Topic: Remember, Remember the Month of November


Date: 2012-11-02 00:00 EST
Twilight, the first of November

The mountainside twinkled like a thousand stars just beyond the touch of my fingertips in the moonlight. It was bitingly cold out; the trees swayed and whispered in the faint breeze as the sweet smell of fresh air froze my nostril hairs. Goosebumps prickled along my bare flesh, rivulets of clear water snaking paths downward as I finally emerged from the edge of the small lake. Perhaps I should have thought twice about going skinny dipping on such a cool night. Golden spun curls were weighed down with water, so the first thing I did was lean over and wring my hair out like a towel. I then straightened and tilted my head back and side to side, shaking out the rest of what water I could muster.

I haven't seen Jochin in a while; too long if you ask me. Maybe we kept missing each other" it wasn't exactly like I was making myself available. I went home, unannounced, for a few weeks. I suppose I should consider myself lucky I still had a job' or maybe I was just lucky that Bashir has had other things to worry about. Padding for my towel, twigs and other outdoor debris crunching under my feet, I shifted my gaze up to the heavens and didn't look away for a long moment.

"I wish I could understand the fate you gave me,? I murmured, unable to make heads or tails of the constellations and their secrets. Lifting the towel from the rock I abandoned it on, I wrapped myself up cozily before leaning back against the rock. Inhaling deeply, the cold burned my nose as I breathed it in, and caught my lungs on fire. It was so serene out here in the mountains that I wished I could stay forever.

Maybe I would.

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-13 14:16 EST
Second of November, almost midnight

I felt the gentle purr of the mechanical beast vibrating between my thighs, reverberating straight through every fiber of my being. Helmetless, russet locks whipped wildly in the wind as I sped through the winding country lanes. My body was pressed snugly along the steel frame, fitting like a second skin so that I was one with the precious"podarok I'd received so long ago now. " Every day was the same. I absently moved through the motions without really paying attention. My whole life felt like one big, giant haze- I recognized that days passed by, but I couldn't rightly tell you what transpired at any given time. I woke, I ate, I worked, I read (though, what I was reading, I couldn't tell you), I slept a few hours, then I repeated. People spoke to me, but they might as well have been on mute" I smiled, nodded my head or shook it, but I didn't register anything that happened. " Feeling the breeze through my hair was one of the singular acts that made my face flush crimson and my blood pump riotously, a bursting moment of life and momentary transformation. I felt free. I had yet to hear back from Jaycy, and I silently prayed that she was alright. She was smart enough to not be caught or busted by brat moy idiotskiey. " Leaning into the bend in the road, I belted through it as easily as a knife through butter. The ominous crunching of gravel beneath the tires was both alarming and exhilarating; I loved the thrill of danger, to hang precariously on the precipice of life and death. It was empowering, made me feel shivoy. " It made me feel like maybe I wasn't dead just yet.

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-13 14:20 EST
Twilight, third of November

Tilting the other way as I eased into the next bend in the road, I closed my eyes. The wind caressed my face, whistled in my ears and it was euphoric. Not paying enough attention to my surroundings, my front tire hit a large stone. I thought I knew the roads well, but I couldn't account for nature. " For a moment, I swore I was flying. " Time passed in slow motion. I was distinctly aware of the jolt the bike gave as it came to an abrupt stop, and I felt like I hit a brick wall. The back end whipped up as a result of the impact, sending me catapulting over the handlebars. My eyes had barely opened before I hit the ground, landing flat on my back with the wind knocked out of me. " I wish I hadn't opened my eyes. " Wisps of dark, menacing clouds, a twilight sky dotted with twinkling diamonds, and brown and bare trees blurred above me into a grotesque, dizzying grayish black. The gravel burned into my skin as I slid down the length of road for what appeared like forever. Rocks cut through my flimsy clothing and slashed straight through my skin. " A guttural cry escaped, my skin flickering through shades of hues and tattoos, exposing the real parts of me I hid. " I felt so alive, I wanted to die.


Date: 2012-11-13 14:34 EST
Dawn, fourth of November

The cauldron's contents bubbled and sizzled dangerously with a crackle of popping noises emitting from both the flame beneath and its stomach. The witch glanced within, overlooking a mossy green liquid that congealed to a sludge-like thickness. "Hm," was all she declared as she pivoted away on the heel of her foot. With her back to the potion, russet and gold curls cascaded down her back with a flick of her hand. " "Who does her think he is" Insinuating that I was taking things out of proportion!" she spat venomously to herself. "If there is anyone to blame, it is he for leading me on!" " Fingers were dawdling thoughtfully through a spice rack. If one took the time to actually notice said rack, they would notice it was a very strange one indeed. The spices were neatly labeled in perfect script that varied between Latin, Brodaen and Common, but translated or read into titles like "fairy wings", "pixie dust", "frog spawn", "chopped liver of Slynx", and "pickled Jrinka". Incidentally, she plucked the "liver of Slynx" off the shelf and sprinkled it on top of the boiling cauldron. " The effect was instant; there was a burst of purple dust followed by a loud plopping noise. Juliana stirred twice clockwise and thrice counterclockwise, easing the sludge into a chocolate brown smoothness. " Her lips curled upward evilly. "I hope he likes brownies." " Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and there was no telling what kind of spell she was about to place on the object of her wrath.


