Topic: Plots and Princes

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-25 19:44 EST
"No, no, no!"

The High King's voice roared through the halls of the castle at Berengaria, muffled at first only to become far more clear at the sound of a door bursting open.

"Back to your mistress and do not come again until you have more than pitiful threats to give me!"

The nobles of the court watched as the ambassador from Epirus came into view, flushed and embarrassed, making the best attempt he could at leaving the court halls with some kind of dignity. As the murmuring rose, Prince Maksim leaned over to his companion, half-hidden by the surrounding group.

"I don't think my father appreciates your mother's idea of diplomacy."

"I do not think my mother is very fond of diplomacy," the prince's companion muttered in return, arms crossed against his chest, dark eyes tracking the ambassador's retreat. "She is too accustomed to getting her own way."

"I would be willing to put money on the contents of that little delegation," Maks offered to the younger man. "She wants you back within your borders, under her thumb, and a guarantee of no interference from the High King. And apparently hasn't added anything to sweeten the deal."

"That is not a negotiation, amigo. That is a command, but she is not queen here, and the High King is not subject to her whims," the younger man remarked, in agreement with Maks. He did not look much happier about the delegation than the High King, though he was keeping his temper in check. "Perhaps I should give her ambassador a message."

"I wouldn't advise it," Maks murmured. "Right now, there is no confirmation that you are here, at this court. As soon as you engage with your mother's people, you are announcing your presence and implying your intentions. Best to keep it quiet as long as possible."

"You are right, of course," the younger man murmured back, even as he clenched his jaw in barely repressed rage. "Does she really think that I will stay away forever?" he asked, not really expecting an answer. "I am not a child any longer."

"The High King will have thought of a plan to strengthen your position before you return to Epirus," Maksim predicted. After all, he could think of a couple of things, and he was his father's son.

"An army would strengthen my position," the other remarked, though he was hoping to avoid violence and war if he could. There had been enough of that already.

"Only if it is an army made up of your own countrymen," Maks pointed out. "A foreign army gives your mother's lover the means to paint you as a puppet of a foreign power."

"I am the rightful heir," the younger man said, bristling, though his companion knew that already. There was nothing he could do for now, but listen to the High King's counsel.

"You have to present yourself as unassailable," Maks told him. "We can do this. Trust us."

As he spoke, a young page was picking his way through the groups of nobles, pausing to bow to the two men. "His Majesty, the king, would like to speak with you."

"Very well, thank you," the younger man told the page, with a distinct accent in his voice that was not Pomeranian. "Well, it seems we are about to hear what your father has to say," he told his companion, who was also his friend.

"It seems we are," Maksim agreed. "Shall we, then?"

He gestured for his companion to move with him, making his way out of the court hall and into the corridors of power in time to see his own mother, Queen Catherine, stepping out of the king's study.

"Has the volcano calmed?" he asked.

The Queen laughed cheerfully. "The eruption has been prevented, yes," she assured her son.

"This one is just starting to rumble," Maksim's companion murmured, more to himself than anyone else. His temper was something he had inherited from his mother, after all, and his anger had been building for a long time.

The Queen had sharp ears, but she didn't respond, simply smiling at her son and his companion as she passed them by. Maksim snorted wth laughter, shaking his head.

"Come along then," he said, nodding to the guard by the door, who stepped up to open it and allow them passage into the High King's study.

His companion was at least respectful and courteous enough to give the queen a nod of acknowledgment, even as he inwardly seethed. He knew he had to cool his temper before the king, or risk not looking worthy for the role that was rightfully his.

Stepping into the study, Maksim bowed to his father, the elderly High King of Pomerania and all Her Vassals. Phillip waved a hand absently for him to rise, apparently studying a piece of parchment on the desk in front of him.

"Come in, sit down, the pair of you."

The other man eyed his companion a moment before also sketching a bow. Whether he was the true heir to the throne in question or not, Epirus was a vassal state of Pomerania and owed allegiance to the High King. It was not something he wished to dispute. He was going to need all the help he could muster.

Phillip waited until both younger men were sitting before him, looking up as he folded his hands together. He eyed the Epiran prince for a long moment, old eyes no doubt seeing more than the prince truly wanted him to. "Your mother doesn't seem to understand how diplomacy works, your highness."

He was Luis Miguel, Prince of Epirus, rightful heir to the throne, which his mother had taken for her own - Miguel to friends, such as these. "Then we shall have to teach her, yes?" he said, more statement than question. He was still simmering with anger, but careful to keep it in check in the presence of the High King.

