Topic: A Realm in Crisis


Date: 2013-07-22 21:47 EST
A loud knock sounded on the study door. Teleperien looked up as Tom opened it to reveal Borin and one of Teleperien's inhabitants of Eldicor. He was obviously one of the farm owners. He stood there very awkwardly, his hat grasped tightly between his two strong hands. Borin cleared his throat and motioned to the man standing next to him.

"Lady, this is John Holdfast. He has come to entreat your help."

"Please come in Master Holdfast and tell me what is amiss." The queen as she gestured to the farmer. Nervously the farmer entered and bowed. "Lady, be m' son. M' son, Harry, rode too close t' th' Dark Forest. Not tha' I dinna warn him to keep 'way from such an evil place, bu' h' took his horse to close to its edge and wa' struck wi' many arrows. He wa' badly wounded an' m' wife could nae help though she be well versed in herb lore." Tele rose from her seat and held out her hand. "Please let me see them." "I have them Lady." Borin said as he handed the darts to Tele. Upon examination she knew what she held. Four silver spikes with barbed edges. With growing alarm she looked up and asked "I have seen these before. Where is your son now?"

"I pu' Harry on on' o' wagons an' rode as fast as I could. He lay in th' courtyard now."

"Come with me. Where does your farm lay?" She asked as she brushes past the farmer.

"Abou' a half day's ride to th' north M'lady." He answered unsteadily.

Tele walked quickly then broke into a run when she was out of the study. The farmer trotted after her his hands still twisting his cap, Borin following as well. "I hope I didn' put m'self forward."

"No, not at all, how old is your son?" Tele assured kindly. "He'll b' 14 soon." John chocked. "He is m' only child. Please save 'im."

"I will do what I can Master Holdfast."

John had a hard time keeping up with the queen's long strides, looking at the guards as they called to make way. Tele could see the wagon in the courtyard with two healers already with the boy. He laid in a wagon that was hitched to two farm horses, stomping, and their mouths frothy from the hard ride. One of the healers looked up as Tele approached. "Oh Lady, I am glad you have come. He is beyond our help."

The healers moved aside to allow Tele to examine the young boy. The healers had already removed his shirt to examine the wounds and had towels on the boy's chest and shoulder. Tele carefully lifted the towels to see four gaping wounds. Blood had soaked the towels, and was still bleeding. She turned to a nearby guard an ordered,

"Please summon Lady GreyMantle and tell her to bring her kit." He bowed, turned then ran from the courtyard.

Tele placed her long slender hand on the boy's chest. At once her hand glowed, she closed her eyes. The life force in him was surely draining. She only could see a fading light in her mind's eye.

"He is near death. His life is nearly spent." An anguished groan came from the farmer. Tele spoke, at the farmer. "Don't despair. I have brought many from the edge of death." She heard footsteps, opened her eyes to see Murelle jogging to join her at the cart. Murelle took a look at the young man and gasped. "What happened Lady?"

"He rode too close to the Dark Forest and was wounded." Tele answered quietly as she closed her eyes again and allowed her strength to surge through her. Calling all the power she was gifted, in her mind's eye she witnessed the light slowly growing, then quickly. The blood stilled and the wounds slowly closed. His father watched with wide eyes. "I dunna believe wha' I see! I heard tell o' yer powers Lady, this wa' nae rumor."

Weariness swept over the queen, for this sort of healing called upon all of her strength. She turned to Murelle.

"Lady GreyMantle. This young man has lost a great deal of blood and I have spent all my strength restoring his life. Can you help?"

Murelle opened the kit, took out her tri-corder and turned it on. As she moved the tri-corder, a silver light ran up and down the boy's slender chest and shoulder. Tele watched anxiously. Murelle's face was grave when the readings were finished.

"He has lost a lot of blood. I'm surprised he's lived this long. But! I have just the thing to start replenishing his blood supply." The queen watched as Murelle opened her kit and drew out a slender metal canister. She attached a smaller canister and laid it on the boy's neck. A hiss was heard and Murelle re-scanned the boy. She smiled and looked at the farmer.

