Topic: Stompin' At The Savoy

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2012-11-28 07:00 EST
This wasn't fair, Lucy thought to herself as she waited in the room she had been shown to. It was a soulless environment, as sparse and unwelcoming as any official interview room was. It actually had less personality than some of the cheaper hostels she'd stayed in over the years. A thought flew to the hostel she'd hurriedly booked herself into the moment she'd arrived - they hadn't been able to give her a bed straightaway, since even hostels have housekeeping time limits, but they'd taken the one bag of clothing and essentials Liv had helped her pack, securing it in their storage area until such time as she could claim it and take possession of the bed and locker in one of their loft dorms. At least, that was the theory. If these people were as efficient as they seemed to be, Lucy had no doubt that her belongings had been taken from the hostel and any record of her arrival in Brooklyn wiped clean. It wasn't a comforting thought.

She still wasn't entirely sure what she had done wrong, if anything. All right, so perhaps she could have been a little more circumspect with her enquiries, a little less frantic in her enquiries at the official buildings, maybe, but that was no reason to whisk someone off the street, was it' Except she hadn't been on the street, had she" She'd been on the verge of getting the meeting she'd been waiting for most of the day. Not with Tony Stark, who was officially far too important to bother with the likes of her but unofficially somewhere out over Coney Island helping facilitate a mass exodus of the civilian population wearing his brand spanking new Iron Man suit - no, Lucy had been expecting to meet with Pepper Potts, who seemed to have actually paid attention when the message was passed on that there was an English woman on the ground floor asking after Captain Steve Rogers.

Only barely a minute after the woman on reception in the Stark Tower had announced to her that Ms. Potts was on her way down, suited men had walked into the reception area and pretty much surrounded said English woman. Lucy had been startled, bewildered enough not to get a decent look at the badge that was flashed in front of her eyes, and too polite not to come with them when they asked her to. Well, they'd hardly given her much choice. They were clearly armed, and that enquiry as to whether she'd mind coming with them had sounded more like an order. She'd been escorted from the Stark Tower and helped into a secure vehicle - not a van, as she had expected, but a heavily armored car, whose windows in the back were so darkly tinted out, she didn't have the first clue as to where they were taking her.

When, after a heavy car ride that lasted twenty minutes and throbbed with unspoken accusations, she was guided out of the car, it was to be walked through an underground garage of some kind at speed and handed over to a different group of uniformed individuals, men and women this time, openly armed over the dark blue jumpsuits they wore. Down in an elevator too many floors to be entirely possible, Lucy had found herself escorted along what had felt like miles of blank corridor, until finally being walked into this room. Two members of her escort, a pair of stern-faced women, had relieved her of almost everything she had on her - personal identification and effects, money, even her coat, hat, scarf, and gloves - and had promptly left the room, audibly locking the door behind them.

That had been about half an hour ago, according to her estimate, which made it now about 6 o'clock in the evening. She couldn't time it accurately - they'd taken her watch away, too. Half an hour was a long time to wait in a featureless room with only a table and two chairs, and a small security camera. Lucy sighed, leaning her chair back on two legs against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. She didn't have the first clue as to what was going on, but she could make an educated guess.

Johnny had said there was a storm coming to the East Coast, expected to be the worst the state and city of New York had seen in centuries. He'd given her directions to a couple of hospitals that would have taken her on as additional medical staff to cope with the expected fall out of patients and emergency cases. But before doing that, Lucy had gone looking for Steve. She'd figured that if she made enough noise, bandied his name around enough, it would eventually get to his ears and he'd know she was in New York, at least. Early, of course, but then, he had to learn how impatient she was sooner or later. Preferably sooner.

She'd been asking about him at every public building she passed all morning, but it was only when she reached the Stark Tower that anyone had even hinted that they recognised the name Steve Rogers. She wasn't stupid enough to ask for Captain America, after all. Even then, she'd had to wait more than four hours for the message to be passed upstairs, and then another hour before the message came down that she was actually going to be seen.

So ....someone didn't want her finding Steve. Or perhaps it was as simple as someone not wanting her to find him until after they'd vetted her, cleared her of any suspicions they might have had. She had no idea what he might have told his mysterious superiors when he returned from Rhy'Din, but if her name had been spun into that mix, then perhaps they considered her a threat of some kind. The first vanguard of an alien invasion from another dimension. Lucy blinked, rolling her eyes at her own train of thought, and laughed aloud.

She was still smiling when the door opposite her opened to admit another officially suited gentleman - this one not wearing the skintight jumpsuit - who actually seemed relieved to see her expression stay roughly the same. She tipped her chair forward onto all for legs, not bothering to get up, and turned an expectant look on the man who had joined her. It wasn't, however, his voice that started the conversation.

