Topic: Bar Napkin Sonnets

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-07-30 14:29 EST

(I want to fall in love, but not forever. Is that the truth, or am I still confused where love's concerned" Or am I simply used to Solitary broken by Whoever looks interested or interesting" Never quite thought of it that way. What is the juice that drives the flower, forces green the fuse that sparks in me"what? Last night, with my lover, I almost dropped the L word. O confusion! He gathered up my hair the way they do when habit seems like love. On top of him I swear I found some new type of orgasm. I've swallowed almost anything, but do you think it's good to swallow I love you?)

I should go out. Staying here in this beautiful condo mesmerized by the oddity that is my life, I wonder, am I shallow" To be so impressed with the luxuries of my existence"

I should at least miss home. My sisters all named for some flower that had graced my mother's rounded abdomen at the moment my father dutifully thanked her for her generous ovaries. The father who indulged my every spoiled little whim and learned to gently sigh in exasperation at any squall that threatened his peaceful serenity. We never misbehaved, not out of any fear, but out of an assured understanding that to do so would threaten the Judge's peace of mind. And that just would not do. What of mother? The Domestic delight, so delicate and firm, unbreakably weak and determined to embody all the charm a Southern girl was meant to emote.

I don't.

I don't miss it with any real longing or sense of pain. Momentary fleeting whimsies but they all flee from the smoldering intensity of my needs, my desires, my secret longings that had brought me here.

I slide my skin across the perfection of 500 thread count sheets and resist the urge to moan aloud despite my singular aloneness. None would hear me should I give into the tickling in my throat. Yet, decorum remains and I simply stretch up to a sitting position, luxuriating in the whisker burn along my inner thighs. I know my sensitive skin will surely reveal the good doctor's attentions. Barefoot, I let my toes sink into the thick plush carpet of my bedroom, decorated to my southern tastes: all creamy colors and airy light.

My bathroom has become my sanctuary. The deep seated tub with its jets is my destination and I run the bath choosing an apricot blend and pouring the creamy milk into the steaming water. I settled into the liquid embrace and let my thoughts diffuse.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-08-05 15:50 EST
Bar Napkin Sonnet #11 Moira Egan

(Things happen when you drink too much mescal. One night, with not enough food in my belly, he kept on buying. I'm a girl who'll fall damn near in love with gratitude and, well, he was hot and generous and so the least that I could do was let him kiss me, hard and soft and any way you want it, beast and beauty, lime and salt'sweet Bacchus" pards" and when his friend showed up I felt so warm and generous I let him kiss me too. His buddy asked me if it was the worm inside that makes me do the things I do. I wasn't sure which worm he meant, the one I ate" The one that eats at me alone")

I went out. I'd called Him and he'd answered with his disarming charm. I heard the woman's sultry laugh in the background and a fire ate at me. Tore me apart, shredded my calm. I hate this jealousy. The black robed bltch who demands my participation in her orgies of despair.

We have an agreement.

Damn, how I've come to hate that word. I toy with it and pick at it to no avail. There is no way around it. I agreed to this existence. I promised him that I was aware of this tangled scenario and that I was a big girl who would not become ensnarled.

I lied.

I want him for myself. I don't wish to share. I hate knowing when he is with another woman. I hate knowing that other women envision him at their side in the same silly fantasies I indulge in.

He'd make beautiful babies. But a shltty father. I've considered a monstrous plan. When I've had too much of being his willing little plaything, I shall take a part of him with me when I go.

But for now I simply lash out in the most childish of fashions. If he is on a date, I go out.

The bar was loud and obnoxious. Gratingly so. And exactly what I desired. I drank the tequila with the young man who was off duty from his shift as a Watchman. I found him appealing in a gritty kind of way. Our conversation faltered at first as I attempted to converse about my own interests and soon discovered he had no appreciation for art, opera, or the finer aspects of classical music.

He was sweet. Sweet on me. Determined to present himself in such a generous fashion. The tequila burned in my stomach, I'd forgotten to eat. Uninhibited, I kissed him freely. I inflamed him easily. His hands tentatively seeking the soft curves of my perfumed flesh before realizing I had no intentions of stopping him and then they became greedily demanding.

He introduced me to his fellow off-duty watchman with such an adorable expression of gratitude at his good luck. I could tell by the way his friend watched me that he wanted me and I was riding the tequila high. Why not' My inner voice demanded, I was free, unattached.

After all...I had an agreement.

I took them both back to my fancy luxury apartment. I introduced them to the pleasures of rich living and the glory of my pampered body.

If my thoughts were of Him, I denied it to both them and most assuredly to my self.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-08-06 12:47 EST
No one ever tells you how painfully awkward the morning after is going to be. To awaken draped over a man's chest with my legs tangled with another's was unnerving.

I adopted the same air that my mother would use when dealing with invading Yankees. As if this were something that simply must be endured and would only be made insurmountable if one let on that they were ruffled.

Showered, dressed for the day and breakfasting with them, I found their own discomfort charming. The Watch Boys were goodlooking and well-mannered. Unaware of how to act around each other after a night of shared intimacies with me.

The island counter in my kitchen became much more enjoyable once I discovered that the best solution to the tension was to revisit our activities from the night before.

As I moaned out the first of many climactic responses I felt a flush of something other than pleasure stain my soft skin. If the shame of realizing that I didn't know either of their names aroused me even more I'm sure He could analyze the source of my miscreant desires.

The thought spurred me to new heights. I gave them whatever they asked and even more than what they imagined. I eagerly participated in my own despoiling, driven to a wild state of abandon as I sought to exorcise Him.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-08-27 09:28 EST

(Sometimes you have to swallow. I love you might otherwise escape your lust-dumb lips. By dumb I mean here dim-witted, not mute, though I have learned the Helen Keller trick to see no, hear no, speak no thing like truth. How could this big dumb guy I'm sitting with have made me come so hard I damn near swooned? And now he's watching baseball as if it's a new religion. Jesus Christ. Who knew that goddamned oxytocin spike I get could trick me into thinking amour fou. It's bitter, but I just dry-swallow it like aspirin, or confession. I get used to walking out, my ass and soul both bruised.) I played House. I wanted normalcy. I wanted to try to emulate the happy couples I'd seen moving about this world as if the secret to life really was finding one person who answered all your needs.

