Topic: Runaway

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:03 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

June 28th, 1613

There are few things more difficult to stand than a very carefully maintained distance. Especially when that distance does not even begin to hide an unexpected attraction behind its cool civility. Unfortunately for Charles, this was what Alys had been trying to do since they had left Trevithic Castle. For two days, she had been the epitome of perfect noble manners, full of "Yes, Your Grace", and "No, Your Grace", and "Whatever Your Grace feels is best".

But all the civil words in the world couldn't hide the heat when she deigned to meet his gaze - heat that was passion, yes, but was it anger or desire" She wasn't entirely sure herself. She had only intended to keep it up until she had regained some of her composure after the sleepless night spent packing her belongings and making ready for the journey, but somehow it had stuck. Even now, as they rode ahead of the little baggage train that followed them with the servants, she was carefully not looking his way too often, sternly reminding herself every time she did that he was not the only man who looked that good astride a horse.

As for himself, Charles, too, had decided it was better to maintain a certain distance, to uphold in public a certain propriety, perhaps more for her sake than his. He knew what his reputation was at court, and he did not want to risk sullying her own reputation or attaching her name to his in any way other than that of her escort. There was a time when he'd thought of her as a little sister, but that time was long past. It had passed when she had been married off, and no matter how much he'd hated that arrangement, he'd known there was nothing he could have done to change it. Though a widow, she was young and beautiful and might still be seen as useful to the king in his political machinations.

As much as it galled Charles to see her used that way, there was nothing he could do about it short of marrying her himself, and that was unthinkable. Not only did he believe she detested him, but marrying off such a prize as Alys to someone like him served no purpose at court. As favored as he was, he didn't dare ask for such a favor from his king. Instead, he had decided to do his duty to the best of his ability. There was no one better than a man who was feeling the first prick of love to uphold a woman's honor and escort her safely back to court.

The lands they rode through were rich with greens and browns, their road taking them through towns and villages before they had entered the coolness of one of the regions many forests, the shade a blessed relief from the unrelenting press of the sun on their heads. Unable to keep her silence in the face of that relief, Alys let out an audible sigh, lifting her hands from the reins to shake out the weight of her hair, encouraging the heat from her scalp with a small smile.

Charles heard that sigh and mistook it for a bit of impatience, rather than relief, wondering if she was already wearying of the journey or if she was hoping for a bit of rest. With one hand on the reins, he turned his head toward her, grateful for the bit of cool shade that was a respite from the sun. "Would you like to rest' We have some distance to go before evening." So, he was not unfeeling or cold, as she might think, but whether his regard for her well-being was due to his own personal feelings or those of his sense of duty with regard to her safety was unclear.

Forgetting for a moment that she was still supposed to be angry with him, Alys turned her head toward Charles, her smile still in place to warm her expression with gentle gratitude for his solicitation of her needs. "No, I am content to ride on for now, Your Grace," she assured him, more friendly than she had been for days. "I am simply relieved to be out of the heat of the sun for a short while. Thank you for thinking of it, though."

Despite her show of gratitude, he scowled, exhaling a short, slightly impatient sigh. "For God's sake, Alys, would you stop calling me Your Grace and call me by name" And I do not mean that insipid nickname you hung on me as a child," he said, lowering his voice so that the servants behind them did not hear. Despite what he had told her a few days earlier, he did not quite consider himself to be her equal, no matter what title the king may have bestowed on him.

The friendly warmth fled her expression as he scowled at her and scolded. How was it that not even her own mother could scold her with any effect now she was grown, yet this man had the ability to make her feel like a child with barely a few words? She wasn't quite fast enough to school her expression, to hide the shocked hurt at the way he had spoken to her, swiftly turning her face away as she took her reins once again. "As you wish, Charles." With a gentle click of her tongue, she urged her palfrey onward at a slightly faster pace, much in the way she would have quickened her own stride had she been walking, to avoid showing too much of the pricked feelings that were making themselves known.

Her change in demeanor at his perceived scolding only deepened the frown on his face, and he immediately regretted his words, hoping they could at least pass the journey in affable companionship, rather than uncomfortable silence. "Lady....Alys..." he called after her, kicking his own horse onward to catch up with her. She did not know these woods the way he did, and he couldn't risk her getting too far ahead and losing her way. He wasn't sure what he was going to say once he caught up with her, but he was hoping to make some sort of apology to appease her. If they couldn't be friends, they could at least be polite.

Proud she might be, but she wasn't foolish. It had been a long time since she had ridden in her native land, and she knew the roads were no longer so familiar to her as they had once been. Gently urging her mare to slow once again, she turned her head toward the duke as he rode to catch her, unaware of a rustle in the undergrowth close by. When a startled boar came plunging from the scrub right in front of her horse, Alys let out a quiet cry of surprise and fright, forced to clutch tight to the mane before her as her mare reared abruptly and threw herself forward, galloping headlong through the trees, out of her lady's control.

He had nearly caught up with her when the boar came out of nowhere spooking both lady and horse, and Charles muttered a very ungentlemanly curse as he gripped the reins of his own horse and kicked him forward in pursuit. If anything happened to Alys, it would be his head that would roll, but that wasn't what spurred him on so much as fear for her safety. There was no time to think, however, but only to act. He knew Alys was a skilled rider, as they'd often rode together as children, recklessly running their horses far and fast, but neither were children any longer, and her safety was of paramount importance, not only to him but to her brother and the king. "Alys!" he called behind her. "Try to rein her in!" His horse's hooves pounded the ground, scattering leaves, branches slashing at his face, his hat flying straight off his head.

He had a little too much faith in her skills. Alys had not been astride a horse at full gallop for years, kept from her recklessness by the ladies in Edessa and Kediri out of some sense of duty they felt toward her. Thus, she was not at all prepared for the rush of wind whipping at her hair and clothes, the slap of greenery against her face, nor even the unsteady rise and fall of the palfrey's back beneath her as the creature plunged onward. Hearing Charles calling to her, she groped to take up the reins once again, but pulled too tightly. The mare came to a sudden stop, rearing once again, and this time Alys slipped, forced to relinquish the strength of her tug on the reins to keep herself from being thrown as the horse galloped onward. "I can't!"

He had very little time to consider his actions, fear clutching his heart in an icy grip as he helplessly watched her horse rear, fearing the beast would throw her, but it gave him time to catch up, at least nearly so, before the horse was galloping off again. "Just hang on, Alys! I'm right behind you!" he called, his own horse's hooves thundering behind her. He knew he had very few choices open to him if he wanted to save her from disaster. The horse showed no sign of stopping, and it was nothing short of a miracle that she had not yet fallen off.

The horses thundered through the forest, moving farther and farther away from the retinue that had been following, but that didn't concern him. He wasn't worried about getting lost in the trees. He'd get his bearings soon enough, and they'd catch up. What worried him was Alys' safety. If she fell, she might be trampled or break her neck. Whatever happened, it was sure to be a disaster.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:03 EST
What else could she do but hold on tightly, the reins flapping from one hand while the other gripped into the rough hair of her mare's mane. She was almost flat against the horse's neck and shoulders, feeling herself slipping more and more as the runaway palfrey bore her deeper into the woods over more and more dangerous ground. Despite the whip of her own hair into her eyes, she could see ahead through the thickening trees the frightening prospect of a deep ditch. "Charles, hurry!"

