Topic: Decisions

Olivia Storm

Date: 2016-04-30 00:37 EST
Evenings in the Storm household had finally reached some kind of calm equilibrium. Now Bess was predictably sleeping through the night, the routine had become a quiet affair, with Alex, Maria, and Bess going to bed all at roughly the same time. Often Fliss would hang out with her parents for another hour or so before heading upstairs herself, leaving Johnny and Liv to enjoy each other's company before they, too, headed to bed. Tonight, however ....

Liv glanced up from the dishwasher at a nervous little tap on the door. Fliss was leaning there, all ready for bed, rubbing one hand nervously through her hair.

"Um ....can I talk to you guys for a sec?"

Johnny was busy packing school lunches for the kids while Liv took care of the dishes when Fliss interrupted. Just another typical night in the Storm household. Johnny looked up from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he'd been creating for Alex, licking a bit of peanut butter from his finger. "Sounds serious. Did you and Luc get engaged?" he teased.

"Dad ..." Fliss rolled her eyes, smiling a little at the tease. "Not everything in my head revolves around Luc, you know."

"You heard her, not everything," Liv nudged Johnny with a grin. "Just most things."

"Oh gods ..." Fliss eyed them. "Are you two aiming to get funky on the couch' Because this really can wait."

"Get funky on the couch' What does that even mean' Do you know what that means, Liv" Because I don't," he teased further, gently bumping his wife's hip with his. Of course, he knew exactly what Fliss was talking about, but it was more fun to play dumb. He finished up making that sandwich and started in on another, this time for Maria, which was really more like a jelly sandwich.

Liv chuckled, wiping her hands dry as she kissed Johnny's cheek. "I'll explain later, sparky," she told him, gesturing for Fliss to come into the kitchen. "C'mon, kiddo, you made it down the stairs. You might as well come out with what?s stopping you from settling down tonight."

Biting her lip, Fliss wandered into the kitchen. "It's nothing bad," the teenager told them hurriedly. "It's just ....well, I kind of made a decision, and I wanted to ask you about it."

"Want me to make you some hot cocoa?" Johnny asked, seeing the expression on Fliss' face and turning serious. He tucked the sandwiches into bags and set them aside, before taking down three mugs for hot cocoa fixings. At least, warming up milk was one thing he was good at, and it was a skill that came in pretty hand with a baby in the house.

"A little one?" Fliss suggested. She didn't want to spend a long time over this conversation, but since it had taken her nearly two months to work up the courage to broach the subject, she really ought to get it over with.

Liv moved out from behind the counter to add "milk" to the shopping list on the whiteboard, glancing curiously at her eldest. "Sweetheart, unless you're about to tell us that you've developed a taste for human flesh and are about to go on a killing spree, I very much doubt you need to look quite that nervous," she pointed out, relieved when Fliss laughed as she sat down at the kitchen table.

Johnny winced. This was Rhy'Din, and the possibility of one of them becoming a were-creature or a vampire wasn't out of the question, but he sure as hell hoped it never happened to any of them. "Even if you were, we'd rather you told us than ate your siblings," Johnny warned, only half serious.

"Cocoa," Liv reminded her husband with a grin, setting the milk onto the counter before moving to sit at the table with Fliss. "What's this about?"

Fliss glanced between them for a moment, still chewing on her lower lip. "Well know this is kind of exam and graduation season, right?" she began awkwardly. "And that means lots of people are making decisions about what they want to do with their lives, you know" Going to more school, or getting into training at a job, whatever they want to do. And, uh ....well, I kind of made a decision about what I want to do."

It was a good thing Johnny was facing the other way, heating and mixing up a couple of cups of hot cocoa when Fliss got to the crux of her problem. At least, she wasn't pregnant - or turning into a man-eating monster either! "Become a firefighter like your Dad!" Johnny exclaimed with a grin, though it was only a guess and possibly an incorrect one.

Johnny had his back to Fliss when he said that: Liv, on the other hand, was looking right at their eldest. So she saw the worried flicker of guilt that crossed Felicity's face as the teenager's eyes snapped to her own. "I see," Liv said quietly. "Fliss, you're fifteen. It's a little early to be making a decision like that."

