Topic: Royal Tutor


Date: 2007-02-22 21:18 EST
"Begin," is Xenograg's command.

The three girls — the princesses Erwyn, Amanda, and Mystic — move in unison, dropping into the first combat stance. The three are wearing lamellar armor and wield wooden swords. Xenograg is also wearing armor, a hauberk of elven mail under his usual topcoat. A wooden sword is in his right hand while his left is tucked behind his back. Xenograg walks in a circle around his three students as they move through the assigned kata. His eyes watch all three at once, noting strengths and weaknesses.

"Third form...switch!" The girls have come to expect such impromptu changes and adjust with only a little hesistation. It will be many more months before any of them will be able to act without conscious thought. Xenograg completes his second circle and stops in front while the girls finish the third form. All forms end with a salute, and Xenograg returns it. He does not always, though; not if a significant mistake is made by any of them.

"Good. First form again...begin."

The training session continues. Two to three hours a day, six days a week. The girls are young, but each knows the world is not a friendly place.


Date: 2007-03-03 17:46 EST
Xenograg is a busy man despite rising before dawn every day in Barsi. He performs his daily sorcerous rituals before waking Amaltea at mid-morning. Then he is off to Eldicor to apprentice his students which lasts until noon. He returns to Barsi for lunch with Amaltea and his sons, followed by a short siesta of meditation or an actual nap. The afternoons are given to his duties in Barsi, with the occasional inclusion of Xenodar or Eldicor. Evenings are Xenograg's flexible time. They run the gamut from court socializing (Barsi and Eldicor), to dueling, to a private evening with friends or family (one of the halves). Whenever possible, Xenograg returns to Eldicor to bid goodnight to Amanda and Mystic. Finally, back to Barsi to do the same for his sons (if not too late) and to bed with Amaltea.


Date: 2007-03-03 18:39 EST
"Remember: a spell is a process, not a thing," Xenograg tells his students for the hundredth time. Today, the three girls sit and practice carving runes into wand-sized wooden dowels. It is delicate work with a very sharp knife; each girl has nicked her finger at least once this morning.

"Preparation is everything," continues Xenograg's lecture. "Magicians are people who pay attention, think ahead, and get ready for things before they occur. The spell or skill that may save your life someday in the future will be begun here today. All learning is preparation."

Erwyn finishes a carving and adds the dowel to her work pile. She takes a moment to look up at her teacher to show she is paying attention to his words, then takes up a new practice wand. Each girl works through a pile of a dozen sticks at her own pace.


Date: 2007-03-03 18:44 EST
Watching from a discreet position, Tele watches Xenograg tuck in his daughters. This nightly ritual illustrated his devotion to his family. Suddenly she felt a stab of sorrow. Erwyn has never had a father, being that Nomrah died before she was born. Xenograg was the closest to a father figure to the princess. No matter how well Xenograg filled that role, it wasn't the same as an actual father. In the other room Erwyn was already in bed. Tele of course had visited her as she always did. They talk of their day and Tele listens as Erwyn tells how her lessons were going and how much she loved the sword training the most.

When they finished, Erwyn wiggled under the blankets. Tele had leaned over Erwyn and kissed her on her forehead as Erwyn hugged her mother.

"Mara lômi," Tele says gently as she stands.

"Mara lômi," Erwyn repeats as sleep takes her.

Coming back to the present, Tele turns and silently returns to her apartments.


Date: 2007-03-10 16:57 EST
"The first magic comes from within," Xenograg explains to his three students. "All living things generate energy, however limited in quantity. This Personal energy can be utilized by a sentient being with practice."

The girls sit cross-legged on the floor facing their teacher who sits likewise. They are not meditating but are in a period of contemplation. Xenograg continues the lesson in a soft voice.

"Before you can use this energy, you must know it — become aware of it, learn its rhythms. You focus your awareness on your body, feeling every little thing it does and why. With this knowledge, you begin to establish better control over your body and its actions. You eliminate wasteful movements and refine the rest."

"Naturally, I am talking about a high level of physical fitness. Sorcerers are akin to martial artists in this regard. The latter apply their knowledge and awareness in different ways for different purposes, but the results can sometimes be very much like magic."

"Emotion is the heart of sorcery. No one can doubt the power of emotion. Emotions summon and release one's energy — anyone's, sorcerer or not. Sorcerers are aware of their own emotional state at all times: what they are feeling and why. Certain spells require a specific emotional state. A sorcerer knows how to change what he is feeling to create the effect he desires, or prevent an effect he does not. I speak of control, not suppression. Suppression leads to losing access to all your energy; you cripple yourself."