Of the two, his horse was faster, stronger, and he was the surer, more experienced rider. It was only a matter of moments before he caught up with her, but riding at breakneck speed through the forest was dangerous at best, and he had to not only keep his eye on her horse but make sure his own horse didn't collide with the thick growth of trees that seemed to be growing denser the farther they went. Charles spied the ditch first and felt his heart freeze in his chest. The chase was over; it was now or never. He brought his horse up as close as he could to the other, took a deep breath, and pushed off, vaulting toward the runaway horse, whispering a prayer to the Goddess that he made it without killing them both. It seemed an almost impossible feat, but somehow he managed to land behind her, scrambling to find his balance. One arm went around her waist, both to hold her fast and to steady himself, while the other reached for the reins.

Fear was not something Alys Marillier was accustomed to feeling; she was certainly not used to being in the thick of a situation that could not have been predicted and might easily result in her death. Tearing her eyes from the ditch ahead - a ditch that seemed deeper and wider with each step the mare took toward it - she turned her head in time to see Charles drive his own horse close and stand in the stirrups. Abruptly, she felt her own heart lurch, seeing in her mind's eye all the ways that his course of action could go wrong. All the ways it could hurt him, or kill him. "Charles, no!" But it was too late for her cry to have any effect - he was already vaulting through the air as his own stallion slowed to a trot, left behind. The mare let out a shrill whinny as the Duke of Lonnare landed heavily on her rump, and Alys felt a dam break inside her as his arm wrapped about her waist, still clinging to the mane that flapped in her face even as the horse finally began to slow.

He let go of his hold on her waist as he felt the mare start to slow, reaching around her to take hold of the reins with both hands, tugging hard to get her to stop, his breath warm against the lady's neck as leaned forward to soothe the spooked horse with a voice that sounded strangely calm despite the pounding of his heart. "Whoa, there. Easy, girl," he commanded, in a tone that was soothing, insistent, sure, and capable.

Deeply shaken, the young woman caught between man and horse in those moments was grateful for the respite, feeling herself beginning to tremble as the adrenaline and shock made themselves known, telling her acutely how close she had come to total disaster. Charles might as well have been speaking to her, rather than the mare. She felt herself relaxing as his breath warmed her neck, as he commanded peace from the animal beneath them, and knew this was something she would never be able to repay him for. He'd saved her life, even though he seemed to despise her, and though it might have been purely for her brother's sake, Alys knew she had a great deal now to be grateful to Charles Beauforte for.

It took a moment before he was sure the horse was under his control, and a moment longer before his attention turned from the horse to the frightened young woman who was far too close for comfort. "You can let go now, my lady," he told her as gently as he could, letting go of the reins to gently pry her fingers from the mare's mane. "She was spooked by the boar. She'll be all right now." He remained leaning over her, entranced by her closeness, catching a whiff of her scent, which was decidedly Alys. He knew he was playing with fire just being this close, but he found her strangely alluring, more alluring than any one woman he'd ever met.

She had closed her eyes as he soothed the mare, heartened by the strong warmth of him at her back, her trembling growing stronger before it could begin to abate, however safe she was now. She jumped as his hands covered hers, encouraging her stiff fingers to loosen their grip as she began to straighten from her hunched lean, bringing her back flush against his chest as he leaned over her. Her breath caught in her throat, her chest heaving as she tried to get some control over herself, her composure entirely in shreds following the harrowing ride. And when she opened her eyes, there was the ditch that had promised death, barely more than a few feet from the mare's forelegs. A low moan escaped her lips as she took in quite how close she'd been to that final sleep, and her shaking intensified. "I ....I think I should like to get down."

He found his arms sliding around her waist again, if only for a moment to steady her as she straightened, and he closed his eyes momentarily to inhale her scent, a scent that belonged to no one else but her. Somehow he knew he'd re-imagine this moment later in his dreams, when he was alone in his bed and able to savor it privately, without her knowing how deeply she'd affected him. He fought to keep his gaze above her neckline, knowing at this close proximity she would sense any change in his breath or beat of his heart. "Of course," he replied, as her voice drew him out of his thoughts, and he realized how close they'd both come to disaster. He dropped easily down from the horse, the reins still held in one hand to make sure the mare wouldn't bolt. He patted the horse's neck and whispered soothing words, and only when he judged it safe did he reach for the frightened young woman, his hands finding her waist and lifting her effortlessly from the horse onto the solid security of the ground.

It was in that moment as his hands found her waist to lift her, strong and secure, from the saddle that she found herself quietly blessing whoever it was had decided women over marriageable age should ride side-saddle. If she had been astride her horse, there would have been little dignity in being lifted down in such a way, and yet as she was lowered to the ground, her hands trembling but firm at his shoulders, Alys felt no loss of her independence as she had when others had done the same. Set onto her feet, she made no move to step away, lifting her head to meet his eyes, silent gratitude warring with the lingering traces of her fear and the danger of her liking for him before she gave into the urge that was screaming at her and pressed into his arms, closing her eyes, hiding her face against his doublet as she asked for and took comfort from the handsome lord who had saved her.

There were no prying eyes here in the middle of the King's forest, no one to witness what might or might not pass between them. As such, the temptation they were both wary of was very real. The horses had left their retinue miles behind them. It would likely be hours before they'd catch up or find them here, and Charles knew it was more likely that he and Alys would have to backtrack and find their way back, but that was not of prime concern to him at that moment. What was of concern was the trembling woman in his arms who seemed to have thrown all caution to the wind, at least for the moment, to seek a little comfort in the arms of her rescuer.

She had looked into his eyes, perhaps sensing the same passing fear in him that he'd nearly lost her, or the desire his body could do little to hide. He had nearly kissed her then, and he understood all too well the temptation and the test that had been set before him, but as he found her pressing herself into him, he could do nothing but wrap her in the warm, comforting embrace of strong arms and pray to God not to let this, too, end in disaster.

Would that she could have stayed in the circle of his embrace for a lifetime, savoring the scent and feel of him, knowing that even if he disliked her, he couldn't deny that he felt some attraction to her, not after what she had witnessed in his gaze. But Alys was a strong woman at heart, and her temperament was not given to flights of weakness without showing her teeth in some way. Slowly, the fear bled away, leaving in its wake anger with a surprising source. She drew back from Charles, raising blazing eyes to his, and quite deliberately hit him as hard as she could in the chest. "You stupid, stupid man! What were you thinking" You could have died!"

He looked surprised by this turn of events, by this turn of mood. She had been clearly frightened and in danger, and he had more than likely just saved her life, and this was how she rewarded him' With more ire, seemingly angry that he'd put his life at risk for hers, but what sort of man would he be if he hadn't' He caught her wrist before she could do them both further harm, glaring at her with flashing eyes as blue and deep as the sea. "I" I am stupid?" he echoed, mockingly. "If you cannot handle your horse, then perhaps you should be riding in a cart with the vast amount of luggage you cannot possibly need." He winced, immediately sorry for the sharp rebuke that crossed his lips without thinking.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:04 EST
He had lived almost his whole life in the company of her kin, and yet the same temper he knew in them always seemed to surprise him in her. His rebuke brought a look of absolute fury to her face as she tugged on her wrist in his grasp, though he'd be an idiot to let go, since the other hand was already rising to aim a slap at his face for that mocking retort of his. "Yes, you are stupid and ignorant and foolhardy, and you have no concern for your own skin," she snapped back at him. "Of us both, you are the least dispensable to the king, and yet you threw yourself from your horse without a thought! I don't know if you're brave or foolish, and ....I am not a piece of luggage to be thrown on a cart!"