Fliss deflated with disappointment. "But, Mom, it's what I want to do," she pleaded. "And it's not like I'm not really well suited to it. I want to help people, and I promise, I won't just do the fire-fighting, I want to take the EMT training, and the paramedic training, too, and ..."

"Wait ..." Johnny's expression turned serious as he brought two cups of hot cocoa to the table and set them down in front of his girls. "I was just kidding. Are you serious?" he asked, brows arching upwards curiously.

Fliss tore her eyes away from Liv's calm, but serious, expression, looking up at Johnny hopefully. "Yeah, I am," she nodded. "And it's not a sudden thing, and it's not something I haven't thought about, I promise. It's just ....Even if it turns out that I hate it, at least I will have tried, and I'll have skills I could use somewhere else. But I really think I could be good at it, Dad, really!"

"I think you would be great at it!" Johnny replied, though he was, of course, biased in his opinion. Still, it was a big decision to make, and she needed to go into it with all the facts. "I think you'd be great at anything you set your mind to, Fliss, but why this?" he asked, turning serious at last, as he snagged a cup of cocoa for himself and a plate of cookies and took a seat at the table.

Wrapping her hands around her cup, Fliss took in a deep breath, wishing she'd written all her thoughts down before coming to the kitchen now. "Okay," she said, trying to seem calm as she laid out her thinking. "The way I see it, I was born with an ability that means I have the capability to help people. And it would be a waste not to help people with it. But it's not just that. I want a job that isn't sitting behind a desk, and isn't being in the spotlight. Mom, I love you, but I'm just not suited to being smart and presentable. And I love the singing, I really do, but I'm not confident enough to even try and make a career out of that. But fire ....I understand fire, and I can control it. Hell, I've even learned how to seal minor injuries with flames. This isn't about being a hero like my dad, but I'd be lying if I wasn't influenced a little bit by it. If you weren't a firefighter, Dad, you would never have found me. I would never have had this life. There are fires in the city every day. It's a job I think I can do, and do well, and make a difference with."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2016-04-30 00:38 EST
To his credit, now that Johnny had turned serious, he remained quiet, listening carefully to everything Fliss had to say, not even bothering to sip his cocoa while she spoke. He could deny none of what she was telling him, but she needed to know the whole reality of it. "Fliss, if that's what you really want to do, your mother and I will support you, but you should know, being a firefighter isn't easy. It's not all guts and glory. There are gonna be times when it's heartbreaking, when you can't save everyone." Liv had seen him come home downcast often enough to attest to that. "And it can be dangerous, even for someone like you and me."

And in her own turn, Fliss listened to her father, nodding as he explained the darker side of the life she was contemplating. "I do understand," she said quietly. "But ....if I can help just one person, wouldn't that be worth it?"

"I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I think it's an admirable choice, but I want you to understand what?s involved," he told her, frowning thoughtfully a moment before continuing. "Tell you what. Why don't you come spend a few days at the station' See what it's all about. The clinic, too. You won't be allowed to fight any fires yet, but I'm sure we could find something for you to do, and you'd get to see what?s involved firsthand," he suggested.

"That'd be great." Fliss nodded, her smile brightening as she looked at her father. Her eyes did, however, slide to Liv, who had been conspicuously silent throughout much of this conversation. "Mom?"

Liv met her daughter's gaze solemnly. "I think it's a very brave choice, Fliss," she said softly. "And I think visiting the station and the clinic before you fully commit to your decision is a good idea. But you're still only fifteen. If this is what you are certain you want to do, I will completely support you, but I would like you to stay in school for another year. Study whatever you want to, whatever interests you. Just enjoy learning for a while longer." She glanced at Johnny. "As I say, I'll support whatever decision you make, but I won't let you take this step until you're closer to seventeen. It's far too soon for you to do this professionally, love."

Fliss' expression crumbled. "But Mom ..."