Date: 2012-11-13 14:50 EST
Dusk, fifth of November

Winter was coming. " The little bundle of white and black fur peered skyward with bright, crystalline blue eyes, examining the grey clouds that threatened to burst with rain, or worse, any moment now. Realizing she had stopped, just suddenly surged forward, panting as she hurried through the thicket. " The magic pouch around her neck was filled with long tallow candles, leaves, straw, and wool"last minute preparations for the impending cold. Tigs fur was enough to keep her surviving the winter, but she loved to bundle up all warm and cozy. Her treehouse had a small storage area beneath where she homed, and it was filled to the brim with dried meats and other foods and sweets that wouldn't be perishable and could survive the long winter"and her minute appetite. " A clearing broke up ahead as she bounded between two thick tree trunks, but she didn't stop until she tripped on the edge of the scarf she wore, a handmade gift from years ago. "D"oh!" the mini tigress exclaimed as she lurched forward, tumbling several feet until she went splat against the trunk of a particularly large tree with a pitiful groan. She probably was the most accident prone feline in the universe. " Rolling onto all fours, she wobbled for a moment before shaking her head and wagging a paw menacingly (or so she thought) at the tree. "Stupid twee!" she declared huffily, sticking her tongue out as tree's leaves whispered taunts at her. It sounded strangely like it was laughing. " With a huff she turned her behind to the trunk, and kicked some dirt up at it. That was that. Giggling wickedly, she quickly leapt for what was easily noticed as the largest tree in the clearing. Claws tore into the trunk as she shimmied her way up to the nearest branch. From there she leapt from branch to branch until coming upon a small door. " "Open sesame,? she purred in a foreign dialect. The door snapped open. She looked left, then right. Satisfied there were no spies about, aside from the trees, she disappeared inside.


Date: 2012-11-13 16:38 EST
9 o'clock in the morning, the sixth of November " "Do your eyes burn at all?" the doctor asked as he pulled out his penlight. The little boy's eyes were bloodshot, rimmed with red and moist from watering. His mother's hand squeezed his smaller one, encouraging him not to be shy in the doctor's presence. Leo shook his head slowly. " "No' Okay, good." Theodore had the boy follow the penlight for the moment, and then stashed it away once satisfied. " "Alright, very good, Leo! Now, I want you to look at the poster behind me and read each row, okay' I am having you do this so we can make sure that the surgery I performed went well," Theo explained as he scooted his way out of the boy's line of vision. Topaz eyes flicked up to Leo's mother, Lynda, to make sure she was okay with that as well. " The nod of her head was barely perceptible as her son nodded his head vigorously. "Of course, Dr. Theo! I'll be able to read all of them, just you wait and see. I can see everything! It's super power! I'm Super Seer!" he declared giddily, eyes wide with excitement. His mother's chest swelled with pride. " "P. G. R. D. F. H. L. K. M." Pause. "A. I. C. B. W. P. S. V." Pause. "U. X. E. Y. Z. C. F." Pause. "J. D. O. I. R. Q." Pause. "G. W. E. P. O." Pause. "C. F. L. J." Pause. "B. E. X." " Then he turned to Theo and preened with a goofy smile on his face. "See! I'm Super Seer! I didn't even need to stop; I just wanted to make sure you'd be able to keep up with me!" " Theo laughed, standing up to ruffle Leo's hair. "You are pretty super." Smoothing his jacket down, he smiled at Lynda. "Everything looks good for now. I'm going to send you home with a prescription for eye drops to ease any dryness. If he experiences any issues, please don't hesitate to call, okay?" " Lynda's face lit up with a blossoming smile. "Of course, Theo." Leo slipped his hand into his mom's after jumping out of the chair. " Did she just bat her eyelashes" He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Alright, take care. And see you for your check-up!" " Leo waved maniacally before tugging his mother out of the office. "C"mon mom! I wanna go ride the Merry Go Round!" Lynda smiled bashfully, waggling her fingers girlishly in her wake. " He blinked stupidly, feeling very confused. "Right?? Shaking his head, he moved to fill out some paperwork on his desk.


Date: 2012-11-13 18:07 EST
Afternoon, the seventh of November " Since Theodore left Koch Holdings, Duci hadn't seen much of him. They lived in the same condo building, but still managed not to run into each other. Nothing had changed for the blonde, but Theo had a tendency of making things awkward. Considering his age, it always surprised Duci how uncomfortable women seemed to make him. " They actually met by chance in the Marketplace after work. " Duci cursed after she ran into what felt like a boulder, resulting in what appeared to be an explosion of paper. Arms had been laden with documents, which she was busily looking through when she collided with Theo. A horrified look colored her face when she stared at the ensuing mayhem. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry?" She apologized in a quivery voice as she kneeled down to hastily retrieve all the documents. " "No, don't be," Theodore assured her, having hardly felt the woman run into him. "Here, let me help you?" he offered kindly, moving to stoop down and assist her clean-up. She was moving quickly, a flurry of limbs and papers, but he stopped after a handful to stare at her. "Duci?" he called out, his voice warm and soft. " She flinched, slowing to a stop and lifting her head carefully. "Theo?" Blink. A smile curled lazily. "Hey, how are you?" The moment had quickly passed for her and she resumed picking up the mess. " He was fidgeting, hands still holding the stack of papers but not moving to get more. "I'm good, thanks. Just' you know" busy with work. H-how are you? It' it has been a long time." " The manner in which he was staring at her made her shift uncomfortably, and she continued to focus on accumulating the documents in her arms. "You know, the same?" she replied vaguely, glancing around to make sure she secured them all. Realizing he held her missing documents, she glanced up at him. "Thanks," softly, reaching out to grab the stack from him. " "Anytime. You know, we" we should do dinner sometime?" It came out as more of a question than he intended. Reluctantly, he handed over the papers, smiling at how disheveled she looked with her flyaway hairs and a helter-skelter stack of papers. " Chewing on her lip absently, she did not reply at first. "Sure. I gotta hurry up and get these back to the office so I can cook dinner for my boyfriend" I'll catch you later, alright?" " It was probably the first time she had ever actually referred to Jochin as her boyfriend aloud. Truthfully, she wasn't even sure why she said it like that, but she did give him a fleeting smile before fleeing as gracefully as she could. " At first, his face brightened. "Reall"Oh..." he blinked, looking confused again. "Yeah, later" "bye."