"We shall," Phillip agreed. "But first we will strengthen your position and let it be known that you will pardon any man who swears an oath of fealty to you over your mother and the man calling himself the Earl of Valdemar."

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:15 EST
Miguel snorted, not at Philip's idea, but at the trumped up title his mother had given her lover to keep him by her side. "He may prove more a problem than she will," he told the king. After all, his mother would always be his mother and as such hold a place of honor in Epirus, but her lover might not be so fortunate.

"I'm sure he will," the High King agreed. "But what we will do first is give you full rights to the lands he has stolen by marriage. I don't believe your betrothal to Ines Matilde of Valdemar was ever officially called off, was it?"

That was a name the dispossessed prince had not heard in a very long time, and one that got his attention. "What has Mat ....What has my betrothal have to do with anything?" he asked, brows arching upwards. He had not seen or heard from Matilde in years - not even a letter - though she was never far from his heart, even still.

"If you were to go through with the betrothal, it would strengthen your position by uniting the two lines of royal blood within your kingdom," Phillip pointed out. "It would also reassure those nobles who fought on the side of Valdemar that you would not be seeking revenge against them for the deaths of your father and brother."

"Mi diosa," he murmured under his breath. "You know where she is," he said, eyes wide with astonishment. He'd heard rumors, but nothing concrete. Whatever had happened to her, wherever she'd gone, the High King of Pomerania had somehow discovered what had happened to her.

The High King nodded. "Naturally," he said in a calm tone. "She passed through Pomerania when your father had her removed from Epirus for her own safety six years ago."

Maksim smiled to himself, nodding slowly. "I knew it."

Miguel's eyes grew wider. "My father did this?" he asked, clearly surprised. What else had happened that he'd had no knowledge of? "Where is she?" he asked bluntly, aware that his heart was suddenly beating fast and furious inside his chest.

"As I understand it, her removal from the country was part of an agreement at the beginning of those civil wars of yours between your father and hers not to use their children as pawns in the game," Phillip said sternly. "I won't be telling you where she has spent the last six years, your highness. I will tell you that, shortly after she arrives here at my court, you will be marrying her."

An agreement that didn't do much to protect his older brother, Miguel thought. His expression darkened at the thought of his brother's death, but nothing could be done to bring either his father or brother back now. "It was not my civil war, Highness," the prince pointed out. "And there has never been any animosity between Matilde and I," he added, though she might think differently now.

"Young man, even if you hated one another, you would still be marrying," Phillip informed him bluntly. "You came here to request our help in retaking your throne, and you will receive it. This is the best way, though you will still have to invade your own lands. This way, as you ride toward Epira and your mother, you will gain an army along the way."

Miguel arched his brows at something the king had said. He certainly didn't hate Matilde, even if her father had betrayed them. He didn't even hate his mother really, but one way or another, he would have what was rightfully his and Matilde was part of that. "And I appreciate your help, Highness. I can assure you Epira will be forever loyal, so long as I am king. I am just not sure how Matilde will feel about this ....plan."

"She has not been betrothed to anyone else in this time, though some attempt was made to bind her to Christian of Francia last year," Maksim commented mildly. "She has also been in regular contact with the hereditary keepers of her family's lands in Epirus."

Phillip raised his own brows; apparently he hadn't known this one.

The prince glanced at Maksim, a thoughtful expression on his face, hopeful even. "When is she due to arrive?" he asked, looking from one to the other. If they had both been mere pawns in their father's plots, then perhaps there was hope for them yet. There had been a time when they'd been good friends, before civil war had torn their country apart.

"She was summoned within a day of your arrival here at court," Phillip said, but the look he cut toward Maksim suggested that his middle son was more aware of the movements of important people across the land.

Maks shrugged. "She was reported crossing the border ten days ago," he said absently. "I would imagine she'll be here within another five or so days."

"Five days," Miguel murmured, glancing aside, brows furrowed in thought, his insides tied up in knots. In five days, he would see her when he had not seen or heard from her in years. Had she come to hate him in all those years or would she realize that he, too, had been a pawn in their fathers' game of chess?

"When she arrives, she will sign a new betrothal contract - this one here," Phillip said, passing the parchment across the desk toward Miguel, "which states that in marrying you, all her lands become the property of the crown of Epirus, and the two bloodlines become one single blood royal. You will sign that now."

Miguel leaned closer, fingers reaching for the parchment so that he could look it over. "You realize there are people who will not want this," he said after a moment. Of course, that was exactly why he'd come to the High King for help. He'd never have been able to accomplish this on his own.

