Topic: Meeting Bess

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-11-29 19:14 EST
Early the next morning, Johnny had returned to the brownstone to shower and change and collect up the rest of the family for a visit to the hospital to meet their new baby sister. Even Lucas was included in the little outing, as he was considered part of the family now, and it would be rude to leave him behind. Excited was an understatement when it came to the kids, but Johnny had explained that they'd have to be on their best behavior at the hospital because it was a place where people went to rest and recover from illness. Of course, they had quickly pointed out that their mama wasn't sick, but they'd all promised to be as quiet as mice, at least until they were all safely escorted to Liv's room, and much to Johnny's surprise, they kept their promise, not making a single peep all the way through the lobby, up the elevator, and down the halls of the maternity ward to their mother's private room.

It was just as well animals weren't allowed into the hospital, because Bella would no doubt have been leading the charge toward the room where Liv had been settled. As it was, Maria gave Fliss the slip as soon as the door was opened, rushing inside to squash her face against the clear plastic side of the crib to get her first look at their new little sister.

"Sorry!" Fliss apologized, wincing at her little sister's enthusiasm, but her laugh was touched with relief at the sight of Liv sitting upright on the bed, clean and awake, and not looking too much the worse for wear. Lucas had promised her Liv would be fine, but she hadn't entirely believed him.

Johnny was taking up the rear, like a shepherd with his sheep, herding his little flock through the hospital to their mother's room. Lucas was hand in hand with Fliss and as shy and quiet as always, though he had a special affection for Liv, seeing as she was the only mother figure he'd known since leaving home.

While Alex was curious about the baby, he was more interested in saying hello to his mother and scampered right up on the bed to be the first to give her a big hug and kiss. "Hullo, Mama. We missed you!"

Laughing, Liv opened her arms to Alex as he scrambled up to hug her, enveloping him in her embrace to kiss his curls affectionately. "I missed you," she countered warmly, glad her little boy didn't seem to have suffered too much with his parents' absence overnight. "Did you have a good time with Aunt Lucy?" Her smile extended to the teens where they were lurking, one hand reaching out to gesture for them to make themselves comfortable.

In the crib, Bess was utterly unaware of Maria staring in at her, one arm crooked awkwardly over the edge of the plastic and a little too short to touch her new baby sister.

Alex nodded his head enthusiastically, but while Aunt Lucy looked like his mama, no one in the world could ever take her place. "We watched movies and had popcorn and Bella ate all the popcorn off the floor so we didn't have to pick it up and the popcorn made Lucas fart and he blamed Bella and Fliss made us all apologize and then Aunt Lucy said we had to go to bed so we could get up early today to see you and Bess." He drew a deep breath once all that was said - it was a mouthful.

Lucas blushed profusely. "It was Bella," he pointed out quietly.

"Wow." Liv chuckled, helping Alex settle down comfortably on the bed as Fliss cajoled Lucas into pulling a couple of stools closer so they could sit down nearby. She offered Lucas an understanding smile - she did know her children, after all. "It sounds like you had a much better night than I did. Your baby sister woke us up four times, and one of those was just because she wanted a cuddle!"

By the crib, Maria huffed her silent giggle, waving a hand toward Johnny. She really wanted to see Bess properly, but she just couldn't reach.

Alex was going to take advantage of all the cuddles he could get out of his mother while he had the chance. He had to share her with three other siblings now, after all. "Four times?" Alexei echoed with wide eyes, not quite realizing how often babies needed to eat. "She's gonna get fat!"

Johnny snorted at Alex's comment, but it was Maria who drew his attention with her silent wave toward him. "What is it, sweetheart?" he asked as he moved closer. "Would you like to hold her?"

"She doesn't eat that much," Liv assured Alex with a quiet laugh. "Look, see that little bottle there" She has about half of that every time she eats, because she only has a little tummy." She was quite content to hug Alex close and let Johnny deal with the baby for now, happy to chat to Fliss and Lucas as Maria raised her hands to talk to Johnny.

"Can I hold her" I'm only little." Not quite as little as Bess, of course, but Maria was going to need help to cuddle their new baby sister for a while.