Date: 2012-11-13 18:57 EST
Midday, the eighth of November

Rahxt thrummed with life beneath her. She felt his muscles reverberate with every leap and bound, vibrating into her very being. The wind whistled in her ears, the biting cold numbing her face and making her eyes water. Her excitement kept her blood pumping, and it helped that she hugged herself like a second skin against the steed's rippling body. " "Sem essa," Juliana murmured, her face practically buried in his mane. Her own was thickly braided, the plait thumping against her back as they rounded back to leap over a higher jump. " While he was no longer a show horse, she firmly believed in keeping Rahxt in excellent shape. It helped keep his motor skills sharp and prevented him from getting lazy. It was just as much for her herself as the horse, though. When she was not working, she was busy helping the workers muck the stalls, brush the horses, feed them, and train. Brushing out Rahxt's mane was always therapeutic, but it was the training she lived for. " There were few things she found more exciting than aiding a horse either master new obstacles, or complete a session successfully. The horses probably enjoyed it for the extra treats that ensued. The shadow mare easily made the leap and galloped on for the bucket of carrots, knowing full well he had completed his rounds with full marks. " "Alright, alright, muito bom, Rahxt," Juliana crooned, patting the side of his neck lovingly. "You win." The steed harrumphed knowingly. With a laugh she dismounted, moving to give him the keep he earned.

A Falconne

Date: 2012-11-13 19:21 EST
Late evening, the ninth of November " He had been spending many late nights out in the shed. Algernon's hands moved back and forth religiously, sanding the rough wood to a smooth finish with an exhausting level of manual labor. Starting small, however, he was actually taking Aja's advice to heart. It didn't look so daunting or impressive while doing the work, but to another's eyes he probably looked tiny in comparison to his project. Weeks had been spent cutting, sanding, and constructing the sailboat. It truly was finally beginning to look like a boat and not just a heap of wooden rubbish. " After a long time, he at last eased to a stop and took a step back. Allowing himself a prideful moment to admire his handiwork, he smiled. His masterpiece sprouted before him, not quite wholly the sailboat he envisioned her to be in his mind considering she was capsized for the finishing touches. But it was his. Seeming satisfied, he brought his snifter of Crown up to his lips and drew from it. " "I think I will let the boys help me paint it?" he decided after a long moment, turning to walk down the length with an inspecting eye. The boys, young as they were, would perfect it with their little hands and mischief because they had become such a large part of his life. Taking another sip, he idly ran his hand down the length of boat. It was velvet smooth to the touch and made the hairs on his arm prickle. " Was this love at first sight" Perhaps. "

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-14 17:44 EST
Middle of the night, the tenth of November " I distantly recall hearing sirens; a low thrum that started in the back of my conscience before steadily growing nearer and louder. Groaning, I rolled over and moved to pull a pillow over my head in a weak attempt to suffocate the blaring sound. I had to tug roughly on the pillow just to get it, barely registering the dull thud of a body hitting the floor as result of my effort. " I couldn't bother myself to care, too tired and exhausted. My bones ached, my skin burned, and I felt my lungs wheeze with every shallow breath I took. Teetering on the brink of sleep and consciousness, I was acutely aware of every sound in that moment"the whir of the fan, drip-drops of the faucet, crunching and grinding of gravel beneath the tires of an approaching vehicle, and the distinct lack of an accompanying heartbeat. " Eyes wide open; I bolted upright, the pillow falling to the ground. A horrified gasp slipped past my lips"all I could see was red. "Oh, no?" I choked back a piteous whimper while the room came into focus. It happened again. Those sirens" They were for me. My heart thump-thumped wildly in my throat as the flashing red and blue lights filtered between the blinds and curtains threateningly. " Holding the blankets up to my chest, I chanced looking over the edge of the bed, aided by a few scoots. There she was; her name was Lydia and she remained beautiful even in death. Light brown curls shone golden like halo around her lifeless, martyred body. Dark chocolate eyes were open, staring vacantly at the ceiling. " "Gody," Tears welled in the corners of my eyes as I murmured throatily. I could not take my eyes off her. I bled for her and the hole in her chest, silently wondering if she watched her assailant rip her heart, her whole life, away in those last moments before she passed on. " I could hear the police now, setting up a perimeter and plan of attack. I needed to move. I couldn't. " "Mne tak zhal." The whisper of my voice was barely audible except to the angels. Bringing myself to the edge of the bed, I leaned forward and brushed my lips against hers before resting our foreheads together. "I'm so sorry. Rest in peace." " Hearing guns loaded and cocked jolted me back to the present, and I dashed out of the blood speckled bed. Struggling to find clothes in the aftermath of our heavy partying, I tripped over glass bottles that clinked together noisily, stumbling through the thick haze of lingering smoke. I stuffed my limbs into whatever I lifted, mismatched and out of place. " Footsteps thumped heavily up the concrete steps. " "Idti," I urged myself, fumbling to strap on my guns with stubborn fingers. " There was just enough time to snatch up my sword before the police crowded around the door. I looked back over my shoulder for a brief moment, sorry to leave her behind. Whipping back around, I gave myself a short running start and catapulted through the window at the same time the door was rammed open. " — " I woke up screaming. My negligee stuck like a second skin, a thin sheen of perspiration glistening along bare flesh in the moonlight. The hairs on my arms stood upright and my heart hammered in my ears akin to a deafening roar. Gradually releasing my grip on the sheets, I realized I had just been dreaming. It didn't happen again. It was okay. I was here, in bed. Safe and sound. ? Safe and sound.

