Topic: Aftermath

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:09 EST
The Grangers had worked a minor miracle in a very short space of time. The portal in Maple Grove Manor let Johnny out on Earth, not in the grounds of the Avengers Mansion as it usually did, but actually inside the mansion itself, in one of the control rooms that overlooked a space normally used as a lab. Tony Stark was there, looking through the glass with an uncharacteristically solemn expression on his face; Johnny's sister was there, too.

As soon as Johnny came into sight, Sue burst into tears all over again. "Oh God, Johnny, I'm so sorry!"

Now that Johnny had left the kids behind at Maple Grove, safely in the care of Steve and Lucy and several of the Granger clan, he didn't have to pretend. He didn't have to hide what he was feeling from Tony or Sue, knowing him as they did. It wasn't hard to know what he was feeling when it was written all over his face. "Sue," he said, greeting his sister with a worried frown. "Where is she?" he asked urgently, ignoring her apology and fearing the worst. "How bad is it' Will she be okay?"

Sue was incoherent, overcome with guilt at not having intervened sooner to save his wife from that terrible attack, leaving it to Tony to answer.

Stark raised his eyes from the lab below, worry painted all over his face. "They're operating now," he said, nodding toward the lab. "Just got your doctor friend scrubbed in. It's's not a pretty sight, Johnny. You might not want to look."

"She's my wife, Tony," Johnny insisted, as if that explained everything. Yes, Liv was Tony's sister, but he hadn't even known that until a few short years ago. He couldn't possibly love her as much as Johnny did. It didn't occur to Johnny at first that Tony was only trying to protect him and save him from further anguish.

Tony's jaw clenched, but he didn't start an argument, a sure sign that things were not yet at a point where there was more than hope to cling to. His eyes turned back to the lab below - a lab that had been stripped, sterilized, and turned into an operating theater in just a few minutes, thanks to JARVIS. It was filled with people, all gowned and masked, wearing gloves, surrounded by monitors and medical equipment, and in the center of it all was a single operating table. Liv's face was pale around the ventilator that had been inserted to help her breathe, her head bandaged and gently supported at the neck. Worse was the view from where Johnny now stood. So much blood, so many hands trying to reset bones and staunch internal bleeding was not a sight many could look at without wincing.

Johnny hadn't meant anything by his remark. He certainly hadn't meant to insult Tony or to belittle any familial love or affection the man might have for his sister. They were all clearly torn up over what had happened. No matter whether Hydra had mistaken Liv for Lucy or not, what they had done was simply unforgivable. "I don't understand," Johnny murmured, partly to himself as he, too, turned his eyes toward all the hustle and bustle going on in the operating room. "Why would anyone want to hurt Liv?"

"Barton's on it," Tony told him. "Sue held the driver and his friend until the Legion picked them up; Barton's interrogating. Apparently I couldn't be trusted to do it properly."

JARVIS' calm tones filled the room. "With respect, sir, when the time came, you were waxing lyrical on painful methods of execution."

While Johnny understood that the attack had actually been aimed at Lucy, the knowledge of that didn't make him feel any better. "These people are evil. You know what they did to Alexei and Maria. Death is too easy for them," Johnny echoed Tony's sentiments. There was no other word to describe Hydra but evil, and he was beginning to understand why Steve hated them so badly. That said, he fell silent a moment, quietly watching the doctors and nurses as they worked to try and save Liv's life. She looked so broken there, and there was so much blood, it made Johnny feel sick, but it wasn't a sickness of the body, so much as of the heart and soul. "You have to save her, Tony," he murmured quietly, knowing if anyone had the technology to do so, it was his brother-in-law. He had never asked Tony for anything and likely never would again, but he would not accept anything but a full recovery for Liv, no matter the price.

For a long moment there was nothing but silence, nothing but the careful motion below them. Then Tony's hand found Johnny's shoulder, firm despite the vague tremble in his fingers. "She's not goin' anywhere," he promised vehemently. "Whatever it takes, whatever it costs. You're not losing her."

"We're not losing her," Johnny corrected. If anything good came of this, maybe it was the solidarity between the two men who had been at odds for so long. Johnny reached for Sue's hand, allowing himself to lean on her just a little. She had always been there for him, ever since their mother had died. She had been killed in an auto accident when he'd been just a boy, and in some ways, it felt like he was reliving it all over again through Liv. "It's not your fault, Suse," he assured his sister, fighting to keep the tremor from his voice.

Sue swallowed, in control of herself a little better now, wrapping her arms around her little brother to squeeze gently. "I wasn't fast enough to get a field around her before she got hurt," she admitted quietly. "JARVIS said stopping the third impact saved her life, but ..." She drew in a shaking breath. "Reed's working on the tech they stripped out of the van," she added. "He wanted to be in there with them, but he's not medical, not really. He nearly strangled the driver getting hold of him."

"How'd it happen?" he asked, only knowing the cursory details. He couldn't even remember if he'd been told or not; he only knew there had been an accident that wasn't really an accident, and that Liv had been the target.

"We were saying goodbye at the door," Sue told him, as gently as she could manage. "I had my back turned, but I heard the tires screech, and the screaming, and ....and the first impact. By the time I turned around, the truck had hit her again. It was just backing up for a third try when I reacted. I didn't even realise there was a truck there, Johnny. Some kind of cloaking tech, they think. Someone was waiting for her."

Johnny muttered an expletive - a rarity for him, except when the situation called for it. "They thought she was Luce," he mused aloud, though that already seemed clear, but even that didn't make much sense. "Why would they want to kill Lucy?" he asked aloud. All anyone would accomplish in doing so would be pissing off Steve Rogers and the rest of the Avengers.

"I may have the answer to that question, Mr. Storm," JARVIS offered politely. "Sensors indicate a concentration of armed individuals converging on A.E.G.I.S. headquarters."

Tony stiffened. "What the hell?"

"A.E.G.I.S. headquarters?" Johnny echoed, sounding exhausted and maybe a little confused.

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:09 EST
Right at that moment, he didn't give a fig about A.E.G.I.S. headquarters; all he cared about was Liv. "Are you saying all this is a diversion?" he asked, his voice rising, along with his temperature.

"That would appear to be the case," JARVIS answered, as calm as a computer could be. "Captain Rogers ordered a lockdown of the base a short while ago, and I believe members of the enhanced team are also converging on the site. Agent Romanoff is coordinating the defense."

Johnny didn't lose control of his flame very often, but there were flames licking upwards from his hands and arms, almost of their own accord. "Let me get this straight," Johnny said, his voice betraying his growing sense of rage and hatred. "Hydra tried to kill my wife as a diversion so that they could attack A.E.G.I.S. H.Q.?"

"Easy, Johnny," Sue warned him, her own power activating to ensure he didn't cause anyone harm in his rage.

Tony didn't look any calmer than his brother-in-law. "JARVIS, just what in the hell is going on?" he demanded. "How do they even know where the HQ is?"

There was a pause before JARVIS spoke. "It would appear that certain data files within the information taken from Murmansk were embedded with a GPS tracker that activated upon the opening of said files," the computer confirmed. "I believe it is reasonable to assume that the information contained therein is what Hydra hopes to prevent us from studying."

About the only thing Johnny's flame was going to damage was the shirt he was wearing over his uniform, the flames quickly burning patchy holes through the fabric, though he hardly seemed to notice. "But Steve's on it, right?" Johnny asked, trusting that Steve and the other Avengers could deal with the breach of security without his help for now.