"Of course, you can!" Johnny assured her with a smile. "But she's even littler than you and we have to be really careful not to drop her or hurt her, okay?" he asked, trusting Maria would do her best not to hurt her baby sister in any way. "Hmm ..." Johnny mused, looking over at the bed. "Why don't you hop up there with your brother, and I'll bring her over." That way, if the baby did get dropped, she'd only land on the soft bed.

Nodding excitedly, Maria jumped up onto the bed, and of course, the moment she got there, she completely forgot about the baby, nestling into Alex's hug with Mummy. Not even a brand new baby could compare with a Mummy hug after they'd been missed at bedtime and breakfast, after all.

Arms full, Liv grinned over at Johnny as she chatted with the teens. "How did they cope without us?" she asked Lucas curiously. After all, she had asked him to look after them in her absence. Beside her boyfriend, Fliss fidgeted, hoping he wasn't going to drop her in it with her up half the night worrying routine.

"Except for the popcorn ..." Lucas tossed an accusatory glance at Alexei, who was doing his best to look like a perfect angel, while the truth was he took after his father a little too much, adopted or not. "Everything went pretty well." He and Fliss were almost old enough to watch Alexei and Maria on their own, so long as the pair behaved for them, but it was good having a competent adult there, so he could focus on reassuring Fliss, who'd remained a little too quiet through all this so far.

Johnny had Baby Bess in his arms by now, but instead of bringing her over to meet the youngest sibling, he took her straight to Fliss. There was a pecking order even in the Storm family, after all. "Would you like to say hello to your new baby sister?" he asked her, with an affectionate smile on his face he saved just for her.

"I'm sure Bella loved her naughty treat," Liv assured the teen fondly. She could tell he was a little concerned about Fliss, and to be honest, so was she, but there would be time to talk through with her eldest daughter later on. Right now, the ones who needed the immediate reassurance were monopolizing her lap.

Surprised to find Johnny bringing the baby over to her, Fliss blinked up at her father, glancing down at Bess in his arms warily. "Um ....hi?" she offered, cracking a half-smile. "I thought Mar got first dibs?"

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-11-29 19:14 EST
"Mar is busy stealing snuggles. You're the eldest. I think you deserve first dibs, don't you?" Johnny asked, practically shoving the newborn into her arms. "She likes the warmth, but not too hot," he warned her, knowing she had similar abilities to himself. He didn't bother to mention that the baby might exhibit talents of her own one day, as they'd cross that bridge when they reached it. "Go on. She won't bite," he assured her.

"No, she'll just drown me in drool," Fliss drawled, but obligingly let her father put Bess into her arms, glad now she was sitting down. And something very odd happened to her. For months, Fliss had been worrying that maybe she wouldn't like the new baby as much as she liked Maria and Alex; that she might even hate the new baby for not being adopted like the rest of them; that the new baby wouldn't feel like family. But now, looking down at the tiny girl in her arms, Fliss found herself biting her lip, absolutely certain that this was her baby sister. "Oh, Dad, she's beautiful," she whispered, a little awestruck by the little life she was holding.

All three of their adopted children could easily pass for their natural offspring, but that wasn't why they'd been adopted. They'd been adopted because each of them had special needs that only a home with a special family could provide, and Johnny and Liv provided that home and that family. Whether they were adopted or not didn't matter to the Storms - all of their children were theirs, whether they'd been born to them or not, and even Lucas was quickly becoming part of that equation. "Isn't she" I wish we'd found you sooner, but I'm glad you're part of this family, Fliss." He leaned close to whisper a secret in her ear. "You're always gonna be my best and my brightest," he told her, though he loved each of his children equally.

Alex and Maria exchanged knowing glances that were years above their age in maturity, content to cuddle with their mother for now and wait their turn with their baby sister, knowing somehow that Fliss needed this more than they did.

"She's so little," Lucas remarked, clearly in awe of the littlest Storm, remembering when his brother had been born all those years ago.