I'm just too damn needy obviously.

I have never discovered that Answer. I have found Love and even as I agonize over its painful beauty I am cognizant of reality. My Love would destroy me. Burn me alive. Sear me to ashes. He is an unhealthy addiction. A neurotic obsession. My love would wither us into something Other.

Because of this I deny it. I pretend it doesn't bother me. I simply Love from afar and with too much intelligence to pretend that this is somehow Romantic like the Chivalric Knights you can find here in RhyDin.

Perhaps it's the influence of this mystically odd place. But I no longer feel the need to understand. I no longer search my deepest darkest corners to discover the Why. I simply exist.

I adopted the illusion of House. I dated my Watchboy. We met for drinks, went out for entertainment, ate at the newest restaurants. He preened when he showed me off and I smiled through it all. If I noticed that he never left me alone with his friends and that his grip became possessive I let it be. He slept over for the first time and brought me breakfast in bed. A week later he stayed two nights in a row... has been a month. This playing House. This pretend game of a relationship. Whenever I feel the facade slipping, the reality peeking through and exhibiting all the pockmarked shadings of discontent I fuck him. I fuck him as if it is our last night together.

He tells me I'm the wildest lay he's ever had. He tentatively pushes to find my limit but has discovered that it is apparently limitless and this bothers him. Periodically he remembers our first night when he shared me with his friend and jealousy flares. He punishes me for his own insecurities and I let him. For I want punished. I want to hurt in some place other than my desperately yearning heart.

I want to stop thinking about Him.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-09-10 10:20 EST
I got my wish. For pain. Laid up for two days in my darkened bedchamber I shunned all light and noise and refused most nourishment.

Migraines. Such a simple word for such a hideous betrayal by your very own body. Overstimulated nerve endings screamed in viciously jagged shrills. My body rebelled against the agony of my head and all I could do was coccoon myself away from all stimulants.

Overwrought, my Watchboy did the best that he could. This injured, weakened thing a drain upon his empathy and patience. As much as he adored my needing him, the need was wearing on him. A burden he did not desire. I was supposed to want, need, and desire him for all things, not actually become needy.

It's silly this game that men and women play. My psychology training allows me too much insight into the machinations of man and I find myself acting in the reality that is my life too often.

I had called into work and this nagged at me. I knew He would know that I did so only out of the sheerest urgency. Yet, I imagined Him lost without me there. Of course, my True Self hoped and prayed that this was indeed reality. That he was right now staring out of his floor to ceiling windows at the Plaza de Troyes pining for my safe return from this dark journey of pain. It was a sign of my infantile sexuality and my arrested development that this immature hope fueled my dreams.

Even aware of my own diagnosis I did nothing to change. Instead I dwelled in the erotic fantasies of my mind, pretending to myself that the romantic outcome I desired was not simply delusion.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-09-14 12:22 EST
The sex was lousy.

I cringe inwardly as I realize that I am following the same path I have taken in every relationship I've attempted. My Watchboy's lack of empathy during my illness had disintegrated my sexual attraction for him.

Even so, I faked it. As he labored above me, inside me, all around me. I took him and whispered a moan. I ran my hands over the working muscles of his back and admired them for the beauty that they were, all the while issuing the appropriate sounds that mimicked my own arousal. I followed the cues of his body with an attention that bordered on obsessive, aware before even he when he was on the verge and encouraging it with the welcoming signs of my body.

If he'd noticed it was only to mention that I seemed less inventive or exploratory but he was quick to explain how he understood seeing as how sick I'd been.

Of course, he noticed when I quit faking.

I can admit to an insane drive to be the center of attention. Not of a room, mind you. No, my desire for attention comes from my need to feel important to those who claim to love me. My sisters and I never had to contend for our parent's affection. We were all well and equally loved. But, to maintain the attention was a different matter entirely.

To this day I cannot be made to repeat myself. If I was not heard the first time I cannot bear to tell it a second. The very asking offends me. Was I not important enough to listen to the first time"

I understand the disordered way of thinking this represents but it changes nothing. My WatchBoy had grown complacent in our relationship. I'd find myself telling him the details of my day and discovering that his attention had wandered. One conversation stood out as indicative of the fast-approaching end.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" "Of course I did." "Then what did I say?" Immediately pained that I felt the need to quiz, to question, to seek affirmation of my importance to him.

He could not recite it back, of course.

And I could no longer fake it.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-09-17 11:24 EST
Apple by Jay Leeming

"Sometimes when eating an apple I bite too far and open the little room the lovers have prepared, and the seeds fall out onto the kitchen floor and I see that they are tear-shaped."

Love hurts. And yet we always go back for more. I can't explain it. I don't know if I even want to try. The Watchboy and I fought. It was typical really. This falling out of our semblance of love.

I was not blessed with the ability to maintain a friendship with past lovers. This pained me. I'm not a judgmental soul and upon the conclusion of a relationship I would not be adverse to remaining aware of our connection. The problem is this never works past theory for me.

My relationships tend to end in a volatile explosion of hurt and anger. Designed to drive the most distance between us as quickly as possible. Sometimes I think it is because the idea of a failed relationship lingering about depresses me as if the spectre of that long dead love might rise up again and suffocate me.

The few men that I am able to stay friends with always find a new replacement for me and I am forever disliked by their newfound love. Perhaps it is because it is quite obvious that I enjoyed their mate in very intimate ways and I feel no desire to hide this connection. Perhaps it is out of a very real fear that I could at any point decide to rekindle an old flame on an impulse.

I'm not sure. And I don't really search for the answers to this quandary.

As the Watchboy and I disintegrated, our relationship faltering in the early stages of its life (coughing and sputtering up in jagged emotional outbursts), I couldn't hide the relief I felt at the ending.

Of course this hurt him. And he rode that hurt hard and wet, furious with me for causing pain.

