Topic: A Punch to the Gut

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-04-29 12:25 EST
It was just an ordinary day in the Storm household, except for one thing - Liv had gone to New York to visit with family in the way of her brother, Tony, and sister-in-law, Sue - leaving Johnny behind to deal with the kids and numerous pets.

Mornings at the Storm house were always a little chaotic, even more so with Liv away, but so far, Johnny was handling it. It didn't hurt that Fliss had been there to help herd Alex and Maria off to school, but now that it was just Johnny and baby Bess, things had gotten quiet. Of course, there was the small menagerie of pets to deal with, too, and Liv had left explicit instructions regarding both the children and pets. Johnny had never realized just how much Liv did to keep the household running in tip-top shape, until she was gone. She wasn't just Rhy'Din's best P.A., but Rhy'Din's most organized and efficient wife and mother.

He wasn't entirely on his own - if he needed the help, he could always open the back door and yell for Lucy or Steve to rescue him from his own slightly whacky menagerie. Of all the animals, Bella was the clingiest, staying close to his legs like the loyal pet she was, while the puppy, the dragon, and the cat made mischief elsewhere. But finally calm was restored, and Johnny had the leisure to sit down and enjoy the sight of his youngest daughter committing vandalism on the chalkboard painted section of wall with her colored chalks in peace. Right up until the moment when Bess quite suddenly disappeared, reappearing on his lap in floods of tears.

Johnny was enjoying his breather, sipping a cup of coffee that never went cold, given his natural state of warmth, when Bess broke into tears for what seemed like no reason at all. He set the coffee aside and scooped the two-year-old up onto his lap, a concerned look on his face.

"What's the matter, Bessie" Are you missing Mama?" he asked, assuming the little girl was just getting lonely without her mother and siblings to keep her company.

The two-year-old sobbed against his chest ....not the usual tears of a toddler who was bored or lonely, but deep, racking cries that radiated terror and heartbreak as she clung to her father's shirt. Barely a minute later, the phone started to ring, prompting Bella and Beast to bark excitedly at it; a moment after that, Johnny's cell phone joined in. In just a few minutes, the house had gone from calm to chaos.

For a man who often moonlighted as a superhero, he wasn't sure what to do first. Or more accurately, unable to console his youngest, no matter what he said or did, he wasn't sure which phone to answer first or whether he should just let them all go to Voicemail, so he could focus on Bess. He was slowly rising to a state of panic, and ignoring the phones, he went to the back door, hoping help was close by.

"Lu-cy!" he called, sounding desperate as he stepped outside to knock on his sister-in-law's door. "Luce! Are you there?" he called over Bess' inconsolable cries.

"I'm here!" his sister-in-law yelled back, appearing at the back door with one of her twins under one arm, giggling madly at the sound of the other twin somewhere in the living room giggling just as madly back. Lucy grinned briefly before her expression turned concerned. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Johnny replied, a worried frown on his face. "She just burst into tears for no reason," he explained. "Can you take her a minute" My phone won't stop ringing." Well, at least, he had his priorities in order, putting Bess first, no matter who was on the other end of that phone call.

"Of course." Lucy hiked Natalia up onto her hip, opening her other arm to take Bess onto her other hip and hug the distraught toddler close. "Steve! Need a hand here!" she called, nodding to Johnny. "Anything you need, we'll help."

Steve was there, almost before Lucy called for help, the sound of a wailing toddler summoning him to the door. He reached for baby Natalia, freeing Lucy to handle the wailing Bess. Baby Sarah was down for a nap, and the others were off at school, leaving Steve and Lucy with just the twins to manage for a few hours.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking from Lucy to Johnny and back, but Johnny was already stepping back outside so that he could take the phone call without Bess screaming in his ear.

"No idea," Lucy answered Steve, jiggling Bess gently in her arms. "He's got two phones going over there by the sound of it. There now, little miss, what?s all this noise for, hmm?"

"Maybe she's just missing Liv," Steve suggested, easily balancing the one-year-old against a hip - and then the Rogers' phones started ringing with almost as much urgency as the Storms'. The expression on Steve's face changed, turning concerned. It was just too coincidental for all of their phones to be going off at the same time, but his first thoughts went to the children. Had something happened that the school was trying to get in touch with them' He extended an arm to take Bess from her, easily able to juggle both girls at once, even if one was wailing. "You better get that, Luce," he told her.

