Topic: Aqua-Matt


Date: 2016-08-17 23:46 EST
An afternoon out in the city was not an easy thing to wangle when it came to Matt's mother. Jessica was just a touch over-protective these days, and it took a lot of promises of good behavior from Fliss - as well as Liv promising to be the taxi service - to get permission for Matt to come out and play so far from Maple Grove. But with that permission, Fliss managed to get Matt to the Aquarium on a day when Lucas was working, happy to keep the other teen entertained in a way that might give him a few ideas about what he wanted to work toward.

Jessica Foster was just going to have to get used to it, if her sons were ever going to ever have any chance of having a normal life on Rhy'Din, and sooner was definitely better than later. After all, Lucas wasn't a prisoner at Maple Grove, so why should Matt be? To say he was excited to be going on his first real outing without his mother in tow was a bit of an understatement, and it didn't hurt that Fliss would be accompanying him. He knew she was his brother's girlfriend, and as such, was off-limits, but that didn't mean they couldn't be friends. Besides, he'd never had an older sister, and that was sort of what she'd become. Despite that, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Wow, you look awesome!" when she'd arrived at The Laurels to pick him up.

"Easy, tiger," was Fliss' laughing response to that. She'd only recently started to embrace the girly side of herself, and it had come with a healthy dose of personality with it. She liked the compliments, but Matt really shouldn't have been noticing. Mind you, by the time they got into the city, Liv had embarrassed them both so much with stories about Johnny, all thought of admiration was out of the window.

"Okay, okay ....goodbye, Mom," Fliss laughed as she got out of the car. "I'll call when we're done, okay?"

"All right, all right." Liv smiled at them both. "Have fun, guys."

"Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Storm!" Matt thanked her. He might be a goof most of the time, but his mother had at least raised him to be polite and respectful. But as soon as Liv had driven off, he ruined it by nudging Fliss and remarking, "Your mom is hot!"

"Ew, dude," Fliss laughed, rolling her eyes at him. "That's my mom. Fancy someone available and not old, would you?" Chuckling, she looped an arm about his neck to pull him along to the aquarium. "Gonna buy Lucas something plushie to make up for him missing the outing?"

Matt chuckled, wisely deciding he probably shouldn't refer to Liv's mom as a "MILF". He winced at the suggestion about plushies though. "Eww, no! You want to get him a plushie, you go right ahead. Brothers don't buy brothers stuffed animals!" he said, obviously finding that idea ridiculous. Maybe if he was five, but not at fifteen.

She laughed and let him go, digging into her pocket to pay for a couple of tickets into the attraction. "If we timed this right, there should be people diving in the Reef Tank," she told him as their entry was rung up. "One of the green turtles was rescued at the beginning of the year and had one of her flippers amputated, so people come by once a week to check on her."

"Rescued from what?" he asked curiously, as he waited for her to get tickets and followed her into the venue. It wasn't the first time he'd been to an aquarium, of course, but he'd never really had a personal tour of one before. "Do you think Professor Radcliffe will be here?" he asked further.

"You know, I don't actually know," Fliss admitted. "I guess she must have gotten snarled up in some fishing nets or something. There's all the info about it on the wall when we get there. This way, SuperMatt." She lead the way down the stairs and into the underground complex, suddenly surrounded by tanks that boasted an impressive array of marine life. "She might be. She's kind of linked to this place somehow, I know that. But she's not really all that predictable in when she's around."

"SuperMatt?" he echoed, chuckling. "More like AquaMatt!" he corrected with a grin as he followed her through the aquarium, impressed already with the array of marine life that surrounded them. "Are there any creatures here that are only native to Rhy'Din?"

"There's a few," Fliss nodded. "I mean, it's the sea, so there isn't that much that could evolve too differently from the fish on Earth. Like the reef fish - they're pretty similar, but there are some that only live on Rhy'Din. Or this. This, you have to see." Tugging his wrist, she pulled him over to a murky looking tank in which only a few nondescript fish were circling lethargically around what looked like an ancient stone statue.

Getting tugged along, he followed her to the murky-looking tank, leaning a little closer to get a better look as he peered inside, but so far, he didn't really see anything unusual. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

"The statue." Fliss pointed, and for a long moment, there was nothing to see. Then the apparently stone statue shifted, moving with terrifying fluidity, uncurling into a long serpent-like creature with vicious-looking fangs. It snapped its head toward the fish, capturing one as the others scattered, and resumed its former position, looking like nothing more than a lost piece of statuary at the bottom of the sea.

