Topic: Just A Little Shop


Date: 2016-02-28 16:41 EST
Under no circumstances are you to enter Imp's on your own, Liv had said after learning what Fliss and Lucas' next assignment from their History teacher was. And in true teenage style, they had found the loophole. Johnny was with them when they headed to the city to do some research at the stores in the Old Marketplace. Still blushing and smirking after their visit to the Bestiary - the encounter with the unicorns was going to stick with them for a while - Fliss nudged her father teasingly as they headed for Imp's Little Shop of Horrors. "So what are you gonna tell Mom about first?" she asked her father impishly. "That I'm still a virgin, or that every dragon in the place thought you were the sexiest thing they'd ever seen?"

It wasn't often Johnny was asked to escort the teenagers on a field trip - in fact, he had never been asked to escort them anywhere - so it was something of a treat for him to find himself exploring the shops of Old Market through fresh eyes. "I'm considering starting a campaign to free the unicorns," he replied with a frown. He didn't think it was right they were being captured and sold for profit, but there wasn't much he could do about it. As for the dragons, he'd tangled with them on occasion before and wasn't overly fond of the beasts. "So long as you aren't thinking about adopting any dragons." He made no comment regarding her virginity, though Lucas was blushing furiously at the mention of it.

"Just be glad we didn't bring Alex," Fliss chuckled, glancing at Luc with a fond smile. "There's no way you'd have left there without something alive following us home." Although, knowing Alex, it was more likely to have been one of the exotic animals than a dragon - a tiger or a wolf, perhaps. "Kinda makes you wonder, though. The lady there obviously really loves her animals, but how many of them get bought for, like, spells and stuff?"

"Maybe you have to sign a waiver promising not to use their, um, parts for spells and such," Johnny suggested, though he wasn't too sure and hadn't thought to ask while they were still at the shop. "So, did you get everything you need while we were there?" he asked, a little anxious about visiting Imp's for some reason.

She glanced down at her notebook. "Yeah, I think so," she nodded. "Mom made me promise not to buy anything alive, so I had to make do with notes. Ms. Longfoot was really helpful - she's got some really strong opinions about people who hunt animals for sport."

"Have I ever told you about the time I fought a dragon?" Johnny asked, though this probably wasn't the right place or time.

"But you weren't hunting it for sport," Lucas pointed out, assuming Johnny had probably had a pretty good reason for taking on a dragon.

"Seriously' You fought a dragon?" Fliss looked duly impressed, though her expression twisted into a vague grimace of disgust as she considered the rotten sign outside Imp's. "Why do I get the feeling the dirt isn't the only reason Mom didn't want us coming here on our own?" she murmured to Lucas, a faint smirk on her face. She hadn't actually told Johnny that Liv had attempted to veto this particular shop.

"Only once. Long story. I'll tell you later," Johnny promised as they came to a halt outside Imp's. "You sure you wanna go in there?" he asked, noting the brief look of disgust on her face. He hoped whoever was working today didn't recognize him, though his was a face that was easily recognized these days in Rhy'Din.

Lucas' expression belied his own reservations about visiting the place, trusting Liv's judgment more than Johnny's, for some reason.

"Well ....yeah," Fliss admitted with a grin. "Besides, I promised Maria I'd get her an Imp Plushie, and you can only get them from here." Steeling herself, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, her nose wrinkling at the smell. "Okay, now I'm blind. Where'd the light go?"

"Give your eyes a minute to adjust," Johnny said as they stepped inside, not daring to light even a small fire to lead the way for fear he'd be banished from the shop forever. "Just stay close, and don't touch anything!" he instructed them both.

Lucas didn't look as excited to be there as Fliss, but he wasn't about to chicken out now.

They stood there in silence for a long moment, uncomfortably aware that some of the things on the ramshackle shelves were looking back at them as their eyes adjusted to the low light level. Before Fliss could take another step forward, however, something small and blue leaped from the shadows in front of her.

"You want it' We got it! I'll find it!"

"No, I'll find it!" another small blue shape declared, setting off a round of bickering that, in other circumstances, would have had Fliss snorting with laughter.

"Uh ....we're just ....browsing," she offered, totally ignored by the imp cousins who were far more interested in their small argument. She leaned back. "Dad, which way?" she whispered, gesturing to the cluttered aisles around them.

"Well, what exactly are you supposed to do for your assignment?" Johnny asked, just a little creeped out by the jars of eyes lined up on the shelves that were lifelessly staring back at them.

