Topic: Always

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:18 EST
Willow Manor and Oak Croft were barely more than a lawn's breadth from one another, proving Humphrey's good sense when it came to placing the Rogers family within the bounds of Maple Grove. The children had taken to playing together on the lawn between the two houses, and today, had been quick to rush outside as the first snow flurries of the winter made themselves known. With Lucy, Steve, and Johnny all on Earth, but expected back at any moment, Liv watched from the porch of Willow Manor with Bess cuddled on her lap as the children entertained themselves. Thankfully, she'd been able to borrow the Foster boys to help corral the group, but not even Matt and Lucas could match up to what Fliss was doing with the girls.

Because it was snowing, Lianne and Maria had Disney on their minds, and were performing a rousing rendition of a famous song with slightly adjusted lyrics, thanks to Fliss pretending to be her little sister's voice. Thor and Bella had joined in the singing, and the gardens were ringing with the howling sound of little voices and dogs singing together, with the occasional chirrup from Lir every now and then.

It was in the middle of this crazy scene that the portal opened and Johnny and Lucy and Steve stepped out, all of them relieved to be home, if only for a little while. Plans had been discussed and put into motion, but there wasn't much more they could do until the meeting between CIA Agents Doyle and Miller with Evchenko. Nat had stayed behind to keep an eye on Alyona, and Steve was confident the two women would find plenty of common ground to base a friendship on. As soon as the portal opened, there was a mad dash from the kids to greet their parents and welcome them home. Johnny scooped up Maria in one arm and Alex in the other, kissing them both on the cheek before going to greet the rest of the family. Steve did the same, moving to a crouch and opening his arms to circle his children in his embrace. There were squeals of delight and plenty of kisses and hugs to go around as the families were reunited.

Fliss rose from her knees with a laugh as she was abandoned by her cousin and sister, bending to swing Jamie over to his dad before he got left behind in the rush to say hello. Liv rose, tucking Bess close on her hip as she came down off the porch to join in the hugs, kissing Johnny tenderly by way of hello.

"There now, didn't I say they'd be coming home with me?" Lucy demanded in amusement, grunting as Lianne detached herself from Steve to thump into her mother's legs.

"Are you staying home for good now, Papa?" Alex asked Johnny, having missed his father as much as his siblings and mother.

Johnny frowned at his son's question and met Liv's gaze before looking back to give him an answer. "Not yet, Alex, but soon. I promise," he assured the boy. "But let's not talk about that now, okay' I want to hear about everything that's happened while I was away." He smiled as he looked over at Maria, who was pointing to a new space in between a couple of her teeth. "You lost another tooth! Did the Tooth Fairy leave you anything under your pillow?" he asked, balancing her against his hip as he set Alex back on his feet.

"The Tooth Fairy tried, but Jasper pounced her right out of the room," Fliss told their father cheerfully, watching as Maria raised her hands to finish the story.

"Mama had to ask her nicely to come back, and she gave me five silvers!"

Liv grinned, wrapping her arm about Alex as they turned toward the house. There would be time to catch up with Lucy about what had actually happened on Earth during her short visit, but for now, the children deserved to have their dads all to themselves.

"Wow, five silvers for one tooth. I'm in the wrong business," Johnny said with a laugh, happy to be home with his family. The Avengers might need him from time to time, but this was where he belonged.

In the meantime, Steve was being welcomed home by his own family, even little Jamie wanting to get in on the hugs and kisses. Though the two families were close, they each needed time alone to reconnect with their children and reassure them that they weren't going anywhere. "I missed all of you, too," Steve was heard saying as he took them all into a hug and held them close a long moment.

"We made cakes with Aunty Liv and put them in home for you for after dinner, Papa," Lianne offered from where she was hugging Lucy's bump affectionately. "S'cold out here."

Lucy laughed, stroking her daughter's hair fondly. "Well, we should get in out of the cold then, shouldn't we?"

