" Nasir echoed. He'd heard the name of the ship from Safi, with regard to Sasha. "The ship that brought Sasha here?" he asked, as he poured a cup of coffee for himself. "How would we find the crew, when we've no idea what happened to them?" he asked, though his mind was conjuring a few thoughts of his own.

"I have people of my own searching for news of them," she assured him. "I have reason to believe that the captain and several of the crew escaped the executioner's blade and returned to the sea, but as yet, my people have not discovered the name of their ship, nor their preferred location to dock."

"Perhaps they avoid us. There are other ports, after all," he pointed out, as he returned to claim a chair and sip at his coffee. In truth, they could be anywhere. It would be a little like looking for a needle in a haystack. "Perhaps we are going about this the wrong way," he suggested. "Perhaps instead of looking for them, we should give them cause to look for us."

"Indeed?" Shahista raised her brows, waiting for him to say what she thought he might be about to suggest. Sasha was certainly capable of looking after herself, but she wasn't entirely sure the girl would agree to being bait without assurities that her former family would not be harmed.


Date: 2019-06-09 13:10 EST
"Family doesn't forget family, even after all these years, and from what Safi tells me, the crew of the Lady were all the family Sasha's known." He took a sip of his coffee, a thoughtful frown on his face. "Of course, we'd have to ask her first. It wouldn't be right not to."

"True. Perhaps we should arrange a match for her and send out word that she is to wed and would like her former family with her on that day," Shahista suggested, though she was uncertain they should even tell Sasha if that was the plan.

"I am not sure Sasha would take well to an arranged marriage," Nasir said, though they had been arranging marriages for most of the women of the harem for weeks and few had complained. Or at least, if they had, he hadn't heard of it.

"She would obey," Shahista predicted, "though I think she might be a widow before the end of the year for most of the eligible men looking for wives at court." She chuckled. Some of those men were older than she was.

"There's one," Nasir said, sipping at his coffee again and not daring to meet his mother's gaze for fear she'd read his mind. He was going to have to tell her anyway, but Idris and Sasha" Idris had only been back a day or so and had already proved such a match would be like pairing oil and water. Or fire and fury.

"Would this be the one who insulted Baba by declaring her to be the personification of death when he woke up and found her there instead of Sasha?" Shahista asked, doing her best not to laugh. Baba was one of the older servants who had remained fiercely loyal to the royal family, and she had very nearly spanked Idris for his grumpy awakening.

Nasir couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't heard about that, until now. "That sounds like Idris. To be fair, you must admit Baba does look a little like Death," he said, defending his friend. "He must have wondered what had happened to Sasha," he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement, wishing he could have been a fly on the wall.

"Perhaps he believes he had hallucinated the pretty girl who bullied him into bed, and it was Baba all along," Shahista said laughingly, setting her empty cup aside. "Imagine his distress at thinking he had spent an afternoon flirting with Death personified."

Nasir echoed his mother's laughter. "I am glad he is home and glad he was not seriously wounded, but he is just as brash and arrogant as ever," he remarked regarding his friend.

"Indeed, it is a joy to have you boys home again, and together," Shahista agreed, glancing up as the door opened and one of the young guards stepped inside.

He bowed to the king and the queen-mother. "Majesty, Safiya Teliran has arrived."

"Thank you," Nasir said, setting his cup down and moving to his feet to greet his future wife. "Please send her in," he instructed the guard.

Shahista smiled to herself, knowing that her son did not need to stand to greet anyone but always did to welcome his love into the privacy of his rooms. The guard bowed once more and stepped smartly out of the room, and a moment later, Safiya stepped inside, her face lighting up the moment she looked on Nasir.

She curtsied to him as the door closed behind her. "Majesty."

He mirrored her smile as he crossed the room to meet her, hands outstretched to take hers. He leaned in, kissing both her cheeks in greeting. "Safiya, I trust you are well," he said, his gaze drifting briefly to the barely-noticeable swell of her belly. Though his greeting was formal, mostly for his mother's sake, there was an affectionate warmth in his eyes and smile and voice for his Teliran.