"I'm not so sure this was a good idea, Fliss," Lucas whispered beside her, reaching for her hand. There was no way he would have ventured in here without her father, and he just hoped they wouldn't live to regret it.

Her fingers wriggled into Lucas' grasp, but Fliss was determined to go through with this. "The whole point was to visit a couple of the shops, see what they sell and how popular they are, and then compare them," she pointed out. "Everyone comes here, we should at least see what they sell."

"Okay," Johnny said, "But this place is a mess, so be careful. We'll just go up and down the rows and see what?s on the shelves, okay' I assume most of this stuff is for spells and stuff." Though there were the odd items that made no sense at all, and those that were obviously for the more kinky clientele. "I bought your mom some lingerie here once," he volunteered.

"Ew," was Fliss' succinct response to that, but she was laughing at the idea. "Please tell me you knew her size, and you didn't just guesstimate it with those two back there." As she spoke, her eyes were scanning the shelves, arrested in mid-passage by something that looked distinctly ....penis-like. "Oh man ....that isn't all that's left of some eunuch somewhere, is it?"

"I made a pretty good guess," Johnny replied. As it happened, the imps had suggested some rather unconventional accessories, but had still been arguing about their suggestions when Johnny had finally snuck out of the shop. It was only his innate sense of curiosity that had brought him back here again, always making sure to avoid the imps as much as he could. Unsure what it was that had caught Fliss' eyes, he leaned in and chanced a small flicker of fire to shed a little light on the matter. "No, I think it's someone's finger," Johnny replied, stifling a shudder. He wasn't sure why someone would want to buy a severed finger, but at least it wasn't what Fliss had first thought it to be.

"I wonder where they get their inventory," Lucas mused aloud.

"Yeah, maybe we should go see the armory instead," Johnny suggested.


Date: 2016-02-28 16:42 EST
Fliss looked at them with a grin. "Seriously' I'm a girl, I'm the one who is supposed to be squicked out by this stuff," she pointed out to them. "Besides, there's other stuff here, not just the icky stuff. And they do good business, so people must buy it. Look, see" Another customer." She pointed to a cloaked figure who seemed to be investigating a collection of skulls not too far away. "Maybe we should ask him why he comes in here."

"Exactly," Johnny agreed. "It's not your parts that might end up getting pickled."

"I thought you said it was a finger!" Lucas said, a look of alarm on his young face. He had his wings tucked close so as not to knock anything off the shelves, and he couldn't help wondering what a feather or wing might be worth to a collector such as this. "I don't think that's a good idea, Fliss!" he added, looking to the cloaked figure.

"It is a finger," Johnny replied, muttering, "I think."

Fliss snickered at the worried reaction from both of them, rolling her eyes. "Fine, let's just keep looking, then," she compromised. "I'm sure Mom said she got that wine and fruit basket you had for V-Day here, Dad. So it's gotta be okay, right?"

But Johnny's attention had turned to something else he found equally fascinating and grotesque. "How do you think they manage to keep it going?" he asked, as he peered curiously at the small collection of beating hearts, all of which appeared to be human.

"I don't want to know!" Lucas replied, moving on and not even daring a look. Before long, he came to a section that appeared to stock the items Fliss was looking for. "What a weird shop," Lucas muttered as he looked at the array of novelties on the shelves. He reached out to touch something, before Johnny slapped his hand away.

"What did I tell you? Don't touch anything!"

"But it's just a chocolate teddy bear. I was gonna buy it for Fliss," Lucas said, looking a little confused.

"I suppose we should buy something," Johnny replied in agreement, as he looked over at the arguing imps. "Just nothing too, you know, weird."

Oblivious to the parenting going on between Johnny and Lucas, Fliss was inspecting a jewelry selection. She was surprised to find that there was jewelry at all in here, but it all had a slightly whimsical side. The silver cross belly ring had caught her attention, but she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to have that conversation with her father until her mother was on board. Still, she knew for a fact that the Imp Plushies were free, and Maria was still in need of something to cuddle at night. She glanced over at the boys, catching Johnny's last comment. "What, so I can't buy Alex a shrunken head?" she asked innocently. "Or an eyeball for Bess to squish?"

"Don't even think about it," Johnny said, somehow observant enough to catch Fliss eyeing the belly ring. As far as he knew, she didn't even have a piercing there yet, and if he had anything to say about it, she never would. "Absolutely not!" Johnny replied to Fliss' question.

"Eww. Why would anyone want to buy a wart?" Lucas asked, catching sight of something unusual again.

