Topic: Royal Promises

Prince Stephan

Date: 2015-01-01 16:55 EST
November 13th, 1613

The marriage of the High King's eldest son and heir was always going to be an ornate event, filled with pomp and circumstance, each moment of the day co-ordinated with ruthless efficiency by the Pomeran Chancellor and his staff. For three days, the capital city of Berengaria had been buzzing with excitement, from the richest to the poorest, everyone eager to celebrate not just the marriage, but the alliance that it would cement. Diplomatic representatives from across Meringia had come to witness the event and bear the news back to their respective kings and courts; even the Dalai himself, the Supreme Head of the Church of the Goddess, had come from Gelre to officiate the ceremony himself. The streets between the castle and the great Temple of the Goddess were lined with cheering people long before the noon bells were due to ring, each awaiting the passing of the nobles, impatient to see their High King and Queen, the princes, and indeed, their new princess.

As noon approached, the carriages began to rattle from the castle, the horses bearing noblemen alongside their ladies settled in those carriages, each brightly adorned in celebration of the marriage. The cheers grew deafening as one particular closed carriage made its way past the crowds, everyone craning for a glimpse of the girl inside, though they would not see her truly until she was a wife. And after that carriage came the High King and his Queen on horseback, leading their sons toward the Temple and the great alliance about to be cemented.

The cheers of the people rang through the capital city, wildly proclaiming their affection for their ruling family, and yet, within the vast sanctum of the Temple, they could not be heard. The gentle voices of the acolytes lifted in tuneful prayer filled the space on the edge of hearing; drifts of sweetly scented smoke passed overhead. The Statue of the Goddess Herself stood at the center of the sanctuary, dominating the altar, smiling down on the gathered congregation as nobles and diplomats took their places, as Philippe and Catherine took their own seats beneath the royal canopy to one side of the altar itself. As the Dalai, a venerable old man who was still sharp enough not to rock the political boat, moved to the altar, a hush fell over the inhabitants of the Temple. It was time.

As for the Crown Prince, he was dressed in his finest clothes, fit for the king he would presumably one day become, all in royal purple to match that of his princess and bride. He was all smiles, it seemed, and why shouldn't he be? He was marrying not only to cement an alliance between their two nations, but he was lucky enough to also be marrying for a love that was slowly blossoming between them.

As the voices of the acolytes swelled, all eyes turned to the head of the aisle, where Princess Marianne now stood. Her gown had been made in the style of Pomerania - rich purple, the under-dress sparkling gold and silver. The only hint of Francia about her was the silver belt that had been a gift from her father, and the careful dressing of her hair in braided curls that bounced with each step. There was no veil; no fall of chestnut to hide her pale face as she began the long walk toward the altar, one hand laid over that of Ambassador Chappel.

To all outward appearances, she was calm and collected, perhaps even unmoved, her expression smooth, determined to be dignified. Yet when the ambassador released her hand at the halfway point, there was a moment, however brief, when she seemed to hesitate, drawing her hands together at her waist to walk the last distance alone. It was a symbol of her having been given to Pomerania, of having renounced her allegiance to Francia, but it was a long walk for a young girl under so many judging eyes.

But at the end of that long walk, her groom waited, his eyes watching her as closely as the rest of the congregation but for very different reasons. His expression was one of quiet and calm reassurance and obvious admiration for his bride-to-be. He waited until she drew close and then he stretched out a hand to welcome her and draw her toward the altar where they were pledge themselves to each other, sealing the union between themselves and their two nations. He understood her nervousness, but was confident that both his family and the people would soon grow to love and appreciate her kindness and gentleness the way that he did.

Only he was aware of her trembling as her hand found its place in his, warm and trusting as he drew her before the Dalai. For all the pomp that surrounded them, the marriage rite of the Goddess was a short ceremony, something for which grooms and brides had been grateful for centuries. As the old man began to speak, Marianne drew in a slow, deep breath, willing herself to relax, knowing that there was no earthly way she could be sent home in disgrace now. That within just a few minutes, she would be the wife of a man who was slowly but surely winning her heart away from her, without even trying. "May the grace of the Goddess be with you all," the Dalai intoned, his voice strong despite his age, filling the vast space around them with the authority of his position. "Marriage is the blessing of the Goddess, Her greatest gift, that of abiding love and devotion between a man and a woman. It is a mystical union. May it be adorned with true and abiding devotion, and blessed with fruit."