Oh, she wasn't going to have a chance to slap him as he just as easily grabbed hold of the other wrist to hold her at bay. He had just saved her life and she was about to reward him with a slap. No, that just would not do. "Perhaps I should remind your ladyship that my life is forfeit compared to yours and that I made a vow to our King, as well as to your brother, to escort you safely to court, no matter what the risk to myself!" he retorted back, just as vehemently, before a slightly smug smile appeared on his face, reminiscent of their youth. "I would prefer to think I'm brave, rather than foolish, but perhaps I am evidenced by the strong desire to kiss the anger from your lips." Was he teasing or serious? It was hard to tell.

Caught by both wrists, her only option then would have been to kick him, but for the heavy folds of her skirt pinned between them as she struggled against being held so firmly in place. her eyes widened at his tease, the anger in her glare pushed aside by a sudden flare of desire that not even she could conceal, not when he already had her gaze locked with his. "That would be brave indeed, to kiss a woman whom you already hold bound and still," Alys retorted - not the best of answers to that tease, but the best she could come up with in that moment. It was a dangerous moment, one that could find them both crossing the unwritten line that separated them, and yet here and now, as alone as they were with no eyes to see them, there was little to keep either from taking that step. "Unless your bravery is all words, and you merely seek to delay my hand striking your face for the stupid risk you took with your own life." For all her taunting words, though, she could not deny that she wanted the kiss he teased her with, unable to prevent the lean of her body, captured as she was, toward his own.

"Don't pretend you wouldn't enjoy it, when you know you've been wanting it since I first stepped foot in your father's library," he replied, seemingly proving that he did believe himself to be irresistible, at least to her, or perhaps he was just calling her bluff. His smirk faded, the glare reappearing, his eyes flashing dangerously. She might taunt and tease him and even insult him, but to allude to the fact that the risk he'd taken with his own life to save hers was stupid or foolish was simply too much. "You should be thanking me, not insulting me. You might not have fared so well under another man's protection." It might have sounded like a prideful boast, except for the fact that they both knew it was more than likely true. He released his hold on her wrists, risking either physical retribution or reward, he knew not which. Though he had loosed her hands, he did not budge from the spot, just barely resisting the temptation to circle his arm around her waist once again and pull her tighter against him. Instead, he waited, glaring down at her with the heat of anger or desire darkening his eyes, almost daring her to strike him.

Her glare met his own, part of her disappointed that he had not followed through on his stated desire as he released her from his grasp, letting her hands fall to her sides as she held his gaze with the same fire as before. The danger in him only added to his attraction, for this was a part of her childhood friend she had never seen before, a side to him that proved his temper could match her own, stride for stride. "I pretend nothing," she informed him, her chin rising with defiance in the face of his challenge. Her own passion darkened the amber-flecked depths of her eyes, and for just a moment, he was given warning that she was taking him up on the dare he handed her in his scowl. Teasing amusement flickered through the storm in her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched into something that was almost a smirk, and her hand snapped upward once again, palm flat, toward his cheek.

His own eyes blazed defiantly back at her, tempted to make good on his promise to her brother that he'd take her over one knee if she dared misbehave, and yet that was not quite what he wanted to do. Like a wild horse that needed taming, he didn't want to break her. He didn't even want to tame her really, admiring her spirit and the wild streak of passion he sensed in her - had always sensed in her, even as a child. She was headstrong and passionate, and for the very first time, he was seeing her as a perfect foil, as well as a perfect match, though their wills were so strong, they might very well be the death of the other.

This was what had been lacking in all his other couplings - this fiery passion, this exuberant spirit that matched his own. He was about to question her statement, unsure what it was she was not pretending at exactly, when he felt the sting of her palm as it struck the side of his face, and his head snapped sideways momentarily with the unexpected force of the blow. There were already scratches and scrapes on his face from the branches that had whipped at him during the chase, but he paid them no heed. There was only one way to respond to that slap and that was to show her what it was she was missing.

Out of sight of their entourage, he threw caution to the wind, circled an arm around her waist and pulled her up close, tilting his head to press a kiss to her lips that spoke of his barely-repressed passion.

For her part, Alys could not believe that her blow had landed, that he hadn't seen it coming and stopped it before her palm ever had the chance to warm his cheek. That he'd let her strike him without returning anger for her cheek was amazement enough, knowing as she did that he was strong enough, both in will and body, to suppress her willfulness entirely, just as her father had always warned her a husband would. Yet her husband, long dead, had never suppressed her, never challenged her like this, and though she had loved her dear old Henri, he had never shared her fire. Not the way Charles did, with a passion that spoke to her own in anger or in desire. She'd never felt it from him before Edessa, for her own desires had not been awakened before then, and he had always seen her as a child.

But now he shocked the breath from her lungs with the heat of a kiss she found herself aching for, Alys knew he no longer saw the child his friend's sister had been. She gasped against him, breathing him in, curling her arms about broad shoulders to tug with slender fingers at his doublet, into his hair, as she answered his kiss with the desire, the passion that had been sparked from the moment she had seen him in her father's library. It was a foolish kiss, something they should not have allowed, and yet in that astonishing moment of intimacy, she could not have pulled away, even had her life depended upon it. She wanted Charles Beauforte, against all common sense, thrilling to the beat of her heart as he pressed her close.

For a moment, for the time it took for him to kiss her, it seemed nothing else existed in all the world but the two of them. There was entourage, no court, no king, no brother, no mother or father, no duty, no expectations - only two hearts beating as one as something unexpected, something intimate and extraordinary blossomed between them, felt by both, but until then unacknowledged by either, except perhaps in the very deepest recess of their hearts. He had suspected it from the first moment he'd laid eyes on her in her father's library and perhaps even years before, when she'd been sent away to marry a man old enough to be her father.

He'd railed about it then, if only to William, misunderstanding jealousy and over-protectiveness for brotherly affection. It was only now he finally understood the true feelings that were stirring in his heart, feelings that were altogether impossible to acknowledge. She was the forbidden fruit in his Garden of Eden. Temptation, thy name is Alys. Oh, but how he wanted her, more than he'd ever wanted any other woman, not just to bed, but to hold in his arms, to protect, to cherish, and yes, even to love.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:05 EST
Now she'd taken a taste of this strange, unexpected connection, Alys did not want it to end, nor did she let herself draw back from the brink, despite the call of her common sense, her duty, the danger of expressing such an open preference for a man who would stand on shaky ground until his entitlement to his new rank was seen to have been earned. She did not know if it was love she felt, so different a feeling to the comfortable, gentle fondness she had experienced before her widowhood, yet she couldn't deny it was powerful, forceful, wanting to hold onto it all the more because it was forbidden. He was forbidden. But there were no eyes to see, and would not be for at least an hour, given how far her mare had run away with her. Could she take that risk" Would he let her"

He reluctantly broke the kiss at long last and pulled away, holding her at arms' length again and looking at her as if for the very first time. He knew there was plenty of time for another and yet another, but the more he tasted of her lips, the more he wanted, and he - they - could not take such a risk. He had more to risk than she. Newly titled but yet unproven, he could not fail the first test of his loyalty, the first duty set upon him, and he wondered, not for the first time, if the King had given him this task on purpose. "Alys..." he started, no regret or remorse in his gaze, but something far deeper - longing, perhaps; anguished yearning for something he dared not wish for. "I can't," he told her sadly. We can't.

She protested softly as his lips broke from hers, as the warmth and strength of his body was drawn from her arms, opening her eyes to see the anguish in his gaze as he looked down at her. She'd never thought she would ever see him look at her like that; like the prize that he had no hope of ever winning but would covet nonetheless. But she had lived in noble circles, royal circles, all her life, and she knew a little more of the way the intrigues of court life played out. Shaking her head, she raised her hand to his lips, stilling his sad denial. "Not yet," she corrected him, her tone gentle, regretting that there was any need to let time pass at all. "But in time we may, if you still want me then."

