Topic: The Forest

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2013-09-27 19:37 EST
Carrying the small "V" shaped projector, Murelle enters the Great Hall. Behind her Miles follows with the captured spider-like creature that Murelle was able to bring back from the Dark Forest. Already Borin, with a dwarf she didn't know was waiting for her. It wasn't long before the captain of the Rangers, Alderon and with him strode Gwindor; the captain of the elven guard joined them. Tom, the hobbit, seneschal along with a hobbit from Thistle, a small farming town followed, helping Tom carry his papers, pens and ink. Miles hoisted the creature onto the table with a "thud," and dropped a few silver darts on the table. Those waiting for the queen crowded around to get a better look at it. At the same time they gave Miles curious glances.

"Careful of those darts, they cut easily." Murelle says as she sets the projector on the table. She was feeling a little out of sorts, woke up with a headache. She made herself a cup of tea with few herbs sprinkled in the hot water. It didn't seem to help much. She forced a smile to Borin.

"Ready Lady GreyMantle?" He asked in his rumbling baritone voice.

"As I'll ever be." She answers quietly. "There's a lot to be shown."

As soon as she said these words, Teleperien, who was carrying a leather bound book, Xenograg and Amaltea enters the Great Hall, all three wore grave faces. Behind them both Amanda and Erwyn followed, looking just as serious.

"Thank you for coming at short notice. " Teleperien says seriously and with some force. "We face a decision about the Dark Forest. A foul creature, a dark monster lies within, it has to be destroyed. It has killed more than I know, including the late Captain GreyMantle. It has haunted the dreams of Lady GreyMantle and has even invaded mine. But first, let us know what we face. Lady GreyMantle?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Taking a more formal tone in front of her captains. She pushed a button on the projector and a map of the forest almost took up the entire table. She launches into her presentation, almost parroting what she told Miles the night before.

"As you can see, the forest is vast, and very old. It's almost 800 square miles in area, but fortunately we only have to focus on part of it."

She presses another button and a black square appears, with red arcs that spread from the top right hand corner of the square toward those who stood behind Murelle. The arcs grew darker and closer together as they reached the top. At the very edge was a red-black blob that pulsated. "I am assuming the entity keeps those spider-like creatures in control and protects it. I imagine they will lose control or even die, when the entity is destroyed. Hopefully the latter."

Once more she presses two buttons; images of trees, cliffs and caves appear.

"The forest is dense. According to what I read in the records of those who went into the forest with GreyMantle and what the queen and her companions that horses proved to be difficult because of the density of the trees. They can be ridden, but it is my opinion going on foot would be longer, but we would have better advantage."

"What of these creatures?" Alderon asks, poking it with his finger. "What are they?"

"You were with Captain GreyMantle if I recall correctly." Murelle asks quietly. The ranger nods. Murelle nods back and says, "I did a full scan on it and it's an arachnid of some sort. Both spider and scorpion, but unlike both, they have an exoskeleton for protection, but they are not invulnerable to arrows according the reports I've read and heard. And as you know, it can aim and shoot the darts you see on the table with incredible accuracy."

"When we were surrounded, I doubted we would leave the forest alive. Some did not." Alderon states with anger in his voice. "This alone will bring me back to the forest." "But we would need an army of all races in the battle." Gwindor points out, glancing at Alderon.

"I agree." Murelle answers. "Each race has its own skill. Elves have their bows and swords, yet Dwarves have their sturdy axes and stout hearts, Rangers, Miles, my friend brings some help from his world and Xenograg brings Rellugai from his land."

At the mention of dwarves both Borin and his companion's chest puffs out. Murelle gives them a wink. "But we need everyone's help. Hobbits included, for I know they share in this as much as the rest of us."

Tom and his companion look at each other with less enthusiasm, Tom's pen stopped it's movement.

"Have you any idea what that evil creature that lays behind this is Lady Murelle?" Borin asks, his brows furrowed.

"No, Borin, I don't. I have searched in the databases in the Stars End Sector and in the library here in the castle. Though I don't understand elvish all that much and what were in the common tongue wasn't much use." She answers with the grin. A wave of dizziness swept over her. She fought it, rubbing her forehead.