Matt gave a startled cry as he jumped away from the glass, eyes round as saucers. "What the hell!" He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but it sure wasn't that. "What the hell is that?" he asked, obviously never having seen anything like it before.

Fliss grinned at Matt's reaction. "Everyone does that," she assured him with a chuckle. "It's a sea serpent," she went on. "There are loads of different kinds, but this one hangs around in old shipwrecks. No one really knows why it pretends to be a statue - I mean, it could pretend to be any old lump of rock - but it's an ambush predator. Cool, huh?"

"Cool," he replied, though he wasn't sure that was quite the right word for it. Scary, maybe, but definitely effective. "It doesn't, uh, prey on humans, does it?" he asked, wondering if he should rethink his plans for the future. Obviously, he needed to learn more about Rhy'Din before he plunged in literally headfirst.

"Uh ....I don't know, actually." Fliss leaned back, looking at the information board beside the tank, but before she could find out, another voice interjected itself.

"The petrie doesn't prey on anything bigger than its own mouth can swallow. They're really hard to find in the wild - they'd rather hide when people are around than hunt." A girl of around their age had overheard them, hands tucked in the back pockets of her shorts. Judging by the t-shirt, she worked here.

"The petrie?" Matt repeated. "Why's it called that?" he asked. It sounded like a strange name for what was essentially an predator who was able to camouflage itself in order to fool and catch its prey. They sure didn't have anything like that back home on Earth.

"Because of the way it looks," the girl told them with a half-shrug. "You know, because the process of turning into stone is called petrifying, so they called it the petrie. There are loads of them out there, but you kinda have to prod them to find out in the wild." She grinned. "Hi, I'm Cas. I work here."


Date: 2016-08-17 23:47 EST
"Prod them!" Matt exclaimed with a chuckle. "I probably get my hand taken off. Did you see the fangs on that thing?" he asked, but he was chuckling now at his own nervousness. After all, the thing was safely behind a thick layer of glass. He mirrored her grin and offered a hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Matt, and this is Fliss," he said, jerking a thumb at Fliss, unsure if they'd already met or not.

"Scared of a little bite?" Cas teased cheerfully. She nodded to Fliss, who was tactfully keeping out of the conversation. "Hey. I'm guessing you're new to Rhy'Din, huh' Anything you wanna know about the underseas?"

"Depends on who's doing the biting," Matt teased back. "It shows, huh?" he asked with a small frown, in regards to being a newcomer to Rhy'Din. "I haven't been here too long. A few months. Fliss brought me here 'cause I'm interested in Marine Science, but I'm not sure exactly what I want to do yet."

"The dude can breathe underwater, I figure he should know about what?s out there, right?" Fliss interjected before stepping back again.

Cas looked duly impressed. "Wow," she said in admiration. "You should definitely look into something like marine biology, like the Prof teaches. We've got all this stuff in here, but she says if you really want to know what the ocean's like, you should go under the water out there."

Matt shrugged, proud of his mutation, rather than ashamed of it as his father seemed to be. "I always liked swimming, anyway. These just make things easier," he said, gesturing to the gills on the side of his neck, which weren't readily noticeable, unless you looked for them.

"Oh, that is awesome," Cas breathed, stepping closer to get a better look. "Can I touch them?" Her hand was already rising, but she at least managed to restrain herself before she was incredibly rude.

"Uh," Matt replied, a little uncertainly. No one had ever asked to touch his gills before - not even his mother. Everyone he knew seemed to either ignore them or find them repulsive. "Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm not using them to breathe right now, so they're just kind of there."

"I promise, I won't be rough," she assured him cheerfully. And as promised, the touch she laid on his gills with one finger was incredibly delicate. "Seriously, that is majorly awesome. I'd kill to be able to get underwater without a mask and tank."

"Really' Well, maybe we can go diving together sometime," he blurted without thinking. He hardly knew the girl after all, but it wasn't like he was asking her on a date or something. "What do you do here?" he asked, as she checked out his gills.

"Hmm?" Drawing back, Cas smiled her sunny smile again. "I'm kind of a guide, and I sometimes work the shop, but I mostly help out with the feeding and the tank maintenance. You'd be amazed how much stuff goes on here that you don't see."

"Oh, I'd believe it. Maybe you could show us around sometime," he suggested further, since she seemed to have ignored his other suggestion. What better way to see the way the aquarium really worked than to get a personal tour" The fact that she was cute and about his age and shared an interest had nothing to do with it, of course.

"Sure, I could do that," Cas nodded. "Not today, though. I'm kinda on trash duty. I work weekends, though. You can always find me. But I should let you get back to your girlfriend."