There was a momentary pause as JARVIS synced up his disparate surveillance directives on the various sites he was installed, and activated the screens in the observation room in which they stood. "As you can see, Mr. Storm, Captain Rogers has joined the defense team."

The images on the screen showed a ground force attacking the outer perimeter of A.E.G.I.S H.Q., apparently not having expected to have found the equivalent of an army waiting for them. The enhanced team were at the forefront at the various points of entry, but on first glance, it looked as though everyone in the buildings who was upright and capable had been armed and armored in preparation.

Normally, Johnny would have jumped at the chance to join the team and help defend AEGIS Headquarters, but not today. As enraged as he was, and even if there was nothing he could do for her, his place was here with Liv. His fingers curled to make two fists, but the flames had subsided for now. He watched helplessly as the team readied to engage Hydra, with Steve at the forefront, leading the fight, and he felt a surge of pride to know that the man who had been his lifelong hero had become his friend. "I'm not leaving Liv. Steve will handle it," he said with complete confidence in Cap and his team.

Tony's jaw was clenched again, but this time he was openly torn between staying to keep the vigil over his sister and venting some of what he was feeling on the bastards who had hurt her in the first place. "JARVIS, why don't you go ahead and send the Iron Legion to round them up?" he compromised in a tense tone. "Let's give Hydra a real New York welcome."

"As you say, sir."

"You can go, if you want," Johnny said, both to Tony and Sue. There was nothing any of them could do for Liv at the moment, and though Johnny needed to be there, he understood if they wanted to fight.

"I'm not leaving you right now," Sue told him firmly, and Tony was quick to agree.

"Cap's got this," he said, albeit with a certain amount of reluctance. "I don't ....don't want to be too far away."

Johnny nodded. "Okay, then," he said, setting his jaw. Though he didn't say so, he was glad they'd decided to stay - relieved, even. He didn't really want to be alone right now, terrified as he was of losing Liv. No matter how long it took, no matter how hard it was to watch them work on Liv's broken body, no matter how it was tearing him up inside, he wasn't going anywhere either - not until he knew for certain that she was going to be okay.

"Look, I'll ....I'll get some coffee," Tony volunteered. Odd, because he never got the coffee if he could help it. "They're gonna be in there a while." He nodded, more to himself than anyone, and left the room. A moment after the door closed, they heard the thump as he punched the wall hard.

Sue squeezed Johnny a little tighter. "She's going to be okay, Johnny," she promised him. "We won't let her be anything but okay."

Startled by Tony's thump against the wall, Johnny pulled himself away from his thoughts to reply to his sister's reassurance. He knew she couldn't really promise him anything, but he refused to believe the alternative. "I know," he replied, finding himself for once at a loss for words. Or maybe he just didn't trust himself to say anything more without risking breaking down. He didn't want anyone to see that, not even Sue. Johnny drew a sigh and dropped onto a chair, pushing a hand through his hair, looking clearly lost. "I don't know what I'll do if ..." He broke off, unable to voice that thought completely.

"You won't have to find out," his sister told him sternly. She might not have fully believed that herself, but she wasn't going to let him start thinking it. She crouched in front of him, holding his hands between her own. "Even if - if - the worst happens, we'll find a way to reverse it. This is not happening, Johnny."

Johnny turned his gaze to that of his sister's - the only other person who knew him as well as Liv did. It had been a long time since he'd looked this low - probably not since their mother had died all those years ago. "This wasn't an accident, Sue. It was deliberate," he said, as if all that was just starting to sink in. "It's my fault, in a way. I mean, if we weren't together, none of this would have happened. She was so looking forward to her visit here. Maybe I should have come with her. Maybe I could have protected her. How did this happen" How did we not know?" he asked, needing answers where there probably were none.

"Stop that." Sue was only too ready to step into the older sister shoes - the ones she had worn after their mother's death so well. "Don't even try to lay the blame on anyone but Hydra. This was their action, and none of us could have predicted it. How could we know that they would target Lucy, and mistake Liv for her? They're using technology we haven't seen before, but we'll be ready next time. They aren't going to come away from this with a win, Johnny. Liv is going to pull through, and every one of them attacking the HQ is going to be killed or captured. And when we find what they don't want us to know, we are going to hit them where it hurts."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:10 EST
"I know, I know," Johnny said, as if he was trying to convince himself of the truth in what Sue was saying, but it was hard to be hopeful when his wife was lying broken and unconscious on an operating table with her life hanging in the balance. He heaved another sigh again, else he might break down in tears, swallowing down a hard lump in his throat. "You know what Alex said" He said he wanted to kill them. He was there with her. He felt everything she was feeling. So did Bess, I think. I don't know. She was ....she was inconsolable. I'm not sure about Maria. She ....feels things. What am I supposed to tell them, Sue?"

Sue sighed, rising to sit beside him, her hand resting on his back. "The only thing you can do," she told him. "You have to tell them the truth. You said yourself, Alex can just pick it out of your mind, and the second they start to think you're lying, all the trust you've earned from those kids goes straight out the window. Yes, they're too young to know all the ins and out of this, but trouble's hit the one person in our family who isn't involved. They need to know why just as much as we do, and you need to help them channel the anger into something that won't hurt them."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Johnny asked further. He'd been devastated by their mother's death, but it had been their father's disgrace that had really thrown him into turmoil and turned him into a wild, angry teenager. It was only Sue's constant love and affection that had saved him when he'd felt lost, and then it had been Liv. Now, it seemed, his own children needed the same thing that Sue had once given him. "I don't want them to be like me," he said, with a heavy heart.

She wrapped her arm tighter about his shoulders, hugging him close to her side for a long moment. "Then you need to step up, Johnny," she told him softly. "It's going to take time for her to recover, and they're going to need you with them, being their dad. I know you can do this, Johnny."

"I can't leave her, Sue," Johnny pointed out, feeling the weight of despair weighing heavily against his heart. But who said he had to leave her" Hadn't Tony said something about stabilizing her before they sent her to Rhy'Din for further healing" Wasn't that why they were busy getting ready to receive her back home" Home. What a strange word. Home was no longer New York, but Rhy'Din - the place where they were raising their children, together. He turned quiet a moment before speaking again. "I'll call later. Let them know how she's doing. And once she's stable, I'll take her home."

"That's the plan," she agreed, smiling encouragingly at her little brother. "I'm so proud of you, Johnny."

But her smile was interrupted by a sudden rush of motion from the operating room below. The doctors and nurses were moving quickly, machines being pushed out of the way as something else was brought closer to the table. The lead surgeon - it could have been George, it could have been anyone - waved everyone away, lifting paddles from the new piece of machinery, and Sue swallowed a yelp of shock. Liv was flat-lining.

Johnny smiled, but the smile was short-lived, as panic broke out in the operating room below. He didn't have to be watching to know something had gone wrong; the look on Sue's face told him enough, but it was the distinct high-pitched whine the machine made when someone was flat-lining that turned his blood cold. He surged to his feet to see what it was that was going on below them.

"What's going on?" he asked, though it seemed obvious enough. "Why don't they do something?" he asked, even though he could plainly see how they were trying to save her. "Oh, God ..." he muttered, starting to shake, his legs feeling like jelly. "Please, please ....don't let her die. I'll do anything ....anything ....just please ....someone save her."

The door behind them slammed open, Tony's footsteps bringing him to Johnny's other side to stare down in horror as the doctors fought to get Liv's heart started once again. One shock did nothing but shake her body violently on the gurney. There was a brief moment as the paddles recharged, and a second shock ....and Sue felt her lungs relax once again as the gentle blip of a heartbeat made itself known.

