Topic: The Prophecy Complete


Date: 2019-06-09 13:45 EST
That happiness was infectious, spreading through the palace almost faster than Safiya herself. In a matter of minutes, she had rushed Sasha into the harem, put her in the capable hands of Hatice with a promise to be back very soon, and run through the hallways to the chambers of the newly married Chancellor and his wife. She entered without knocking.

"If you are not dressed at this time of day, then you must get dressed at this moment!"

Shocked by the sudden and entirely unexpected intrusion, Teres nearly fell out of bed with a shriek. "Safi! Have you never heard of knocking?" she asked, as she drew the covers up over both her and her new husband's nudity. It wasn't hard to imagine what they'd been doing when they'd been interrupted and in the middle of the day.

"I have, but I decided to ignore it for today," Safiya declared cheerfully, nodding to Ezra, who was speechless with laughter underneath the sudden pile of bed sheets his wife was piling on top of him. "You must get up, and you, too, Chancellor. There is to be a wedding in just under an hour!"

"A wedding?" Teres echoed, piling as many coverings as she could find to hide her husband from view. "Have you lost your mind" The wedding was yesterday. We have not even been out of the bedchamber yet," she argued, wondering what had gotten into her friend.

"Sasha is getting married," Safiya informed her friend happily, pulling open chests to find clothing for Teres. "To Commander el Bashir. In one hour." She gestured for her friend to stand up. "Come, come, get dressed. I have seen everything you have before, after all."

From beneath the bed covers, Ezra lost control of his laughter and guffawed at the ridiculous situation he found himself in.

"Safiya Teliran," Teres said, somehow managing to tug a sheet away from Ezra to wrap around herself as she slid out of bed. "I will not have you barging into our private quarters and ..." She trailed off, her anger evaporating as something her friend had said sunk in. "Sasha is getting married?" she asked. "In an hour" To that ....ruffian?"

"Yes." Safiya waved the garments at Teres impatiently, though her face was wreathed in smiles. "She asked for it, and arranged to stay in the harem with me on the nights when I am there so I will not be lonely."

"Oh, so I see it is Sasha who has lost her mind," Teres remarked with a sigh, though she had wasted no time in claiming Ezra for herself. Then again, she had known Ezra since she'd been a child, and Sasha had only met the commander a day or so ago. "Close your eyes then," she told her friend.

After giving her friend very pointed look, Safiya gave in, setting down the clothes and turning her back rather than closing her eyes. "I am assured he is not such a ruffian as he seems," she commented, glad to hear Ezra speak up from the bed.

"Idris is rough around the edges, askim, that is all," he informed his wife, grinning as he pulled his head out from under the covers. "As is Sasha, to some extent."

"Go, go!" Teres urged, giving her handsome husband a shove. "Get dressed. We only have an hour to be ready!" she told him, hoping Safi would keep her back turned. It was not her own nudity that worried her, but that of her husband. That was a view for her eyes only.

Laughing, Ezra climbed out of the bed, utterly heedless of his nudity, to catch his wife about the waist and pull her close for long kiss. "We will finish this later, sweet rose," he promised her, winking as he bent to catch up his pants and cover himself.

"You can be certain we will!" Teres promised, once he was finished kissing her. She was as excited as Safi, but her first thought was for her husband's decency. "Grab yourself some clothes and go dress somewhere else, husband," she told him, whacking him affectionately in the rear. Though these technically his chambers, she could not very well let him get dressed with Safi there watching.

"So bossy," Ezra teased, his last words before slipping into their shared dressing chamber to do just as she told him to.

Safiya giggled as she heard the door close. "Marriage suits you, Teres."

Teres smiled and sighed as Ezra stepped into the adjoining room to dress. "Ezra suits me, Safi," she corrected her friend. She had loved him for too long and thought never to see him again. She could not deny she was ridiculously happy to have become his wife. "Is Sasha really getting married?" she asked, tossing the sheet onto the bed now that it was only herself and Safi left in the room. "I thought I'd never see the day."

"She truly is," Safi assured her, perching on one of the couches to watch her friend dress. "I do not think their life together will always be the most peaceful, but they seem very well matched. And you should not feel any concern over the arrangement with staying in the harem - the commander is not in any fit state to consummate his marriage and will not be for at least a couple of weeks, by which time Nasir and I will be wed."


Date: 2019-06-09 13:46 EST
It didn't much matter what she wore, so long as she was presentable. After all, she had already had her day and she had looked and felt like a princess, though no noble blood flowed in her veins. "This is exactly what the augur prophesized!" Teres said as she slipped into the dress Safi had chosen for her. "Oh, Safi, my hair!" she said, frowning worriedly as she glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked like she'd just been dragged out of bed - which she had.