That fruit, Stephan knew, was children, and he could not deny that he was hoping for at least a few sons from their union, but there was no rush. He knew Marianne was young enough to produce many good sons and daughters, once she learned that there could be pleasure and not pain between a husband and his wife. He had promised he would save her from embarrassment on this their wedding night, and he intended to keep that promise, one way or another. But first came the ceremony and the feasts before the wedding bed. He could not help but feel her trembling, and he gave her hand a soft squeeze from his own in hopes of reassuring her just a little as the ceremony started. There was no turning back now, only moving forward. He smiled a little at the Dalai's words, hoping she would come to love him and prove those words true, hoping he would make for not only a good king but a good husband and father, one to rival even his own father before him.

The thought of fruit from their union was a little too much for Marianne to consider at that moment. What loomed large in her mind, more than anything, was what she was certain would be the humiliation of the bedding ceremony that night. She trusted Stephan, but though he had promised he had a plan to overcome that awful ceremony ahead of them, she couldn't see quite how he could keep such a promise in the face of centuries of tradition. Still, she held tight to his hand as the Dalai spoke the familiar words, turning to look up at the Crown Prince when she was bidden. "Prince Stephan of the House of Hasperan, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together at the Goddess' will in the holy estate of matrimony' Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only to her, so long as you both shall live?"

"I shall," Stephan replied, turning to face his new bride, a soft smile on his face as he took both her hands between his own, blue eyes clear and shining with pride and joy. His thoughts at the moment were not of the bedding ceremony, but of hope for the future that spread out before them - hopeful she would come to love him and that they would be happy together. Love was a rare thing in an arranged marriage such as theirs, but he could do no more than treat her with kindness and gentleness and hope that she was content in her life here with him.

Prince Stephan

Date: 2015-01-01 16:56 EST
The vows Marianne spoke were a little different. The Church required only a promise from the man; the woman had to state her vows herself, as proof of her free willingness to enter the match. As her hands tightened in his, Marianne's blue eyes fixed upon Stephan's. "I, Marianne Matilde, swear faithfully to have this man to my wedded husband, to live under his hand at the Goddess' will. I swear to love, comfort, honor, and obey, to be bonny and buxom in bed and at board; to keep him in sickness and in health; to cleave to no other, so long as we both shall live." The words should have been lost in the vast silence of the domed Temple, yet she spoke them with a strength she did not often display, meaning to keep each promise as she spoke it. Even the promise to love ....Though they had known one another so little time, she was sure that she was falling in love with Stephan, hoping only that he would never find her a burden in the years to come.

Stephan held her gaze as she spoke the vows she had learned, though might not feel entirely just yet. He had taken his father's advice solemnly to heart, intending to treat her as kindly and patiently as possible in hopes of winning her heart, not knowing he was already well on his way to succeeding at such an endeavor. He smiled unnecessary encouragement or perhaps pleasure at hearing her speak her vow so clearly there could be no mistaking that she meant what she was saying and intending to keep her vows, even if she didn't quite love him just yet.

Satisfied with the exchange of vows, the Dalai held forth the ring that had been commissioned for this moment, placing it in Stephan's hand. "To claim your lady, and the allegiance of her fatherland, lay your ring on her finger, and repeat these words," he intoned, majestic in the company of such high nobles. "With this ring, I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the love of the Goddess, Her wrath, and Her ruin, I take thee as mine own as long as life endures."

Stephan took the ring from the Dalai and very gently drew it onto Marianne's finger as he repeated his own vow word for word, claiming her as his wife and future queen. "With this ring, I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the love of the Goddess, Her wrath, and Her ruin, I take thee as mine own as long as life endures," he said solemnly, loud enough for the congregation to hear, but soft enough to add meaning and feeling to his words. They were not just words to him, but a solemn vow, made not only in witness of those present but the Goddess of all.

