Topic: Newlyweds

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:47 EST
It wasn't unusual for a newly-wedded couple to begin the first morning of the rest of their lives hung-over, but it was certainly unusual for Madalena. She had never been drunk enough to get a hangover before, and that morning had been absolutely miserable, both for her and for Lorenzo. By the time the afternoon came around, however, she was feeling much better - well enough, in fact, to don a cloak and gloves, and play with the dogs in the garden.

It had, admittedly, been harder for Madalena than for Lorenzo. It wasn't the first time he'd been drunk, and he, at least, knew how to cope. The morning dragged on with neither of them doing much but wishing their hangovers away. Thankfully, they were still considered newly married and nothing of any real import was expected of them today. By afternoon, the headache Lorenzo had been nursing had faded to a dull throb, thanks to dry toast and multiple cups of strong, black tea. He was even able to join her in the garden, shading his eyes from the sun with a hand, while he watched her in the garden.

There was something childlike about the joy she took in little things that made her smile, but his friend, Giovanni, was wrong - Madalena was definitely not a child. She laughed as she skipped about with the dogs, throwing balls and sticks for them to fetch and bring back to her, heedless of the snow soaking her hem several inches.

Even with the sunlight, it was freezing in the garden, but the cold air did seem to be helping to clear both their heads. Whatever his worries about their marriage, he found himself smiling as he watched her with the dogs. No, she was definitely not a child - not from what he'd seen last night - but she had not yet lost her sweet nature, and he secretly promised himself he'd do everything in his power to make sure she never would.

"They will run you ragged if you let them!" he called over to her.

She looked up, surprised and delighted to find him outside with her. "But they are so much fun to play with!" she countered, deliberately tossing one of the balls toward him just to see three of the dogs speed in his direction.

He mumbled something not very polite under his breath as the dogs started toward him, catching the ball and just as quickly tossing it as far away from himself as he could before he could get tackled by the beasts. Hopefully, the ball didn't land in the gardener's cherished rose bushes. He only started toward her once the dogs were off trying to locate the ball, reaching for her hands to take them both between her own.

He lifted a hand to brush his fingers against her cheek. "You're freezing. Come inside, and I'll have cook make us some hot cocoa."

She giggled at the quick way he redirected the dogs, tilting her head with her familiar warm smile as he reached her. Her cheek was frozen, red with cold against the usual pale of her skin. "Oh, that does sound lovely," she agreed. "My headache is all gone now, but I don't think I am going to be drinking quite that much again!"

"We could add a little brandy to the cocoa," he said, with a teasing grin, though he wasn't in any hurry to get drunk just yet either. Turning his head, he whistled for the dogs, before taking her hand in his to draw her back toward the house. "Are you feeling better then?"

"A little is fine," she giggled, lacing her fingers with his as he drew her off the snow-covered paths toward the villa. "I am feeling very much better. I am so sorry I drank so much, I know we were supposed to ..." She trailed off, blushing furiously. "Well, it's just as well your mother decided to spend the week in town."

"There is no rush, cara," he assured her, pausing a moment to rub his hands against hers, though hers were gloved and his were not. He knew his mother was eager for a grandchild, but they had the rest of their lives ahead of them.

"We can't avoid it forever, Lory," she said softly. "But I am glad you're not upset with me for not being able to last night. Nonna would be horrified with me."

He smiled warmly before continuing on to the house again, and nearly got run over by the dogs on their way past, as eager to get out of the cold as they were. "No," he agreed, pulling out of the way of the dogs' path. "But I am just as guilty of not doing my duty." He leaned close to whisper. "No one needs to know but us, si?"

She hugged his arm, giggling softly at the conspiratorial nature of their conversation. "Thank goodness it is known that not every woman bleeds on her wedding night," she agreed quietly. "I won't tell if you don't."

"It is our secret, mia cara," he assured her, leaning close to brush a kiss to her cheek. He had yet to kiss her lips, but when he did, he wanted that kiss to be special. It wasn't that they needed to get better acquainted, but he wanted to be sure they were both ready.

She smiled at that kiss, and this was a new smile, somehow sweeter and more intimate, more his than anyone else's. She liked Lorenzo a great deal, had always known she would be his wife. No one had ever told her it would feel so comfortable to know she would spend the rest of her life with him. That said, she was a little at a loss as to how to respond, instead opting for something a little safer.

"I have not had cocoa since I was small," she admitted, stepping up onto the stone patio with him. "Did you finally get the trade agreement with Carantania settled?"

"Not personally, but si, the trade agreement has been settled," he told her, offering her his arm as he escorted her back toward the villa. "How can we be expected to produce culinary delights without cocoa?" he asked, though it was a rhetorical question.

"Have you ever been to Carantania?" she asked curiously. "Or to Pomerania" I remember your father talking about taking you with him on his journeys, but I never found out if you actually went."

"Si, I went with him once, before ..." He trailed off, the faintest hint of a frown on his face, as there usually was when he spoke of his father. The man had died a few years ago after suffering a lingering illness, leaving his only son to take over in his duties in his absence.

Madalena squeezed his arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories," she said softly, reaching up to stroke his cheek with gloved fingertips. A servant opened the door ahead of them, ushering the pair into the warmth of the villa.

"They are just memories, Lena," he reassured her, letting go of her arm to take her hand between both of his. "I try to focus on the good memories and let the bad memories go," he explained. The memories of his father's sickness and death.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:48 EST
She leaned into him, folding her free hand over his as he captured her palm. "What's it like in other countries?" she asked, her curiosity piqued now. "I've never been outside the city, really. Not even to the coast."

Lorenzo shrugged. "It is hard to describe. Carantania, of course, is famous for its coffee and chocolate. I must say, I have never seen such incredible architecture as that of Carantania. Pomerania is much different. There are mountains there so high they seem to touch the sky. They are known for some of Meringia's finest wines."

"They sound so different," she commented, reclaiming her hands to pull off her gloves and hand them to her lady, standing nearby. "But Pont-Elise is just as beautiful, isn't it?" she added, peering down to try and undo the knot of her cloak at her neck.

"All the countries of Meringia are very different from each other, Lena," he told her. Though he had not traveled extensively to many of them, he had been taught the differences in his lessons growing up. "Would you like to visit any of them someday?" he asked, stepping in behind her and helping her with her cloak.

As the knot came loose, she felt his hands on her shoulders, taking the weight of the wool and fur from her, smiling as she turned toward him once again. "I don't know," she admitted. "Do you think I would enjoy it' I trust your opinion."

"I am asking what you think," he clarified, with a small frown as he handed the cloak to her maid. She may not have been raised to think for herself or to ask questions, but he wanted her to feel free to speak her mind around him and to indulge her curiosity.

"I have never thought about it," she answered easily enough, reaching up to twist a lock of his hair back from his brow. "My world is a small one, I suppose. I love our home. I do not think I could imagine being away from it." As her hand descended, her lips quirked into a wicked little grin, and she inserted her cold fingertips down his collar to chill his neck.

He suddenly yelped and pulled away in an attempt to dislodge her hand from his collar, taken entirely off guard. "You wicked woman!" he said, chuckling even as he shuddered with cold. "Just for that, I should take you over my knee!"

Pulling her hand free, she skipped back a step or two, laughing delightedly. "You wouldn't dare!" was her counter. "I know where you are most ticklish!" She wriggled her fingers in his direction.

"And I know where you sleep at night!" he countered, furrowing his brows at his own threat, which wasn't much of a threat, since she had slept right beside him the night before. How many times had they teased each other and argued like this as children" "Er ..." he murmured, uncertainly.

Despite his uncertainty, Madalena was bright with laughter still, darting forward to this time shove her cold hands up beneath his tunic and shirt to tickle his stomach before skipping away. "I owe you for not telling me where you hide your sweets!"

He yelped again, catching her around the waist before she could escape and setting about tickling her sides. "And you think that sticking your freezing hands up my shirt will make me tell you?!" he declared, not really expecting an answer. His eyes flashed, but not with anger, only amusement at her antics.

She squealed, wriggling in his grip as giggles fell from her lips with every tickling twitch of his fingers. "It was my revenge for you not telling me!"

"Maybe you should have asked nicely!" he countered, only relenting once she was out of breath, though his arms were still wrapped around her waist, her body uncomfortably close to his.

"I did ask nicely, last night!" She laughed, breathless and warm, absently wrapping her arms about his shoulders to keep herself on her feet as she looked up at him. "You're so mean, Lory."

"And then you fell asleep!" he reminded her. To be fair, he'd fallen asleep, too, but that wasn't the point. He blinked, looking around briefly to see if anyone had overheard. "Shhh," he told her, touching a finger to her lips to silence her once again, as if he didn't want anyone to overhear them, though he was the head of the household. "Hot cocoa, remember?"

Giggling beneath the press of his finger, she grinned up at him, green eyes crinkled with laughter. "If I am very good and warm up my hands before touching you again, may I have some cocoa, husband-mine?" she asked impishly.

"Do you ..." He trailed off, stammering. "Do you want to touch me?" he asked her uncertainly and just a little bit nervously, momentarily forgetting completely about the hot cocoa.

She blinked, surprised to hear him stammer, but equally surprised by the question. "I ....Well, I wouldn't mention it, if I didn't want to," she said quietly. "Is it so hard to believe that I like you that way, Lory?"

"Like me?" Lorenzo echoed. He knew she liked him well enough, but he'd always assumed she thought of him as nothing more than a friend, despite the fact that they'd always known they'd be married. "I like you, too, Lena," he assured her, though he wasn't sure he meant it the same way that she did.

For just a moment, the smile in her eyes dimmed before returning, assuming that he meant simply that he enjoyed her company. But she had always known that she was unlikely to be gifted with love in marriage; she was prepared for it. Sliding her hands down to his chest, she nodded. "That is good, then."

"I have always liked you," he added, trying to clarify what he was saying. He'd noticed the way her face had faded, if only momentarily, but he wasn't quite sure why. "Come ....Let's warm you up," he told her, snagging her hand - cold or not - and leading her further into the house, toward the sitting room with its roaring fire. "Sit here," he told her, gesturing toward a chair near the fire.

Tugged after him, Madalena took control of her expression and brought the sunshine back into her smile while he wasn't looking, offering up a genuine smile as she sat where he told her to. "Oooh, that is warm."

Without a second thought, she dropped her shoes to the floor and lifted her skirts, waving her stockinged feet toward the fire with wriggling toes.

"Stay there!" he told her. "I will be right back." And off he went to fetch a blanket and the hot cocoa he'd promised her. He didn't really want to leave her alone, but he'd only be a few minutes.

Startled by his sudden exit, she looked down at the dogs, who had taken advantage of the open door to come and lounge by the fire themselves. "Did I upset him, do you think?" she asked them softly, not expecting anything in return and not receiving it anyway. "I'm so nervous of saying something wrong. You know him better than I do - how do you think he would react if I told him how much I care for him?"

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:48 EST
Unfortunately, the dogs weren't much help, except to look up at her with adoring eyes, tails happily thumping the floor. Thankfully, Lorenzo wasn't gone long, returning just a few minutes later with a wool blanket and a warm smile as he laid it across her lap. "Is that better, mia cara?" he asked her, with a look of concern. "The cocoa will be take a few minutes, but I thought you might like a blanket."

"Oh!" Her face lit up, touched that he'd thought to fetch her a blanket to warm her legs. "Thank you, Lory. But what about you?" she asked, concern touching her expression. "I wore a cloak and gloves - you came outside with nothing to protect you from the elements."

"I am fine," he assured her. Though his cheeks were flushed and his hands cold, the fire would warm him soon enough. Whether either of them was aware of it or not, he was not only acting out of his concern for her well-being, but his affection for her, as well. "I do not want you to catch cold."

"An hour in the cold will not cause me to catch something dreadful, Lory," she giggled, taking his hand in hers to tug him down into a seat close by. "But thank you. It is nice to be looked after."

"It is my duty to look after you, now you are my wife," he told her, his voice betraying his affection, even if his words did not. He would have sat at her feet with the dogs, had she not tugged him down next to her, his fingers tangling with hers.

"But I'm not just a duty to you, am I?" she asked, daring herself to be bold for just a moment. "I know it is my duty to be obedient to your will and give you sons, but ....this marriage is not just a duty to me, Lory."

He blinked, a little surprised by her question. It was something he'd hardly had time to ask himself. It was his duty; he had known since he was a young boy that they were to be wed, but he had never thought of her in that way until recently. "I, uh ..." He considered a moment. If he had been free to wed a bride of his own choosing, would he have chosen differently' "I have always known we would be married, Lena. I cannot imagine being with anyone else."

She smiled, squeezing his hand gently even as she looked to the fire. It would have to do, at least for now. Her grandmother had said that love would come in time, that no one could be married for a lifetime and not love each other somehow. Madalena could wait.

"But what of you? If you could choose, would you have chosen differently?" he asked her curiously. Now that she'd brought it up,  he was curious to know what she'd meant by her remark. If this marriage was not just a matter of duty to her, then what was it exactly"

"No." She laughed a little at her own quick answer, raising her head to meet his eyes with that new smile of hers softening her expression. "There's no one I care about more than you, Lory."

He arched a brow. It wasn't exactly a declaration of love, but he wasn't really expecting one - at least, not yet, if ever. "I care for you, too, Lena," he assured her, turning to take both her hands in his.

"Really?" The hope in her eyes was sweetly vulnerable, sharing without needing to say it aloud how worried she had been that he might be offended to know she thought of him that way.

"I would not say it if it was not true," he assured her and might have said more had the hot cocoa not arrived just then. "Grazie," he told the servant as she left the tray of cocoa on a table nearby.