"Did you get the bad guys, Papa?" Martin interrupted curiously with wide, adoring eyes. As the eldest, he understood what was going on the most and was aware of his father's history and identity.

"Not quite yet, Martin," Steve replied, with a frown, "but we're working on it." He let go of his children, except for Jamie who he swung onto a hip, Lianne grabbing hold of her father's hand to drag him inside.

"We have a plan, Martin," Lucy assured their eldest, knowing he would be able to understand that having a plan was a lot more than they'd had just that morning. "And before any of you ask, yes, Papa will be home for Christmas." She smiled at Steve as she said it, knowing he would move the Earth to ensure that was a promise.

"I wouldn't miss it!" Steve said, assuring them all that he had no intentions of missing the most important day of the year, as far as his children were concerned anyway. It was killing him to be away from them at all, but until he could be sure Hydra was no longer a threat to their safety, he didn't have much choice. "What kind of cakes did you make, Li?" he asked, trying to split his attention as equally as he could between his children.

"Chok'it!" Jamie answered happily, clinging onto his father's shirt as he was borne inside and out of the cold weather.

Lianne giggled, releasing Steve's hand as Thor came bounding over to say hello to the man of the house before turning his attention to Martin fondly. For an old dog, he certainly had a lot more energy these days than he'd had when he first came home with them.

"My favorite!" Steve replied with a grin. No matter what the flavor was, he'd have insisted it was his favorite. He reached down to give the dog a proper greeting. "Hey, boy," he said scritching the dog's fur with his fingers. He wasn't clad in his uniform but in civvies, as befitting a husband and father, his shield and uniform in safe-keeping at Avengers Mansion back home in New York. At least, that's what Tony had started calling the place, since the team's arrival.

"Papa, can we have a puppy?" Martin blurted, the other question that was primarily on his mind these days. Thor had clearly proved to be Steve's dog, and the boy was dying to have a puppy of his own.

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:18 EST
Lucy snorted with laughter, ushering them into the living room and wrestling coats and shoes off the children before doing her own. "You're on your own with that one, love," she informed Steve fondly, but she had a feeling they were getting one of Bella's puppies. Liv had already folded, but until she said it out loud, Alex was under orders not to admit to knowing.

Steve frowned thoughtfully. Martin's request for a dog was why they'd adopted Thor in the first place, but the dog was old and not quite able to keep up with a healthy, energetic eight-year-old. Steve was tempted to respond with an "It's up to your mother," but he knew that was a cop-out. "Marty, a puppy is a big responsibility. It's a lot more work than taking care of Thor," Steve pointed out as he and Lucy wrestled with shoes and coats.

"But Martin helps with Bella's puppies every day," Lianne offered as Lucy pulled her boots off her feet. "He changes their bed, and he wipes up their poo, and Bella lets him cuddle them, and they like him."

"Poo!" was Jamie's contribution to the conversation, dissolving into giggles as Lucy shushed him with a kiss.

Steve chuckled at the chorus of "Poo", happy to be among and among the family he loved and who loved him. There was something about being home that made his heart light and kept him grounded from the troubles he'd been facing on an almost daily basis back in New York. "Does he?" he mused aloud, trying to look serious as he looked from face to face.

"Oui, Papa," Martin replied. "I can do it. Tante Olivia has been teaching me," he added soberly.

"Well, that seems like a very good start to me," Lucy offered, meeting Steve's eyes with a faint smile. She knew they would lose if they turned this one into a battle. "Just make sure Thor helps you decide which one will fit best with our family, and we'll ask Johnny and Liv to make sure they don't let anyone else have that one."

"Vraiment"" Martin said, his face lighting up with mingled relief and excitement. His parents both knew he was a good boy, responsible and serious, and in the end, it was just hard to disappoint him and tell him no.

"Really," Steve replied with a soft smile. "So, long as you do as your mother says and make sure you take care of him."