"What the Goddess has blessed, let no man tear down," the Dalai declared, raising his hands in benediction of the marriage that had been set down before them all, giving Marianne barely a moment to realise that Stephan's promise had been spoken to her, not to the princess who had been sent to him. "I name thee man and wife." Her hands tightened in those of her husband, now her true lord and master, as Marianne felt a sharp shudder rock through her. She was a wife; she was Stephan's wife. Her life would truly never be the same from this moment on.

Stephan felt her hands grasp his, as if she was trying to tell him something, though he wasn't quite sure what. Was she relieved now that the ceremony was over" Was she happy to have become his wife" Certainly, she was nervous and afraid of the wedding bed, but he would assuage those fears soon enough. Though it wasn't part of the ceremony or even expected of him, he leaned close to brush warm lips against hers in a soft and tender kiss that he hoped both reassured her and showed the congregation that this was no ordinary marriage.

The murmur that rippled through the gathering of witnesses there was evidence enough that such a kiss was certainly unexpected. It was rare for such a high match to be sealed with such a sign of personal favor. Aware though she was of the surprise around them, however, Marianne raised her lips to Stephan's without a second thought, reminded once again of the soft swell of feeling in her heart for him even as her pale skin flushed with the promise of what would be.

He smiled as their lips parted, pausing a moment to gaze into her eyes and let her see the warmth of affection he held for her, before turning to present himself and his new bride to the waiting throng of onlookers, which included his own parents, the High King and Queen of Pomerania. The smile on his face widened, letting all in witness of this moment - family, friends, and even enemies - see the pride and honor and joy on his face.

Not only his wife, but his royal consort, the woman who would be mother to his children in the years to come. Marianne sank into a low curtsey as he presented her to his parents as his wife, unaware of the indulgent smiles on both monarchs' faces as they nodded to their son. Their alliance with Francia was secure, finally, and the House of Hasperan had a daughter to bring them children once more. All in all, not a bad day's work, and yet the day was hardly over at all. As the gathered nobles raised their hands to applaud the marriage, the procession from the Temple began. The people outside deserved to know that their Crown Prince was finally a husband.

Stephan offered a respectful nod of his head to both his parents, as well as a bit of a knowing smile for both his brothers, telling them both without having to say so that this lady was off limits and belonged to him alone and that he would abide no tom-foolery from either of them. Hand in hand, he led his lady love from the Temple to present her to the people gathered outside to uproarious applause, which broadened the smile on his face, glad the people he would once serve as king were happy with his union.

Though she had met both his brothers briefly over the past few days, Marianne had not yet been in their company long enough to be teased by the men who were now her own brothers by marriage. It might take a while for her to grow used to them. But for now, she found herself smiling brightly at the joyous uproar that greeted them outside the Temple, well used to such displays from crowds but never having been the focus of such before. Her hand tightened on Stephan's as she stepped just a little closer to him, taking a little strength from his presence as she smiled for the people who were now her own.

Leopold was waiting for them, ready to take them back to the castle and the feasts that awaited, and eventually the wedding bed, but first things first. Stephan took it upon himself to help Marianne onto the horse, climbing on behind her. They had practiced this before, though both had likely been unaware they would be making a repeat performance today in front of so important an audience. A carriage would have been far more comfortable and practical, but Stephan was anxious not only to show off his new bride and future queen, but wanted her to feel his people's welcome.

There was a moment of scrambling by the grooms and pages in order to allow the prince's decision to be honored, unexpected as it was for his bride to have joined him on horseback. But it was the right decision, as was made clear with the rousing delight that erupted from the crowds at the sight of their beloved Crown Prince with his bride held secure in his arms. Despite her blushes, Marianne laughed as they rode through the streets once again, toward the looming rise of the castle above the town. This time, she didn't force herself to sit straight or to keep her eyes from straying to her husband, emboldened by his warmth with her to be herself as much as she dared under the eyes of his court and his people.