"Of course," Phillip agreed with a swift nod. "That is why you will be wed swiftly upon her arrival, with my full consent and authority, and there will be a bedding. It is a thoroughly undignified affair, but in your case, you need an absolutely cast-iron foundation upon which to begin. Without the certainty that you are absolutely man and wife, there is every possibility that she could be taken from you in some way."

"Even married, there's the chance you could be killed and she, married to the perpetrator by force," Maks added.

"Which is why I've come to you for help," Miguel said, circling back around to the beginning. He exhaled a quiet sigh as he laid the parchment back on the king's desk. "So, we come back to the beginning. If no one had challenged my father's right as king, I would have married Matilde and joined our bloodlines. It seems that is what will take place, despite the war," he said. The main difference was that he would be king, not his father or his elder brother, as was planned.

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:15 EST
"Indeed," Phillip confirmed. "I will give you only a personal guard, to defend yourself and your wife when you enter your kingdom. You will have to court the approval and support of your nobles yourself."

"And if they do not agree?" Miguel asked. He knew there were people who wouldn't support him, but there were also those who'd been loyal to his father and were eager to join the two bloodlines to ensure peace in the land.

"You cannot rule without the consent of your nobles and people," Phillip pointed out to him. "If you cannot raise sufficient support to take back your crown, then you will not be king. It is as simple as that. You will need to make deals, make promises, and keep those promises. Diplomacy, not bloodshed, is what will decide who wins and who loses here."

But I am the rightful heir! Miguel's voice shouted in his head. Still, he knew Phillip was right. He was no longer a child, and a temper tantrum would not win him back what was rightfully his. A muscle in his jaw visibly tensed, but he only nodded his head, sitting up a little bit straighter, a little bit prouder.

"Very well, tell me what I must do and I will do it."

Phillip eyed him for a long moment. "I believe I just have, your highness," he said pointedly.

Beside Miguel, Maksim rolled his eyes. "I'll go over it with you," he murmured to his young friend. "Later. Right now, just sign the betrothal contract and prepare yourself to get married in less than a week."

Miguel took up the pen, pausing thoughtfully a moment, not because he was unsure of himself or of what he wanted but because he was not sure what Matilde might think of him after all these years. What would she think of the man he'd become" Would she still look on him kindly or consider him an enemy' He wished he could know her thoughts before he signed his name, but there was no way of doing so, and he felt he was not only choosing his own fate, but hers, as well. Still, it could not be helped. He dipped the pen in the ink and scribbled his name on the parchment with a flourish.

"Thank you." Phillip inclined his head to the disinherited prince calmly. "I will have that notarized and copied as soon as her signature is joined to yours. I would suggest that you write out a proclamation to be sent to your mother and a few loyal houses in Epirus, announcing your intention to marry the true heir of Valdemar and merge the royal bloodline formally."

"Yes, of course," Miguel agreed, leaning back in his seat. For some reason, instead of feeling relieved by signing the document, he felt even more tense than before. He knew it was not only because of Matilde, but because both their fates now relied on him and his ability to win the loyalty of both their bloodlines and their people to bring people at last to Epirus.

"Maks," Phillip began, but Maksim was already nodding.

"I'll have her guarded within a day," he promised his father. "She'll get here safely."

"Perhaps I should ride out to meet her," Miguel suggested. That way, he could meet her and talk with her in advance and prepare her for what awaited her when she arrived.

Phillip raised a brow in his direction. "Are you so confident that she will not attempt to kill you herself, then?" he asked, more curious than suggestive. He'd been in contact with the young lady in question, after all.

There was just the tiniest hint of a smirk on Miguel's face at the king's question. He hoped he knew her better than that, though he was not too sure what to expect. "If she does, would it not be better to know before she reached the court?" he countered.

Phillip chuckled. "If you intend to ride out to her, then do not send that proclamation," he suggested. "Make sure you're both going to be alive before you tell anyone about it. Maksim, you know the route she is taking?"

Maks nodded. "She'll be in Gwareth by tomorrow night," he said, glancing over at Miguel. "Depending on how fast you can ride, we can be there a little ahead of her."

Miguel actually chuckled, dark eyes flashing with amusement. "Is that a challenge, amigo?" he asked. If there was one thing he could do, it was ride a horse. He was no amateur with a sword either, but he was glad his friend would be accompanying him.

"Sounds like it, doesn't it?" Maks countered with a grin.

Across the table, Phillip chuckled once again, waving his hand at the two younger men. "Go and pack lightly for your little adventure, then," he told them. "And don't forget to tell your brother where you're going, Maks."