Behind Matt, Fliss snorted with laughter.

"Cool!" Matt replied, chuckling when she mistook Fliss for his girlfriend. "Oh, she's not my girlfriend. She's dating my brother. He's at work right now, so she offered to bring me here." Hopefully, he hadn't been too quick to point that out. He would have loved to have a girlfriend like Fliss, but the truth was she belonged to Lucas, not him.

"Oh." As Cas stepped back, she glanced from Fliss back to Matt. "Good to know. See you 'round, Matt." She winked at him, offering up a cheeky salute, and turned to get back to her duty for the afternoon.

A moment later, Fliss came up behind him. "Someone's got a itty bitty little crush on you."

"See you 'round, 'Cas!" he replied, tossing her a wave and chuckling at her salute. His gaze followed her a moment as she departed to get back to doing whatever duties were hers to take care of. "Oh, she does not!" he retorted, flushing just a little with embarrassment at Fliss' teasing. "She doesn't even know me! She is kind of cute though," he said with a cheeky grin of his own.

"Really' It's good to know that I'm not your girlfriend, and you think she doesn't fancy you?" Fliss snickered quietly. "Yeah, right. And you think she's cute. Do I see little love hearts flying out of your ears?"

"Well, you're not my girlfriend, are you?" he said, in his own defense. Did she want him to have told her otherwise" He glared at her for a moment, narrowing his brows, but only for a moment. "How do you know she thinks I'm cute?"

Fliss smiled. "Dude, she zeroed in on you in a room full of people and gave you just enough of her time to find out if you might like the look of her, too," she pointed out to him. "It's like Girl 101, we're born knowing how to do it. Trust me, she likes you."

"No one's ever asked to touch my-my gills before," he stammered, wondering if she'd just been trying to be nice or if it was a matter of morbid curiosity - like looking at a circus freak.

"Well, people in Rhy'Din are different," Fliss shrugged, trying to reassure him. "It's not like she made a big deal out of it. She asked, she touched, she moved on. Believe me, that's normal for 'round here. C'mon, let's take a look at the Reef Tank."

Matt made no reply, frowning thoughtfully as he let Fliss lead him onward in their tour of the aquarium. It might not seem like a big deal to her, but it was a big deal to him. "What did you think the first time you met Luc" Did you notice his wings right away or not 'til later?"

"Well, of course I noticed his wings first," she said, a little confused by the question. "They're kind of hard to miss. But his wings don't make him who he is. He was kind to me; helped me put all my stuff back in my bag when the darlings of the popular crowd decided to welcome me to the school by playing keepy-uppy with it." She shrugged. "He's a good guy, and it really showed. But you know what? You're a good guy, too. And it really shows."

Matt shrugged again, wondering once again if she was just trying to be nice. "Not as good as Lucas. Lucas is perfect," he said, letting his own insecurities get the best of him again. "That's all I ever heard back home, you know. Why can't you be more like Lucas? Not from Mom so much, but from Dad. I love my brother, but I'm not him. I'm me."


Date: 2016-08-17 23:47 EST
"You ever talk to Luc about it?" she asked curiously. "Because it really messed him up, having to be perfect." She paused, wondering whether she should share this, but in the end, she figured Matt knew better than to go running to his brother and tell on her for sharing a private conversation. "Okay, you know what? I learned this in confidence, but I think you need to know it. Luc hates having to be perfect. But because he's spent so long living up to your dad's impossibly high standards, he doesn't know how to let go anymore. He doesn't recognize the difference between someone teasing him, and someone making fun of him maliciously. And he wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially you. He wants you to be your own person, and I bet your mom does, too."

Matt turned to her curiously at her revelation, obviously never having heard this before. "But he is perfect! At least, I think he is," he insisted, proving that he wasn't so much jealous of his brother as he was envious. They were two different things, after all, or so he thought. Then again, if he really thought about it, he had a lot going for himself, too. "I wish they hadn't sent him away," Matt said further, telling Fliss things he'd never told anyone before, not even his mother. "It was really hard after he left. Mom and Dad were always fighting, and ....I kinda felt like I lost my best friend."

"He's not perfect, Matt," Fliss told him gently. "No one's perfect. And you don't want him to be perfect, either." She sighed softly, squeezing his shoulders. "Look, you guys have had a really rough time the last couple of years, and the catalyst wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It takes time to adjust to Rhy'Din, and how tolerant people are here. But you got your best friend back. Luc loves you, Matt; he missed you like crazy. And I know it's gotta be weird, having me around so much, but if you need me to back off so you can spend time with your brother, just tell me, okay' I'm not gonna be angry, and he won't, either."