Not only did it give the people a chance to view and greet his new bride, but it allowed them some time to be close before they were separated once again, each to his or her own feast, before coming together once again at the bridal bed. Stephan had to admit, as uncertain as he was of this arrangement in the beginning, he was pleased with Marianne and happy how things were turning out. "They like you," he whispered softly, leaning close as Leopold led the way to the castle, almost of his own accord, knowing the way by heart.

Prince Stephan

Date: 2015-01-01 16:59 EST
"They are happy for you," she countered, turning her head to smile at him, far more relaxed for these few minutes than she had been since she'd been pulled out of bed that morning. She honestly thought more people had seen her naked today than had in her entire lifetime, given the Pomeran obsession with the ladies of the court being intimately involved with certain rituals. "They love you very much, Stephan, it is so very clear to see."

"And they will come to love you, too," he assured her with a confident smile. Just as I am coming to love you, he thought to himself. "Do you think you could be happy here, Marianne?" he asked, though the deed was already done and the question asked more than once. "I want you to be happy here."

Her smile softened, surprised to be asked such a question, much less at such a time. Her hand covered his on the reins very briefly, warm despite the chill of the winter day. "I think I will be very happy here," she promised him, sincerity setting her blue eyes wide with innocent honesty. "So long as I can be near you, I cannot imagine being unhappy."

"After today, you can be as near to me as you like as often as you like," he reminded her, chuckling a little at another thought. "You might even see so much of me you become tired of me after a while," he teased, though he hoped that would not be the case. He hoped they would be happy and content with each other all the days of their lives. If they were even half as happy together as his parents had become, he would be more than content.

She blushed, laughing a little at his tease. "I do not believe that is possible," she denied his teasing with a warm smile as their train began to pass from the streets and into the environs of the castle itself. "I do not think it is at all possible to grow tired of the ones you love." It did not occur to her what she had said until the words were spoken, but she did not rush to take them back. Why shouldn't he know that her heart was warm to his"

He arched a brow at her comment, noting the mention of love, even if she had not consciously realized herself saying it. They were just words, but words that gave him hope and set his heart afire. "Then I shall never grow tired of being near you, or of hearing you say that you love me," he told her, lowering his voice for her ears only.

Out of sight of the people, or the curious eyes of the retinue, as Leopold passed beneath the heavily fortified arch of the gateway, Marianne leaned into him, closing her eyes as her temple touched against his jaw. "I am glad," she murmured back to him. "For I do not think it will be long before I say those words every day."

"Nor I, sweet lady," he replied as she leaned against him, his arms tightening his embrace just a little, protectively and possessively. She belonged to him now and no other and he had sworn to keep her safe and happy all the days of his life. It was a vow he took seriously and though only words, they were words he meant with all his heart.

Some heaviness she had been carrying with her seemed to lift as she raised her head, looking into his eyes with no less than complete trust. Despite the vows she had taken, in that moment, there was more promise in her eyes than she could ever have given him in the Temple. "And we will not see one another again until tonight," she murmured, fingers itching to touch his cheek. But she was out of time as they came out from the shadow of the gateway and under the eyes of the court and the castle household.

"And when that time comes, you must trust me, Marianne," he reminded her again, as he had once before, but there was no more time to talk now. They would not see each other again until later that night, when they were expected to consummate the marriage in front of those who would witness, but he had a plan he hoped would work to save her from embarrassment and shame.

"I trust you," she murmured softly, easing herself forward as a groom came to take Leopold's head. There was no more time now, it was true, but there was a lifetime ahead of them. She did not think she would begrudge him anything, even if his plan did not come to fruition that night. She belonged to him; his to do with as he pleased. And perhaps - her lips curved in a soft smile - his to love, as he pleased.

It was time for them to temporarily part ways - she to feast with his mother and her ladies and he to his father and brothers and their lords and knights, the court separated by male and female for a few short hours. He already knew what to expect - his father would congratulate him and his brothers would try to get him drunk, but he was his own man and would not disappoint her by not keeping a promise made in earnest and growing affection. He only hoped his mother and her ladies would make her feel as warm and welcome as the people had and as he had in his own heart.