Giggling, Safiya rose to collect the soft brush, running it over Teres' hair before her friend could panic too much at the sight of herself. "It is all happening as she prophesied," she agreed warmly. "She has been right twice over. I am not afraid that she will be wrong for the last part of her prophecy. With the three of them here, and centred, Valentia will thrive."

"It is all happening so fast!" Teres exclaimed, adjusting her dress as Safi tended to her hair. She had to look at least half-way presentable, after all. "I am so happy for her," she said, smiling. "I am so happy for all of us!" she said, turning to hug her friend close. "It is like a dream!"

Laughing, Safiya embraced her friend for a long moment, squeezing with warm delight. "If this is a dream, then I do not wish to wake from it," she said with certainty. "Now, are you ready?"

"I think so. How do I look?" she asked, worrying her lip that she might look like she'd just rolled out of bed, even if it was the truth. They'd hadn't been sleeping, after all.

Catching the end of the swift braid she had plaited into her friend's hair, Safi pinned it into place as a circlet about Teres' crown from which her hair fell in soft waves. "You look lovely, Teres, as always," she promised, kissing her friend's cheek. "Will you help me convince Sasha to wear something that is not designed purely for ease of movement?"

Teres checked her appearance in the mirror again, making sure she looked half-way presentable. She sighed at Safi's compliment, a little too critical of her own appearance. "It will have to do, I suppose," she admitted, smoothing the silk of her dress and giggling at Safi's question. "I can try, but you know Sasha."

"I do," Safi agreed, taking hold of her friend's hand. "But we have limited time, and she can't argue with you when you are the highest ranked of all of us right now!" She beamed, pulling Teres toward the door.

"Oh, but what about Ezra!" Teres exclaimed, glancing at the door behind which her husband had disappeared to change, even as Safi pulled her toward the door. "I do not even know where we are going!"

"We are going to the harem," Safi told her, raising her voice to add, "And Ezra should go to the king, who will be with the commander!"

A low laugh made itself known from the dressing room.

"Did you hear that, askim?" Teres called as Safi dragged her toward the door. "I will see you soon!" And with that, she was abruptly yanked into the corridor, huffing with annoyance. "Really, Safi. You could have let me say goodbye," she told her friend, despite the fact that she was only going to be separated from her husband for a short while. "I am supposed to be consummating my marriage!"

"I will be there, sevgili!" Ezra called after them, still laughing as the door closed at their back.

Safiya ignored her friend's complaint, pulling her along at speed back toward the harem. "You can get back to that as soon as we have seen them married and eaten together," she assured Teres with a cheeky smile. "I am sure Nasir will give your husband another day to enjoy his marriage, to make up for stealing this time from you both."

"We are going to watch them eat each other?" Teres asked, with another giggle at the way her friend had phrased that question. "Oh, Safi," she sighed again. "He is amazing," she said, meaning her husband, not the king, though she was fond of him, too.

"I am very glad you are so happy, Teres," Safiya told her, her own smile bright as she slowed enough to be able to wrap an arm about her friend as they walked. "And evidently enjoying being a married woman, if you have not yet left your bed."

"I cannot deny that," Teres said, with a girlish grin as she hugged her friend back before hurrying along at her side. "I'm very happy, Safi, and I'm happy for you and Sasha, too."

"In just a few weeks, we will be the most powerful women in the kingdom," Safi murmured, a little shocked to realize this. "We will make our own triad."

"It's not about the power, Safi," Teres told her friend. At least, not for her. It was about being with the man she loved; the man she had only recently realized she'd loved all her life.

Safiya laughed, shaking her head. "I know that," she promised. "I would have been happy to remain just his Teliran. But I am glad that we will be able to make the changes we desire ourselves, however slowly we will have to move."

"We will make life better for the women of Valentia," Teres agreed, but for now, she had other things on her mind. "I can't believe Sasha is getting married. And to that man! She hardly knows him!"

"She sees something in him that she trusts," Safi answered with a warm smile. "She let him wrap her hand to his arm and did not pull away. Love is not there yet, but I think it will be, in time."

Ahead of them, the door to the harem was opened to allow them in, letting them walk through the buzz of conversation toward the concubine's quarters.

"Are you sure we are talking about Sasha?" Teres asked, furrowing her brows. That did not sound like their friend at all. It wasn't that she didn't like men; it was just that she was not the type to be charmed by them. "She isn't feverish, is she?"

