Topic: An Ember Burns Where It Falls

Bashir Ergin

Date: 2010-09-26 19:25 EST
There is a saying my people have: Ates dustugu yeri yakar. An ember burns where it falls. It's something said to show empathy for the pain felt by friends or family of an injured person. I feel for you. I know what you are going through.

They don't know.

She's sleeping, finally, after the nurse came in, after we talked. Whatever the woman injected into the IV did its work in a matter of minutes. A fog rolled in and I held her hand as it drew her under. She will not wake tonight, and I will not rest.

I was in a meeting with Alper and the Board when "Anya sent the message saying Kendall was injured. It was all she told me and I was certain " absolutely certain " that she'd had an accident on that bloody motorcycle. The way she rides! She likes to tell me that I am "tetched" but anyone who has seen her on the streets on that monster will attest to the simple fact that I have married a madwoman. But the truth is, I love her. I don't think I really understood what that meant until tonight.

How she made her way from the gutters of WestEnd to the arena where my sister-in-law was watching the duels is inexplicable and something of a miracle. She must have passed three clinics along the way, including the one she is sleeping in now, but refused to stop at any of them. No one stopped her, despite the bruises, the cuts, the torn clothing, the way she held her arm close to her body. The impression of his fingers ring my wife's neck. "Anya tended to her the best she could there, and sent me the message when Kendall wasn't watching.

I am going to kill a man.

He broke her elbow, they think. We aren't sure. The orthopedic surgeon will come and examine her in the morning, but it is likely that it will require surgery to correct. Not a week ago, a friend of Kendall's cornered me in the bar and warned me to take care of her, to watch her. I should have listened better. Would this still have happened, if I had" But what am I to do' Lock her away in our flat like a thing I own" Impossible, even if it were true. She would hate me in the end and who could blame her" No. I cannot prohibit her from going outside, or from checking on those she cares about.

Look at her, how her brow is knit in hurt, even drugged as she is. I tried to hold her, after Alper got me to the annex where they were waiting for us. She was ready to claw her way loose, had I not released her. He did that to her, just as surely as his hands left those bruises on her throat. A dog like that cannot be left to run wild in the streets. What else can I do'

We agreed, the five of us. Alper will not call in the Watch.

Even with Anya pushing things along, getting Kendall checked in and examined took over two hours. They wouldn't let me in the room with her during the exam, or when the hospital's counselor stopped by to talk to her. For two hours I was left in the waiting room with Alper, wanting someone, anyone, to throttle. I have never in my life felt this thing - this sick, furious need to hurt another person, this Marx.

When they finally let me go in with her, when Alper and the women left " Allah ? she lay in this bed, looking small and battered while the machines beeped and whirred and clucked their ticking tongues at me, and tried to apologize. To apologize! As if this thing that happened to her was her fault somehow. As if she were to blame for his hands and his boots and the things he would have done, had she not stabbed him and fled.

I am going to kill a man. I will make him beg, before I do. I will make him feel small and trapped and desperate to flee. But he will not escape. I am going to kill him.

They don't know.