Touched by Johnny's soft whisper, Fliss sniffled a little, leaning her head onto his shoulder as he hugged her. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered back to him, hugging her baby sister just a little bit tighter. Lucas' voice brought her back to the moment, awkwardly rubbing her nose on her own shoulder as she looked down at Bess once again. "I didn't even notice that," she admitted with a quiet giggle. "I thought newborns were all supposed to look grumpy, but she's not at all."

"No, she's a happy baby," Johnny pointed out with a proud smile. "That's because she knows that we love her," he said, looking at each of them in succession starting with Fliss. "That's what being a family is all about," he added. "It's about loving each other and being there for one another. I want you all to remember that and remember that you were all chosen - even baby Bess - because we love you, and we always will. We take care of each other." He hadn't planned on making a speech, but that was sort of how it came out.

A few weeks ago, Lucas might have excused himself from the room, feeling awkward and left out and not part of this little family, but he didn't. He remained where he was, right beside Fliss. Whether he was a Storm or not, he was part of this family, too, and belonged right by her side.

Small hands rose to draw attention to Maria as she signed to them. "And we chose you," she added on the end of Johnny's unexpected little speech. "So we look after you, too."

Fliss grinned. "She's right," she agreed with her little sister, nodding. "So no arguing when we cook or clean or tell you sit down or go and have a nap. We can handle it. It's what being a family is all about," she echoed Johnny's sentiment with a cheeky cast to her smile, making Liv snort with laughter.

"I may be taking you all up on the promise of naptime for Mummy," she warned them, but she had already promised to go and see a healer when they got back to Rhy'Din. At least her tiredness would then just be tiredness, and not soreness on top of everything else.

Johnny chuckled as his lecture was turned back around on his and he held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I give! We're outnumbered now, boys, and there's no winning an argument with a woman, no matter how old or young." He looked over at Maria and signed back at her, "That means you, too, little missy." Blue eyes sparkled with happiness, as they nearly always did when he was with his family. This was what had been missing from his life and what he had craved for so long - to be part of a family, to belong to someone.

"I'm not sure I count," Lucas piped up, though thankfully, he was smiling.

"Dude, if you were a woman, we wouldn't be dating," Fliss pointed out to Lucas with a cheeky little chuckle, nudging him. The movement jostled Bess, who stretched in her blanket and yawned, blinking open newborn blue eyes to peer up at the new person holding her.

On the bed, Maria grinned back at Johnny, crawling out of Liv's lap to settle in his and get a better look at Bess now she'd had her Mummy cuddles.

"We called her Elizabeth Margaret," Liv told them all softly. "For Peggy."

"Peggy was with us yesterday, I think," Johnny murmured quietly, mostly to himself, as he opened his arms to Maria, letting her crawl onto his lap.

Alex seemed a little bit shy, but belatedly slid off the bed to join the small circle forming around his new baby sister. "I thought her name is Bess," he said, uncertainly, maintaining a small distance as if he was almost afraid of her, as curious as he was.

"Bess is a nickname for Elizabeth," Johnny explained. "Like Alex and Mar and Fliss are nicknames."

"Elizabeth is a very grown up name," Liv added, sliding to the edge of the bed with Alex. "So while she's little, we'll call her Bess, and she can decide what she'd like to be called when she's bigger." Her hand gently stroked his back as he peered at the baby. "Would you like to hold her, Alex?" she asked him softly, casting a smile over to Maria. As impatient as the little girl was, she was a little like Liv in this regard, holding back until everyone else was comfortable and happy before taking her turn.

"Me?" Alex exclaimed, looking a little shocked at the idea of holding something so small and wiggly and delicate and helpless. She wasn't a puppy, after all, but a little tiny person. "I-I'm not sure," he replied, a worried frown on his face, afraid if he held her, he might break her or something.

Lucas hadn't been asked yet, but he was content to watch beside Fliss and assumed he'd get his turn eventually. He was the only one among them that had any experience with a sibling that young, including Liv and Johnny.

