Topic: Graduation Day


Date: 2017-06-08 10:28 EST
Graduation day for the Class of '17 dawned bright and warm, the sunshine promising a pleasant day for the families all over Rhy'Din who were preparing for the last ceremony of the year. Fliss sat in the garden in her pajamas, watching the sun rise, with Bella lying close beside her. Bristle Crios had been a big part of her life for two years, a part of giving her the confidence to make her own decisions and follow through, even when those decisions proved to be a struggle. Magical Theory 101 sprang to mind in that category. But as of today, she was no longer a student of Bristle Crios. She wouldn't be a student again unless she chose to be, and that was a freedom she hadn't realized would touch her so deeply. She breathed in deep, lying back as the golden warmth crept over the grass, barely even grunting as Bella planted her heavy head on her favorite human's stomach.

"This is it, Bells," she murmured, her thumb stroking the band of Lucas' promise ring on her finger. "I have to man up and be an adult now."

"More like woman up," a very familiar voice interrupted from the direction of the patio, only a few feet from the garden, the smell of freshly-brewed coffee wafting toward Fliss. "Brought you a cup of coffee, just the way you like it," Papa Storm added from where he stood on the patio. He was still in his pj's, as well, which consisted of a t-shirt bearing the Avengers logo and a pair of sweatpants. His hair was sticking up every which way from bed, but at least he'd brushed his teeth.

Fliss twisted, tilting her head upside down to look up at her father with a tired smile. "Morning, Dad." She pushed herself to sit up again, Bella abandoning her to go and give her first human some special attention, too. She took the cup from Johnny's hand, breathing in the invigorating scent. "I guess we're all going to the ceremony today, huh?"

Once Fliss had freed his hand of the coffee cup, he leaned over to give Bella a proper greeting. "Yeah, unless you'd rather we didn't," Johnny said, as his eldest stated the obvious. He wasn't sure why she was asking him, when it seemed perfectly obvious that they'd all want to be there to share her big day.

She grinned, still warm and sleepy in the dawning sunshine. "You really think I could stop Mom from dragging everyone there?" she pointed out in amusement. "Besides, Aunt Lucy's been talking about it for weeks. I think she's feeling kind of cooped up with the twins."

"I'd be feeling cooped up if I was her, too," Johnny said, settling himself beside his daughter on the patio and taking a sip from his own cup of java. It was what the old Earth TV commercials liked to call a "Folgers moment" between father and daughter - a time quiet of the morning before anyone else was up but them. "You're up early. Any reason?"

"Woke up early, couldn't get back to sleep," she admitted, letting out a low sigh. "I guess I've got a lot on my mind, that's all." She was a little trepidatious of sharing her tentative plan for the future with her parents - the last thing she wanted to do was disappoint Johnny.

What Fliss didn't know was that there wasn't much she could do to disappoint her parents, and in particular, her father. He was already proud of her, no matter what she decided to do with her future. Of course, he had reason for that pride as Fliss had done nothing but make him proud. "Like what?" he asked, opening the door for his daughter to open up to him, if she wanted to.

She sighed again, looking into her cup. "Like ....changing my mind about what I want to do with my life," she confessed quietly, chewing on her lower lip. "Mom was right about me getting a lot out of another year in school. And I've made choices and followed through with them, and that's a good thing. I know I said I wanted to be a firefighter like you, and a part of me still does, but's always going to scare me a little bit, Dad. I don't think I can handle a lifetime of walking through flames whenever someone needs me to do it."

Johnny remained quiet while his daughter shared what was on her mind. While he might be a little disappointed not to have her follow him into a career with the fire brigade, she also knew she had to follow her own heart and find the career path that would make her happy, not him. His heart ached a little to hear her admit that fire still scared her a little. Fire would always be a part of her life, and she'd made huge strides in learning how to control her abilities, but she wasn't Johnny Storm, and she had to decide for herself what to do with her life, even if she changed her mind ten times before that.

"Did I ever tell you that I used to be a stunt driver?" It might seem like a strange question, but there was a point he was trying to make.

She hadn't been expecting a segue into something that seemed totally irrelevant. Braced for his disappointment, she actually laughed a little at the expected question. "What?" she asked, tilting her head to look at him.

"Yeah, when I first came to Rhy'Din, before I met your mother, I was employed as a stunt driver at the Wonderplex. Before that I was an astronaut, sort of. And a mechanic and a race car driver. The point is I did half a dozen different things before I settled on becoming a fire fighter. I'm not saying you should do that, too, but you don't have to plan the rest of your life today or next week or next month or next year. You'll figure it out in your own time. Maybe you'll make some mistakes along the way, but you'll learn from them. And someday, when you least expect it, you'll realize you're doing exactly what you were always meant to do," he explained with a smile.

"But doesn't that mean I shouldn't lock myself into studying anything, just in case it turns out to be a waste of time when I end up doing something completely different?" she asked, relying on him to be able to nudge her in the right direction. "I only really have this vague idea of what I want to do."

"Not really. You could take a course or two and see if it suits you. Or maybe you could talk to someone in that field or shadow them for a few days and see what you think. That way, you're not committing to a course of study you might decide later isn't for you," he suggested. Though he was no school counselor, it made perfect sense to him. "What are you thinking about doing?"

"Child therapy?" she ventured. "Like the doctor who's helping Alex. Only I'd want to be in the orphanages, not in a cushy office that costs a bomb to get in through the door. I guess I could take, like, an evening class in psychology or something, see if I have the brain to be able to actually understand it all before I commit to five years of it."

He arched a brow at her reply, not entirely surprised. "You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?" he asked, though that much seemed obvious. "Why don't you ask Demi - I mean, Dr. Ashton - what it's like?" As far, as her abilities were concerned, Johnny was confident Fliss had the brains to do anything she put her mind to.

"Mom asks a lot of questions when I start making decisions about things," she defended herself guiltily. Liv did have a habit of asking questions just to make sure Fliss had really considered her choices. The teenager looked at Johnny curiously. "You really think she'd talk to me about it?" she asked, a little dubiously. "I mean ....she's really busy."