Teleperien breaks her silence. "I have found information that may help. I apologize, I should have thought of this sooner, but other concerns had driven it from my mind. I recalled it this morning, and brought the record with me."

She brings forth a book written in Noldorin Quenya, opening the volume, she looks at Murelle. "I will read it, since I understand the script."

"Of course Majesty." Murelle answers, sitting on a nearby bench. The dizziness was getting worse.

"It is the 936th mark of the year the realm of Eldicor's beginning. We have sent scouts to explore the unknown forest to the north and east. It is dark and foreboding, an evil lurks within. Firstly the beasts they rode would not enter the borders crying and rearing on their hindquarters. It was decided that they enter on foot. Once within the forest they were beset by creatures never seen before. Much like the spiders seen in windows and dusty corners, these were the size of the dogs that roams the village of Sawery. They threw darts, or so it seemed, from the tails of these creatures. Many elves were lost and few were able to flee with their lives. Those who returned told of a heavy and dark evil such as they ever felt though some had faced dangers in the realm in its early years. As they spoke with the rulers, it was decided that they themselves would ride out to this forest. They themselves narrowly escaped with their lives. They took small wounds it was good fortune the darts did not hold poison. Once back in the castle the queen, who has the gift of foresight, told all that gathered: "A loathsome creature lurks in the forest; one that is age's old, living within its borders for many hundreds of years. It is not time for this battle. Three come in my sight, one elf, a queen who will rule in our place; she will be young yet holds the courage of one that has lived an age. Two will stand with her, mortals both; dark of skin, one small, one tall. A fire as lightening shall come from the hand of the small mortal; the second holds the power of a mage. Together they will find a way. Then Eldicor will be free of one more darkness."

"It is the same creature then." Alderon says quietly. "We must act soon. It is aware of our intentions I deem and mayhaps leave the boarders of the forest."

"I agree" Teleperien replies, then with more force she says...."Gather what strength we have within two days. The time to strike has come. Dwarves, hobbits, elves and men. We will fight side by side as we have in the past!"

All were bowing to take their leave and attend to her Majesty's command when Murelle felt a stab of pain in her temples that seemed like a spike driven through her skull. The voice of the creature was laughing in her head. She stood....only to find herself falling to the floor. Hands were trying to catch her....distantly she heard"

"Lady Murelle! Lady Murelle!"

Darkness took her.


Date: 2013-10-08 23:15 EST
Xenograg sees Murelle grasp her head in pain and faint. Instead of rushing to her aid, he turns to observe the entire room—with all three eyes. His face hardens in frustration as he is unable to detect anything. After a half-minute he gives up trying. Another half-minute is spent mentally digging for options. Opening one's third eye also heightens cognition, allowing Xenograg to review the entire situation in that short time. An old idea is recalled. He returns from his short reverie with purpose, and looks for his apprentices.

"Amanda! Erwyn!" Xenograg calls out. Both girls turn their attention from Murelle and, hearing his tone, rush over. Xenograg begins issuing orders.

"Amanda: fetch my...our bannermen to Nom's Tower. Erwyn: go to Nom's Tower and prepare the pentacle. We have work to do." Both girls supress their surprise and anxiety.

"Yes, Master," they reply almost in unison and scurry from the room. Only now does Xenograg look to see how Murelle is. Queen Teleperien is attending to her personally. He waits patiently for a moment to inform Teleperien of his impressment of Erwyn.


Date: 2013-10-10 16:37 EST
Amanda and Erwyn parted company outside the Great Hall, where Erwyn almost ran down the hallway, through the library and up the stairs. Once inside the tower she stops and ponders a few moments on what had just transpired. She had felt a disturbance in the Great Hall just before Lady Murelle collapsed. What it was, she wasn't sure. She opens the cupboard that held the items needed, chalk, candles and incense. She gathers them and sets them on the large table that held other items used by Alatar and her mother. On the floor she carefully drew the five pointed star then a circle around the star to create a pentagram. She places white candles on each point with one in the center. She readies the incense for lighting and examines her work. Satisfied she waits for Xenograg and Amanda.


Date: 2013-10-24 23:24 EST
Teleperien looks at Murelle with alarm and concern, she immediately rushes to her side and takes her hand and touches her forehead. At once, she was slammed herself by the vision of the entity and she quickly releases Murelle's hand and stood back. In no way she could jeopardize the planned attack by her attempting to heal Murelle. The only thing to do at this point was to protect her physically. An idea comes to her.