Everyone would get their turn with the baby eventually, as often as they'd like over the days and months to come. Liv smiled at her son. "How about you sit with me, and we'll hold her together?" she suggested, understanding that fear of somehow breaking the baby. She and Johnny had been terrified when they'd first been entrusted with Emily, but that fear was easily overcome with practice.

Alex seemed to consider that a moment before finally nodding his head in agreement. "Okay, Mama," he replied, moving back to the bed to take his place near her side, content to remain there as long as she liked.

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-11-29 19:16 EST
Johnny nodded to Fliss, allowing her to do the honors. "Just make sure you support her head. Babies are a little bit wobbly in the beginning," he told her, trusting her to be as gentle as she could.

With a little wriggling around, Liv got Alex settled comfortably in front of her, between her legs, where he could do most of the holding. Flushing with pride at being trusted to hand Bess over, Fliss rose carefully from her stool, gently easing the half-awake little bundle into Alex's waiting arms. "Like that?" she asked her dad and Lucas, sinking back down onto her seat to take in the view, which was rather sweet, all told.

"Just like that," Johnny replied encouragingly. Lucas slid a hand into hers as Fliss reclaimed the stool beside him, a wistful smile on his face.

Alex's eyes were wide with wonder as he looked on the little bundle in his arms. "Her fingers are so tiny!" he marveled. "Privet, sestrenka," he whispered, as he brought his face close to hers, falling into his native Russian, as he did from time to time. He hesitated a moment before touching a tender kiss to her cheek in welcome.

"She will get bigger," Liv warned him, charmed by the way he took to his new baby sister. She was doing very little of the actual holding; Bess was resting on Alex's legs while he cradled her head in the crook of his elbow.

As he kissed the baby girl, her face turned toward his, lips seeking out something to suck, and scored a direct hit on the end of his nose. Maria stuffed her hands in her mouth as she laughed her silent laugh, and even Fliss snickered quietly at that, squeezing Lucas' hand.

Laugh as they might, Alex was instantly charmed by his new baby sister, and interpreted her attempt to suckle his nose as something entirely different. "She kissed me, Mama! Did you see" She likes me!" He beamed a proud and happy smile up at Liv, and none of them seemed willing to break his heart by telling him she had only been looking for something to suckle.

"Of course she likes you, what?s not to like?" Liv chuckled softly, hugging him gently as she kissed his hair once again. "You're her big brother." She glanced up as Maria waved her hands once again.

"She's warm and happy," the little girl informed them with all the confidence of the mini-empath that she was, delighted to have been able to pick that up now the baby was awake.

"That's because she has a full tummy," Johnny interjected, with a chuckle. It was true - Liv had fed, changed, and burped her before her family had arrived. "Wait until it's two am and she's screaming for dinner," he added with a smirk, though it was all part and parcel of having a baby, and it wouldn't last but a few months.

"Would you like to hold her, Mar?" Alex asked from his place of honor near his mother.

The little girl's eyes lit up hopefully at the question, looking at her mother and father as she lifted her hands again. "May I?"

Liv grinned at Johnny before answering. "You can cuddle Bess with Daddy, and then Lucas gets to show us how to do it properly," she told them warmly. "He knows what it's like to have a baby sibling, and none of us do."

"Wait, what?" Lucas exclaimed, a surprised look on his face. He hadn't really expected to get a turn, much less that Liv would remind her family that he, too, had once had a younger sibling.

"Do you have a brother or sister, Luc?" Alex asked as Johnny nodded to Maria and pulled her close.

"Fliss, would you do the honors?" he asked.

Lucas remained quiet a moment before turning to Alex to answer his question. "A younger brother. His name is Matt ....Matthew."

"Uh, sure." Squeezing Lucas' hand once more, Fliss rose to help gently pass Bess over to Johnny and Maria, sharing a grin with her mother as she did so. She was party to Liv's quiet little plotting when it came to Lucas' family, but was sworn to secrecy until they were sure it was going to actually happen.

Smaller than Alex, all Maria could really do was cuddle Bess while Johnny held her, resting her cheek against the baby's middle as she smiled happily.

"Do you miss him?" Alex continued his questioning and likely wouldn't stop until someone told him otherwise.