Her touch calmed his troubled heart, easing the loneliness he barely acknowledged. Always feeling like an outsider, one step lower than all the rest, always having to be on guard and watch his back, always having to prove his worth. He did not deserve her, and yet there was no denying she was his perfect match. He did not love her, not yet, not completely, but the first stirring of love were there, kindled by the gentleness of her touch, as much as the fire of her passion. "How could I not want you after today?" he asked, reaching for her hand, brushing his lips against it in a courtly kiss, though he had no right or permission to do so.

After the kiss they had shared, after he had saved her life, there was little Alys would deny him permission for, though she knew he would likely never ask her. "You might find another who suits you better," she pointed out with a faint smile, "or find yourself given another. I will not be any man's mistress, Charles. The king would punish any man I took to my bed without first wearing his ring." She bit her lip, her fingers curling to his. How had they gone from coolness to anger to warmth in so short a time" Was that what it meant, to find and want your own equal match' Jealous sadness flickered in her expression. "You should take a new lover at court. If the Chancellor suspects we might make a match, he will work to prevent it. He hates my family for our influence with the king."

His frown deepened at her argument, her logic. She was right, of course, but she did not know his heart or his mind and she did not know that these past five years that she'd been gone, he had bedded many women but never loved a single one. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before at last letting go, his cheek still stinging from the slap, though it was the memory of her kiss that burned against his lips. "I would not ask you to be my mistress. You deserve far more than that, far more than I can give you." He sighed, dismissing all decorum for the time being and speaking plainly, as plainly as one would to an equal, a close friend, a sister, or a lover.

"Christian has given me this task for a reason, but I cannot read the man's heart. Perhaps it is only that he trusts me with your virtue, knowing I was once almost like a brother. I know not what he wants for you or myself, but I know I cannot betray his trust, Alys. Everything depends on it. Everything. As for Bereth, I despise the man. If he makes any trouble for you or for William - any trouble at all - he will answer to me." Strong words for one who was only recently titled and held no real sway at court, other than being a favorite of the King's.

"I do not have any virtue left to protect," she pointed out softly. "My uncle is not so stupid as to think I might not take a lover. But I think he means to test you with this - he knows we were friends once, that we will be again. But that is all we can be seen to be, for now." She stepped close, curling her palm to his stinging cheek, not regretting the blow because he had earned it by goading her temper. "Seen to be. There is no one to see us here and now." She made no further mention of the cardinal, though he was a dangerous enemy she would have to navigate with care. Bereth would have her married off within months if she were not careful, sent away from court once again, away from her uncle and brother. But the mere fact that Charles was so ready to protect William was enough to make her smile once again.

"He will try to be rid of you again," he continued, with regard to Bereth. "He'll whisper some venomous lie to the king and convince him it's in his best interest and yours to marry you off to some foreign nobleman. I do not understand his hatred of your family, but I will not let him make trouble for you. He is not the only one who has the king's ear, and Christian is fond of both you and Will." He seemed to be thinking along the same lines as her, as if he was reading her mind, but he could not ask the king's leave to marry her, if only to keep her safe. Not yet.

"I'm safe, for at least a few months," Alys reminded him. "I have not been at my uncle's court for five years; he will want to know me again, and loath as I am to admit it aloud, he is known to take delight in watching young men and women dance about one another beneath his throne. So long as I entertain the king, so long as another king does not ask for my hand, Bereth cannot touch me, and he dares not attack Will openly. Do not put yourself in his sights, Charles. He will destroy you, if you do."

That temper of his flared again, but this time in regard to Bereth, willing to risk his own safety for those he loved, those who had earned his loyalty and trust, just as he had for the king. "I don't give a bloody damn about Bereth! It's you and William who worry me. I owe your family so much, Alys. Your family and the King. It's to you and your uncle that I owe my allegiance, not the bloody church and certainly not Cardinal Bereth." He knew if anyone overheard him, there would be hell to pay, but he didn't care. They were alone, as she'd said, and there was no one to witness but the two of them. "He worries me. He's like a viper waiting to strike, when you least expect it."

"I'm not talking about Bereth!" She glared back at him, his temper bringing hers to the fore once again, her palm falling from his cheek to let her hand grip his doublet hard. "I'm talking about you, about your safety. Charles, I want the chance to know you again, to be your friend even if that is all I can be, but if you deliberately set yourself openly against Bereth, he will attack you. William says there is already rumor that he is making his move against the more vulnerable factions that oppose his peace-making and his allegiance to other powers - please, don't put yourself on that list."

Her grip upon his doublet brought him back to his senses, his face flushed with anger simmering just beneath the surface. He'd watched quietly while Bereth went about his scheming, lacking the influence at court to openly oppose him, but times were changing. He was no longer a boy, but a man, and a trusted friend of the king's. If he played his cards right, he would one day hold as much sway at court as the Cardinal, but if he wanted to be a true man of the king, if he truly wanted to protect her and her family, he knew he would have to heed her warning and bide his time. He inclined his head in agreement, though he looked none too happy about it. It surprised him once again to find her so concerned for his safety, and he softened, blue eyes regarding her warmly. "I thought you forgot me these past five years. Will may have told you, I was....opposed to your marriage, but there was nothing I could do. It's said you came to love your husband. Is that true?" he asked, not really knowing why he asked it.

"How could I forget the man I wanted to marry when I was six years old?" she teased softly, remembering that day of her childhood only too well, as well as the years of teasing that had followed her declaration from both her brother and Charles. She sighed softly, gently, as he turned the subject to her late husband, understanding that if he truly had objected to her marriage, he would not like to hear the truth now, even though he had asked for it. "Henri was a good man," she told him quietly. "He never forced me, or hurt me. He knew I was scared, and he protected me at his nephew's court. It was not love as people dream of, Charles; there was no passion, no great longing, certainly not on my side. But I did love him, in the end. I mourned him better than his own children."

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:07 EST
He would have answered her teasing with teasing of his own. He was only eleven at the time, hardly a man, still a boy with a head full of dreams. At the time, he had thought her nothing more than a silly girl, William's sister, the sister of his heart. It was not until she was promised to another man and sent away that he'd realized how much he'd truly cared for her, but it was not until this very moment, that he also realized it was not the role of a sister that he wished for her. He sobered as she continued, nodding his head in sympathy, if not understanding. He had never been in her position, and though he felt initially jealous of her husband, he was glad the man had treated her with kindness and respect. It could have been so much worse. "I am truly sorry for your loss then, my lady," he told her with unfeigned sincerity, remembering his manners and offering a polite bow.

Her hand returned to his chest, laying softly flat as she looked up into his eyes. "I won't ever forget him," she warned him quietly. "But I do not wish to be a widow until my dying day. One day, I will be a wife again." There was a determination in her that could have been alarming to any noble who did not know her or her family, a fierce intensity that she would one day get what she had set herself to have. She didn't wait for Charles to answer her, but surged forward, taking advantage of their solitude to kiss him once again, to taste again the passion only he offered her. "I will choose for myself next time, or die."

Before he could say a word, he found her in his arms once again, forward enough to kiss him, rather than wait to be kissed, which was at both wise and unwise. Left to his own means, he was doing his best to resist her, at least until he deemed it safe that they could share their affections openly, but neither had any way of knowing when or even if that would ever come to pass. He took hold of her shoulders as if to pull her away from him and deny her that kiss, but found he could not. His lips warmed against hers, her kiss softening his resolve, his arms circling her waist once again, all too eager to taste that forbidden fruit once again, no matter how dangerous.