Cailean Connor

Date: 2012-11-18 05:56 EST
Late night, the eleventh of November

Somewhere just outside the city limits, screams echoed in the inky blackness of twilight.

Seamus was very careful about where he disappeared to for his monthly furry little problem. He was prone to setting up camp in a part of the forest that was as far away as civilization in a 360 degree angle as he could get. Feeling foolish sitting around naked, he opted to sit in the approaching moonlight in just a pair of shorts- they'd be easy to replace later. He left himself a pack of clothes to change into in the morning.

A guttural noise sounded in the back of his throat as he dropped to all fours, trying to brace for the monthly transformation. He took a deep breath, tossing his head back as he tried to focus on his shifting. Closing his eyes, he both imagined and felt red hair beginning to grow and thicken in unusual places. With excruciating pain, his bones began elongating; his back arched with a sickening crack before he curled inward, feeling his ribcage expand. His knees bent the wrong direction with a grotesque noise, aiding the shift into wolf-like hind haunches. A loud scream resounded in the clearing, the thicket of trees a weak attempt to stifle Seamus" painful transformation.

His muscles stretched and bulged as his transformation continued. Light eyes watched his hands convert into paws in horror, still trying to wiggle them but unable to. The shorts he donned were successfully ripped to shreds with the help of a furry little tail that began growing out of his rear- it split straight through the butt of his shorts. He yelped in pain, like a wounded dog, as his face began to elongate with canines ripping through his gums, dog-like ears sprouting up from his skull, bones began bending back and his innards began shifting around. It still hurt like hell to shift. Another deep breath and an array of scents invaded his nostrils, especially the copper of blood. There was a wounded deer nearby. After an extra moment to regain his wolfish conscience, he lifted his snout and howled at the moon"an ode to his never-ending curse of lycanthropy. His shifting was complete.

Oh, a-hunting we will go.

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-18 06:06 EST
Evening, the twelfth of November

As I finish the last chapter of the book, I only wish that I could keep all of these feelings with me forever. The hope, the love, the joy, the pride, even the anguish But they're like sand, seeping faster and faster between the crevices of my mind until they're completely whisked away, pulled from the shore like the tide falling back to the wide expanse of ocean. I feel so much; the words speaking to me in a thousand different ways.. But once the story is done; I'm left bare and bereft, broken and lost.

There's no purpose, no reason to continue. Just a hollow emptiness that consumes me with grief.

Mama always told me I was too kind for my own good. That I felt more than I should. I used to cry for the dinner they brought home, declaring myself a vegetarian because I couldn't bear to eat something butchered.

Every time I pick up a book, I pour a little piece of my soul into it. There must be hundreds of thousands of books out there with a piece of me, loitering somewhere in the hands of a stranger that caresses the same novel the way I did.

But if that's the case, how much of my soul do I even have left?


Date: 2012-11-18 06:15 EST
Afternoon, the thirteenth of November

"Are you sure this is going to work?" the blonde asked, sounding dubious, as she pushed off from the work table to look over her friend's shoulder. The petite witch had both hands held out apart and in front of her, a faint pink glow emanating from the glittery, sparkly pink wand that was suspended in midair between her hands. She was murmuring under her breath in a mix of old Latin, Brodaen and even Common.

"Of course it will," Juliana replied confidently, opening an eye and turning her head to look at Duci with a wide smile, "I am the one casting the spell for you, after all. Trust me, it will be perfect! It will be even better than those flimsy little sticks they give you at the Isle. Now be quiet so I can concentrate." She did pause in her spell working to pull out of one of the blonde's hairs. The hair floated up from her fingertips and joined with the wand by coiling around it. "This is to bind the wand to you; this is what will make it a superior wand specifically for you."

Duci tentatively reached out for the wand, pausing hesitantly for the go ahead from Juliana. The witch nodded her head encouragingly. Plucking the wand out from the air, she twirled it in her fingertips. It was a little warm to the touch, but it felt good in her hands. After examining the wand for a moment, she looked up to Juliana with a gleam in her eye. "Will you show me how to use it?"

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-18 08:57 EST
Middle of the night, the fourteenth of November

I never really understood magic, but I don't think moya papa wanted me to. He wanted to keep me angry so my powers remained unpredictable, looming threateningly beneath the surface. I have no doubts that he knew more than he let on about my condition, but the less I knew the more advantageous for him.

Once, when I was young and still new to my powers, there was a local boy who picked on me. Vladimir was a malicious punk who was known for bullying and torturing younger children, especially girls. While I had traditionally always been a very hard child; the harvesting of my powers coincided with my coming of age and I was very hormonal for a pithy period.

I know I never really made the connection between the volatility of my mood swings and Zhar-ptitzya, or the Firebird.

You would think papa would send us to and from school in shiny limos, but he didn't. He thought it would be good for our souls to learn some harder labor, like walking there and back. It was a hike at the very least. Vladmir walked the same route we did; he didn't live far away. I had just finished watching a documentary about the Bolshevik Revolution in history, and the topic always left me teary-eyed and drained. Moy brat had stayed at school late for a project, leaving me to fend for myself.

Today, Vladimir was throwing stones.

It was easy to ignore him on a regular day, but in the throes of my weepy state I kept sniveling and turning to growl at him to leave me alone. "Prekrati!" I yelled back over my shoulder. The next stone was larger, and hit me in the back of the head. "OW!" I cried, tears stinging my eyes.