"Yes," Lucas replied quietly, turning his head so that neither Alex or any of the other Storms would see the proof of just how much he missed his younger brother from the look on his face.

"Fliss, why don't you and Lucas go get some sodas from the machine down the hall?" Johnny interrupted, hoping Fliss could cheer the boy up and it would give him and Liv a moment to explain a few things to the younger pair.

"That sounds like a plan," Fliss nodded, pulling Johnny's wallet out of his jacket. "Hey, we could go to the canteen and get sandwiches - have lunch like a picnic with you guys before they kick us out." She grinned, gently linking her fingers with her boyfriend's to draw him up onto his feet. "C'mon."

"Good idea!" Johnny replied with a grin, hoping she could cheer the boy up. If anyone could, it was Fliss, and today was too happy a day to be tainted with sadness. He waited until the teenagers left before looking again to Liv and Alex. He knew Alex was fond of Lucas and he didn't want to scold the boy merely for being inquisitive and having an interest in the teenager's life.

"Did I do something wrong?" Alex asked, sensing that the mood in the room had shifted, his eyes filling with tears.

"No, sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong exactly," Liv assured him, hugging her son close in her arms. "But Lucas is very homesick, and he misses his own family an awful lot. He hasn't seen them in over a year, and talking about them upsets him. It isn't your fault, you didn't know, and he'll get over it soon enough. Just try to remember not to talk about his family too much with him, okay?"

"But why hasn't he seen them?" Alex asked further, answers only leading to more questions from the young, curious child. He looked up to Lucas like a big brother, and it hurt to know he might have caused him pain. "Why isn't he with his family?" And then, it dawned on him - the piece of the puzzle that had always been missing. "It's because of his wings, isn't it' Because he's different."

"Yes, sweetheart," Liv nodded. "Where he comes from, they don't know about special powers. Lucas stands out, and he was sent to Rhy'Din for his own safety." Personally, she had her doubts about that, having actually spoken to Lucas' parents by this point, but she wasn't going to share those doubts with Alex.

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-11-29 19:16 EST
"So, he never gets to see his family again just because he's different?" Alex continued, trying to understand. "Why did they send him away' Why didn't they come with him?" he asked, looking up at Liv with a puzzled expression on his face. "You would never send me away, would you, Mama?"

"Oh, no, my darling, I would never send you away," she rushed to reassure him, hoping he would forget his whys as she cuddled him close and kissed his cheek. She didn't want to influence Alex's opinion of Lucas' family by sharing her suspicions about those whys. "We will never send any of you away. But we can say that, because we live in Rhy'Din, where everyone is different and no one will make you a victim, just because you're different. We have that choice. But some people on other worlds, they don't have that choice, and they have to make painful decisions."

"Is Lucas an orphan, like us, then?" Alex asked further, his questions nearly at an end, as his arms went around her neck. It was no secret how much he adored his mother and how devoted he was to her, despite his youth.

While he and Liv discussed Lucas, Johnny and Maria cuddled with Bess, having their own little silent conversation, with their fingers.

Liv shook her head sadly. "No, he isn't," she explained to her little boy, glad that Maria and Johnny were entertaining themselves for the time being. "That's what makes him so sad. He has a mother and a father, and a little brother. But that's why we invited to live with us, sweetheart, so he could feel like he's a part of a family again."

"But ..." Alex started, his eyes filling with tears now. There wasn't a selfish bone in his body but to know he wasn't Lucas' little brother and could never be Lucas' little brother almost broke his young heart. "I always wanted a big brother and ....he already has a little brother of his own." Not quite so little as Alex, though he didn't know that yet.

"Oh, now ..." She cuddled him in closer, stroking his hair. "He's as much your big brother as you are Bess' big brother. And you never know, if he and Fliss stay together long enough, they might get married someday, and then he really will be your big brother." She smiled gently, smoothing his hair. "There's no rule that says you can't love him like a big brother, sweetie. I'm sure he feels the same way about you. Just because he already has a little brother, it doesn't mean he doesn't think of you as another little brother."