Ducking her head to hide her giggly smile from the servants, Madalena waited until the door was closed before looking up once more. "That smells heavenly."

"We should drink it before it gets cold," he told her, moving from the chair to fetch them each a mug of the sweet treat, careful to step around the dogs. He carefully handed her a steaming mugful before returning with one of his own and retaking his seat beside her.

Curling her hands about the mug he handed her, Madalena leaned back in her seat, drawing her feet up to lean comfortably against Lorenzo as he sat down. "Thank you," she murmured. "This is lovely."

"It is, isn't it?" he asked, smiling softly, but who knew whether he was referring to the hot cocoa, the fire, the snuggling, or her. "Careful you don't burn your tongue," he warned before taking a small sip from his mug.

"If I did, would you kiss it better?" she asked, the question coming without thought from an innocent young woman who had never learned to temper her conversation around her closest friends.

"Kiss your tongue?" he asked, chuckling a little, but careful not to spill his cocoa. "Do you want me to?" he asked, a look of mingled amusement and curiosity on his face.

"I think it depends on where on my tongue gets burned," she said, answering him with perhaps more seriousness than the question deserved. "If it was the tip, you could kiss it, but further back, and that would get ....spitty."

"Lena ..." he started, looking a little uncomfortable with what he was about to ask her. "Have you ever ..." he started, gesturing with a hand, as if she might understand what he was asking without him having to say it.

She turned her head to look at him, a curious frown between her brows as she watched his hand make circles between them. "Have I ever ...?" she repeated. "What' Licked a lamp-post in winter?"

He matched her frown, unsure if he should take her statement seriously or not. "I would not recommend doing that," he advised. As well as he knew her, he wasn't always sure when she was being serious.

She smiled at his frown. "I don't know what you're asking, Lory," she clarified. "I'm afraid I haven't learned to read your mind. Yet."

He sighed, not out of irritation but because he felt a bit awkward about the question he had attempted to ask her. "Have you ever ..." There went his hand again, making a meaningless swirling motion. "....kissed anyone?" he blurted at last.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:48 EST

"Oh!" Her cheeks flushed - not with cold this time, but with shy embarrassment. "I, um tutor taught me how to," she admitted. "But she said it would be very different with a man."

"She ....taught you how to kiss?" Lorenzo echoed, brows arching upwards in astonishment. "But how ..." He seemed to be trying to work out in his head just how that was done, and could only come up with one answer.

The look Madalena gave him suggested she knew exactly what he was thinking and that, yes, he was absolutely right. Her brow rose above a suddenly teasing smirk. "It didn't mean anything, Lory," she told him sweetly.

"No, I suppose not," he murmured, though he wasn't too sure what to think. He had learned how to kiss under much different circumstances and it was probably better she didn't know what those circumstances were. "I suppose it does not count then?" he said, more question than statement.

"It was a lesson," she said, shrugging her shoulder gently. "I didn't like her in that way, not at all. It was all very ....clinical and cold, and more than a bit embarrassing, to be honest. Especially because Nonna insisted on sitting in on those lessons."

Lorenzo frowned as another thought crossed his mind, though it was a thought he was not willing to share just yet, if at all. "You do not really need lessons in kissing, Lena. It is something you learn with experience."

"But Nonna wanted me to be a good wife," she pointed out. "So she hired Mistress Guilia from Cicilia, and ....well, her lessons were always very informative, but awfully embarrassing."

"Being a good wife isn't about kissing, Lena," he told her, though he had a feeling if he contradicted her grandmother, he might hear about it from the woman later. What was it about then"

"It wasn't just -" She stopped herself, her fading blush renewing itself with a vengeance as she abruptly looked down at her cocoa. "Nonna wanted to make sure that I would ....I would be able to please you. After dark."

"You do please me, cara mia," he assured her, though they hadn't done anything as yet but sleep together - literally, just sleep. "And I ..." He trailed off a moment, feeling awkward again. "I would like to please you, too."

"Oh, but I thought ....well, I thought you ....knew what to do," she offered, still staring into the contents of her mug. "Should we hire Mistress Guilia ourselves?"

He chuckled at her question. "No, I do not think we will need Mistress Guilia," he remarked, with an amused smirk lingering on his face.

"That's good, isn't it?" Finally, she looked up at him, aware of the heat in her cheeks but reassured to hear him chuckle. "You're not upset with me, are you?"

"Upset?" he echoed, his smirk softening into a smile. "No, cara, I am not upset," he assured her, lifting the mug of cocoa to his lips. "Finish your cocoa before it gets cold."

She visibly relaxed as he spoke, raising her own mug to her mouth to sip the rich chocolate within. "Mmm ....just as delicious as I remember," she murmured, absentmindedly resting her head on his shoulder as she smiled.

And she was just as sweet and gentle as he remembered, but then, he had always known that about her. "Tell me, Lena ....Would you like to share my bed again tonight?" he asked, though there was no pressure in his voice regarding whether or not they'd only sleep there.

Madalena couldn't have hidden her smile even if she had tired, glad he couldn't see it clearly from this angle. She knew she must look ridiculously pleased with his offer. "I should like that very much, Lory."

As a matter of fact, he didn't think he'd mind if she shared his bed - and his quarters - every night, but he wasn't sure she'd feel the same. As the lady of the house, she had her own quarters, but that didn't mean she couldn't sleep in his bed, if she so desired.

"You know ....I have never slept alone in a room," she mused thoughtfully, wiping her finger about the rim of her mug to lick the chocolate from it as she spoke. "I'm not sure I can."

"Never?" he echoed, brows arching upwards. As a first and only child, he'd been sleeping alone for years, and though he might not want to admit it, he had enjoyed sharing a bed with her the previous night.

"Never," she confirmed. "Nonna always kept me in with her. I think she had some silly idea that if I was alone in my bedroom, one of the servants might do something dreadful to me in my sleep."

"They wouldn't dare!" he was quick to say. Though he wasn't entirely sure what that dreadful something might be, his mind went to the worst case scenario. He was fairly certain his own servants wouldn't do anything to harm her, if they knew what was good for them, but there was really only one way to be sure. "You will stay with me then ....for as long as you like." It was his duty to protect her, after all.

Her grandmother was not exactly known for having a high opinion of anyone lower in rank than herself, but it seemed to have sparked Lorenzo into making that decision as well. Giggling softly, she tipped her head back, kissing his jaw affectionately. "Thank you, Lory."

He smiled at the kiss, his eyes drifting to her lips for a moment and wondering what they tasted like, though he made no move to return her kiss just yet. "There is only one condition," he remarked, a teasing gleam in his eyes.

"Oh?" Her lips curved into another teasing smile to match the tease in his eyes, never afraid of his humor nor afraid to show him her own. There were definite benefits to marrying your friend.

"Si, piccolo," he said, touching a finger to her nose. "You must promise never put your cold feet on my legs," he told her, unable to hide the teasing smirk from his lips.

She sighed exaggeratedly, letting out a little laugh. "Fine," she conceded. "I promise to never put my cold feet on your legs unless you tell me to." Because she did know him, and if he thought it would make her feel better at some point, he would invite her to do just that.

"Buono!" he exclaimed, grinning. "It is settled then. You will share my bed from now on." And his quarters, if she so wished. Somehow, he had a feeling he was going to be keeping her feet warm one of these days, despite his condition.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:49 EST
If her hands had been free, she would have clapped. Instead, Lorenzo found himself kissed on the jaw once again, followed by a quiet giggle at the tickle his scruff made against her lips. "I did sleep very well last night, I must admit."

He smiled again, touched by the affection in her kiss, amused at the way she giggled, almost girl-like, though she was very much a woman. He had always been fond of her, but he found his feelings changing in ways he didn't quite understand yet. "You were drunk last night," he pointed out, with a chuckle.

"Does being drunk make you sleep better, then?" Madalena looked mildly confused by that thought. "I don't think I liked being drunk, though. My head felt fuzzy and spinny, especially when I stood up."

He shrugged at her question. "A little wine can help you sleep. Just be glad you did not get sick," he told her, relieved that neither of them had been sick enough to ruin their entire day. They had drunk a lot more than "a little wine".

"Perhaps I should stick to just a little wine in future, then," she said. "But you were not as drunk as me. Do you drink like that a lot?"

"No, tesoro," he replied. "It is only that I am bigger than you and can drink more." He wasn't opposed to a few glasses of good wine, but he didn't really like how it felt to get drunk either.

A thought occurred to her, a curiosity that she had never felt confident to prod at until now. "Lory," she said, her voice giving away that there was a question on the horizon. "What is it you do with other men" Your friends, like Vanni?"

"Hmm?" He mumbled as he finished off his cocoa and stretched an arm out to set the empty mug on a nearby table, before sliding an arm around her shoulders. "What we do?" he asked, arching his brows at her question, not quite sure how to answer it. He shrugged again. "We go riding, hunting. We talk, we drink. We play chess," he told her. They caroused ....but he wasn't going to tell her that.

Surprised to find his arm about her, Madalena smiled once again, inching a little closer on the soft couch. "So you do the same things with your male friends as you do with me and Francesca?" she asked. "I thought maybe you did different things."

He chuckled at her remark, wondering if she'd really listened to what he'd said. "I don't recall going hunting and drinking with you and Francesca," he said, smirking in amusement.

"Well, we go hawking," she pointed out. "Isn't that the same thing?" To be quite honest, the thought of either woman with a bow or javelin was a terrifying one.

"Not quite, but I will let it pass," Lorenzo said with a wave of his hand. He didn't think she could make the same argument about drinking, despite last night.

"How magnanimous of you, my lord," she teased, drinking down another mouthful of the rich chocolate in her cup. "But Lory ....what am I supposed to do' You cannot have me hovering around you all the time."

"Do?" he echoed, looking a little puzzled. "I suppose you will do whatever it is women do while their men are busy." He wasn't too sure what that was, but he assumed she would know. Sewing" Knitting" Gossiping" And then, he assumed there'd eventually be children.

"I suppose I should have asked Nonna about that," she mused, frowning. "I don't suppose I am clever enough to be trusted with any works for the city."

Lorenzo turned silent as he considered that a moment. "I think perhaps you should speak to my mother. I am sure she will be able to find you something worthwhile to do," he suggested.

She brightened quickly at that. "Then I will," she said with enthusiasm. "Thank you, Lory!" She beamed up at him, something close to adoration in her eyes.

He smiled, relieved to see that smile on her face again, mistaking the look on her face for happiness, rather than adoration. "I only want you to be happy, Lena," he told her, not for the first time.

"We'll be happy together, Lory," she told him with warm confidence. "I want you to be happy too, you know." Uncurling one hand from her mug, she patted his leg fondly.

"How could I not be happy when I'm with you?" he asked her, eyes crinkling as he smiled warmly at her once again. He reached for her hand as she patted his leg, his fingers closing around hers.

She giggled, lacing her fingers with his comfortably. "That is not an incentive for me to ever leave you alone, you know," she pointed out. "I think you would quickly become sick of me if I were always around you."

"I do not think I could ever get sick of you, cara, but I do fear I might bore," he confessed, happy to tangle his fingers with hers. "Politics is a rather boring business, I'm afraid."

"It seems fascinating to me," she admitted. "Isn't it a case of staying friends with as many people as possible" You're very good at making and keeping friends, Lory, you must be an excellent politician."

"I am not so sure about that," he admitted, but Alanic was a mostly peaceful country, fortunate enough to be surrounded by allies. There was rarely a need for anything so drastic as battle. He knew the same could not be said for their neighbors. "We are very fortunate here in Alanic."

She nodded. "Our people do not like hitting each other with sharp pieces of metal," she agreed. "Though Nonna says that the inventors in the south are making war machines that spit fire?"

Lorenzo frowned. "You need not worry yourself about such things, cara," he told her. It wasn't that he wanted her to be ignorant of what was going on in Meringia, but he didn't want her to worry.

"Then it is not something I should know about," she interpreted, nodding with a faint smile. "Thank you. I don't much like talk of war and such, though I know Alanic has not actively participated in one for generations."

"No, but that does not mean we should not be prepared for it and prepared to defend our borders," he pointed out. His father had once told him that the best defense was a good offense - whatever that meant.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:49 EST
"But there must be better ways to end conflict than hurting and killing other people, surely?" she asked, her brows furrowing. "You cannot make a friend of someone if you have killed him."

"That is what we have diplomats for," Lorenzo explained. "We are lucky to have allies on our borders," he added, though it was not always that way.

"When do you suppose the king will ask us to go to Turvon and meet with him?" she asked then, her mind seemingly turning over a few thoughts that needed to be silenced.

"Soon, I should think," he replied, uncertainly. There was no predicting when they might be summoned, but he didn't think the king would wait too long before calling them to court, if only to congratulate them.

"I suppose that gives me something to do, then," Madalena commented. "I'll have to make a court dress." Though her family had a noble title, they had never been as wealthy as the other nobles around them. Making her own clothes had always been something she hated but did anyway.

Lorenzo looked momentarily puzzled, as he tried to sort out whether she meant to sew it herself. "Lena, you have women to do that for you now," he told her, though he didn't want to discourage her, if that was truly what she wanted to do.

She blinked, looking up at him with surprised pleasure. "Really' I don't have to make my own clothes anymore?" It didn't seem to have occurred to her that she had married into one of the wealthiest families in Alanic.

He smiled back at her, his expression soft with what might be affection. "Really. Unless you'd like to," he added, just in case. He could see it was going to take some time before she adjusted to her new life in Pont Elise.