"I will, Papa! Merci!" the boy exclaimed, throwing his arms around hs father's neck in elation.

Jamie looked hopefully at his mother, making Lucy laugh. "Not a chance, cupcake," she told him fondly, hugging him. "When you can do your own shoe laces without help, maybe."

Lianne giggled at the caveat, bouncing onto the couch to snuggle into her accustomed place between both parents and take full advantage of the group hug going on.

"You'll get your chance someday, small fry!" Steve said, reaching over to ruffle Jamie's hair fondly. He was smiling for the first time in days, glad Lucy had talked him into the trip home. There wasn't much they could do for a few days anyway, and he needed this respite, as much as they did.

"We missed you, Papa," Martin said quietly, a little embarrassed to admit it. He was supposed to be the man of the family when Steve wasn't around, and as the eldest of the bunch, he prided himself on being serious and responsible.

"Oui, Papa, very much," Lianne agreed, cuddling into Steve's side. She produced her hand to show him the band-aid on her wrist in person as Lucy settled in beside them, with Jamie curled around her bump.

"It's nice to have everyone home again," she said softly, smiling at her little family.

"I missed you, too. All of you. Very much," he replied, reaching for Lianne's bandaged hand. "How is your boo-boo?" he asked, before touching a very gentle kiss atop her band-aid. "No more yanking on Cherie's tail?"

The little girl shook her head, smiling happily as he kissed her boo-boo. "Martin showeded me how to do it like proper," she informed their father, proving that she was obedient, even if she pouted about certain things.

"Good! I'm sure Cherie is happy about that, too," Steve pointed out, reveling in the mundane normalcy of his family. "So, what do you all want to do tonight?" he asked, besides the obvious things like eating dinner and having cake.

"Wanna snorey," Jamie said, tipping his head back to look up at Steve, and headbutting his sister in the process.

Lucy chuckled, rubbing the offended heads. "At bedtime, Jamie, of course Papa will tell you a story," she promised him. "What about you two, though' What shall we do with Papa while we have him home?"

"We could play a game," Martin suggested timidly. The little family wasn't afraid to spend time together, sometimes watching movies and at other times, playing games together.

"Mm, okay, which one?" Steve replied, winding an arm around Lianne and tugging her close.

"Uno," Lianne suggested, immediately vetoed by Lucy.

"Oh, no," Mama declared, shaking her head. "We are not having a repeat of the dreaded maths argument of 2015."

"Scrabble?" Martin suggested hopefully, though Jamie and Lianne were probably too young for that one.

"Not sure I want to think that hard," Steve replied, trying to be diplomatic. "What about Sorry?" he suggested instead.

"What is Sorry, Papa?" Lianne asked curiously, tilting her head as she looked up at Steve.

"Yes, Papa, what is Sorry?" Lucy repeated just to tease him, mimicking their daughter's expression perfectly.

"It's a board game. I think we have it around it somewhere, don't we, Luce?" Steve asked as he got up off the couch to search through the pile of games at the top of the coat closet.

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:19 EST
"I think we probably do," Lucy nodded, nudging Jamie off her lap to go and help his father. She looked over at the other two. "How does pizza sound for dinner" With your cakes for dessert, obviously."

"Pizza, yay!" Martin and Lianne echoed in unison, with Jamie joining in the cheering a little belatedly.

Steve chuckled at her suggestion. He'd just had pizza a couple of nights ago, but he didn't much mind. "Pizza again?" he asked her with a smirk. It was better than wasting time cooking in the kitchen, when every moment together was precious to him.

"It might be again for you, but we haven't had it for ages," Lucy told her husband. "Sounds like Papa hasn't been eating properly on Earth. Maybe I should order him a salad, and we can eat our pizza in front of him, what do you think?" She grinned, holding out a hand to Martin for a little help getting off the couch.