"She's alive, she's alive," she heard herself say, over and over again. "She's still with us."

All the color drained from Johnny's face, his hands clenched tightly into fists, as he watched them work to revive the only woman he'd ever really loved - the woman he couldn't live without. He felt sick, truly sick, to see what they were doing to her, but there was nothing he could do but watch and silently pray to a God he wasn't sure he believed in anymore. And then, there was a blip and the three of them gave a collective sigh as they started to breathe once again. "She has to be," he heard himself say, as one hand reached for Sue's and the other for Tony's.

"Crabsticks on ice," Tony swore ....or at least the closest approximation to swearing he could manage in close proximity to Liv. She'd been very clear about his language around the children, and even unconscious, he was evidently worried about pissing her off again. "She's not supposed to be the one that makes me crap my pants."

"No one's supposed to make you crap your pants," Johnny remarked, letting go of Tony's hand almost as quickly as he'd grabbed hold, realizing with horror what he'd just done. "Sorry! I, uh ..." he trailed off, thinking it might be better to let that go unnoticed. He turned his attention back to the operating room. "Is she okay now?" he asked, needing to know what was going on down there. "Jarvis, what?s going on?" he asked, figuring the A.I. would know best.

"Have you seen your sister-in-law when she's pissed?" Tony countered Johnny's remark, letting the hand-holding go without much comment. He did, however, wipe his hand on his jacket indiscreetly. "Ugh, boy cooties."

JARVIS, on the other hand, was paying attention. "It would appear that the surgeons were expecting Mrs. Storm to flatline at some point during the operation, and were prepared for it," the computer assured Johnny. "I believe that the internal injuries have been identified and isolated, and the repair work is just beginning. It will be several hours before they will stop."

Johnny chose to ignore both of Tony's remarks. He knew firsthand that Lucy could be scary, but he and Lucy had made peace with each other a long time ago. As for the hand-holding, well, that was better left in the past. "Is that good?" he asked of Jarvis. "I mean, is she gonna be okay?"

"The prognosis is optimistic, Mr. Storm," JARVIS assured him. It wasn't exactly a clear answer, but even the A.I. knew not to offer up percentages of survival just yet.

"Oh, thank God," Johnny murmured with an exhale of breathe as he collapsed back onto the bench again. His face was still pale and his hands were visibly shaking, but this was the best news he'd heard all day.

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:13 EST
"If I may make a suggestion?"

There was a pause as the three of them seemed to experience the same rush of relief. Sue sank down onto the bench beside Johnny, shaking with him, as Tony leaned against the wall.

"Given that the professionals will be working with Mrs. Storm for quite some time, I would recommend that you all eat and rest. I will alert you in the event of any change."

"Th-that's not a bad idea," Sue said, patting Johnny's shoulder. "You know she'd kill you if you forgot to look after yourself."

"I'm not really hungry," Johnny said with a frown, though his stomach seemed to be audibly disagreeing with him. The truth was, though he wasn't much use to Liv here, he couldn't bear to leave her.

"Since when has that ever stopped you from eating?" Sue pointed out, forcing herself up onto shaky legs to pull him up with her. "C'mon, Johnny. No point in getting her right again if you let yourself go to hell waiting."

"Okay, okay," Johnny relented, letting Sue pull him to his feet. Though he wasn't feeling hungry, he knew that as soon as there was food placed in front of him, he'd probably change his mind, and it might give him a chance to call the kids, too. "Come on, Tony. You, too. There's nothing we can do for her here."

"Yeah, I'll there in a sec." Tony waved a hand at them, his eyes on the busy operating theater below once again. "Just gotta check in with the Cap and all."

Johnny arched a brow but nodded, sensing what Tony was telling him might not be entirely true, but he didn't argue. It seemed Tony did have a heart, even if it was an artificial one, and not unlike the Tin Man, it may have come close to breaking.

In fact, it was close onto midnight before any news came in, from either source of concern. The first to make contact was Romanoff, from A.E.G.I.S. headquarters, passing on the information that the base was secure and the survivors of the Hydra attack were under guard. She also passed on that Steve was on his way to the mansion before going home to Rhy'Din, and that Barton's interrogation seemed to be bearing fruit. But the best news was JARVIS speaking quietly in the background of that call.

"Mr. Storm, your wife is out of surgery. Her condition is stable, though the doctors state they would like to keep her under observation for another day before allowing her to be transferred. You may visit her, if you wish."

It was the best news Johnny had heard all day, and he wasted no time in taking Jarvis up on his offer. "Where can I find her?" he asked anxiously, unsure where they had taken her, but assuming she was probably in the recovery ward, wherever that was.

"Ground floor, adjacent to the laboratory used for the operation, sir."

Tony glanced over at Johnny from where he was taking the call from Natasha. "Big white door, purple sticker," he clarified for his brother-in-law. "Say hi from me."

"Thanks, Jarvis," Johnny said, anxious to see Liv for himself, to know she was going to be okay. Though he knew she was not out of danger yet, for the first time that day, he felt hopeful. Hours ago, he had called home and told the children that the doctors and nurses were doing their best and that he'd let them know if he heard anything further, but he had a feeling Steve would probably beat him to it, calling Lucy first, who would pass word along to the children. Before he did another thing, he needed to see Liv for himself. He tossed a wave at Tony as he hurried past, with an almost absent-minded, "I will, thanks!" before hurrying on to find the room with the purple sticker on the door.

It was clearly another repurposed laboratory, though it had more of a medical feel than the hastily put together operating theater next door. There were still too many machines for anyone's peace of mind, but there was Liv, lying on a far more comfortable medical bed, clean and quiet. She still looked pale, the ventilator still in place, IV drips of blood and fluid up to replace what she had lost in the hours since the accident. But she was alive. The reassuring beep of her monitored heartbeat proved it.

As Johnny entered, JARVIS spoke again, apparently moderating his volume out of some form of respect. "The doctors have induced a medical coma, to prevent her from regaining consciousness in an agitated state. However, studies show that patients in such circumstances are aware of their surroundings. I would recommend that you talk to her, Mr. Storm."

"Oh, Livvie," Johnny whispered as he stood there a moment, silent tears streaming down his face for the first time that day, whether they were tears of relief or guilt or sadness. It hurt his heart to see her that way, connected to tubes and wires, her vital signs being carefully monitored, but at least she was alive. After a moment, he sniffled and wiped the tears from his face to mumble a reply. "Thanks, Jarvis," he said, with a marked tremor in his voice.

Liv's face was cut and bruised, a bandage still wrapped about her head where her hair had been shaved to allow access to the injuries to her skull. She was so still. If the machines hadn't been there to tell him otherwise, it would have been too easy to believe she was gone.

It took Johnny a moment to gather the courage to move closer, to take a harder look at what they had done to her. No, what Hydra had done to her. He couldn't forget that; he would never forget that and never forgive. Ever. He pulled a chair close, very carefully taking one of her hands between his - the one that wasn't connected to the I.V. drip. "Livvie, I'm-I'm not sure if you can hear me, but it's me, Johnny."

The heartbeat he could hear sped up just a little - a sign that she could hear him, perhaps. She couldn't answer, might not even be able to feel her hand in his, but she knew he was there.