"Oh, good grief, no," she said hastily. "I cannot stand sewing. All that fiddly embroidery and hemming and, ugh." She affected an exaggerated shudder, pulling a face. "I am more than happy to let someone else do all the work."

"What would you like to do?" he asked, curiously. The possibilities were endless really; she just had to figure out what she'd like to try. "Do you still like to paint?" he asked. He knew she liked gardening, too, but that might have to wait until spring.

"I do," she said happily. "When I have paint available to me. Most of the time I just sketch with charcoal. Would you like me to draw something for you?"

"Nothing in particular," he replied. "What would you like to draw?" he asked, turning the question back around on her. She needed to learn to start making decisions for herself, and not letting everyone else make them for her.

"When I'm painting, I like to paint landscapes," she said, happy to talk about her hobbies. "But if I'm sketching, I prefer people. Is that odd?"

"Now that we are married, we should have a portrait commissioned," he murmured, mostly to himself. "Would you be able to draw me a sketch of yourself?" he asked. He'd never had a likeness of her and realized now that he'd like one.

She looked surprised at the request. "I have never tried to draw a likeness of myself," she admitted. "I suppose I could, if I had a good mirror." Despite the thoughtfulness in her voice, her expression was far more intrigued than challenged.

"Perhaps we should hire an artist to paint our portrait," he suggested, including them both, not just one or the other. Wasn't that something most married couples did"

"Really?" That light of excitement was back in her face at this suggestion. "I don't believe I have ever sat for a portrait, unless I did when I was little. Have you?"

"Not in a very long time," he admitted, though his mother had been after him to do it for some time. He had a feeling he would not be able to deny her much longer, now that he was wed. "Would you like that?" he asked hopefully, noticing the light in her face.

Madalena nodded, only a little shyly. "We couldn't afford new portraits, only the little miniatures," she said. "I should like to have a picture of you and I somewhere."

"We could commission both, if you like," he told her, thinking it might be nice for them to possess miniature portraits of each other, as well. There was no question that he could afford to do both miniatures and a full-size portrait.

"That is a wonderful idea, tesoro," she enthused, once again tilting her head to kiss his jaw happily. "You are going to spoil me, aren't you?"

"Perhaps," he replied with a grin, in part from the term of endearment, as well as the kiss. "Would you mind very much if I did?" he asked, eyes bright with amusement.

"Only if you don't let me spoil you as well," she informed him sweetly. "You deserve to be pampered just as much as I do." Which was probably not at all, but there was a wish to do so in both of them.

"Do I" What makes you think I have not been pampered in the past?" he asked, trying hard to keep a straight face. As far as he was concerned, she deserved to be pampered and spoiled, but he wasn't so sure about himself. He knew he was privileged, but he didn't lord that privilege over others and tried to help those less fortunate where he could.

"Because you are not spoiled at all, Lory," she pointed out, not even trying to keep her own smile hidden. "You are always gentle and kind, and people who have been spoiled as children are never gentle and kind with anyone."

"As are you, mia amore," he told her, lifting her hand to brush a soft kiss against her knuckles. It was the first time he'd used the word "love" in connection with her, not only since they'd been wed, but ever.

No doubt he could feel the heat in her cheeks as she beamed at the gentle touch of his lips to her hand, tilting her brow to rest against his jaw affectionately. A thought occurred to her as she looked at the flames. "Lory ....would it be easier for you tonight if I didn't wear my nightgown?"

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:49 EST
His lips lingered against her knuckles a little longer than necessary. His brows arched at her question as he lifted his head to face her, only to find her avoiding his gaze, a telltale flush creeping into her cheeks. "Easier for me?" he echoed, a little confused. "Do you think you are ready?"

"I do not know," she said honestly. "I have never been intimate with anyone, never even kissed someone I care so much for. But your mother did say that it is obvious when a woman has been plucked and when she hasn't, and I do not want her to nag at you when she comes back to the villa."

"My mother," Lorenzo echoed, grumbling a little under his breath. As much as he adored her, she did have a way of being a little too nosy at times. His mother was not the one who'd just been married to someone as gentle and shy as a bird. He couldn't think how anyone would be able to tell whether or not Madalena was still a virgin, unless they were inspecting their bedding. "I do not care what my mother says, cara. I am the lord of the house, and I can wait until you are ready."

"How will I know when I am ready, Lory?" she asked then. This was apparently not something that had been covered in her lessons.

"You will know," he assured her, though he didn't think she'd really know until he afforded her the proper attention. "I am sorry about last night," he said, though he really wasn't. They had both been full of nerves and though the wine had loosened those nerves, it had also put them to sleep. "I am a patient man, Madalena, and I do not want to rush you."

"You are far too good to me, you know," she informed him affectionately. "And I can be a brat sometimes, I do know that." A wicked glint came to her smile. "You know only made me promise not to put my cold feet on you in bed ..."

He arched a brow, sensing some mischief at play in her. "Are you planning on bringing a snowball to bed?" he asked curiously. "It is your bed, too, cara mia," he told her, with a gentle tweak of her nose. And if it got wet, she'd have to sleep in it with him.

She giggled. "So would rather I didn't deliberately get my hands cold and stick them inside your nightshirt?" she asked innocently.

"No!" he exclaimed, his expression a mix of alarm and amusement, having a hard time stifling a chuckle. "Why would you want to do that"

"Because you make adorable noises when you're startled, and that's the only way I've ever been able to startle you, with cold hands," she explained cheerfully.

"Adorable?" he echoed further, chuckling at last. "I have not been called adorable since ..." He trailed off, unable to remember. "Not in a long time," he said, if ever. Probably not since he was a very small boy.

"Well, you are adorable," Madalena told him firmly, finishing off her cocoa before adding, "If you weren't, I wouldn't be able to adore you, would I" That's logic. Vanni taught me that."

Lorenzo practically snorted. "Si, Vanni is very logical," he said sarcastically, with a roll of his eyes. As far as he was concerned, Vanni was nothing of the sort - the exact opposite, in fact.

She laughed, leaning away to set her empty mug down before settling back into the crook of his arm comfortably. "He is your best friend," she pointed out. "Aren't you supposed to defend him to your wicked wife?"

That much was true. Giovanni was like a brother to him, but Lorenzo did not think logic was his friend's strongest suit. "Ah, who should I be more loyal to' The woman who sleeps beside me and threatens me with cold hands, or the man who ..." He broke off, as if only just realizing something she'd said. He blinked, wondering if he'd heard her right. "You adore me?" he asked, wondering what she meant by that exactly.

"Of course I do," she said, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "There is no one I care for or to look up to more than you, Lory. I thought you knew that?"

"No one?" he asked, brows furrowed as he met her gaze. Not even her grandmother, who he knew she adored more than anyone. He blinked again, as if seeing clearly for the very first time. "I ..." he trailed off, unsure what to say for the moment.

She smiled gently, looking up at him. "You don't have to love me back, Lory," she assured him. "I know it is probably awfully unlikely that you will. But that's all right. I'm happy just to be near you."

"Lena, please ....Do not tease me," he said, frowning at her, that confused expression still on his face. What did she mean' What was she trying to say"

Her smile faded, hurt by his assumption that she would ever make a joke of something like this. "I'm ....I'm not teasing," she said softly, her face falling. "I'm sorry, I thought ..." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry." She shifted, pulling the blanket from her legs in preparation to stand and, essentially, run away from the conversation.

But not before he caught hold of her hand, turning his whole body to face her. "Please ....Don't go," he told her quietly, sensing her about to take flight. He had hurt her somehow, but only because he did not want to be hurt himself Theirs had always been a light-hearted friendship, though there had always been some unspoken affection that went deeper. He had just never considered she might actually love him.

Caught, she stopped her attempt to escape, her feet on the floor and her body rigid with fear that she had somehow destroyed their friendship with a thoughtless expression of her feelings. Her eyes focused on his hand wrapped about her own, unable to make herself look up at him.

"Madalena," he said her name, trying to gentle his voice as much as he could. Though he often shortened it to its more familiar version, he had always thought it fit her - a pretty name for a pretty face. "Please, I must know ....What do you mean?"

"I thought you knew," she said, her voice almost a whisper, green eyes staring fixedly at their joined hands. "I love you, Lory. You're the most precious person in the world to me, and ..." Hesitating, she plunged on, despite her fear. "I thought you knew. I thought that, maybe, you might learn to love me back sometime."

"You love me?" he echoed, brows arching upwards, wishing he could see her face, but not bold enough to make her face him just yet - or too overcome with shock to think of it. "Do you mean a friend, a brother, or something more?" he asked, still needing clarification, despite her explanation.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:49 EST
"You were never a brother to me, Lorenzo," she said, shaking her head as she spoke. "And ....I don't think friends think of each other as warmly as I think of you. If you don't want me to love you, I promise I will never mention it again. I won't even allude to it. Please don't send me away."

"I always thought you cared for me like a brother," he murmured thoughtfully, more to himself than to her. He turned quiet a moment, as he tried to think things through and sort through the chaos of his own feelings.

Madalena let loose a soft sigh, shaking her head. "I never have," she admitted quietly. "I don't think it is something that can be controlled. I'm sorry."

Rather than being upset, like Madalena seemed to fear, Lorenzo smiled instead, gently tipping her chin up to meet his gaze. "Madalena, look at me please," he urged her.

No doubt he could feel her trembling as he touched her chin, her face lifting hesitantly to risk looking into his eyes. "I didn't ....I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she apologized worriedly. "Truly, I never want to do that."

It was his turn to sigh as he met her gaze, his fingers drifting away from her chin and across her cheek. "Lena, cara mia ....Don't you know I love you, too?" he asked her quietly, gently.

It was clear from the look in her eyes that she wanted to believe him, but given his trepidation at her own confession, there was something she had to ask. "As a sister?" she asked softly. "As a friend?"

Lorenzo frowned. This was where things got a little tricky. He reached for her hand, fingers linked with hers, his turn to stare at their hands. "I thought so, at first. You have always been there for me. We have always known each other and we have always known we would be wed someday." He paused a moment to gather his thoughts, lifting his head to look at her again. "Do you remember when we were children and Marco tried to kiss you?"

He chuckled a little at the memory. He had given Marco a black eye for it and reminded the other boy that she belonged to him. Even then, he'd known there was something special about her - and about their relationship - but he hadn't quite understood what that was.

Despite herself, she laughed quietly at the memory. "You were just a little harsher with him than perhaps you needed to be," she conceded, though at the time she had been deeply grateful to him for rescuing her from their pushy playmate.

"I was a little possessive perhaps," he agreed, his smile widening. More than a little, to be honest, but he'd just been a kid. "I-I never thought about it much. I just always knew we'd be together," he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I have often wondered what it would be like to kiss you. Do you think it will be like kissing your brother?" he asked, though she didn't have a brother, so how would she know the difference.

A rosy flush was darkening her cheeks as she realized that, while he had not answered her question, he seemed to feel as she did. "I ....I do not suppose we shall know until we try?"

He'd only realized as they'd talked how worried he'd been that she thought of him as a brother and how awkward that had made him feel. Now that he knew her feelings for him went deeper than that, he wasn't so afraid to acknowledge his own feelings for her. "Shall we try then?" he asked, needing her permission first.

"If, if you truly wish to," she answered, nodding hopefully. As she had told him, her only kiss had been with a female tutor, and she had not much enjoyed it. But here and now, at the prospect of a kiss from Lorenzo, her heart was pounding in her chest. It was a very different feeling.

"Close your eyes," he told her, only because that was what people seemed to always do when they kissed, though he wasn't sure why.

Obediently, she did so, lifting her chin just a little, offering her mouth to his even as she leaned toward him, trusting him not to suddenly turn this moment into a tease that would break her heart.

He would never think of doing such a thing - not now when she was looking so hopeful and so vulnerable. Strangely, he found his heart was beating a little bit faster as he leaned closer, studying the pretty pout on her face and the way her lashes fluttered a little as her eyes drifted closed. And then, his lips touched hers - tenderly, softly, warmly. He brushed a kiss to her lips once, twice, as if testing her reaction, before he finally captured her lips and let his linger against hers for a moment longer.

The moment his lips brushed hers, her eyes opened, watching his face even as her lips tingled with the unexpected delight of finding herself kissed. She didn't pull away, or gasp in shock, instead surging to meet him as he deepened that kiss, letting her eyes fall closed as her fingers curled into his doublet.

He didn't notice the fact that her eyes had opened, as his had drifted closed as he lost himself to the moment. One would not think kissing would require such complete concentration and surrender. It wasn't that he'd never kissed a woman; but those other kisses had never meant anything and had never made him feel half what he was feeling for Madalena.

Her tutor had at least taught her not to hesitate, but to act on her feelings. As the kiss lingered, Madalena eased closer, tilting her head as her fingers dared to reach up to his jaw, tentative but affectionate in an unthinking caress.

He reached for her, too, his arms going around her waist to pull her into his lap, letting the blanket slide away from her legs. It was a little scandalous, but they were married after all, and in their own home, and each obviously preoccupied by the other, now that they'd admitted their feelings.

She did squeak at that, giggling into their kisses at her own reaction to suddenly finding herself on his lap, in his arms, curling her own about his shoulders, teasing her fingers into his hair as she shared her smile with him in that intimate caress. Whatever kissing a brother was like, she was pretty sure this was definitely not it.

He, too, smiled into her kiss, amused at the sound she made when he pulled her into his lap. The kiss he gave her was definitely not of the brotherly kind, and his body's reaction to her closeness was not that either.

But breath didn't last forever, however glorious her first true kiss might be. Madalena drew back, breathless and wide-eyed, gazing at Lorenzo in wonder. "Was that like kissing a sister?"

