Topic: Late Night Confessions

Nicole Brock

Date: 2013-02-23 13:00 EST
It had been an especially busy night at the restaurant. All Nicole wanted was five minutes to herself to think. When the place was cleaned up and the staff had left for the night, she went upstairs to gather up her coat and boots from the hall closet. The redhead found herself staring at the closed guest room door. Marric was either asleep or had not yet gotten in from work. She shook her head as she tugged on her winter gear and went out for a walk.

Before she realized it, she had walked as far as the Harbor Master's Office. It was the sea that called her and the water near the docks was its gateway. Instead of swimming in the chilly waters, she contented herself by listening to the ship's horns and calls around the harbor. By the time Nicole returned, it was two hours later.

The dimly lit apartment was quiet when she arrived via the fire escape doorway. Despite the hour, she picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. When a voice answered, she said, "Mama, it's Nikki. I'm sorry about the hour, but ...There was silence on her end as she listened. "I'm glad I didn't wake you." She listened again. "No, no, it's not about the nightmares. They're less and less now." She walked into the kitchen. "You mind if I put you on speaker" I haven't eaten since lunch time and ...."When the affirmative was given, she switched phones and put her mother on speaker so she could have both hands free to fix macaroni and cheese.

The voice on the other end of the line could finally be heard. "Now, what?s goin' on?"

"I'm an idiot," Nicole muttered as she got a pot out of the cupboard. "I did something stupid and I just ...I don't know how to cope."

"Yer not an idiot 'n' we all do stupid things at times. What happened?"

The copper pot clanged against the stainless steel sink as Nicole drizzled a thin layer of cooking oil inside it and filled it with water. "Maybe I'm just not ready for this whole living together thing."

"Criminey, Nicole Elizabeth, yer a grown woman. Don't tell me yer not ready. If ya weren't, ya wouldn't 'ave asked 'im stay there alone wit' ya. Ya would 'ave brought 'im 'ere."

"I suppose you're right." Nicole sighed as she put the water on to boil.

"Look, I don't know what happened, but I'm guessing yer just needin' ta adjust ta 'avin' a man about the place. Adjustin' ta sharin' a place wit' anyone can be a trial. Even if it was was one o' yer sisters it might not be easy. Give it time."

"Mama, I just don't want to screw this up. I just want to get it right and ..." there was a catch in her voice.

Colleen knew that sound all too well. It was a signal Nicole was on verge of a good long cry. She sighed, the puzzle pieces suddenly fell into place. "Nikki, just because yer father left doesn't mean Marric will. Give him 'n' things time. If it's meant ta be it will be. Fer right now, give what is a chance ta grow 'r ya will lose it afore it starts."

"But Mama, there are prettier girls ...there are better cooks....more...." She swallowed. "Well, better endowed."

"Stop it," Colleen murmured as she took a long, slow breath. "There are plenty o' women in Rhydin, probably many lookin that young man over 'n' doin' that," her voice became shrill and girlish, "Oooo look, a single man!! Let's corral 'im up 'n' run 'im down ta the altar afore 'e can get away! We'll 'ave ten babies by the time the month is out!" Collie cleared her throat. "But, my girl, yer the one 'e's been lookin' at. Now, start lookin' back!"

Nicole cleared her throat as she poured the macaroni into the boiling water. "I have been looking back and I always like what I see." She stirred the pasta. "Let's just say this morning I looked a little too closely and embarrassed myself. Probably him, too."

There was no mistaking the stifled chuckle that came over the phone.

"Mother, it's not funny!" Nicole pouted prettily, but it was the sigh her mother's ears were able to hear.

Colleen swallowed audibly. "Honestly, sweetheart, I don't understand the fuss yer makin'. Ya grew up on a farm wit' rams, billy goats, bulls, 'n' stallions. Biologically speakin', men 're no different."

Nicole muttered. "Mama! I'm not ....falling in.....I'm not..." she grumbled, "I'm not emotionally attached to a ram, a goat, a bull or a stallion!"

"Nicole," Colleen's tone was gentle, "I heard more 'an what ya wanted me ta 'ear.."