This kiss was gentler, not urged on by anger but longing, the understanding that this might be their only chance to be truly alone driving her forward to a boldness that was not considered becoming in any woman, much less one of royal blood. Even her brother would be shocked if he knew she was the instigator, though she knew this was an interlude that would stay far from her brother's knowledge. She would never damage the friendship he bore with Charles, not even to have something that might one day be the kind of love that poets wrote of. "Charles ..." His name was a a soft prayer against his lips as she took advantage of his softening again and again, refusing to listen to the voice of reason and duty droning in the back of her mind. "Charles, if I asked ....would you ..." Could we"

How it hurt his ego to hear her nearly ask the question that he should be asking her himself, but he was only newly titled, and it was too soon for him to be so bold as to ask for the king's niece's hand in marriage. He could not play this game blindly, with no knowledge of Christian's plans for Alys or himself. He returned her kisses with equal ardor, even if he was unsure he'd ever be able to grant her wish. She needed time to settle back into court life, and he needed time to prove himself to those who doubted his right to the dukedom. "Alys..." he whispered against her lips, pulling gently away from her yet again, but reaching to take her hands in his. "It's too soon. Not yet. You are only just returning to court. If I ask him too soon, he will question my motives. He will think I am overstepping, over-reaching."

How sweet, that he should misunderstand the question she had not asked. Evidently she had been educated further in Kediri than she had thought, for it was not marriage that was on her mind. She had made up her mind on that note already; even if it took years, even if it had to be done in secret, she would have Charles Beauforte as her husband. She smiled, indulgent of his assumption that she was asking for something honorable. "I know it is too soon for that," she assured him quietly. "And in any case, he would not grant such a favor without having seen a preference, however well hidden it might be." Rising onto her toes, she let her lips brush his again, above the barrier their joined hands made between them, lowering her voice to a tender whisper. "But what if it should never come to pass" What would you do if I asked you to take me, here and now, to give us both a memory to cherish while we wait?"

This request was even more shocking to him than that which he'd wrongly presumed, and the expression on his face revealed that shock. It was not an unpleasant prospect - to make love to her beneath the canopy of trees with only the creatures of the forest to bear witness, but it was risky, just the same. It was not being caught that worried him, but something else. "Do not misunderstand me, Alys. I want you more than I have ever wanted a woman before, but I do not think it wise that we succumb to this temptation. What if you were to become pregnant' What then" No, it's too dangerous. It could end in disaster!" It was not himself he was thinking of, and oddly, for all the women that he'd bedded, this was the first and only time he had feared for his lover's safety.

The shock on his face was answer enough, and for all her boldness, Alys had the modesty to blush at the blunt realization of what she had said. "Of course," she murmured, acquiescing without a fight - which was slightly suspicious in itself - dropping back to her heels. If she became pregnant, he would be honor-bound to marry her, but he was right - such a thing would be risking his head, something she was not content to allow. "But it will be so hard, to have you near and not be allowed to even kiss you for fear others might see. Perhaps I should force myself to pine away, so that my uncle will wish me better with whatever I ask?" It was a tease, and yet it wasn't. She was purposeful enough to put her life in danger just to get what she wanted, after all.

It was not his head that worried him so much, despite what he'd told her a few days' prior, but her honor. It was not the thought of marrying her that worried him. He was twenty-five years old and still unmarried. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to rectify that situation and find himself a wife before the king did it for him, but to chance a child out of wedlock was too risky for them both. "Alys, please..." he entreated, sighing heavily, and pulling her against him, content for now to hold her close, his fingers clutching at the fall of copper hair at her back. "Please, just give me some time to secure my place, to prove myself, and I promise, I will ask the king myself for your hand in marriage. Let us do this right and make them proud."

Nestled against him, she sighed, knowing he was right. There was only one way they could pass this test, and it would mean months, if not years, of waiting for the time to be right. Yet as much as she chafed at such a delay, a small part of her was glad of it. She did not truly know him any longer; five years and two courts had kept them apart, and now she was a woman, he did not know her, either. The time that stretched ahead of them would offer a chance to learn each other once again, and discover if passion really would turn to love with time. Her lips curved as a new tease came to her, her head lifting to meet his gaze with her own. "Should I insist that my brother be with us whenever we might meet alone?" Because, naturally, Will was the obvious choice for a chaperone, even if he didn't know that was his function.

"I do not think a chaperone is necessary, do you? After all, we are lifelong friends, are we not' And if the king trusts me with you, then who dares question it?" A warm smile lit his face again as he countered her teasing with sound logic of his own. Who, indeed, would dare challenge the king's opinion of one of his dearest friends" "But if your ladyship insists on an escort, then by all means, William would be the preferred choice," he teased back, looking back at her with just a hint of mischief in his eyes.

She laughed, imagining many meetings where her dear brother, beloved as he was, would be nothing more than a third wheel, and hopefully oblivious to the passion he was keeping from flaring to the surface. "I would hope, rather, for your scenario than mine," she told him, before regret touched her expression, her eyes flickering back the way her wayward mare had run. "We should return to our retinue before we are missed too much. Bess will be worrying about me."

"Are you sure you're all right?" he asked, though she certainly seemed well enough. She'd had a fright, but she was no longer trembling or pale, at least not from the runaway horse, but perhaps for other reasons. He didn't want to admit it, but he was delaying a bit, in no hurry to rejoin the others, though he knew if they tarried too long, they would be missed. "Are you able to ride on your own, or would you prefer to share my horse?" Oh, he was playing with fire and he knew it, but she had suffered a horrible fright, and it was his duty to the king to protect her.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:07 EST
Like her brother, she was stronger than she looked, her fright overcome but lingering a little longer in the prospect of mounting her palfrey once again. "I should be better with a kiss or seven," was her bold answer, offering him the flirtation she had learned in her years abroad with the flutter of her lashes and curve of her smile, though they both knew she would have more than a kiss from him if he would allow it. And offered the opportunity to ride with him, wrapped in his arms, there really was no choice but to allow him to do his duty to the very fullest. "And I should feel safer to ride with you, Your Grace. You would not let me fall."

He was easily charmed by that flutter of lashes and curve of smile, though he knew she was teasing him with her flirtation, once again matching him as an equal in that regard. He was accustomed to women flirting with him, and if he found the woman desirable, he was unafraid to flirt back, often rewarded with a few hours of raucousness to relieve the boredom and tediousness of court life, but he was not looking for that with this woman. No, he wanted something more than a moment's flirtation or an evening's distraction. He wasn't yet sure if anything more would come of the attraction they seemed to share, but he felt a spark growing between himself and Lady Alys Marillier that he'd never felt before in all his twenty-five years. "Shall I count the kisses then until I reach seven before I fetch the horses?" he teased back with a gleam in his blue eyes.

"If you can reach seven without forgetting your place, I shall be both suitably impressed and miserably disappointed," Alys informed him laughingly, enjoying the freedom to tease and be teased for these few stolen moments, knowing that it would not last long. Though she had been a faithful wife, she had also been a virtuous widow, engaging in flirtation but nothing more with men who should have known better than to think they could aim so high, men for whom she had felt less than a flicker of what she now felt toward the man currently in her arms. "And do not think you can cheat with anything less than a true kiss each time."

"Ah, but there are many kinds of kisses, Lady Alys. Shall I demonstrate?" he asked, flirting back, equally enjoying these few moments of freedom, with no one there to witness, scold, or discourage them. The first kiss he offered was a chaste one, a light touch of lips to hers that could have been interpreted as friendly or even brotherly.