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:50 EST
"I would not know," he replied, with a teasing gleam in his eyes. "I have never had a sister." Except for her, but it was becoming apparent that, whatever his feelings might have been for her growing up, they were definitely not that of a brother.

She giggled, arms tightening about his shoulders in a warm hug, her cheek pressed to his for a long moment. "Are we properly married, then?" she asked, leaning back. "Like in the story books, where they live happily ever after?"

"We are properly married, si," he replied, though they had not yet properly consummated the marriage as yet. No one really had to know that though. "I am not sure about the story books, but I think that with you by my side, we might live happily ever after," he told her, touching his nose to hers.

She smiled, rubbing her nose to his affectionately. "Do you have to do your work tomorrow?" she asked, a cheerful thought occurring to her now her worries had been laid to rest.

"My work?" he asked, presuming she was referring to his duties as the Conte of Pont-Elise. He had to think about that a moment, obviously distracted by her presence on his lap. "My duties can wait, if that is what you are asking."

She tilted her head, raising a brow. "But how much harder will it be if you leave it for another day?" she pointed out with a gentle smile. "I can always come and sit with you in your office, if I would not be too much of a distraction."

"Perhaps," he replied, in no hurry really. There were others who could take care of things in his absence - Giovanni, among them. "But what would you like to do today, cara mia?" he asked, with a playful gleam in his eyes. After all, they had the entire day left to do whatever they wanted.

She giggled once again, drawing her fingers against his cheek affectionately. "This tickles," she said absently, referring to his scruff. "I suppose it is too cold to go outside again?"

"Oh," he murmured, blinking in surprise at her remark regarding his facial hair, which he took pride in keeping clipped short. Having known him since childhood, she had seen his both with and without facial hair, but had never expressed any preference. Admittedly, most men his age kept at least a close-cropped beard, but that was more about fashion than preference. "Would you prefer it if ..." he started before she distracted him with another question. "It is snowing," he said, as he glanced toward a window.

She followed his gaze toward the window, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the snow. In a flurry of motion, she was up and off his lap, throwing open the window to lean out and catch some of the snowflakes on her outstretched palm.

He chuckled at her almost childlike reaction to the snow, not because he found her silly, but adorable in her innocent desire to have a little fun. "Come, then," he told her, moving to his feet and offering her a hand. "We can catch snowflakes better outside than in." And far better than sticking their heads out the window.

Reluctantly pulling her head back into the room, Madalena smiled as she shut the window, sliding her hand into his without hesitation. "It always seems to snow when I am asleep, usually," she belatedly explained herself with a low laugh. "I have not seen it snow during hours of daylight for a very long time."

"It snows here quite often," he assured her. At least, in the winter months and sometimes during the day. "You will get tired of it after awhile," he added, with a knowing grin, as he led her away from the window so they could fetch their boots and cloaks.

"I am sure I will not," she insisted stubbornly, happy to potter along behind him to where she could remove her slippers and replace them with sturdier winter boots. Her lady looked mildly scandalized at the thought of her little mistress heading out into the cold weather for the second time that day, but said nothing as she helped Madalena into her boots and warm cloak.

But there was little chance of her getting sunburn when the snow was falling, and even if it was scandalous, he would not deny her this simple pleasure. They might have to warm up again once they were finished, but that was not an unpleasant prospect either. He, too, donned his boots and heavy cloak, without the need for help and waited patiently for her to be ready.

Waving away the woman who wanted to put her hood up as well, Madalena was practically bouncing on her toes as she caught hold of Lorenzo's hand once again. "Do you like the snow, Lory?" she asked curiously. "We've never really talked about the weather."

Lorenzo furrowed his brows, as if he wasn't sure how to answer that question, as no one had ever asked it of him before. "I do not know," he confessed. "It is pretty, I suppose," he confessed. "And cold," he added with a chuckle. He had not really thought much about snow since he'd been a boy, other than that it was cold and sometimes a hindrance to travel.

"You should learn to enjoy it again," she informed him easily, skipping toward the door as the footman opened it for them once again, tugging him with her. Once outside, she threw her head back and opened her mouth, tongue stuck out in an attempt to catch snow with it.

"And why should I do that?" he asked, though he suspected it was because she was hoping he would share in the almost childlike glee the snow induced in her. He laughed as she tugged him along, grinning as he watched her try to catch snowflakes on her tongue "That will never work!"

"Because it is fun!" she countered cheerfully, snow settling on the braided coil of golden hair that wrapped her head and was captured in a beaded snood at her neck. "Besides, I don't want to be the only one of us who will play silly games with our children - you should do it, too!"

"I have not played in the snow since I was a boy," he told her, though there was really nothing stopping him, but his own sense of propriety. Grown men did not spend time catching snowflakes and making snow angels, did they"

"Then you should," was his wife's simple response, followed closely by a handful of snow hitting his chest with a decidedly loud thump. She flashed him a sweet smile, and went back to trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue.

He arched a brow at her, looking more than a little startled to find himself pelted in the chest with a handful of snow. He couldn't recall the last time he'd let himself have fun, much less play in the snow. It had probably been when he'd still been a boy, before fun had been replaced by duty and responsibility. A small smirk appeared on his face, as she innocently returned to catching snowflakes, as if she was innocent. "Oh, no ..." he murmured, bending down to scoop up a handful of snow. "Do not play innocent with me," he told her, tossing that handful of snow in her general direction.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:50 EST
She wasn't as inattentive as she seemed, lurching out of the way of his handful with a loud giggle. "I am always innocent," she informed him, even as she scooped up another handful of snow to form into a ball. "Even when it seems as though I am not."

"Oh, really?" he asked, wondering just how innocent she was when it came to getting him to kiss her. "You forget how well I know you," he told her, bending to scoop up another handful of snow to make his own snowball.

"Well, that is just cheating," she said, backing up as he created another snowball, reading to dodge at a moment's notice. Despite the cold, she was bright and sparkling, always ready to embrace the moment. Whatever else her grandmother had taught her, that ability was her crowning achievement.

"What is cheating?" he asked, as he stepped back. He grinned, a devilish gleam in his eyes, as he, too, stepped back. He didn't want to pack the snow so hard that he'd hurt her, and so he only packed the snow together tightly enough that it would stick, but not become hard, waiting for her to throw first, because he was at heart a gentleman. Perhaps it was her ability to embrace the moment that he loved most about  her, even if he hadn't realized it yet. Perhaps it was something she could rekindle in him.

A wicked little smile graced her expression as she threw her snowball at him, already ducking and running in case he was quicker off the mark than she was. "Using how well you know me against me!"

He let loose the snowball, as soon as she lifted her arm, too quick for her to escape, but not quite on the mark as he couldn't have predicted which way she'd duck and run. In doing so, though, he was a little late in dodging her snowball, as evidenced by the thump to his shoulder and the splatter of snow against his cloak. "Oh, you're going to pay for that, cara mia!" he called, as he brushed the snow from his cloak.

"In what, tesoro?" she countered looking back over her shoulder as she skittered away. Unfortunately she wasn't looking where she was going, and thus missed the step down into the garden, toppling head over heels into the snow with a loud cackle of laughter.

His initial reaction was that of sudden fear for her safety, actually sighing with relief when he heard her laugh. "Serves you right!" he called over, lobbing a loosely-formed snowball her way.

Rolling onto her back, the snowball caught her in the mouth, setting her off in a fit of giggles that completely stole her breath. She was laughing far too hard to even try to stand up at this point, but it didn't stop her from batting a pathetic amount of snow in his direction.

He stalked closer, intending to pull her to her feet, only to find snow tossed in his face as he bent over her prone form. He sputtered and blinked, chuckling a little as he wiped the snow from his face. "Now you're in trouble!" he warned, dropping down onto the snow to pin her to the ground with his body. "What are you going to do now, Miss Smarty-pants?" he said, grinning down at her. It was like a scene out of their childhood, though now they were married.

Still getting control of her giggles, she beamed up at him, gleefully unrepentant. "Look adorable?" she suggested, raising her arms to wrap them about his shoulders, lifting her head to boop her nose against his ....and plunge her freezing fingers down the back of his collar.

He hollered in protest and shock as she stuck her fingers down his collar. "You promised!" he reminded her, though that promise had been about cold feet, not cold fingers. "Just for that," he said, scooping up a bit of snow and dusting it down the back of her neck.

It was her turn to squeal again, cackling with laughter as she retaliated with a handful of her own snow smashed right on top of his head. And just like that, a moment that could have ended in passion was suddenly a highly enjoyable wrestling match, both of them attempting to one up each other with their gentle attacks. Unbeknownst to them, they were watched by several of the staff, some shocked by the sight of the conte rolling around in the snow with his new contessa, yet all not quite able to hide their smiles at the endearing merriment out there in the wintry weather.

Perhaps it was her light-hearted spirit, but for the first time since his father had died, the normally stoic conte was actually laughing with the carefree spirit he hadn't known since he'd been a boy. There was no one more shocked and surprised by this than Lorenzo, who found himself bubbling over with happiness. It was a strange sensation and one he hadn't known for some time and hadn't realized he'd missed. Exhausted and out of breath from laughter, he collapsed beside her in the snow, wiping the tears from his eyes before they froze on his face.

Giggling with breathless delight, Madalena lay beside him, absolutely heedless of the snow soaking into her cloak and dress, grinning up at the laden sky happily. "We should definitely do this more often."

"Scuffle in the snow or just go outside in the winter?" he asked, looking over at her from where he lay upon his back, comfortable enough on his mattress of snow.

"Have silly fun," she told him, turning her head to look at him. Her cheeks were red with cold, her golden hair was definitely looking disheveled, but she was still smiling brightly, lit up from the sheer joy of being ridiculous with her husband for a little while.

"Ah, that," he murmured a soft smile on his face as he dared dart a glance at the house and the faces at the windows, who were trying to hide behind the curtains. He chuckled at the sight of them before turning back to his wife. "They must think we've gone mad."

She lifted her head to look in that direction, laughing herself at the twitch of the curtains. "They will simply have to get used to it," she said happily. "Our children will be a handful, but they will be happy."

"I like the sound of that," he said, a soft smile on his face, warm with affection. He reached over to brush a bit of moisture from her face, where snow had melted. "Do you remember how we used to make snow angels?"

Her smile softened as he stroked her cheek, though her arms were already moving experimentally. "I don't think you can make a snow angel in a cloak," she mused impishly. "We'd have to undress a bit to get them right."

He laughed, realizing she was right. "True, and that might be a little too scandalous," he remarked with a grin. Not to mention, they might catch their death of cold. "We should go inside and get warm. You're soaked."

"So are you!" she countered, though he was right - she was just on the cusp of starting to shiver. It was worth it, though, to see that smile on Lorenzo's face. It had been far too long since he had smiled, really smiled, with all his heart.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:50 EST
"More hot chocolate, perhaps?" he suggested, with a grin. "Or ..." he trailed off as another thought came to mind, but one he wasn't sure she'd be so agreeable to.

"Or?" Now she was aware of how wet and cold she was, Madalena pushed herself to sit up, giggling as a chunk of snow fell off the top of her head into her lap in the process.

He chuckled, pushing himself up and moving to help brush the snow from her before pulling her to her feet. "Or ....a hot bath," he murmured, a little too quietly, almost as if he was too embarrassed to suggest it

"Oh, that does sound wonderful," she said, up on her feet with his help and another of those warm, bright smiles. She didn't seem to have followed his line of thought there.

He hoped she realized they'd both have to get naked for that, but then, they were married, and it was only a matter of time before that happened anyway. "And a bottle of wine," he suggested, or something else that would both relax them and warm their insides. "But ..." he said, touching a finger to the tip of her nose. "No getting drunk."

She laughed, her nose scrunching under that playful touch. "I promise I will not drink more than one cup," she said faithfully, batting her lashes with innocent obedience.

"Very well. I will hold you to it," he said, that grin on his face again. He drew her hand into hers, lifting it to his lips for a kiss, before leading her by the hand back toward the house, where the faces in the windows were suddenly absent.

Giggling once more, she tucked her arm through his as they walked back toward the house, unsurprised to see the door open ahead of them. "It must be an awfully boring job, to have to stand by a door all day just in case someone wants to go through it."

"I imagine there is more to it than that," Lorenzo remarked, though he didn't expound on it.

He knew the man whose job it was to open and close the door also served as a sort of guard, making sure no one entered the villa who wasn't supposed to be there. He also relayed deliveries and messages, was the first person to greet guests and take their coats, and made sure that transportation was made ready whenever it was needed. He led her up the stairs and into the villa, waiting while a valet took their cloaks and boots, before passing along instructions for a bath to be filled and mulled wine to be served.

The bath was quickly filled from the copper that was kept filled and hot throughout the day, and set steaming before the fire in the drawing room that acted as a sort of buffer between their adjoined bedrooms and the hallway beyond. Madalena waved her maid away as the woman tried to fuss over the state of her, smiling as she removed pins and snood from her hair, letting the heavy length fall to her hips and begin naturally uncoiling itself from its braid.

In his own quarters, Lorenzo was also getting undressed, which was a much less complicated affair for a man, though it involved removing several layers of clothing. He kept the final layer in place - a simple pair of braies and a plain tunic to give a modicum of modesty. He did not have to worry about his hair, as he kept that cut short. But it wasn't so much his appearance that made him nervous than the fact they were going to be bathing together.