"He lets her talk back to him without consequence, it seems," Safi told her curiously. "I have seen that myself. And they have spent a significant amount of time together since he arrived."

"Is she bespelled?" Teres asked in a hushed voice, not wanting to speak too openly about sorcery. Could it be Sasha was falling in love? Then again, Teres could not have predicted this outcome for any of them.


Date: 2019-06-09 13:46 EST
Safi shushed her gently as they approached the door to her current quarters, within which Hatice was likely still trying to convince Sasha to put on a different dress. "Wait until you see them together," she suggested. "I do not doubt you will see what I saw."

Teres looked doubtful but hoped Safi was right. After all, she wanted Sasha to be happy, and if there was any chance her friend could be even half as happy as she was, she would be grateful. "I will believe it when I see it," she murmured quietly.

"Yes, you will."

Safiya was very confident of that, it seemed, pushing open the door to draw Teres inside. They found Sasha in nothing but her underclothes, hugging herself and scowling at Hatice, who was busily packing everything she owned in a small chest.

"Sasha! You cannot go to your own wedding dressed like that!" Teres exclaimed, pushing into the room to take charge. She moved over to the other woman's wardrobe. "Something pretty, I think, but not too frilly."

"She wanted to wear that ratty practice gown she's been in all day," Hatice defended her actions, stepping aside to let Teres rummage through Sasha's few gowns.

"I am not the sort to dress myself up for the sake of a man who has asked me to marry him for myself and not for my looks," Sasha protested, squeaking as Safi pushed her to sit down.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sasha," Teres scolded. "He may be marrying you for yourself, but there has to be some physical attraction, too. Assuming he isn't blind. Besides, don't you want to look your best?" she asked, as she tugged a couple of dresses from her friend's wardrobe. "What do you think of these?" she asked, as she held each out in front of her.

"Kardes, you know I have never much cared what I wear," Sasha objected, barely glancing at the dresses. "It is not as thought anything intimate will happen tonight, or for some nights to come. He is injured, and ....and I am not ready."

"Oh, Sasha ....Do you not know" There are other ways of pleasing one another," Teres said, eyes sparkling with humor and maybe just a little bit lovesick. "Ezra has been teaching me," she added, in a quiet voice, her cheeks turning pink.

"Perhaps the commander will teach Sasha some of those ways tonight," Safi agreed, winking at Teres. "This one, I think," she added, gesturing toward a gown of soft mint green that could be overlaid with a lace kaftan of a similar shade. Sasha looked relieved; the gown was one she had only worn once before, but she did like it very much.

"Oh, yes, definitely the green one!" Teres agreed enthusiastically, handing Sasha the green dress, so that she could return the other one to the wardrobe. "I can hardly believe we will all be married and have husbands of our own!"

Sasha took the dress gently in her hands, rising to her feet as Safi immediately took it from her to begin stretching up and pulling it over her head. "It hardly seems real that just a few months ago we were in the Old Palace, never once dreaming we would come back here."

"Who could have expected Nasir would become king?" Teres pointed out as she moved over to help Sasha to get dressed, along with Safi. It was the late king's demise that had set everything in motion, his nephew Nasir returning to claim the throne.

"It seemed so certain that Clovis would beget a male heir from his new harem, and then ..." Safi faltered, not wanting to think about what had happened within these walls on the night Clovis had died. How many of those new suraans had been murdered in their beds, simply because they might have been carrying Clovis' heir.

"It is best not to think on it, Safi," Teres warned her friend and harem sister. "We can only be grateful to the goddess that he did not choose us," she said, shuddering a little at the thought of what had become of those Clovis had chosen. "This is a happy occasion," she reminded her friends. "We have grieved long enough."

"We have," Sasha agreed, turning to embrace Safi with one arm and Teres with the other. She was almost half a head taller than both of them, hugging them close. "And I am glad my sisters are here, or I might run away."

"Run away with the commander" Or run away to join the pirates?" Teres teased, as she, too, embraced her sisters. She wasn't sure if Sasha was doing the right thing, but the prophecy had said there would be three, and it seemed the commander was the third. If not him, who else could it be?

"It is all happening very fast," Sasha murmured. "But ....I do not think my decision would change, even if it were a year from now."

Safiya's smile rose once again, happy to hear her say that. "That is good, because we have little time now," she declared, untangling herself to hand Teres the lace kaftan.

