Topic: Tabitha

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2018-01-17 18:08 EST
Once in the cottage, Murelle was puttering about the cabin, picking things up and putting them away. She passed the large pane in the living room. To her surprise it was the young stable hand was knocking on it. At once she went outside, the poor kid was wearing a thread bare tunic and breeches and bare feet.

"Come in, you'll catch your death of cold." Murelle cried out. The stable hand hurried to the door and Murelle drew the stable hand in. "Come by the fire, warm yourself."

Murelle took off her hat, and long strands fell about her shoulders. Murelle's eyebrows went up. "I didn't' realize that the queen employed female stable hands." The girl was shivering and stood close to the fire. Murelle went and fetched a blanket wrapped it around her and sat her in the overstuffed chair. She tried to sit back but winced and sat up straight in the chair. Murelle then noticed the blood in her hair and stripes down her neck. "Come with me. What is your name?"

She answered her in tiny voice, "Tabitha." Tele could sense that she was still apprehensive about Murelle and Miles. Murelle got her med kit and a basin with hot water and rags. She took her into the bedroom. She left her for a moment and got pants and a warm sweater to dress her in. Those clothes Tabatha wore were no deterrent to the cold and snow. The more she did for the poor girl the upset she got. How could the queen allow this to happen" Did she know"

Murelle slowly removed her tunic, it was caked with blood and she didn't want to rip off any scabs. Her hair was a mess and filthy from being under the hat. She realized she needed a shower. She put the tunic back on and with the wash rags and med kit she led Tabitha to the bathroom. She turned on the water, but only slightly above lukewarm. Too hot would cause more damage. After stripping off the tunic Murelle was furious. Obviously she had been beaten with a rod, and with fists. Murelle growled to herself.

"Hold the towel about you so your back is showing, cover the rest." She said gently. Murelle opened the door and called for Miles. When he got there, Murelle said, "Look at her back." It was black and blue with strips from a whip cress-crossing her back. She heard Miles growl. "I am shocked that this is going on under the queen's nose. She needs to pay closer attention to what goes on in the stables." Murelle said angrily. "I'm going to take Tabitha to the queen and show her what is going on in her stables." She paused for a moment. "I think you should come along. Some may try to stop me. This could get ugly; I'll send Gwyn to Eliza's. She doesn't need to see this." She closed the bathroom door and finished washing Tabitha. Her hair needed three washings; it was caked with dirt from sleeping on the ground Murelle guessed. She gently washed her back, she knew it hurt; poor Tabitha winced but didn't cry out. She'd been trained not to show pain or to cry. Murelle dressed her in soft sweats that would keep warm and little pain to the touch She could tell the girl was exhausted. How much sleep did she get at night' Fearing someone would come and drag her up and beat her again. Maybe even worse. How could the queen allow this to go on' She would ask. She didn't fear losing her baroness status, the girl was more important than her rank. "You must be exhausted. Want to sleep in a real bed?" Tabitha looked surprised at that. "A bed" I can sleep on the floor." "In this house you will sleep in a bed. You can have mine. I'll sleep on the couch. Tabitha's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you. What is your name?" "I am Baroness GreyMantle, but my friends call me Murelle." Miles joined them. "I'm Miles Grimm. I am glad you came. We'll take care of those "bastards" those who hurt you." "I'm not the only one." Tabitha said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Those who make the slightest mistake are beaten." "How come the queen wasn't aware of this?" "We weren't allowed to talk to anyone." Tabitha said sadly. "If we did, the beatings got worse." "Did you get beat when I talked to you?" Miles asked. She gave a slow nod. Murelle looked at Miles, his face was unreadable, but his eyes gave away his fury. Murelle made her mind up, she's going to the castle right away. Miles seemed agree? He put on his coat and bundled up Tabitha.

