Topic: Murelle's Journal

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2013-01-20 19:09 EST
Journal Star Date 2513;

Well, it's been four months since I've settled into my new apartments. It's not the same place I left 10 years ago. I guess that's to be expected. I had the fun of walking to the shops and greeting everyone I knew. Some new ones have opened, and I got to show Gwyn my old stomping grounds. This included the Stars End area, my old herb shop and the house Llewyss and I lived in before we moved to Eldicor. Gwyn was absolutely fascinated with the different races and species one can see in Rhy-Din and Stars End. More than once I had to tell her it wasn't polite to stare, though I remember a time I did the same thing when I first arrived at this strange planet.

Tele has changed too. Philippe is no longer in the picture, he was sent back to France to save Erwyn's life. I know this was a heart breaking move for Tele; she never speaks of it except for explaining why he was gone. Evidently she had to flee to the land of Valinor to save her daughter from a group of beings called "The Grey." What they are I am not sure of, but there are some very powerful groups of beings that can change the course of a universe. I am glad she is at least protected from such beings.

Back to Tele, she has more of an air about her. She hasn't changed in essentials but more than often those who address her call her ?Majesty' more often than in the past. I think it suits her. She is more serious yet has her light sense of humor. She's not stand-offish as the other elves in her service. They are gracious of course, just not very chatty.

I have re-established my friendship with Borin and Brego. Irene, the head cook, Brego's wife and I are almost best friends, we gossip and poke fun at the rangers. The rangers have been wonderful. They have adopted me as a ranger in my own right. They even had a uniform made for me. I am trying to like this one person named Xenograg. Everyone seems to hold him in some kind of god-hood. Talk about an enigma. I have tried to understand him and get to know him but he seems to be unwilling to allow me to get to know him. I tried to shake his hand when introduced. Of course not all cultures do so, so I let it go. But he seems to look on me as a bother that's come into picture. He doesn't laugh at my jokes or even smile. I'm not entirely clever, but I do like a good laugh. It's like he refuses to be amused. He's also a stickler for discipline with Erwyn and Amanda. Sometimes too much so. But there is talk about the Dark Forest. After ten years I don't understand why they hadn't taken care of that hideous place before hand, but on the upside I get a chance to kill that thing that took my Llewyss from me. Even if I have to go in alone.

That's it for now, I will update when I have more to add.