"I am," she assured him, her smile deepening as she saw his gaze flicker to her belly. She was very proud of that little bump, even though she was obliged to minimize the sight of it until after the wedding. "Is my lord well?"

"Even better now you have joined us," he said, as he led her toward the sitting area, where his mother was waiting. "Mother and I were just discussing our most recent arrival," he said, as he waved her into a chair. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Thank you, no." Safiya curtsied to Shahista before easing down onto the cushions with the king and his mother. "He made a memorable entrance."

Shahista chuckled quietly. "So I hear."

Nasir chuckled again as he settled himself beside Safi and reclaimed his coffee. "Idris has never been one to do things by halves. It is all or nothing with him. I am sure he was not expecting a dagger in welcome," he added, the smile fading a moment. He knew Idris had meant well, but he could not do whatever he pleased without asking his king first.

"Hmm." Shahista frowned thoughtfully. "He requires some oversight, yet he is a man who will not accept such a thing easily," she considered, absently twisting a raven-dark curl from Safiya's shoulder.

"And yet, he is my friend, my brother. This is no one I trust more," Nasir remarked. Except maybe Ezra, equally loved, equally trusted. "I know that he means well. He is just over-zealous at times. I will speak with him about it."

Maybe what Idris needed was a woman to calm and settle him, but which woman' Did he dare suggest Sasha, as his mother had mentioned"

"I have a different idea," Safiya volunteered, glancing between them. "I do not think he needs oversight, I think he needs tempering."

"In what way, Safiya?" the queen-mother asked.

Safi glanced at Nasir hopefully. "I think he should marry Sasha," she said, hoping he wouldn't scoff at this. "I have never seen her so engaged with a man, and he obeyed her when she insisted on it yesterday. I believe they would be good for one another."

It was a good thing Nasir was not taking a sip of his coffee when Safi picked that thought from his mind and suggested it or he might have choked. He only gaped at her for a moment and then chuckled. "Are you certain you aren't a witch, Safi? Mother and I were just discussing that same possibility."


Date: 2019-06-09 13:10 EST
Safi's eyes widened in shock, looking worriedly between them both. "I-I did not mean to speak where I am not welcome to offer my opinion," she said hurriedly, silenced when Shahista touched her hand.

"You have done nothing wrong, Safi."

"No, no, my love. I am only amused that we have all had the same thought," Nasir was quick to reassure her, reaching to give her free hand a squeeze, a warm smile on his face. "I believe if there is anyone who can tame Idris, it just may be Sasha," he told her, in agreement.

"Or they will kill each other," Shahista commented in amusement, letting Nasir comfort his beloved.

Safiya giggled quietly, reassured by them both as she leaned toward Nasir. "I do not think he needs to be tamed, but I think he is uncivilized," she said quietly. "And Sasha is too civilized. She has lost some of the wildness that we love in her, trying too hard to be the perfect sister. She is so very afraid of being abandoned."

"But you would never abandon her, anymore than I would abandon Idris. I do agree that he needs to be ....tempered a little, but were we to take all the wildness out of him, he would no longer be himself. Perhaps the same can be said for Sasha," Nasir remarked, mostly in agreement with them both.

"Sasha requires a husband who will not take from her the things that make her unique in Valentia," Shahista said thoughtfully. "Perhaps what Idris requires is consequences close to home for his lack of foresight. If he were to act without thinking and it affected Sasha, she would not let it rest, and that, I think, would be more effective than all the royal commands in the world."

"Yes, but I do not want to use Sasha as a ploy to tame Idris," Nasir said, though he thought he understood his mother's meaning. Nor did he want to use her as bait to draw the crew of the Wayfarer's Lady back home, though Safi had not heard of that plan, as yet.

"She likes him," Safi told him, with a wicked cast to her smile. "Very much, though she did not let him see that. She would not object if you arranged this match, I am certain. She was very clear on that, but only if he never finds out that she actually talked about the match before it was made."

"Hm, he has to get married sometime," Nasir considered. He would prefer his friends marry for love than for political reasons, but there seemed to have been a spark between Idris and Sasha, even if either had consciously noticed it themselves. "I could demand it of him, but I would prefer him to think it is his idea."