Date: 2017-06-08 10:29 EST
Johnny smirked a little at the commentary about Liv. "That's only because she cares about you and wants to make sure you've thought things through," he explained. He remembered how Liv had even questioned him about things when they'd first met. Had they really come so far in such a short time" It seemed like only yesterday he was arriving in Rhy'Din and feeling like a fish out of water. "And yeah, I think she would, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. The worst she can tell you is no, right?" he asked, bumping shoulders with her before taking another sip of his coffee.

"I guess so." Reassured, Fliss smiled, bumping him back as she raised her own cup to her lips. "No matter what I decide to do, I'm gonna spend a year with the fire department, if they'll have me. I think I need to, if that makes any sense. I really can't go through life being scared of something that's so much a part of me, can I?"

"What is it that scares you so much about fire, Fliss?" Johnny asked. He thought he knew the answer to that question already, but she needed her to sort that out for herself.

"It's a good thing that fire exists, I get that," she said, knowing the answer to this herself. Lucas had helped her to work her way through it when he had first identified that she was actually afraid of the flames she still produced. "It's necessary. But one little mistake, one change in the way things are, and it's out of control. It destroys, rather than helps. And that feels a lot like me. I'm in control all the time, because if I'm not, then someone's going to get hurt. And that scares me."

"No one can be in control all the time, Fliss. You'll exhaust yourself trying. When is it hardest for you to keep control of your flames" When you're angry?" he asked, trying to get to the heart of the matter. Even if she'd already thought all this through, he might be able to offer some insight, having been through it all before.

"When I'm upset or when I'm angry, yeah," she admitted, blushing as she added, "Um ....I, uh, I flicker a bit at other times, too." She'd not yet singed Lucas, but they'd had a couple of close calls. She really didn't want to admit aloud to her own father what they'd been doing when it had happened.

"Um, okay ..." Johnny murmured, making a few assumptions from the way Fliss was blushing, but he didn't want to embarrass her further by pushing his luck. If Fliss wanted to talk about those kinds of feelings, she could talk to her mother. "So, what do you usually do when you're feeling like you might lose control?"

She bit her lip. "I ....Well, I have to stop what I'm doing," she pointed out a little superfluously. "I, I usually have to be quiet for a while, like you showed me when we started out. It doesn't last long, but feels so dangerous when I'm right on the edge like that, Dad. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Johnny knew how she felt - he'd hurt someone once without meaning to because he hadn't yet learned control, and he never wanted to make that mistake again, but control was something that was learned and got easier with time. "You know, when we first found your brother and sister and cousins, I was so angry I felt like I was gonna explode." He was talking about the day he and the other Avengers had rescued Alex, Maria, Martin, and Lianne from the Hydra Research Facility, where they'd been experimented on using some sort of serum similar to that of what had turned Steve Rogers from a scrawny kid into a super soldier. "But you know why I didn't?"

She hugged one arm around her raised knees, other hand clutching her coffee cup as she looked at him. "Because if you had, you would have hurt them," she guessed in a sad tone. What had been done to her siblings and cousin infuriated her, but she was more deeply affected by the aftermath - the nightmares they all suffered, and more.

"Yeah, but I didn't have to think about it, Fliss. I don't have to think about it anymore. It just comes natural. It's like when you get angry at Alexei for bugging the crap out of you when you're trying to do your homework. You get angry, but you never flame before something inside you knows you'd hurt him. It's like a reflex or something, a damper on your flame. I know you're worried about hurting people, maybe about hurting Luc, but if you go around worried about it all the time, you're never gonna let yourself feel anything. You just have to learn how to manage your anger and manage your feelings while still letting yourself feel them," he tried to explain, wondering if he was only confusing her.

She absorbed this thoughtfully. "So're saying that I'm actually making it worse by panicking about it when I flicker?" she asked in a pensive tone. "That I should trust myself not to hurt people, the way I do with Alex and Mar?"

"Something like that, yeah," he replied. "I mean, there are times when flames are appropriate. If someone was trying to hurt you or anyone else I care about, I might go to flame over it, but only if I thought it would help help the situation. It's like ....I don't know ....something you do without thinking sometimes. You notice a flicker, you put it out. Don't think too hard about it. After a while, control comes as natural as breathing."

"It is easier than it was," she assured him quietly. "I don't really do more than make sparks these days. I guess I'm more frightened of myself than I am of the fire, huh?" She yawned, rubbing a hand through her hair. "I still want to spend a year with you and the fire department. I think it'll help."

"I'm not gonna turn you away," Johnny assured her, smiling as he slung an arm across her shoulders to hug her against him a moment. "You know how proud I am of you, right?" he asked, hoping she knew that already.

"Really?" Her face lit up, pleased to hear him say it out loud even as she leaned into the arm he wrapped about her shoulders. "Sometimes it feels like I just bumble from one thing into another, and I always wonder if you'll approve of me. Your opinion is really important to me, Dad, yours and Mom's."

"I'm glad you value what your mom and I think, but what you do with your life is really no one's decision but your own, Fliss. I would love to have you with me at the fire station, but I'd be just as proud of you no matter what you chose to do with your life long as you don't decide to become a stripper," he added with a teasing grin. "I might have a problem with that."

"Nah, I can't dance," she giggled, touching her head to his shoulder. "How'd you feel about having a head-doctor in the family' I do solemnly swear not to analyze you or Mom when you're having a fight."

"Honestly' I think if you can help other kids like Alex and Maria, then I think you'd be doing a good thing," he replied. "And I'm proud of you for wanting to make a difference, Fliss," he added, smiling as she rested her head against his shoulder. "You're always gonna have a special place in my heart," he whispered, not wanting any of the other kids to overhear him, though the same could be said for each one really.

"I love you, Dad," she whispered back to him. "I wouldn't be the person I am without you. I wouldn't have a family without you." She raised her head, twisting to hug him tight for a long moment.

He couldn't take all the credit; after all, Liv had had a lot to do with adopting Fliss, too, but he wasn't about to spoil the father-daughter moment by pointing that out right now. "I love you, too, sweetheart," he replied, setting his coffee mug aside so he could return her hug without spilling coffee all over her. It might seem a little strange to some that Fliss's parents weren't more than a decade or so older than her, but she couldn't have asked for two more loving parents than Johnny and Liv. "What do you say we make breakfast for the rest of the brood?" he asked, with a grin.