"I agree," Johnny replied, in agreement with Liv. If they were raising their children back home on Earth, Fliss would probably have to wait until she was at least seventeen before she graduated from high school, and even then, there would be a couple more years of training before she'd be certified. "You can't take the fast track on this one, Fliss. Besides, you're only young once. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy it. What's the rush?"

Fliss fidgeted awkwardly. "But Luc graduates at the end of the semester," she said, trying to plead her case. "What if ....what if he meets someone older and better than me, just because I'm still in school?"

Liv raised her brow. "Then he's not worthy of you," she said simply. "And I don't believe for a minute that he would ever behave like that."

"And Luc is almost seventeen," Johnny pointed out, though it didn't seem that was going to make her feel any better. He sighed, exchanging a knowing, parental glance at Fliss. He couldn't see the future and didn't know if Fliss and Lucas would stay together or not. They were both young, and things could change, but from what he knew of Lucas, he didn't think Fliss had much to worry about. "And what if you meet someone else because he's not in school?" he countered.

"Oh, come on, be serious, Dad."

Liv had to look away to hide her smile at Fliss' instantaneous answer.

"There's no one like Luc," Fliss informed her parents firmly. "I love him, why would I even think about looking at someone else?"

"But apparently, you don't know him or trust him enough to think he'd say the same about you," Johnny pointed out further, hoping he made his point. "So, how much of this is about what you want to do with your life and how much of it is about Lucas?" he asked pointedly.

Fliss' eyes narrowed at that comment on her relationship. "What, I'm not allowed to make decisions about the rest of my life just because you don't think I'm old enough?" she demanded, silenced as Liv raised her hand.

"Think very carefully about what you're about to say, young lady," her mother warned her. "Your father made a good point, and asked you a valid question. If you're feeling defensive about answering it, then you need to think this over some more, not snap at the people who love you for asking awkward questions."

Fliss subsided, glowering at her cup. "That's not fair," she muttered.

"It has nothing to do with your age, Fliss," Johnny replied, hoping he didn't sound like he was lecturing. "I didn't meet your mom until I was in my twenties. I think you and Lucas are very lucky to have the relationship you do. What I'm asking is, shouldn't you be giving him the benefit of the doubt' What if he asked his mom the same thing you're asking us" It's not just about love, Fliss. It's about trust, too," he pointed out as gently as he could. "So, I'll ask you again ....Is this about what you want to do with your life, or is it about Lucas?"

Fidgeting, Fliss scowled at her cocoa a moment longer, and slowly, her expression cleared. "It is what I want to do," she admitted in a tiny voice. "That's not going to change. I love Luc, and I know he loves me, but do I compare to girls his age" I'm scared of losing him. It's not like I think he would, but ....oh, I don't know. I don't want to be left behind."

"Sweetheart, two years might seem like a lot now, but believe me, when you're twenty-eight and he's thirty, it's gonna seem like nothing," Johnny told her with a warm smile, reaching to give her hand a soft squeeze. "And like I said before, if this is what you really want, we'll support you, but finish your schooling first. In the meantime, you can visit the station and the clinic and get a peek behind the scenes."

"You know Aunt Lucy's two years older than Uncle Steve, right?" Liv offered with a faint smile, reaching over herself to tuck Fliss' golden hair back behind her ear. "Age really doesn't matter so much when you're an adult. But you're going to change a lot in the next few years, and so will Luc. Because you're both still growing and becoming adults. If, when you hit twenty-one, you decide you want to marry him, then go for it. But right now" Just enjoy being a teenager, sweetheart. One more year at school, that's all we're asking for."

Fliss sighed, acceding reluctantly to the common sense that was being spoon-fed to her. "Fine," she said without much grace. "I won't change my mind, but fine. School until next June. And then we talk about it again, right?"

"Well, not if you count the years when he was frozen," Johnny pointed out with a smirk. "Then he's old enough to be your Grampa." He gave her hand another squeeze, his smile softening with obvious affection for their oldest. "If it's meant to be, nothing will break you apart. If it's not meant to be, then it's better to find out sooner rather than later," he told her. "Like me and your Aunt Lucy," he added with a chuckle. "That was never gonna work, but when I met your mom, I just knew."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2016-04-30 00:39 EST
"And I got to listen to them screwing a few times before he worked it out, too," Liv added, flashing Johnny a cheeky grin.