Date: 2007-03-16 20:51 EST
The training hall is filled with the ringing sound of clashing steel. Teleperien and Xenograg spar at full speed with heavy swords. Neither bears a shield; their only protection being padded training armor and each other's skill. The Queen is a proficient swordsbeing, but knows that is not good enough. At her request, Xenograg scheduled a lesson a week for the last month. Unlike her daughter, Teleperien is not learning Xenograg's sword-magic, just receiving advanced weapon training.

They cut and feint, parry and riposte; attack, defend, then counterattack. Teleperien sees her opponent's sword come slashing down near-vertically and shifts her weight into the parry — only to find Xenograg's blade mere inches from her face!

"Mark," is Xenograg's obvious judgment. The blow would certainly have been lethal. Xenograg steps back, and both combatants drop their guard and rest. Xenograg is frowning.

"You have to do better than that, Tel," he admonishes. "You have seen that feint before."

"Also that pattern," she rebuts.

"Yes, exactly."

"You mean...?" and he nods. "A good set-up, Xeno."

"I have warned you against patterns in your own actions. Likewise, do not assume an opponent's apparent pattern is a mistake on his part."

"Point taken."

"Other than that, you did well. It is taking me longer to score on you."

"And if you were using sorcery?"

"Answer your own question," he retorts. Teleperien thinks for a few moments.

"Our fifth pass and my weak parry."

"Which it was, but I would have crippled your leg in the third pass."

"Indeed?" she replies, using his favorite sarcasm for levity. "Perhaps I, too, am holding back to keep things fair." Xenograg grins and raises his sword in salute. She returns the salute, and they turn away towards the dressing rooms.


Date: 2007-03-18 12:46 EST
Watching from the door, Erwyn was awed by both her tutor and her mother's ability with the sword. Amanda and Mystic stood next to her, but seemed unphased by this. They had seen her father in both training and even attacked.

"Oooh...I want to learn how to fight just like my mother."

"Father will teach you such things." Amanda reassured her.

A voice sounded behind the girls. "She is quite the warrior is she not?"

Turning they see Philippe watching with admiration in his face. Erwyn smiles and slips her hand in his. "Aye that she is."


Date: 2007-03-23 21:52 EST
Xenograg sits cross-legged within the magic circle enscribed upon the floor in Nom's Tower of Sawrey Castle. His hands rest upon the wooden scabbard laying across his lap. The scabbard is capped in bronze at both ends with a bronze band midway down its length. Half of the scabbard's surface bears either carved symbols, gemstones, or small bronze medallions. Xenograg's left thumb is carefully placed over a just-carved glyph so that the blood from the pricked finger drips into it. His eyes are closed, his meditative posture a vehicle for focusing his psyche.

Xenograg has repeatedly told his students that preparation is the hallmark of any magician. He has also told them that a spell is not a thing but a process. Preparation and process are what Xenograg is engaged in at this moment. Now projecting into the astral planes, Xenograg gathers energy and shapes it to his purpose. The spell is begun here where time and energy are abundant. He works without haste, entirely intent upon quality. Once satisfied, Xenograg suspends the spell. It will remain thus until triggered or its energy dissipates after a period of time. Xenograg imbues the trigger into the new glyph on the astral analogue of the scabbard. Every symbol is or was a pre-prepared spell. In this way, Xenograg can appear to cast spells in seconds instead of minutes.


Date: 2007-06-07 22:35 EST
Xenograg stops to wipe the sweat from his brow. The beylik of Xenodar is a new holding, and is very underpopulated. Consequently, and despite his age, Xenograg has been driving a plow team of oxen from sunrise to sunset everyday for the past month. He does not feel his age, though. Both his renewed vigor and devotion to his new land have him feeling tired but also very alive.

His three students, princesses or not, are also helping with the planting. Erwyn and Amanda work with rakes while Mystic sows seed. Amanda has been given an extra task, as well. This is her land, too, and she is to energize her labor with the passive magic of conscious intent. Xenograg is doing likewise, though with different power. The elemental Jinzaggin that are part of him (and yet not) can be used to great effect this way. Xenograg takes pleasure in giving to a process of creation. He has used them to kill and destroy far too often.


Date: 2007-06-12 21:57 EST
"Father?" asks Amanda.