Miguel moved to his feet, sketching a bow to the High King. "Your Majesty," he said, respectfully acknowledging him so that they could take their leave. "I cannot thank you enough for your help."

"You can thank me by getting yourself crowned by your people, lad," Phillip told him, but his tone was kind. "I wish you luck with your lady."

Rising with Miguel, Maksim bowed low to his father and, touching the young prince's arm, he lead the way out of the study.

The young prince seemed lighter on his feet than he had when he'd arrived, his mood lighter, happier even. He was anxious to see Matilde again, but nervous, too. He could only hope she remembered him as fondly as he remembered her.

"Which brother must you keep informed?" he asked curiously as the two of them left the study. "The Crown Prince, I assume?"

Maksim grinned as he nodded. "It's easier to keep him informed than Felipe right now," he said. "My little brother is a little out of the loop in Carib for the time being. Let's go and bring Stephan up to speed before we pack up and get going."

"What is in Carib?" Miguel asked, more in the way of making conversation than in seeking knowledge, though he knew he had a lot of catching up to do. His mother did not keep him very well informed and did not sanction this trip to Pomerania, but in the end, there was nothing she could do to stop him.

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:16 EST
"We helped to install a new regime a few years ago," Maksim explained. "Our cousin, Henry, is now king of Carib, and Felipe's wife, Jane, is very good friends with Elspeth, his sister. She and Felipe went to visit, found out she was pregnant, and decided to stay there until after the birth."

"Your family has been very busy these last few years," Miguel remarked, not without some envy. "And when do you think the illustrious Prince Maksim will find a wife and settle down?" he teased his friend.

"When hell freezes over?" Maksim suggested cheerfully. He held no ambitions to marry, though he did envy his brothers their happy wedded lives. "You have met my sister by marriage, yes" She and Stephan are nauseatingly in love."

"What is so nauseating about being with one woman and raising a family?" Miguel challenged. He knew of his friend's reputation, but did not share it. In fact, he had not pursued any romances himself, despite the interest some of the women at court had showed him, and was unashamed to be going to his wedding bed as much a virgin as Matilde.

"Oh, nothing," Maks assured him. "You'll see what I mean in a moment."

He nodded to the man on the door ahead of them, who nodded back and slipped into the rooms beyond, leaving the two standing in the corridor for a moment.

"Shall I ask for a pan, in case I become ill?" Miguel whispered, taking a lean toward Maksim. From the tone of his voice and the smirk on his face, it was obvious he was joking.

"Whatever you do, don't throw up on the children," Maksim countered with a low laugh.

The man stepped back into the corridor and opened the door for them. "Their highnesses welcome you, your highnesses."

That's a lot of highnesses, Miguel thought, but did not say aloud. He was determined that in Epirus, there would one be two - himself and Matilde - so long as his mother deigned to step aside. The thought worried him, so he pushed it aside to contemplate later. He waited for Maksim to take the lead, then followed his friend inside.

As it turned out, as soon as they stepped into the Crown Prince's rooms, a small person with wild brown curls came barreling across the rug to throw her arms around Maksim's leg. He laughed, bending to pick up his niece.

"Now is that how you greet your guests, Pip?" he asked the toddler, getting a giggle and a kiss in return. "At least say hello to Miguel." The toddler girl blinked at Miguel shyly, and hid her face in Maksim's shoulder, much to his amusement.

"It's all right, pequeno," Miguel assured the "little one", charmed by her shy innocence. Had he ever been that young" Had any of them' "I am a friend of your uncle's. I will not harm you."

The toddler lifted her head, her shy smile still in place, but said nothing, clinging to her uncle's doublet as Maksim chuckled. "This is Philippa, the youngest of the miracle babies," he introduced them. "Pip, this is Miguel. He's visiting from Epirus."

Another small person came tottering out of the main room and into the ante-chamber then - a second girl, who looked remarkably like the little one on Maksim's hip. "And this is Katarina."

"Miracle babies?" Miguel inquired, unsure what that meant. There were two of them, it seemed, nearly but not quite identical. Twins" Is that what made them so miraculous" This little one, however, was quickly followed by a tall, dark-haired man, who flashed a smile at his guests and who Miguel recognized as the Crown Prince.

"Ah, Maks! You've managed to catch one of the little imps. Now for the other!" Stephan said as he swept the other little girl off her feet and into his arms, smooching her cheek. "There you are. You can't escape so easily!" he teased her, as she dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"I'd say she caught me," Maks said, grinning at the easy warmth Stephan now carried around him whenever he was with his little family. Getting married had done wonders for reversing Stephan's downward spiral into dour statesmanship at an early age, that was for sure. "You remember Miguel?"