"Master Miles, could you please pick up Murelle" And follow me." She waited till the guest spacer carefully pick up Murelle and adjust her weight in his arms. Together they walk out of the Great Hall and passed the guest quarters, and to a part of the castle few came through except the guards walking the halls making sure all was well. The queen pauses at a large elaborately carved wood door with a large keyhole. She pulls out a key from the leather pouch that hung from her slender waist.

Unlocking the door she opens it to reveal a garden. It is a beautiful place, with trees with silver trunks and golden leaves. Mallorns, flowers; small white elanor, golden trumpets, bushes with flowers foreign to this land. Also a small stream ran though it, bubbling gentle as it runs over the rocks. Small minnows dart back and forth, feeding off the insects that land on the gently moving water. At the far wall, a small fall fell from a rugged rock formation with fairies dancing in the flowers and shrubs near the fall. Once the door is opened, they start, dart into the bushes to hide to make certain they were safe.

"Miles, come there is a couch you can lay her. In here still lies a bit of Valinor, perhaps it's power will protect her."

Miles follows her into the garden, gazing about him at such a foreign looking garden in such a place. A white couch, with a soft cushion was found in the back. Miles laid Murelle down, and Tele laid her hand on Murelle's head again. And to her great relief, she wasn't greeted by the horrible creature in the Dark Forest.

"She will be alright Miles, let her sleep and come about on her own. I will come back and make sure she is well."

Together they walk back to the door, with Miles carefully looking about at his surroundings as if he was memorizing them.

Once outside the garden door she pulled the door closed and relocked the door and led Miles back to the Great Hall where Miles could collect the 'spider" and the projector. She didn't seem to notice that Miles was looking around as if to place in his mind where this place was.


Date: 2013-11-05 21:02 EST
Xenograg enters Nom's Tower to find everything in readiness. Each Rellugai holds a four-foot-long roll of heavy cloth: one yellow with a gold border, the other light blue with a yellow border.

"Everyone get comfortable," he says. "We are going to be here awhile." He removes his boots and loosens his sash. The others follow suit with various personal choices.

"Sorcery is battle magic," Xenograg lectures. "A core component is enchantment of the tools of war. Swords and armor, of course, but battles are won or lost by intangibles such as morale and intelligence. This is where the greatest effect can be achieved. The best medium of conveyance for these effects are the battle standards."

"An area effect?" asks Erwyn. Xenograg nods.

"Yes. Not as far as line-of-sight, but far enough to reach the bulk of one's army. Or out to the enemy's."

"What effect are we evoking?" ask Amanda.

"A ward to protect us all from the psychic intrusion of this monster. I admit that I am unsure as to how."


Date: 2013-11-12 21:13 EST
Taking a deep breath, Erwyn doesn't quite understand what Xenograg plans on doing, not having preformed such sorcery. She too removes her boots, and readied herself.

"Master?" She cautiously says. "I felt something, a power of some sort when Lady GreyMantle took ill."

Xenograg looks at her with interest. "Yes Erwyn, what was it you felt?"

She shakes her head. "I cannot tell you Master. I never felt it before. It was oppressive and evil, what ever it was."

Though she couldn't put it into words, she felt as though a dark power had found itself into the castle. It was not just evil, but heavy and oppressive. Inexperienced as she was with such evil, she shudders inwardly.


Date: 2013-12-03 22:07 EST
"I cannot tell you, Master," says Erwyn. "I never felt it before. It was oppressive and evil, whatever it was."

"Your feeling is enough to begin with," Xenograg replies with satisfaction. He turns to Amanda.

"Get your banner unrolled." Amanda works with the Rellugai holding the light blue banner, unrolling it horizonally to its four-foot square limit. Xenograg directs them to bundle it a certain way upon the floor of the magic circle. He has the bannerman return to the side. The three mages now sit around the inside edge of the circle, part of the heavy cloth in each one's lap.

"We shall now project astrally," Xenograg instructs. "First, Erwyn will share her sensing with us. Then we will seek to understand how that power works. Achieving that, we can devise a counter. Ready?" Both girls nod.