"He will be weak for a while, but he is in no danger of death." Murelle then turns to one of the healers. "Please get a pillow and a blanket and help make this young man comfortable for his ride back home."

The boy's eyes fluttered opened and stared at those around him, then he looked at his father. "Da...where am I?" The farmer was almost speechless; he choked "Son yer in th' company o' the queen." Murelle turned to the farmer. "What is your name sir?"

"John, John Holdfast."

"Well, Master Holdfast, your son will recover. He will need rest and lots of chicken soup!" Murelle exclaimed happily. Borin cleared his throat and said, "Perhaps some water for your beasts afore you leave for home." "Tha' would b' grand. I thank ye." John answered happily. Tele felt herself sway, weariness now laid upon her like a wet blanket. Borin took her hand and patted it.

"Lady we will see to it that the farmer's beasts are cared before they leave."

"Thank you Borin. I will be in my apartments." She paused and smiled at the farmer. "Go in the grace of Valinor. Someone will ride to your farm soon to check on your son's progress."

John bowed low. "I thank ye Lady. I wi' ne'er forget yer kindness."

Borin walked next to Tele as she made her way to her apartments. At her door he paused and said, "What will you have me do Lady?"

"Borin, I will call a counsel once I have rested. Please give an account of what happened to Xenograg. I think we must act sooner than later on the matter of the Dark Forest."

"I cannot, perhaps Erwyn?"

Tele paused. "Of course. I trust you to write the missive."

"Please rest well Tele." Borin said, his voice full of concern.

"I will be well, I thank you Borin."

She opened the door of her apartments, looked at Borin and gave a weary smile. Upon closing the door Tele lay on her bed without undressing and fell into a deep sleep.


Date: 2013-08-07 16:54 EST
Borin hurried to the study and found Tom waiting.

"Tom, I need to send a missive to Xenograg. Could you find Erwyn and bring her?"

"Aye Sir. Right away."

Once the hobbit hurried out of the room, Borin took pen and paper in hand and sat at the queen's writing desk. "Your Excellency:

A matter of importance has arisen regarding the Dark Forest. Her Majesty will be calling counsel. A young man was wounded by the creatures in the Dark Forest and she spent a great deal of strength restoring his life. She is resting but will hold the counsel once she is restored. Please be available if you possibly can.

In the queen's service;


Borin folded up the paper and sealed it with the seal of Eldicor. Silver with an "E" embossed in the wax. By this time Erwyn appeared in the doorway.

"Borin, what is amiss?"

"I need you to carry this missive to His Excellency, Xenograg. Would you be willing to do so?"

"Of course! It's about Mother is it not' Tom informed me that someone came to seek Mother's help." Erwyn replied with an anxious look on her face.

"You have it right my dear girl." He handed the missive to Erwyn who turned and hurried away. The dwarf sighed, rearranging his breeches.

"I'm getting too old for this. I think I tore my undergarments."


Date: 2013-08-07 17:47 EST
Erwyn leaps up the stairs to Nom's tower effortlessly with her long legs. Bursting into the laboratory, she sneezes at the dust.

"Someone must be sent up to dust." She says to herself as she hurries to the mirror and touches it the way she was taught and steps through. Once inside the dojo she stands and waits until she was noticed, which wasn't long.

It was one of the dueling students, he salutes her with his blade. "Erwyn! An honor to see thee. What errand brings you thus?"

"I bring a missive from my mother, well actually written by Borin, but mother sends it. Can you find His Excellency?"

"At once."

Soon Xenograg entered the dojo, Erwyn shows him a courtesy and hands him his missive.

"Mother healed a young man who was took his horse too close to the Dark Forest. I'm afraid things are going to be pushed faster than thought. Lady Murelle brought back a friend she knew before she was married to Llewyss GreyMantle and he promises some weaponry that will give us quite an advantage."