"Yes, of course," Stephan replied with an affable smile. "I hope you are finding your stay a pleasant one," he said, knowing the younger man wasn't there for a social visit.

"Pleasant enough, Highness," Miguel replied, with a polite bow. This man might not be High King, but he would be one day.

"And how is the sweetest whale in all the land today?" Maksim asked, breaking into laughter when a feminine voice called from the next room,

"I heard that, you monster!"

"You are lucky she likes you," Stephan whispered to his brother, with a wink at Miguel. Crown Prince or not, he wouldn't dare call his wife such a name without risking her ire.

"What's not to like?" Maks responded cheerfully. "Oh, and here's the complete set." For, peeking out from the doorway, was another toddler of the same age - a boy, with a bright cheerful smile and bold eyes.

"There are three of them?" Miguel asked, surprised to find yet another little one peering curiously at the stranger in their midst.

"There are?!" Stephan gasped, feigning surprise.

"That would be why they are miracle births," Miguel added, sorting it out in his head. While twins were rare, triplets were almost unheard of.

Maksim rolled his eyes at his brother's teasing response. "Our Crown Princess did herself proud on her very first go," he told Miguel with a smile. "She's brewing another one right now, in fact, although I am confidently assured it is just the one in there."

"There will be no lack of heirs," Miguel observed aloud, with a small frown and a pang at the memory of his brother's death. Had his brother survived, he would have inherited the throne, rather than Miguel having to retake it, possibly by force.

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:16 EST
"Some times are more blessed than others," Maksim told him, surprisingly gently, given the man's reputation for bluntness. As the little prince toddled forward to hug his father's leg, Maks turned his attention to Stephan. "Father told me to make sure you know that I won't be at court for a few days," he said. "Miguel and I are going to ride hell for leather to meet his betrothed at Gwareth."

Stephan's gaze flickered between his brother and the young prince. "You hope to intercept her before she reaches Epira," he presumed. He knew enough about the young prince and his history to know why that might be the case. "A marriage between you could prove fortuitous," he said, which was a bit of an understatement.

"Actually ....she's on her way here," Maks told his brother. "Father's been meddling, but you're right - the marriage is going forward. Apparently Miguel here actually knows her, too."

Stephan huffed a breath at his brother's explanation. "Of course, he has," he said of their father's interference. He knew the man meant well - he was a master at strategy - political and otherwise - after all. He looked to the young prince for an explanation.

"We grew up together," Miguel explained. "And we were betrothed at a very young age."

"It seems as though it was the late king who removed her to Alanic when the war broke out, rather than her own father," Maks added. "Father seems rather confident that the daughter does not follow in the ambitions of the father."

"Matilde and I were ..." Miguel trailed off, his expression one of uncertainty mingled with a touch of sadness. They had not been lovers - they'd been far too young for that - but they had been close, at least, that was how he'd remembered it. "We were good friends, but I have not seen her since she left." Before that even, as there had been no time for him to say good-bye.

"She has been in contact with the lords of her own fiefdom since her father's death," Maks put in. "They remain loyal to her, rather than to the newly-made earl, as he is calling himself. This marriage could very well encourage them to rise up in support of Miguel, since it would mean that the next generation will be of both bloodlines with a claim to the throne."

"It is how my father intended things to be," Miguel explained further. What better way to secure the throne and the future line of sovereigns than to join both bloodlines into one? Apparently, Matilde's father had not agreed, craving the throne solely for his own bloodline and willing to start a war to ensure it.

"It was an absolute mess," Maksim summed it up neatly. "But one we can help to fix, if the lady can be convinced to marry of her own will and raise her fief in support of her husband."

An absolute mess was an understatement, as far as Miguel was concerned. Matilde's father's betrayal had cost Miguel the lives of his own father and brother, but had catapulted his mother and her lover to the most powerful positions in all of Epirus. He did not think it would be an easy task in relieving them of it. Matilde had lost her own family in the war, too, including a brother Miguel had once considered a friend.

"There has been too much death," he said, after a moment. "There will be those who do not want this marriage, but the High King seems to think it is the best chance we have at lasting peace, and I have to agree."

"Well, you will both be protected so long as you are under the High King's hand, and given the reaction of the lords to your mother's ....friend ..." Maksim carefully didn't say the word hovering on the tip of his tongue there. "I would be inclined toward seeing you on the throne and supported there within a few months."

"I do not wish for another war," Miguel remarked. "But I will have what is rightfully mine," he said, dark eyes flashing with determination and a hint of his earlier rage. Though he did not specifically say so, he was not only speaking of the crown.

