Topic: Thank You Note

Rhiannon Brock

Date: 2013-08-20 22:36 EST
A courier in the livery of the Duchy of Navarra rode the path toward Tele's home. Seeing the package he carried placed in safe hands, he made his way back to his post.

The package was formally addressed to: Her Majesty, Teleperien, Queen of Eldicor.

The letters within were less formal.

Dearest Tele,

I am sorry that you were unable to join us to celebrate the beginning of Rhi and Eregor's marriage. It was a lovely affair. I have enclosed a portrait for you.

Much has happened since last we saw each other. Perhaps it is time for us to arrange visit.

With love,


A painted portrait of the newlyweds had been wrapped in canvas. Within the covering was a second package that had been wrapped in thick wool to protect the blown glass figurine of a phoenix that rested inside it.

Dear Tele,

We will be returning soon from our honeymoon trip. Word has reached us from home of your precious gift to us. Eregor is an avid gardener with a deep appreciation for all growing things. It has been decided that the mallorn nuts will be planted at the entrance to the outdoor garden of what will now be our home.

Enclosed is an blown glass phoenix. The phoenix is the symbol of renewal and rebirth. It is our hope that the mallorn nuts will find the soil to their liking and grant us more of their kind for those that come after us to enjoy.

With deep affection and respect,

Rhiannon and Eregor