'Here it comes,' thinks Xenograg. After a long day in the fields, the two were laying in the grass under the early evening stars. This is the first privacy the two have had in weeks, and Xenograg expected his daughter to eventually bring up what was bothering her. "Yes, Amanda?"

"I...," she begins but loses her resolve.

"You want to know when I will teach you real magic."

"Yes!" she blurts, then becomes embarrassed. "Um, I mean, you have been teaching me, but not like Erwyn or Mystic." Xenograg sits up and faces Amanda. She does likewise.

"Each of you is very different," he begins. "Both Erwyn and Mystic came to me with some power already manifest. In fact, they are with me because they are so strong so young. That is not healthy in some ways. I am pacing you with that reason in mind."

"I feel...awkward," she admits.

"You feel weak, especially when the youngest of you three is the most powerful."

"I do not have much to show for all the training."

"Perhaps, and you have not complained until now, a year and a half in."

"I do not mean to complain, Father," she apologizes. "I just want...something. As you said, it has been a year and a half already."

"And if I say you are not ready for the next step?"

"Is it a big step?" She asks, and Xenograg mentally gives her credit for doing so.

"Yes, it is," Xenograg informs his apprentice. He watches her carefully, as this is the crucial moment. He can see Amanda pondering, thoughts and emotions fighting each other for primacy.

"Is it a test?" Xenograg gives her another point for forward thinking.

"Perhaps," is his cryptic answer. Amanda adds that to her mental stew. After another minute, she takes a deep breath.

"I want the next step, Master," she announces with nervous courage. "I cannot stay where I am any longer." Xenograg looks her hard in the eyes for a long moment. She meets his gaze with the same nervous courage. He then grunts and stands up.

"I will think about it. Now come, let us get home." Amanda stands, and Xenograg puts an arm around her shoulders. She hugs her father and they walk back towards the incomplete keep.


Date: 2007-06-20 21:32 EST
It is Midsummer's Eve and all is ready. It has been over a week since Amanda, Xenograg's daughter and apprentice, made her first adult decision: asking for early advancement to the next stage of sorcerous training. Despite his reservations, Xenograg decided to grant her request. He believes Amanda's assertiveness should be encouraged. The past week has been spent making preparations.

Following Xenograg's instructions, Erwyn and Mystic dress Amanda in a plain gown of white linen and slippers. Amanda is nervous, and the other girls hug her for comfort. They then escort Amanda to their teacher who awaits them in Nom's Tower. Amanda's eyes widen when she beholds her father dressed in an ornate, blood-red robe.

"Thank you, Erwyn, Mystic," he says to them in a formal tone. "From here, Amanda must walk alone." The two girls bow and withdraw. Amanda reminds herself to breathe.

"Follow," he instructs his apprentice. Without another word, he turns and walks through the already-activated portal mirror. Amanda hurries to catch up. She steps through into a room she has never been before. Any thought of questions is superceded by the need to keep up with Xenograg. They move from room to room until they come to a stone stairwell. Xenograg takes a torch from the wall and descends. Amanda holds a hand to the wall while she walks down into the darkness below. She begins to smell mustiness and dampness.

Down and down they go, the corkscrew stair beginning to make Amanda dizzy. Finally, they reach the bottom. There is a faint light coming through a narrow stone archway. Xenograg walks through into that other chamber, leaving Amanda in almost total darkness. She steps through the archway to find another person is already here. He, too, brought a torch which is fitted in a sconce on the wall. Xenograg places his torch into a sconce on the opposite wall. In the far wall is a rough cavelike opening into the rock. Xenograg turns to Amanda.

"You are in Demodar, in the Monastery of Arra," Xenograg informs her. "I told you the next step was a big one. It is the Rite of Initiation." Amanda gasps, this being more than she was expecting. He ignores her reaction and continues to speak. "You still have a choice, Amanda. You can return home and leave this for another day, or you can enter the Grotto and be Transformed."

Amanda looks from her father to the other man. He appears to be in his twenties, and is dressed in a plainer red robe. The man meets her gaze but remains silent and unmoving. Silence fills the whole room as Amanda weighs the choice. She stares into the grotto's opening. Xenograg has told her that the Initiation Rite changes you, and you are never entirely the same person again. Did she really want this now" Right now" She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths.

She opens her eyes and straightens her back. Without a word, she walks forward. She passes between the two sorcerers and stops before the mouth of the grotto. Taking a moment to check her footing, she places a hand upon the threshhold and steps into the darkness beyond.