"I never thought to see the three of us getting married and so happy," Teres said, once more expressing her feelings of awe and wonder at the small miracle that seemed to be taking place. Valentia was changing, and changing for the better, so it seemed. She took the kaftan from Safi to help Sasha into it.

Allowing Teres to help her into the overlay for her gown, Sasha smiled faintly. "You seem very happy to be wed, Teres," she commented. "He is a good husband to you?"

"Well," Teres started, a soft smile on her face as she helped Sasha into the kaftan. "It has not been long enough to say really, but he is so sweet and kind and caring, and ..." She paused a moment to exhale a sigh. "I love him, Sasha."

Sasha's fingers drew gently down Teres' cheek as she smiled at her dear friend. "I am glad for you, kardes," she said softly. "You deserve such love." She winced as Safiya began drawing a brush through her hair, twisting it back from her face as she went.

"As do you, my sister," Teres replied, just as softly, a warm smile on her face. No matter what Sasha might think of herself, her life, or the commander, Teres was hoping with all her heart, she would find with him what she had found with Ezra and Safi had with Nasir.

A few moments passed in quiet warmth between the three of them, until finally Safi lowered her hands. "There," she said, looking Sasha over thoughtfully. "What do you think, Teres?"


Date: 2019-06-09 13:46 EST
While Safi was working on Sasha's hair, Teres made small adjustments here and there to her gown and kaftan. She stepped back a moment at Safi's question to survey their handiwork. She frowned a little as she studied her friend. "I think she is missing something. Earrings, perhaps" Or a necklace?" she suggested.

"I think a necklace," Safi mused in agreement, turning to lift out the small box that held her growing collection of jewels, all gifts from Nasir and his mother. "Opals" Moonstone? Something not too bold, I think."

"Hmm, opals, I think," Teres said, as they were richer in appearance and color. The moonstones were too pale for one such as Sasha. "You don't think Nasir will mind?" she asked, knowing the jewels had been a gift, as none of them had had any such riches of their own in the harem.

"No, I do not think he will," Safiya assured her, gently passing the necklace to Teres.

"But, Safi, these were a gift to you," Sasha objected uncertainly.

Safiya shook her head. "You can give them back tomorrow, if you truly wish to."

"Today is your day, Sasha. You should look and feel as lovely as a princess!" Teres encouraged her. Besides, they were like sister. There was nothing any of them had that they weren't willing to share with the others, except perhaps their men.

"Lift your hair, let Teres secure it," Safi instructed as she set the little box safely back in its hiding place. "The men will be waiting for us at the chapel, I am sure."

Sasha bit down on further objections, silently accepting that she did want to look pretty for Idris. She raised her hands, turning her back to Teres as she lifted her hair carefully out of the way.

Teres carefully took up the necklace and slipped it around Sasha's throat to fasten it at the back of her neck. "There," she said, stepping back again to admire their handiwork, a warm smile on her face. "You are lovely, Sasha. I am sure the commander will be pleased."

"I hope he will be," Sasha murmured, uncharacteristically shy in expressing this. A very soft smile played at her lips as she considered that perhaps the commander would not mind her rough edges so much if she could prove that she could, at least, look the part of his wife.

"If he isn't, he's blind," Teres said, making a final adjustment to Sasha's hair before smiling again at the final outcome. "Yes, I think the opals are just what you needed. What do you think, Safi?"

"I think she will look absolutely complete with the ring that will soon be on her finger," Safi said with playful pleasure, her smile bright enough to illuminate the room. "Shall we go' I think we have had our hour to prepare."

"More than an hour," Teres remarked, with a girlish giggle. But it wouldn't hurt to keep the men waiting just a little. She and Safi didn't need to do anything special to get ready; Teres had already had her day, and Safi's was not too far in the future.

Before they could usher her out through the door, however, Sasha caught Teres' hand. "These ....other things spoke of," she said hesitantly. "Do they they hurt' Would they hurt him?"

Teres laughed again, but it was a gentle laugh, unmocking. She gave her friend's hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "Oh, no, kardes," she said. "There is nothing but pleasure in loving and being loved." Of course, there was a little pain in the beginning, but Sasha had not asked of that.

"I do not wish to disappoint him," Sasha admitted. "But I am not yet ready for ...." She broke off, embarrassed to even be talking about this.

Safiya caught Teres' eye, trying not to laugh herself.

Teres tossed a wink at Safi before taking both Sasha's hands in her own, a soft, almost motherly tone to her voice. "You will know when you are ready, Sasha. Do not worry," she assured her friend, confident Sasha would know the joy and the pleasure both she and Safi shared with their lovers before long.