In that moment, I don't know what happened, but all I saw was white. I think the surge in my energy made me pass out, because it was already nightfall when I came to. I was confused at first, trying to figure out why I was in a back alley and about the throbbing pain at the back of my skull. My clothes were singed and my skin felt raging hot. Topaz looked up from my ruined clothing, amazed that my skin had been unharmed, to survey my surroundings. Expecting to see the world charred, I was surprised to find that the ground didn't even look scorched.

But one thing did.

Too shocked at first, I hadn't noticed the scent of burnt flesh. There was a scorched body a few feet away. I knew deep in my bones it was Vladimir.

I screamed and screamed until someone came to help me.

My own screaming startled me awake. I jumped, catapulting out of bed. Landing on the cold floor in a heap of tangled limbs and blankets, I shivered in my cold sweat.

Why was the past coming back to haunt me?


Date: 2012-11-18 09:03 EST
Morning break, the fifteenth of November

Duci realized she was a horrible excuse of a slave. While she lovingly bent to her Master's will, she was much worse about bending to the will of others. Disobedient in the manner of which she stole to the outside world. Perhaps he had been too kind to her, too thoughtful. Or maybe she had just been more resilient than either of them thought.

After her tumble with who could only be Dave's twin, she sought to gain knowledge of the Red Silk Slaves, or kajiras as they were otherwise known.

What was a kajira, you ask" Simply, a kajira is a Gorean slave girl, who is collared and/or branded. A slave's submission comes from deep within her belly. If owned, she belongs to her Master completely (mind and body, heart and soul) and unconditionally. A slave girl's sole purpose is to be pleasing to men.

"What are my duties?" the blonde asked, before replying to herself, "Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience." Check.

Fingertips smoothed the silky soft of her garb, never knowing the diaphanous, clingy form of silk was worn only by slaves. It wound around her shapely form with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder.

"The most fundamental property prized by Goreans in women, I suppose, though little is said about it, is her need for love, and her capacity for love. How much does she need love" And how deep and loving is she" That is the kind of woman a man wants, ultimately, one who is helplessly and totally love's captive, in his collar." She read aloud from the paragraph. Was that what she had been reduced to' Duci's lower lip trembled, torn with mixed feelings.

Slaves have no rights, you own nothing. Fingers trailed over the words, acutely feeling the deep loss of something she couldn't quite place. His will supersedes your own, and his tiniest whim is your absolute law.

Jealousy and possessiveness of one's Owner are not becoming in a slave. It's you who are owned, not he. While any human may FEEL these emotions, a slave girl does not act upon them. It may be how you handle these feelings when you experience them that speak for your maturity and growth in your slavery. This part made her eye twitch. Anubis was hers in her mind's eye. Of course she was jealous of the other slaves, she knew she wasn't the only one" but she'd die for him.

Did he even know that about her?

((Author's Note: The Gorean slave information was found on this site))

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-11-22 06:32 EST
Afternoon, the sixteenth of November

The steel-toe boot connected with my face and I saw stars. My head snapped back and I stumbled back into the ropes, blood dripping down my chin and neck. With a split second spared to recoup, I ran my tongue over my mouth and clumsily bounced back up to my feet. Turning my head to the side, I spit, spraying blood and a cracked tooth. My jaw throbbed painfully, making me think it was fractured. Fists poised near my chin defensively, I turned back to my opponent. Leaning right, then left, I abruptly lunged forward and rammed my head into his gut. He wasn't afforded the luxury of even being able to lift his leg to kick me again as he slammed back against the mat with a wounded grunt.

Quick to roll off of him, I forced myself back up before Sergei could pin me down with him. I watched him wince, obviously winded, but he flipped back onto his feet adroitly. We were both breathing hard, but neither wanted to fold. Circling around one another like vultures, I abused the moment and spent it trying to read his movement and anticipate his next attack.

Egging him on, I crooked a finger at him in a "come at me" gesture. We both moved into action at the same time, but I was faster"kicking my leg out from the side so that I could swing it back around his calves. Sergei's arm was en route for my face, the ridgeline of his hand still in the birthing stages when his feet flew out from under him. For the second time, he landed flat on his back, the air squelched from his lungs.

I was triumphant, but it was short-lived. Poised with the crest of my hand, I prepared to chop down at his jugular; but he rolled to his side, his legs curling unexpectedly around my calves. With a quick jerk, he sent me tottering sideways. Arms flailed as I came crashing to the floor. I landed on my side, blinded by pain and moaning. Flopping back, I cradled my elbow to my stomach and rocked side to side. Sergei took the moment to gain the advantage, and I very narrowly missed having my face bashed in by his fist. It pounded into the mat where my head had been a split second ago, before I rolled out of harm's way.

My right arm hung uselessly at my side as I struggled to a crouch before I rose. I was tired, we'd been trading punches for hours now. My hair was matted indelicately to my skull, clothes clung to my skin uncomfortably and I was sticky with blood. My opponent was already rounding on me, but my fist connected with the underside of his jaw as I rose ungracefully, but speedily. For a second, he was suspended in midair, eyes rolled back and blood spurting out of his mouth. He fell back at a funny angle with a sickening thud, and didn't get up.

Suddenly exhausted, it took more effort than it should have for me to limp toward his body. I dropped to my knees and hunched over him, slapping at his face with my good hand. "Sergei?? My voice asked out tentatively, unsure of how to proceed. We'd gone 20 bloody rounds, but it finally tallied to 9-10 me. He twitched, and I sighed in relief. I fell back into a sitting position. Lying back into the ropes like a cradle, I closed my eyes and began counting off my injuries. It was going to take a week or two to heal. Maybe longer.