She took a ragged breath. " food is ready."

"Nikki, don't be afraid ta let yerself be loved 'r ta love someone in return. Yer far too young ta be so jaded, mavourneen."

"I love you, Mama," Nicole murmured.

"I love ya, too, darlin'. Sweet dreams." Collie broke the connection.

Nicole sat in silence as she started to eat her food. The fork clattered on the table and she just stared at the bowl of pasta.

Nicole Brock

Date: 2013-03-25 00:01 EST
One month later.

Nicole was pacing the halls of the sickbay on the Calypso. The transport ship was docked at Gateway Station in orbit above Rhydin. She wasn't the easily unnerved type. Truth be told, no one in her immediate family was. An hour passed then two. She was still walking.

"Nicole?" A tall brunette with pale blue eyes was leaning in a doorway. "Wearing holes in my floors isn't going to help." Diana waved her sister into a small office. She handed Nicole a steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee. "Have a seat."

"I don't want to sit," Nicole said gruffly as she took the mug and blew steam off it.

"Suit yourself." Diana settled into her swivel chair and pointed to her monitor screen. They were x-rays of someone's lungs and ribs. Her face scrunched as she felt the blow that caused the damage. "He's got broken ribs at best, Nik." She blew some hair out of her eyes.

"Those are Marric's?" The redhead knew she was stating the obvious, but she wasn't exactly at her best.

"From the look of it, he'll be lucky if he didn't puncture a lung," Diana said evenly. "What happened?"

"He was dueling in the Madness tournament."

"Dueling," Diana muttered then a slender brow raised. "I thought the wards were supposed to heal people."

"They don't heal everyone." Nicole blew some stray strands of hair out of her eyes before taking a sip of coffee.

"Which explains that armor you were carrying and what had to be cut off." Diana stirred some sugar into her own coffee. "Nikki, I never really cared for that whole dueling business," she confessed.

"You've done it."

"A couple of times, but unlike Rhiannon, it's a not a part of life for me." Diana shrugged. "I'm not Maggie's mother, so I have no say in her taking part." She gestured to the x-rays and tapped the touch screen. "That could be our niece."

"Not likely," Nicole countered, "Maggie''s well protected. She also not resistant to the healing of the wards, Marric is."

Diana nodded. "Make whatever calls you need to square away your staff for today."

Nicole chuckled, but it was humorless.

"What?" Her sister gave her a confused look.

"I know you meant at the restaurant, but the staff thing," Nicole paused to gather her thoughts, "Marric duels with a staff and let's just say it leads to interesting comments."

Diana smiled and shook her head. "Ah, yes, the old double entendre thing."

"Mhm," Nicole said then got right back to business. "Has there been any word on how he's doing or what else is wrong besides broken ribs?"

Diana hit a few keys and the picture on the monitor changed. She rested her jaw on the back of her curled fingers. "Geraldine has notes of internal bleeding. I'm a field medic not a surgeon, so, I'll have her explain once the team is out of surgery and Marric's in recovery." Diana studied Nicole's worried face. "Why here and not Riverview?"

"I'm a chef not a doctor, Dee, but I know when time is of the essence." She held out her arm with the bracelet that she'd been fiddling with just before she disappeared from the Annex with Marric. "I've gotten into the habit wearing this when I go to the dueling venues."

Diana recognized the bracelet as the same kind Madison had attached to her ankles when she was transported in about a year ago. "Fastest way out." She nodded. "And we were ready for worst case scenario. Those don't get used often, but when they do it's generally not for child recovery."

More time passed, every tick of the clock resounded in Nicole's head.

Geraldine Pickering finally emerged from surgery. She was still in her scrubs when she entered Diana's office. "Commander," she addressed Diana, 'he's alive and in recovery. We'll be keeping watch for at least twenty four hours. Hidden bleeders sometimes spring up and we don't want to take chances."

Before Diana could ask for a further assessment, Nicole asked, "Can I see him now?"

Geraldine took took a deep breath. "You can sit with him if you like, but he's going to be sleeping for a while."

"Thank you." The redhead waited to be taken to the recovery suite.