"Really?" he asked, sniffling, eyes filled with tears.

"Maybe you could be his honorary little brother," Johnny suggested, from where he sat snuggling Maria and Bess. "His brother by choice, just like you are our children by choice."

"Really," Liv nodded, gently wiping Alex's eyes as Johnny made his own suggestion. "I think that's a wonderful idea. Maybe you could make it a part of your Christmas present to Lucas. We could make a little certificate or something like that, promising to always be his brother."

Alex nodded again, smiling through his tears. "Da, Mama. Do you think he'd like that?" he asked, his heart yearning for the love of a big brother, as well as that of the sisters and parents he knew he already had. Johnny said nothing more. Liv had a way with Alex and a connection that only a mother could have. He felt the same thing with Fliss and Maria - it was something only fathers and daughters or mothers and sons understood.

"I think he would treasure that, and the person it came from," Liv smiled at her little boy, cuddling him close once again. "Now then, no more tears, okay' It's your baby sister's first day ever!" She raised her smile to Johnny and Maria. Like Johnny, she didn't begrudge the special connection he felt with their daughters any more than he begrudged the special connection she felt with Alexei and, to some extent, Lucas, too. They were a family, that was all that mattered.

"Does that mean we can have pizza later?" Alex asked, the tears quickly fading now that he understood things better. Pizza was only one of the many ways the Storm family celebrated special events with their children.

Johnny laughed. "I'm not sure we can have pizza tonight, but as soon as Fliss and Lucas get back, we're going to have a picnic. Maybe pizza should wait until we bring Bessie home. How's that sound?"

Alex beamed a smile at his father and nodded, slipping off Liv's lap to scuttle over near both his younger sisters. "I promise to be the best big brother ever," he told them both, hugging his arms around Maria and touching a kiss to Bess' cheek.

Liv watched as Maria wrapped her free arm around Alexei's neck to plant a kiss on her brother's cheek as he cuddled with his little sisters, relieved that they had managed to explain that little bump in the road without too many hiccups. Her eyes met Johnny's, fighting to keep her mouth shut - thanks to Lucy's intervention (and probably S.H.I.E.L.D.'s, too), the doctor was going to check on Liv and Bess this afternoon. If they were both fit and healthy, they'd be able to go home tonight. "Yes, you can't have pizza without me," she pointed out teasingly. "Who'll eat your mushrooms if I'm not there?"

Alex giggled at his mother's question, before replying, "Bella!"

Johnny met Liv's gaze, sensing there was something she knew that he didn't, but he wasn't sure what that was yet. He would have tickled the boy for his pertinent answer, but his arms were too full of daughters to do that at the moment. "Bella eats popcorn and mushrooms now?" he asked with a grin.

"If Bella eats mushrooms, you can clean up her poop!" Liv informed her son with a chuckle, meeting Maria's eyes as the little girl looked back and forth between them. Something unspoken passed between mother and daughter for a moment, some gentle reassurance, and the two smile at one another before Maria nestled back into Johnny's arms once again.

Alex only giggled again at his mother's threat. "That's Fliss' chore!" he pointed out helpfully. He had not yet graduated to such chores as canine care, except to occasionally feed Bella, refill her water dish, and play with her. Johnny didn't notice the glance between Liv and Maria, too enchanted with his new daughter's skill at blowing bubbles.

"What's Fliss' chore?" a familiar voice demanded from the doorway, where the big sister in question had returned with Lucas, each of them weighed down with a selection of sandwiches and snacks that ended up spread over the bed between everyone.

"Cleaning up Bella's poop!" Alex replied a little too cheerily. Fliss and Lucas had no sooner set the food down on the bed when Alex scurried over to the older boy and hugged his around the waist. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Lucas, and I'm sorry I said the popcorn made you fart. You're the best big brother ever!"

Lucas looked a little abashed by the sudden attention, though he was happy enough to hug Alex back. "It's okay. You're a good little brother, too," he said, tossing a confused look at Liv and Johnny, wondering what exactly he'd missed while they'd been off fetching lunch.