"It just makes things a little harder now that he's not living with us anymore, but I understand why he wanted to move. It must have been hard coming here all alone and not knowing anyone. I'm glad he met you, Fliss. I like you, and I know he cares about you a lot," Matt said, the two of them reassuring each other. "I don't mind sharing, so long as you don't mind me hanging around sometimes. Just tell me if I'm hanging around too much, okay' I know you two want to be alone sometimes."

"Yeah, well, smooching does not come before family time," she informed him, wrapping her arm about his neck to draw him on once again. "Seriously, if you ever need to talk, I'm right here. If I can handle Alex and Mo sharing their weirdass dreams with me, I can handle a little Matt angst."

"I'll be okay!" he assured her with a smile as she drew him onward once again. "It's a little scary starting at a new school and everything, but I'll be okay. I already made one new friend today!" he reminded her with a grin, though he could hardly call Cas a friend, if he ever could.

"See, I told you you'd attract friends like flies to honey," she chuckled, releasing him before either of them could get uncomfortable with the closeness. "You just got graduated to honorary little brother status, make the most of it." Flashing him a grin, she turned toward the largest tank in the place - the Reef Tank, in which swam the best variety of fish, underwater eels and serpents, crabs, corals, sharks, and, of course, the turtles. And currently there were also two divers in there. "I should get a medal for my timing."

"Woohoo!" he exclaimed, fist pumping in triumph, a gleeful grin on his face at her declaration of his new status. He turned to check out the tank before them, eyes wandering over the creatures who called it home, before noticing the turtles and the divers. "Wow, they get right in there with the sharks?" he asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, I think it's got something to do with not stressing out the turtles. See the one with all the blonde hair" That's Professor Radcliffe." As Fliss pointed, the diver in question twisted out of the way of a black-tip shark, giving a second one a gentle push out of the way before returning her attention to the huge three-flippered green turtle sculling along beside her.

He couldn't see too much of the Professor but the blonde hair, but it wasn't her so much that drew his attention as it was the turtle. "That's awesome," he mused quietly to himself as he watched. He'd been considering some kind of career in marine science, but until that moment, he hadn't really thought too much more about it.

The other diver seemed more intent upon keeping the sharks from investigating the professor too closely, but Ashlyn Radcliffe was pretty intent on her own mission. They could even see her smiling around her ventilator as she ran her fingers over the scar where the turtle's flipper used to be. She wasn't unaware of the audience that had gathered to watch, either - as she let the turtle go, she drifted upright again, sharing a series of complex hand signals with her diving buddy. Then, purely for the entertainment of the group watching through the glass, they both performed a couple of somersaults before swimming up and out of sight.

Matt's gaze followed the divers, until they were out of sight, frowning a little to see them disappear. "I'd like to know more about what they do here," he said, more to himself than to his companion, but he was definitely showing an interest that wasn't just about having met a cute girl.

"We can probably arrange for you to meet the professor," Fliss told him. "Or we could work out a tour with your new friend and get her to introduce you to the professor." She smirked, nudging him gently. "There's a marine biology section at the museum, too; she works there as well. And, you know, she's a Granger. You're probably related to her."

"Related?" he said, brows arching upwards. It always surprised him when someone reminded him of that fact. He didn't really consider himself to be a Granger, though it was true some relative of his mother's was distantly related to the family patriarch, enough that they'd been welcomed as family. "She's not gonna know who I am."

"So' Half the Grangers don't know who the other half are," she pointed out. "It's a big family, dude. But you know how friendly Dom is" Ashlyn is his little sister, and she's kinda him in female form, except for the fact that she lurves the sea and all the little creatures that live in it. She's not gonna care how distantly related you are; she'll love being able to talk to you about something you're both interested in."

"Yeah, Dom is a little intimidating," Matt replied, revealing a little more of the insecurities he rarely let show. "Lurves?" he repeated with an amused chuckle followed by a sigh. "I suppose I'm gonna have to meet her sometime." Especially if he wanted to study with her.

"It's just because he's big and confident," she assured him. "Total teddybear, I promise you." His sigh made her laugh. "Oh, don't sound like you don't want to," she chuckled. "If we hang around here long enough, we could catch her on her way out today."

"I don't wanna bother her," he said, both excited and just a little bit shy. Meeting a girl his age was a lot different and a lot more intimidating than meeting a full-grown woman who was a professor, even if she was somehow related.