"Just so long as Uncle Tony doesn't do the cooking," Steve replied with a grin, as he turned to look through the games for the one he was looking for, content to let Martin help her off the couch, which he did obediently.

"Papa could have a salad with his pizza," the boy suggested.

Lucy smiled, pausing to hug Martin fondly. "Or we could let him off this once," she murmured. "What do you think, Martin" Is Papa going to suddenly get fat on us if he has pizza twice in one week once in a while?"

"Papa will never get fat!" Martin asserted vehemently. As far as he was concerned, his father was a hero, and there was no telling him different. It was practically impossible for Steve to get fat, but his children probably didn't know that. Even if he gorged himself on cake, his metabolism would likely burn it off before long.

"Well then, pizza it is," Lucy smiled, refusing to take the children's preference for their father personally. It had been almost three weeks without him, she could take being the second-favorite parent for a while. "Go on, help him choose a game, I'll order dinner."

The children scrambled off the couch to go help their father choose a game while Lucy went to order pizza. By the time the pizza arrived, there was a small tower of games piled up on the living room floor and it was still unclear which one they'd end up playing. Put to a vote, it looked like Operation was the clear winner, though it was debated whether Jamie's vote should count, since he didn't really know how to play.

"How about I drop my vote, and play on Jamie's team?" Lucy suggested through a mouthful of pizza. "Seems only fair."

Jamie beamed around his own mouthful, edging closer to Lucy all the while nodding furiously in agreement.

"But Mama, you are a doctor," Lianne complained, obviously seeing this as an unfair advantage.

"But she's not a surgeon!" Steve pointed out helpfully, momentarily forgetting his young daughter might not know what that word meant. "She doesn't operate on anyone," he explained further.

"Were you doing doctor things when you were in New York with Papa?" Martin asked curiously. Of the three children, he was most interested in what his parents did when they were away and he was also the one who understood it best.

"I was," Lucy nodded to Martin warmly. "Papa found a girl who needed someone to make sure she wasn't hurt or ill, and they don't have a doctor on the team yet, so I took a look at her. And she's very healthy - she hasn't had much to eat for a while, but she'll get her strength back because Natasha and Uncle Tony have orders from me to look after her."

"Is she like us, Mama?" Martin asked further, fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. He didn't have to have telepathic powers to figure it out. He remembered all too well what had been done to them in the lab when they'd been with the bad men. Fortunately, he knew that his Mama wasn't like them. She was the kind of doctor that helped people and didn't hurt them.

Lucy's smile softened as she met her son's eyes, refusing to lie to him. "Yes, she is," she told him. "In a different way, but she is a lot like you. The main difference is that her father couldn't save her, and no one else tried, so she had to escape on her own, and she had to learn on her own. But Papa and his team saved her, and she's very glad that they saved you, too."

"Is she a little girl, like Lianne and Maria?" Martin asked, curiously. "Are you and Papa going to adopt her, too?"

Steve met Lucy's gaze across the table, a serious expression on his face. Alyona was a little too old to be adopted, but both Lucy and Tony had asked him practically the same question. "No, we're not gonna adopt her. She has a father of her own, but we might bring her here for a visit sometime."

"She's not a little girl, petit," Lucy explained. "She's a young woman, only a few years older than Fliss is. She's too old for us to adopt, but she needs friends. Would you like to meet her sometime?"

Lianne looked up with interest. "What is her name?" she asked curiously. "Is she pretty?"

"Her name is Alyona," Steve answered, though he made no reply regarding whether or not she was pretty. She was, he supposed, but it wasn't something he'd really taken notice of, seeing her as more of a daughter or sister figure.

"What did they do to her?" Martin asked, more interested in what abilities she might have or if they'd hurt her the way they'd hurt them.

Lucy stroked his hair gently. "I'll tell you later," she promised him, not wanting to bring Lianne's nightmares back to the surface with Alyona's story. Martin could handle it, she thought, but Lianne wouldn't be able to. "Now what game have we decided on?"