Tears, like little apple seeds, spilled about my apartment as I weathered the beating of our injured hearts.

When he left me, as he was destined to do, he was finally tender as if the rage of our emotions had uncovered a glimmer of the love beneath the hurt.

We thanked each other for this journey with a fleshy communion. I didn't have to fake the orgasm that swept me at this physical farewell.

I felt for a moment grateful and certain that our relationship could continue past this, when as he dressed he stared at me for a long moment before bequeathing his condemnation: "You're Poison."

I wondered if that made him Snow White, eating of my poisonous flesh, and I had a sudden vision of him rising up from between my thighs my juices dribbling down his chin.

"You didn't seem to mind." Was all I could say as he gathered up the last of his things and departed.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-09-27 10:39 EST
In Praise of Wobbly Tables by Moira Egan

The restaurant's pristine. He leads you in, all gentlemanly elbows, to your seat. Warm light refracts the crystal vases' keep of flowers you could never afford to buy. The waiter recommends his favorite wine. The busboy pours the water and the glass beads up just like the nervous sweat you feel on dates with strangers.

This one's promising: you like the way he asks about your life and doesn't vilify his former wife. You sink into it, scotch and tweed his voice, the wine's delicious, an excellent choice, you let him order appetizers. Right" then suddenly he takes a dive, below the tablecloth (what is he doing" is he a fetishist going for your toes")

The table's slightly crooked, can't you see" He'll fix it, just a minute, pulling out a panoply of matchbooks, papers, clips. Give me just a second and I'll fix it' The table lurches with his ministrations, a tiny plume of wine flies from your glass, but down below he hears no protestations.

At last. He rises, straightens up his tie. Much better now, he winks. I like it stable. But now you're shaken, sitting, wondering: if he can't take the tiniest of wobbles, this gorgeous restaurant, the best of tables, what will he do when plate tectonics shifts between you, when that certain earthquake hits?

I dated. In an attempt to move past the hurt of the last month I didn't hesitate when the friendly fellow stopped me in the courtyard before the Plaza. I was eating my soup from the bread bowl, enjoying the change in the temperature that required my wrap, when he finally worked up the courage to approach me.

I admit freely that I was annoyed. My contemplation of the falling leaves put on hiatus so that I could fence poetically with a new potential suitor; but, he was sweet. So gentle and kind. The softness in his middle echoed in his kind eyes. This man knew little about pain and this realization spurred me into agreeing to share our lunch together.

As we made to part ways I realized that he'd used up all of his courage to simply approach me and that he was content to glory in our lunch 'date.' I had taken a few steps from him when the thought struck.

He was nothing like the Watchboy.

Soft where he'd been hard, tentative where he'd been brash. He could be the wine I used to wash clean my palate. I could swish him about in my mouth and delicately spit him free.

I turned and asked him for dinner.

He was flustered. Unprepared for my boldness.

But my Little Non-Watchboy agreed with speedy gratitude.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-10-12 17:31 EST
I was regretful for the way the evening had turned out. I had never meant to hurt the sweet man who offered himself up for my discernment. I should never have agreed to the date, nor sought it out.

But the thing about regrets is that they are usually forgotten and when presented with an opportunity that might stir them awake we tend to overlook their insistence.

I wanted a distracted. And I got one.

The date was progressing quite nicely despite the empty interest of our words. He possessed no skill at flirtation and was quite literalminded. But we could discuss the upcoming cultural events around the city and I admit to a pleased thrill at our discourse.

It was the nitpicking that drove me to distraction. He was not happy with our table. We were moved. He was unhappy with the Soup and we were rewarded with a visit from the chef. Who gave us a special appetizer he'd been testing out. It was divine, the calamari prepared just so. Yet my date was not appeased.

I was on my third glass of wine when our entrees arrived and he scrunched up his forehead in what was becoming a familiar pose to me.

Sighing, I'd sat my fork down and asked before the tsking could begin, "What now?"

Perhaps it was my obvious irritation that had him squirming apologetically, or it could simply be that the only thing that he had not critiqued this evening had been me and now I was acting out; whatever it was, he attempted to pretend that there was nothing wrong with his salmon even as we both knew he lied.

I needed distance from him before I said the cutting words that danced along my tongue. Taking his plate, I told him I would handle it even as I envisioned throwing the salmon in his lap and departing.

And that is how I ended up in the kitchen. And that is how I ended up with the chef buried between my thighs.

It wasn't intentional.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-10-18 10:13 EST
The chef possessed an even more talented tongue than skill in the kitchen and that was clearly saying something.

I couldn't even begin to explain the nuances that had led me to being propped up on the counter and orally pleasured in such an abrupt fashion. It had something to do with his dark eyes, so smoky and self assured.

He knew I'd say "no" and not mean it, just as I knew he'd take my deliberate sensual strut for the open invitation that it was.

It was only mannerly for me to return the deliciously appetizing orgasm he delivered and I slid to my knees and parted his chef's cassock quite willingly.

There, in the kitchen, in a less traveled nook, I took him boldly in my mouth and lathered him with my tongue.

Later, much later, when I rejoined my date sans the salmon plate, he only sat there in mute dejection. I couldn't work up the energy to pander to him and had quite had my appetite satisfied. As he paid the waiter, the chef re-emerged with our dinners boxed to go and I complimented him on his creamy gravy that had been so fulfilling.

It was a quiet ride back to my condo and I even considered a pity fuck, but to be brutally honest I couldn't work up that much of a care for this mousy man who picked so fussily at everything. I thanked him, as it was only polite, and departed his company grateful that the evening had turned out to be exhilaratingly enjoyable despite the date.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2010-12-31 12:34 EST
Sonnet 21 By Moira Egan

I keep a file of pick-up lines. Your smile is bright enough to launch a thousand ships. Hey, Cleo, you're my lily of the Nile. Where do you keep the winder for those hips" Your ankles are so slender I could cry or kiss your feet, or fall at them for life. The literary one: When small birds sigh... THe honest one: Distract me from my wife. And weighing in at worst, I think, Your tits are dynamite... Take note, my dears, who are so very clever: I want to fall in love, but not for ever.