"Oh, God, Livvie ....I'm so sorry," he whispered, pressing her hand to his lips, feeling guilty for something that wasn't really his fault, but that wasn't what she needed to hear right now. He sniffled again against the threat of tears, glad there was no one there to see him that way, but her. And Jarvis, but Jarvis didn't care.

It took a few minutes before he found his voice again, speaking in little more than a whisper, just loud enough for her to hear what he was saying. He sniffled again before speaking, unable to contain his emotions much longer. "I'm supposed to tell you that Tony says hi. It's kind of funny, actually. He's been really supportive. He's almost like a different guy. I think he really cares about you, Liv, even if he won't say so himself. Of course, the kids send their love." He turned silent again, not wanting to upset her too much with talk of the kids, not wanting her to know how upset they all were at the news of the accident. "They're okay, Liv. You don't have to worry. Everyone is pitching in to help. They'll be okay. They just want their mom back." He sighed a moment, leaning closer, tears flowing freely down his face again, feeling like his heart was breaking at the sight of her. "I just want you to get better. Just get better, baby. We love you so much. We need you. I need you. I-I can't do this without you."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:14 EST
He knew her well enough to know that, if she could have, his Liv would have wrapped him in her arms and promised she was coming back, but all she could do right now was lie still and listen, trapped in her own body without the means to communicate with him. But she gave the impression that she'd heard him, that she was listening to him. An impression that seemed to fade as a soft knock sounded on the door, Alyona's face peering in through the window as though asking for permission to come in.

The knock at the door had Johnny jerking his head up, wiping his face, and sniffling back tears. He hoped it wasn't Tony; of everyone, Tony was the last person he wanted to see him this way. "Yeah?" he asked, spying Alyona at the door.

"M-may I come in?" the young Sokovian asked softly, even as she slipped inside. She gestured behind herself. "Steve, he said ....I might be able to help you talk to her, if you would like that."

"Really?" Johnny asked, visibly brightening, despite his obvious grief. "Can you do that?" he asked, looking hopefully at Alyona before turning to Liv. "She's so ....quiet," he said, sadly. "Jarvis said she can hear me, but I can't tell."

"I can try." The last year had taught Alyona not to overestimate her abilities, formidable though they were, and she had never tried anything like this. But for this team, that were like her family, she would try. She came to Johnny's side, gently touching her fingertips to Liv's pale brow, closing her eyes to gently sort through the confusion of pain and fear to the mind beneath. For a long moment, there was silence ....then she smiled, raising her other hand to touch Johnny's brow.

"....wish you could hear me, baby. I'm fine, I'll be fine, I'm still here. Don't give up on me yet ..."

Johnny watched quietly while Alyona presumably tried to connect with Liv's mind, which Johnny hoped hadn't been injured by the accident. Would she still remember him' Would she know who he was" Would she remember her life with him and their children" He could only hope and pray that she did. He gave Alyona a curious glance as she touched her hand to his brow, but then his expression changed as he seemed to hear Liv's voice in his head. "Livvie?" he asked, almost timidly, afraid to hope.

The hopeful litany in his mind hesitated, stuttering to a halt. "Johnny' You can hear me" But I'm not speaking, I can't even feel my fingers, how can you hear me?"

"Alyona," Johnny explained with one word. "I don't know how, but somehow Alyona is connecting my mind to yours ....I think," he said, glancing briefly to the Sokovian for confirmation. "Is that right?" he asked, though he wasn't sure he wanted her to break her concentration to answer him.

The look of concentration on the enhanced girl's mind was fierce, but she managed to nod without breaking the connection. It was clearly a great strain to connect their minds, but Steve had been so sure this was something Johnny needed to happen.

"Johnny, how much do the kids know?" Liv's thoughts returned to his mind. "Did Alex feel it happen?"

Johnny frowned, not because Alyona was incapable of answering him, but because of Liv's question. Relieved as he was to hear her voice in his head, that was a question he dreaded answering, and yet, he couldn't be anything but honest with her. It was a testament to Alyona's talents that he knew this was Liv's voice, and not something Alyona was just doing to make him think it was Liv. "They know enough," he replied, unsure if he needed to speak in words or thoughts, but it seemed more natural to speak out loud, even if he was risking Alyona overhearing. "I think he did. Bess sensed something, too. I couldn't get her to stop crying."

For just a moment, Johnny felt Liv's sadness, her guilt at having subjected their children to that pain. "I'm so sorry, baby ....I didn't even see what hit me, it was so fast. But I'm better now, I'll get better, and everything will go back to the way it was, I promise. Make sure they know, all right' I love them, and I love you so much. I'm not going anywhere."

He felt her sadness, if only for a moment, but wasn't sure if what he was feeling was her emotions or his own, so entwined seemed the two. He had already pleaded with her not to leave him - or pleaded with whatever gods watched over them - but she'd still been in the operating room then, fighting for her life and hadn't heard what he'd said. "They know, Liv. We all know. I know," he told her quietly. "I ..." He trailed off a moment, forcing himself to pretend Alyona wasn't there, wasn't listening, wasn't aware how painful this was to both of them. "I love you so much, Liv," he whispered, his voice breaking, though she already knew how he felt about her. "It was Hydra," he told her, unable to keep it from her, knowing she was going to find out sooner or later. "Steve-Steve and the team took care of it. You're safe now. The kids are safe. I don't know where we're going from here, but I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again."

"But why would Hydra come after me" I'm nobody. Unless they were looking for the easiest target -"

The connection stuttered for a moment, an explosive breath from Alyona betraying how difficult it was to hold their minds together even for this short time. She murmured an apology, concentrating once again to bring Liv's mind back to Johnny's.

"....hear me" Did I pass out properly or something?"

Johnny looked alarmed at the sudden break in the connection, jerking a glance at Alyona and seeing how she was struggling to maintain the contact between them. "We can't talk much longer, Liv. Alyona's getting tired," he said, turning back to Olivia and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here, okay' Get some rest and try not to worry. I love you, Livvie, more than words can say."

"Oh, okay. I don't want to hurt her." Typical of his wife - she was the one lying broken in a hospital bed, but she was worried about giving an enhanced telepath a headache. "I can hear you even without this, Johnny. I know you're there. I love you. And don't forget to take care of yourself."

Though he knew it wasn't good-bye, Johnny didn't want to end it like this - like some weird telephone conversation that was being transmitted via Alyona's mind. "Livvie," he said, clutching her hand just a little tighter. "Please-please ..." Please what? Don't die" Don't leave him' Promise to come back? Hadn't she made that promise already. "I need you, Liv," he repeated in a quiet voice.

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:14 EST
"If you think I'm leaving, you've got another thing coming, sweetheart," was his wife's last thought to him, loving and fond and infinitely amused. "I've seen you try and wash your own socks, don't forget."

With a gasp, Alyona had to break the connection, reeling back to lean against the wall, breathless and grimacing as she rubbed her temples.

Despite the abrupt disconnect, Liv's teasing brought a small smile to his face. There was no way Alyona could have faked that. He looked over at Alyona with a relieved and grateful look on his face. "Thanks, Alyona. I owe you one. Hell, I owe you more than one. Do me a favor and don't say anything about the socks?"

"What?" With one hand pressed to her brow, Alyona gave him a confused look. "I was not listening," she assured him with a pained smile. "But at least now you will be able to tell your son not to try that. It was an effort for me, and I am more skilled."

"Oh, I thought ..." Johnny trailed off, obviously mistaken in his belief that Alyona witnessed everything that had been said between them. "I, um ....I don't know how you did that, but thank you, Alyona," he told her, as sincerely as he could manage. "I didn't realize how it would drain you. I'm sorry."