Fliss tilted her head, a little bemused as she looked at him. "Are we talking about the same person here?" she asked with a faint grin. "Adult professor, or teenaged tour guide?"

"Adult professor, smartass," he confirmed with a smirk. He had no problem bothering a cute teenage girl he was hoping to run into again.

"Hey, you're not supposed to notice my ass, dude," she teased him laughingly. "Your call. Hang around to catch the prof, or get Dom to get her onto the Grove sometime soon so you can meet her. Choose, or I'm going to find that little cutie and ask her out for you."


Date: 2016-08-17 23:48 EST
He rolled his eyes at her threat. "Yeah, like that's not the kiss of death, having a girl ask another girl out for you," he complained. Though her initial suggestion did warrant a serious response, he shrugged his shoulders uncertainly. "Might as well meet her while we're here, I guess, but I don't want to bug her, if she's busy."

"So you say hi, you introduce yourself, you ask if you can pick her brain sometime when it's more convenient," Fliss said, patting his back with a grin. "C'mon, we need to lurk near the manatee tank if we're gonna catch her - that's where the staff door is."

"Have you ever met her?" he asked. She had obviously recognized the professor, but just because she knew who she was didn't mean Fliss knew her personally. He wasn't so sure the professor would be too happy about playing guidance counselor, whether he was related or not.

"Couple of times," she nodded. "Usually at weddings or the Granger family parties they have on the Grove. She's pretty cool; she's like Kaylee, easy to talk to." As she spoke, she was leading the way toward the manatee tank, where one of the guides was giving a talk about the manatee and dugong.

He wasn't sure anyone over the age of twenty was easy to talk to, but he took her word for it, as he followed along to the manatee tank. "If you say so," he murmured, though he'd likely find out for himself before long. He wasn't usually nervous about meeting new people, but he wanted to make sure he made a good impression.

Fliss grinned encouragingly at him. "Seriously, dude, she's not gonna bite your head off," she promised him, taking up a lean against the wall opposite the Staff Only door beside the tank.

"Yeah, but it's like we're stalking her," he whispered back, trying to look as nonchalant as possible as the two of them staked out the Staff Only door.

"Yup, that's exactly what we're doing," the firestarter nodded cheerfully. "How else did you think we were gonna meet up with her" I don't have her number, and Mom would have to ask Dom to get it. This way, your mom and my mom stay out of it and don't put any of their own little requests in there before you ever meet the prof."

"So, what is she ....My aunt' Cousin a million times removed?" he asked further, though she probably didn't have an answer to that. He didn't say anything about their mothers, but he definitely didn't want them doing this for him.

"Oh, god, I don't know," Fliss laughed, shaking her head. "Cousin a bajillion times removed most likely. Doesn't really matter though, does it' Family's family." She glanced up as the door opened, and a blonde with damp hair and a bright smile came into view. "You're up, Tonto."

"What' Me" Alone" What about you?" he asked, looking suddenly terrified, or at least, surprisingly shy. She hadn't shoved him forward just yet, but if he didn't act quickly, he was going to lose his chance - unless she happened to spy Fliss first. "If I'm up, then so are you, Kemosabe," he said, grabbing her hand and dragging her along.

Laughing, Fliss let him grab her hand, moving along with him but obligingly being the one to break the ice, so to speak. "Hey, Professor Radcliffe" Have you got a minute?"

Letting the door close behind her, Ashlyn turned to look at the two teens bearing down on her with a wry smile. "Hi! Fliss, right' So this must be ....Matt?"

Before the teenagers could confirm their identities, a tall, handsome, dark-haired man with an earring in one ear stepped around them, almost as if to intercept them. "Cheers, love," he said, touching a kiss to Ashlyn's lips, a small smirk on his face as he eyed the pair of teens. "Fan club?"

Ash's smile deepened as her husband made an appearance, leaning close to kiss him in hello. "Enjoy the show this time, or are you still freaking out over the sharks?" she asked James impishly.

Fliss glanced at Matt with a quiet giggle. "Uh, yeah, I'm Fliss," she confirmed. "And this is Matt, you're right. He wanted to ask you something real quick. Didn't you?"

"I don't ....freak out," James replied, practically glowering at her. He had a reputation to maintain, after all - or to prove. He looked over at the teenagers, only slightly annoyed at the interruption. Thankfully, children didn't freak him out as much as sharks did, even if he had spent countless years on Neverland trying to convince them that he wasn't their enemy.