"You offer lessons in loving now, do you, Your Grace?" was her teasing flirtation in return, whatever else she might have said stopped by the chaste press of his lips to hers. Her brow rose as she looked up at him, her great secret, teasing her fingers against the light scruff of his beard. "I am not your sister, Beau."

"Had I only noticed years ago, I might have already ruined you for other men," he replied, the ghost of a whisper against her lips. That was kiss one. Kiss two was slightly deeper, the press of his lips harder, firmer, showing more promise than a chaste kiss, but still lacking the passion of lovers. It was the kind of kiss made for first kisses, the first taste of lips to test their warmth and sweetness.

"If you could have fought past my pride and ignorance," Alys amended his suggestion that he might have been her first, if this spark between them had only made itself known as she had come into her womanhood. Her lips softened beneath his second kiss, her hands creeping to lay at his hips as she breathed him in.

His lips lingered against hers to claim a third and fourth kiss, in quick succession, as though he could not bear to part from her lips. His forehead came to rest against hers, and he found his heart racing once again as it had only moments ago and seemed to each time their lips met. He breathed her in, his hands grasping her arms before going around her waist again to pull her snugly against him. It was going to prove maddening riding with her back to rejoin their retinue, but he had no regrets. "It is not better that we have found each other now than not at all?" he countered as he waited to catch his breath.

It was not only his heart he set to racing with those next kisses, her desire stirring to draw the breath from her lungs and stagger her pulse, to wrap her arms about his waist with a possessive sense of longing that she knew she would be denied consummating. Resting there against him, she could feel their mingled breaths battling to warm one another as she waited for the next of her lessons, the delicate swell of flesh at her neckline heaving once more as her eyes opened to watch his face. "Would that I had been born lower," she murmured, "and we could have had each other years ago."

"Hush, you do not mean that. We are nearly equals now, and once I prove myself to the king, I will have my pick of any woman at court. But it is you I will choose for my wife, dear Alys. I will have no other." He underscored his statement with another kiss, this the fifth and far more languid that the other four. His lips lingered against hers, plying and teasing them with his tongue, tasting the sweetness of her kiss and wanting still more. "I shall wed you and make love to you and make you forget any man who came before me," he claimed, more promise than boast.

He was setting her to flame once again, as much with his promising words as with the languid tease of his lips and tongue, her answering kiss just as eager to taste him, just as desirous of more than they dared give to one another. Her hands shifted as his kiss lingered, smoothing her touch up over his chest, longing for doublet and shirt to be gone, to feel his skin under her touch. "I will be the envy of every woman who has ever set eyes upon you," was her reply to his promise. Marriages were not made for love in their world, yet if they stayed true in heart to one another, they might yet break that mold. Yet only two more kisses remained, and Alys was unwilling to let them stand alone. Her fingers twitched at his throat, laces coming loose to let her hand slip beneath the layers of cloth and touch the heat of his skin as she gazed longingly up at him.

His breath caught in his throat as she insinuated her fingers beneath the layers of cloth to graze his bare flesh, pulse leaping at the simplest touch, blue eyes smoldering with barely-repressed desire as he gazed into hers. His fingers twitched against her waist, digging into the fabric of her dress. What was wrong with him' She had offered herself to him, and he had refused, wanting more from her and for her than just a quick rutting. If she'd been any other woman, save the queen herself, he'd have taken her without another thought, but she wasn't just any woman.

She was Lady Alys Marillier, the king's niece and the sister of his oldest and dearest friend. Not only that, but he was starting to feel something else for her he had never felt for any other woman before, not only in his loins, but in his heart. Was this what it felt like to fall in love" Could this really be happening to him' To them' "Alys..." he heard himself whisper, her name a prayer upon his lips, a plea for mercy. "I must have you. I will have you, I swear."

She felt the leap of his pulse beneath her fingertips, saw the darker flicker of desire storm through his gaze, and felt her own heart lurch with the same feeling that was touching him. This couldn't be just her childish infatuation making itself known once again; she wouldn't allow it to be. It was more than infatuation, though it could not be love, not so soon. But there was a seed planted that might yet bind them closer in heart than either had been to any other. The sound of her name on his lips, the feel of his hands gripping at her waist, the oath he swore to have her ....all these brought a tender sigh from her throat, the gentle breath touched with just the barest plea of her own, a wordless moan that longed to be answered with his touch, his kiss.

Her hand slipped deeper beneath his doublet and shirt, feeling the prickle of dark hair and warm flesh beneath her palm as her heart hammered in her chest, as her breath came swift and shallow. "Please, Charles," she pleaded with him herself, forgetting her agreement that the risk was too great. What if all their hopeful plans made in this moment never came to be? She would rather enter a nunnery than never have him.

It was almost more than he could bear - it was more than he could bear. He could not deny nor hide the fact that he wanted her. His body was on fire with longing, his heart pounding inside his chest. She was forbidden fruit - oh, so sweetly tempting. He wanted to pluck her from the vine, peel her bare, and suckle the sweet nectar of her womanhood. He wanted to take her and claim her for his own, proclaim that she belonged to him and no other, but he could not, not without the king's permission, which might never be given. This might be the only chance they had to ever know the other.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:08 EST
What sweet torment that would be. The king could not be so cruel as that, could he" He knew that taking her would be disobeying the king, and yet, he had only been ordered to escort and protect her. No one had told him he should protect her from himself. And what if she did become pregnant with child" She had been married for three years and no child had come of it, but that proved nothing. There was so much to consider, too much. He had never considered the consequences before, just taking what he wanted, and no one had begrudged him, but this was different - this was Alys.

If she became pregnant, he would simply step forward to claim the child as his own, take the blame for his own indiscretion, and hope the king would have mercy on them both. "Goddess help me," he whispered to himself, as he seemed to reach a decision, his mouth roughly claiming hers as he bodily bore her to the mossy ground, a hand searching for the hem of her dress to lift it higher, his fingers grazing a soft, bare thigh. The sixth kiss was far more passionate than all the rest, holding very little back and claiming her for himself.

Their horses, forgotten in the unexpected flare of passion, fond remembrance, and now desire, milled away from them, finding sustenance in the greenery around as man and woman, Lord and Lady, fell to the sun-dappled ground together. Risk or not, sense or not, Alys had no more thought in her mind but the sensation of Charles above her, pinning her to the ground, surrounding her with the dangerous heat that was entirely his and no other's. She had been bedded many times by her late husband, a man of no little skill himself, but never had he made her heart shudder or her body sing for his touch the way it now did for a childhood friend who could so easily have become a stranger in her absence.

Borne down beneath him, she gripped at his clothing, her fingers tugging to pull his doublet loose, to open his shirt, knowing she could not have him naked as she would like. Not yet. The smooth passage of his hand beneath the flow of her skirt brought a fresh moan from her lips as her kiss broke from his, finding purchase with tender teeth over the thumping beat of blood at his throat. She cared nothing for the consequences that might befall, not here, not now. If this might be their only chance together, she cared nothing for what would come afterward.

He knew he did not have time to truly savor this coupling. Their retinue could arrive at any moment, though they'd have to track them through this vast forest first. He also knew they could not tarry much longer. It would be dark before long, and he did not relish the thought of spending the night lost in the forest. Tongues were bound to wag, either way, but he could not chance being caught, literally, with his pants down. Still, enough time had been wasted chattering, and the time for talk was over. He heard himself groan, almost against his will, as her teeth nibbled at his neck. He had been with so many women before, but none of them had ever had quite the same effect on him as she did. "Alys, I want you..." he breathed against her neck, his fingers sliding higher against the soft flesh of her thigh, dangerously high, and he had not even taken that seventh kiss yet.