Lucy's expression darkened in the same moment Steve's did. This was just a little too coincidental, and coincidence in this family did not generally bode well. Handing Bess over to Steve, she picked up the phone, glancing worriedly over to the Storms' house.

Johnny could be seen from the window, and Steve could see even from the short distance between them that his face had turned a ghostly shade of pale and he'd had to reach out to support himself against a tree so that his legs didn't give way. It was a rare thing, to see Johnny Storm so affected by whatever was going on, and Steve's heart sank, knowing that whatever it was, it was serious.

"Luce," he whispered. "I think it's Liv."

There was a very short pause as Lucy nodded, clearing her throat as her own face turned pale at what was being said on the phone. "H-hang on a sec, Tony, let me put you on speaker." She set the phone down with a shaking hand, easing down onto a stool as Tony's voice came across openly in the kitchen.

"....hear me" Sue got on to Pepper - she saw it happen - she's being taken to the mansion, not a public hospital. Romanoff wants you to call her, Steve."

"Tony, what?s ..." Steve started, having trouble hearing him over Bess' incessant wailing, though she was starting to tire and falter. "Okay, give me a minute," he said, looking to Lucy first, with concern on his face. "Luce, I'm gonna put Nat down for a nap. Can you handle Bess while I call Nat?" he asked, not realizing how ridiculous that sounded, having named one half of the twins after one of their nearest and dearest friends.

Lucy nodded, her expression tight with the effort of not panicking. Not yet, anyway. "Come here, darling," she told Bess, gathering her niece into her arms. "Sorry, Tony - I'm still here. Do you know what happened?"

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-04-29 12:31 EST
The sound of Tony's strained sigh was enough to put her on edge again, her eyes lifting to watch Johnny as she rocked Bess.

"Not for certain," Tony told her. "Sue said the truck jumped the sidewalk and went straight for her. That ....that's not an accident, Luce."

Steve caught the end of what Tony was telling Lucy, but Nat wanted him to call, and he needed to do that first. Then, he'd know just how serious things were and could decide what to do next. But first, he disappeared somewhere inside the house to lay baby Natalia down for a nap. In less than five minutes, he was on the phone to Nat to find out for himself what had happened.

Nat was uncharacteristically short, even for her. "Steve, you heard?"

"Yeah, sort of. Luce is talking to Tony. What happened?" he asked, though he'd gotten the gist of it. There had apparently been some kind of accident, but how bad it had been or how badly Liv had been hurt, he wasn't sure.

"Liv got mown down by an unmarked truck with rudimentary stealth technology, right outside the Baxter Building," Natasha told him. "They went straight for her - she's a mess, but Stark's pulling in contacts globally to get her stabilised so we can transfer her over to Rhy'Din for your magic healing thing."

Steve winced, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach at the news Nat was sharing. He trusted her to be honest, but that was almost too honest. It seemed there was no way to sugarcoat the news. He paused a moment, as if he had to catch his breath or calm his nerves, but his training was quick to kick in. "How bad is she?" he asked, pointblank, trusting Nat not to pull any punches.

Nat's brief silence was telling. "Can't say yet," was what she said eventually, but she moved on fast. "Steve, I think there's more going on here. I think this was aimed at Lucy, not Liv, and I think it has something to do with the data mining on the intel we got out of Murmansk ten days ago. I think Hydra's trying to distract us so they can take on A.E.G.I.S. H.Q."

"Nat, that would imply that they know where A.E.G.I.S. H.Q is located," he argued. Or that they knew how to hack into the A.E.G.I.S. database. Whether that was Hydra's plan or not, they couldn't afford not to be prepared for it. He didn't want to believe Hydra would be that bold or that they'd dare hurt an innocent to fulfill their plans, but nothing Hydra did really surprised him anymore. "What do you need?" he asked. Despite his personal feelings, the part of him that was a soldier was kicking into gear.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. had GPS technology embedded in data drives, no reason to think Hydra doesn't, too," Nat pointed out, relieved when he jumped straight to what was needed. "I need the base on lockdown, the labs under guard, and I need feet on the ground and eyes in the air. I need you to put out the call, Steve, fast."