With her hair now loosely coiled and pinned on the top of her head, Madalena was quickly removed of her gown and underdress, her stockings and stays, left in her chemise with her thick velvet robe wrapped about her to keep her teeth from chattering. She made her way into the drawing room, smiling at the sight of the bath as she lifted a cup of the warm mulled wine to her lips, though she had still not realized that one bath would do them both at once.

He had a robe wrapped loosely around him, as well, as though it had been hastily and belatedly tossed about his shoulders, more out of modesty than fashion. He paced the floor of the drawing room while he awaited her arrival, a nervous knot in the pit of his stomach.

She extended that smile to him as she lowered her cup, savouring the way the warmed wine spread heat through her belly. "Who is going first then, tesoro?"

He'd already had two cups of the stuff, not so much to warm his insides as to calm his nerves. "I, uh ..." he stammered, his gaze taking her in from the gentle fall of her hair to her bare toes, knowing that beneath that velvet robe was nothing but his Madalena. "I will go first," he told her. "Turn around," he said, waving a hand at her, for good measure. He wasn't shy exactly, but he felt a sense of strange embarrassment to know she'd be watching him.

She still didn't seem to understand quite what was going on here, but obediently turned her back as he asked her to, giggling to herself as she looked into the fire. "You seem very nervous about having a bath, Lory."

"Aren't you?" he asked, as he shed the robe and tossed it onto a chair, glancing up to make sure she still had her back to him. He wondered if he should step into the bath still wearing his braies, but knew that was the coward's way out. Even if nothing happened between them, they had advanced to step two, past merely lying clothed in bed together.

"Should I be?" she countered in confusion. "If you are so nervous of bathing in front of me, I can leave the room if you would rather. I do not want you to be uncomfortable around me."

"Nervous?" Lorenzo echoed, hoping his laughter didn't sound too nervous. "Why should I be nervous?" he asked before tugging the tunic over his head.

There had been a time, long ago, when the two of them and their friends would steal away to spend hot summer days swimming in the lake, but they didn't do it naked. There was a sound of swishing water as he lowered himself into the bath, casually tossing a linen cloth over his private parts so that she wouldn't see the affect she was having on his body.

"I do not know," she admitted, sipping her wine, still with her back to him. "It does not take so very long to soak up the heat, does it?"

"Are-aren't you going to join me?" he asked. That had been the whole point of this, after all - at least, as far as he was concerned. It wasn't just about warming up with a bath, but doing so together.

"Join you?" Without thinking, she turned to face him, surprised to discover that this was the intention. "I didn't ....I thought that ..." She blushed, smiling as she looked down at her cup. "I did not know that was what you meant."

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Date: 2019-12-19 12:51 EST

He held up a hand, as if to appease her. "It's all right. We don't have to share a bath. I just thought ..." He trailed off, hoping she'd think it was the hot water that was turning his face pink. "If you will turn around again, I will let you have the bath while the water is still hot," he told her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"No, I ....I would like to bathe with you," she rushed to assure him, her pink cheeks dimpling as she smiled once again. Her hands went to her sash, pausing as she hesitated. "Could you ....could you close your eyes?"

He wasn't sure what she'd thought he'd meant when he'd suggested a bath, but she had obviously not expected to share. "Are you sure, cara?" he asked, not wanting to pressure her into doing anything she was uncomfortable with. He had told her he was a patient man - or at least, he was trying to be.

She nodded, a little too enthusiastically perhaps. "I am sure, Lory," she promised, undoing the knot on her sash. "I just ....I'm not sure I can undress while you are watching me."

"I understand," he assured her, not only turning his head away from her, but closing his eyes. It was strange, but he'd never felt shy with a woman before; why was he feeling so nervous now" Could it be because he actually cared for this woman, as he'd not done with any other woman before her"

She took in a slow breath, shedding her robe swiftly to lay it beside his on the back of the chair. It took a moment longer to convince her trembling hands to remove her chemise, which she discarded to the floor before tentatively stepping into the bath with him. Thankfully, it was of a decent size, allowing her to sink down until her shoulders were just above the surface without slopping water over the sides.

True to his word, he didn't so much as peek as she disrobed and climbed into the bath with him, riddled as he was with nervous tension. Even if all they did was wash each other's backs, they were one step closer to the inevitable act of consummating their marriage.

Hugging herself as she crouched at the end of the large tub, Madalena found her voice on the second try. "You can open your eyes now, Lory."

He opened his eyes only to find her crouched in the tub across from him, while he was stretched out. He could hardly see anything that way, but that wasn't really the point anyway. What he wanted was to ease them into feeling comfortable with each other without their clothing on. He sighed. "Come here," he told her, reaching out a hand to draw her toward him.

"How?" she asked, tentatively slipping her hand into his as he reached for her. It wasn't that she was ashamed of her body, nor even particularly shy about it, but there was something undeniably intimate about being naked with her husband. "Will we both fit?"

"Si, we will both fit," he assured her. The bath was big enough to fit them both comfortably, if a bit snugly. "Should I close my eyes again?" he asked, trying to keep his gaze focused on her face, rather than drifting lower.

She giggled uncertainly. "How will you see to move me around if you have your eyes closed?"

"I won't. You will have to do it on your own," he told her, indicating the space in front of him. It was going to be a tricky business, no matter what.

"But I do not know how you want me to settle there," she pointed out, forcing herself to stand so she could move more easily to this new position he had decided upon.

He mumbled something under his breath as she stood, quickly turning his head away and pressing his eyes closed so as not to embarrass her. "Here," he indicated the space between his legs with a hand, knowing it was a slightly dangerous position to put her in, but then, they were married.

"All right." She giggled at how quickly he looked away, the water lapping at her legs as she stepped closer and turned, lowering herself down to sit between his legs. "Like this?"

He could only tell by the sound of the water around her and the feel of her movement within it. He reached out to find her there in front of him, and he nodded his head, leaving his arms on each side of the bath, at least for now, until she made herself comfortable.

"Now what do I do, tesoro?" she asked uncertainly, not knowing where to put her hands or whether she should lean back against him. It was all very new.

He couldn't see anything, other than the fall of her hair that covered her bare back and fell to her slender waist, but the knowledge that she was there, so close to him, was enough to almost drive him mad. "Just ..." he started, gulping in an attempt to calm himself. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. "Just relax."

She raised her hands to coil her hair up onto her head once more, before it could get too wet, unconsciously showing off the smooth lines of her back and neck as she took another deep breath. "Am I silly to be nervous?" she asked softly, even as she forced her stiff body to soften and relax back against his chest.

"I am nervous, too, cara," he confessed, trying hard to keep the nervousness out of his voice. He knew that as soon as she made herself comfortable, his body's reaction to her closeness was going to make itself apparent, but perhaps she wouldn't notice, or at least wouldn't remark on it. "May I ....may I put my arms around you?" he asked, as though they were just courting and not already married.

She nodded, just barely glancing back at him with a shy smile. "I would like that," she admitted, lifting her hands to reach for his and draw his arms about her.

He lifted his arms from the bath, and slid them around her, letting her guide his hands wherever she wanted them to be.

She was just as uncertain of where his hands should be as he was, choosing finally to lace her fingers through his and lay his palms shyly against the stomach beneath the water. "Is that comfortable?"

"Si, it is," he admitted, glad she couldn't see the way his face was flaming, as her head was turned away from him. "And you? Is it comfortable for you?" he asked, happy to let her rest her back against his chest.

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Date: 2019-12-19 12:51 EST
"Yes." She said it in a soft, happy kind of whisper, nestling back against him, careful not to squash what she could feel at the small of her back. She was not so innocent that she didn't know what that was.

"Buono," he murmured, relieved to hear she was comfortable, but even more relieved that she made no mention of the bulge he couldn't help between them.

She sighed, relaxing more as nothing strange seemed to happen between them, letting her head tip back onto his shoulder comfortably. "This is nice."

"Are you warm now?" he asked, having seen how she was shivering a short while ago. It was the quickest way he knew to get warm.

"Much warmer," she assured him, tilting her head just enough to look up at him. "Are you sure you are comfortable, Lory' You look a little ....pained."

"Si, I am fine, Lena," he was quick to assure her, though he wasn't sure if having her this close made him feel more or less tense. "It is only ..." He hesitated a moment, a nervous lick of his lips before continuing. "It is only that I desire you."

"Should we not be in a bed, then?" she murmured. It seemed as though the heat of the bath and comfort of his arms about her was making his new wife sleepy.

"Perhaps," he admitted, but he, too, seemed reluctant to move, at least while she was close and the water was warm. "But not yet," he said, allowing them both a little more time to get comfortable with each other.

"Mmm ..." Madalena smiled, apparently much easier in this situation than he was, though that was likely because she had no body parts that were making the situation uncomfortable for her.

"Do you ..." He hesitated a moment again. "Do you mind that I desire you?" he asked, though it was probably a better prospect than the opposite, given the fact they were married and expected to produce an heir.

"Only if you mind that I have the same feeling toward you, Lory," she murmured sleepily. "But you said there is no rush for us to consummate immediately. I like lying here with you, in the warm."

"There is no rush, bella," he assured her. That was in part why he'd suggested the bath, after all, so that they could go slow, one step at a time. He only wished his body agreed with his heart and head. He leaned forward so that he could breathe her in, closing his eyes as he breathed in the scent of her hair.

She turned her head toward his as she felt him lean closer, the soft coil of her hair suddenly in the perfect position for him to enjoy the scent that clung to those long locks. "Thank you for playing with me, Lory. I know the conte isn't supposed to be so undignified."

He smiled warmly, glad he'd been able to please her and hopeful he could continue. "Perhaps it's time people change their expectations of what a conte - and contessa - are supposed to be." After all, they were young and still full of life. Wouldn't their people be happy to know that"

"I think we will be a very different pair to the rulers that have come before us," she mused softly, lulled by the warmth of the water and the comfort of his embrace. "Nonna would call us a breath of fresh air, if she approved." She giggled quietly. "She wouldn't approve of what we did this afternoon."

Though she might not be able to see his face, he had arched a single brow at her statement. "She wouldn't have approved of us playing in the snow or taking a bath together?" he asked curiously, not that it mattered. He didn't think she'd have approved of them getting drunk on their wedding night either, but nothing bad had come from it, other than a hangover.

"Playing in the snow," Madalena clarified. "And taking a bath in the middle of the afternoon. Bathing should take place immediately before bed, or immediately after rising," she said, in a surprisingly good imitation of her grandmother's voice.

"It's a good thing your Nonna doesn't live here, or she might find more things to disapprove of," he said, only partially in jest. Whatever her grandmother might think, he was the lord of the villa now and didn't have to answer to anyone, but those who outranked him - and his mother.

She giggled, nestling a little closer against him in the warm lap of the water. "My aunt will, no doubt, be regretting telling her she can live with them by the ocean after a week," she predicted.

"I always thought you were close to her - your grandmother, I mean," he said, leaning back against the bath, his arms wrapped around her, content for the moment just to be close. "She is welcome to stay with us, if you like," he suggested, unsure if that was a good or bad idea, but he'd leave it up to her.

"We are close, but she decided not to stay nearby after our wedding," Madalena murmured, enjoying the quiet moments spilling around them. "She said that, with our marriage, her life's work is complete, and she wants to spend her remaining years by the sea."

"Perhaps she'll change her mind when we have children," Lorenzo said with a light shrug of his shoulders. Then again, it wasn't up to him; it was up to Madalena and her grandmother.

"Perhaps," she murmured. "She and your mama don't really get along, though. They might drive us both out of our own home, if they lived together here." She giggled at the thought of it.

"Perhaps we should leave well enough alone then," he remarked, changing his mind, but smiling at the sound of the girlish laughter that made his heart light and happy. "Are you still ticklish, cara mia?" he asked, his fingers twitching but remaining where they were at her waist.

Her hands clamped down on his warningly. "You know perfectly well that I am," she said, much more awake suddenly than she had been a few moments ago. "If you tickle me now, there will be more water on the floor than in here with us."

He chuckled, enjoying teasing her, though he had no intention of tickling her while they were in the bath. "You have a point," he admitted, his fingers relaxing beneath hers. He leaned forward just a little so that he could brush his lips against the side of her neck.

She reacted with unconscious invitation, tilting her head just enough to offer more of the curve of her neck to his lips as a soft sigh of pleasure left her lips. "That's nice," she whispered, embarrassed to hear herself say it aloud.

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Date: 2019-12-19 12:51 EST
"Si?" he asked. Though he wasn't really expecting an answer, her remark did nothing to discourage him. He brushed another kiss against her neck, followed by another, drifting slowly downward until he reached her bare shoulder.

She actually trembled in his arms as his lips passed over a particularly sensitive spot, her eyes drifting closed even as a quiet sound rose in her chest, declaring her enjoyment of his questing lips whether she wanted it to or not. Was it the kisses, or was it because he was the one kissing her" She didn't know, but she could guess.

He mistook her trembling for something else, pausing his kissing momentarily to ask, "Are you cold?" He only just realized that they had been in the bath for some time, and not only was the water starting to cool, but they were both in danger of shriveling.

Madalena gasped, coming back to herself abruptly as he spoke, blinking her eyes open once more with a fresh blush staining her cheeks. "Oh! Oh, I-I ....perhaps we should get out before the water turns truly cold."

Could it be she was not cold so much as she was enjoying his kisses, he wondered. He smiled at the thought of that, but even so, they had to get out of the bath sooner or later, before they truly were shivering with cold. "I think perhaps we should," he agreed, but how to do it without both of them feeling embarrassed again?

Though he might not admit it, he had peeked over her shoulder to admire her form, which had done very little to calm his nerves, but he'd had the sense not to mention it.