"It was harder than I thought it would be, but Steve asked me to do it," she told him with a smile. "I am glad it helped a little. And ....well, we know what Hydra were after now. I should let Steve tell you."

"Jarvis said it was something from the Murmansk data or something," Johnny said, not having paid too much attention to it then. He'd been too distraught over Liv then to have retained much of what anyone had told him.

Alyona nodded. "Hydra has a base, here in America," she told him. "The location is in the data, Natasha's boyfriend is looking for it now."

"Boyfriend?" Johnny echoed, brows furrowing in confusion. The rest he understood, but he brushed the boyfriend remark aside to focus on what was important. "Just tell me where it is and I'll ..." he broke off. No, he wasn't going to nuke it, not when there was a chance innocents could be hurt.

"She will break my fingers if you tell her I said that," Alyona admitted with a faint giggle, though her expression sobered at Johnny's outburst. "Wherever it is, we will deal with it together, Mr. Storm," she told him quietly. "We all felt this. We will take revenge together."

Johnny nodded at Alyona's promise, knowing she meant what she said. He had never met anyone who didn't like Liv, and he knew the team would stop at nothing to make sure nothing like this ever happened again, but he didn't say that. Instead, he smiled, hoping to reassure her. They didn't know each other very well, but as part of the team, she was just a friend he didn't know well yet. "Please, call me Johnny. Only Jarvis calls me Mr. Storm."

"Very well, Johnny." She smiled, nodding to him. "I-I will leave you in peace. Don't forget she can still hear you, even if she cannot answer." She patted his shoulder, moving toward the door.

"I know," he said, returning her smile. "Thank you again," he told her, as she moved toward the door. He knew Liv wasn't out of danger just yet, but he felt better having heard her voice, even if it was only in his head.

It might only have been a short connection, but it was enough to prove that Liv was still in there, despite how broken and painful her physical body was right now. She hadn't forgotten him, or their family. And despite being nothing more than human, she was as determined as anyone to come home.

"I'm right here, baby," he reminded her quietly, her hand still held in his. He wasn't going anywhere, not until she opened her eyes and told him she loved him to his face. Until then, he'd sit right there beside her, no matter how long it took - or so he intended. "Jarvis?" he said after a moment's quiet contemplation. "Is there any way I can hear Liv's thoughts without using a telepath?" he asked, wondering if there was any kind of tech that might work the same way.

It didn't take long for the computer to respond. "As I understand it, there is an experimental technology being dismantled at the AEGIS laboratories that was intended to be used as an artificial telepathic link," JARVIS told him. "As well as the engineer who assembled it to begin with. It may be possible to restructure the technology for this purpose. May I suggest this to Mr. Stark?"

"Why is it being dismantled?" Johnny asked, wondering whether the technology had been proved too dangerous or if there had been some other reason.

"To design a counter-measure, should it be recreated by Hydra and deployed in the field, sir," JARVIS told him. "The engineer herself was very clear on the subject - she refused to hand over any of the designs until she was certain the project was to be dismantled rather than improved upon."

Johnny frowned. He didn't want to use the technology for any other purpose but connecting to his wife while she was still unable to speak. "Even the most benevolent tech can be weaponized in the hands of the wrong people, Jarvis. This engineer has to know that. Is-is there any way I can get in touch with her directly?"

There was a brief pause, presumably as JARVIS relayed the idea to Tony and got his thoughts on the whole thing. Then ...."I can place a call to Miss Solova now, if you would like, Mr. Storm. I believe she is still at the headquarters."

"If you and Tony don't mind," Johnny replied. There had been a time when he might have taken matters into his own hands and not asked for permission, but he had obviously changed, matured beyond that. He realized he could just ask Alyona to create that connection again once she was rested, but he had noticed how draining it was for her.

"Mr. Stark concurs, sir. Placing the call."

The sound of the dialing tone suddenly filled the room, followed by the swift input of numbers and a ringer. After two rings, it was answered, and a feminine voice with a distinct Eastern European accent answered. "Yes?"

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:16 EST
"Hello?" Johnny queried, as soon as he heard a female voice on the other end of the line. "I, um ....You don't know me, but my name is Johnny Storm, and I'm calling because I need your help."

There was a slight pause, and a muffled curse, followed by an impatient, "No, do not touch that -" A brief electrical sound and a short male scream followed. "There now, do you see why I said not to touch it' Go and run your hand under cold water ....I am sorry, Mr. Storm. You are one of Mr. Stark's associates, da" I mean, yes?"

"Yes. I hope that's not a bad thing," Johnny replied. He wasn't too sure who this Solova woman was or what her connection was to Tony, but he hoped she wouldn't hold it against him.

"I have not yet come across an associate of Mr. Stark who could not be trusted," the voice on the other end of the line said. "I am Aleksandra Bi- Solova. Alexandra Solova. I am sorry, it is a new name. How can I help you, Mr. Storm?"

"Miss Solova," Johnny echoed, not knowing enough about her to be on a first-name basis just yet. "I have a favor to ask, but I don't think you're going to like it. I'm not sure if you've heard but Liv wife ..." He paused a moment to gather his words, unsure how to continue. Maybe he was over-reacting, but no ....All it took was one look at Liv's broken body beside him to convince him he was doing the right thing. "Have you ever heard of Hydra?" he asked her.

"Believe me, I have heard enough to last a lifetime," was the engineer's answer, her voice hard with anger. "And that was before watching them attack my colleagues here today."

Johnny paused a moment, wondering if he should appeal to her in another way. "I'm told you're an engineer, Miss Solova. A scientist. What if I said you could put your to better use" To help people instead of hurt them?" he started.

"I would say, what?s the catch?" she countered, but didn't leave it there. "I am sure someone will tell you eventually, so I may as well. Until two weeks ago, I was unknowingly working for Hydra. I will not do anything without knowing how the technology will be used, and making a judgment call myself as to whether the reason for it is good enough, Mr. Storm. I have already hurt people without knowing it."

Johnny wasn't really surprised by her answer or by the news that she had once worked for Hydra and had probably been developing this tech for them to use as some sort of weapon without knowing it. He'd heard it all before, after all. "Before you say no, I'd like to you meet someone," he told her, though he'd have to check with Tony first. "Jarvis, can you ask Tony if it would be all right with him to bring Miss Solova here?"

"Geez, Pyro, could you at least pretend you don't know I'm listening?" Tony's voice came over the intercom between rooms. "Yes, pack her up, get her here. I'll get the lab set up, we can work on it. Happy?"

There was a pause, and the engineer on the other end of the phone line cleared her throat. "What is going on here, please?"

"Just asking permission to bring you here," Johnny explained without really explaining. "I know this is a strange request, but once you're here, I'll explain everything And if you still want to dismantle it, well, we'll just have to live with that."

"Dismantle what?" Her voice was a little suspicious. "What technology are we speaking about here?"

"I-I'm not sure what it's called, but it has something to do with telepathy," Johnny said. He wasn't a scientist and he didn't really understand scientific lingo, even with Reed Richards for a brother-in-law.

"I was very clear on my -"

But her objection was interrupted by the strange experience of hearing JARVIS' voice speaking to her in the HQ, distorted by the phone line. There was a pause, and Aleksandra sighed.

"Very well. I will bring the project, and I will listen. I can promise no more."