The men in RhyDin came in varying packages and wrappings. I was impressed by the variety. I never had a problem finding a date and went through a whirlwind of choices, bouncing from the differing types like a schizophrenic in an ice cream store.

The tactics were fascinatingly diverse and the pick up lines I found myself collecting for my amusement much later. I had but one girlfriend to share them with and we laughed wildly over a bottle of wine at the most insane ones. And then we wound down into a dejected sadness at the implications it unraveled.

Why was it so difficult for men to understand" I wasn't interested in an intense love affair that would overshadow Helen of Troy's legacy or make Tristan and Isolde appear as teenage crushes. No, nothing so weighty or grand.

I wanted to feel important. I needed to feel like I mattered. I desired to know that I was not just another pretty face that the tired worn line was aimed at.

My would-be cupids kept using bows and arrows whose suction cupped missiles stunk of the other women they had been recovered from.

But through it all I persevered waiting for a call from Him.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-01-03 17:45 EST
Sonnet #14 by Moira Egan

He says his last girl didn't like his muscles, which I find weird; I get off touching them. So over Newcastles and Bertha's Mussels I tell him that we're archetypes: high femme and ultra-masculine, Venus and Mars, (and how Vulcan built that wicked bed to trap them). "It's funny, how you meet nice girls in bars." He kisses me, his body gets that thrum like when the bass-line overtakes your heart. Next thing I know we're dancing close, he spins me round. I swear, I'm drunk on the guitars and lust, so when he kisses me again got a wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack "Let's go to your place. I just want to fuck."

He bought me a drink and I allowed myself to imagine what it would be like to have those muscular arms wrapped about me. I missed my Watchboy and this man, this man was certainly as masculine as he had been.

A few more drinks and we were dancing close. His body was wickedly taut and fascinatingly male. He was just the distraction I needed and then he leaned into whisper his secret...

...and it didn't matter. Wasn't I always the other woman' I let him take me back to his place at the local Inn. And I buried myself in the pure physical enjoyment of his muscular body.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-01-23 12:25 EST
Sonnet #15 by Moira Egan

It's not my place or his to want to fuck. He's married and I'm tired of that old dance, The Men's Room journey to annulment, quick as mercury (he thinks), but on his hand there lingers still that ring of skin, untanned. Yet it's that virgin stripe I bend to kiss because I know this evening wasn't planned and he's gone to the trouble to evisc- erate his marriage vows for me. Tonight I'll let him have all seven deadly sins. Tomorrow he will waken to the light of fear and loathing, something in-between, their breakfast butter dripping from the knife. I can't imagine being someone's wife.

Week two of my affair with the married business man from Temple District was doing incredibly unique things to my psyche.

I wanted to be maudlin, to linger over the pain that we were inflicting but I found myself oddly sharing more with him than I had with any previous lover and this confessionary postcoitus partnership was fast outpacing the incredibly passionate sex. Or maybe it was because I knew what was coming that I was able to come so damn hard.

And so quickly.

Breathless we panted, wrapped around one another, clinging like two people tossed inside a storm. I cried.

He cried.

It was beautiful really as we both recognized that we were crying from a release of it all.

"She never lets me do that to her."

I knew what he spoke of and I smiled the pleasant soreness in my body testament to our topic. "I love you." I said and I didn't mean him and he knew it. "He never lets me say that to him."

He choked a laugh through the tears and tangled a fist in my hair pulling me up to meet his lips, "I love you." He responded in a voice wracked with shared pain, "I love you the way he should."

Our kiss mingled tears, sweat, blood, and pain. And as I trailed my way down his body I shuddered convulsively at the thought of Him saying those words to me. As I lavished this man's body with my hot hungry mouth he cried his wife's name and I came in an explosion of bliss at our aberrant connection.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-01-26 14:32 EST
Bar Napkin Sonnet #16

Imagine that he's never had a wife, that these illicit kisses are our own, that, all right, if we're neither of us home, we are invisible despite the lights that glimmer on our half-clad bodies, white with winter's boredom. He smiled, took the blame when he reached out to touch my earring's gleam: "A comma, or an angel's wing in flight?" he asked. I ask, Is it pathology to be content with this position, cramped and teenaged-fucking in a just-friend's car" I'm punctuation in his sentence, the period's stop, the exclamation's amp, the comma's pause, that sharp intake of air.

I was perversely happy with Jack. My married man who had become an answer to my prayers. Now when I went to my knees it wasn't to beg for forgiveness for my ashamed love of a man who would never care for me the way I did for him. No, I went to my knees in worship of my dejected state, to glory in my aberrant desires, and to share them with a soul who could understand them.

I told Jack things I'd never told another. We would lie together, tangled in sweaty limbs and he would ask the questions lovers shy away from, "Where did you learn how to do that thing with your hand while stroking my...and wow..that thing with your mouth...or I can't imagine how you learned to fuck back like that...."

And with him, I felt free to answer his questions. To share in my exploits, I found myself laughing at experiences that had left me feeling tarnished, exposed, or vulnerable. Words I'd never thought would pass my lips spilled freely with him. He laughed easily, sometimes he cried for me when I revealed the pain of certain events, and always he fucked me.

In return he spoke to me about his wife. The sweetheart who had taken his heart from high school. They had kids. And a home. A life and a mortgage. And she had thrown it all away to sleep with his best friend. He'd forgiven her.

Or he had tried. But he couldn't look at her now without wondering. Questioning her late night returns and checking her phone calls, reading her emails. He was driving himself mad with his Need.

Oh how I understood Need. For my Need for Him never wavered. Even here in this odd communion of two tarnished souls I still thought of Him, still ached for Him, and still desired Him.

And with Jack I didn't have to hide that.

I found myself excited about when he'd be back in town and for the first time I actually cared what another thought about how I looked. I primped for him. And I eagerly awaited his returns.