Shahista's expression warmed as she smiled, suddenly certain she knew how to make it Idris' idea. "Then, my darling, all you need do is discuss with him rewards for those of his men who performed well and suggest that perhaps she should be wed to one of them," she told her son. "If the spark truly has taken root, he will make his wishes plain."

Nasir grinned. "That is a brilliant, if evil, plan," he told his mother. Why hadn't he thought of it' Perhaps because he was not a woman, and his mind didn't work that way. He had not had to spend his entire life maneuvering amidst harem politics, after all.

Shahista inclined her head to her son, smiling cheerfully. "Is it truly evil if it results in the ending we seek?" she asked in an innocent tone.

"Not if it serves our purpose and no harm comes from it," he replied. He did not want to force an unhappy or unwanted marriage on either Idris or Sasha, but that was not their intention. "Safi, has Sasha ever mentioned whether she knows what became of the crew of the Wayfarer's Lady?"

Curiosity lit up Safiya's eyes as she looked to her lover. "She believes them to be dead," she told him unhappily. "She believes that if any of them had survived, they would have found her by now."

"Not necessarily," Nasir remarked, looking expectantly to his mother for an explanation. It was she who had mentioned them to him, in the first place, and she who had put out feelers to find them.

Shahista sighed softly. "They were not all executed," she explained to Safiya. "And perhaps they are still looking for her, but she has been in the royal harem for seven years. There is no place more isolated, more insular. No woman of the harem is known by name outside the palace. How could they possibly even begin to find her?"

Nasir picked up where his mother left off. "If we were to put out word that the Commander is taking a bride and that bride is Sasha, it's possible it might attract the attention of her pirate family and bring them here to Iska." Not for a rescue, but for a celebration, he thought.

"Sasha would be so happy to see them again," Safiya predicted, her own face bright with hope. "Would such a thing truly be possible" She misses them greatly."

Nasir shrugged, uncertainly. He couldn't say one way or another, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. "It's worth a try. What's the worst that can happen?"

Shahista could think of a couple of ways this could go wrong, but she could always set a few things in motion to mitigate those. "Shall I have Idris come to you now, then, or will you save your gentle wickedness for tomorrow?" she asked her son in amusement.

"Tomorrow, I think," Nasir said. "Let him spend a little more time with Sasha before I suggest a marriage," he said, an almost evil smile on his face, or at least, mischievous. Oh, this was going to be fun, and Idris deserved a little comeuppance.

"If he keeps barking at her, she is going to slap him again," Safi pointed out. When she had left the harem, Sasha had been in the inner courtyard, running through sword drills with Idris correcting her stance from where he was propped on cushions.

"I would like to see that," Nasir said, grinning. He dearly loved his brother-in-arms, but he could not help his amusement at the thought of seeing him bested by a woman. He took a final sip of his coffee before setting the empty cup aside.

"I shall return to the harem, in that case," Shahista said, taking the opportunity to leave the young couple alone. She rose to her feet, waving Safi back down before the girl could rise with her. "Perhaps my presence will prevent Sasha from ripping out his stitches if he goes too far."

"Yes, please remind him that he is my commander and that I do need him alive and well," Nasir told his mother, rising to his feet to bid her farewell.


Date: 2019-06-09 13:10 EST
"At your command, majesty." Laughing, Shahista kissed her son's cheek before moving to the door. She knocked, and it was opened for her to pass through, closing behind her as Safiya giggled softly from her own seat.

Once his mother was gone, Nasir reclaimed his seat, sliding up close to Safi and wrapping his arms around her to rest his chin upon her shoulder, one hand against her belly. "I missed you, my love," he told her quietly, though they had barely been parted a few hours.

She all but melted into his arms, nestling close, her hand covering his over the evidence of their child in her womb. "I was here only this morning," she pointed out, turning her smile to his cheek in a gentle kiss. "Your work decides how long I may stay close by your side."

"I would keep you by my side always, if I could," he told her, though he knew that was not possible. She had duties of her own to tend to, and as king, so did he. "You smell like sunshine and roses," he murmured, breathing her in.