"Consider it done," he replied. He could accomplish all that with one phone call, though there were others who would have to make it actually happen. "Do you need me there?" he asked, though he had a feeling he was going to be of more use here than there, considering how his family was going to need all the support they could get. Thankfully, he knew all it would take was one phone call, and the Grangers would step in to help however they could. His thoughts turned momentarily to Johnny and Liv's children, but he couldn't afford to get too emotional just yet, even if he was feeling almost sick with grief. "Nat, I gotta know. Is she gonna make it?" he asked, as quietly and gently as he could.

"Stay there - you don't need any more of your family in danger right now," she told him. But the question had to be asked, and she had to answer it. "I don't ....I don't know, Steve. They crushed her between the truck and the wall twice. Maybe you should find out if your healer people can work their mojo on Earth. I gotta go - look after Flame Boy and the kittens."

"Oh, God," he murmured, mostly to himself, trying hard to hang onto his composure. Lucy and Johnny and the kids were going to need him to be strong, and Liv's life just might depend on it. "I'll find out and let you know. Keep me posted," he told her, trusting she would do just that. Lucy and Johnny probably knew as much as he did by now. Steve knew what he had to do next and made that one phone call that would put things in motion.

In the kitchen, Lucy had brought Johnny inside, pressing Bess into his arms as she called Fliss and told her to collect the children from school. Whatever was happening here, she wanted them all together, just in case. "Johnny, stay calm," she kept saying, over and over again. "Just let us get the kids here. They wouldn't let you in to see her yet anyway - you know how it goes."

"Luce, what if ..." Johnny said, on the brink of panic. He didn't want to give voice to his worst fears - their worst fears - but the thought of losing Liv terrified him. "I don't know what to do, but I have to see her, Luce," he insisted, and the longer he tarried here, the more time he was wasting. If he wasn't careful, Bess was going to sense his panic and start wailing all over again.

Lucy spun about, one finger held in front of his face. "No," she said harshly, her own eyes wet with unshed panic over what might have happened to her twin. "Don't think it. Don't even entertain that thought for a millisecond, Johnny. She'll be fine. And she'll be pissed if you run off to see her without reassuring your kids first. You really think Alexei doesn't know this has happened?"

Johnny saw his own panic mirrored in Lucy's eyes and he frowned, knowing she was right. He felt sick with worry, his insides all wrapped up in knots, but he knew he had to be strong for his children - especially those who would sense his thoughts and his feelings. "Okay, I know ....It's just ....Why Liv" Liv wouldn't hurt a fly!"

In his arms, Bess was starting to fuss again, a little too sensitive to the tension filling the room. Lucy swallowed, opening her arms to take the toddler before Johnny started feeling guilty for that on top of everything else. "I, um ....if this was deliberate, Johnny, chances are they thought she was me," she said quietly, her own guilt clear. "I should be the one in a hospital bed right now."

Johnny blinked, as if he hadn't considered that yet, despite what he may or may not have been told. "But why' Why would anyone want to hurt her ....or you?" he asked, though the reasons seemed obvious. Both Johnny and Steve had made their fair share of enemies, the worst of which was Hydra, and how better to hurt them than by hurting those they loved"

"To hurt you, or Steve." Lucy shrugged, shaking her head. "Look, we don't know what?s going on, not really. We shouldn't speculate. Just try and reassure your kids before you go to Earth, okay' And stay in touch. Fliss should have them here any minute."

It was Steve who had the answers to those questions and more. "It was Hydra," he said, as he rejoined them, his own phone calls made and plans put into motion. The grief and guilt he was feeling was plain on his face and in his tone of voice, but he could not afford to crumble, not when Liv and his family were depending on him. "They're gonna stabilize her and then bring her here. Luce, I need you to call Vicki and let her know what?s happening. See if they can get a hold of a healer - the best one available. And we're gonna need a quick means of transportation to a modern medical facility. Maybe Sol can help ....or George ....or both."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-04-29 12:31 EST
Lucy nodded. Medicine was her area, but not even she would try to insist she be allowed to operate on her own sister. The conflict of interest was just too great. Swallowing, she handed Bess to Steve, leaving the room to make those calls as the sound of a car outside heralded the arrival of Fliss and the children.

"I don't know what to tell them," Johnny murmured as he heard the car pull up outside the house. "What am I supposed to do' I can't do this without her," he confessed aloud, almost forgetting that he wasn't alone, that Steve was still there beside him. He felt a large hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"You're not alone, Johnny. We're all in this together, and Hydra will pay - I promise you that. But first we gotta take care of the kids," he reminded his friend.