"Uh, yeah ..." Matt replied uncertainly. He'd been ready to introduce himself to the professor before the dark-haired guy had interrupted. "But, I mean can wait, if you're busy."

"Yeah, you freak out," Ash teased James affectionately, patting his cheek. "Stop being intimidating for a couple of minutes, okay?" Turning her attention back to Matt, she smiled. "Lunch can wait a few minutes," she assured him warmly. "What did you wanna know?"

James rolled his eyes and exhaled an exasperated sigh, muttering, "I am not intimidating." He looked over at the teens again, waggling a be-ringed finger at Fliss. "You look familiar." He then glanced to Matt. "You do not." Like that wasn't intimidating.

"Um ..." Matt mumbled, looking from the pirate to the professor and back again.

"Spit it out, lad. We don't have all day!" James said, but without any vehemence in his voice.

"Okay. Why don't you and Fliss get reacquainted, oh, over there somewhere?" Ash suggested, patting James' chest pointedly. "Okay' And I promise to make it up to you later, after I give you the bollocking of your life for being an ass right now. Deal?"

"I'm not being an ass, as you so eloquently put it. I'm hungry," James replied, but he relented with another sigh, knowing he wasn't going to get any lunch until Ashlyn was finished here. "Very well. I know when I'm being dismissed. Come along, lass, and let us get ..." James lifted his hands to make air quotes, "....reacquainted, though we aren't really acquainted at all."

"Uh, actually we met the day you got married," Fliss pointed out as she nudged Matt encouragingly, turning to help Ash remove the intimidating pirate from the equation for a moment.

"Hence, why you look so familiar," James replied as he and Fliss stepped a few feet away to give Ashlyn and Matt a few minutes of privacy.

With James sufficiently entertained for a few minutes, Ashlyn looked back at Matt. "Sorry about that," she apologized merrily. "Hungry pirate equals hangry man. I'm all ears - talk to me."


Date: 2016-08-17 23:49 EST
"Um ..." Matt stammered again, glancing momentarily at the pirate and his brother's girlfriend before turning back, figuring Fliss would be safe enough for the moment. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Fliss thought you might be able to help me. I'm Matt Foster, Lucas' brother. I guess you've heard of me."

"Yeah, I've heard of you," Ash conceded. "I get a little obsessed with new people who might share my love of the sea. I heard a rumor that you might have gills, so I made a point of remembering your name. Be glad you haven't met me drunk at a party - I forced my cousin's mermaid wife to demonstrate her tail under threat of being painted with white chocolate when I was under the influence." She grinned, nodding sagely. "There's a reason my family don't let me get drunk very often."

"White chocolate?" Matt echoed, surprised at first before he smiled in amusement, deciding he liked her already, though he wasn't too sure about the pirate. "You can paint me in white chocolate anytime you want," he said, blushing a little as he realized what he'd just implied. "I didn't mean it that way!"

She snorted with laughter. "Easy, kiddo, Captain Hook doesn't share," she warned him cheerfully. "Did I get really lucky with the rumor being true and you also being interested in the sea" Because if I did, you made my day."

"Captain ....Hook?" Matt echoed, looking over at the pirate again. He didn't see any hook. He had to have heard her wrong. Wasn't his last name Radcliffe" "Uh ..." The pirate met his gaze, shooing his attention back to Ashlyn with the wave of a hand. "Yeah, I'm interested. Very interested. I'm thinking about majoring in marine science," he told her, though he made no further mention of gills just yet.

"Long story, not mine to tell," she chuckled, hitching her bag more comfortably onto her shoulder as Matt went on. "Marine science encompasses a huge area; you're going to need to find a focus or you're going to be completely overwhelmed. My specialism is marine biology, with a focus on reef habitats; there are others who study the ocean itself, the water and the natural terra-forming that makes up the seabed; other people study the impact of growing population and pollution on the oceans. There are a whole range of areas within marine science. You're spoiled for choice."

He still had questions about the pirate, but that wasn't what he was here for. "But the oceans aren't polluted on Rhy'Din, are they?" he asked uncertainly. He knew it was a problem back home on Earth, but he didn't think it was a problem here. He knew marine science was a broad science, and he'd have to narrow it down eventually, but at least this was a start.

"No, not yet," she promised him. "We're learning from the mistakes made on Earth, and trying to find solutions before the problems make themselves known. It's a really well-funded area of study."

"But I don't have to decide now, right?" he asked further, not really knowing what area of expertise he'd like to focus on just yet.