She waits for his reply.


Date: 2013-08-07 21:58 EST
Dreams rarely invaded Teleperien's sleep. This one was quite the exception. A black, shapeless creature loomed before her, red eyes burned into her mind like a hot poker. She groaned in her sleep and turned on her side.

"You will not dismiss me like those you claim to rule"ELF."

"Who are you?" Teleperien heard her mind speak back. "Why do you haunt my forests? Why do you harm those who would not harm you?"

"Who I am does not matter. This forest is not YOURS ELF. I lived here long afore you came. Those who came into the forest trespassed on my domain were killed. I cared not who they were or where they came from."

"You have taken the life of a much loved man and almost the life the life of a son to a farmer who happened to be too close to your borders. How many more will lose their life?"

"More than those two have been harmed ELF." The creature boasted. "You just were not aware. You will not be rid of me ELF; I will haunt you, taunt you, and mock you in your dreams."

Just as suddenly it started, the dream ended. Tele jerked awake. With a groan she sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed. Standing, she crossed the room to the pitcher, poured water into the bowl. Splashing water on her face, she looked up into the mirror. She saw no outward signs of the horrible dream, but she was alarmed. This creature HAD to be destroyed. No one would be safe until it was gone. Without a doubt, there would be more victims.

She pulled the bell rope for Constance. Almost immediately she appeared at the door.

"D' ye need me Lady?"

"Yes Constance. Am I out of the tonic I use when I'm feeling spent?"

"Nae Lady, tis in th' box near yer desk." She replied, pointing. Tele crossed the room and gave a small smile.

"Of course. Thank you."

"Are ye' well M'lady?" Constance asked with a furrowed brow.

"No. I am unsettled. I was visited in my dreams by what lives in the Dark Forest." Tele answered, shuddering. "It's evil beyond words. It is small wonder Murelle is so driven to rid that creature from our land."

Tele opened the box and pulled out the small vial. Opening the vial she drank it down. Alatar had taught her to make the concoction from Nomrah?s tower. It immediately coursed through her veins and her head cleared.

"Whatever it is, it must be removed from Eldicor. No one will be safe until it is. Please contact Murelle, my captains and Xenograg together as soon as may be. And tell Murelle to bring that mapping device she has so we can see what we're up against."

"Right Away.? Constance said, turned and hurried out the door and she was throwing out orders as she went.


Date: 2013-08-12 20:29 EST
Xenograg reads the note brought by Erwyn. Her mention of Murelle's friend draws his first comment.

"Technological weaponry, apparently. Very useful, if it is of the right kind. We do not want to destroy the forest, do we?" Erwyn smiles at his rhetorical question. "Come, you can help Amanda assemble our unit's weapons." Erwyn's smile fades as she is drafted. Another trip through the magic mirror portal brings them to Xenodar. They find Amanda drilling fifteen soldiers in the main yard outside the keep. All of them, including Amanda, are practicing with identical polearms. The weapons' head appears to be a cross between a spear and an axe. The weapon practice is likewise a mix of thrusts and chops.

"What are those?" she asks.

"Halberds," he answers. "We may need the extra weight of metal against the monsters." Xenograg and Erwyn wait until a normal rest period is called. Amanda walks over to them.

"I think they are ready, father," she reports.

"Good, because we leave immediately."

"Today"!" is Amanda's surprise response. She looks to Erwyn and sees the seriousness in her eyes, too. "We have to pack, and...."

"Yes, get the hands started. Erwyn can pack your things for you."

"Yes, sir," she replies almost reflexively. She turns and strides back to her command.

"Hands?" Erwyn asks.

"The Rellugai organize their warriors in groups of five: a hand," Xenograg answers, and gestures to the soldiers with Amanda. Erwyn nods as she now understands why they number fifteen.

"One each for you, Amanda, and Lady Amaltea."

"Exactly. Speaking of whom, I must also go surprise with your news. Please go upstairs and pack for Amanda."