"You will have Ezra back at work in a day or two," she murmured. "He will take on his role once again, now he is a married man." She giggled softly as Nasir breathed in against her skin, tilting her head until they were nose to nose. "I have been in the garden for most of the morning," she confessed. "The king of Carib's sister sent me a letter to introduce herself. She seems interesting."

"Yes?" Nasir asked, arching a brow. "Perhaps you should invite her here for a visit," he suggested. If they truly wanted to open their borders to trade and friendship with their allies, what better way than to extend invitations to those who might speak well on their behalf"

"Would it be allowed?" she asked in surprise, forgetting that she would be queen in a matter of weeks. "She is royalty. It is an honor that she would write to me at all; surely she should have written to Lady Shahista."

"Sevgili," he started, chuckling a little at the irony of her remark. "Might I remind you that in a few weeks, you will be royalty, as well?" he said, touching a kiss to her lips, soft and warm and full of affection.

"Oh." Clearly she had needed the reminder, her lips forming a perfect "o" as he kissed her, only to smile into that kiss as she twisted just enough to wrap her own arms about him. "Are you sure you want to make me queen?" she asked through that smile. "I do not seem to have much of a working mind today."

"I am quite sure, my darling," he assured her, kissing her again to prove his point and taking his time with it this time - slow and deep and passionate. If they kept on this way, he would have to leave orders with the guards not to be disturbed.

Of course, the guards were already under orders to treat her as a member of the royal family, since she was carrying the king's child in her womb. It was reasonable to assume that they knew what went on when Safiya Teliran visited the king's chambers. That being said, Safi never even attempted to resist, always eager for the affection her Nasir gave to her.

"Am I keeping you from anything?" he asked, as his lips trailed down the side of her neck, leaving feather-light kisses in their wake. He could not deny that he wanted her - he always wanted her - but he was not the kind of man to force himself on a woman, even one who was to be his wife.

"Dress fittings and bathing," she murmured, warming to him tenderly. "Nothing that cannot be postponed." Her hands slid between them to undo his belt, opening the folds of his tunic with practiced fingers.

"Ah," he said, smiling as she worked his belt free, seemingly as eager for him as he was for her. "I would not want to keep you from anything important," he said, as he, too, moved to part her from her clothing, starting with the kaftan, sliding the silken fabric past her shoulders.

"There is nothing more important than you, sevgili," she whispered, sharing his smile as hands worked silks and satins from his body, daring to take charge and be the one who plied him with kisses over every inch of his form for once.

"I would say the same about you, my love," he told her, taking hold of her hands and easing her back upon the pile of cushions, where he focused his attention on divesting her of clothing. Not an easy task, all things considered, but he was determined.

"I am more important than your court and your country?" she asked, submitting as he eased her down onto her back, arching to help him loosen the laces of her gown. "I love you, Nasir. Every day more than the day before." Her hand curled to his cheek tenderly.

"You are just as important to me," he assured her, though in a different way. He did not want to have to choose, but if he did, he would always choose her. "And I love you, Safi. Always. For the rest of my days," he promised, as he looked into her eyes.

"When we are married ....I will sleep by your side every night," she promised him. "I will come to you when I need to be near you, and not wait until you summon me. You are the center of my world, Nasir."

"You would be with me every night?" he asked, brows arching upwards. This was not the usual way of it, but then they were forging ahead together to change the way things had been. No more would the king take several wives from the harem; no longer would there be a need for her to sleep in separate quarters so that he could sleep with another.

She hesitated at his response. "If, if that is what you would like," she amended her statement worriedly. "I would not force my presence on you if you wish to sleep alone or ....or with another."

"Safi," he said, a soft smile on his face. "I wish for no other than you. Did I not just tell you that I would love you for all the days of my life? I do not want any other woman but you, my love. For always," he promised her again, sealing that promise with a kiss he hoped proved that love more than mere words.

She sighed into his kiss, reassured, overwhelmed, delighted, circling her arms about his neck as she drew him down and over her in the soft embrace of the cushions. The physicians had been embarrassingly clear on how safe it was to be this loving while pregnant; she was about to prove that embarrassment well worth the conversation.

