Topic: Going Clean

Kendall Bree

Date: 2010-06-30 15:38 EST
"Sommat's come up. Ain't gonna be able t' do th' lunch runs no more." The heat was nearly stifling, there in the center of the West Bridge. With no cover from the sun, and all the moisture from the river, the air was oppressively muggy " and it was still early in the summer. There would be deaths from the heat before long, just as there had been from the cold of winter.

Kendall wasn't wearing her old and threadbare clothing because of the heat, though " and she'd stashed her ring before she even left the penthouse this morning (only possible because Bashir had gone to work an hour before she started her preparations). Now there was no sign that Kendall had gotten caught up in a whirlwind marriage, that she was staying in a penthouse suite instead of up on the roofs or in an abandoned building. Even the scar on her hand could be easily explained.

Still, Amy was sharp. She peered through black-streaked pink bangs at Kendall, her eyes narrowing. "This got sommat t' do with that dude you hit th' club with' Ain't been streetside much since then. Already covered you last week." Which was a probe and a request for payment, all in one. Amy twisted the cheap copper bracelet on her wrist while she stared at Kendall.

An inelegant snort was Kendall's answer. "Pretty college dropout's got nothin" worth havin" "cept a bit of fun an' a cush place t' sleep fer a bit. Nah, this is sommat else." Which was an outright lie on more than one count, but Amy ran with Skate, and Skate ran the Ravens more or less; best to redirect attention from her new husband and his family. "Got a line on a straight job, sellin". Can't take th' time fer deliveries. Lunch run t' Bodhi Tree is all yers, you want it." Which would mean four silvers and two meals a day for Amy " an offer too good to pass up.

"Straight' Deal. Where you gonna be workin?"" A cart rumbled past, and Amy jumped out of the way. Kendall used the distraction to pull a mixed handful of small coins from her pocket " penny-bits, broken silvers and three dirty half-golds.

The coins chinked from Kendall's hand to Amy's " squaring the balance for the last week, plus some. She didn't answer the question, asked one of her own. "Heard what anyone's lookin" fer me on th' grey?" Her light eyes flicked around the bridge, scanning for anyone near enough to hear the question. With the Watch stepping up patrols, couldn't be too careful.

Amy pursed her lips, shrugged. "Parker, lookin" t' score some glim fer his fix, but that ain't news. No line on a run, an' Ravens took th' chop. Skate was figgerin" you'd be handy for th' mech parts, no skin if yer already booked. Lady passed t' send if you turned up. Think she's got one of th' sparky runs in mind."

"Good thing yer memory's so bad, huh?" Another gold piece slipped from Kendall's possession to Amy's.

The younger girl shook her head, uneasy. "Won't give it up I saw you "less I get asked, but I ain't gonna lie t' th' Lady, Bree." She was fidgeting at the very idea, sending looks over her shoulder as if the Lady in question might be watching the whole transaction.

Kendall was just as uneasy, but she hid it better, with a curl of cynical smile. "Sounds like Raven dealin" t' me. A"right, square, I'll vanish fer a while. Thanks, Ames. Watch yerself." While Amy headed South toward West End and the Bodhi Tree Caf?, Kendall stood on the bridge. She didn't leave until Amy was well out of sight, but her path took her towards West End, as well.