"Ewwww," Fliss objected, physically leaning away from both of them for that lovely mental image. "Okay, so're okay with what I'm thinking about doing, so long as I stay in school for another year, right?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Johnny exclaimed with a chuckle. "I didn't know you were twins!" That might have been part of the story Fliss didn't know yet, but it just sort of slipped out of his mouth accidentally. He turned back to Fliss at her question, hoping Liv didn't smack him later for having a big mouth. "If you still want to do it in another year, we'll talk about it then," he told her, not quite saying yes, but not no either. In the end, it was her decision anyway.

Chuckling, Liv turned her eyes back to Fliss, spotting a teenager attempting to end the conversation and escape with the ease of practice. "One year," she nodded with a smile.

Fliss nodded in return, easing herself up from where she was sitting. "Okay," she agreed. "I, um, I just wanted you guys to know, anyway."

"Fliss, no matter what you decide, we'll be proud of you," he assured her, catching her hand before she could escape completely, smiling up at her and tapping a finger against his cheek. "Kiss?"

She rolled her eyes, but smiled, bending to wrap her arms around her father and kiss his cheek. "You're worse than Mo," she informed him affectionately, turning to bestow the same hug and kiss on Liv. "Night."

"Good night, love," Liv smiled, waving her away as the teen escaped to her own bedroom.

"Goodnight, sweetheart!" Johnny called after her as she made her escape, turning back to pluck a cookie from the plate and stuff it into his mouth. "Go ahead. Say it. I'm an ass," he told Liv with a mouthful of cookie.

"I said nothing," Liv chuckled, her soft eyes turning to his fondly. "I quite like your arse, anyway. You are a bit of an idiot sometimes, though." She leaned over to kiss his cheek, sighing softly. "I didn't think she'd be in such a hurry to grow up."

"Weren't you at that age?" he asked, knowing she and Lucy had both been forced to grow up too soon. As for himself, he'd fought against growing up tooth and nail, but it had happened anyway. "You have to admit, she's a natural," he said, snagging another cookie and reheating his cocoa with a finger.

"Oh, she's a lot more advanced than I was at her age," Liv admitted with a low laugh. "I didn't have a boyfriend until I met you, remember?" She leaned her forearms onto the table, frowning thoughtfully. "No, I won't deny that she's a natural, and she's obviously thought it through. I might have hoped that she'd choose something less dangerous to spend her life on, but I won't stop her. It isn't unreasonable to ask her to wait until she's seventeen, is it' That's only a little over a year."

"Oh, hell, no. Fifteen is far too young, and she'll need training besides. That will take time. Did you get the impression Lucas wants to do the same thing?" he asked, or had he imagined it. "She's a natural, but I'm not so sure about him. I mean, I don't want the kid getting hurt." Johnny didn't come right out and say so, but it was mostly the wings that were troubling him. He wouldn't want them to catch fire.

"I get the impression that Lucas wants to help people, but he doesn't quite know how," Liv mused thoughtfully. "I was talking to Jessica the other day, actually. Apparently, in her family, those who display a physical difference also have some other ability that isn't so clear cut. She's considering taking both the boys to see a diviner, to find out if they really are harboring some latent abilities they're unaware of."

"What about her" There doesn't appear to be anything unusual about her. Did it skip a generation or does it only come out in boys?" he asked curiously as he dunked his cookie in hot cocoa before taking a bite.

"I don't know, I didn't actually ask," Liv admitted, sipping her cool cocoa. "I get the impression that it skipped a generation, though. She's a little too comfortable with Luc and Matt's abilities to have been unaware of the possibility."

"Hmm, a diviner, huh' Do you really think they can figure that sort of thing out?" he asked, before finishing off the cookie. He was more concerned about Fliss than about Lucas and his brother, but he'd become fond of the boys.

"She seems pretty confident," she nodded. "With Lucas graduating this year, I think she was always going to get him to a diviner anyway. Knowing his latent abilities will help him make a decision about what he wants to do, even if it means he needs a little more training."