"Could ....could you help me stand?" she asked tentatively, untangling her hands from his to lay them on the edges of the tub. She was going to need a boost to stand up.

"Si, of course," he readily agreed, though he wasn't too sure how he was going to accomplish that without embarrassing them both. "I, um ..." he murmured, searching for a way to help her up gracefully. "Un memento ..." he told her, easing carefully out from behind her to get to his feet and turning to step out of the bath. Dripping wet, he took hold of a linen cloth and secured it about his waist, before turning back to her and offering her a hand.

Surprised to find him getting out first, Madalena made the unwise decision to glance up at exactly the wrong moment, and got a very clear view of his naked form at just above eye level that turned her soft blush into a crimson burn that spread not just over her face, but over her body as well.

Thankfully, he was quick with the towel, so that she didn't get too vivid a peek, but he had not bothered to warn her or asked her to close her eyes. He cleared his throat, as he offered her a hand, noting her blush but trying to keep his own gaze focused on her face. He had another towel ready to wrap about her shoulders, once she had moved to her feet.

With room now to tuck one leg beneath herself, Madalena carefully rose to her feet, unconsciously curling her arms loosely about herself - a motion toward modesty that did not actually hide anything.

He did his best not to gawk, keeping his gaze level with her face, as he drew her to her feet and then moved to wrap the towel around her shoulders to keep her warm and dry and give her some semblance of modesty. "You do not need to be afraid, Lena," he assured her in a gentle tone of voice. "I would never do anything to hurt you."

Stepping out of the bath, she took control of the towel from him, tucking it about her chest as she smiled. "I'm not afraid of you, Lory," she promised. "I am simply not yet used to such intimacy as this." With almost absent affection, she leaned closer, touching a kiss to his shoulder.

"I do not mean to embarrass you, dolcezza," he assured her further, letting his hands drop to his sides. Now that she was out of the bath and had the towel tucked about her, he wasn't quite sure what to do next.

"You do not embarrass me, Lory," she told him. "I embarrass myself. I cannot keep my mind from lingering upon all the things I would like to do with you."

"Oh?" he asked, brows arching upwards in surprise. "What sorts of things?" he asked curiously, reaching over to brush a strand of hair away from her cheek.

"Kisses," she murmured. "Touches. Things I am not sure I have the courage to do yet. Things I want to do ....but what if you do not like it' I am not afraid of you, Lory. I am afraid of displeasing you."

"Oh, Lena ..." he said with a sigh, his expression betraying the feelings for her that he was only just starting to acknowledge. "Don't you know you could never displease me?" he asked, his fingers lingering on her cheek in a tender caress.

"I'm sure I could if I tried," she pointed out, her cheeky smile flickering into view for a moment even as her cheek tilted into his caress.

The flicker of a smile crossed his face, looking amused by her answer. "But why would you?" he asked, fairly certain she only wanted to please him, as he wanted to please her.

She giggled, unconsciously easing just a little closer to him as she met his gaze. "Mischief?" she suggested. "You should make sure I never get bored. Who knows what I might do?"

"Get bored?" he echoed, looking confused. He knew she was teasing him, but he wasn't too sure what it was she was threatening him with.

"Miiiiischief," she intoned, wiggling her fingers at him before letting out a loud laugh and wrapping her arms about his waist. "You are so very easy to tease, Lory."

"Oh," he murmured, laughing a little at his own expense. "I see ....You were teasing me," he said, stating the obvious, a slightly sheepish grin on his face as he slid his arms around her. "What would you like to do now, mia dolce?"

Tilting her head back to meet his eyes, Madalena's smile softened, tentative shyness showing itself once again. "Go to bed?" she suggested, absently stroking her fingers against his back.

"In the middle of the day?" he asked, his mouth quirking into a smirk. It was quickly approaching evening - too early to retire for the night, but he had a feeling she wasn't suggesting sleep.

She glanced away, her cheeks darkening once again as she bit down on her shy smile. "You did ask, tesoro," she pointed out, wondering if she should rescind her suggestion quickly.

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Date: 2019-12-19 12:52 EST
"To sleep or ..." he started to ask, trailing off as he realized it was up to him to take the lead, to show her what it was to be husband and wife. He smiled as he realized this, that smile warm with affection. "Very well," he replied, leaning in to brush a brief but tender kiss against her lips.

She relaxed as soon as his lips touched hers, renewing her confidence that she had not asked too much of her husband. Even thinking of him as her husband was a leap she was not yet comfortable with, but she knew she would be in time. Smiling, she bit her lip as she drew back. "You do not think I am a brazen hussy?"

The very thought of that made him chuckle a little and reply with a resounding, "No." She was nothing of the sort; the exact opposite, in fact. "You are my wife," he reminded her, but even more importantly, she was quickly stealing his heart.

"So a married woman cannot be a brazen hussy?" she asked curiously, leaning into him affectionately as the water on her skin soaked into the towel that wrapped her body.

He furrowed his brows, unsure how to answer that question. "I suppose she can, but I would never think of you that way," he tried to explain.

Madalena giggled, pressing a kiss over his heart. "Teasing again, Lory," she told him, finally easing back to turn toward the doors that lead into their separate sleeping chambers.

He'd thought to take the lead, but here she was, suggesting bed and leading him in that direction. He had never been shy in the bedroom before, but then he'd never slept with anyone he cared about as much as her.

She reached for his hand, giving him a gentle tug to move with her. "So ..." She mused with a wicked cast to her smile. "My bed" Or yours?"

"Does it matter?" he asked with a smirk, letting her lead the way and choose which room and which bed. He was happy to let her take the lead, at least for the moment.

"Well, it does if we decide not to get out of it," she said with a surprisingly serious turn to her expression. "I did promise to sleep in your bed, after all."

"Shall I have the evening meal sent to my quarters then?" he asked her, though he could hardly do so while wearing nothing but a towel about his waist - or could he"

She considered this for a moment. "Do you have to get dressed to do that?" she asked impishly, all but giving her assent without the appropriate words.

"I, uh ..." He furrowed his brows, as he considered that a moment, before taking the lead in tugging her gently toward his room. "Wait here!" he instructed, letting go of her hand and gesturing for her to stay there. Turning, he snagged a lush, velvet robe and shoved his arms into it, tying it loosely about his waist as he made his way toward the door.

Giggling, Madalena took the opportunity to shed her own towel and tug her own warm robe about herself securely. Thus, when the door was opened, all the servant saw was the conte in his robe, and the contessa in hers, and nothing untoward at all.

"Matteo!" Lorenzo exclaimed, a smile on his face as if he had not seen his servant for ages and was overjoyed to see him. "The contessa and I have decided we are going to take our evening meal in my room. Can you please see that it's delivered here" Oh, and also, another bottle of wine."

"Of course, milord." Matteo bowed his head, just about managing to hide his grin. "Should I send the contessa's lady in to help her dress?"

Lorenzo glanced over his shoulder a moment, though that was hardly necessary. He made sure to block the view of his wife from his servant by placing himself in the doorway and holding the door partly closed. "I do not think that will be necessary," he told the man.

To be fair, all either man could see of her was her back, draped in thick red velvet, and her hands pulling the pins from her hair to let the heavy mane fall in a shimmer of natural gold to her waist. 

Matteo nodded once again. "As you wish, milord," he said obediently. "I'll see it done."

"Buono!" Lorenzo replied, about to close the door before he remembered something. "Oh, and Matteo' Make sure to tell them to knock," he added with a smile he hoped the other man would understand.

The servant grinned back at him and nodded once more, reaching out to draw the door firmly closed between them. No doubt the entire household would be as quiet as mice until morning once that got about.

Lorenzo hadn't really thought about how what he'd told his servant might get passed around, but neither did it matter. He was married now, after all, and he was expected to make love to his wife. The message passed along, he closed the door and turned back to Madalena.

"There. Problem solved," he told her, still smiling.

Looking over her shoulder at him, she laughed quietly, setting the pins down on the nearest table. "Are there always people waiting just outside your door, in case you want something?" she asked in amusement.

"Not always," he admitted, though it was usually easy enough to find someone if he needed or wanted something. "But they know we are here, and they are eager to serve," he explained as he moved closer, eager to run his fingers through her hair. "They are happy for us, cara."

"I suppose it does not hurt that their new contessa is someone they remember as a child with scraped knees and stained dresses," she mused with a cheerful gleam in her eye, turning to face him as he approached her.

"I don't suppose it does," he admitted, indulging himself by touching her hair, letting his fingers comb through the silken mane and spread it over her shoulders.

His unexpected interest in her hair brought a warmer smile to Madalena's face as his hands buried deep into the soft waves. "You've never seen it unbound, have you?"

"Not since we were children," he told her, and even then, her hair was usually done up in some way or other so that it wouldn't get dirty or tangled. "It's lovely," he murmured, as if it wasn't just hair he was weaving through his fingers but gold.

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Date: 2019-12-19 12:52 EST

"This is a sight only you get to see in comfort," she reminded him fondly, quietly delighted with his apparent fascination with her hair. "Andrea does not count; she has to put it up."

"Andrea is not your husband," he was quick to point out. "You are beautiful, Lena," he told her, his voice not much more than a whisper. Why had he not noticed this before"

"To your eyes," she told him with a smile. "And since yours are the only eyes I care about, I am very pleased to know that you like my looks." There was a hint of mischief in that smile, but only because she saw nothing so very remarkable about her face.

"I am sure I am not alone in that, but I do not know what I might do if I caught another man admiring your beauty," he teased back, mirroring the smile on her face.

"I would not mind if you chose to make it blatantly clear that I am yours," she offered impishly. She reached up, daring to curl her hand to his cheek. "I do love you, Lory. Very much."

"Not like a brother," he said, more statement than question, as if he needed to make doubly sure of that before he claimed her for himself completely. He covered her hand with his own, turning his face to press a kiss to her palm.

"Not at all like a brother," she promised, catching her breath at the soft press of his lips against her sensitive palm. Her thumb stroked over his lips as he drew back, her smile gentle and inviting.

He supposed they had stalled long enough, and they didn't have long before the evening meal was due to arrive, and yet, he didn't want to rush things. It was to be her first time, and he wanted it to be both tender and memorable. "Shall we?" he asked, leaving it completely in her hands.

She nodded, her smile turning shy just for a moment before she turned her hand in his, claiming him with a gentle tug toward the door to his bedroom. That was the best place to start, wasn't it"

Arguably, they had already started in the bath, even if nothing had really happened. As eager as Lorenzo was for his new bride, he did not want to rush her or make her uncomfortable and was perfectly happy to take his time with her. He smiled back, charmed by her shyness and letting her lead the way to his room and his bed.

At least she was not surprised by the room itself, having spent her first night as his wife cuddled up against his side, even if all they had done was sleep. Madalena dropped his hand as she reached the bed, turning to face him. "What would you like me to do, Lory?"

"Do you trust me, Madalena?" he asked, in as tender a voice as he could muster, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. He knew she did, but before they went any further, he needed her to say it.

There was no need to even consider thinking over her answer. "Of course I do, Lorenzo," she assured him, her smile warming. "I trust you with everything I have."

"It is going to hurt a little," he warned her with a frown - at least, he assumed it would, considering the fact that she presumably had never been with a man before. "But I will be as gentle as I can."

"Lory." She reached out, laying her palm over his heart as she leaned into him. "I trust you." She didn't know how else she could say it to make him believe that. She knew there might be some pain, but she also knew him. He wouldn't let it hurt too much.

It would only hurt briefly, or so he'd been told, but he didn't want to hurt her at all. Still, it couldn't really be helped, and it was the first time that would be the hardest. "All right, then," he said, stepping closer and reaching to slide the velvet robe back from her shoulders, his gaze meeting hers.

Her smile seemed to relax as he made that decision somewhere inside to continue on with what she had begun. The sash at her waist came undone fast, the soft velvet sliding back from her bare skin under the gentle pressure of his hands, slipping to the floor with barely any assistance. And there she was, his wife, with nothing to hide behind but her own hair.

She'd lost the towel, too, and he was at a loss for words to find her standing there before him, as naked as the day she was born and as lovely as a goddess. Then again, this wasn't the time for a conversation. He reached out to touch her, surprisingly gentle fingers tracing one bare shoulder before moving to trace the curve of her breast, marveling at the beauty before him.

There was no way to disguise the answering desire that rose in her at his touch, under his gaze; no way to hide the way her skin flushed rose, the way her breath caught in her throat. Her eyes, so sweetly mischievous much of the time, darkened with sultry want as she looked up at him.

Her reaction to his touch was encouraging, and so, he dared take the next step, easing her down onto the bed and moving over her, though the velvet robe was still covering him. He kissed her again, deeper this time, his tongue probing past her lips and exploring her mouth, tenderly, but with barely repressed hunger.

As he moved her beneath him, she raised her hands, tasting his breath in his kisses even as she slipped those hands beneath his own robe. There was no hesitation in her; only her desire for him, and to please him, and her trust that he would never hurt her.

It seemed the shyness they'd both felt the night before had finally given way to desire. Maybe it was partly because of the bath, but he thought it was more likely because they had confessed to each other their feelings and fears, their hopes and dreams and wishes, and most of all their love, though he had yet to say it plainly. Perhaps actions really did speak louder than words though, as his kisses and caresses were those of a loving partner, as concerned for her pleasure as he was for his own.

And he had an apt and eager pupil in his inexperienced wife, though she knew little of the act itself. What little her Cicilian tutor had been allowed to teach her had given her the confidence to reach this moment, but her marital education lay in the hands of her husband. When he touched, she touched; when he kissed, she kissed; each time learning something new about him, learning to please him even as she shivered with pleasure under the loving stroke of his hands.