Date: 2017-06-08 10:30 EST
"I say that's a great idea," she agreed with a smile, drawing back to claim her cup from the ground again. "And it'll be awesome, because we're making it." She laughed, pushing herself up onto her feet. "Besides, the bathrooms are gonna be chocked up with Mom insisting on everyone taking a shower before Uncle Tony arrives."

"Yeah, because we have to be clean for Uncle Tony," Johnny replied in jest, chuckling a little as he grabbed his coffee and moved to his feet, only to wrap her in one more hug before everyone else got up and the usual morning chaos ensued. "Love you forever, baby girl," he told her, though he hadn't known her when she was a baby. It didn't much matter either - she was his daughter now and no one could ever tell him different.

"Maybe we should just keep Bess in a bucket of water," Fliss suggested, squeezing him tight for a moment longer. "She can get dirty just by sitting still in an empty room." She adored her baby sister, but Bess had an uncanny ability to develop a distinctive stickiness after about an hour of being clean.

He laughed at her suggestion. "Because she'd get all wrinkly and people would look at us weird?" he said, amused by Fliss' suggestion, knowing she was just kidding. It was likely they'd get some weird looks anyway, but he'd gotten used to that. "Luc coming, too?" he asked, as he led her back inside, holding the door so Bella could sneak in past them.

"People look at us weird anyway," she pointed out with a laughing grin, letting Bella lunge inside ahead of her before slipping in herself. "I don't think he's coming to the actual ceremony, but he wants to come and have dinner with us tonight to celebrate. Work and all, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. We're like postmen - Neither snow nor rain nor something or other else will stop them from completing their appointed rounds," he recited, not quite word for word, with one hand on his heart. The same could be said for doctors, nurses, and emergency technicians of every variety, even more so than for postal workers, he thought. "We'll miss him, but he's welcome to stop by later." That, too, went without saying.

"I'm sure he will," she smiled, biting her lip in a rather cheeky manner. "We might go out, after dinner. If that's okay?" She'd have to run it past Liv first, but having Johnny on her side beforehand was always helpful.

"You're not a kid anymore, Fliss. I trust you," he told her, basically giving her permission to make her own decisions now that she'd graduated from school, though she'd still have to make sure it was okay with her mother.

"Hold onto that thought," she teased her father, pulling various packets out of the fridge. "Let's be hideously unhealthy for breakfast. The smell will bring everyone downstairs in time to eat."

"Pigs in a blanket!" he suggested with a big grin on his face. What was less healthy for breakfast but more delicious pancakes wrapped about breakfast sausages and smothered in maple syrup"

"Sounds good to me!"

Within an hour, the enticing smell of pancakes and sausages was permeating the house, drawing the rest of the family to the kitchen to enjoy the first meal of the day together. Leisurely and warm with bright affection, no sooner were they done than Liv issued orders for everyone to take a shower, earning a wide grin and a hug from her eldest. They might not be the best dressed family at the graduation ceremony, but by gods, they would be the cleanest.

Though chaos it might be, in the Storm household, it was at least organized chaos. By the time Uncle Tony arrived, the dishes were done, the pets were fed, and everyone was showered and dressed and ready for their outing.

And Uncle Tony arrived in style, behind the wheel of an Audi A4 in silver that shone in the sunlight. He pulled up in front of Willow Manor, sliding out to adjust his suit before turning to bestow a brilliant smile on his favorite sister and her chaotic family.

"Am I late to the party?" he asked cheerfully, grunting with exaggerated pain as Maria slammed into his legs to hug him. "Easy there, midget, I'm heavily insured."

"Early to the party, right on time for graduation," Johnny replied, balancing Bess against a hip while trying to tame Alexei's hair one-handed, an especially difficult task when the boy refused to stand still.

"Whoa, Uncle Tony ....Is that your car?" Alex asked, trying to peer around his family to the silver Audi in the driveway.

"No, but I have other cars like it." Tony had learned a lot about how to speak to his nieces and nephews without earning the ire of his sisters over the last couple of years. "Looking sharp there, Alex old bean. The flyaway look is really you." He gently untangled Maria from his legs, taking her hand instead. "So where's the graduating princess?"

Alex beamed up at his uncle, obviously hero-worshiping the man who doubled as the famous Ironman. "Inside, being fussed over by her mother," Johnny replied.

Alex giggled at his father's response. "Mama wants her to look perfect," he interjected. "If that isn't your car, then who's is it?" Alex asked further, with childlike curiosity.

"You'll find out later, squirt," Tony told him with a charming grin. "Go get the princess and the queen, or we're gonna be late to this shindig." He let Maria go, giving her a gentle pat on the behind to send her off with her brother, and raised a brow to Johnny. "All right, so I might have run with a carelessly expressed thought you had a few weeks back," he defended himself. "Buy her a vacation instead."

Johnny narrowed his eyes at his brother-in-law - a man he had once detested but had slowly come to accept and even become fond of. "You're not saying ..." he started, looking between Tony and the car. "Tony, you don't buy a kid a first car that's a ....what the hell is that, anyway, an Audi?" he asked, knowing cars better than he'd ever care to admit. He was a former garage mechanic, after all. "That car is more expensive than mine!"

"Audi A4, safest thing on the road," Tony pointed out. "Can't give the kid a death trap, can I?" For once, though, he knew he'd crossed the line, turning to Johnny with a serious expression in his eyes. "Look, I'm not much of an uncle," he said plainly. "I'm never going to be all Family Fortunes. Let me spoil your kids with one big present each when they graduate, and maybe something else when they get married. You can teach her how to look after it, I'm just trying to buy her love with something shiny. I am a very shallow person."

Maybe not as Tony's argument about safety resonated logically with Johnny, even if he did think it was an overly extravagant gift. Why get Fliss a clunker for her first car when she could drive in comfort and safety' A tank would have been even safer, but not very practical. "You underestimate yourself, Tony. You always have. The kids adore you, presents or not," Johnny assured him, even as Bess gave Tony the raspberries, just for fun.

"Well, the idea was yours," Tony pointed out, even if Johnny had only been joking at the time. "If she hates it, I'm giving you the credit." He reached out to tickle Bess' nose with his fingertip. "You're breaking my heart, Bessy-boop."