If it bothered me how much Jack looked like Euriya I didn't notice. Or I chose to ignore it. For now Jack was a key to startling happiness and I wasn't willing to analyze why our dysfunctional relationship worked.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-02-01 15:17 EST
Bar Napkin Sonnets #24 Moira Egan

It's wicked to admit I love these bruises, the set of fingerprints along my hip that an FBI agent could dust and use to track him down. I love the boy-stung lips from hours kissing, lips soft, but his whiskers grown rougher with the hours into night, and rougher still, we move together, quicker, as if our muscles' work brought on the light. Mornings like this, I'm torn between two notions: Are love's inscriptions like a form of art, or injuries incurred from constant motion: tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, arrythmic heart" And you should see my scars I sit alone, a glass of wine, a napkin, and my pen.

I loved and hated with equal parts fervor. Barely able to contain my ecstasy at Euriya's sudden renewed vigor of interest. I poured myself in the wickedly sinful scarlet dress and made sure to make the ride to the Gala as interesting as I was able.

Arriving far later than he'd intended, after all, we'd promised Fiora to assist with the setup, I was not remorseful. Indeed, as he hurried off to find the hostess of the hour I texted Jack with lightning fast fingers. He couldn't wait to hear the details.

Details I was quick to share: Like Euriya's new date who had outbid me easily enough. I had wanted to engage in the bidding war, but I didn't wish to frustrate the target of my interest. As he talked up the woman with the tail I downed the first of several glasses of champagne and related my woes to Jack. He encouraged me to unleash my own considerable attention getting talents.

When Euriya returned to the table I had delved beneath it with eager limbs and excited us both easily enough. I was seconds from slipping beneath the cover of the cloth to take my coy activites to the next level when he had requested my presence in the restroom.

Far be it from me to ruin well-laid plans.

Of course, after our heated coupling, he had slipped out to leave me to clean up and it was only later that I learned the woman that occupied his attention upon my exit was a date he had successfully bid on.

Ate up with jealousy I pleaded a headache and a concerned and considerate Euriya tucked me inside the limo and sent me on my way. I texted Jack.

And Jack had dropped everything to come to my condo and hold me as I cried bittersweet tears.

He'd just peeled me from my dress when the call came. Euriya wanted me at his place.

I should've denied. I should've demurred. I should've done any number of intelligent things.

But what I did was have Jack slide the coat back over my naked shoulders and kissed him farewell, quivering in excitement.

The night was spent in scarlet lit intensity and I left his bed shortly after dawn.

A text from Knmblnkwik said only: Details" And mine was simply, "Lunch?"

Both of our answers were a sincere yes.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-02-08 20:54 EST
He'd used me.

And I'd loved it.

I drank it up. Like a kitten lapping cream.

I couldn't get enough.

I could never get enough.

One would think that my southern belle background would make me blush and swoon at the thought of the things I had allowed him to do to me that night; but, ironically, it was my own mother who had informed my sisters and I that a true woman embodied the whore and the lady with equal ease.

Of course, my sainted mother also believed that you only allowed but one man to meet your inner whore and that man and that man alone was the sole purveyor of all your wet, secret, dark places.

Perhaps this is why I fixated so completely upon Him. Maybe the tenets of my mother were so deeply embedded in my soul that I couldn't leech them free.

Such analysis is best saved for the doctor's couch and while he took me many places that night, the office was not one of them.

The next morning it took aspirin to get me out of bed. My body felt abused. Violated. Invaded. And Branded.

Work never ceased however, and I washed up, letting the hot stinging spray of Euriya's shower rinse away the signs of our unholy union, though even as I stepped fresh and clean from its berth I still felt him upon my skin.

I dressed demurely. My sugary smile held politely upon my lips as we went to work together. And my trembling fingers texted Jack as often as I could.

As I left for lunch I was bothered momentarily by the missing JhaiNein as that had never occurred before in my memory, but my legs were trembling from the strain of simply walking to the car that awaited and my heart was already rapidly beating with excitement at being able to share the details of my sinful night with Jack.

I slipped eagerly into his car and immediately slipped my heels free to slide my silky legs into his lap, curling against his arm as he drove and unveiling my secrets in a voice still hoarsened by my escapades.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-02-18 16:36 EST
What kind of friend am I that a part of me feels like Fiora got what she deserved"

Horrid isn't it' But the bubbly kittenish woman had set herself up as my competition somewhere along the way and I had run the gamut of emotions with her.

We were friends. But I hated her.

We were enemies. But I loved her.

The first couple of times she'd dated Him I had said nothing. Given nothing away about my feelings on the subject. Euriya dated many women and once he bedded them he moved on. I could wait. At the time I was seeing my Watchboy.

But then the dates had continued. And with it had grown Euriya's fascination. I had to find out why. I had to decipher what it was he saw in the petite, uncouth creature that owned the building we worked in.

I invited her over.

And I fell for her.

She was adorable. She was fun. She was vibrant. She was funny. She was a riot. And I laughed until I cried.

She told me dating wasn't for her and I relaxed any and all guard. I shared things with her I'd never shared with another woman.

We became tight friends. And Euriya kept coming around. And they started dating again and I let slip my emotions.

Was it intentional" I don't think so. In fact, I was quite horrified by my loose lips. After all, what if she told Euriya of my confession' Would he be angry with my interference"

So I foolishly encouraged her interest. Yes, I asked her to hurt me without revealing the pain she caused me in the acting on it. I told myself that He would grow bored with her soon enough.

But they kept seeing each other and I discovered in a girlish moment of confession that Fiora was not sleeping with him. She danced before him, unattainable.

I was a wretched thing then. For I pushed her to sleep with him. Surely after he had indulged in her he'd move on...he'd come back to me"

And then she'd met the new man. The investigator. And I cheered her on in her efforts. I practically demanded she date both. I pushed and encouraged. Surely this would be the breaking point"

But it had only fueled Euriya more.

The night of the Gala...I'd wished her harm.

All of this and more I confessed into Jack's strong arms, my tarnished soul his to soothe. He never judged me. Not even in this confession so horrid and wretched.