He knew enough to go slow, to take his time in his tender exploration of her body, savoring and memorizing every inch of and leaving nothing unexplored. But he let her explore, too, as they shared kisses and caresses and slowly learned each other, inch by tender inch. Inevitably, the robe that had covered him fell to the floor, leaving him as naked as she was, but he hardly cared - too intent on pleasing her, on showing her that this was not something to be feared, but enjoyed.

As the first moans finally made themselves known from her lips, there was no denying that she was learning exactly what he wanted to teach, clinging to him through wave after wave of pleasure, wanting to give that pleasure back to him even as she shook in his arms, gasping for breath. There was no pain, no blood - Lorenzo had done his job so well that there was nothing but pleasure for them both in their marriage bed.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:52 EST
Tangled together, they rode the waves of pleasure that rocked between them, clinging to each other like one couldn't live without the other, which was, in a way true. It was only when he had collapsed against the bed, trembling and gasping for breath that he realized for certain what he'd been feeling and what he'd been terrified of, and he laughed. Right there, in their marriage bed, he laughed, not at her, but at himself.

Caught up in the euphoric aftermath of that first experience, Madalena laughed with him, her breathless giggles blending with his laughter as they fell to the bed, side by side, sated and warm with each other's heat.

"I'm sorry," he said between fits of laughter, wiping the tears from his eyes. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to laugh or to cry or both, as he let go of the fears and the worries he'd been harboring, his heart bursting with joy. "I just - I realized ....Oh, I'm such an idiot!"

"Did we ....did we forget to do something?" she asked, as breathless as he was, though less giddy. She smiled as she rolled onto her side, propping her head on her hand to look down at him. "That was wonderful."

"It was, wasn't it?" he asked, beaming a smile back at her, eyes bright with happiness and a little something more. "It didn't hurt too much, did it?" he asked, a concerned expression on his face for a moment.

She shook her head, her smile brightening at the joy on his face. "Not at all," she promised. "Truly, tesoro ....I never thought it could be so wonderful."

"I am glad, bella," he told her, his voice soft, as was his touch, his fingers in a soft caress of her cheek. "But I realized something ....I love you, Lena. I truly love you."

The sweetness on her face somehow became even softer, more radiant, in the face of such an honest declaration. She had no words to describe how happy she was to hear him say that. Which was why he suddenly found her on top of him, peppering his face and lips with giggling kisses, utterly delighted and unable to say it aloud.

He laughed at her reaction to his declaration, her youthful enthusiasm both amusing and endearing, his arms going around her to hold her tightly against him. "If you keep that up, we might miss dinner," he warned her, eyes bright with humor.

She lifted her head, bumping her nose to his fondly. "They are bringing dinner to us," she reminded him. "And you did tell them to knock when they do. I do not think your people will let us go hungry, tesoro."

"So I did," he said, with a smirk. He hadn't forgotten; he just didn't want them to knock on the door when they were otherwise engaged. Then again, not only did they have all night; they had the rest of their lives. "I must confess ..." he started, his smile softening. "I was worried you would only love me like a brother."

She drew her knuckles along his cheek affectionately. "I have never looked on you as a brother," she assured him. "We knew when we were children that we would be married one day. I could never marry a brother, after all."

"Si, but when we were children, did we really understand what it meant to be married?" he asked her, his arms clasped about her waist to hold her snugly against him, despite the risk of his body betraying its reaction to her closeness.

"Perhaps I loved you some way close to a brother when we were small," she conceded, "but it grew deeper and warmer as we got older." She blushed as she added, "I cannot tell you how many times I have fantasised about clawing out Donata's eyes so she would not be pretty enough to have your attention."

"Donata?" he echoed, brows arching upwards. "There was never anything between me and Donata," he assured her, though not what he thought about it, the other female like to lavish attention on him, almost to the point of annoyance. Though he'd certainly shared a few beds in the past, there had never been anyone he'd cared for the way he did for Madalena.

"She was always there," she reminded him. "And she likely will still be. She wants you, Lory. And I'm too much of a mouse to fight back openly. I'm afraid I may be a bit of a coward."

His expression changed, brows furrowing to know she was worried about someone he had never thought of as more than an acquaintance. He sighed, his expression softening as he pulled her closer into his embrace. "My heart belongs to you, Madalena. There is no one else."

"I know," she promised softly. "But I cannot help feeling possessive of you. I love you. I belong to you, as you belong to me. Anyone who seems to threaten that will always be my enemy."

"Well, then ..." An almost wicked smile appeared on his face. "We shall just have to find her a husband of her own," he remarked. Preferably, one who lived far from Pont-Elise. He made a mental note to speak to Giovanni about it later.

Madalena stared at him for a moment, and burst out laughing. "That is devious!" she exclaimed, charmed by his solution to a problem that was entirely her own. "I never knew you were so sneaky!"

He shrugged, though it wasn't easy wrapped up in her embrace as he was. "Neither did I," he said, with a smirk. "I blame Giovanni. He is a bad influence on me," he told her, though that was not entirely true.

"You and he are as thick as thieves," she pointed out. "I think you influence each other." She grinned, leaning down to brush a kiss to his lips just as a knock sounded on the bedroom door.

"He is like a brother to me," Lorenzo remarked, as if that, too, was an excuse. It was likely she knew that already, as he had known Giovanni nearly as long as he'd known Madalena. He furrowed his brows at the knock on the door. Was it time for dinner already"

"I had best answer that," he told her, though he'd have to untangle himself from her and don his robe first.

"He has always treated me like an annoying little sister," she agreed, reluctantly rolling off him so he could climb out of the bed and answer the door.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:53 EST

"Un memento!" he called toward the door, rolling off the other side of the bed, as soon as he was able to look for his robe, which he'd dropped somewhere on the floor.

A voice called back, too indistinct to understand, though it sounded as though it was coming from beyond the drawing room, within the hallway itself. Madalena sat up, tucking the sheets demurely about herself, curious to know what was going on out there.

Lorenzo grabbed the first thing that looked like a robe from the floor and slipped it over his shoulders as he stalked toward the door, a little annoyed that they'd been interrupted, though at least they'd knocked. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that the robe he'd grabbed belonged to Madalena and was about three sizes too small until he reached the door.


It sounded as though it was Matteo on the other side of the door; he seemed uncertain quite what his reception would be, but apparently whoever was making the noise was not someone who could be put off.

"Si, si, what is it?" Lorenzo asked, as he struggled to fasten the robe about his waist, frowning to find it was not quite large enough to cover him completely.

At least his valet had the decency not to open the door, despite the fact that the contessa had suddenly erupted into a fit of giggles at what she could see in the privacy of the bedroom.

"You have a visitor, milord," Matteo called through the door. "Signor della Rossi is come to extend his good wishes upon your marriage."

Lorenzo grumbled under his breath. "Tell Signor della Rossi that we are otherwise engaged and he can extend his good wishes another day," he told his valet, raising his voice loud enough so that their visitor could hear him clearly.

Before Matteo could pass this on, Giovanni's familiar voice rose to comprehension levels through two doors.

"Tell the conte that I am prepared to camp right outside this door and make a nuisance of myself for as long as it takes," he declared cheerfully. "And that since I am the one in front of the only door into his married quarters, I will eat his dinner!"

Behind Lorenzo, Madalena giggled into her hand, knowing that this was no empty threat.

"I could have you arrested for that, signor!" Lorenzo called back, putting an emphasis on the "signor", almost as if it was insulting to call his closest friend by such a formal title.

"Not without upsetting your wife!"

That was enough to set Madalena's giggles off once again. She pitched down onto the pillows face first, shaking with laughter at the ridiculous situation they found themselves in.

"Can you not offer your congratulations from there?" Lorenzo countered, furrowing his brows as he tried to fasten the damned robe, wondering how it had suddenly shrunk before realizing with a sigh that he'd grabbed the wrong one.

"I can't hug the new contessa through two doors," Vanni objected. His grin was audible - no doubt he was providing quite the entertaining spectacle for the servants even as they tried to respectfully get him under control.

"You cannot hug the new contessa beyond the doors either," Lorenzo pointed out, considering Madalena's current state of undress. "But if I allow you to enter briefly to offer your congratulations, you must promise to then leave us alone until morning. Is that agreeable?" he asked, with just a hint of teasing in his own voice. Vanni was, after all, one of their closest friends - a man they had both known since childhood.

"Do you mean dawn morning, or after breakfast morning?" Judging by the nearing sound of his voice, Vanni knew he'd won and was making his way across the drawing room to the bedroom door at speed. Madalena let out a startled squeak and scrambled on the floor for the nearest robe to cover herself hastily.

Lorenzo moved to intercept the man before he could barge into their bedroom with Madalena only half dressed, despite his own appearance.

"I mean morning morning, tu idiota!" he called back.

"Ah, so closer to midday, then." Vanni chuckled his cheerful laugh, apparently pausing just outside the door. He wasn't cruel enough to just barge straight in.

And what a pair he was going to walk in on - Lorenzo in Madalena's robe, flashing his legs from the knee and generally only just covered up; and Madalena in Lorenzo's robe, absolutely swamped by the material gathered at her waist.

"Well?" Lorenzo said from the other side of the door, arms crossed against his chest, which was only barely covered by Madalena's robe, one bare foot tapping impatiently against the floor. "Are you coming in or not?"

"Ah, permission granted. Grazie!" The door opened, and there was Giovanni della Rossi, tall, blonde, and grinning widely at the sight of his two friends, the newly-weds. It took barely a second for him to absorb the mismatched robes before he howled with laughter. "Oh, this is so much better than I could have hoped for!"

"One word of this to anyone, fratello," Lorenzo said, poking a finger against his friend's chest, "And I will make sure you never speak to anyone again," he added in a hushed voice, so that Madalena did not overhear. Of course, it was an idle threat, but a threat, nonetheless.

"As if I would ever tell the world that I found the great Conte de Pont-Elise prancing around his own bedroom in his wife's clothes," Vanni scoffed, neatly bypassing Lorenzo altogether to pick Madalena up and spin her around. "And how are you, little contessa" Still playing with dolls?"

Giggling, Madalena batted at his hands as he put her down. "I am not sure you could call it dolls anymore, Vanni."

Lorenzo turned, hands on his hips and brows furrowed in a partly-feigned look of annoyance as he shoved right past him and presumed to swing Madalena into his arms. "Ahem," he said, reminding the two of them that he was still there. "Do not forget your place, Vanni. The little contessa is my wife now," he said.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:53 EST
Giovanni took one look at his friend's expression and snorted. "Oops." He stepped back, throwing himself onto his knees before Lorenzo. "Oh, forgive me, mighty conte, for having the temerity to lay hands upon the contessa without your written invitation to do so!"

Madalena stepped to Lorenzo's side, muffling her laughter against his arm.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes at his friend's overly dramatic apology, but then, he knew he was being just as dramatic. He held out his hand, as if he was expecting his friend to kiss it, even as he tugged Lena close.

"I will think about forgiving you," he told him, trying hard to keep a straight face.

"What can I possibly do to redeem myself, my lord?" Vanni declared, grasping Lorenzo's hand and licking his palm, just because he could. It was a wonder Lorenzo had ever found his serious side with Vanni as his playmate growing up.

Lorenzo scowled, yanking his hand away and wiping it against Lena's robe - the one he was still wearing. "What am I do to with you? You are impossible!"

"You'd die of boredom without me," Vanni said, rising to his feet. He offered his friend a hand. "I am sorry I wasn't there yesterday. I would have given much to have stood beside you as you both made your vows, but Father had other plans for me. Congratulations."

Lorenzo's expression softened, the look of irritation changing to a fond smile as he not only took his friend's hand but drew him into a brotherly hug. "You are here now. You are forgiven," he told him, the obvious affection between them clear to see.

"I won't stay long," Vanni promised, winking at Madalena as he drew back from the embrace. "I simply wanted to see you, to offer my congratulations ....and to let you know your wedding presents are in the stables."

"Come, you must at least have a drink to help us celebrate!" Lorenzo told him with a clap on the back, letting go of Madalena, so that he could find his trousers and shirt among the clothing that was scattered about his chambers. "And what, may I ask, did you leave for us in the stables" I hope they are horses and not pigs!"

Madalena squeezed his hand gently, rising up onto her toes to kiss his cheek. "I will join you both in the drawing room," she promised softly, moving to the door that connected this room to her own chamber, where she could call on her maid for help in dressing quickly.

Lorenzo frowned, as his bride departed. "See, now" You've scared her away," he told his friend, though he assumed she was only retreating so that she could find some clothing and make herself presentable again. "So, tell me ....What was so much more important than your best friend's wedding?" he asked, as he climbed into a pair of trousers.

"Hardly." Giovanni threw himself into one of the chairs. "She just doesn't want me to see what she's hiding under that robe, the modest little minx." He grinned at his friend, but the smile faded at the question. "My father's dead, Lorenzo," he said quietly. "He was thrown from his horse three days ago. Something ruptured, the physicians said. He died yesterday morning, just as you were taking your vows."

Lorenzo made no comment regarding what his wife was hiding beneath her robe. He might have commented on it, but what his friend said next shocked him into momentary silence. "Dead," he echoed, tugging a tunic down over his chest, a look of confused concern on his face. "And your brothers?"

"Cosimo made it back in time," Giovanni said, idly toying with his own sleeve. "He'll inherit the title and the villa, and Mother. Lucius was detained in Gelre - he's only just ordained, you know how they like to keep the new priests and priestesses close for a while after ordination. It's likely he'll return for the funeral and then go back to his new life in the church."