Date: 2012-11-22 06:38 EST
Evening, the seventeenth of November

A beach party in the middle of winter? Unbelievable. Granted, this was Harris and Seirichi we were talking about, and anything was possible with them. The blonde leaned in the doorway of her walk-in closet, a cup of chocolate coffee warm between her hands. Clad in a ruffly, black, strapless bikini and strappy gold heels, she was only seeking the dress to finish the outfit.

She glanced down, blonde curls spilling over her shoulder and tumbling down her chest, tickling bare flesh. Duci had hoped that Jochin would be back today, so he could accompany her. Unfortunately, her plans hadn't quite worked out that way.

A shiver ran down her spine.

It was unnaturally cold. Maybe that had to do with being lonely'

Music filtered in the background and she drew from her coffee cup reluctantly. A sway and rock of her hips and she was pushing off from the frame of the entryway. She half-twirled, half-walked further inside the closet, immersing herself in a sea of clothing. One hand peeled away from the mug to trail along the various dresses.

"Eenie." Tugs on the fabric of a beige dress. Too long. "Meenie." Fingers trailed a few dresses before settling on a black one. Too plain. "Minie." Pulling out a flowered dress. Too spring-y. "Mo." Several steps were taken forward, fingers curling into the purple fabric and pulling it out. It had gold accents. It would do.


Date: 2012-11-22 06:41 EST
Twilight, the eighteenth of November

Ripper wasn't lying when he said his slime would keep her warm. A piggyback ride by a xenopmorph was akin to a rollercoaster ride, but they made it to the cemetery a lot faster than if we had been walking. It wasn't until they were nose against the entrance that Phoenix's earlier words dawned on her: this was down the street and to the south!

"That was too easy," she murmured, perplexed by the Wolf's easy fold. There had to be a catch. The xenomorph continued the newly erected mausoleum on the east hill, as per the provided instructions.

Her first thought was that it looked out of place; too clean, too pristine to be a part of such a musty old cemetery. As they got closer, she was not longer aware of whether or not Ripper was with her anymore. She slid off his back, covered in his slime but the blonde didn't seem to notice. Her craving, her thirst for the knowledge this mausoleum held fueled her to seek out this so-called gift.

Lingering at the doorway, fingertips traced across the name engraved at the entry, tracing a dark sense of foreboding. She teetered back and forth, suddenly overcome with a desperate urge to run away. But she persevered and moved forward through the entryway and within. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust the darkness of the mausoleum, umber searching for the erected final resting place

She shook her head in disbelief. "Seriously' Two slaves?"

There was one mystery solved. Who was the Dave look-a-like then?


Date: 2012-11-22 06:44 EST
Sunrise, the nineteenth of November

Fingers trailed over the intricate mesh detail of her dress, feeling every bump and every gap. Gaps like the one in her own heart; holes of misery. There were little things that eased their way in, filling in the missing pieces like putty. But nothing was ever permanent. Sometimes, her heart swelled many sizes too big. It was in those moments that she was grateful for the mesh lining, for it allowed her heart to expand in ways unthinkable. Unfortunately, it also shrank when it was empty. A testament to her perpetual loneliness.

Her hands moved down, fingering the poufy skirt as it extended out from her thighs. It bounced and danced with every step; if only it could add a little jiggle to her heart. It could use a jumpstart today.

Lifting her head, she glanced out at the swiftly approaching dawn. Already, rays of sunshine burst from over the edge of the city's horizon, warming her face. Lips spread into a soft smile, closing her eyes and basking in the moment of quiet. A fresh moment of serenity.

Her mesh heart swelled. Maybe it was the little things, after all.

Eyes fluttered open as she took a deep breath. One foot before the other, right?

Little did she know what surprises the evening would bring.


Date: 2012-11-26 02:32 EST
Lunchtime, the twentieth of November

Fingers danced along the memoirs of deep longing and true love, the beggar's scripted verses of hope and grief. Multiple diaries full of letters to no one littered my lap; years and years worth of heartache. My heart pumped irregularly, a deep sense of hatred and loathing festering alongside the hurting ache of loneliness. Armando's burning memory seared through every fiber of my being, and I needed to let go. I wanted to forget, to bury it into the deepest depths of the wide wonder of space. Let it burn in the bottom of the trashcan fire I had ignited next to my desk.

Flames reflected in wet, shiny eyes as I began ripping the pages out. It was slow at first, remorseful, but it grew into an angry growl, fingers suddenly unable to rip the pages out fast enough. Down, down they floated, side to side before finally drifting to their final incinerating point. The ends of the papers curled, browning then dissolving into grey ash. Like sand seeping between fingers, the memories began to fade away.

After a while, my lap was empty and the flames began to smolder out. "Why is the trashcan aflame?" I asked aloud, looking around the office for explanation. There was none.

Did she just magick away her memory' Why, yes, yes she did.

And you'll be just a memory.


Date: 2012-11-26 02:36 EST
Dawn, the twenty-first of November

The pavement pounded beneath deft footfalls. Duci's muscles hardly even registered fatigue as she turned into her next lap. A small trickle of sweat beaded at her hairline and nose, and her skin felt clammy against the biting cold of dawn. Throughout her whole run, she reviewed her two duels from Monday night.

Replaying each round, the blonde thought about all the moves that could have been utilized and how things would have played out from there. However, instead of being insightful, it made her mad, disappointed in herself for reading her opponents" moves so wrong. Pushing herself harder, she easily gained speed.

It was clear Duci had any qualms with speed"her average mile was 5 minutes 30 seconds, and that was without trying. Clearly, her issue was a lack of good decision making. Story of her whole entire life; giving up her life for duty, going to flight school to be a pilot, trusting in others, believing in love, hoping for something better" The best thing she ever did, however, was leave the fleet. Maybe coming to Rhy'din is tied into that.