Martin smiled adoringly at his mother, trusting her to always tell him the truth, no matter how hard it might be to hear. "D'accord, Mama," he replied, obediently.

"I thought we'd settled on Operation," Steve interjected, though it didn't much matter to him which game they played.

"Yay!" Jamie waved his fists in the air, confident of at least coming second with his mother doing all the work on his side.

Lianne giggled, rolling her eyes at her little brother as she pulled open the box. "I want to get the apple out," she stated, ignoring the rules to lay claim to the easiest part.

"You can't get the apple out until it's your turn, Li!" Martin pointed out, but Steve only laughed. It was almost like watching his team mates argue, only a lot less violent.

"Okay, okay. One game of Operation and then cake!" he told them, reaching over to help Lianne set up the board.

Lucy chuckled at the sight of Lianne happily giggling to herself as she dropped the funatomy pieces into their corresponding holes, reaching herself to separate out the cards and deal out the specialist ones to everyone. Steve was always the banker, being the most incorruptible member of the family, which was a joke only Lucy got at the moment. "So who is going first?" she asked, tucking Jamie up onto her knee as they gathered around the board.

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:20 EST
"Lianne can go first," Martin said, magnanimously.

"That's very nice of you, Martin," Steve praised his son, letting Lucy drop the pieces into the holes. He was admittedly terrible at this game. It wasn't that he didn't have a steady hand so much as his fingers were just too big for the tweezers.

Lianne beamed, leaning over to hug her big brother before excitedly lifting the first card from the doctor pile. Everyone had a good view as her face fell. "Oh, non," she whined, turning the card around to show them that she had pulled the wishbone.

"Oh, sweetheart," Lucy said, trying not to laugh at the defeated look on her daughter's face. "Maybe we should let you put that on the bottom and draw another one."

"That would be cheating," Martin pointed out helpfully, not quite as magnanimously as before.

"It's okay, Li-Li. How about I help you?" Steve volunteered, waiting for her to pick up the tweezers, so that he could guide her hand to the tiny opening in the patient's chest where theh "wishbone" rested.

It was the hardest piece to get out, and unsurprisingly, even with Steve helping, Lianne failed at it, pouting like the competitive little flower she was. Lucy chuckled. "Oh, don't look like that," she told their daughter. "You'll have a better one next time."

It went on like that for a few more hours with various games, winners alternating between Martin and Lianne and Jamie, with their parents' help. No one made any complaints about cheating or losing, though there was some minor grumbling about bedtime. It was Lianne who asked if he was going away again, but it was Lucy who reassured her that he'd always come back.

Jamie and Lianne were the ones who demanded Steve's presence during the entire bedtime routine, leaving Lucy to spend it with Martin, making good on her promise to tell him Alyona's circumstances out of earshot from his brother and sister. With Lucy and Steve switching places for the last goodnights, finally the house was quiet once again. Lucy was the first to make it downstairs, putting the kettle on for a hot drink to share with her husband when he reappeared. She had a feeling he had a few things he needed to get off his chest.

"She asks me that every time I come home. When I'm going again and when I'll be back," Steve told Lucy quietly as he joined her in the kitchen. He didn't bother to say how it always tore his heart out; she knew him well enough to know that already.

"Because she worries about you when you're gone," she told him softly, turning to touch her hand fondly to his cheek. "They all do. They miss having you around, but they're so proud of you for doing what?s right, as well."

"I wonder sometimes if I should retire. I'm old enough," he told her, with a faint smile on his face. Of course, that depended on how one measured his age. He turned his face into her hand, pressing it against his lips. Things were almost easier before he'd met her, before they'd had kids, but now ....Lucy and the kids were what made life worthwhile. He wasn't just a soldier anymore; he was so much more than that. There were people who loved him, just for himself, not for who he'd become.