"I never said a thing!" was Fliss' defense against being caught eyeing the belly rings, but she obediently moved away from that section, stepping over something unmentionable with a snicker for her father's answer to her suggestion for presents. She found herself next to Lucas, surprised by her own morbid curiosity. "Warts" Really' I guess even witches have to live up to cliches, right?"

"You think it's a witch's wart?" Lucas asked, leaning in to take a closer look at the thing.

"What did I tell you two about staying close and not touching anything!" Johnny chided the pair, stopping just short of dragging them away from there by the ear. "Come on. I've got something to show you." Something he hoped would be a lot more interesting than warts and fingers and bleeding hearts - or at least, a lot less disgusting.

"Who else would buy warts?" Fliss reasoned, reaching toward the display only to be pulled up short by Johnny's sudden reappearance beside them. She snatched her hand away, trying not to look guilty as she glanced at her boyfriend. "What did you find?" she asked her dad curiously, inserting her hand obediently back into Lucas' grasp.

Johnny walked past all the weird items, coming to a halt in front of a shelf full of what appeared to be statues of one sort of another. "What do you think" Garden gargoyle instead of a garden gnome?" he asked hopefully, a bit of a smirk on his face. It wouldn't really come to life when the sun went down, would it, like in the cartoon"

"Oh my gods that a tombstone?" Fliss pointed, once again morbidly fascinated by the stock. "With a little hammer and chisel. A do it yourself burial kit?" She snorted with laughter, hoping like hell it was a joke idea, and turned her eyes to the gruesome little statues Johnny had found. "Where would we put it?" she asked her father curiously.

"You don't need that!" Johnny scolded, regarding the tombstone. He shrugged as he looked back at the statues. "I dunno. In the garden or on the mantel" Aren't gargoyles supposed to keep evil spirits away or something?" he asked, curiously.

Meanwhile, Lucas was not far away, picking out something for Fliss.

"Uh ....Not the strip chocolate game, Lucas!" Johnny called over at the boy.

"Strip ....what?" Fliss jerked upright, looking over at her boyfriend with a laughing smile. "You planning on making it so we can't pet the unicorns again?" she asked impishly, blissfully unaware that one of the statues on the shelf was moving. An ugly little thing with big ears, a bowler hat, and a long nose, it flashed from its standing place and dropped silently into the side pocket of her backpack.

"I was looking at the chocolate teddy bear again!" Lucas replied, defensively. Though he had taken a peek at the game, he'd never buy it with her father present. Neither Johnny or Lucas noticed the stowaway, too distracted by all the other merchandise. "I don't see anything for Alex or Maria," he murmured in disappointment, except maybe a t-shirt or plushie.

"I think the Imp merchandise is by the till," Fliss volunteered, trying to cheer him up a little with a smile. "We could see if they've still got some of those foam fingers, I bet Alex would enjoy playing with one of those." If her bag felt heavier, she didn't notice, completely unaware that she was unwittingly committing theft. Although ....was it theft if the merchandise voluntarily jumped into your bag when you weren't looking"

Johnny sulked. He couldn't very well go home without something for the kids, but there was nothing that seemed to really suit them. "Maybe I should have bought them each a frog," he muttered, though knowing Rhy'Din, the frogs might very well be enchanted princes. That wasn't such a bad thing in itself, but he didn't want the girls getting into the habit of kissing every frog they stumbled across, just in case it was a prince in disguise. Besides, Fliss seemed to have found her own prince already. "You two wanna finish up here?" he asked the pair of teens. "This place gives me the creeps."

"We can stop at the bakery and get something there," Fliss suggested, smiling at her father's sulky face. "Okay, let's get that plushie for Mar, and get out of here." Hand in hand with Lucas, she headed for the cash register, which seemed to be buried in all the Imp merchandise, all of which also seemed to be for free. "Huh ..." She nudged Lucas gently. "Should we get one of everything?"

Lucas shrugged, whispering back. "It's free. Why not' I bet your dad would like the coffee cup!" he suggested with a smirk. In the end, he had decided against the chocolate teddy bear. The store was just a little too weird for his tastes, and he didn't want to end up making Fliss sick.


Date: 2016-02-28 16:43 EST
"Here goes, then," she giggled, swinging her bag about to open the main pocket. She figured that the imps would probably stop them if these things weren't free, after all. "Think we've got enough to write about, or should we go someplace else, too?"

"I don't know," Lucas replied. "Where would you like to go?" he asked, curiously. "I was thinking about buying that dragon egg. Wouldn't it be cool if it hatched?" he asked, his voice low so Johnny didn't overhear him them, while he was haggling with the imps over something or other.