But as I sit beside her hospital bed I have to ask: What kind of friend am I"

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-02-23 10:15 EST
D'habitude Moira Egan

"God, humans are creatures of habit," I say to no one particular, myself, the man who calls himself my lover, behind me in the next room.

The way we laugh when we hit the switch knowing there's no electricity, or turn the faucet to wash our hands anyway, plumber downstairs, no flow.

Do what you've always done, and you'll get what you've always gotten. This is our homily these days, and I believe it. God, humans, creatures, here we

sit in the cosmic chain of being, him in the next room, me at my work. He is reading, quietly, poems that make him moan. This is sweet because

they are my own. He, of course, is not. There is a woman some miles away who yet is here with us, a corner of the room and our consciences just

for her. Seems I've always been the third angle of the triangle, the heart- shaped chaos created by a yes born of a no. And what I now know

is I want him alone, the slow moan mine, no more shadowed eyes peering from corners, through blinds. Do what I've done always" always, I'll trace clandestine skin.

"Dusky, what were you thinking?"

I didn't care to share that answer.

Jack's wife had called. She wanted to "fix things." Things were going well in therapy and she'd had an epiphany.

I felt unmoored. Untethered by the revelation that his dumb cunt of a wife was wisening up to the fact that he had found a measure of happiness elsewhere.

This, combined with Euriya's deep concern for the friend I was guiltstricken over, had sent me out walking the streets of RhyDin. I hadn't gone deliberately looking for trouble.

At least I don't think I had.

The lonely stretch of a dark road had seemed inviting. Hypnotically appealing in light of the recent illuminations. When the man had pulled up beside me and asked me if I wanted a good time, I'd answered honestly, "Yes."

Yes, I wanted a good time. Desperately. I wanted a distraction from my life.

The natty little hostel had been a dismally disgusting hovel compared to the luxuries of my condo. We'd barely made it through the door before he was on me, his hands bruising, his breath hot and moist against my skin as my clothes were pulled off to allow him the sight and touch of my pampered body.

"What's your name?" He growled against my breast as he undid his pants.

"Unloved." I answered.

He snorted at my response and pushed me against the door.

Hours later, we were twined together on the mattress. His breath came in ragged gulping pants as he sobbed, "I'll love you. I'll love you forever. Let me love you."

I felt such guilt. After all I'd lied. I'd given him the wrong name and allowed this rough man with his rough hands to arrive at the wrong conclusion. I wasn't just unloved. I was "Unlovable."'

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-03-12 14:22 EST
Jack appeared to be genuinely horrified by my actions. For the first time I thought I received a hint of censor from my confidant. I felt the chrysalis forming to protect my heart. The hardening was always so cold and lifeless and yet necessary to keep me from the pain of judgment.

You'd think after years of such accusations that the slurs would become meaningless but there was something about the knife edge of such words that resisted the dulling of age.

He didn't call me names. But the look in his eye castigated me for reckless behavior, screamed SLUT, WHORE, and TRAMP.

I asked him to leave as soon as we got back to my condo. But he did the unthinkable. He refused. He said I needed him. I was surprised to discover that I think I did. Need him.

Cuttingly I denied him, hoping to wound him the way in which I felt the slice of his gaze upon my soul. Dicing me up into ribbons of ruin. I was unfit. Unnatural. I was a disgrace.

Later as I sat in the luxurious tub I tried to stem the flow of tears. If someone as damaged as Jack couldn't comprehend me how could I ever expect to stand naked before another" Especially Him. He'd see my flaws, dissect my cracks, he'd offer understanding and compassion from a clinical standpoint.

But would he love me"

Could anybody love me?

I didn't hear Jack enter the bathroom. I'd forgotten I'd given him my key. Angrily he yanked me from the tub, my body slick and glistening from the water. He yelled at me, cursed me, raged against me and I welcomed it. I'm not sure which of us was the first to turn out touch to something hotter than the rage.

All I know is that as my body rocked, bent over the tub, I felt purified, cleansed in a way the waters of the bath could not have. The wet slapping sounds of him invading me, abrading me, ladling me with his love and forgiveness drew from me welcoming moisture. My body wept as I did.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-04-22 20:36 EST
I'd taken time off. A rarity to be sure. Citing the pressures of Fiora's recovery, I'd hinted at visiting family.

He'd seen right through it of course. But I almost wanted him to. To know that I too could paint pretty swirling pictures of deceit. I could disassemble as well as he and leave him questioning the reality.

In the end, he'd simply nodded his assent and I was crushed yet again. What had I wanted" Foolish girl" For him to deny me" For him to leap up from his desk like a star in a soap opera and proclaim he couldn't live with us being parted"

The shameful bite of foolishness spurred me to greater levels of depravity. Jack had wanted a romantic get away. A private vacation just the two of us with no interruptions from our distanced loves, those who truly owned our hearts.

I'd promised.

And yet it was not Jack's arms I woke up in. Hell, to be honest I didn't know whose arms they actually belonged to. She'd been soft though. Her skin lacking the coarse heavy weight of a man. And in that moment being both intriguing and disappointing.

Slowly the events of last night pierced the sluggishness of my memory. There'd been too many bottles of champagne to count.

I had been dancing. Yes, I was dancing and then this woman approached and we danced together.

I fluttered my lashes apart as I sought more answers. We'd rubbed against each other, undulated erotically, simulated sex in the erotic flow of the rhythmic beat of the music. The floor had steadily cleared to give us more room. To allow more viewers the pleasure of our bodies straining against each other.

Had I kissed her first' Or had she kissed me"

I couldn't recall. Only the blistering heat of our tongues twining together, our hands pulling at clothes...

...had I a dance club full of people"

From the door way the low tones of a man drew my attention, "You're awake..." His grin was vaguely familiar.

The body next to me rolled over, the fall of blonde hair, I couldn't help but note that it was a dye job, tumbling back to reveal a pretty face "Kurt!" She exclaimed giddily and held out her arms to him.