"Just because you're good at something doesn't necessarily mean you want to make a living at it," Johnny pointed out. He had drifted from career to career himself, until he'd finally settled on being a firefighter. He'd been fairly successful at all his endeavors, but he'd always dreamed of being a hero, and in the end, he'd settled on something he could do to help people. He wasn't sure what exactly Lucas wanted to do with his life, but he was pretty sure he didn't want to work at the surf shop forever.

"But knowing what he can do will help," Liv pointed out, leaning back in her chair with a soft sigh. "I don't know. They're still very young, but I was being asked to make decisions about my future career when I was thirteen - subjects to study in school. I made all the wrong decisions back then, and I still ended up with a job I enjoy, and a family I adore. There's nothing to say they both have to be absolutely right first time."

"It took me a long time to get it right," Johnny admitted, with a small frown. While it was true that Lucas and Fliss were young and didn't have to get it right the first time, maybe they could learn from his and Liv's mistakes.

"I'm reliably informed it's called living," Liv chuckled gently, leaning over to wrap her arm about his back, her chin finding purchase on his shoulder. "They have something we didn't, love," she pointed out softly. "Us."

"They also have each other," Johnny pointed out with a soft smile as he reached over to tweak her cute nose. Oh, sure, he'd had his share of girlfriends over the years, but until he'd met Liv, he'd never really been in love before. "What do you say we go to bed before Bess decides she wants a nightcap?"

Her nose scrunched under the tweak, a soft laugh accompanying the silly expression. "I think that sounds like minor genius from the mind of the Honorable Jonathan Storm," she teased him affectionately. "Come on, before anyone else gets out of bed to have a heart to heart."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2016-04-30 00:39 EST
"We could always lock the door," he suggested with an impish grin. Having four children - three of them under the age of ten - was certainly a challenge when it came to their love life, and yet, neither was complaining.

"Not a chance," she laughed, rising to her feet to set the cups in the sink to soak until morning. "You're just going to have to risk being pounced from behind by an overexcited six-year-old again."

"So long as it's not while we're, you know ..." he said, waggling his brows meaningfully, allowing her to fill in the blanks. He didn't mind being pounced so much once it was morning, but it was a little awkward when he and Liv were interrupted while they were having a moment.

She giggled, flicking the light off as she reached for his hand. "I really couldn't say," she teased him affectionately. "Maybe you should demonstrate this know. Just to be sure I understand you."

"Hmm, maybe I should," he teased her, goosing her playfully as she flicked off the light before dashing around her toward the stairs. "Last one to bed is a rotten egg!" he called back.

Liv's laugh followed him up the stairs, waiting for what had to happen. The inevitable thump as Bella crashed off Fliss' bed and scurried out onto the dark landing to intercept Johnny made her grin as she started up the stairs. "Shhh! No waking the smalls!"

"Shhh," he echoed Liv's scolding, leaning down to scritch the dog between the ears, effectively countermanding the scolding with that reward. "Yes, yes, it's nice to see you, too, Bella!" he whispered with a fond smile as she happily licked her master's face. Though she mostly belonged to Fliss now, she'd been the first orphan they'd adopted.

Of course, the little interlude with Bella meant that Johnny was the rotten egg - Liv got to the bedroom before Bella abandoned him to go back to Fliss' room and curl up with her favorite teenager. It sounded as though Lir was in with Alex again; the splashing suggested that Alex's fish tank was going to be short a few fish by morning.

It didn't much matter since there was no reward for being first or last, no matter what Johnny had said. Once Bella wandered off and he had joined Liv in the bedroom, he shut the door behind him, and the giggling ensued.

In her bedroom, Fliss grunted as Bella leaped up onto her bed once again, blinking up at the ceiling as she heard the giggling start up from her parents' bedroom.

"Oh gods," she muttered, rubbing Bella's ears. "If I ever get that gooey in public over Luc, Bells, you have my permission to bite my ass."

The beautiful dog licked her fingers, settling down to sleep as Fliss grinned to herself in the darkness, reaching for her ear plugs. Embarrassing or not, she did have a happy little family.