"I'm not the enemy, Miss Solova. I hate Hydra just as much as you do, maybe more," Johnny assured her. Though he had no idea what she might have suffered from Hydra, it was clear they had a common enemy. He arched a brow as she paused and there was some kind of interference on the line before she came back with her answer. "Thank you," he told her, once she'd agreed. "I will see you soon."

"Of course, Mr. Storm."

The line went dead, and for a long moment, the room was silent but for the steady beep of Liv's heartbeat. Then JARVIS spoke.

"The jet is being prepped for takeoff - Miss Solova will be here within half a hour, Mr. Storm."

"Thanks, Jarvis," Johnny said with a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure why this was so important to him, but he wasn't sure how long it was going to be before they brought Liv out of her comatose state and he needed to maintain a connection with her, however possible. "Thank Tony for me, too." If he wasn't still listening.

"No need to thank me, Pyro," Tony's voice came to him from the doorway, two cups of steaming coffee in his hands. "I've been wanting to poke that stuff since they dragged it here. Mind if I join? I'm coming in anyway."

"It's your house," Johnny replied with a shrug. Sort of, anyway. He was still sitting beside his unconscious wife, her hand held in his. He had never looked or felt worse than he did at the moment, but at least, he was hopeful. "You know, Steve isn't gonna like it," he pointed out, though he hoped the team's Captain would understand.

"Cap might surprise you," Tony shrugged, handing him one of the cups. He hesitated, but let his hand fall to brush Liv's fingers gently. "Hey, buttercup. You gotta stop having these knockdown parties when you're such a lightweight." It might not have been appropriate, but it showed off something important - there was more than just hope to cling to, if Tony was making jokes.

"If this works, you can talk to her, too, you know," Johnny pointed out, though he wasn't sure how Tony might feel about that. Then again, this was a man who held regular conversations with a disembodied A.I.

"Think we might want to keep it for just you and the kids," the other man suggested, albeit reluctantly. He sank down into a seat on the other side of the bed. "Of course, she'll be awake and chatty again in no time, but I get the reasons. Convincing the overly protective creator might be more difficult."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:16 EST
"It's not hurting anything," Johnny reasoned. At least, not for now, but that might change if Tony insisted on poking around at it once Liv was well. "You realize we have to honor her wishes if she still wants to dismantle it when we're done," he pointed out. He hadn't exactly promised, but it was the right thing to do.

"Technically," Tony qualified. "But if it works, that proves it has less aggressive applications. Coma victims, victims of violence left unable to verbalize ....might be something worth holding onto for when the world's less shooty."

"Agreed, but it might be hard convincing her, especially if she thinks we're no better than Hydra," Johnny replied, his gaze turning to Liv, the coffee cup in one hand, her hand in his other. "I know how important it is that we don't let it get into the wrong hands. I've seen what Hydra can do first hand. What they did to my kids is pure evil, Tony. Alex was with his mother in his mind when she was attacked. They've suffered enough. Maybe this tech can help them learn how to control their abilities. I don't know. It's worth a try, though, isn't it?" he asked, looking back at the other man with undisguised urgency on his face.

To say Tony looked shocked was a definite understatement. "Alex was ....he felt that?" he repeated, his voice weak for a moment. Then his face hardened. "Hydra's gonna pay for this. I put the call further out after Cap got in - Banner and Thor had better show up for this."

"Yeah, so did Bess, I think," Johnny admitted, though that was different. Whatever abilities had or might have had probably come from her father's altered DNA, not from Hydra's experiments. "But that's not the point. The point is maybe we can use this technology to help people somehow."

"Anything can be weaponized." And Tony Stark certainly knew that, to his cost. He nodded, sipping his coffee as his temper simmered away. "Let's focus on just this right now. She didn't design the thing, she just built it. Seeing it used in a way that'll do good might give us an edge in that conversation."

Johnny finally took a sip of his coffee, and then a larger sip, hoping the caffeine will revive him a little. "Who designed it?" he asked, wondering if they had to worry about someone who might have the plans in their head.

"Working on that one," Tony admitted. "Designed off-site from where she was set up, she has no idea. All the little tweaks to make it work, though - all her. She's brighter than we thought she was."

"Who is she?" Johnny asked, never having heard of any Solova until a few minutes ago. Though he belonged to the team, he wasn't usually involved in the goings on behind the scenes like the others were.

"JARVIS?" Tony tilted his head up, as he always did when addressing the computer. "You got stats on the not so Red Peril?"

"Certainly, sir. Aleksandra Biala, Polish national, graduated with honors in scientific engineering, recruited covertly into Hydra after two years with Polish Intelligence. Recently defected to A.E.G.I.S., taking the cover name of Alexandra Solova. Talented engineer, fluent in English, Polish, and Russian."

"Yeah, but who is she?" Johnny asked, not wanting statistics so much as a life story. "Why does she hate Hydra so much' What made her defect' Why is she here" What does she care about' What makes her tick?"

"A.E.G.I.S. files are confidential, but audio surveillance footage allows for an extrapolation," JARVIS answered. "It would appear Miss Solova's brother was murdered on Hydra's orders relatively recently, leaving her with no family. When she became aware that others working on the same project were disappearing after completing their tasks, she reached out to A.E.G.I.S. I cannot be certain, but it would appear that she was unaware she was working for Hydra until she made contact with Agent Romanoff."

Johnny winced at the news that Hydra had killed her brother, as if it wasn't bad enough to be unknowingly working for that evil organization. "Well, at least we know she's on our side," he said, given the fact that she had as much reason to hate Hydra as they did - maybe even more.

"Fair warning, she might come with a very tall Russian attached at the hip," Tony warned in amusement, draining his coffee. "Also ....she's tiny. Smaller than everyone else here."

"Bodyguard or boyfriend?" Johnny asked, taking another sip of his coffee. Every now and then, he looked over at Liv, as if to make sure she was still there and still alive. It hurt his heart to see her that way, but it helped that he'd been able to communicate with her. Of course, he had Alyona to thank for that.

"Jury's out." Tony shrugged, shaking his head to whip the cobwebs away as he sat up. "Pulling an all-nighter, Pyro' You're gonna have to go see your kids at some point."

"I'm not leaving until Liv does," Johnny said, prepared to stay right there at her side as long as it took, even if he had to sleep in a chair. "I thought you said Solova would be here in half an hour," he added, though it would probably take some time to get the equipment set up.

Tony eyed him sharply for a moment. "It's science, Pyro, not magic," he pointed out. "She'll get here, you'll persuade her, but she's still got to set it up and run tests to be sure it won't cause damage. Might not be ready until morning."

Johnny frowned, not because the equipment wouldn't be ready to use until morning but because he felt torn between his wife and his kids. But the kids were probably in bed by now, and it wasn't like they were alone - they were with family. "I can't leave her, Tony," he insisted.

"I know, dude." Tony nodded slowly. "But you gotta sleep sometime, or she's gonna tear you a new one when you get the thingamajig working."

"So, get me a cot?" Johnny ventured. Otherwise, he'd just sleep in the chair. It probably wouldn't be the first or the last time that would happen.

"Hmm ....JARVIS, is that hushabye tech still in the lab?" Tony asked, considering the size of the room.

"I understand it is, sir," the computer responded. "At the last phase of testing, 97% of the testers reported positively."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:16 EST
"What was wrong with the 3% again?"

"The chassis collapsed on them after four hours, sir."

"Right, got it." Tony looked across at Johnny. "How'd you feel about a large twin with only a 3% chance of it folding you up like a burrito?"