I watched as he approached on a self-assured stride, felt the bed dip beneath his descending weight and made no move as he crawled up her body, deliberately grazing mine as he arrived, "Goodmorning beauties." He tangled one hand in blonde hair and pulled her face inward.

It took me a moment to realize that the gentle nudge on my own head was guiding me toward the other girl's lips. As her face came closer I shut my eyes to consider this newfound position even as her soft breath whispered across my mouth.

It felt good.

And who was I to deny myself a balm to my hurt?

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-06-07 20:00 EST
Pretty little lines of snow How do you like your blow?

The snorting of cocaine off your ass is a surprisingly ticklish sensation and one that makes it difficult to hold still. Of course if you're being held down and high as the person doing the line, well it helps.

Like all good girls from good moneyed Southern homes I had dabbled in drugs before. A bender here or there was only just to blow off steam after all.

The tangle of bodies had become one creature and I could no longer separate myself from them. We moved together in a weird fluctuation of body parts. Sometimes I'd find myself astride the soft curves of a female and at other times I was penetrated by what could only be the rigid lengths of a male. I was passed about and I did my own passing.

I'd lost track of the days. Lost track of everything but the hazy reality of pleasure. And pain. My protests were as listened to as much as my encouragements. It didn't matter. None of it did. I was rolled this way and that.

At some point I disengaged from myself and just let it all simply flow. A drug-induced coma of forgetfulness. There were parties, and new faces. Club nights dancing and fucking. There were drugs and alcohol, and through it all Kurt and Chloe were my escorts. I was their new favorite toy. Always willing, never turning anything down. We ran the length of Sin City in the heart of Rhy'Din's Casino District. Money exchanged hands as easily as did the drugs and the bodies. I embraced it all with barely any recognition of what I was doing. But through it all the faces of Euriya and Jack kept re-emerging.

"It's Kurt baby. It's Kurt." He grunted as he took me yet again and I rolled my eyes up to the other man who was approaching with eager anticipation. "Euriya..." I moaned and clenched my eyes against the faces of my lovers. As my mouth became engaged I let my mind drift in a lurid fantasy. But as I pictured Euriya and Jack replacing the men thrusting furiously at me I panicked.

And I gagged.


I jerked and struggled. Disengaged and pulled free.

Violently I choked, my body convulsing as I scrambled free from the grasping hands, puking up the contents of my stomach.

No! No, they couldn't share me. Euriya needed to Love me. He needed to want only me and for me to be only His.

I locked myself in the bathroom and ignored the pleas on the other side of the door as I bathed away the foolishness that was my recent escapades.

I felt dirty.



And it was to him that I would go. I was damaged goods and he was an expert at fixing the damaged. But I would never let him see the tattered parts of my psyche. For him I would be perfect.

I left a few hours later. Wrapped in a bathrobe from the expensive casino, a handful of cash paid my way back to my condo no questions asked. In the hazed state of my mind I realized that Kurt and Chloe had begged me to stay at the party but I had been oblivious. They were shades to me now. An almost forgotten dream.

The first order of business upon arriving home was to set up a spa appointment.

I would return to Him only once I was restored fully.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-06-14 15:17 EST
Daylight Savings Pamela Kenley-Meschino

This could be my secret hour when the loose ends get gathered up and arranged in heirloom rows with all the perfume promise of ripe summer plums.

When the fat lady steps forward to sing, the brilliance of her aerial voice rising in a luminous loop beyond the spotlight; beyond the canopies; above the four corners.

When the surplus and the shambles, the rough residue of regret, the trail of gloom and tragedy, the lament of unrelished days, evaporate in a cogent crisp of cloudless blue.

And all the things that matter most, like mouth to mouth inscriptions, skin to skin sequels, the feel of green and music, the blush and whisper of grandiose ideas, return in a supreme sweep that rises to the surface like yeast and honey: a sweet surplus of plenty to pocket for the road.

The flashing light on my cell phone blinked like the star atop a child's first Christmas tree. Promises, Promises, it made and had no intention of following through.

They were all from Jack. Message after message aligned soldier-perfect and rifles primed and loaded. I couldn't bring myself to answer them. I couldn't bring myself to know what he thought of being abandoned on the cusp of a real relationship.

I knew that I had hurt him. But I had never promised not to. In fact, I had warned him from the start, pulled back the shades, yanked back the covers, opened the closet doors and played with the skeletons.

As I entered the Plaza, excitement buzzed along my nerves bringing a fire not unlike the burn of the cocaine I had snorted over the last few days.

The white powder was easily forgotten, unlike my true addiction that set tucked back behind his doors and there in my seat... my seat....

..........I had been replaced.

"Hello may I help you?" The woman's crisp greeting was lost in the klaxon agony of wailing that only I heard.

Maybe if I had taken a few of those messages I might've been forewarned that, of all people, Jack's wife now set at my desk. As it were, I was blindsided as expertly as if I'd been jack-knifed on the highway of life.

I let none of this show on the serenity of my genetically gifted features, my smile was a mite tight as I let the honey drip from my southern drawl, "No, that is quite alright. I'll let myself in."

Without another glance to her surprised reaction I passed by the desk that was mine own and opened Doctor Shilo's door without an announcement or a warning.

Sometimes, the clocks reset themselves, springing forward or falling back to represent the inevitable rotation of life.

This was one of those times.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-08-02 10:34 EST
He lifted his dark head and the needle that carried across the record of my soul skipped and skidded as the world lurched beneath my feet.

The manila folder found its place upon his desk and I envied it that simple existence as his fingers steepled above it, his firm voice offering little in the way of a hint of his emotions, "Miss Beaumont."

The glint of his glasses concealed his eyes but I felt them glide across my body as surely as I did the assured state of ownership as his grip slipped around me, the leash settling about my throat as if it had never left.

"Doctor." I trembled but gave no hint of it as I took a leggy step into that inner sanctuary.

"The Door." He instructed as his gaze drank me in, "Please close it."

As I turned toward that ornate oaken structure I cupped one hand around the knob as if it were a lover I was taking to a private haven, the other I slid up its frame adoringly as I pushed it into place and closed us inside, together. My breath hitched, my head fell forward and sunstreaked strands whispered along my neck as I held my repose.