"Please ..." The word was a breath against his throat, a fresh plea for him to stop teasing her. She wanted him badly, more desperately than she had ever wanted before, uncaring that there were people within the forest who were searching for them even now. "Goddess ....if you don't take me now, I will slap you into insensibility," she threatened through her own eager, frustrated groan, her own hands reluctantly leaving his flesh to pull at her skirts and petticoat, dragging the layers of cloth out of his way with impatient desire.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he countered her threat, as he arched his hips over her to tug at the laces of his breeches. "And how would you explain the marks on my face that so perfectly match that of your hand?" he queried, his voice strained as he struggled to loosen his own pants while maintaining perfect balance over her. "Will you tell them I was too forward" Shall I tell them how you begged to be taken and when I did not comply, you slapped me?" His eyes glittered, like stars in a night sky, shining with mischief and a little bit of danger, but women liked dangerous men, didn't they' It was the rakes they cleaved to, the ones they tried so hard to catch.

She laughed, the sound a wild echo of the gentler ripple of amusement others were more accustomed to hearing from her, her hands eager enough to help him with his own intransigent layers of cloth as she matched his glittering grin with a sultry smile of her own. "And who will they believe?" she countered wickedly. "The cad, or the lady?" As she arched up to him, her breath against his lips in open invitation to take that seventh kiss and everything else she offered him, her fingers found flesh to touch and caress, proving that though she was a widow now, her former husband had taught her plenty of ways to please a man.

"Would you see me in the dungeon then?" he asked, as he hiked the layers of skirts higher. His breeches were loose enough that he need not take them off, but not so loose that she could catch a glimpse yet of what lie beneath the coarse fabric. He slid an arm around to the small of her back as she arched toward him pulling her toward him, his eyes drifting at last to savor the view of her heaving breasts, ample and ripe for the picking, as smooth and pale as porcelain.

They both knew there was little danger of Christian throwing one of his dearest friends in the dungeon for such an infraction, but the threat of disaster was a very real one, if the wrong parties were to know the truth. As much as he wanted to touch and taste every inch of her, it was impossible. Not here, not now, but soon, he secretly vowed. One way or another, he'd find a way. Accepting her unspoken invitation, his lips captured hers, ravaging her mouth, taking no quarter. He would claim her here and now, ruining them both for any other who had come before or might come after. And as his mouth plundered hers, his body did the same, swallowing her moans as he impaled her upon himself, no virgin she, but a woman ready and willing to accept him.

He gave her no time to answer his query, though the answer should have been obvious. Even if all they ever shared was passion, she would not wish to see him languish in a dungeon. There was a friendship beneath everything that had sparked between them that she would not see ruined due to her pride. Equally, they would have to take care that no enemy ever found out how the Duke of Lonnare had rutted with the king's niece in the depths of the royal forests. But these were thoughts for later, when passion had dimmed and did not rule heart, mind, and body as it did in those reckless moments. Caught against and beneath him, impaled with rough tenderness, Alys let him taste her passion as she cried out, the sound smothered in that last promised kiss as she clung to him, as much an eager participant as seduced by handsome danger and charming arrogance. Goddess, what had she done" How could she stand to live without this, now she had felt it, felt him, so near, so vital in her arms?

He was no timid, unskilled lover, nor was he callous and uncaring and rough. He was just the right mix of wild abandon and passionate affection. He did not only care for his own satisfaction but for hers, taking her thoroughly but gently, holding himself back just enough that he caused her no pain, only pleasure. He never once drew away from her lips all the while he was claiming her, only for a moment now and then to catch his breath before kissing her all over again, the lessons in kissing forgotten in the wake of their passion, way past seven. Oh, how he wanted to tear the layers of clothing from her and feast his eyes on the beauty that was Alys, explore her with eyes and hands and lips, but it would have to wait until only God knew when. When he finally reached the threshold of his passion, he exploded inside her with such unrestrained force that it surprised even him, and he shuddered against her, trembling in her arms as she had in his, when first he'd caught her in his arms.

She caught him in her embrace as he shuddered, her own pleasure ignited along with his until she, too, trembled once again, the roughness of her slender fingers turned to gentle tenderness as their passion subsided to a flickering ember. Breathless, she lolled with him in the bracken and moss, teasing her fingertips through his hair, brushing her lips to his over and again with softer kisses that could so easily have brought them back to the brink once more. She had not realized that being claimed willingly could be such an astonishing experience, used only to being cajoled and seduced into pleasure rather than being a willing seducer herself.

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:09 EST
Lust sated, she waited for the spark to die, for the creeping interest to fade away ....and found, to her joy and pain, that it did not. Something about him had crept into her heart and locked itself tightly inside; she wanted to claim him with a ring, to take his name, to keep any woman from sharing his bed but her, jealous possession coloring her mind at the thought of the lover he must take when they returned to court. He could not afford for any gossip to link his name with hers, not yet. "Goddess, Charles," she whispered against his lips, painfully reluctant to break the tender contact and begin the inevitable retreat that was only minutes away from them. "How will I stand it?"

He had an answer for her nearly before she asked the question, though he knew the plan that was starting to formulate in his brain was a risky one. "Alys," he whispered against her lips, the sound of her name causing his heart to ache with longing. He did not wish to part from her any more than she did from him. He settled himself against her, leaning against his arms so as not to crush her with his weight, as he left a trail of feather-light kisses against her cheek and along her neck. "Come with me to Lonnare," he whispered, his voice softly pleading.

As the newly-appointed duke, he would have to travel there soon, to show his face at the keep, to make himself known. He did not wish to be invisible, to hold the title with little care to the inhabitants of the place. He would have to go there and let it be known what his king's intentions were for the region. Finding a reason for her to accompany him was the real trick.

He could not have asked anything of her that she did not expect less, for despite their only having begun to relearn one another in the past few days, she had already formed an opinion of him as a man who did nothing that would jeopardize himself or his friends. "What?" Her own query, a need to hear him repeat his request, came on a gentle breath against his ear as her eyes opened, a truly reluctant tilt of her head drawing her skin from his lips to let her gaze meet his. Was he asking her to truly throw caution to the wind rather than be without her"

"Come with me," he repeated, knowing what he asked was risky for them both. "We will think of an excuse. Perhaps to see a friend." Which was not so far from the truth, after all, considering he'd once been a friend. "I do not wish to return to court and pretend not to care for you." He had never felt this desperate in all his life, and all because of a woman, putting her before everything else, all his aspirations, all his carefully-considered plans. To return to court was to deny all that they were feeling, and sooner or later, they would be found out.

He knew he was playing with fire with his request. He had only just been made duke and to make such an assumption without leave of the king put them both at risk, but the thought of seeing her with any other man, even if it was only a ruse, was unthinkable to him.

She stared into his eyes, feeling herself teetering on the edge of a decision that could change everything, a decision that could well lose them both the outward favor of the king and her family, though she knew in her heart that Christian would never forget his friend nor his niece, nor would Will wholly turn his back on them. "Charles ....what are you asking me to be?" she ventured, careful enough to need to know his intentions. If it was purely to hide her away so that no man could have her until he grew tired of her, she could never submit.

All the hope in his eyes faded, knowing she could not grant his request, even if she wanted to. There was too much at stake, more for her than for him. "I don't know..." he replied, pulling himself away from her and tugging her skirts back down to cover her from any eyes but his. He sighed forlornly and reached over to trace her cheek with his fingertips. "I only know I cannot live without you."