Date: 2017-06-08 10:31 EST
"Oh, I see. You get the credit, and I get the blame. Thanks!" Johnny said, shaking his head with a sigh. Some things never changed. "Here, hold your niece while I go see what?s taking Liv and Fliss so long." And he promptly handed Tony baby Bess, drool and all.

"Wait ..." Tony's objection didn't save him from being landed with Bess in his arms, however. He was still holding her awkwardly out from himself, with an alarmed expression behind his sunglasses, as Maria and Alex came back out of the house together, giggling over something they'd seen or heard. Whether he really wanted it or not, Uncle Tony was in business.

That "wait" came too late to save Tony, as Johnny retreated into the house to grab a camera and let Liv know her brother was there. He said nothing about the car, though. Tony could explain that one himself. Tony could have followed him inside, if he hadn't been so terrified of the toddler in his arms.

"You didn't really just abandon Tony with the baby, did you?" Liv asked as Johnny came into the house, laughing at the thought of that as she made certain there was plenty of food and water out for the animals in their absence. She raised her voice. "Fliss! It's time to go!"

"Yep," Johnny replied with a grin. "You don't think it's funny that Ironman is afraid of a baby?" he asked, as he grabbed the camera off the kitchen counter and checked to make sure it was charged.

"I think it's hilarious," she agreed, straightening to kiss his cheek fondly. "Looks like it's two cars on the trip, though. We can't cram Tony into our car with everyone else, it'll be a crush." From upstairs came the sound of Fliss falling over something, and swearing like a trooper.

"Takes after her father," Johnny said, waggling his brows at Liv when he heard Fliss' litany of curse words. "Quit fooling around, Fliss! It's time to go!" he called up the stairs. "Wait 'til you see what your brother brought her," he told Liv, lowering his voice.

"Should I be scared?" Liv asked innocently. She had a feeling she knew what Tony had decided to bring with him for Fliss.

And speak of the devil teenager finally made her appearance, thumping down the stairs with her graduation gown over her arm and her cap in her hand. "Someone left the laundry basket in the middle of the bathroom again," she complained, bending to rub her shin. "Where're the kids?"

"Outside entertaining your Uncle Tony," Johnny replied, with a grin at the very idea of that. "You ready?" he asked, saying nothing of the conversation they'd had earlier that morning or the surprise Tony had waiting outside.

"Yeah, I just have to walk without falling over in front of every one I know," Fliss shrugged. "I can do that, right?"

Liv chuckled, hugging her with one arm. "Yes, you can definitely do that," she promised their daughter fondly. "Well, now, everything's as ready as it's going to get. Time to go, I'd say."

"What do you do when you fall, Fliss" You pick yourself up and keep going, that's what," Johnny told her, hugging his daughter from the other side and planting a noisy kiss on her cheek.

"Usually I sprawl face first and giggle, but okay." Fliss grinned back at him, grimacing as both her parents kissed her cheeks. "Eww're gonna cry, aren't you? You are so embarrassing."

"We love you, too," Liv laughed, letting Fliss lead the way out into the sunshine.

"I'm not making any promises!" Johnny grinned back at his wife and daughter, reaching for Liv's hand as Fliss led the way outside. Their family had grown dramatically in the last few years, but Johnny and Liv were still at the heart of it, and it was their love for each other that held it all together.

"And there she is, the princess herself," Tony announced as the three of them came back into view. He handed Bess down to Alex and Maria as their big sister laughed at him.

"She's a baby, not a bomb, Uncle Tony."

"Hopefully, she hasn't dropped a bomb in her diaper already," Johnny interjected quietly, as he bent to scoop baby Bess up into his arms, rescuing her from Alex and Maria.

As Liv snickered, Tony was waving to get Fliss' attention. "Here," he said, tossing the car keys to the teenager. "Figured you're gonna want to ride in style today. Well, every day."

Fliss' mouth fell open. "Wait're letting me drive your car?"

"Not exactly," Johnny murmured with a glance not at Fliss, but Liv to see his wife's reaction.

"It's your car, Fliss!" Alex blurted, spilling the beans, though that much was about to become clear sooner rather than later. "Can I ride with Fliss, Papa, pleeeeease?" Alex begged.

"Oh, good grief ..." Thankfully, only Johnny was close enough to hear Liv's muttered reaction to Tony's extravagant gift.

Fliss was staring at Tony in disbelief. "Seriously?" she asked in shock. "This ....this is huge."

"Dear, my tower in New York is huge," Tony corrected her. "This is an abject lesson in road safety, wrapped up in a beautiful design."

"Someone's ego is huge," Johnny muttered further, with only Liv close enough to hear him. "In English, Tony!" he called over to his brother-in-law.

Alex was now tugging at Johnny's sleeve. "Pleeeease, Papa!" he begged further.

"There go my sartorial stylings," Tony chuckled, nodding to Fliss. "Of course it's yours, princess. I made a few modifications to fit your winged suitor more comfortably inside, too."

"Oh my god ....thank you!" A moment later, Tony had an armful of Fliss, and a very startled look on his face, mouthing help me to Liv and Johnny.

"Winged suitor," Johnny echoed, chucking.

"He means Luc, Papa," Alex explained, though, of course, Johnny knew this already.

"You made your own bed, Tony," Johnny told him. "Why don't you ride with Fliss?" he suggested, figuring that way he could show her what all those bells and whistles were supposed to be for. "And take Alex with you."


Date: 2017-06-08 10:31 EST
Biting down her own smile, Liv took Maria's hand as the little girl very clearly made her decision to ride with her parents and Bess. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she agreed with Johnny. "No speeding just for the hell of it, no matter what he says."

Fliss gaped at all of them. She was being given a car for graduation, and being trusted to drive Alex around in it' Tony was going to be lucky if they hit thirty miles an hour at all.

Alex whooped and jumped and down with glee. He had no doubt his big sister would keep him safe, even if she was a little trepidatious about driving her graduation gift. He tugged excitedly at Fliss' hand to drag her toward the silver Audi shining like a diamond on the sunlight. "I call shotgun!" he declared, beating Uncle Tony to the front seat.