Johnny nodded and scrubbed his face with a hand, heaving a heavy sigh. "I know, I know," he murmured in return. "Just promise me she's gonna be okay."

Steve paused a moment, unsure if he could promise that yet. "We're gonna do everything we can to make sure she's okay," he said, unable to promise more than that.

"I wish it was me, instead of her," Johnny whispered to no one.

The front door opened, and the sound of running feet was swiftly replaced with little Maria hurtling headlong into the kitchen to throw herself at her father, red-faced and weeping in her silent way. Fliss wasn't far behind with Alexei on her hip - her little brother might be a little too big for cuddles like that these days, but right now, with his telepathy overwhelmed by what he had experienced with his mother, he needed help just moving around.


Steve might have replied to Johnny's remark and reminded him how much his kids needed him, if it hadn't been for the arrival of the children. Johnny went down on one knee to catch Maria in his arms and pull her close. As if it wasn't enough that baby Bess had been frantic, now he had the older ones to deal with - the ones who were old enough to know their mother's life was in danger.

"Shh, it's okay," he tried to soothe Maria first, since she was the youngest of the three older Storm children.

"Liv ..." Johnny started, swallowing down the threat of tears. "Your mom has been hurt in a car accident. Uncle Tony is taking care of her. She's getting the best of care. As soon as she's stable, they're gonna bring her here, to Rhy'Din."

"We're gonna take good care of her," Steve interjected, needing to assure the little family that they were going to do everything possible to ensure Liv would recover - even if it meant taking drastic measures.

There was quiet for a long moment, punctuated by the hyperventilating breaths coming from Maria as she cried. Fliss kissed Alexei's head, hugging him tighter for a moment, then she spoke, doing her best to be calm for the sake of her siblings.

"How bad is it, Dad?" she asked softly. "There's no point keeping it a secret, not from these guys."

Alexei was visibly shaking in Fliss' arms. Even if he was a little too big and too old to be held in such a way, he'd gone through the accident with his mother in his mind, and the experience had been the most terrifying he'd ever experienced since they'd been rescued from the Hydra facility.

Johnny looked from one face to another, knowing Fliss was right. There would be - could be - no secrets between them. Shielding them from the truth wouldn't do much good and could only serve to hurt them, if the worst were to happen. "I wish I could say otherwise, but it's bad," he replied with a sigh.

Meanwhile, Steve quietly excused himself and stepped out with Bess still on his hip. Things needed doing and quickly.

For just a moment, Fliss' calm faltered, flame crackling along the braid that held her hair out of her face. But she was holding Alex, and Alex was afraid of fire, and that was what helped her keep it together. "Okay," she nodded, sitting on a stool beside Johnny. "But bad doesn't mean that she's not coming back, okay, guys" Just means it's going to be a couple of days before we can see her."

Sniffling on Johnny's lap, Maria nodded, reaching out with her own trembling fingers to touch her father's face. For a moment, there didn't seem to be any reason beyond affection for that touch ....but the panic was receding from Johnny's mind the longer the silent child held that touch.

Even as Fliss spoke, tears were pooling in Johnny's eyes, threatening to drown him in sorrow, despite the fact that, like Fliss, he was given to flame when he was upset. It was Maria's touch that calmed him somehow, that pulled him back from the brink of panic and despair and gave him a sense of hope - like a candle in the darkness.

"Your sister's right. We're not giving up hope. She's gonna be okay. She has to be," he said, not only trying to the children, but himself.

"Papa," Alexei started, his voice very quiet. He couldn't bear to talk about what had happened, what he had witnessed - not yet - but he could share what he was feeling or not feeling. "I can't feel Mama anymore. She's too quiet," he said, looking fearful and on the verge of tears himself.

Johnny's heart twisted in agony inside him, but he didn't dare let it show, trying hard to keep his own emotions at bay, lest the children sense his own turmoil. "It's okay, Alex. She's probably resting. Uncle Tony is gonna make sure the doctors and nurses take good care of her." He glanced to Fliss, knowing he was about to ask a lot of her, but it was necessary. "Fliss, I need to go to New York. I need to see for myself. Will you be okay staying here with Alex and Maria" I won't be gone long. I just need to ....I need to be there."