"Then we begin." All three close their eyes in what appears to be meditation....


Date: 2013-12-14 22:00 EST
Miles Grimm, AKA Reaper. Watched the people as he left the meeting room with there stuff, he moved down the halls. His boots making no sound against the stone floors. His head raced with thoughts as he reached his room and entered.

He stood at his window watching the sun set as he started to clip his tactical vest on. He pulled out a golden tube about a 1/3 meter long and slide it into his thigh holster. With a quick roll of his shoulders he moved silently through the halls.

He reached the doors that held Mure. With a quick lock picking he was inside and kneeling next to his friend. They were stationed outside the doors, and wouldn't be there for another hour.

"Mure, rest my friend. I will watch over you till morning."

He placed his hand on the side of her face and smiled as she tried to push into it.

"Dream of the Stars, Dream of Peace. The monsters that haunt your mind fear The Reaper."

He looked to the door for a moment. "I felt it when you feel. Something has him scared and i think it is you."

He stood up and moved to the back of the couch by her heard. Like a the Gargoyles of old, the stone guardians of the mythical.


Date: 2014-01-12 20:59 EST
Amanda does not know how many hours she, Erwyn, and Xenograg labor over the banners. She falls into an exhausted sleep on a sofa within minutes of Xenograg declaring the task complete. She does not wake until midmorning yet still feels tired. Pushing herself upright, Amanda realizes the courtyard of the castle is unusually noisy with activity. Looking out the window, she sees that the army is marshalling.

Amanda rushes back to her apartment in the palace. Her mother turns as she steps through the door.

"There you are," Amaltea says. "Hurry up and change."

"Yes, Mother," Amanda replies and heads off to her bedroom. Amaltea has thought ahead, and two maids stand waiting to assist Amanda. There is no time for a bath only a sponging. It is fastest for Amanda to just stand and let the maids do the work: one focusing on Amanda's hair while the other dresses her. Their goal is not beauty but utility; Amanda looks almost like a man when the maids are done: a light blue topcoat with brown trousers and brown riding boots (with gilded spurs), her hair in a loose bun. Arms and armor will come later.

Amanda returns to the front parlor.

"Ready?" Amaltea asks, and Amanda nods in reply. Amaltea is also manly dressed, but in a crimson army coat with white pants and black boots. The two women sense the moment, pausing to quickly look around the room. This is the last truly safe place they will be in for days to come.

"Come," Amaltea softly directs. They step out the door without another look back.

Murelle GreyMantle

Date: 2014-01-13 19:52 EST
Walking through a garden, Murelle knows where she is. A white gazebo sits in the center, morning glories weaving their colors throughout the lattice. A familiar figure sits as if waiting for someone, specifically for Murelle.

"Grandmother." Murelle calls out and is now running to the gazebo. She throws her arms around her grandmother who returns the hug.

"Daughter, I have counsel to give." Patrice says quietly in her no nonsense way of speaking. "I know what you face, an evil that has no name." Murelle sits and faces her grandmother, but does not speak. Patrice goes on.

"You will find help when you don't expect it. Yes, the young queen has a strong heart and brave, but she will see how she is out-numbered."

"Grandmother, then what do we do' We cannot leave that creature in the forest." Murelle exclaims with alarm.

"You will know your help when you find it. Take this." Patrice drops a small talisman in Murelle's small hand, in the likeness of an owl that was hung on a leather cord. "Put this on." Murelle obeys and hangs the talisman around her neck. "Now go. Awake my daughter, you will be protected."

Murelle leans over to hug her grandmother, but she has dissolved like a mist in the morning sun. She feels herself awake and opens her eyes. She sits up and looks around, Murelle saw she was in the queen's garden. She'd only been in it once before and appreciated the beauty as much as she did now. She finds Miles sitting next to the couch. She smiles.

"How'd you get in here?" Murelle asks amused. "I know this is the queen's garden and keeps it locked."

"Picked the lock." He answers in a matter-of-fact way. "Well, I'm doing better. It's time to get things rolling." Mure swings her legs over and the talisman swings forward.

"What's that?" Miles asks peering over as he stands.

"A talisman. It was a gift." She answers as she stands. "I must change. Let's go.?

Miles only nods and they quietly and quickly exit the garden and heads to Murelle's apartments.