"Oh, no, you don't," Fliss objected, though she was laughing as Alex dragged her forward. "You're too little to go in the front yet. It wouldn't be safe. But as soon as you are big enough, you definitely get shotgun. Okay?"

Liv flashed a grin to Johnny as they headed to their own vehicle. "That seems to be going well."

"Oh, yeah ....Fliss, Tony, and Alex all together in the same place at the same time. I'd like to be a fly on the wall during that drive," Johnny said, with a chuckle. It was no big secret that those three were the most outspoken and headstrong members of the family, which left Johnny and Liv with the Maria and Bess. "Is it horrible of me to hope Alex drives Tony nuts with his questions?"

"Ordinarily, I'd say yes, but today, you can hope as much as you like, love," Liv assured him, pulling open the back door to their car to let Maria clamber inside.

The little girl's fingers flickered as soon as she had both their attention. "Why does Uncle Tony call Fliss a princess and not me or Bess?"

"What does that mean?" Johnny said, in response to Liv with a chuckle. Was she saying that Alex couldn't possibly drive Tony crazy today' But then Maria's finger-speech drew his attention. "Because you are too darn cute to be a princess," Johnny replied, tapping a finger against her nose. "You're my sweet pea, and that's way better than being a princess," he explained, though it was hardly a valid explanation.

Maria giggled her silent giggle, batting his finger away from her nose, reassured that she wasn't being slighted by their uncle. As she pulled her seatbelt over herself, Liv secured the baby-seat, stepping back to let Johnny strap the youngest in place. She paused, looking over at the Audi as Fliss squealed over something Tony was showing her. She chuckled softly. "You know, for Tony, that's pretty much the equivalent of a bracelet charm," she mused to Johnny. "We should be grateful he only got her a car, and not something else entirely."

"It's a bit much, don't you think?" Johnny asked, following her gaze to the gift in question before leaning in to strap baby Bess into her carseat. "How's he gonna top that?" he wondered aloud, despite what Tony had told him a few minutes ago. "He wants to give them each a big present when they graduate and get married. He said he's trying to buy her love with something shiny," Johnny said with a frown, unsure what he thought about that.

"Tony doesn't know how to be a part of a family," Liv said quietly, glad that Maria was too busy entertaining Bess to listen to their conversation. "He doesn't understand that his company means more to them than any shiny things he gives them. But we can let him do this. It's the only way he feels as though he can make a contribution to their lives."

"He's gonna have to wait a long time before there are any more graduations," Johnny said, checking one last time to make sure the girls were properly strapped in before closing the back door. Of course, there was the possibility of a wedding sometime in the future, but he had no idea how soon that might be, and he was in no rush to marry Fliss off just yet.

"Which is just as well, really," Liv chuckled. "With as many children as there are in this family, we're going to need a bigger garage." She smiled at Johnny, leaning close to kiss his cheek. "Shall we go, then" I think it's time to embarrass our daughter at her graduation."

"Is it against the rules to cheer when they call her name?" Johnny asked, smiling at the show of affection from his wife, a twinkle of mischief in his blue eyes, before pulling the passenger door open to let her inside.

"I have no idea," Liv admitted laughingly. "We don't really do this sort of thing for anything lower than a degree in England. She is expecting us to be embarrassing, though, so why not?" She flashed him a bright smile, tucking herself into the car.

It wasn't like Fliss was going to continue on at Bristle Crios, was she" He frowned a little at that thought, remembering their conversation from earlier that morning, but it wasn't his place to break her confidence by spilling the beans to Liv before she had a chance to talk to her mother herself. He settled himself in the driver's seat, glancing back in the rearview mirror to make sure Fliss was ready to follow, before turning over the engine and pulling out onto the road that wound through Maple Grove.

"Did she say anything to you about her plans for the future while you were helping her get ready?" he asked, not daring to glance at Liv or she'd see right through him.

"As a matter of fact, she did," Liv said, looking at him with a wry smile. Just the fact that he'd brought it up told her that he and Fliss had already discussed this. "She asked me if I would talk to Dr. Ashton about talking to her about her work. I wonder why?" It wasn't really a question - Liv was fishing for more information as innocently as she could.

"Oh?" Johnny said, as innocently as he could manage, which probably wasn't very convincing. "My guess would be she's reconsidering becoming a firefighter," he told her, though he wasn't confirming or denying whether Fliss had told him as much.

"Your informed guess?" Liv asked sweetly. Fliss was right - she did ask too many questions. But she also knew when she didn't need to know the answers, laughing as she touched his shoulder. "Don't get jumpy. At least I'm forewarned for when she springs the next big idea on me." She glanced into the backseat, smiling at the sight of Maria very seriously teaching Bess how to say please and thank you in sign.

Johnny darted a gaze at the girls in the back seat, his best girl beside him in the front seat, and his brightest in the car following behind them, and he couldn't help but smile. He adored his son, but there was just something special about a father and his daughters. "I was sworn to secrecy," he told her, taking one hand off the wheel momentarily to zip his mouth shut.

She laughed, raising her eyes to check on the progress of the car behind them. Tony seemed to be talking ten to the dozen, so perhaps Alex had managed to ask a question that gave his uncle the floor for as long as he could string out the answer. "Thank goodness it's a bright day," she said softly. "I think a barbecue is all we can manage with so many people to feed at once."


Date: 2017-06-08 10:32 EST
"I think a barbecue is a great idea!" Johnny agreed, relieved she wasn't going to press him for more details about Fliss' plans for her future. He was sure Fliss would tell her mother soon enough anyway. "What do you think, munchkin?" he asked Maria. "How's a barbecue sound to you?" Before Maria had a chance to respond, another thought popped into his head. "Oh, I almost forgot! Lucas is coming for dinner, if that's okay," he told her further, though she'd probably expected as much. Fliss and Lucas had become practically inseparable these days.

"I wouldn't expect any different," Liv chuckled, twisting to catch Maria's answer to her father's question.

Little fingers moved dexterously through the movements that were her only real means of communication. "With hot dogs and burgers and salad?"

Liv passed this on to the driver with a grin.

"With all the hotdogs and burgers and salad you can eat!" Johnny replied with a grin for his daughter. "You know, they'll probably want to get married in a few years," he remarked quietly, regarding Fliss and Lucas.