Date: 2007-07-14 21:13 EST
Amanda emerges after almost three full days. She is filthy head-to-toe and has numerous scratches, several of them bloody. Her face is haggard; tracks down her muddy face indicate that she has cried at least once.

Xenograg was on the floor reading until he heard sound coming from the grotto. He is now standing, looking at his apprentice and daughter with tired eyes; he has slept little during his vigil. The other man, still un-introduced to Amanda, wakens from his sleep and also stands.

Amanda walks up to her father but says nothing. Xenograg sees in her eyes that the experience has changed her — aged her in all ways but the physical. He holds out his hand to her.

"We will go home now," he says in a comforting voice. Amanda looks back over her shoulder at the cave mouth for a long moment, and lets out a heavy sigh. She looks forward at Xenograg and wearily nods.

"Home...," is all she says, in a whisper, and takes his hand.


Date: 2007-09-09 22:49 EST
"Time for adversarial training," announces Xenograg. Erwyn and Amanda both give little smiles; adversarial has become their favorite training method since Amanda's initiation made it possible. The two girls have a friendly rivalry going, as well. They walk to opposite sides of the dojo and stand at attention.

"Your choice, Amanda," Xenograg says. She nods and raises her weapon. In an uncommon choice, Amanda wields a sword-spear almost six feet long — half blade, half handle, with an endcap instead of a pummel. She reverses her grip and slowly swings the butt up vertically while whispering the mnemonics over and over. After an initial flicker, a mirror image of herself appears in the center of the room. Amanda slowly lowers herself into a fighting stance while concentrating upon the illusion. The illusionary Amanda salutes Erwyn before setting into the same stance as its conjurer.

Erwyn brings her short sword up into a guard position and steps forward to face her illusionary opponent. Both for safety and comprehensiveness, one student practices magic while the other does sword.

"Begin," orders their teacher.


Date: 2007-10-14 20:39 EST
Erwyn is getting an individual lesson from Xenograg. With a sword in her right hand, Erwyn holds a round shield at the ready with her left arm. Its wooden front is marked by many small burn spots. The spots are old, though. Erwyn blocks another of Xenograg's small eldritch bolts, its impact making her magic shield visible for a moment.

"Good," judges Xenograg, indicating the end of this lesson's phase. Erwyn dispels her shield and relaxes. Xenograg walks over to her. "You are proficient with using a physical shield as the focus for your sorcerous one. The similarity make a shield an easy focusing object."


"Yes, though I am not trying to belittle your progress," he reassures her. "You have a foundation you can build upon. A shield is a natural first focus here, but it has limitations as one. Have you noticed any?"

"The shield only covers the left side of my body. It is also bulky." she postulates. Xenograg nods at each point.

"Well said. A focusing object — a wand or shield — is needed at the early stages of evocation. With sufficient training, a sorcerer can dispense with such a prop entirely. Like this...." Xenograg brings his empty left hand up and conjures a visible magic shield of his own. At such close range, Erwyn can sense the disc as well as see it. "I can even switch which hand it follows," Xenograg says while simultaneously demonstrating the action. He also rapidly moves the shield left and right, up and down, with only tiny movements of his wrist. Now done, he lowers his arm and the field dissipates.

"A shield is not the only focusing item for a ward. You could use a wand, a staff..., or a sword." Xenograg draws Nartelemna from its sheath and brings it into a ready position. A moment later, Erwyn again senses the magic shield pop into existence. She also realizes it is not circular but oval — befitting the rod-like shape of the focus object.

"Must it be oval?" she asks. Xenograg smiles.

"No, but oval is its base shape in this case."

"How do you maintain a magic shield while attacking with a sword?"

"I cannot," is his honest answer. "This directional type of sorcerous shield requires concentration that cannot be sustained amid physical combat. Even casting other spells can imperil us."

"What do you do?"

"There are other forms of eldritch defense," he says in a tone that invites Erwyn to answer her own question.

"Oh! An aura shield?"

"Indeed. It is a weaker defense but easy to maintain; and omni-directional, too."

"Better than nothing."


"Can a sorcerer's shield block a physical weapon?"

"Yes, at great cost. Usually done at a last resort." Xenograg sheathes his sword.

"If you have the strength left."

"Right. Now, back to your lesson. Do you think you can raise a shield with a sword in your hands?"

"One way to find out," says Erwyn with a smile and a tone of confidence.