She laughed softly, wrapping her arms about his waist. "You and I both know you wouldn't make it a week," she pointed out fondly. "You need that sense of purpose, love, and I wouldn't deny you it. I know this is something you need to do, that you won't be able to rest easy without doing. But maybe doing that something should also involve setting up a rotation of people who can take on these missions, so that it doesn't always have to fall on your shoulders every time."

"Maybe," he replied. It was sound advice, so long as there were enough people who could handle missions like this. It might mean building a new team, independent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council - at least, for now. "Who do you think would take my place?" he queried curiously. "Tony' Fury?" He drew her into his arms, while they waited for the kettle, more interested in the comfort she offered than a cup of tea.

"Tony's too easily swayed by political agendas," she said thoughtfully. "Fury ....Without knowing his personal agenda, I don't see how he can be trusted." She bit her lip, giving the problem her full attention for a moment as she absently stroked her fingers through the hair at his nape. "Hill might be worth looking at, though."

The question had almost been a rhetorical one. Each of the team members - if that's what they were - had their own strengths and weaknesses. But this went well beyond the Avengers and had started a long time ago. "Hill is Fury's second. You don't get one without the other." But this wasn't a problem that had to be solved today. "You know, if I'd finished Hydra during the war, we wouldn't have to deal with them now, but they're like a cancer, Luce. You kill one of them, and three more appear. I'm starting to think it will never end. All we can really do is stay one step ahead of them. And that's just Hydra. What about the Chitauri" What about Asgard" When does it end?"

"Steve." She drew his face down until he was looking into her eyes. "You can't think like that," she told him firmly. "As soon as you start looking ahead to problems that haven't started and threats that may not exist, you've lost. Hydra wants you scared. It wants you paranoid. It wants people to hand over their freedom of will and their right to choose out of fear of the unknown. But that's what living is. No one knows for certain what will happen tomorrow, but we still get up in the morning, and we still walk into the day with confidence. It's part of being human."

"It's not so much about being scared, as it is about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We're fighting a war with an enemy that will never give up, never surrender, but I learned a lot time ago that you have to take it one battle at a time. Otherwise, you lose hope, and once you lose hope, it's over. I haven't lost hope yet. I just ..." He frowned, sighing softly as he leaned in and rested his head against hers.

"Why do you think I brought you and the kids here" Because I can't keep you safe there, and if anything happened to you or to them, I don't know what I'd do. I really don't. I know I can't turn my back on Earth, but I wonder sometimes if it will ever end. Will there ever be peace on Earth' We can't even get along with each other, much less the rest of the universe. I can't even get the team to agree half the time. It would be so easy to let it go, to live here with you and the kids and forget all about Hydra, but I can't. It's not that I owe anyone anything. It's just ....someone once said that with great power comes great responsibility. It's not just about me. It's about all of us. Tony and Nat and Johnny and Clint and even Alyona." Not to mention the others he hadn't named. "It's about standing up for what?s right, together. It's about trust and being a team, but how do I know who to trust' And how do I lead this team without it taking over my life?"

She held him close, letting him talk it out. They both knew she didn't have the answers to those questions, but maybe the act of asking them would help him grope his way toward accepting the way things were now. "You've made a start," she reminded him softly. "As acerbic as Tony is, he's trustworthy. Nat and Clint have made their choice. Johnny would never betray you. They are the core of your team, and from them, you have a greater support network slowly being built. Through Tony, you have access to Stark tech and funding. Through Johnny, you have access to Reed Richards' terrifyingly quick brain and Sue's level-headed reserve. Through Nat and Clint, you have the means to build your own global intelligence service. If you trust them, then you have to accept that they have their reasons for trusting the people they choose to tap for this. Your priority is the core team and Hydra. In time, you will have an organization that will take care of other threats itself, the way S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to." She stroked his cheek gently as she spoke. "There's an inevitability to events, Steve. They're already moving. I don't think S.H.I.E..L.D. is going to exist this time next year. I think you'll have something incorrupt instead."

