Topic: Systems Analysis and Design


Date: 2011-10-12 18:26 EST
Still no word back on her inquiries. She was looking over the the schematics for the umpteenth time. She felt like she was missing something, something very important. What was she missing" She had the cyberware, the bioware components, but it seemed like she was just spinning her wheels.

....Too many distractions.

Too many attacks on friends, too many feelings involved. She was feeling like a burden and at the same time she couldn't get any movement on the procedure. The Armor, the superheroes....Virii...


"That's what I am missing. I don't need surgery." She tapped a command on her workstation and brought up the data on NeoNet's Nanosymbiote and neural amplifier technology. Shouldn't be too hard to replicate, given the advanced environment.

She brought up the menus and started tapping away at the subroutines needed to complete the required programming. The symbioates could re-grow the need pathways, and the amplifiers would be able to electrochemically stimulate those pathways, helping her learn to walk again.

She shook her head, chuckling, "I am such an idiot at times. I don't need the surgery, just someone to monitor the progress."

She spent the next several hours designing and programming the soft nanites for the specific function, making copies of her reports...

The another idea hit her. Nantidotes....She had heard they were being used for the RBF vaccine. Why couldn't that technology be adapted in this case"

She spent the next several hours working up a thesis and her finding. Plus she added the data from the augmentation nanites and the nantidotes.

Maybe, just maybe, they might have an edge that could be used. But the first step would be to do the procedure.

A report to was sent off to the supervisors with a prayer that it was viable.


Date: 2011-11-02 18:28 EST
{Approx 2 weeks ago}

"Are you sure you want to do this, Doc?" Probably the millionth time she was asked this question as she sat in the chair in a quiet little facility just within the limits of Stars Ends.

"Yeah, CK. I need to do this. The chair is a liability around here." The patient replied to her physician.

"You could come back to Sea-Gen and have it done there." The other woman replied as she prepped the hypo-spray.

"I'm pretty much persona non-gratis there, CK. The corps fragged my credentials and my rep to hell." She murmured as she prepared herself mentally for this. "Besides, I don't want to explain where I got the tech, nor do I want to expose my employer to their brand of terrorism."

The doctor just gave a look to her patient, "You are protecting a corp from another corp."

"Well, yeah. This one is ..." She was searching for the right phrasing as CK administered the injection. "I want to say....clean. You know this place is a nexus point?"

" me the willies."

Doc rolled her eyes as the monitors started recording the progress of the nanites. "Yeah, well, The Shaiwase incident hasn't happened yet, if at all." There was a sharp intake of breath as the little organisms went to work. The combination of Bioware and Nanotech technology went to work at repairing and re-routing the damaged areas. "C...K, The Vat ready?"

"Yeah, Doc. You are almost ready for it."

" get in." She ground out. It was not an easy process. The doctor and an assistant helped the woman get into the tube. They hooked her up to life support equipment and a respirator. The tube was sealed and a gel was injected into the tube.

It was the last sensation that Doc felt before the anesthetic took over...