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-11-29 19:17 EST
Liv smiled reassuringly to Lucas, hoping Alex didn't put too much emphasis on this now. She trusted her little boy to know when he was pushing his luck. "You guys look like you bought out the whole canteen," she chuckled, reaching over to lift Bess out of the way as Maria fidgeted to get to the food. A picnic lunch on Mummy's hospital bed was almost as good as having Mummy home again - it would do, in a pinch.

Fliss chuckled, ruffling Alex's hair. "Are you trying to steal my boyfriend, squirt?"

Alex wrinkled his nose up at his sister and made a face. "Ewww, no!" he exclaimed, shoving away from Lucas suddenly as if the older boy was made of poison. Perhaps he had laid it on a bit thick, but it was no lie that he had become fond and just a little attached to Lucas. No one wanted to think what might happen if he and Fliss ever broke up. "I don't want to kiss him, like you do!" he teased back, sticking his tongue out at his older sister.

"Good thing, too," Lucas added with a laugh. "I don't want to kiss you either!"

"What's all this talk about kissing?" Johnny broke in, reminding them they were in earshot of the 'rents.

"But I love kissing my brother!" Fliss teased, reaching out to grab Alex and tickle him just enough that his guard went down and she could smush a big wet kiss to his cheek for being a daftie. Maria snickered silently from her safe place on Daddy's lap, pointing at Alex as she beamed.

Alex tried to duck the kiss, flailing to push Fliss away, to no avail, laughing even as he made a face at the idea of his sister kissing him. He scowled as he wiped a hand across his face to wipe the wetness of that kiss away. As normal children would do, they were starting to get boisterous, little Bess adding her two cents with a sudden wail, not because of the noise but because she was getting hungry again.

"Settle down, guys. Remember what I said about this being a hospital?" He pressed a finger to his own lips with a quiet, "Shhh," before setting Maria on her feet, so the little girl could get some lunch.

"But Papa ..." started Alex.

"Shhh," repeated Johnny.

"Well, aren't you a predictable sort?" Liv smiled, wincing a little at the mewling cries coming from the baby. She glanced around at the others, and decided against getting her boob out, more for their sake than hers. reaching for one of the little bottles. "Oh, shush, you, I'm getting there!"

Fliss, meanwhile, was smirking at Alex, looking a little guilty herself. "Oops," the teen snickered softly. "Sorry, Alex. Here, come and sit with me and Luc. We got the best sandwiches before we came in."

As far as Alex was concerned, all was forgiven in an instant, but he wasn't joining Fliss and Lucas without Maria. He took his sister's hand and led her over to settle down beside Luc and Fliss, while their parents tended to the wailing baby. Johnny came up with a bottle and handed it to Liv. While their family was rather lively, there was no place he'd rather be than with them.

Liv laughed as everyone but Johnny evacuated the bed. "She isn't that loud," she chuckled, sharing a soft kiss with Johnny as she took the bottle from him, shaking it carefully before inserting it into the wailing mouth. "Honestly, anyone would think she was a little monster."

"A little hungry monster," Johnny corrected with a grin. As boisterous and lively as the little family could be, all was quiet as the group settled down to eat. "I can take her, if you want," he volunteered, knowing Liv couldn't eat and feed the baby at the same time. One of them had to wait, and he was willing for it to be him.

"No, you have something to eat, love," she smiled to him, half an eye on Bess and half an eye on the rest of their little family, busily sharing out the food between them. "I'll swap you the baby for a sandwich after she's burped."

"Deal," he agreed, snagging a sandwich for himself. It wouldn't take long before he was finished with the sandwich and the baby had drank enough of her bottle to bring up that first burp.

If this was any indication, they weren't going to be quite as overwhelmed when everyone was at home as they had first thought they might be. Just a little time with each of their children, and the foursome were content to entertain one another while Bess' needs were dealt with. Liv smiled as she relaxed, watching Alex and Maria exchanging select parts of their sandwich fillings before eating. Yes, she was tired and aching, but she'd missed her little family overnight. The sooner she was home, the better.