The trio kept to alleys avoiding the villagers. They were spotted anyway pointed out calling greeting but not to the little girl nor Miles. This grieved her to no end after what She and Llewyss GreyMantle created Eldicor. The elves, dwarves and added to her sorrow as she slipped her small hand in a tighter their hold and held if fast


Date: 2018-01-18 07:29 EST
"Did you get beat when I talked to you?" Miles asked. She gave a slow nod. Murelle looked at Miles, his face was unreadable, but his eyes gave away his fury.

He looked to Mure...."Why' How" Most importantly who?" Before Mure could answer the question, he watched as Tabitha started to fall. He moved with years of honed reflexes, scooping her up in his arms.

"She needs a healer, quickly..." He looked around the room and didn't see anything but the basic med kit Mure had stored in her cabin.

"Can the Queen heal her? I don't think she can wait till morning. I can feel a fever on her skin now."

Miles moved to the door, pushing his feet back into his boots as he went, the girl was a waif of a thing, barley weighing anything. What had they done to her. Or them as the case may seem to be.

Heads are going to roll for this. He felt reaper knocking on his mental door, begging to be let out. Blood would stain the ground for this...


Date: 2018-01-18 07:32 EST
"Did you get beat when I talked to you?" Miles asked. She gave a slow nod. Murelle looked at Miles, his face was unreadable, but his eyes gave away his fury.

He looked to Mure...."Why' How" Most importantly who?" Before Mure could answer the question, he watched as Tabitha started to fall. He moved with years of honed reflexes, scooping her up in his arms.

"She needs a healer, quickly..." He looked around the room and didn't see anything but the basic med kit Mure had stored in her cabin.

"Can the Queen heal her? I don't think she can wait till morning. I can feel a fever on her skin now."

Miles moved to the door, pushing his feet back into his boots as he went, the girl was a waif of a thing, barley weighing anything. What had they done to her. Or them as the case may seem to be.

Heads are going to roll for this. He felt reaper knocking on his mental door, begging to be let out. Blood would stain the ground for this...

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2018-02-13 20:31 EST
"Did you get beat when I talked to you?" Miles asked. She gave a slow nod. Murelle looked at Miles, his face was unreadable, but his eyes gave away his fury.

He looked to Mure...."Why' How" Most importantly who?" Before Mure could answer the question, he watched as Tabitha started to fall. He moved with years of honed reflexes, scooping her up in his arms.

"She needs a healer, quickly..." He looked around the room and didn't see anything but the basic med kit Mure had stored in her cabin.

"Can the Queen heal her" I don't think she can wait till morning. I can feel a fever on her skin now."

"I'm sure she can, but I'm going with you. You aren't exactly the most popular person right now." Murelle then called to Gwyn. She came out of her bedroom.

"I want you to go to Eliza's house." Murelle said as she hastily wrote a note to Eliza's mother. "It's important you stay there." She didn't want someone come after Gwyn. Gwyn pulled on her coat and Murelle gave her the note.

"Go, run as fast as you can."

Gwyn didn't question her mother, she just darted out the door and disappeared into the darkness. Murelle fetched her blaster and hitched to her belt. You-should arm yourself as well. Let's go."

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2018-02-20 16:39 EST
Instead of directly heading to the castle, Murelle and Miles carried Tabitha though the dark alleys and streets so they wouldn't be noticed. Once at the castle gate, Murelle was hailed but was stopped and was questioned.

"What brings you thus?" The guard asked as he eyed Miles suspiciously.

"I have never been questioned in such a way. I come to see the queen to seek healing for this young stable hand." Murelle answered shortly.

"Has the head stable hand cleared her?"

"I am not beholden to the stable hand. She came to my house and I chose to care for her. So, please stand out of the way." Murelle said forcefully.

They passed the guard and went into the castle. Rose was in the hall and greeted Murelle with little friendless. Murelle was puzzled by this, she was always greeted with open friendliness.

"I need to see the queen quickly. I have a young one that needs healing."