"I'm already married to a twin," Johnny remarked with the hint of a smirk that showed he hadn't completely lost his sense of humor or maybe he was just too tired to know better. "You are the only person I know who'd have some kind of tech, when a simple cot would do."

Tony snorted with laughter. "Hey, it's more comfortable than a cot, and the scary one is still verbal," he pointed out, rising onto his feet. "I'll get it sorted and sent up - Solova should be here pretty soon."

"It's not gonna sing me a lullaby, is it?" Johnny asked, mostly serious. He wouldn't have put it past Tony, but he doubted he'd have any trouble falling asleep, so long as he was close to Liv.

"Not yet, but JARVIS could if you really want one," his brother-in-law said, leaning down to gently squeeze Liv's hand. "Hang in there, buttercup."

"No offense to Jarvis, but I think I'll pass," Johnny replied, watching as Tony bid Liv goodnight in his own way. "I need to call home before I turn in anyway," he added, knowing the family would be on pins and needles waiting for word about Liv.

"Well, if you need company, just holler," Tony told him. "Won't be the only one up." That was as close as he was going to get to admitting that he wasn't going to sleep until the doctors did their check in the morning to be certain Liv was going to pull through.

"I'll be okay, but thanks," Johnny assured him, knowing he owed his brother-in-law a lot more thanks than that, but unsure how to say it without embarrassing them both. "Anything you want me to pass along?" he asked, as he pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket. Though his shirt was riddled with burn holes, thankfully, his cell phone had survived.

Tony hesitated, never entirely at home with his sisters' children. He loved them, in his own way, but he wasn't exactly a great uncle. "Just tell 'em hi," he said eventually. "Keep it simple."

"You should call Lucy," Johnny was quick to suggest. He could easily pass along a simple hello, but he thought Lucy deserved more than that from her brother, especially considering Liv's condition.

"Cap'll do that." No, Lucy and Tony were still not wholly comfortable with each other, especially without Liv around to make them feel guilty for not being civil at times. But that, too, was a good thing - it seemed as though the last thing Tony wanted was to start a fight right now. "You do your kids, I'll pass on the news."

Too exhausted both mentally and physically to argue, Johnny was willing to compromise. "Okay, just make sure Lucy knows what?s going on," he said, whether Tony told her himself or passed the news along via Steve.

"Will do." With a last nod, Tony ambled out of the room, leaving Johnny alone with Liv once again and the steady beep of her heartbeat.

Johnny looked over at Liv, that frown back in place on his face again. He set the coffee cup down on a nearby table, only half finished. He knew he had to take care of himself, but he didn't really feel like coffee anymore. All he really wanted was for Liv to wake up and see a pretty smile on her face. The fact that they'd had to shave some of her hair bothered him, but not because of the way it looked so much as what the kids might think when they saw her that way. And yet, that wasn't the worst of it. He sighed, taking Liv's hand between his own again, feeling drained but hopeful. "It's gonna be okay, baby," he whispered. "Promise."

Before he turned in for the night, he called home, filling Fliss in on Liv's condition and whispering good-nights to sleepy children. He even told Fliss about his conversation with her mother and passed along what she had told him. He didn't want to give her any false hopes, but he couldn't help but sound hopeful. She was in the best place she could be, after all. Liv would receive no better care anywhere but here, and when she was stable, they'd transfer her to Rhy'Din, where she could finish her healing. But for now, they all needed to sleep. They'd know more in the morning.

The clock was just turning toward one when JARVIS informed him that the jet had arrived. "Miss Solova is on her way, Mr. Storm," the computer told him. "Would you like to speak with her in here, or in another room?"

Johnny had only just hung up with Fliss when Jarvis announced the engineer's arrival. "Mmm, maybe another cup of coffee," he murmured, as he smothered a yawn. "I'll talk to her here, Jarvis," he replied, thinking seeing Liv was more likely to convince her he needed her help.

Miss Solova, when she arrived, turned out to be a very small, dark-haired woman in a lab coat with blood on the hem, clutching two cups of coffee and apparently feeling very out of place. She hesitated in the doorway. "Mr. Storm' Jarvis suggested I bring you some coffee."

Thankfully, Johnny was still awake when she arrived, pacing the floor anxiously or maybe just to keep himself awake. It wasn't hard to see that he was tired, worried, drained, but at least he was awake. "I think all I'm running on is coffee right now," he said, forcing a smile and reaching for the extra cup. "Miss Solova, I presume."

"Aleksand - Alexandra," she corrected herself, shaking her head with a weary smile of her own. "I am sorry, it is taking longer than they would like for me to learn how to pronounce my own name again."

Johnny actually chuckled a little. "It's not that much different really. I hardly noticed," he assured her. Switching the cup of coffee to his left hand, he offered his right. "Johnny," he said, by way of introduction. She might notice that his hand felt almost feverish to the touch.

Coming from having her own hand cupped about her coffee, she didn't notice any particular heat in his hand as she shook it. She glanced toward the bed. "I am so sorry Hydra has hurt you," she said quietly. "But I still do not understand why I am here."

"Hydra hasn't hurt me, Miss ....Alexandra," Johnny pointed out. "Not directly, anyway, but they tried to kill my wife," he explained with a frown as he followed her gaze to Liv, who was lying all too still on the bed, still connected to a machine that beeped to let them know she was still alive.

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:17 EST
"She is lucky to be alive," Aleks observed softly. "Hydra do not often fail in such schemes." She glanced at him in concern. "What does this have to do with Overmind?"

"Overmind?" Johnny echoed. This was the first time he was hearing the name of the project Jarvis and Tony had proposed might help him communicate with his comatose wife - or at least, the first time he was aware of hearing it, as the last few hours were something of a blur.

"Yes, the ....the project we spoke of when you called the lab," she said, eyeing him warily. "That is what you asked me here to discuss, isn't it?"

"Yes, sorry," the bleary-eyed man apologized. "It's been a long day." And that was putting it lightly. "Please, have a seat," he said, indicating a chair with a wave of his free hand.

Stifling a faint yawn of her own, Aleks did as he asked her, perching uncomfortably on the edge of the chair he indicated. It was very discomforting to be having this conversation in what was clearly a private medical room, but she could hardly ask him to leave his wife to spare her feelings.

Johnny sank down into the chair beside Liv, that worried frown still on his face. How long was she going to be like this" If she were to recover tomorrow, they might not need Miss Solova's technology, after all, and yet, if it worked, it could help countless other people just like himself and Liv. "I don't really know where to begin," he said, feeling a little awkward himself.

"I do not need to know all the detail," Aleks assured him in a quiet tone. "Perhaps you should start with what you need, and why."

Johnny sighed, that frown still on his face as he glanced over at Liv, lying so still and quiet beside him. "I want to talk to my wife," he said, in the simplest terms he could muster.

"Ah. And you would like Overmind's technology to do so." Well, Tony had said she was bright. Aleks looked awkward. "My only condition in defecting was that Overmind would be dismantled and never pursued by A.E.G.I.S., Mr. Storm. The technology can too easily be put to a military use, and it would give too high an advantage in the field."

"This isn't just about me, Miss Solova," Johnny argued. Since she wasn't calling him by his first name, he didn't feel comfortable calling her by hers. "Liv and I have small children. Two of them were victims of Hydra. They were ....experimented on, for lack of a better word. No one knows more than I do the evil Hydra is capable of. I'm not asking you to give Overmind to A.E.G.I.S. I'm only asking for a way that my children can talk to their mother and know she's going to be all right. That's all."