With Maria giving a round of applause from the back seat in approval of the plan, Liv settled in her seat once again, her smile softening at Johnny's quiet remark. "I think you may be right," she agreed just as quietly. "She's growing up so fast."

He didn't even stop to consider the possibility that Fliss and Lucas might break up. Even as young as they were, he could hardly imagine one without the other anymore. "Too fast," Johnny agreed with a small frown. "Do you ever wonder what she was like when she was little?" he asked, wishing they'd known her then, wishing they could have saved her from all the pain and loneliness she'd suffered before they'd found her. "Not just pictures. I mean what she was really like."

"Of course I do," Liv said softly, her expression sad as she considered how long their grown up girl had been shunted from one institution to the next, no one willing to take her on as their own. "I wish we could have known her when she was small, saved her from all of that, but ....we were there when she needed us most. We'll always be there."

"We were kids ourselves then," Johnny pointed out. No matter how much he might have wished to have known Fliss was she was little, he wouldn't have been much more than a child himself then. "And yeah, we will. We're a family now - all of us - and we'll always be there for each other, no matter what." Surprisingly, that family included Tony Stark, too.

"We might be grandparents before we're thirty, you know," she couldn't help adding, knowing that Johnny was still struggling a little with the thought of his little girl being quite that grown up. At least Lucas was a good, steady lad, not a player.

Johnny's jaw dropped open a moment before he realized something and he laughed. "Unless Fliss has a baby before next week, I don't think so," he told her with a grin. "Maybe before you turn thirty," he teased in return, though he hoped they wouldn't rush things too much.

Liv laughed again, always thrilled when she got that look on his face, even if it only lasted for a moment. "You never know," she teased him back, but she, too, was hoping that Fliss and Lucas weren't in that much of a hurry. "I don't think so, though. She and I made Lucy give her The Talk."

This wasn't really a discussion he wanted to have in front of Maria, who seemed innocent enough, but he knew was as smart as a whip. "You don't think they're ..." He darted a glance at Maria again to find her playing with Bess. " know."

"Not yet," Liv grinned. She was far more at ease with the prospect of their eldest exploring her sexuality with her boyfriend, mainly because the culture she herself had grown up in would now consider Fliss to be legally responsible for her own genitalia. "Relax, Johnny. Even if they are, they're sensible kids. Besides, I'd know if they were. Fliss just isn't the sort to keep that to herself."

"Do I need to talk to Luc?" he asked, with a cringe and a scowl. He knew the boy's parents were going through a divorce, and that his father hadn't been much of a father to begin with. He'd tried to make the boy - no, young man - feel welcome in their home, but he wasn't his father. Then again, there had been a time when he hadn't been Fliss or Alex or Maria's father either.

"Maybe you should," she suggested thoughtfully. "You're the only father figure in his life right now. As much as Jessica is growing closer to Gordon, they haven't reached a point where they're prepared to be open about it. Sounds like you're up, Sparky."

"Well, I'm sure he knows, uh, the basics," Johnny stammered, being careful about what he said with Maria in the car. "What am I supposed to tell him?"

Liv chuckled, shaking her head. "Don't be daft, Johnny," she told him gently. "Contraception and feelings - it's not difficult. Just excruciatingly embarrassing. Why do you think I made Lucy do all the talking with Fliss?"

"Think I could talk her into talking to Lucas?" Johnny asked, though he already knew the answer to that. "I'm pretty sure he already knows about that stuff, but I guess I can try," he agreed with a sigh. Someone had to do it, he supposed, and he was the closest thing the kid had to a father figure right now.

"Just trying would be appreciated, I'm sure," Liv assured him, glancing back to check on the girls in the back seat. Bess had fallen asleep, as she tended to do in the car, and Maria was amusing herself with her own fingers, making up complex signs for feelings she didn't have words for yet. At the rate she was going, that girl was going to have all of them speaking their own unique dialect of sign language within a few years.

Thankfully, they had finally arrived at Bristle Crios, just in time to avoid boredom for Maria and any further uncomfortable conversation between Johnny and Liv. Outside, the grounds were teeming with people of all different races and cultures - humanoid and otherwise - all of them there to witness and celebrate Graduation Day.

The Storms joined the milling throng, children and Tony firmly under control as Fliss pulled on her cap and gown. "So stupid do I look, on a scale of one to absolutely?" she asked them, hands on her hips with a grin on her face.

"Do you really want an answer to that?" Johnny teased his eldest with a grin before drawing her into a hug. "Break a leg up there, Fliss. We're all proud of you," he told her, wishing her good luck in his own way, though all she really had to do was collect her degree without falling on her face.

"Remember what I said about falling over?" she laughed back at him, blowing a kiss to Alex and Maria. "It's gonna be boring, fair warning." Hearing a friend calling her name, she slipped away from them.

"You know ....I was sixteen when I graduated the second time," Tony commented, both his hands busy being held by the smaller Storms. "You sure she's just graduating high school, not university?"


Date: 2017-06-08 10:33 EST
"It's a little different here on Rhy'Din, but I'm pretty sure it's high school," Johnny replied, watching as Fliss got called away to catch up with a friend. While he was glad she had friends, he almost felt like she'd abandoned him, if only for a moment, before he realized all of this was part of growing up, too.

"Huh. What about you, midgets" Are you gonna carry on the proud tradition of leaving all these academic flops in the dust?" Tony then asked the children clinging to his hands, earning himself points in Liv's eyes. Even though only one of her children was actually blood-related to him, Tony Stark treated all of them like they were.

"You talk funny, Uncle Tony," Alexei pointed out with a giggle. He wasn't quite sure what academic flops were or what it meant to leave them in the dust. "I think maybe we should find our seats," Johnny interjected saving Alex and Maria from further pointless interrogation.

"No, I talk well," Tony countered with a faint smile. "You're the funny one."

"Be nice, children," Liv murmured to them, hoisting Bess higher on her hip as she nodded to Johnny. "Yes, sitting down before we get run down might be a good idea. The gowns are heading for their seats."

Johnny led the way to finding their seats, murmuring a few greetings here and there when someone recognized who he was, but of course, it was Tony who drew the most attention, even without his Ironman get up.

