Topic: A package.


Date: 2013-12-07 08:48 EST
A nondescript, brown box would find it's way through the appropriate channels and brought to the attention of either a secretary, DIANNA (and by proxy, Brian himself) or, ideally, the intended recipient of the package itself.

Said box was, an mentioned above, nondescript. All security checks could be performed on it, spells and incantations to discern what was within. They would, mostly, come up ablank. What can be determined is the following;

The box was protected so that it's contents received absolutely no damage at all. In fact, the inside of the container was in fact exempt from the passage of time itself. Hence, why it was so hard to figure out what was with in.

So, perhaps the box wasn't as nondescript as first assumed....Also, upon the box is a label, in clear, flowing script. The assumption of the sender must have been that, with this, the box would carry on unhampered to it intended recipient.

"For the Attention of: Dr. Ibaraki.

RE: Dahlia."

There was no indication of who had made the enchantments on the box or who had sent it. Inside the box, quite simply, was the head of Dahlia. Preserved from the world by being simply removed from the time stream, until such a time as it was removed from the box. It had clearly been placed in there with care, even wrapped up to ensure it's safety. Who ever had put it in there had clearly cared.

There was also a note, again, no sign as to who wrote it is apparent.

"This One, formally known as Renna, wanted you to have this. I don't know why, and I don't care. Just see Dahlia's remains are treated with respect."


Date: 2013-12-07 10:23 EST
With the re-opening of the Tower and recent events concerning the entity known as Banshee, security had been on high alert in recent days. When the courier delivered the package it was indeed run through several scans under the watchful eye of D.I.A.N.A.

Dr Ibaraki was going over some nanotech designs when the call came in.

"Dr. Ibaraki, a package addressed to you has been delivered. Security scans were indeterminate. The contents have been examined manually and determined to be a female humanoid head."

The doctor's eyes narrow at that, "Any indication as to the girl's identity and sender?" Raye had a feeling she knew already.

"Labeling does not indicate sender. Labeling indicates it was in regards to Dahlia." The A.I. responded dispassionately. "A note included with the package indicates that the sender is Renna."

She tiredly rubbed her eyes at this. "D.I.A.N.A. please inform the Watch of this development. Have the head delivered into the care of Regina Appleton. If anything is needed to help with burial expenses, inform them I will provided it."

"Of course, Dr Ibaraki."

That did not stop the rage from flowing through her for a moment. Perhaps Banshee was right in what he was doing. Yet, with everything progressing the way it was, she could not help but feel as through she was a goose walking over her own grave.