"You have another war on your hands," Maks told him, gently setting little Philippa down so she could toddle off and harass her brother. "You are going to have to shed blood, there's no doubt of that."

"You realize it is the Earl who is the real threat," Stephan pointed out, setting Katarina down, as she was fixing to wiggle her way out of his arms to toddle after her sister.

Miguel's mouth straightened into a frown, as his companions bluntly laid out the obstacles before him. "Si, I know," he admitted. The thought had occurred to him that the man might have been part of the plot to remove his father from power, but he did not want to think his mother capable of regicide.

"True, but without support, he is just one man who can field perhaps 400 men, including knights," Maks pointed out. "At this moment, Lady Ines Matilde of Valdemar could field over 3000 men, not including knights, and Miguel here could add another 3000 to that with ease. All they need to do is work together to gather the support of the nobles, and I don't think that is going to be hard." A thought occurred to him then, turning his head toward Miguel. "When it starts to look like a conclusive defeat without battle, offer your mother sanctuary from severe repercussions if she'll back your bid for the throne."

"Yes, my mother is a problem," Miguel remarked with a troubled frown. The question was whether she had been a willing participant in the war, or if she had only been a pawn.

"Most people, when given such a choice, will choose to do as they're asked," Stephan pointed out. "But enough talk of politics. You must come meet my wife," he said, the amicable smile on his face again.

"Who has, no doubt, been ear wigging this entire conversation," Maks added in amusement, moving to follow Stephan into the inner rooms and draw Miguel along with him.

"You know me so well, Maks," that feminine voice said, soon revealed to belong to a pretty young woman, heavy with child, sitting in the main room of the chambers with her children playing in front of her.

Miguel stepped forward, bowing before the Crown Princess with a flourish he had not even offered the High King. She was not the first woman he'd seen since arriving in Berengaria, but she was by far the loveliest, even as heavy with child as she was.

"Highness, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he told her, reaching to brush his lips against her knuckles. Stephan had to clench his jaw to stop himself from laughing at the young man's romantic gesture, even as he threw a wink at his brother.

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:16 EST
Marianne's smile was warm and welcoming as the young man kissed her hand. "I'm sure you are very welcome here in Berengaria, your highness," she said, proving that she knew who he was, at the very least. "Please, make yourself comfortable. I am afraid I do not move around much these days."

Maksim bit down on a chuckle, rolling his eyes at Stephan. Courtly manners were rarely seen in the inner chambers of the royal family, and this was just a little hilarious to him.

"Please, call me Miguel," he told her, glancing to the Crown Prince, as if he was speaking to them both, flushing just a little as he realized he had just kissed the hand of the Crown Prince's wife. He cleared his throat as he forced his gaze away, to take in his surroundings. The room looked far more comfortable and lived in than any he'd seen up to now, which made him unsure where to sit exactly.

Maksim didn't help there, sweeping in to kiss Marianne's cheek and feel her belly, just because he knew it wound Stephan up. She laughed, batting him away.

"You're on thin ice, Maks," she warned him playfully.

He bowed to her. "I apologise, oh, majestic queen of the depths." That resulted in a cushion being thrown at his head.

Stephan rolled his eyes. There wasn't much point in scolding his brother, when Marianne didn't seem offended and was capable enough of defending herself.

"You are lucky you're my brother or you might find yourself shoveling horse dung in the stables," he teased, as he dropped into a chair, one of the girls toddling over to steal another hug from her father.

"I've done that before," Maks pointed out, gesturing for Miguel to take the prime seat on the couch nearest Marianne's chair. He was the guest, after all. "It was surprisingly fun."

Stephan sighed and rolled his eyes. His brother really was incorrigible. Was there no way to shame him'

Meanwhile, Miguel had taken the only seat left, feeling a little bit shy now that he was forced to sit so close to the princess. "I'm sorry. Shovel horse dung?" he echoed, looking between the brothers, a confused expression on his face. Was that something the princes did on a regular basis here"

"I was in disguise," Maks explained merrily. "There was a lord I was particularly interested in - or rather, his daughter - so I wanted to know what his day to day looked like. He paid me less than I was worth as a stable lad, too."

Marianne's brows rose. "Maks, you didn't."

"Please, no more of this tale!" Stephan declared raising a hand to silence his brother. After all, if said lord came to him with a complaint about some mysterious stable hand who had wronged his daughter, he did not want to know that stable hand had been his brother.

Maks laughed, waving his hand. "Relax, it was years ago," he said, his attention caught by the little prince, who was waving a toy in his direction.