"No, you don't have to decide straight away," Ash assured him with a smile. "I specialized when I was your age, that's how I made it to professor by twenty-four. But just because I did it this way, it doesn't mean you have to. Find your niche, and work at your own pace, and if I can help at all, I will."

"By my age?" Matt echoed, clearly surprised by that. And then she was offering to help, if she could, and he wondered if it would be too bold of him to ask her about interning. "Well, I was thinking maybe, if it's okay, I could volunteer here sometime."

"You don't have to volunteer," she encouraged him. "They have job openings all the time. There are always places to fill, and hours to suit. And you can put me down as your reference, too." She winked at him. "Let a little of my academic mojo get you a weekend job you might actually enjoy."

"Really?" he asked, his expression brightening. "That would be cool!" He just hoped he'd have enough time to juggle it all.

Ash chuckled, patting his shoulder. "Pick up an application on your way out, and I'll put in my two cents for you," she told him, glancing to where Fliss and James were attempting to converse. No easy feat when one half of the conversation is a modern teenager and the other is still a man stuck in the 18th century. "Okay, I should take my hangry pirate for lunch. Enjoy your day, okay' And here ..." She passed him her business card, slightly damp but still legible. "Anytime you wanna swing by the museum and take a looksee, let me know."

"Cool! Thanks, Professor!" he exclaimed, taking the card from her with a grateful smile, obviously excited about his new prospects, as well as relieved she was so warm and welcoming. "I'm starting school in a few weeks, but maybe I can come by sometime before that."

"Anytime during working hours, give me a call, and we'll arrange something," she promised him with a grin, as eager to encourage his interest as he was to explore it. "C'mon, I'll swap you your brother's girlfriend for my husband."

"Is he really a pirate?" he asked, glancing over at the tall, dark man with the beard and the earring. He wasn't afraid of him so much as he was intrigued. The man didn't really look like the way he'd imagined a pirate should look. As far as he could tell, he wasn't even wearing a sword.

"Used to be." Ash smiled, and her smile was deeply fond as she looked over at her husband. "Give it another couple of weeks, and he'll be the captain of a research vessel attached to Rhy'Din Museum. And in charge of me on my research trips."

"I bet he's got a few stories to tell," Matt said, though he didn't want to push his luck, especially with a grumpy pirate who was purported to be Captain Hook. It was the professor and her stories that really interested him.

"A few, but only to bed buddies," she told him, her smile turning to a truly wicked grin as she glanced at Matt. One arm looped its way through James' as she leaned into him. "All right, love, ready to go?"

"Aye," James replied as Ashlyn rejoined him. "The lass was just telling me her life story," he told her, with just the hint of a smirk on his face. "She has a brother and two sisters, a dog, cat, and dragon, and lives next door to her boyfriend's family, but her boyfriend just moved out. She is hoping to become a firefighter, just like her father, though her mother would prefer that she waits until she's a bit older," James said, practically all in one breath, just like Fliss.

"Wow, that's ....that's a lot to learn in one short conversation," Ash laughed.

To her credit, Fliss didn't even look mildly embarrassed, just offering up a shrug and a smile. "You wanted privacy and I don't know when to stop talking," she grinned. "He did offer to stick a cork in my teeth when I started talking about my boobs, though."

James winced. He had nothing against boobs personally. In fact, he was rather fond of them, but he didn't really want to think about boobs on a girl who was still young enough to be living with her parents. "Some things do not make for polite conversation," James said, in defense of himself.

Matt laughed. "You never talk to me about your boobs," he teased.

"That's because you're fixated on them, and it's not healthy for you," Fliss countered Matt's tease with easy confidence.

Ash snorted with laughter, giving James a gentle tug. "Okay, we'll let you two wrangle that one out," she chuckled. "C'mon, captain, I promised you lunch."


Date: 2016-08-17 23:49 EST
"Trust me, lad. You will never win an argument with a female, no matter her age," James offered a tip to Matt, along with a wink. "So you did. A pleasure to meet you both," he said, before linking arms with Ashlyn and letting her lead him away.

"See you around!" Matt replied, waving to the other couple before turning back to Fliss with a scowl. "I am not fixated."

As the adult pair walked away, Fliss snickered, turning her smile onto Matt's scowl. "Oh, really?" she asked. "So tell me this, Mr. Cool ....why is it you blush like hell every time I wear a top that has even a hint of cleavage?"

"Why do you wear a top that has a hint of cleavage if you don't want it looked at?" he asked, turning her question back around on her. It was like dangling candy in front of a baby and expecting him or her not to notice. She might be his brother's girlfriend, but he still had eyes in his head.