His voice, when it came again, made me quiver, "To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Beaumont' Have you returned from your vacation so soon?"

My nipples tautened against the silk camisole I had carefully chosen for its vivid raspberry hue. His displeasure was kept muted but I felt it, recognized it for what it was. Hope soared alongside the slick hot surge of vicious need.

Just his voice was enough..

Slowly I turned to face him again and began my long legged graceful way toward him, "My vacation was ill-advised and far lengthier than I would've liked." The drawl dripped southern charm and kept up the petal soft sweetness of our odd relationship that apparently skimmed along the surface of reality except in those moments of hot slick conjoinings where truth could be discovered.

"It is good to be back." I couldn't keep the hesitant whisper of fear from my voice. What if he didn't take me back"

"I agree. And I must admit that I don't like being on the receiving end of those sorts of surprises. As you can see, I had to go and find a replacement." His words came as poisoned darts piercing my soul. I fought to breathe through the constriction of my chest.

Fear tangled and scrambled with sickly sweet agony and I detoured from my intended destination of his arms to stop by his filing drawers. The blatant disregard for his careful organization was acid in pulsating wounds of betrayal. A glance was sent to the closed door and the woman who had attempted to replace me and the venomous hatred was thankfully hidden by the angle of my body toward him, what a psychological treasure trove these emotions would prove to be.

Carefully I restacked and shuffled his papers with competent skill that spoke of the subconscious desire to please him. A paper clip was moved to the perfect inch of the corner, a tsk of censor escaping my lips at finding it out of alignment with the others. "I see."

"I don't think you do." He said flatly, a slight swivel in his chair keeping me at the same angle as I moved across his room. "You see, Miss Beaumont, I place a lot of stock in your assistance. To be frank, you are as important as one of my hands, if not the mind that controls them. You see my world in a way others can't, and because of that my success has been easily obtained. With your departure I've had to sacrifice this pleasure for the aid of one who is not nearly as adept in things that a"

I felt his gaze linger upon the presentation of my body as his words sung inside me, "I've been very unhappy." He added.

The sweet vicious rush of pleasure at his words was hidden from him though I could not contain the smile that curved my lips. A smile aimed carefully down at his files, back still toward him to hide the surge of my elation. Having re-organized the files I placed them in their military correct location and turned toward him with my southern belle expression clearly in place.

Warm, sticky, liquid desire pulsated through me at the sight of him behind his desk and I moved toward him with the hip swinging gait of a woman who was fully aroused, "It was selfish of me, Doctor Shilo." I agreed though the fierce pleasure that surrounded me, "I am most assuredly deserving of punishment."

I demurely presented myself at his side and slowly faced his desk, my movements gentle and innocent, right up to the point where I assumed a position bent over the area left barren for such purposes. The tight skirt rose upward, cupping my rounded ass and revealing the tops of my stockings, the line of the garter belt appearing as I lowered my cheek to the surface of his desk with a whimper at the rightness of it all.

When my punishment came I felt the rapture of the saved.

Dusky Beaumont

Date: 2011-11-11 17:38 EST
I smiled, after all it was what was expected out of me. The gentle grace of my lips sweet lifting apparently appeased the man across from me. I had no idea what he'd been saying, had in fact stopped listening to him before the salad course. It was no reflection on him as a person but more a testament to my state of mind.

He bored me.

I could feel myself aging. I'm sure it was all in my mind, but as he displayed his patented moves and gently plied me with the luxuries of a fine date I felt the minutes of my life trickling past.

If I were to die in the next moment would this be how I wanted to spend my last few minutes.

The thoughts were ludicrous. Better suited to the ill-developed and not fully rational mind of a teenage girl; yet, as I sat there and focused on his moving lips I felt the irrational urge to scream at him.

Anything was better than this polite drivel. Anything.

By the time the dessert arrived I felt dead inside. A robot on autopilot with no sense of emotions to assess reality. I was operating at barely functioning attention.

At some point he'd keyed in to my disinterest and his charm had multiplied. The jokes and name-dropping was astounding, but soon he'd recognized that my boredom would not be appeased. Now, as our forks delicately dipped into the decadent dessert the silence was a palpable blanket between us.

He was sullen. Pouting.

And that amused me. I felt the first stirring of ...something....when he sidled a disgruntled glare my direction.

As we stopped at the Coat Check, he was boorish. Checking the messages on his phone while I was handed out my wrap. For some reason this stirred me even more. A brief glimpse of heat spiraled in the pit of my stomach to contend with the tickling hint of my amusement.

The limo arrived and he did the only gentlemanly thing he could do, trained like a circus penguin in his similar tuxedo, helping me to alight within. His eyes dipped in appreciation over the length of leg that I revealed and he launched into his act with a renewed vigor.

It left me cold. The stir of heat forgotten beneath this surge of lothario-ism. Bored, I turned my gaze to look out the window in the middle of his revelation of box office seats to something or other.

My date trailed off...and the silence grew.

I barely recognized the mounting tension. My thoughts on Him. After my first initial welcome back to my position he'd been distant. Spiting me by keeping Jack's ex-wife (wife, I mentally corrected myself) in employment as some kind of PR assistant. The thought of her drew my palms to glide over my skirt. A brief flutter of tension clenching the slinky material against my thighs.

The businessman cleared his throat. I flickered my gaze in his direction with the air of the annoyed. After all, my thoughts had been deep.

"You know, Dusky." He said with the air of a man trying to find common ground, to establish a connection, "You're a hard person to read."

I wanted to point out that he wasn't trying to. That there was no effort on his part to read me. He'd been reading from a script since he'd picked me up. The playbook consulted for each new foray into my field. And it was so damn predictable that it was nauseating in its childlike simplicty.

Instead, I yawned.

His face screwed up in anger. A tightening of his jawline and a burning animosity forming in his eyes.

The mask of a man trying to get into my pants had disappeared.

And I liked it.

I liked it so much in fact, that I did the unthinkable.

I slapped him.