"I hope so." Sasha visibly drew herself up, setting her concerns somewhere hidden inside herself, lifting her chin in a show of confidence.

Safiya nodded, taking her hand. "Come along then," she said. "We have a wedding to go to."

"We do," Teres agreed, Safi taking one hand and Teres the other to lead Sasha from Safi's chambers to the chapel where the commander was waiting for his bride. Her heart felt as light as a feather, so happy was she for her friend.

They found Ezra waiting for them outside the chapel itself, dressed smartly to match his wife somehow, despite only having caught a single glimpse of her as she was rushed out of their rooms not long before. He bowed to them with a smile that warmed when his eyes flickered to Teres.

"Beautiful as ever, ladies," he complimented them all.

"You see what I mean?" Teres said, moving to kiss her new husband's lips and take his arm, unembarrassed to show open affection for her husband in public. Her whole face lit up at the mere sight of him, proof of her feelings of love and affection. His compliment, she thought, served as proof of his kind and gentle nature.

Ezra chuckled as Teres took his arm, smiling into her kiss. It took a moment for him to return his gaze to the others. "May I escort you all inside? The groom is waiting."

Sasha swallowed, glancing at Safiya, who simply nodded in answer. "It would be an honor to be so escorted, Chancellor."

Teres gave her husband's arm a squeeze, smiling up at him a moment as he led the trio of women into the chapel. Inside the chapel, Idris was beside himself with nervousness, pacing back and forth as he awaited his bride, while Nasir merely wore an amused smirk. He had tried to calm his friend's nerves and assure him that Sasha wouldn't change her mind, but had only made him more nervous.

The priestess waited beside them, smiling to herself over performing another unexpected wedding so soon after the first. Ezra drew Teres to one side of the altar as Safiya slipped to Nasir's side, leaving Sasha to step up beside Idris, her face solemn but nervous.


Date: 2019-06-09 13:47 EST

"Sasha," Idris greeted her, pausing a moment to admire the sight of her. She was even more lovely than he remembered, and she had only been away from him for an hour. Ezra and Nasir had suggested he change into more suitable clothing, his hair swept back from his face and fastened with a leather cord. He was obviously nervous, more nervous than he could ever remember being, even before battle.

Perhaps it was a good thing that the ceremony itself was so short, though it would be a good deal longer for the royal wedding soon to come. Sasha barely heard Idris' responses, let alone her own voice speaking her vows, her eyes trained on the man beside her who had chosen her as much as she had chosen him. He was handsome, and kind, if a little brusque at times, but then, so was she. They could smooth those rough edges together, or embrace them together.

This was a new adventure for both of them - a new chapter in their lives - and though Idris barely knew Sasha, he had never met another woman in all his life who intrigued and captivated him as much as she did. Perhaps it wasn't love just yet, but there was something definitely blossoming between them.

When the priestess invited Idris to kiss his new wife, Sasha froze. It wasn't intentional, yet suddenly she was very aware of everything she did not know and had not experienced, as though this first kiss might well make him change his mind about her entirely. She looked up at him, eyes wide, hoping that worry did not show.

Idris smiled at the invitation to kiss his bride, his smile just a little mischievous, dark eyes flashing with amusement. Instead of claiming her lips, he lifted her hand, his eyes meeting hers and brushed a kiss to her knuckles with warm lips and scratchy beard. Though it was his privilege to kiss and claim his new wife right there in front of the priestess and their friends, he thought she might prefer to wait until they were alone to share what would be their first kiss in the privacy of his chambers. Behind them, Nasir could be heard chuckling, amused by the way his friend accepted the priestess' invitation.

Though the moment of chivalry was a surprise, it earned for Idris his first real smile of tender softness from his new wife as Sasha leaned into him for just a moment. Her gaze softened above that smile, unaware that behind them, Safiya was gesturing to Teres and mouthing,

"See what I mean?"

Teres smiled back and nodded at Safi, pleased to see Idris and Sasha might prove her doubts and worries unfounded. All she wanted was for her friend to find the same kind of happiness that she'd found with Ezra and that Safi had found with Nasir. And there was something about Sasha's smile that tugged at Idris' heart, and he found himself smiling back at her with unexpected warmth and tenderness and even hope in his heart.

The triad that had been prophesied was complete. Valentia, after all its upheavals, now had its strong king, with his strong friends standing at his shoulders to keep the country on an even keel. And those men, with all their cares, had their lovers, their wives, the women who would share those burdens and keep them grounded, a feminine echo of the strength their men shared. Valentia would rise again.