Aleks frowned, clearly torn. She wanted to help him, but she knew the original intention of the technology they were discussing. Yet at the same time, it intrigued her - a means to discover if it truly would have worked. "You would prefer this to be mind to mind, not an electronic voice?"

Something just occurred to Johnny that hadn't before - something that might make a difference. "Our son - whose name is ironically enough Alex - is a telepath. Hydra made him that way. He and his mother are very close. When she was attacked, it was like it was happening to him. If I can't figure out a way for my son to connect to his mother, he's going to do it on his own, and ..." Johnny broke off a moment, unable to hide the anguish he'd been trying so hard to hide from everyone all day. "I'm afraid what he'll find if he goes inside her head."

"Tell me what you are asking for, Mr. Storm," Aleks told him softly. "The technology was designed to be used with implants - it will need to be re-structured for this in any case. But do you wish conscious thoughts to be shared in a mind to mind link, or for your wife's thoughts to be relayed via an electronic voice" I need to know what you want before I can begin to repurpose the machine."

"I would prefer mind to mind," Johnny replied without hesitation. He didn't want to hear Liv's thoughts come out sounding electronic, and he didn't think that would be good for the kids. "Alyona ..." he started, unsure if she was acquainted with the Sokovian. "She helped us talk earlier, but it was exhausting. I don't really want to ask her again. I need our children to know that their mother is still in there," he explained further.

For all her reservations, Aleks knew when she was being asked to do something good. "I will not be able to put together a group link quickly, but ..." She paused, considering the pitfalls of what she was now proposing to do instead of sleep. "I think, with help, I can have a prototype one-on-one link tested and ready for use by mid-morning?"

Johnny's face brightened at the news, hopeful once again. "That would be awesome. How can I help?" he asked, though he wasn't sure he'd be able to do her much good. Tony might be able to help, if she let him. Or Reed, but either man might be too tempted to take over.

To her credit, she did try not to laugh at his offer. "Do you have any experience with biological enhancement in engineering?" she asked politely.

Johnny actually chuckled. "No, but I can take a car apart and put it back together, if that counts," he told her. While he might not have the science background that Tony and Reed had, he did have some experience with mechanics.

She smiled at him. "I think the best thing you can do is get some sleep, Mr. Storm," she told him gently, rising to her feet. "You do not want to frighten your children by looking like something that just crawled out of a grave tomorrow."

"Aww, I don't look that bad, do I?" he asked, not flirting exactly - not when he was so torn up about Liv - but showing just a hint of his usual brazen, vain self.

"Not yet," was Aleks' practical response as she sipped her coffee. "If you will excuse me ....I have work to do." She nodded to him, slipping from the room as a pair of Iron Legion drones brought in a heavy-looking metal box and began to set it up beside Liv's bed.

"Wait!" Johnny called, as the pretty engineer left and was replaced by the drones. "Is this yours" I thought Tony was gonna set up a cot," he grumbled to himself. Seemingly ignored by both the engineer and the drones, he sighed and rubbed a hand across his face. He knew he really should get some rest, or he wouldn't be much good to anyone tomorrow.

It soon became clear that the box was, in fact, the large twin bed Tony had promised him, complete with mattress and pillows, and cotton bedding. The drones set it up and left with barely acknowledging Johnny's presence.

"Shall I lower the lights, Mr. Storm?" JARVIS asked politely. "The medical staff will be checking on your wife periodically throughout the night."

Johnny Storm

Date: 2018-05-03 20:17 EST
Johnny couldn't help but feel a little silly after complaining that Tony had forgotten him. It wasn't until it became clear that the drones were actually setting up a bed when he realized just how exhausted he was. "Thanks, Jarvis. No bedtime stories or lullabies though please," he said.

"As you wish, sir." The lights slowly dimmed until they emitted a gentle glow - just enough to see by, but not to impede sleep. Some other technology seemed to mute the sound from outside the doors as well. It wasn't as quiet or as dark as an ideal bedroom would be, but it would do, for now.

Johnny set the coffee cup aside, hardly touched, despite how Jarvis had seemed to think he'd needed it. He tugged his shirt off and tossed it onto the chair, debating a moment before doing the same with his pants. He was wearing his fire-proof uniform underneath it anyway, and he didn't really have to worry about dressing in civilian clothes here. He rearranged the bed and chair just enough that he could lay beside Liv without getting in the way of the medics.

"Jarvis?" he asked, knowing the A.I. would still be monitoring them, even if he didn't say a word. He picked up Liv's hand again, wondering how he'd never noticed just how small and fragile she was.

"Yes, sir?" JARVIS might always be there, but he was very good at being discreet. Johnny could rest assured that nothing he said in the privacy of this room to his wife would ever be repeated.

"Am-am I doing the right thing?" he asked, not stopping to think that Jarvis might not be able to answer this question, since it was an emotional one. "I mean, I think I am, but what if she's right' What if her machine gets in the wrong hands?"

"In logical terms, sir, the right thing is always subjective," the computer responded quietly. "In terms of your family's well-being, I believe this is the right thing to do. What happens afterward should be left in the hands of the woman who brought this technology out of hostile territory, in my opinion."

"Agreed, but I'm not Tony will see it that way," Johnny admitted, though he hoped he was wrong. For now, though, it seemed they were all in agreement. "I guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it."

"With respect, sir, Mr. Stark can be reasonable if approached in the appropriate manner. I would suggest asking your wife to tell him your preference in the matter." Proof positive there that Tony's own creations were not above manipulating him if necessary.

"That would involve Tony using the device to talk Liv," Johnny pointed out - something Johnny had already suggested, but Tony had declined. It wasn't too late for him to change his mind though. "I guess we'll see how things go tomorrow. Thanks for the advice, Jarvis. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now," he said, though, in fact, he wanted to have a few private words with Liv first.

"Of course, sir. Good night."

Though there was no sound to indicate it, Johnny could be reasonably sure that JARVIS had turned his attention from this particular room. One thing the A.I. was good at was ensuring privacy when required.

Johnny was quiet for a long moment, not because he was afraid of Jarvis overhearing, but because now that they were alone, he wasn't quite sure what to say. He gently took Liv's hand between his own, lending her some of his warmth and repeating the same promise he'd made to her earlier, through Alyona. "I'm gonna be right here, Livvie. I'm not going anywhere." He knew she couldn't respond, even if she wanted to, though he wished she could give him some sort of a sign, even if it was just a twitch or a squeeze of his hand.

Perhaps, with a little more time, she would be able to twitch her fingers in answer, but for now, she could do nothing but listen to him, reassured by the knowledge that he was there.

He lifted one hand to brush his fingers very gently against her cheek, careful of the cuts and bruises, his heart aching once again to see her so hurt and so helpless. He almost felt like his heart was breaking, even as he was trying so hard to hang onto hope. "I need to get some rest, but I'm gonna be right here. Tony has agreed to set up a machine that will let us talk to each other, so we'll talk again tomorrow," he explained, unsure how much going on around her she was aware of. "You just worry about getting better, okay' I need you to get better, Liv. I love you so much, baby. Please get better," he said, his voice breaking a little at the end.

And perhaps he didn't need to hear her voice to know the answer she so wanted him to hear. I love you too. I'm coming home. I promise.

Even if he couldn't hear the words, he knew her well enough to know she'd do her best to come back to them. Thanks to Alyona, he'd heard her promise precisely that, and that was one promise he was going to hold her to.