"Yes, master." Xenograg heads back for the magic mirror while Erwyn climbs the stairs to Amanda's chambers.


Date: 2013-09-06 18:11 EST
Inside Amanda's room; it wasn't ornately decorated, but was simply kept and neat. Erwyn was pretty familiar with where she kept her things, and packing went quickly, including the gifts given to her at the Rite of Passage.

She leaps down the stairs two at a time and found Amanda with the Rellugai waiting for her father. She hands Amanda her bag.

"I hope I didn't forget anything." Erwyn says quietly.

"I do not think we will need much." Amanda answers just as quietly.

Erwyn knew her friend enough to know she took this new role seriously. "I think you're right." Erwyn answered. "I suspect the less we have the better we'll be able to fight."

For some reason, the idea of battle so soon after her Rite of Passage didn't scare Erwyn. Her weapons and gifts were stored carefully in her room, but she would not wear the grey gown to battle. The armor that was woven by Vinyamar, breeches and the fine boots with golden spurs would be much more practical. She felt her chin lift as she began to understand. She would fight proudly by her mother and her friend Amanda. It was indeed a passage into what would be an adult role.


Date: 2013-09-22 17:21 EST
Amanda gives orders to the three hand leaders, and the escort unit quickly prepares to depart. Each guardsman divides his or her load of armor, weapons, tools, and supplies between two steppe ponies. Erwyn brings out the bag she has packed for Amanda. Grimblade loads Amanda's ponies himself as she is busy with command responsibilities. 14-year-old Urrograg is never far from Grimblade, and is studying everything being done. Erwyn returns to Eldicor via the magic mirror.

Amaltea arrives with her eldest son, Torin; and her bodyguard, the Shanlarian elf, Efram. Grimblade greets Amaltea and takes her pack. She goes to find Xenograg while Efram prepares the horses to be used by him and his liege lady.

Xenograg has ordered hot food prepared for lunch before the expedition departs. Sawhorse tables and benches are set up outside. The Darelir do not often eat together as a complete family. Not much is said about the dangers to shortly come.

Farewells are short and simple. Amanda takes Torin back to Barsi. Xenograg and Amaltea take a little extra time with Urrograg.

"You are in charge until we return," Xenograg tells his youngest son lightly. Urrograg smiles but without the eagerness one might expect.

"I will try to keep the place in one piece," he retorts. Xenograg chuckles and walks away towards Grimblade. The two men, old and young, exchange serious looks. Grimblade bows his head a little, then they part without a single word being spoken.

Amaltea gives Urrograg a hug and kiss.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you, Mom." Amaltea smiles and walks away. Grimblade comes to stand at Urrograg's right hand. They are the ones forced to stay behind.

"Next time," Urrograg says.


Date: 2013-09-27 19:23 EST
"Mother, I have returned with news." Erwyn stands at the study door, she is more subdued than usual. "His excellency, Xenograg, will be coming with fifteen Rellugai."

Teleperien looks up from her missive. "Very good. Fifteen Rellugai will be of great help." She stands and reaches for the rope and pulls it. Rose appears almost immediately. "Yes Lady?"

"Send word to the Rangers to make beds ready for fifteen guests."

"Yes Lady, right away."

Rose disappears. Erwyn enters the study and sits next to her mother. For a moment they didn't speak. "It won't be easy will it?"

"No. We will know more when Lady Murelle shows what she found in the forest. However what we saw for ourselves proves the creature is well protected." Tele replies, her gentleness gone, her lips pressed in a straight line. "But you have been well trained. Do not take this lightly my daughter."

"I do not." Erwyn states simply. Just then Murelle and Miles appear at the door.

"You summoned us for tea Lady?"

Tele then smiled. "Please Murelle, call me Tele. We are friends are we not' Please sit with me."

Once more she stands and pulls the rope. Another servant appears, dipping a curtsey.

"Yes M'lady?"

"Tea for six, and bring more cups just in case."

"Aye M'lady, at once."