"The queen is in her apartments."

"Can you take me there?"

Rose hesitated. "Alright." Murelle was totally confounded by the lack of courtesy. Miles carried the young girl, he ignored the stares and murmurs followed him Murelle was becoming more and more irritated at the treatment. Finally at the queen's apartment, the guards parted and she was let in. Whatever discourtesy shown Murelle and Miles was shown was no more. The queen greeted them warmly.

"What do you bring me?"

"Lady, this young stable had has been beaten and has many bruises and cuts."

"Beaten?" Teleperien exclaimed with astonishment. "Let me see." Miles propped her up as Murelle lifted the soft shirt that Murelle covered her with. The queen gasped and ran her soft hand over the bruises and cuts. The girl winced at first, but her breathing eased as the queen ran her hand over the injured back.

Soon, it was healed and Tabitha was at ease. Tabitha bowed lowed and thanked the queen.

Teleperien asked. "Where did you get those bruises.?" Tabitha didn't answer at first, she hung her head and only whispered her reply. "In the stable Lady."

"Who beat you?"

Her voice was barely audible. The queen repeated the question more gently and held the girl by the elbows. .

"Who beat you?"

"The head stable hand." She winced at the thought and trembled at her answer.

Teleperien didn't move, she growled and went to get her cloak. "I'm going to look into this." She opened the door and the guards saluted her, and calls of "make way." Murelle and Miles followed the queen out to the stable, Tabitha panting along them. They went to the stable. It was busy with stable hands doing all sorts of chores. But amongst most had bruises and cuts on their backs. And then they came upon a beating. The head stable hand was using a whip on a young stable hand. With two steps, Teleperien ceased the whip from the hand of the head stable hand, she raised it and lowered it on the back of the stable hand. "What is your name?" The queen demanded. He didn't answer at first, but the queen snapped the whip again at his waist.


"Bart." He growled. He showed no fear. It happened fast, the queen lifted the whip again, but Bart was quicker, he pulled a knife and plunged it into the side of the queen. Murelle gasped and grabbed the queen as she fell to the floor. She held the wound and knew it would heal on it's own. But she looked up at Miles. "Get him Reaper."


Date: 2018-02-20 18:00 EST
"Bart." He growled. He showed no fear. It happened fast, the queen lifted the whip again, but Bart was quicker, he pulled a knife and plunged it into the side of the queen. Murelle gasped and grabbed the queen as she fell to the floor. She held the wound and knew it would heal on it's own. But she looked up at Miles. "Get him Reaper."

Miles stood there and watched as the queen had gotten stabbed, he had started to move when he saw the flick of the knife but with Tabitha in his arms it was difficult to get in there in time. He knew she would be fine. What had shocked him the most was when Mure told Reaper to get him. He gave a small grin. He looked down at Tabitha and gave a warm smile.

"I have to go hurt someone, don't be afraid. Stay with Mure and the Queen."

She nodded as he slowly set her down and started cracking his neck and knuckles....He looked down and let out a slow breath as he raised his head. His eyes had hardened, his face tighter. His stare would send most people screaming when he looked at you..

"I have become death....I walk the line between darkness & Light..."

He took menacing steps forward towards Bart.

"I am what the creatures under the bed, Hidden in closets, and stalk the night fear..."

Bart still stood there, weather out of stupidity or fear. Reaper's eyes keep track of his target as he stepped closer.

"I am the darkness, I am the night, I am fear....I am Reaper...."

He lashed out with a palm strike to the man's chest that sent him flying out of the stable and into the court yard. He advanced...

Bart shook his head as his vision cleared, he looked up and saw this man stalking toward him, each step calculating, each moment, tactical.

Reaper reach Bart as he was trying to stand up. A Loud crack was heard as Reapers foot contacted with the mans rib cage. Bart rolled into the air and landing with a grunt.

Several guards came running into the area, Swords drawn ready to defend Bart, as they had no clue what was going on.