"Oh, that's so tempting," Fliss admitted, eyeing the egg. "Dad would kill me if I brought a real dragon into the house - we have enough trouble with me and him setting stuff on fire. But you and Matt could handle a baby dragon, couldn't you? If it hatched."

"I dunno. I better not. Mom would probably kill me," he said, talking himself out of it, though it was tempting. And what was Johnny haggling over but a pair of cat glasses for Liv - like she really needed those.

"Well ..." Grinning, Fliss straightened up, tucking her bag back on her shoulder, and gestured to get the attention of the imp that wasn't currently haggling with her father. "Hi. Will those dragon eggs hatch out?"

The imp, who seemed to be rather interchangeable with his companion, looked between the eggs and her. "Not if you buy a glass to keep it in," he offered excitedly. "Dracul or Dragon's Claw, both excellent choices! Oh! And a Fat Rat could eat your egg, so don't buy that!"

"It's too much money, Fliss. Let it go," Lucas urged quietly beside her. The guy was obviously trying to make a sale, and coax her into spending more money than they had planned. They were only there for a school project, after all. "Where do you get this stuff from?" he asked, curiously, though maybe he was better off not knowing.

"So won't hatch?" Fliss pressed, trying to get a straight answer out of the imp. The interest they were showing seemed to have caught the attention of her stowaway - while they were wrangling with the imp, one of the dragon eggs found its way into her bag with a little help.

Lucas' question made the imp a little cagey. "We buy it," was all he'd say, and was suddenly very eager to have them out of the shop. "You want it, we'll find it! Another time! Thank you for visiting!"

Lucas got the feeling they were being kicked out, and none too soon for his liking, though he was thinking about talking Matt into coming back with him for the egg later, not knowing it was already in Fliss' bag.

As for Johnny, he seemed to have made out well, grinning broadly at the purchase he'd just made. Why he wanted to give Liv a pair of cat glasses was a mystery known only to him, but he looked pretty smug about his purchase. "I got these for a steal!" he said, grinning broadly as he twirled the glasses around on a finger.

Bemused by how quickly they were rushed out, Fliss blinked in the sunshine, laughing as the door closed firmly behind them. "Get the feeling we asked something we shouldn't have?" she nudged Lucas in amusement, hiking her bag to a more comfortable height on her shoulder. She grinned at her dad. "We didn't spend anything, but we got a load of the Imp stuff," she told him. "You bought glasses?"

"Yeah, for your mom," he replied proudly, though he was frowning a little as he'd forgotten to ask for a bag, and if he held onto them too long, there was a chance they might melt. "Can one of you carry them for me?" he asked, since each was wearing a backpack stuffed full of free Imp gear.

"Sure." Fliss turned her back to let him stuff the glasses safely away in her backpack. "Mom likes cats, does she?" she asked innocently, tilting her head back to look at her father.

"Uh, something like that," Johnny replied with a smirk. He wasn't about to tell the teens about his Catwoman fantasy - that was between him and Liv. "So, where to now" I was thinking ice cream."

"Ice cream sounds good to me," Fliss grinned. "But it always does. Oh! We should totally go to that place that does all the sticky cakes, get a bunch of them so everyone can have one at home!" She looked hopefully at Johnny and Lucas - ice cream did sound good, but sharing a ridiculously sticky treat with their families sounded better.

Ice cream was always a treat to Johnny, but today was about Fliss and Lucas, and for once, he was willing to compromise. "Sticky buns it is, then!" he agreed. "So, what did you two learn here today?" he asked curiously as they started toward the bakery.

Lucas' expression was one of mingled relief, wonder, and disgust. "Be careful your parts don't wind up on the shelf in Little Shop of Horrors?"

Fliss giggled, looking up at her boyfriend cheerfully. "I think I learned that no matter how weird you think Rhy'Din is on the outside, the produce for sale proves it's a lot weirder underneath."

"It should prove for an interesting essay," Johnny said, tossing a too-warm arm around them both. "Thanks for asking me to come along. I enjoyed it!"

"Are you kidding" You get to explain to Mom how we tricked you into going to Imp's," Fliss assured her father gleefully, laughing as they headed away from the Little Shop of Horrors and into the more mainstream parts of the Marketplace.

At least they'd done what they had set out to do - visited two shops and gathered enough intelligence to write something interesting about them. It wouldn't explain how they'd ended up shoplifting, but with any luck, they wouldn't know about that until they got home anyway. And by then ....who knew what might happen" That little stowaway could well turn out to be more trouble than he was worth.

((You didn't think a shopping trip/assignment research trip would be simple, did you? :grin: ))