Topic: Pieces of Me


Date: 2013-01-27 14:20 EST
"Can I...Can I listen to it?" she asked timidly with a hushed voice, looking up at Elek with wide, innocent brown eyes. He had always been the nicest of her three brothers, reading to her and teaching her new things.

He regarded his sister seriously for a moment, tentative to broach the sensitive subject of his recent surgery. They were both outside, resting against the trunk of a large, willowy tree. Duci nestled into his side, curled in the crook of his arm like a baby. She was still so young, and she didn't understand. Lowering the book into his lap, he closed it.

"Sure," Elek finally replied, smiling benignly at his sister as he opened his arms invitingly.

She shifted around excitedly, her whole face lighting up at his acquiescence. "Oh, k'sz"n"m, thank you!" she breathed out in a single breath, her voice soft and wispy. Settling into Elek's lap this time, Duci turned sideways and leaned into him with her ear pressed to his sternum.

"No, Duci, my heart is over here," he corrected her, gently guiding her head slightly to his left so it was over his heart.

"Oh," she replied, embarrassed. Her face flushed a gentle, rosy pink, but she didn't dwell on her embarrassment as his heartbeat captivated her attention. It tharrumped loudly, like the beat of drums in war. "It sounds so strong and powerful, Elek," she remarked in childish awe.

"I was lucky to receive my heart from a warrior." His voice was calm, hands soothing down the unruly mop of curls his sister possessed. He leaned back so his head touched the smooth bark of the tree's trunk.

"A warrior?" she inquired, her interest piqued as she sat upright and alert in his lap.

"Yes. He fought bravely in our fleet against the Cylons and other threats. A general, too, with many awards and stripes."

"I'm going to be a warrior, too, like you and your heart," she told him with undisguised determination and confidence.

That was how this docile little child grew into a woman and a fighter pilot.


Date: 2015-12-15 16:33 EST
She was splayed out on a grassy mound, fingers curling into the grass and picking out tufts of it at odd intervals. Long, blonde curls rippled in the wind as fighter jets screeched overhead. Duci smiled, watching the pilots maneuver the vicious spacecrafts expertly through a series of stunts and obstacles.

War Games was her favorite week.

Closing her eyes, she imagined herself in the cockpit. Her face was masked by the visor and oxygen mask, but her lips were pressed into a thin, determined line. Her Viper was dropping from a high altitude at mach speeds, divebombing a Cylon encampment so she could rain bullets upon them. PewPEWpewPEW!

The Viper soared back up to the heavens, the pilot triumphant as the base camp exploded in her wake. Flames and debris ballooned behind her, creating a visual of the ultimate action movie backdrop. She had saved humanity! She was a hero! She was...—

"Hey, h"lye l"ny," Andras and Laszlo chorused, interjecting upon her daydream.

Duci sighed, her expression darkening as she opened her eyes to glance over at her brothers. She frowned. "What do you want?"

"You're never going to be a pliot," Laszlo jeered, "It's not for little girls."

The blonde huffed, sitting up angrily. "Girls can be pilots, too, bigoted sexist!" While they had been words she hadn't fully understood, she had used them in the right context.

"Ooh, little Goosey knows such big words," Andras taunted, taking a step toward her.

She knew better, though, and rose to her feet. "Please just leave me alone," she asked politely, already backing up slowly. Laszlo lunged forward and Duci spun on her heel, darting away from the pair as fast as she could.

"Elek isn't here to save you this time, Duci!" one of them threatened from behind her, but she couldn't tell which as a Viper roared past just above them. Rejuvenated by the call of the engines, she looked back at her brothers before hightailing it back home.

They wouldn't catch her this time.

Everything catches up eventually.