Seeing King at the end of the line, she slowed her pace before easing to a stop before her. It wasn't until she stopped that she felt the exhaustion sink into her bones. Hunched over, hands on her knees, she heaved in gasping breaths.

"I'll do better next time.? Duci didn't elaborate to which she meant.


Date: 2012-12-02 22:49 EST
Afternoon, the twenty-second of November

Theodore loved feet; this is what led him to getting his medical degree and focusing in podiatry. He did not have any fetishes or anything like that, but he relished in the abilities of the foot. Right now, he was admitting the Pointe of a foot. He had a package nestled in the crook of his arm, addressed to Xenia Chirikova and mistakenly delivered to his door. The diminutive brunette looked so much longer than normal between the elongating tights, leotard and ballet Pointe shoes.

Topaz averted long enough to take in the spare room; the wall to the left was lined with mirrors, a wood balance beam cutting a straight line across, two wide and tall windows to the right allowed in just the right amount of light, and the wall straight across had a basket full of ballet shoes in varying states of decay, tights, leg warmers, leotards, skirts, and was littered with showcase photos. He had never seen her so full of life, nor color. Her presence demanded his attention, and he turned back to Xenia.

The woman was graceful, carrying herself as though she was as light as a feather. He had always known she was once a ballerina, but seeing was believing. Theo had no idea she still practiced. He saw the way her face fell into peaceful concentration, how she poised herself with arms out and to the side. One foot had been up behind her, and fell behind the other one as arms curved high above her head. Her feet crisscrossed around one another, propelling her around in a circle.

His eyes maneuvered their way back down to the elegant arch of her foot, watching it fall flat against the ground. Then they traveled back up the muscular legs and lean torso to look upon her face, her own golden eyes staring at him. Theodore had the decency to look properly embarrassed, struggling to smile. "Sorry to um.." Rubs the back of his neck nervously, "Bother you? But this package came to my house, and?" Waving back behind him with the same hand, "Your door was open."

Pink lips formed into a thin line, a bead of perspiration glistening in the sunlight along her brow. "Spasibo," Xenia thanked him quietly, moving determinedly in his direction to take the package.

He reluctantly handed over the package, now out of reasons to stay and chat. She stood there stoically, unmoving and closed off. He could take the hint and ducked his head. "If know, ever get one of my packages...You can always come by my place." His smile grew from sheepish to friendly, backing out of the hallway.

She dipped her head, stray russet curls falling out of her bun. "But of course.? The corner's of her mouth twitched into a hint of a smile.

Theodore turned on the heel of his foot and out the front door.

Xenia Chirikova

Date: 2012-12-02 23:55 EST
Dusk, the twenty-third of November

The steel-toe boot connected with my face and stars exploded behind my eyes. My head whipped back, sending me reeling back into the ropes with blood dripping from my face and down my neck. Only a split second was available to recoup and I ran my tongue over my teeth, more out of assurance I still could smile than anything else. Clumsily getting back to my feet, I spit at my feet and sent blood and a tooth spraying across the mat. My jaw throbbed painfully, and I hoped it wasn't broken. Fists at my chin and slightly crouched, I leaned left then right and then lurched forward to butt my head into his gut before he could even lift his leg to kick me again.

We both fell to the ground, but I speedily rolled back over and back up ahead of Sergei's grasp to pin me down. If I winded him, he was careful not to expose his pain to me and flipped back up to his feet. Equally breathing hard, I took advantage of the moment to breathe by moving around the ring, trying to read his facial cues on what to anticipate next. We circled one another like vultures descending on their carcasses.

Blood pounded in my ears and I lunged at the same time he did. I was swifter, my foot swinging from side to catch him at the back of his calves. Just in the nick of time, too, as the ridgeline of Sergei's hand was inches from my face when his feet go knocked out from under him. Once again, he hit the mat flat on his back, air squelching from his lungs. His head hit the mat with so much force it bounced several times.

I looked triumphant, but it was short-lived. Prepared to return his favor with the crest of my hand, I poised to chop. He rolled to his side, hooking his foot back behind my legs. The end result was me flailing around before falling. I landed on my side, blinded by pain. I moaned and flopped onto my back while cradling my elbow to my stomach. Meanwhile, Sergei had gotten back to his feet. Rocking back and forth, my opponent hardly afforded me enough time to even react to his incoming fist. Luckily, I had sharpened reflexes and rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding his clenched fist as it pounded into the mat where my head had been seconds before.

My right arm hung uselessly at my side as I struggled to a crouch, as if I was rising. Tired, that's what I was; we'd been trading punches for the better part of the day. My hair was matted indelicately to my skull, clothes clung to my skin uncomfortably and I was sticky with blood in varying stages of coagulation. Sergei clearly had enough pause, rounding on me but not before my fist connected with the underside of his jaw as I rose ungracefully but powerfully.

For a moment, he was suspended in mid-air, eyes rolled back and blood spraying upward. Sergei fell back with a sickening thud, and didn't get up. As exhausted as I was, adrenalin surged through me long enough to limp toward him. Dropping heavily to my knees, I bent over him and slapped him in the face a few times. "Sergei?" I quietly begged; a silent plea. He twitched. Sighing with relief, I fell back into an awkward sitting position.

We'd gone more than 20 bloody rounds, finally finishing 9-10, me the victor. Lying back, I just closed my eyes and began a mental checklist of my injuries. It might be more apt to keep track of what I didn't injure. "It's going to take forever for me to heal," I groaned.