Gently adjusting Alexei on her lap, Fliss nodded, rocking her brother from side to side for a moment. "Yeah ....yeah, we'll be fine," she promised Johnny faithfully. "I'll-I'll call Luc, he can come and stay with us when his shift ends. And Uncle Steve and Aunt Lucy will be around too. We'll be good."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-04-29 12:31 EST
Johnny scooped Maria up into his arms, nuzzling her cheek affectionately a moment as if to thank her for helping to calm him or for just being there and being who she was. He extended an arm to Fliss, drawing her and Alex into his embrace. "It's gonna be okay," he promised them quietly. How many times had he promised Liv he wouldn't let anything happen to her or their children" Empty promises, they'd been; promises he hadn't been able to keep. It made him angry, but not at the children - at Hydra for all the pain they had caused.

"Papa?" Alex said, as if hearing his father's thoughts without being told. But then, there were so many voices in his head right now - so many he had to shield himself against the vast majority of them, just like Zach was teaching him. "I want to kill them, Papa. All of them."

"No, peanut, you don't," Fliss argued gently, hugging close into the little huddle. "It feels like that, because you're angry and sad, but hurting other people when you're angry just makes it worse. Right, Dad?"

Johnny frowned, clenching his jaw. He had to fight hard against his own feelings for the sake of his children. There was nothing he would have liked more at that moment than to go super-nova and blow Hydra right off the face of the Earth, but he couldn't afford the collateral damage that would accompany it. "I know it's hard not to be angry, Alex. I'm angry, too," he told his young son. "But I promise you, those responsible for this will pay. Just not today."

"All right ..." Lucy trailed off as she stepped back into the kitchen, her throat tightening for a moment at the sight of her sister's family wrapped so close together. "Humphrey's having the medical suite in the manor cleaned and prepped; George is on his way to Earth as we speak; Vicki and Jon are trying to track down a healer they know. Sol is going to figure out a way to make the shift between Earth and Rhy'Din a smoother ride. That's as much as we can do right now."

The sound of Lucy's voice reminded Johnny that they weren't alone and that Lucy was likely as torn up by what had happened as they were. He wasn't sure how Liv's twin would react to what he was about to tell her, but no matter how much he was needed here, he needed to be with Liv, at least for a little while. "I have to go to New York, Luce," he repeated for her sake, shifting a little so that they could welcome her into their little circle, too. After all, she was family, and she had loved Liv first.

"I know," Lucy assured him, biting down her own worried tears as she wrapped her arms around all of them, kissing Johnny's hair as though he was her blood-brother. "And you'll keep in touch, and if they need anything to match, you call me and I will be there in minutes."

"I will. Promise," he told her, smiling sadly that she even had to remind him of that - not because he felt hurt that she had to remind him, but because of the possible necessity of it at all. "I'm not gonna tell you all to be good for Aunt Lucy and Uncle Steve because I know you will be," he said, looking to each of his children in turn. "I will be back as soon as I can."

Maria hugged her arms about his neck for a long moment, the little empath overwhelmed by all the distress around her. But she did let go, signing to her father. "Tell Mum we love her."

"I will, sweetheart," he promised Maria, hugging her close and kissing her cheek. "We all love her. She knows that, but it won't hurt to remind her," he said, a sad smile flickering on his face. "Fliss, you're in charge," he told their eldest, trusting her with the care of her younger siblings, but knowing she'd have plenty of help, especially with baby Bess. "Alex, you're the man of the family while I'm gone. Take good care of your sisters, okay?"

"Da, Papa," Alexei replied, nodding his head, his face tear-stained and solemn.

Fliss nodded, gently letting Alexei down onto his feet. "Why don't you two go and find Bess?" she suggested to her siblings, needing a moment to ask her father something she was trying hard not to think too much about. "She must have got a big shock, too."

Johnny let Maria down, too, allowing her to accompany her brother in search of their youngest sibling, with Lucy's help. "I couldn't get her to stop crying," he admitted, once they were alone. He could let some of his guard down with Fliss; she was old enough to understand what was going on far better than her younger siblings.

Fliss waited until the children were out of the room before hugging him tight. "Alex hit us with everything he was feeling as it happened," she explained quietly. "Mum was really scared, Dad. She needs to know you're there."

Johnny winced, clenching his jaw as Fliss shared that with him. He wasn't sure what upset him more - that Alex had to experience that with Liv or that Liv had been hurt. Hydra was to blame for both, after all, and he had come to hate them almost as much as Steve. "What else did he tell you?" he asked, looking for the tiniest shred of hope.