Marianne smiled. "You may have noticed, we don't really stand on ceremony outside the court halls in this family," she told Miguel. "Would you like some refreshment?"

"On the contrary, Highness," Miguel started. "I find it rather refreshing. It gives me hope for the future," he assured her. For his and Matilde's future, to be exact.

Stephan got up from his chair to pour them each a glass of something cool and wet, before anyone could answer Marianne's question. "It is not as unique as you might think," he remarked.

"I think the most formal monarch we know is Brynne of Carib," Marianne mused. "And she loafs around her private rooms barefoot."

"Monarchs are no different than ordinary people, when they in private," Stephan pointed out.

"I am not sure that is always true," Miguel countered. At least, not from what he'd witnessed at home in Epirus. He'd never felt any warmth from his mother's lover, but then why should he" If his suspicions were right, the man would likely prefer to remove him from court permanently.

"Perhaps not always, but the monarchy should be the heart of the country," Marianne said gently, sipping her watered wine. "You may be the king, but you are also a husband, and a father. Family is very important."

"It was to my father," Miguel murmured, more to himself than to his companions. But what of his mother" Still, he had little doubt that she loved him and had grieved his brother's death in her own way. He could not yet speak for himself, as he had no wife or children, but if all went according to plan, that might soon change.

"If you do not mind me asking, what is worrying you most?" Stephan put in, handing out glasses of wine all around.

Miguel's expression turned thoughtful again, as he considered an answer to the Crown Prince's question. There were several things worrying him at the moment, and yet, these friends of his seemed confident he would be successful at retaking the throne. Was he most worried about Matilde and how she'd react to their renewed betrothal" Or was he worried about his mother's lover reaction to their arrival at court' No, Maks was right - if he played this right, there was little chance he could lose. What was it then" There was only one answer to that question.

"My mother," he replied. "I am ....uncertain of her loyalties, let us say."'

Marianne's expression was sympathetic. She knew what it was to have a mother who may or may not be treasonous. "You will have to be harsh with her for a long time," she warned him gently. "But give her opportunities to show her loyalty to you. She has always been kind in her letters to me. I do not think she would deny you your rights in this instance."

But would she choose him over the Earl, if she had to make that choice" Would she step aside to let him claim his right to the throne without a fight' Why had he been spared when his father and brother had not' Were his mother and her lover hoping to make him a puppet king, with them pulling his strings"

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:16 EST

"I have always believed it was Eduardo - Matilde's father - who orchestrated the uprising, but I have often wondered if Alfonso had something to do with it." Alfonso being the man his mother had taken as a lover after the king's death and made an earl.

"Given his swift rise to power so soon after your mother's appointment as regent, he almost has to have had his fingers in a lot of pies," Maksim offered from where he was obligingly being climbed by two of the children.

"My mother cannot be blind to such things," Miguel pointed out. And yet, perhaps she'd had little choice in the matter, fearing not only for her own life but for that of her last remaining son. She had never spoken of such things, and he had never dared asked, but she had some things to answer for.

"You will be told differing versions of similar stories," Marianne warned him in a gentle tone. "But how you deal with your mother and the earl will set the tone for your reign. Do you want to be kind and just, or hard and firm?"

"I want to not be made a fool of," Miguel replied without hesitation. He could make an argument for both options, but he thought he needed to be hard and firm with his enemies, kind and just with his allies.

"The way a king treats his enemies is often taken as the measure of the man himself," Maksim said, nodding to Stephan, who had form in this arena himself. "Although you can always use the queen's intercession to allow yourself to show mercy while remaining strong."

"Mercy," Miguel echoed, brows arching upwards. It was a good thing there were children and a lady in the room or he might have reacted more strongly. "You think I should show mercy to those responsible for killing my father and my brother?" he asked incredulously.

"Your goal should not be revenge," Marianne told him, frowning. "It should be to stabilize your country. Revenge should never be the goal of anyone in power."

"And yet, such men cannot be left unpunished, else they or others might be tempted to repeat their betrayal," Miguel countered.

"I do not speak of vengeance but of justice." Stephan lifted a finger as if to interrupt. "Just be careful not to confuse the two. You must always strive to do the right thing, the just thing. You want people to think of their king as a just and fair man, not as a tyrant who rules by oppression."

"Queen's intercession can be a powerful tool," Marianne added. "Look at Carantania, for example. The leaders of the plot to depose the king were all caught, and most of them were executed or stripped of lands and titles, but one of them was a man of royal blood. King George publically allowed his queen to plead for leniency in that case, and was able to spare his cousin's life because of it. It showed that he is a just man who cares for his family."