Despite his enormous ego, however, Tony was under orders from Lucy and Steve to behave himself and remember to take pictures of Fliss receiving her certificate, the Rogers fairly sure that Johnny and Liv were going to have their hands full making sure Maria and Alex could see it happening. He managed to tamp down his urge for the dramatic, simply taking his seat and choosing to flirt outrageously with the nearest female, who turned out to be a surprisingly attractive half-orc.

The Storms were surprisingly well-behaved - even the small ones - until it came time for Fliss to collect her certificate, and then a chorus of rousing applause and whooping came from their seats, including a rather raucous Johnny Storm who was fist-pumping and chanting Fliss' name, until his wife finally got him to sit down.

Of course, Liv had to get her own cheering out of the way before she turned to quiet Johnny down, which meant Fliss' entire journey across the stage and back to her seat was punctuated by her family's determination to embarrass her as thoroughly as she had warned them about. She didn't fall over, but she was bright red and giggling by the time she sat down with her classmates.

Maria huffed her silent giggles as the Storms sat down again. "We got her good, didn't we?"

"We sure did!" Johnny signed back to Maria with a grin, quiet now that he'd been able to get that whooping out of his system. Even Tony seemed a little shocked at the outburst from the normally well-behaved family.

"I think we embarrassed her," Alex observed with a bit of a frown, though he had noticed Fliss was giggling.

"Kid, I'm told that's what families are for," Tony told the boy with a slight shrug. "She should be glad your Aunt Lucy didn't come along and bring her zoo with her."

Liv snorted with laughter. "Children are not animals, Tony," she told her brother in amusement.

"The little ones do unspeakable things in their diapers whenever I touch them," he defended himself, but there was a flicker of a smile on his face as he put his sunglasses on Alex's nose.

"Maybe you should bottle some of them as a laxative," Johnny whispered back with a smirk, trying to keep his voice down as much as possible before they were shushed. He'd sat through some pretty boring ceremonies, but this one took the cake. It was amazing the kids were asking if it was over yet.

Alex tipped his head upwards so that Tony's sunglasses didn't fall off. "Do I look like Ironman?" he asked.

"Honey, nobody looks like Ironman," Tony told him. "You're pretty cool all by yourself."

On Johnny's lap, Bess burped loudly, chewing on her fingers for a moment before she began that inevitable whine that meant she was both bored and hungry.

"But I don't have a superpower or a superhero name," Alex pointed out with a pout, though he did, in fact, have some sort of abilities he may not have realized were unusual yet.

"Uh oh," Johnny muttered. "Someone's getting ants in the pants," he said, regarding Bess. Whether the ceremony was finished or not, it seemed her patience had just about run out. Thankfully, the roll call of graduates had finally reached the end of the alphabet and it would only be a few more minutes before the congregation was dismissed.

"Your mom doesn't have a superpower or a superhero name," Tony pointed out, avoiding the way Liv peered around Johnny, blatantly eavesdropping at this point. "She's pretty cool, don't you think?"

As Bess started to complain, Maria dropped off her seat to rummage through Liv's bag, coming up with a rusk to keep her baby sister happy for the time being.

"Da, she's Supermama!" Alex exclaimed, a little too loudly as he shot a fist into the air with a grin.

Johnny chuckled at his son's antics, jiggling Bess on his knee to keep her happy while Maria offered her the biscuit. "And her superpower is taking care of all of us!" Johnny added helpfully.

Liv laughed, rolling her eyes at all of them as the final address wound to a close. "And you're exhausting, but I love you all," she said, raising her hands to applaud one last time as the Class of 2017 was presented to their families and friends. Caps flew into the air as black-gowned students let rip with a huge cheer of their own.

"And that's that!" Johnny declared. "Your big sister is all growed up now, Bessie," he told the baby on his lap, who seemed more interested in her biscuit than anything else.

All he got for his trouble was a gummy grin. Bess might only just be starting to walk, but she had a sweet combination of her parents' personalities going on there. All Johnny's confidence and playfulness mixed up with Liv's innocence.

Tony bent to heave Alex up onto his hip, far more at home with his nephews than his nieces. "Let's get the graduating princess, shall we?" he suggested. "She's our ride. Point the way, kiddo."


Date: 2017-06-08 10:34 EST
Alex's eyes widened as he was hefted onto Uncle Tony's hip, but he only looked around to search for Fliss before pointing a finger in the direction of a very familiar-looking blond and proclaiming, "There!"

Johnny chuckled again and Alex went to fetch Fliss, leaving him behind with the girls. "All things considered, that went pretty well," he mused aloud, mostly to Liv.

"I'd say it did, yes," she agreed, kissing his cheek as she bent to lift Maria up into her arms. "And we didn't even cry. Missed opportunity."

Maria waved her hands to get their attention. "Why did they throw their hats up in the air?"

"Uh, good question," Johnny said, once Maria had caught his attention. "For good luck?" he guessed. "Or maybe just because they're happy to be finished," he mused further. It was a tradition for graduates to toss their caps in the air, but he wasn't really sure why.

Liv chuckled. "They do it because everybody does it, sweetheart," she explained. "It's something that very posh boys used to do in England when they graduated school, because those boys had to wear hats as part of their uniform and they hated them. So as soon as they graduated, they would throw their hats in the air because they never had to wear them again, and even though people don't wear hats as uniform any more, throwing your hat has become a tradition at graduation."

"See" There you go," Johnny said. "You just had to ask Mom because Moms know everything," he told Maria, reaching to tickle her side. "What do you say we go find Fliss before Tony embarrasses her further and blow this popsicle stand?"

She nodded excitedly, wanting to be at home already and helping to make their party food. Liv grinned, hugging her close as they headed through the crowd to where Tony and Alex had found Fliss.

The teenager had put her gown on her little brother, and both of them were watching Tony flirt outrageously with girls more than half his age with more than a little incredulity.

"Okay, sorry to drag the old man away, girls - and he is an old man - but the bus is leaving!" Johnny declared as they arrived to rescue the graduates from the one and only Tony Stark. There might have been a time when Johnny would have been flirting just as outrageously, but that time had passed. He was a happily married man now and intended to stay that way.