"Excuse me?" Fliss stopped dead, her smile gone as she looked him dead in the eye. "Did you really just ask that question' Are you really telling me that wearing clothing that I like and feel comfortable in means that my body is fair game for any male who wants to look at me or pass comment on me" Tell me you're not saying that I should spend my whole life covered up from head to toe just because other people can't be held responsible for their own thoughts and actions."

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying ..." Matt sighed. What was he trying to say, anyway' Maybe the pirate was right - there was no way to win an argument with a female, especially when she twisted your words to mean something you didn't mean. "Never mind."

"Look." She held him in place for a moment. "I don't dress to please anyone but myself," she told him. "No one I know dresses to please anyone but themselves. You've really gotta be careful, especially if you cross the line into suggesting that the reason you like to look is because obviously the girl wants you to, or she wouldn't be wearing what she is. It seems like a really little thing, but if you don't catch it, in a decade or so, it'll turn into the she was asking for it defense. I don't want to see that happen to you. You're a good guy. You gotta stay that way."

"I was only kidding, Fliss," he told her, defensively, his feelings a little hurt to know she'd think him capable of such things. What was he supposed to do' Walk around with blinders on al the time" He was only fifteen and just starting to get interested in girls.

"I know," she told him quietly. "I'm sorry I overreacted. You cannot tell Luc this, okay' But some guys from school have started staring and making comments about me, and what they want to do to me, and's scary. I don't want you to turn into someone who scares girls. It's okay to look, but not to stare. It's okay to like looking." She sighed softly. "Just don't turn into an ass like some guys do, okay?"

He furrowed his brows at what she was telling him, almost angry that anyone would do that to her, no matter the reasons. He didn't want to be that guy. "Don't worry, Fliss. I'll protect you," he promised, taking her arm. Maybe he wasn't her boyfriend, but he was her boyfriend's brother, and that practically made her his sister.

"I know you will," she smiled, glad she hadn't upset him too much. "Just don't get hurt, all right' I can handle myself to a point." Drawing in a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down. "So ....great talk with the prof, I'm guessing. You looked like you were really getting somewhere."

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged, still a little upset about what she'd told him, but more confused than anything. She'd asked him not to tell Lucas, but he didn't really like keeping secrets from his brother, even if it was for his own good. "She told me to pick up an application and come see the museum sometime. Oh, and she gave me her card!" he said, flashing her a peek at the card the professor had given him. "She said she'd put in a good word for me."

"That's awesome!" Fliss' smile returned, bright and delighted for him. "See, I told you she was easy to talk to. You gonna apply here, then" It'd get you off the Grove and put money in your pocket. And you could work with Little Miss Easy On The Eyes, too."

"Uh, yeah ....I think so," he replied, still a little distracted by what she'd told him about the boys at school. His mood had turned, though he was trying not to let it show. He shrugged again, hoping he wasn't acting like a jerk himself, when it came to girls.

"Yeah, you're definitely Luc's brother," she sighed, looping her arm around his shoulders. "Got the frowny angst thing pretty much perfect there." She squeezed him gently. "It's the kind of thing you don't need to worry about until it's right in front of you, okay' Wanna grab some lunch and head over to B.C. for a look around?"

He was all for that, but before he could answer, he needed her to know something. "Fliss, you know I like you, right' But I mean, not like you like you. I mean ....I don't know what I mean. I never had a sister, but if I ever did, I'd like her to be just like you. I just want you to know that."

"Yeah, I know," she promised him. "Believe it or not, I like you, too, in exactly the same way. You're a good friend, Matt, and I tell you some things that I don't tell Luc, and I don't tell my parents. And if you keep growing, I'm going to have to start wearing heels all the time."

He laughed, feeling a little bit better. "What for" I thought women like tall men," he said, stuffing the professor's card into a pocket for safe keeping. He wasn't as tall as Lucas yet, but he still had a few years of growing to do.

"Women do, but if you and Luc keep growing, I'm gonna be the midget in this family," she laughed, shaking her head cheerfully, glad the uncomfortable moment had passed. "C'mon, let's get that application and find somewhere to eat."

"You're already the midget," he told her with a smirk, but only if they didn't count Alex and Maria. "Yes, ma'am," he said, snapping off a salute. "I'm right behind you."

"You know what? Just for that, I hope you find a girlfriend who never tops five feet," Fliss laughed, pulling him along with her. With everything back in the usual balance again, it looked like their afternoon was going to be its normal, comfortable style. Now all she had to do was not lose him on the Bristle Crios campus, and her work would be complete.