"Are you suggesting I should let my mother intercede for her lover?" Miguel asked, not bothering to sugar coat it any longer. Or were they suggested Matilde do that instead"

"Not at all." Marianne shook her head. "As much as I dislike the need for judicial execution, I understand it. No, I would suggest that you have your wife intercede for your mother."

From the look on the young prince's face, it seemed to take a moment for that to sink in. He paled a little at the thought of executing his mother, remembering it was her he was most worried about, not her lover.

"No, I do not wish to punish her in that way," he confessed.

"It is not easy trying to sort the guilty from the innocent, but the truth generally comes clear in the end," Stephan assured the younger man.

"Many of your nobles will think your mother to be absolutely guilty," Maksim said, now trying to get his signet ring off Katarina unsuccessfully. "At the same time, however, she is your mother, and matricide makes people very uncomfortable. Marianne's idea has some merit."

"I have no doubt that my mother loved my father and my brother," Miguel pointed out. That alone, he thought, proved her innocence, but it might not be so easy proving it to the nobles.

"Whether she is guilty or not, she is still your mother," Stephan said, as Christophe wandered over and walked a pair of toy soldiers up his father's legs.

"Your mother may be the only reason you are still alive, as well," Maksim added. "You will not know until you meet with her in person, in a position of power. At present, we know nothing of her motivations in this struggle."

"You are right, of course," Miguel replied, a thoughtful expression on his face, almost forgetting the glass of wine in his hand. But first, he would have to meet with his betrothed and explain their plan.

"It is a problem for another day, though." Maksim grinned, sliding his ring back into place before catching Katarina and blowing a raspberry on her neck to make her laugh. "Today's problem is leaving with enough time to reach Irnyeth tonight, and start early enough to get to Gwareth by midday tomorrow."

"Then you should probably be about it," Stephan said, quietly calculating the distance and how long it would take them to get there on horseback.

Miguel drained his wine in one long swallow, eager to be on the road. "I can be ready to leave within the hour," he said.

"As can I," Maksim agreed, rising to his feet. He could see just how eager the younger man was to get moving, to feel as though he was doing more than simply waiting.

Marianne rose to her own feet, surprisingly graceful despite her gravid belly. "Then you should get moving," she told them. "And be careful, both of you."

Miguel followed Maksim to his feet, as did Stephan, who moved over to take his wife's arm, though she needed little assistance.

"Yes, be careful," Stephan said, eying his brother meaningfully. He had no doubt Maks would keep the young prince out of trouble, but he didn't want his brother finding trouble of his own.

Luis Miguel

Date: 2020-02-27 15:17 EST
"Official commission from the king, old chap," Maksim assured his brother. That was enough to keep him from pursuing any side lines he might have in the area. His job was to get Miguel to Gwareth and back without incident.

"Make sure you remember it, old chap," Stephan replied. He had faith in his brother's abilities, so long as he didn't get distracted, especially with that of the fairer sex. He might not admit it out loud, but he did worry for his brother's safety, even more than for his discretion.

As Maks rolled his eyes and clasped his brother's arm, Marianne laid a gentle hand on Miguel's arm. "I have faith that this will all turn out for the best," she told him softly.

"Thank you, Highness," Miguel replied, gentling his voice and expression for her sake. "Please feel free to join us for a visit when all this is settled," he added, the invitation open-ended. Of course, he knew she would have to tend to the matter of a newborn first.

"I will take you up on that," Marianne assured him with a smile. "I look forward to meeting your betrothed when you bring her to Berengaria."

Maksim chuckled as he stepped back, clapping a hand on Miguel's shoulder. "We should get moving."

Miguel bowed to both Crown Prince and Princess as he backed his way toward the door. "Gracias," he said. "Thank you both for your kindness and hospitality." Not to mention the advice.

"You will always be welcome here, Miguel," Marianne assured him. Though she couldn't know that for certain, it was a kindness she offered to everyone who seemed to need a friend or two.

Maksim chuckled. "We'll see you by the end of the week," he promised the royal couple, blowing a kiss to Philippa, who was still attached to her father's leg.

"Safe travels to you both," Stephan said, flashing the kind of practiced smile that hid his own worries and only displayed his feelings of faith in the pair of men and hope for a safe and successful journey.

With a nod and a last reassuring smile, Maks drew Miguel out of the Crown Prince's quarters. They would have to travel hard for the next few hours, but he was confident he would have the uncrowned king of Epirus at Gwareth in plenty of time to meet his unknowing betrothed when she arrived tomorrow. What was a little hard riding when compared with the unity of a country, after all?