"Less of the old, flame farts," Tony countered, but there was a mildness in his response that suggested he had definitely mellowed toward Johnny. "I'm like a fine wine, best tasted when matured."

"Liable to make you vomit if you have too much at once," Liv said cheerfully.

"And liable to get arrested if we stick around much longer," Johnny remarked, with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes. "Fliss! Are you ready?" he called over to his daughter, who was busily chattering with her friends. They weren't in any hurry really, except for baby Bess.

"Coming!" Fliss called back to her father, finalizing plans for the evening out with her friends and Lucas. With a last group hug, she turned to join them, her cap somewhere on the ground among the seats, just like everyone else's. "Hey, peanut, why don't you wiggle your fingers and get the cap to go with the gown?" she suggested to her little brother warmly. Fliss was Alexei's number one fan when it came to his telekinesis.

Alex frowned up at his big sister, taking her request a little too seriously. If only it was as easy as she seemed to make it sound. "I am not sure which one is yours," he said, wrinkling his brows at the sea of caps littering the ground.

She crouched next to him, peering between the legs of people and chairs. "You see that chair with the red mark on it?" She pointed it out to him. "My cap is the one on the seat." She wrapped her arm about his waist, absolutely confident that he could do this.

Behind her, Liv glanced at Johnny, almost bursting with pride for both teenager and little boy.

Johnny wasn't quite sure what was going on, but if he knew, he might not be too happy about Alex demonstrating his abilities in public, and yet, this was Rhy'Din and Bristle Crios, no less, where such abilities were more the norm than the unusual.

"It's far," Alex murmured to Fliss, as he focused on the cap, his forehead wrinkling in concentration.

"You can do it, peanut," she promised him in a fond whisper. "And if it doesn't happen this time, it'll happen next time. Use it or lose it." She kissed his temple, hugging him close. "Remember what we were talking about' Find the middle of your see-saw - not angry and not happy. Calm and powerful. Imagine it coming to your hand, see it in your mind, and then it."

"I remember," he murmured again, focusing his concentration on the cap. At first, nothing happened, and then it moved a little, just enough to be sure it wasn't the wind or anything else that could be easily explained away, but it still hadn't flown through the air toward them.

"There," Fliss whispered to him, proud of her little brother for managing even that small movement among so many distractions. "Do you want to try again?" They had worked on this so many times before, he knew he didn't have to give it another go just because she asked.

"I'm not sure I can do it, Fliss," Alex replied, frowning worriedly that he might disappoint the big sister he so worshiped and adored.

Nearby, Johnny exchanged glances with Liv, but said nothing.

"You already did do it," Fliss reminded him with a warm smile, kissing his nose. Lowering her voice, she whispered to him, "I bet Uncle Tony would go in the back seat if we asked him this time." All right, so maybe she wasn't quite as safety conscious as Liv might have wanted, but Fliss was a reasonably good driver, despite her age.

"Really?" Alex asked, eyes widening hopefully. As much as he adored his Uncle Tony, there was nothing he'd like better than to sit in the front seat with his big sister in the driver's seat. "I wish I was older. I'm too small to do anything fun." He was mostly talking about spending time with the teenagers. While he adored his younger sisters - especially Maria - he wasn't allowed to do even half as much as his big sister and her friends.

"Really," she grinned, glad he wasn't assuming that he had failed in his attempt. He'd moved the cap; that was impressive in itself. "Just don't tell Mom and Dad. And trust me, you'll be plenty big in no time." Rising to her feet once again, she turned to fetch her cap, laughing as a friend tossed it to her on his way past. "He could have done that sooner, huh?"


Date: 2017-06-08 10:34 EST
He frowned a little again as her friend tossed the cap to her, feeling as though he'd failed, though it had hardly been a very important test. He had moved the cap; he just hadn't been able to move it far enough. "I won't tell," he whispered, adding, "Promise."

"I trust you, peanut," she reminded him fondly. "Always have, even when you practice on me in my sleep." Chuckling, Fliss set her graduation cap on his head, taking his hand in hers. Whatever the rest of their family thought of what had just happened, she was going to brazen it out. "So ....I heard something about a barbecue?"

"With hotdogs and burgers and salad," Johnny informed her, repeating word for word what Maria had asked a few hours ago when she'd heard the same news on the way over. "And maybe if you're lucky, we'll build a campfire and make s'mores later," he added with a grin because everyone knew roasting marshmallows was Johnny Storm's specialty.

"Now that sounds like our kind of party," Fliss grinned, all of them ignoring Tony's mildly put-upon expression. He was the one who had decided to come to Rhy'Din for her graduation; he was just going to have to slum it with his sisters' families for the day. "C'mon, fellas, I'm driving."

"Don't look so glum, Tony. Have you ever even made a s'more in your whole life?" Johnny asked, giving Tony a pat on the shoulder. Somehow, Johnny couldn't imagine Tony ever having had the opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasure of sitting around a campfire, telling ghost stories, and roasting marshmallows on a stick.

"Once, in my misspent youth," Tony informed his brother-in-law in a slightly pained tone of voice. "It was ....sticky."

Liv snorted with laughter. "We'll give you a bowl and spoon for yours, then," she teased him. "I'd hurry if I was you, or you're going to be wedged in the middle of our backseat with the girls."

Johnny chuckled at his brother-in-law's confession. "Being an uncle is a sticky business, Tony," he said as he started toward the car with baby Bess in his arms. "See you back at the Grove!"

"What' Oh!" For possibly the first time in his life, Tony Stark had to run to catch up with the person driving the car he preferred to be in, leaving Liv laughing as Maria performed a very good impression of him on the way to their own car.

"He looks like a elephant in a dress!"

Johnny laughed at Maria's assessment of the famous Tony Stark. "Don't tell him that," he warned, reaching for her hand to led her back toward where they'd parked. "Too bad he didn't bring his suit. He could just fly back." Then again, so could Johnny, and if it wasn't for his family, he might have done just that, but things had changed and for the better.

Maybe one day Tony would work out a way for the family to fly together, but for now, they were earth-bound, and no one minded it. After all, why fly when you could walk in the company of the people who made you who you were? The Storms might be a chaotic group, but first and foremost, they were family. And that, really, was all that mattered.