It had never occurred to Nasir to question whether or not it was safe for him to make love to her in her present condition, and he was sure either his mother or Safi would have mentioned if it was not. Thankfully, he was a gentle lover who only wished to give her pleasure and was careful to do so, even when he was overcome with desire of his own. Though he was no master at lovemaking, he was quickly learning how to please her and relished doing so, taking his time and savoring every kiss, every caress, every moment spent wrapped in her embrace.


Date: 2019-06-09 13:11 EST
Yet it was the moments afterward that touched her heart the most, Safi had found, after the delirious pleasures had been shared and sated, when she lay in the arms of the man she loved, feeling him relaxed against her. He was never more himself than he was in those moments. Her fingers gently traced his cheek and jaw as she smiled up at him.

"I will be a good wife," she promised softly.

"And a good mother and queen," he added, smiling down at her and pressing another kiss to her lips. Perhaps even in that order - wife, mother, queen. As far as he was concerned, she was already a good wife, even if they had not yet been officially wed. "I love you, Safi, with all my heart and soul," he told her, kissing her yet again.

"I am very glad," she murmured back to him, smiling into those kisses as she nestled closer. "My only regret is that we will have to dress and part ways before you meet with the council this afternoon."

"But we will see each other later, if you wish," he reminded her, rolling to his side and pulling her over with him so that he did not crush her with his weight. He touched her hair, twirling a strand about his finger. "You may come to me whenever you wish, Safi. All I have, all I own is yours, as well as mine."

"When I am your wife, I will," she promised him, "but as your Teliran, I can only come when you summon me. Technically, I am your property, as are my sisters in the harem." She stroked his chest as she settled in beside him. "May I eat with you this evening?"

"But, sevgili, no one need know when I have or have not summoned you. I give you the freedom to come to me whenever you choose, and if anyone questions you regarding such a thing, all they need do is ask me," he insisted, his arms going around her once again.

"But why would you summon me in the middle of an audience with an ambassador, or an inspection of your guard?" she pointed out with a smile. "It will only be this way for a few more weeks, beloved. When I am queen, they will simply have to put up with me wandering through your important meetings because I am lonely."

Nasir chuckled. "You have a point," he said, though he had not meant for her to follow him around like a shadow. In point of fact, she would likely find a good portion of his day filled with the various duties of his station would bore her to tears. But that was not what he had meant. "I am sure you can find better things to do." He didn't bother to answer her question regarding dinner, as he thought it went without saying.

"Lady Shahista seems very sure I will have a great deal to do," she mused. "She says I must have more lessons, and I must meet with the wives of the diplomats and form friendships with them so they may influence their husbands."

"Lady Shahista would know best," he replied, his fingers in gentle caress of her cheek before combing through her hair. He would not presume to tell his mother or his future wife what was expected of them. The harem and women's duties were his mother's realm, not his. "She did suggest that you and I should travel a little, once we are wed. Let the people come to know you."

She lifted her head to look at him in surprise, though there was a soft hope in her eyes as well. "I have never been outside the palace," she murmured. "You would take me to other places as well?"

"Yes, of course," he replied, looking a little surprised at the look on her face, but then this was all new territory, not only for them, but for their country. "You are not a prisoner here, Safi. And once you become my wife and queen, you will have the freedom to go where you wish and do as you wish, but you should not go alone. It is not safe. We will go together."

She laughed softly. "Beloved, we may well be making changes, but I do not think we can force the people to accept a queen who travels alone for quite some time to come," she assured him, hugging close. "But it will be pleasant to be able to see the city I have listened to for so long."

"Perhaps not, but I do not wish you to feel you are a prisoner here, Safi. If there is anywhere you wish to go, you need only ask, and I will do my best to make that happen," he explained, falling silent a moment before continuing, a smile on his face. "Perhaps we will even visit Carib one day."

"Other countries?" This seemed to utterly amaze Safiya. For a woman who had no memory of ever being outside the harem palaces, just the thought of leaving the city was astonishing.

"Perhaps," Nasir replied, reluctant to promise anything, but hopeful it would be so. "The world is changing, Safi. We must be able to change with it."

"I will go wherever you go, and be happy to be with you," she promised him fervently. "And we will raise our children to know us as loving parents first, yes?"