The servant disappears. Tele gestures to chairs, Murelle and Miles take them and sits.

"I am pleased to have you with us Miles, your help will be welcome." Tele says to him. "Do not fret about the last meeting. It is forgotten."

At that time tea appears with two servants carrying the trays, pots and cups. Just at that moment a guard appears at the door.

"His Excellency, his wife, and his daughter have arrived with their men."

"Show Xenograg, wife and daughter here to the study. The men will be bunked with the Rangers."

"Aye Lady, right away.?


Date: 2013-09-27 19:29 EST
Borin is standing in the hallway when Xenograg, Amaltea, Amanda along with fifteen Rellugai came trooping along.

"Your Excellency." He rumbled, bowing. "I understand your men will be bunking with the rangers. I hope that is acceptable."

"I am sure it will be. They would have been content with outdoor rigging." Xenograg answers. Borin only nods.

"The ranger here will show them the way." He gestures to an awaiting ranger, dressed in the green and brown with the Silver Star broach on the grey cloak.

Xenograg nods and gives a command in his own tongue, the men move off in the direction lead by the ranger.

"I believe Tele is waiting for you in the study with tea."

He walks with Xeno and his family to the study where he finds Murelle and her friend Miles sitting with Erwyn and Tele. Extra chairs are set around the fireplace, pots of tea at ready, cups and saucers at your command.

"Come in! Come in!" Tele cries with delight. "Amaltea! It has been too long since I have seen you!"

The two queens embrace gently, and then Tele gestures to seats. "Please sit, take of tea. It will be a short while before we draw swords together."


Date: 2013-11-02 18:38 EST
Xenograg's fifteen retainers spend a single night in the barracks before moving out. Sharp cultural differences, made worse by a very limited commonality of language, lead to perceived slights on both sides. One almost comes to blows. A lieutenant of the Queen's Rangers orders those present to hereafter avoid the Rellugai. The Rellugai seem to agree, hunkering down in a corner of the barracks.

The fifteen set up a camp in a field outside the walls of Sawrey. The Eldicorean weather is mild beyond even the best day on the steppe, and the Rellugai make the most of it. These men—and two women—know that battle is just over the horizon.


Date: 2013-11-08 17:32 EST
Shooing everyone out of the study, Teleperien closes the door. She resumes her seat and looks at Alderon who stands across from her in front of the fireplace. His hands are clasped behind his back, his head hanging down as if ashamed.

"Now, Captain, what happened between the Rangers and the Rellugai?"

Her face mostly serene and calm is marred by knitted brows and a straight set mouth.

"They insulted you Majesty. Since the battle of Mount Dread they have harbored a resentment. They lost many of their comrades and are only here by the order of His Excellency Xenograg and doubted your ability in battle, much less lead a company' among other things."

Alderon answered, his head now lifted and looking at her in the face.

"Such as".?"

"We were soft and unfit for battle, and that we spent too much time in the village drinking ale rather than training. Which is not true of course."

"I see."

For a moment Tele remains silent as she digests this. She knew the accusation was untrue for she saw for herself the training and practice spent by the rangers and elves.

"I will speak to His Excellency Xenograg about this, but let me remind you Captain Alderon, these are our guests as much as allies. They face the same danger as we do. It would have been better to give a gracious answer then anger. We need each other in this dreaded battle, including the Rellugai. Do I make my clear Captain?"

"Yes, Majesty."

"You can go now Alderon, and believe me when I tell you I have full confidence in you and the Rangers. You have served me well in the past and I am certain you will hence forth."

He bows, turns and opens the door then hesitates. He turns to look at Tele and says;

"We will follow you Majesty, no matter what may come."

Tele's face relaxes into a smile.

"I know. Go in peace, we will speak of this no further."

"Thank you Majesty." He bows deeply, turns then is gone. Tele sits back with a sigh. It enough to face a battle, but to deal with battles within those she considers allies grieved her. Xenograg must be informed, if he hadn't been already.