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:20 EST
He listened, drawing back to meet her gaze, knowing there was wisdom in her words. Ever since they'd met, she'd been his sounding board, the voice of reason in his life. She was what kept him grounded and gave his life meaning. She had taken the place Peggy had once held in his life, and he was a better man because of them both. "We have to, Luce. The world needs us, but we can't afford to muck it up. Not this time, not ever."

"And you won't," she assured him. "Yes, you will make mistakes, but that's part of being human, too. It isn't the mistakes that define you, it's how you deal with the consequences of those mistakes. And I know you, Steve. You will never be able to rest until you have those systems in place to deal with anything that might come. It's going to take time, but it will happen. I have every faith in you, and in your team. You can do it."

"I know you do," he replied, appreciating the vote of confidence, though her opinion of him was likely a little biased. Like Erskine and Peggy before her, Lucy saw the best in him, refusing to believe he could do anything else, be anything else. "It's not really fair to you or the kids. What if ..." He broke off, not quite finishing that thought. He'd gone missing once; next time, he might not be so lucky.

"Don't." She laid her fingertips against his lips, refusing to entertain the possibility. He knew her well enough to know that she had already considered it, and already had some contingency plan in place to cope if it ever happened. But that didn't mean she ever wanted to talk about it. "Don't ever go into anything thinking you might not come back. One day, you'll have a moment when you believe it, and you really won't come back. I can't lose you, Steve. We need you."

"I don't. I won't," he assured her. He'd do everything in his power to make sure he came home to them, but that was the only promise he could make. "I will always do everything I can to come back to you, but I'm only human, Luce. Even with the serum and the enhancements and everything else, I won't live forever, and every time I go out there, I might not come back. That's something you gotta live with." On the other hand, there were never any certainties in life. One could be here one minute and gone the next without ever being a soldier. "Do you think ....Do you think I'm a warmonger" I mean, I've always tried to do the right thing and sometimes that means fighting for what you believe in, but I don't enjoy it, Luce. I don't love war. I want peace as much as anyone, but I'm not sure it'll ever happen, so long as there are people in the world who crave power and want to force their way of life on others."

"Steve, you don't go looking for trouble," she told him gently. "You've never gone looking for it. And look at everything else you do. You don't just fight; you give aid. You've helped rebuild homes, establish clean water supplies, made sure people in ravaged areas have access to medical care. Those aren't the acts of a warmonger."

"I guess not," he replied, trusting her judgment, as he always had. As much as he knew all that already, sometimes it helped to hear it from someone else. The news sometimes painted them as vigilantes, but Steve didn't agree with that assessment. He also knew that war was hell and that few wars were fought without at least a few casualties. "I still don't know what I did to deserve you," he said, moving for a chair and drawing her onto his lap.

"You ran me off the road at midnight and didn't put up much of a fight when I seduced you for it," she pointed out teasingly, curling easily into his lap, baby bump and all, confident that she was never going to be too heavy for him. She brushed a soft kiss to his lips, nuzzling close. "I love you, Steve. I'm the one in constant awe that you chose me."

"Well, somebody had to do it sometime, and you're the only one who ever pursued it," he admitted with a grin, as he laid a hand against the ever-growing baby bump. "And here, I thought you chose me," he said, touching a kiss to her lips, as his fingers caressed the bump that was their future child.

She smiled into his kiss, resting her temple against his hair as he stroked his fingers over the baby bump. "You know ....Liv thinks I need to go back to the doctor and get another scan done," she said thoughtfully. "She thinks I'm too big already to just have one in there."

He lifted his brows, his fingers stilling in the caress of her bump, if only for a moment, as he took that comment in. She was bigger than he remembered she'd been at this stage in Jamie's pregnancy, but he hadn't thought too much of it. "She thinks you're having twins?" he asked, knowing twins ran in families, or so he believed. Liv and Lucy were identical twins, which increased the chances of either of them having a multiple birth of their own. "I'd like to be there for that," he told her, hoping they could arrange it somehow.