Date: 2012-12-03 00:01 EST
Late night, the twenty-fourth of November

Lowers the bottle, holding it at her throat, she watches him intently. "Tell me about Thanksgiving, where you're from." Her hand slid up his thigh, fingers weaving invisible designs into his pants. "I noticed several people celebrating it...but I still don't understand what meaning it has."

"My family wasn't yer typical Thanksgiving really. When I was a kid we'd all go ta my grandpa's place in tha desert and eat. When I got older we pretty much stopped celelbratin' most holidays all together. Until me and dad started doin' Christmas together when I got older." A small shrug. "Do they have Thanksgiving where yer from?"

Squints, watching him curiously and sipping her soda. "No, I don't remember any holidays growing up except for Yule and the New Year, the others were mostly for celebrating the gods." Pauses, chewing on her lip. "Is Christmas the same as Yule?"

"Maybe?" The soda was set down, and the cigarette, so he could have free hands for her body. Both captured the indent of her waist into her hips. "I dunno. Never celebrated Yule. Never was too big on holidays."

A soft sigh of glee, a breath of pleasure as his hands encircled her waist. "Mm..." She contemplated asking why, chewing on her lip again. Hesitating, she opened her mouth to ask something, before shutting it. Waits a beat, then opens it again. "Would you want to celebrate with me?" It was such a tiny and innocent voice when she asked. "I-I was thinking we could buy a tree. My family was never big on celebrating the proper way..." Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, "I want to go all out." Breathily, releasing stores of pent up wants and desires.

"I would love ta." His hands squeezed right where they were at to emphasize his point. "Christmas is my favorite. I stopped celebratin, but it didn't mean I stopped lovin' it."

"Promise?" Leaning forward so their foreheads kissed, a whisper that threatened to be a squeal.

"Promise. W can go all out. Put up lights around yer place. A huge tree." Jo smiled wide. "We can even go caroling."

She's practically dancing in spot, tittering behind her hands before she threw them around his shoulders and squeezed. "You're the best ever!" Excited whispers in his ear before she tilted her head, pulling back. "What's caroling?"

(( Taken from Live-play with the handsome and delicious Jochin Nagadari! ))


Date: 2012-12-03 00:26 EST
Early morning, the twenty-fifth of November

The blonde roused blearily, stretching like a well-fed and satisfied cat. She struggled to blink away the remnants of her idyllic slumber. Still clinging to the saccharine sweet memories of last night, she didn't want to wake. Pearly whites bit into the lush flesh of her lower lip, mouth swollen and raw from the wondrous abuse they sustained all night.

Heavenly bliss, that's what Jochin's touch did to her. Burrowing further beneath the covers, 7000 count Pluberian cotton, her body tingled merrily in the lingering after effects of the sweetest lovemaking. Duci only wished that Showboy could have stayed to bask in the morning after with her. Next time, she'd have to ask him to come straight home with her"forget the frivolities of the inn!

Decidedly comfortable, the cozy heat of her bed began to lull her back to sleep. Bits and pieces of their evening filtered through, heavily accosted with visions of cakes and other delectable sweets. She licked her lips, torn between which vision was tastier. Her stomach rumbled for something, though for what she was keeping mum on. Instead she curled her toes and hugged the sheets to her person, wishing it could be Jochin in her arms instead of memories of him.

Jochin and cake" Double the Delicious!


Date: 2012-12-30 02:06 EST
Morning, the twenty-sixth of November

Her back was to the mirror, arms wound around so she could touch her back. Fingers ran over the marred flesh, feeling the faintly healed blemishes. Vivid memories seared through her mind. She didn't mean to, but she began to project one of the incidents that led her current state. — It was cold, so dark out from the lack of sun that it was hard to even see what was transpiring. Xiandralyn bound her arms around the post at the wrist so that her bare back was exposed. It was already bloody, scabbed over and pus-ridden from lack of hygienic care.

Bracing herself, Duci hunched over, gritting her teeth so ferociously that her jaw hurt. The collective gasp from the swelling crowd of spectators did little to ease her nerves. She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing there was no one else there to witness her public humiliation. This was her punishment for made up reasons because Xiandralyn wanted Alper to marry her; Duci was just the bait to get to him.

The twang of the whip never ceased to surprise her, the barbed ends lacing past the thin membrane of flesh and dug into the muscle. An explosion of pain erupted behind her eyes and she bit into her lower lip. She bit hard enough that she broke the skin, tasting blood by the time the fifth stroke hit. Halfway there, she reminded herself encouragingly, trying to keep the tears at bay. Duci refused to give that b*tch the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Or anyone else, for that matter.

She was vaguely aware that Alpe was somewhere out there in the background, watching helplessly as he fought against the guards restraining him. Xiandralyn glided toward her, heels ending in a pointed blade that itched to mar her delicate features. The Queen was crouching down, her digits entangling in damp and dirty curls. With a vicious tug, she wrenched her head back in a way that forced her to look up at her.

"Smile, blondie; you're going to suffer this every day until your boss gives in."

Duci spit in her face. "F*ck you."

With an outraged roar, the elven woman's face contorted into a demonic appearance while she slammed Duci's face into the post. "Give her ten more!" Xianralyn demanded with a frightening bellow prior to storming off. — The blonde gasped from reliving the moment, phantom pain still lingering up and down her back and in her face. Despite the fact the projection ended, the memory didn't fade into nothingness. It was forever seared into her mind.

She felt the scars, wincing slightly from the pressure. Xiandralyn had been forced to remove the scars, but she merely reduced the appearance. As a token of her memory for Duci, she opted to leave her handiwork faintly inscribed across the once perfect canvas of sun kissed flesh. They were faint enough you would almost miss them even at first touch' but she would never forget them.