Topic: Matchmaker, Matchmaker..Make me a Match.


Date: 2010-05-12 13:12 EST
"Girl! Girl! Girl! Do you know there is life outside these walls" There are living, breathing..well some of them breath...and most of them are living. Hey, it's not my fault you pick a strange world to live in. ..Anywho..there are wondrous things happening on the other side of those windows." Eros pulled back the curtains to find there were blinds to keep the room dark as well. "Oh good gods! How long has it been since you've seen the sun?"

She groaned from that lovely king size bed, pulling the cover over her head as the curtains were open. "It's too bright!"

Sputtering.."Wha"..too.." There is no light in here!"

"More than there was."

" there isn't. Where's the light switches" Is everything on a remote?" He'd meander through the condo. Finally finding the device which controls everything. Soon the blinds were raised, the lights were on, sunshine was streaming in and he had the robot butler singing Zip a Dee Doo Da. "Much better."

"How did you get in here" I have security." Hand raising from the mound of blankets, pointing wherever she thought Eros to be. Wasn't even close. "GOOD security. How did you get through it?"

Eros bounced on the bed. Thus aggravating sleeping grumpy further. "Aaah, remember when you did your last job for Zeus" You Burned that little city to the ground and we came back for drinks" You left your key card out. I borrowed it. Since you haven't left the room since then, you never.....even....noticed." Slowly peeling the covers away. "Oh my, blessed soul. You look like crap. How much are you drinking these days" Are those crows feet around your eyes?"

"Must you talk so loud?" Groaning as the first rays of light greeted her pupils in weeks. "For the record." Trying to cover up with a pillow which was yanked away. "There is no life there is only existence. Besides, I have everything I need here."

"Oh yes, everything indeed. Let's see. You've bedded Jack, Jose and Jim." Filtering through the bottles in the trashcan by her bed.

She had no idea what he was talking about. "Who' I've been here alone thank you."

"Jack Daniels, Jose Cuervo and Jim Beam. Tell me, were they good in bed" Was it a foursome" Tsk, tsk, tsk.." Yanking down the lower lid of her right eye. "You have a red, road map on your eyeballs. Is this what being human is about' Blacking out in your effort to get liver disease?" Drumming his chin as he studied the poor, pathetic, excuse for a goddess. "Oh how the mighty have fallen. But I must say, you're work of late has been most devious and petty. Just the attitude you've been trying to avoid is it not' You came here to be do human things. So far you've managed to join the lowest of the low as they wallow in misery. That's not the ways those I know live. The humans I interact with laugh and love. Enjoy life to the fullest. They interact with other people." Wrinkling his nose. "They shower. Eris, you're living like a middle aged bachelor with bad breath, back hair and a pizza face. Come on, come on. Let's get you detoxed and decontaminated. Find some real clothes. Sweat pants do not become you."

Since he was already inside her apartment, there was nothing she could do, aside from bodily harm, that would run him off. She didn't have the energy to zap his butt today. A shower was very much needed anyway. "Fine, fine. I'll get dressed. But don't expect much else."

As she showered, he was plotting and scheming. What she needed was something that would encourage her to get up every morning. Get out of bed. Go outside. A puppy came to mind. "Ooooh, she's not good with cute, cuddly animals." Never was fond of anything or one that whines and pees on the carpet. Then the light bulb came on overheard. ..Really, it did, because he pushed a button on the remote and a light came on. "What she needs is my special talent as a matchmaker. Eris needs a man. Not just any old man. But he must have wisdom beyond his apparent years. She likes Romans and Greeks. Hates Gods. Not big on blondes. ..can't be metrosexuals..must be tough but not an egomaniac. The strong, silent type. A few scars for character. Someone she can be pissy to and will be pissy right back at her. May as well give up now." Mumbling while flipping through the latest issue of People Magazine. This was going to be the task of his lifetime. "I should do an ad. One of those E-Harmony or Match.come like things. Wonder if they have those here?" Research was needed. Before Eris even came out of the shower, he was gone. Leaving her card key behind.