"That's what she thinks," Lucy smiled, teasing her fingers through his hair. "I thought you might say that. So we made the appointment for tomorrow morning, before I left to join you on Earth today." She kissed him fondly. "It might explain why the S.H.I.E.L.D. doctors thought it was a boy, and Alex is so very sure it's a girl."

"Alex thinks it's a girl?" he echoed, blond brows arching upwards again. He knew scans could be wrong, especially early in the pregnancy and despite their technology, S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't infallible. Alex, on the other hand, was rarely wrong. "How can he know that already?"

"I don't know," she laughed. "Fliss seems to think that he and Maria can tell when they put their minds together, but I truly don't have any idea how they can possibly be sure. You wouldn't mind awfully if it's a girl, would you?"

"A girl and a boy, or just a girl?" he asked, looking a little confused, though it hardly mattered. All he cared about was having a healthy child; it didn't much matter to him whether that child was a boy or a girl or both, for that matter.

Lucy chuckled, shaking her head. "At this point, I haven't the foggiest," she admitted. "And I don't care. I want them to healthy, however many are in there, and to know their father."

"I wouldn't mind if it's a girl. I wouldn't mind twins either. That's a lot for you to handle though," he admitted with a worried frown, knowing he couldn't be there every minute, though he'd try to be there as much as he could. Here was an even greater reason for him to find someone who could take charge of things back on Earth while he was with his family. He couldn't be in two places at once, after all.

"We will have a lot of help," she reassured him tenderly. "Can you really see Johnny or Liv just standing by and watching us struggle with newborn twins without lending us at least Fliss for a couple of months" That's what family does, and we have a lot of family these days."

"I guess we do," Steve admitted with a soft smile, his fingers moving in a gentle rub of her abdomen. "So, if it's a girl, do we name her after Nat or Peggy?" Or both' It was a difficult question, but one that didn't have to be answered today.

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2016-11-26 08:21 EST
She smiled, laying her hand over his, wishing he could feel the movement in her womb. But if there were twins in there, it wouldn't be long before he could. "What about Sarah?" she asked softly. He'd never told her his mother's name, but she'd done digging of her own over the years. That was how she'd found Jamie's name, after all.

"Sarah?" he echoed, obviously not expecting that. He never talked about his parents much, or about his past, in general. When he did, it was usually about Peggy or Bucky. He didn't even know how Lucy had learned her name. "You want to name her after my mother?" he asked, unsure if she was suggesting that name on purpose or by chance.

"Of course I do," she told him in a gentle tone. "Liv remembered my mother with Beth. We should honor your mother with our daughter. And ask Nat to be her godmother. I can't think of anyone who deserves that more than our friend."

Steve laughed a little at the thought of that - a happy sound - and not because he thought the idea funny but because he was thinking about what Nat might think of that. "You know, I've never seen Nat cry, but that might just do it."

Lucy's smile softened as he agreed, glad he had. She knew some things about Natasha he might never know, but maybe this way, Nat would experience a little of what it was to be a mother. "She'll either cry or hit me," she shrugged in amusement.

"She can hit me instead. I can take it," he replied with a grin. Whatever dark mood he'd been in a little while ago seemed to have lifted, at least for now. "So, baby scan in the morning and we see who's hiding in there," he said, leaning close to touch an affectionate kiss to that bump. "I love you, Luce," he said, lifting his head to touch his nose to hers.

"And how many there are," she laughed, leaning back to let him kiss the bump before taking her own affection just as fondly as he gave it. "I love you back," she promised him. "Always."

Always was a long time, but as far as Steve was concerned, it wasn't long enough. "Always," he echoed, sealing that promise with more kisses. No matter what happened, no matter where they ended up, they would have each other.