"Aunt Sue stopped it from being worse," she said, "and Uncle Tony's people got there faster than the emergency services. They got the people in the truck, too." She swallowed, drawing in a deep breath. "Dad, can I call Zach?" she asked worriedly. "The kids ....they need some help sorting through everything they're thinking and feeling, and I don't even know where to start. They trust him."

Johnny arched a brow. With everything going on, he hadn't thought of that. He assumed Fliss would call Lucas and want him there, if only for moral support. After all, Lucas was almost as much part of the family as the rest of them were. But Zach' Liv had asked Zach to help tutor the children in how to master their abilities, but he, too, had become an essential part of their extended family.

"Yeah, of course. Do whatever you think necessary, Fliss. I trust you," he told her, knowing he couldn't be everywhere and do everything, even if he wanted to.

"Just make sure Mom knows we're waiting to see her again, okay?" she asked, crumbling just a little - just enough to show her dad how worried and upset she was. Of course Lucas would be coming over, but he couldn't help her little brother and sister anymore than she could.

"Of course, I will, sweetheart," he told her, his voice quiet and as reassuring as he could make it as he reached to draw her into his too-warm embrace. "I will never give up on your mother, Fliss. I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to make sure she's okay," he promised, determination in his voice, despite his grief. He would simply not accept that Liv wouldn't be well again.

"I know, Dad." Fliss squeezed him tight. "Don't worry about anything here, okay' We've got this. Just're on Mom duty."

Behind them, Lucy couldn't help smiling at sight of her sister's eldest taking charge ....a lot like Liv herself would have done, if she was here.

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-04-29 12:32 EST
It wasn't like they'd never been temporarily separated before, but never like this. Liv had given birth in a hospital, but unlike this, that had been a happy occasion. Johnny nodded his head, feeling relieved but a little bit guilty that Fliss had to deal with any of this. And yet ....

"Just don't be afraid to lean on someone, too, okay' You don't have to be strong all the time," he reminded her, proud of how much like Liv she'd become. Whether that someone be Lucas or Lucy or himself hardly mattered.

"I'll be fine, Dad," Fliss promised him. "We'll all be fine."

Lucy touched his back gently. "Johnny ....Tony's expecting you," she told him in a soft voice. "The portal in the basement's set up for the mansion."

Johnny nodded again, looking to the two women he loved and trusted most, besides Liv. "Okay," he replied, taking a deep breath. "I'll call later and let you know when I'll be home," he promised them both, unsure what he was going to find when he got there.

"All right." Fliss nodded, her brave face back in place as she stepped back. Not even eighteen yet, she was a little young to be shouldering the burden of indefinite care for her siblings, but there was plenty of help on hand.

Lucy squeezed her shoulder, meeting Johnny's eyes. "You can do this, Johnny."

"I know," he replied, having matured a lot himself over the last few years - from the brash young man he'd once been to a mature family man. It was almost like he was another Johnny, but this was easily the hardest thing he'd ever had to do and the most painful. Even more painful that his mother's death and his father's disgrace, or maybe time had just healed those wounds. "I love you both," he told them, rare words from the once brash superhero.

"Love you too, Dad." Bring Mom home. Words Fliss couldn't say, not yet. Not until they knew that Liv would pull through this.

Lucy hugged him tight a moment longer, then moved sharply away. "Okay, I should think about dinner," she said, already working on distracting her mind until the time came to tell Martin, Lianne, and Jamie what had happened when they came home from school.

Johnny wasn't telepathic, like Alexei or empathic like Maria, but he didn't need to be to know what Fliss was thinking, to know what they were all thinking. "Try not to worry too much, baby girl. I'm gonna bring your Mom home. Promise," he told Fliss, affectionately and gently chucking her chin.

The teenager laughed a little, smiling at the affectionate words and gesture. "Go on, get going," she told him. "Otherwise Uncle Tony'll be the first thing she sees, and that could send her into a shock coma."

Johnny actually chuckled, just a little at Fliss' remark. "That's true. At least, I can count on Tony being on his best behavior for once," he said, though he wished Liv's accident wasn't the reason for it. "Okay, I'm gonna go. You need anything, call me, okay?"

"We will," she promised, though it was something of a gentle lie - if she needed anything, she was going to be calling everyone but her father until he came home again.

With one last kiss to her cheek and another whispered, "Love you," Johnny was gone. He'd bid the kids a quick farewell and then he was off to Maple Grove Manor to make use of their portal to get him to New York before it was too late.