Reaper heard the Queen bellow out a stand down command. "Reaper is attacking out Queen's justice." She held out her bloody hand, to show them the meaning of her order.

Bart reached out and grabbed one of the guard knives. With a Grunt his threw it at Reaper. His aim was off, but the knife lodged into his thigh. With not even a grunt or a flinch or acknowledgment. Reaper ran, using a small ledge of stone for support he jumped up and right down in the center of Bart's protective circle.

With a quick jab of his fist Bart's throat was smashed, Reaper started to rain blow after blow with his fist into Bart's Chest, stomach and Face. After what had seemed like minute but only 1 had passed. Reaper stepped back and did a perfect round house kick at Bart's disfigured face sending him ass over kettle...

"Lock him in Iron's in the court yard. Let everyone know he is a child abuser."

Reaper slide back asleep, as Miles came forward looking at Reaper's work.

Bart just layed there, barley awake. He looked up as Miles stood over to him. "You got off lucky.." With that his booted foot came crashing down onto his face, sending him off into the land of unconsciousness...

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2018-04-01 00:26 EST
Murelle stayed with the queen. Gwindor hovered over them, his blade drawn, guarding the wounded queen. The wound had closed and was healing on its own but left the queen weak and vulnerable. Murelle could hear the beating through the open stable door. She grimaced as she heard the blows and the groans of the beaten man. But she didn’t feel any sympathy. After it was all over Murelle left the queen and joined Miles. She moved to his side to allow the light from the stable fall on beaten man in order to get a good look.

“You did a number on him…” she started but stopped and gasped. A sharp pain had slammed into her side. She heard herself cry out and she wildly explored her side. Murelle felt the staff and feathers of an arrow. She wondered to herself if this arrow was meant for Miles and got her by mistake. But she didn’t wonder long. She felt herself fall to her knees and hands grab her as she fell into darkness.


Date: 2018-04-01 19:03 EST
Miles Watched as Mure slowly slid down to the ground on her knees. His quarter staff extended in his hands as he searched for the shooter..


He stood over Mure. "HEALER!!! Lady GreyMantle needs help."

He watched as the Queens guards moved to protect her.

"Give me a circle around this area with shields at the ready. Target is elevated."

Two more arrows were launched at Miles, they were destroyed by 2 small balls of light pulsing out of his Staff. With a flick of his wrist the staff retracted into a tube about a foot long.

He pointed at a small corner of the stable, pressing the button saw another volley of the blue balls of energy released, they struck the corner with so much force the wall was put to dust as a body fell out and onto the ground.

Reaper now in control heard the other Arrows, before he could turn to stop them her heard them clang against a shield raised by his head.

He watched as Gwindor lowered his shield and turn to face Reaper.

With only a nod, they stood back to back. Gwindor protect while Reaper destoryed.

With what felt like hours, but on mere minutes, 5 attackers were dead, some of the stable was dust, but the Queen was safe, Mure was on the mend thanks to the healers, she had stayed on the ground and let him do his job.

"Hold still..." The voice held no Malice, but the tone was clear. He felt the hand on his shoulder holding him still as he felt the sting of something being pulled out of his shoulder.

He turned to see Gwindor hold a bloody arrow up. He shrugged and dropped it onto ground.

"You ok?" He asked giving a look over the guard. There was just a nod as he looked towards the Queen.

Miles nodded back, a small understanding was made there. He watched the queen approach and stood at attention.

"Ma'am I offer my apologies about ordering your guards with out your permission. I accept any punishment you feel is necessary."

The Queen, gave a small smirk leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "You did well Sgt. Grimm. We thank you for your quick action here today. It is my hope that this is the last of the discord with in these walls."

He smiled, stepped back and saluted the Queen, as she moved to Gwindor...

He helped Mure stand up, he slowly wrapped his arm around her waist to offer support. She was still tender.