"Hmm," Lorenzo murmured, as he poured them both a glass of wine that had been meant for him and Madalena. "And you? What will you do?" he asked, wondering if there was a way he could keep his friend close, here in Pont-Elise.

"I get the farm and the house just outside the city walls," Vanni told him. "Not such a huge change for me, but I'll be closer to the people I consider my true family, and that is what matters." The farm he was talking about actually bordered the de Buerni estate on which this villa was situated; more of a ranch than a farm in all honesty. It wasn't large, but it produced some of the best horses in the country.

None of that came as a surprise to Lorenzo, as he and his friend had discussed what might happen once the elder della Rossi became deceased. They had just not expected it to happen so abruptly. "And that is agreeable with you?" he asked, just to be sure.

Vanni tilted his head, a rueful smile on his face. "I could have wished to have been allowed to settle into the farm before he died," he said with mild irritation. "But this is agreeable, yes. After the funeral, I need not go back to that ghostland again until Mother dies. Why, do you have some objection to having me so close now you are wed?"

"No, of course not," Lorenzo replied, handing his friend one of the glasses of rich, red wine. "I am sorry about your father, but I am glad you will be close. You must know that, Vanni," he told his friend.

"Am I a terrible son for feeling relieved at his passing?" Vanni asked, looking down into the glass in his hand. "For not wanting to be at my mother's side as she grieves" Am I terrible person, Lory?"

Lorenzo sighed, frowning at his friend's question and knowing he had not been close to his mother and father the way Lorenzo had been. "I do not think so," he told his friend, taking a seat across from him. "You have done everything your father ever asked of you. Now he is gone, and your life is your own. That does not make you a bad person, Vanni."

"I will not treat my children the way he treated us," Vanni said quietly. "I will not marry a woman who will treat our children the way my mother treated us. I'm almost jealous of you and little Lena. You will not have the home that I did."

"At least you are free to marry for love," Lorenzo pointed out, though he had found, as much to his surprise as hers, that he did, indeed, love Madalena. "There is no reason to think you will not have what we have."

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:53 EST
"I have not been in love with someone since I was seven years old," his friend pointed out with a faint smirk. "Marriage suits you, by the way. How was the wedding night?"

"That, mio amico, is none of your business," Lorenzo replied, but from the smile on his face, it would seem the wedding night had gone well - or at least, things had gone well since then. "Let us just say that we are both happy with the situation."

"Then that is all that matters," Giovanni agreed, his own smile re-emerging. "I'm told you both looked adorable yesterday." His smile widened to a grin. "Lena's grandmother was in town."

"Adorable," Lorenzo echoed, with a snort. "I think I am a little too old to be adorable," he pointed out, though he made no argument for Madalena, who was, in his opinion, just that.

"Well, the city seems very well pleased with your marriage, so I'm glad to find it is the same inside the manor," Vanni said. "What are your plans for your honeymoon' You can't be intending to spend the entire month in bed, surely."

Lorenzo smirked over his glass of wine. "The thought had crossed my mind," he admitted, though he thought Madalena deserved more than that. "I am open to suggestions," he added, before taking a sip of his wine.

"Take her on a tour of the villages and towns around the city," Vanni suggested. "She's never been outside Pont-Elise. She'll enjoy seeing them, and they will enjoy seeing both of you. How long is it since you took a tour yourself?"

"A few years, I think," Lorenzo replied, though he wasn't too sure. It had probably been longer than he'd thought. "Before Father died," he added, though it hadn't been that long since that event.

"The people would appreciate seeing you both," Vanni said confidently. "After all, hardly anyone outside the center of the city has seen Madalena, and she is their contessa now."

"I suppose you are right," Lorenzo admitted, though he liked the idea of keeping her all to himself but a little while yet. Still, it would do both Madalena and the people good to meet her and to see how happy they were. And he didn't want to be one of those nobles who lived off the work of his people and cared nothing for their troubles.

Giovanni chuckled at the look on his friend's face. "I'm not telling you to set off tomorrow," he said. "Give it a week or so; time enough to get her fitted and dressed up for travel, and send word out that you'll be making the tour so the nobles can lay on their own versions of the marriage feast for you."

Lorenzo frowned, wondering why he hadn't thought of all this on his own. Then again, he'd been a little too caught up in the wedding and the preparations for it. "Do you know that she loves me?" he asked his friend, changing the subject, a silly grin on his face as he leaned forward to share that bit of news. "She said so herself."

"Already?" Giovanni grinned, patting his friend's arm in congratulations. "I thought it would take her at least a couple of days to squeak it out. What about you? Did you finally work it out as well?"

"You talk as if you knew already," Lorenzo said, frowning at his friend. How could his friend know how he and Madalena felt about each other when they had only just discovered it for themselves" Or at least, Lorenzo had.

"Of course I did." Vanni leaned back in his seat, taking a slow sip of his wine. "Everyone knows you adore each other. We were just waiting for the pair of you to get it out in the open." He gave his friend a pointed look. "Did you really think all that over-protective nonsense was just because you didn't want her to be played with?"

"I didn't want her to be hurt," Lorenzo clarified. He frowned again, a thoughtful look on his face. "I thought I loved her like a sister, but ..." He trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders.

"My dear Lorenzo, Mother Church would be horrified if brothers loved their sisters the way you love your wife," Giovanni informed him easily.

A soft rustle of cloth announced Madalena's return, dressed once more and with a soft snood holding her hair up and out of her way.

"You know what I mean," Lorenzo said, quickly shushing himself and moving to his feet as Madalena rejoined them. "Cara mia," he said, offering her a hand. "Would you like a glass of wine?"

She smiled for her husband, slipping her hand into his. "Thank you, tesoro, I would," she said affectionately.

Rising from his chair to greet the little contessa, Giovanni bowed to her, and abruptly snorted with laughter when she elbowed him in the stomach for it. "Haven't lost your touch, I see."

The three of them were old friends, having grown up together, and though Lorenzo had worried his marriage might change things between them, it seemed nothing had really changed, at least as far as Madalena and Giovanni were concerned.

"Forgive him, Lena. He is just jealous because he has not yet found a woman who will put up with him long enough to become his wife," he said, as he moved to pour her a glass of wine, but with only half as much wine as he'd poured for himself and Giovanni.

"How will I ever find a woman who is willing to both pamper me and put sheep dung in my bed when I annoy her?" Giovanni teased, this time lurching out of the way before Madalena could make contact. "So violent, little contessa."

"Only with you, Signor Giovanni," she answered in a giggling tone, taking her glass from Lorenzo with a decidedly fonder glance in his direction.

"It is simple, mio amico," he told his friend, pausing a moment to smile at his wife. "You must find someone who as impossible as yourself," he said, lifting his glass to his friend to toast the challenge.

"Impossible," Giovanni responded, lifting his glass in answer. "I am utterly unique, as we all know." With one hand, he drew out a chair for Madalena to seat herself in, proving that, for all his mannerisms, he was still a gentleman, born and raised.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:54 EST

"On that, at least, we can agree," Lorenzo replied, grinning back at his friend before taking a swallow of his wine. Once Madalena was seated, he took a seat for himself, relaxing in the company of the two people he loved most in all the world.

Thumping down into a seat himself, last of all of them, Giovanni raised his glass. "To your long lives and happy marriage," he toasted them both. "All the happiness in the world to you both."

Lorenzo looked from his friend to his wife, a happy smile on his face, and lifted his glass to answer the toast. "Grazie. We wish the same for you, Vanni," he told his friend before taking a sip from his glass. They just had to find their friend the right woman.

"Very much so," Madalena agreed, lifting her own glass to toast and sip. She smiled over at Giovanni impishly. "You knew exactly what you were interrupting, didn't you?"

He inclined his head, conceding the point. "I had to make sure you weren't wearing our conte out with your voracious appetite."

Lorenzo snorted. "He is probably hoping we will name our firstborn after him," he remarked, with a playful wink at Madalena. "But enough if enough, Vanni. We love you, but we cannot make a baby if you insist on remaining," he teased his friend.

"As I believe I said when I arrived, I do not intend to stay long," Giovanni responded in amusement. "Simply to offer my congratulations and deliver your wedding presents. You were the one who insisted I have a drink, amico."

"Wedding presents that are in the barn," Lorenzo said, remembering what his friend had told him. "You still did not say whether they are horses or pigs, amico," he reminded his friend.

"In the stables," Vanni corrected him cheerfully. "I thought perhaps you might like a matched pair for riding."

Madalena lit up at this vague offering. "You gave us horses?"

Lorenzo offered a lazy one-shouldered shrug, as if the choice of words was a minor detail. "Apparently," he remarked, wondering if Vanni was going to offer to help feed and care for said horses, as well, though that was managed easily enough.

"A palfrey and a mare," Vanni clarified for them. "Greys that adore each other, which of course made them perfect for the pair of you." He grinned at them mischievously.

It wasn't as if the conte didn't already own horses of his own, but he welcomed the gift. The more horses one owned, the more rich and powerful one was considered to be, but Lorenzo knew that wasn't the purpose of his friend's gift. The smile on Madalena's face was proof enough that the gift had been a good choice.

"A generous gift, amico," Lorenzo told his friend, lifting his glass to him once again. "Grazie."

"May I see them?" Lena asked hopefully, looking between the two men with excited eyes. She had never had a horse of her own, after all, despite her rank. Being a part of the impoverished nobility was a difficult life for many.

Lorenzo arched both brows in an unspoken question as he took a swallow of wine, before muttering, "Now?" They'd just come in out of the cold a few hours ago and now she was suggesting they go back out into it ....again. He sighed and drained his what was left of his wine before setting the glass aside. "I suppose I should get dressed then." Or at least, properly dressed for the outdoors.

She bit her lip, torn between going outside to see their new steeds, and staying inside where it was warm.

Giovanni glanced between them, not even trying to disguise his smile. "They'll be restive tonight," he said, offering a gentle way out of Madalena's impulsive wish. "Better to see them in the morning, when they've had a chance to settle into the stable."

"Good idea!" Lorenzo said, getting up from the chair, but only to refill their glasses, not to get dressed. "Morning it is!" he declared, happy not to have to wander out into the cold again today, especially when it would be getting dark soon.

"And I should get myself on the road before the sun sets, or my arrival back home will be dark and chilly," Giovanni pointed out, rising from his seat as well. He bent to kiss Madalena's cheek. "Being a wife suits you, piccola. Try not to break him." As she laughed, he turned to Lorenzo, offering another arm to clasp. "I'm happy for you. Give it a week or so, and I'll be around more if you need me."

Lorenzo frowned a little as his friend rose to make his exit. Though he was eager to spend more time alone with his new bride, he was concerned for his friend's well-being, knowing what he did about the death of his friend's father. He would share that news with Madalena eventually, but not tonight. He clasped his friend's arm, his expression one of brotherly affection.

"You know you are always welcome here, Vanni. Just ....Not so much in the bedroom," he added, with a hint of humor.

"I got Matteo to knock," Giovanni defended himself, squeezing Lorenzo's arm for a moment before releasing him. "I will allow you at least a week before I come barging back in. Time enough to make a new conte, I think."

"Hmm, perhaps," Lorenzo remarked, with an amused smile. He didn't think he'd ever tire of making love to his wife, even if it took longer than a week for them to make a son. "I will see you soon, amico," he promised his friend.

"You will." Giovanni nodded, stepping toward the door. "Have fun," were his parting words before he slipped out, leaving Madalena giggling once again even as she blushed. "He knows exactly what we are going to do this evening, doesn't he?"

Lorenzo's gaze lingered on the door as his friend departed, a hint of worry on his face that he didn't really want Madalena to see. "I'm sure he can make a good guess," he said, the smile returning to his face as he set the bottle of wine aside, without refilling the glasses. "Now, where were we?" he asked, drawing his young wife closer.

Setting her glass down, she giggled as he drew her into his embrace. "I do believe you were telling me you love me," she said sweetly, fingers toying with the laces on his shirt.

Lorenzo de Bueri

Date: 2019-12-19 12:54 EST

"Was I?" he asked, the smile warming. He was sure Giovanni would be fine; he always was. "Hmm, should I tell you again then?" he asked, his fingers itching to loosen her hair, as well as her clothes once again.

"I will never grow tired of hearing it," she promised, wriggling her hands up and beneath his shirt, tracing fingers that were just a little chilled against his warm skin. "Hmm ....are you still ticklish, tesoro?" She didn't wait for his answer, going for the kill, as it were.

It had been a long time since she - or anyone - had tried tickling him. She'd had plenty of opportunity over the last few hours, but they'd admittedly had other priorities. He yelped as her cold fingers found his bare skin and he yanked away, reaching to catch hold of her hands if he could.

"That is not fair, tesoro!" he scolded.

Wicked did not do justice to the giggle his protest produced from his wife, who was beside herself with delight at yet another yelp from her husband. "Of course it is not fair," she agreed. "That is what makes it fun!"

"I warn you ....You are looking for trouble, mia cara," he warned, catching her hands between his own, but failing to look fierce at his threat. He did not bother to say what he might do in retaliation, but it wasn't too hard to guess.

"Only with you, Lory." Such a sweet answer had no right to come out of a face that was bright with loving mischief and the underlying current of desire rising in her eyes. Whatever else this marriage might be, it certainly would not be boring.

With that said, Lorenzo swept his wife up into his arms and carried her back to the bed, where he intended to fulfill his threat by showing her once again just how much he adored her.

Their fathers would have been well pleased to know that their half-hearted teasing as boys that their own children would marry and be happy someday had somehow come true. Pont-Elise would be a happy state for years to come, with so much happiness in its heart.