"Yes," he confirmed, touching a kiss to her nose. He did not bother to mention how much of this depended on their firstborn being a son, but if it was not, he was sure there would be other children. One of them was sure to be a son, or so he hoped. "We will spoil them rotten and raise them to know they are loved," he said, teasing her a little.

She laughed, hugging closer to him. "How many children would you like?" she asked impishly. "I know we will have three sons. How many daughters to fill your home?"

"If we are to have three sons, why not have three daughters?" he teased, eyes bright with amusement. He knew six children was a lot to ask of a woman, but he was mostly teasing.

Laughing again, Safi poked at his side wickedly in response. "And will you also bear them and birth them?" she asked in amusement. "It is already a tiring experience, and we are not even a third of the way to holding our first son."

Nasir chuckled at her teasing, though he sobered a little to hear she was having difficulty. "Are you not well?" he asked, his expression betraying his concern. He knew women carrying children sometimes became ill, and he also knew not all pregnancies ended in healthy births.

"I am very tired a lot of the time," she told him, "but I am assured it is normal, and that I shall not be so very tired in a few weeks. Apparently the babe takes a lot of energy from the mother in the first months and the last months of their bearing."


Date: 2019-06-09 13:11 EST
"I am sorry, Safi. Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, obviously worried for her. If having a child was so taxing, perhaps he should not be so selfish as to want a large family.

"You do everything already," she assured her lover fondly. "And do not worry so much. Women have been doing this for generations. It will be no different for me." She rose onto her elbow, dipping her head to kiss him tenderly.

He opened his mouth to say something else, mumbled something beneath her lips as he was effectively silenced by her kiss. There was that spark again flickering between them, though he knew he could not keep her there all day. "You are sure it is a son?" he asked, a hint of worry still clouding his eyes.

"I am certain," she said, with absolute confidence. "And even if I am wrong, the next will be a son. I will give you an heir, Nasir. I swear it."

"Three sons, one daughter," he said, answering her previous question with a more sincere answer. "One daughter who is just as beautiful as her mother." He smiled, tracing her cheek with a finger, reassured by her certainty that they would have an heir, if not now, then at some time in the near future.

"One daughter to be the jewel in your crown," she agreed with a bright smile, her cheek tilting into his touch without the need for conscious thought. She sighed softly, deeply reluctant to move. "I should leave you to your work."

"Before the council comes demanding my attention," he said, with a grin. This had been a lovely interlude, but he could not avoid them forever. "I will see you later, then" At dinner?" he asked, after brushing yet another soft kiss against her lips.

She nodded, touching a kiss of her own to his eyelids. "I will come to you," she promised, moving to sit up and reach for her clothing.

"I look forward to it," he said, letting her go so that they both could get dressed before someone came looking for them. Thankfully, he was the king and it was unlikely anyone would find fault with him for spending a few rare hours of privacy with the woman who was soon to become his wife.

It was always difficult to part, but duty came first. Just as Safiya fastened Nasir's belt about his waist, a knock sounded on the door. She bit down a laugh. "I believe your council is here to meet with you, beloved."

"It would seem so," he replied, smiling as she finished helping him with his belt. "If I have time, I'll stop by and see Idris and put our plan in motion," he told her, leaning in to touch a kiss to her lips. "Try not to miss me too much," he teased.

"My love, I cannot possibly obey that order," she teased in answer, fingers tenderly touching his cheek as she kissed him one last time. "I will be in the harem, should you need me."

"I will see you at dinner," he promised her, and all night after that, if she would have him. Soon, they'd be wed and then she'd spend every night in his bed. The wedding couldn't come quickly enough for him. He kissed her lips one last time before walking her to the door.

With a last check to make sure she was presentable, Safiya knocked on the door, and the guard outside pushed it open, allowing her to curtsy to Nasir with a somewhat cheeky smile before slipping from the room, past the council members who were waiting to speak with the king.

Nasir frowned momentarily as he watched his soon-to-be-wife disappear past the council members, but the frown didn't last long as he didn't want those men to see how much he missed her. It would be a few hours before the council adjourned until later, but for now, there was business to tend to.