Topic: Taming a wild child.


Date: 2010-07-09 13:11 EST
"Let us try this again."

"Mother do I have to?" Erwyn moans.

"Yes. You must learn court etiquette. It is important." Teleperien replies patiently. "It is a bother I know, yet you are the princess, and you must carry yourself with some dignity. And, if I had to learn so will you."

Tele gives Erwyn a hug. "You are doing well. Now, once more than you can stop."

With a little more enthusiasm Erwyn went through the paces of how to carry herself as she walked down the carpet to the thrones. One was well made but not elaborate and next to it was a smaller yet a replica of Teleperien's throne. Erwyn tripped on her long gown and almost fell to the ground. Tele couldn't help herself and laughed.

"That is enough for today. Try not to tear your gown on the way back to your room."

Erwyn lifted the gown to her knees and with more grace left the hall. Tele spotted Xenograg who was watching from the servant's entrance. "The poor girl is so much like me. I hated learning this as much as she does."

They shared a good laugh.