Topic: Maggie's Interviews

Mairead Harker

Date: 2012-09-08 02:12 EST
Maggie Interviews Mom

Recorder in hand, Maggie trotted into the office at the dueling academy. She climbed up into one of the chairs that faced the front of the desk. Maggie sat there, looking all prim and proper, with her ankles crossed like a little lady. She cleared her throat to get her mother's attention.

Rhiannon Harker peeked over the top of the newspaper she was reading. She smiled gently as she pondered just what her eldest child was up to this time. With a child like Maggie, anything could go and often did! "What can I do for you, Miss Harker?"

"I want to," Maggie paused a moment to search for the word, "innerview you, Ma ....Mrs. Harker."

"It's inter-view, Maggie," Rhiannon smiled thoughtfully. "Go on."

"Mama, why did you open a school" Rhydin's got lots of 'em!"

"I opened the school for many reasons. First of all, I wanted to make a place where children, like you, could learn to use their gifts wisely instead of running amuck." Rhi folded the newspaper that she'd been reading and set it on the desk. "That kind of thing leads to far worse endings than some people realize."

"You mean like blowin' things up that they shouldn't?" Maggie's widened. The recent events with the Tower of Fire on Twilight Island came to mind.

"Exactly like that," Rhiannon answered.

"What do kids learn here?"

"Much of what we like to teach here, Maggie, is that children, who are magically gifted, shouldn't be afraid to be who they are." She cleared her throat. "Not everyone is like you or Doran. By that I mean you two were raised in families that nurture and encourage your gifts."

"You mean like how Gran says magic picks some people and we don't get a choice?"

"Something like that." Rhiannon came around the desk and sat in the chair next to Maggie's. "Some of those children are born to parents that magic didn't pick. And some children with parents that magic picked lose their parents in some way. Either way, a child can feel very lonely and lost if they have no one that understands."

"Do all the teachers know that?" Maggie asked as she looked down at her trusty recorder.

"I believe they do. This is a family owned and run business. Every teacher here, so far, is related to me and you."

"How many teachers are workin' here?" Maggie looked back up to her mother.

"Five. Can you name them?"

"Yes, ma'am, I can." Maggie grinned brightly. "There's you, Aunt Rhi, Aunt Nikki, Aunt Nicole, and Jacen. Sometimes, Gran comes to watch and help." Having relatives with the same names had never bothered Maggie. It was what she had grown up with and, therefore, normal to her. "How many kids go to school here?"

"Right now, we have twenty students. Ranging in age from four to sixteen years."

Maggie's lower curled inwardly as she considered how to word her next question. "Mama, if the school's about helpin' kids with magic stuff, how comes you teach duelin' with weapons and stuff, too?"

"Because it helps to build confidence and teaches you patience." Rhiannon took a long and deep breath. "It also teaches you to defend yourself if the need arises." She knew all too well just how that could happen.

"How come some people don't think kids should learn all this stuff?"

"Some of those that object have never had to live with magic taking them over." She studied her daughter. "Like Aunt Nikki with the curtains."

"I knowed that story." She scowled. "He shouldn't oughta scared her."

"Very true, but the point is, she didn't get a choice. It was up to Gran and your grandfather to help her learn." She didn't speak much of her birth father. The far off expression that had appeared was a good indication that her mind had wandered to a part of her childhood. It was Judas Lasher that had raised her not Damon Brock.

Maggie studied her mother's face. "Ok, I think it's lunch time, now. We can talk more 'bout school later, ok?"

"Lunch sounds like a lovely idea, Maggie."

Mairead Harker

Date: 2012-10-13 14:17 EST
Maggie Interviews Aunt Nikki

Their favorite spot to have their mother and daughter lunches was Lashers Restaurant. Eventually, Nicole would get around to changing the name now that the paperwork was all settled. It was a family place, so, the sight of a six year old coming in at lunch time was not unusual. What was unusual was the request made by the child.

"Aunt Nikki, could I interview you, please?" She just about beamed as she held up her little recorder for her aunt to inspect.

"It's not too busy right now, so I think that'd be fine. Understand, though, if I have to attend to business, you might have to wait." Nicole studied her niece's face.

"Yes, that's fine!" Maggie grinned.

Rhiannon gestured to one of the two empty chairs at the table. "Please, join us."

When Nicole took a seat, the waiter, who had just taken Rhiannon and Maggie's order, set a glass of sweet tea on a coaster. It was her choice of drink while working and he was well aware of it.

Maggie cleared her throat and straightened up in her seat. "What's your job here, Miss Brock?"

A single red brow lifted as Nicole looked to her sister.

Rhi grinned. "Don't ask me. This started in my office about an hour ago!"

Nikki held off a chuckle at her sister's answer. "Well, Miss Harker," she took note of the seriousness which her young niece had approached things, "my job here is General Manager. I'm also part owner."

Maggie's brows furrowed. It never ceased to amaze the child how the answer to one question could lead to a dozen more! "Who else is an owner and what does a manager general do?"

Rhiannon's lips twitched in amusement. Maggie's interpretations of some things often lead to interesting conversations at the Harker home.

"Originally, the place belonged to Judas Lasher, who was married to your Gran. When he died, it was put in trust for when your Uncle Draven got older with Mother running the place. The owners are your Gran, Uncle Draven, and me."

Before Nicole could answer about her duties as a manager, Maggie asked, "The kid Uncle Draven or the bigger one?"

"The younger one," her mother answered.

"Mama," Maggie said firmly, but politely, "you had a turn, it's Aunt Nikki's now."

"Oh, yes, ma'am!" Rhi resisted the urge to salute her daughter.

Nicole suddenly understood why she had often caught her mother stifling giggles behind her hand. Parents sometimes found their children's antics amusing, but it wasn't always a good idea to encourage certain things.

"Go ahead, Aunt Nikki!"

"A General Manager is in charge of everything that goes on in their store be it a restaurant or clothing store or anything at all." She took a quick sip of her drink. "In short, Maggie, it means I get the credit if things go well, but the blame if they don't."

"Ohhhhh....So, it's like when I'm suppsta be in charge of Rick 'n' Catie cleaning up their toys?"

"Something like that, yes." The waiter approached, excused himself, and murmured something to Nicole. She nodded and winked at Maggie. "I'll be right back!"

Maggie watched as Nicole, wearing in a dark green dress and her hair done up in a French Twist, went over to attend to a customer's complaint. By the time Nicole was finished, the man's luncheon party had a free bottle of Lambrusco on the table and he looked happier than a pig that had spent a summer day in a mud wallow.

Nicole was back to her sister and niece's table to continue the interview. "Where were we?"

"You were 'splainin' about credit and blame, but I think I just learned lots from watchin'!" Maggie folded her hands in her lap. "I thought you did the cookin'!"

"Two days a week, I do do the cooking." Nikki grinned. "To be a good manager, you need to know how and be able to do every job in the place. Otherwise, you can't teach someone else to do it."

"Huh, I didn't thinka that!" Maggie was done with the questions. Giving her aunt a bright grin, she said, "Aunt Nikki, when you get a day off, we gotta go bake cookies with 'Lainey, ok?"

"I think I'd like that very much. Right, now, though, I need to get back to work." She bussed her niece's cheek and hugged sister before going to check on the list for the night's reservations.

"Mama, I think I'd like to interview Da soon. Ok?"

"Fine by me. You think he'll be ok with that?"

Maggie's forehead furrowed and her dark brows knitted. "Yeah, long as I don't make a mess in the office!"

It was back to school to finish out the day and then homeward bound.