She couldn't hide the gasp that shuddered from her lips as he withdrew from her, left feeling bereft, though he remained close to her. His hand against her cheek was bittersweet comfort to a heart that was increasingly torn. He didn't know what he wanted her to be to him, and that was not good enough to take such a terrible risk for. "Then I can't go to Lonnare with you," she told him, regret painted large in her eyes as her fingers curled about his own. "Until you know what it is you want me to be, it is a danger even I do not dare to face." Her own hand touched lightly to his chest as she gazed at him, forlorn but determined in her own way. "My uncle, my brother ....they would forgive only one thing, and then only if we could speak direct with them to explain ourselves. And I am expected at court - it is my cousin's birthday, and I've been away so long."

He'd already told her he'd make her his wife, that he'd find a way, As abrupt and unexpected as the statement seemed, he meant it, even more so now that they'd had a taste of each other. A small taste that didn't satisfy his hunger, but only left him wanting more. "I will make you my wife, Alys. I will find a way," he repeated his promise, as it seemed she'd forgotten it, taking her hands in his own. "I swear on my honor," he continued, his eyes shining with longing and loneliness. How alone he suddenly felt without the hope of her love and affection. How alone one could feel, even in a crowd, even surrounded by those who claimed to be his friends. He, too, was expected at court, but only for a little while. He knew duties, both old and new, would not wait for long, and now that he had been pricked by the first sting of love, he wanted nothing more than to claim her publicly for his own, to let the world know that she belonged to him.

"Then be patient a while," she urged him, loath to see disappointment on his face but aware that some things should be done right. The Chancellor was a danger, would always be a danger, and if they gave him the slightest inch, he would use it to separate the king from his friends. "Let me charm my uncle all over again, let him see me shine when you are near me. He is no fool, and a little time will bring Will to our corner, too. My brother is a jealous idiot sometimes, but he isn't so stupid as to get in my way." Her hand left his, curling to his cheek as she leaned close to kiss him softly. "Deliver me to court as though we have behaved ourselves, and the first battle is already won."

But he was still frowning, wondering how he had landed himself in this position when he'd sworn to resist her and even told her she was nothing more than a temptation. How he actually said that only a few short days before" "I am long overdue to be betrothed, Alys. Now that the king has given me a title, he will demand I find a suitable wife and wed. I am afraid he may have someone in mind already. What do I do if he imposes his will" Friend or not, he will tell me that duty comes first. That matters of the heart do not matter." He sighed again, moving to his feet and pulling her up with him. It would never do if they were stumbled upon sitting together in the grass.

His warning that matters may already have been taken out of their hands brought a frown to her face, too, disliking the thought that she may have returned home too late for them. Never mind that she had never considered that this could ever have sprung up between herself and her childhood friend, who had always been a distant thing to admire than someone she could aspire to love. Yet she could not call it love, not yet. There was passion, yes; desire, certainly; and the friendship had been rekindled after a shaky reunion; but love? She did not know. Drawn up onto her feet with him, her hands turned to closing his shirt, re-lacing his doublet, her mind in accord with his at how they did not wish to be discovered. "If he does," she said slowly, knowing that what she was about to say could well be called treason in some circles, "then I will elope with you before it can be made official. I will come to Lonnare, and stay there, and deny any attempt they make to take you from me."

Alys Beauforte

Date: 2013-06-06 08:12 EST
He re-laced his breeches while she closed his shirt, knowing they could be discovered at any moment. Still, once he was finished, he dared a touch of fingers against her cheek, smoothing her hair back from her face that had tangled in their unexpected tumble on the ground. "And if he has made a match for you? What then?" She was the king's niece, after all - a valuable commodity. Too valuable, perhaps, to promise her to a simple duke when she could be promised to a king, when she could seal a peace treaty, or be offered as some valuable asset. He was not sure if he loved her, but he had never felt like this before about anyone, the feelings of affection he'd once felt for her turning to something deeper. He'd first felt it when he'd spied her in her father's library, no longer a child, but a woman of unsurpassed beauty and grace. "I will not let him take you from me."

Her eyes closed as his fingers touched her cheek, smoothing her hair with the familiarity now earned of a lover most willingly taken, her lips parting with a soft sigh that mixed pleasure with uncertain fear of just the circumstance he described. "All my life, I have done as I was told," she said quietly, opening her eyes to find his gaze once more with passionate determination burning in her look. "I raised no objection. I was sent away for politics; I was kept away for the same reason." Her fingers tangled in the folds of his doublet as she swayed toward him, the boy she had known grown tall, handsome, and brave, and filled with a fire that matched her own. "I will not submit willingly again. I am owed some happiness of my own after all this time. I want you. And I will have you, however it comes about."

He brooked no argument, accepting her at her word, seeing the determination on her face and in her voice. He knew the game of chess well and knew neither of them were pawns, both of them far more valuable than that, but how valuable, he wasn't sure. Would the king grant her wish and allow her to choose her own fate, or would he use them both for his own ends and for the benefit of Francia" Let it not be said that Charles Beauforte was a disloyal or ungrateful servant of the king; he was just the opposite. He loved Christian as a brother, as well as his king, and would obey him in all things, but this. He would even risk life and limb in the name of duty, if it was asked of him, but he could not bear to think he might be denied this one request, this one thing in all the land that would make him happy. Who could truly know the heart of a king"

In this one thing, let duty be damned. A tenant of the Church declared that love was supreme and should be protected above all things, and if what they felt now grew into love, Alys knew that no matter how treasonable their future actions, the king could no more harm them than cut himself off from the Church altogether. She was determined, the formidable spirit that bound her family and made them so alike brought to bear upon the hope that she might be allowed to make her own choice someday soon, however unexpected that choice was, even to herself. Her smile touched Charles' lips once more, a last kiss to hold close before the jangle of harness and the call of their people broke into the interlude one runaway mare had stolen for them. And to preserve his fate, she was prepared to sacrifice a little dignity. "My horse threw me," she whispered to him as the voices of their retinue drew nearer. "Lift me up - I am, naturally, too delicate to walk alone just yet."

He sealed her promise with a furtive kiss, one last shared kiss that would have to sustain them for an undetermined time. He did not know if they would be able to share any more stolen moments once they arrived at court, and he was not sure she not would forget him once they arrived and she was surrounded by the attention of so many other admirers. He would just have to take his chances and hope whatever they were feeling would endure. "And I shall thank your horse later for the opportunity," he whispered back with a smile, as he effortlessly swept her up to cradle her in the crook of his arms.

"We are here!" he called as he heard the voices approaching, leading them to where he stood with his charge in his arms. "She is safe, just a little frightened is all."

Secure in his arms, Alys laid her own about his neck, fully prepared to play up to her imagined injury for the sake of her maids and the gossip they would share with the duke's men that night. Nothing could be allowed to jeopardize the future they had promised each other, not even the barest rumor. Their disheveled state was easily explained away by the headlong ride; the flush on her cheeks was an indication of pain, rather than pleasure.

As the familiar faces came into view, her own dear Bess wringing her hands with worry, Alys laid her head upon Charles' shoulder in a feigned faint, her fingertips daring a last caress against his neck. It would take far more than time and enforced distance to keep her from him now. Not even the intrigues of the royal court could withstand this lady in love. And if Chancellor Bereth thought he might prevent any strengthening of the king's friends by having her sent away again, she was bound and determined this time to set him straight. No proud man bound by law and celibacy was going to keep her from making her own choice. Not this time.

((What a hopeless position to be returning to the courtly world with! Will they manage to convince the king" Will their love affair be kept secret from the Chancellor" Is Will going to break his friend's nose for not being able to say no this time? All will be revealed in time! Many enormous throbbing thank yous to Charles' player!))