"Doctor Lucille Agnes Broderick; born 1st of May, 1987; elder sister of Olivia Melisande Broderick, twin; illegimate product of an affair conducted between Howard Stark and Elizabeth Carter." Whoever the disembodied voice belonged to, it sounded as though it was reading from some kind of official file. But it wasn't that which had caught Lucy's attention, her eyes turned up toward the security camera as her mind latched onto the only unfamiliar information in that opening litany.

"You have got to be kidding me," was her only response, incredulous disbelief one of the healthier reactions to being informed by someone who apparently didn't want her looking at him that she was Tony Stark's little sister. She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Would you mind not spinning fairy stories and come to the point' I did actually come to New York to offer my help where it's needed, you know."

"And what would that help be, Dr Broderick?"

She rolled her eyes again, shaking her head. "I'm a doctor," she drawled, her sarcasm sharp in the face of her unseen interrogator. The man sat with her, she didn't even glance at. He seemed to be there only to intimidate her into doing as she was told. "There are a vast number of casualties predicted from this mother of all storms that is expected to hit you within hours. Gee, I wonder what I could possibly be doing here."

"That is what I am trying to ascertain, Dr Broderick," the voice informed her, remarkably calm given how much of an unknown quantity she was. "Perhaps you would like to tell me why you, as a representative of a previously neutral dimensional state, have come through a portal at such a dangerous time for us, and have been actively searching for one of our most remarkable individuals?"

"Previously neutral ..." Lucy trailed off, coming to grips with what hadn't been said. "I'm sorry, you think I'm here because someone in the Governor's Office on Rhy'Din sent me" I'm not a Rhy'Din native, or doesn't your little sheet of paper make that clear, with its made up statistics and frankly laughable background information' I was born here on Earth, I've lived most of my life on Earth. Stop being a moron and ask a sensible question, would you?"

There was a pause, and she could have sworn she saw the blank face of her suited companion flicker a little. Was that amusement at the way she was speaking to his boss, she wondered, or shock" Either way, it was a start, proof that he did have some human emotion buried beneath all that official blankness.

"Very well, Dr Broderick," the unseen owner of the voice sounded a little less patient with her now, "I'll ask you my most pertinent question. What is your intention toward Captain Steven Rogers?"

Lucy's eyes rolled yet again, her shoulders sagging a little as she sighed. "Look, I assume this is the special ops or whatever department he's attached to now," she offered up, attempting to be reasonable finally. "Which means he must have mentioned me when you debriefed him or whatever the jingo is. I'm here because I love him, and while this really isn't any of your business, I came early because I was made aware that there was a natural disaster coming that would prevent him from keeping his promise to come back within two weeks and fetch me. I'm not here to subvert him, or turn him into some kind of evil alien. That promise means a lot to him, and to me. I'm here to keep it."

There was another pause, but the quality of this one was less hostile. She'd apparently hit upon the right vein of answers to the questions being laid out before her. She could only hope now that what she said matched up with whatever Steve had said when he had gotten back here ten days ago.

"Thank you, Dr Broderick, that will be all for now," the voice said finally. "Agent Croft will escort you to secure quarters within this facility while the decision as to what to do with you is made. If you require anything, just ask."

"Oh, now, hang on -" But the quality of the silence had changed again, and Lucy realised she was shouting at a security camera. Sighing, she dropped her gaze to Agent Croft, who was now standing, one hand on the door handle.

"All right, Agent, I'm coming," she said wearily, rising to her feet. She had no idea where she was, how to get out, or even who had her. Those were questions she would need to answer, and soon. But for now ....she just hoped Steve was in a position to be able to prod for her release sometime before she turned sixty.

Lucy Rogers

Date: 2012-11-28 07:07 EST
She hadn't needed to wait very long in that carefully appointed room she'd been taken to, though the first intrusion had been somewhat more intrusive than she was happy with. A doctor had come into the little room, taken her observations and several little vials of blood, and left, all without once rising to the bait and offering anything close to a hint as to what was going on out there. After that, she was left alone for several long hours with nothing but a TV switched permanently onto the news channels for company and entertainment. She had a feeling she was being watched, but there was nothing she could do about it. Perhaps she should get angry' But then she doubted getting angry would do anything but make her look like an idiot. At least she was in the warm, out of danger for the time being, and her hosts didn't seem liable to fly off the handle and have her summarily executed. Things could have been worse.

In actual fact, it was well over ten hours before anyone else came to see her, interrupting her fitful sleep with a tactful cough to rouse her. Blinking herself awake in the brightness of the stark room she'd been left in, Lucy rubbed her eyes, rolling onto her back to look up at the person who had disturbed her. He was a tall black man, one eye covered with a snug patch, dressed all in black. She frowned, pushing herself to sit up, and took a closer look.

"Huh. Well, dressed like that, you're either in charge around here or you broke in," she offered up, failing to censor herself yet again. "My money's on in charge. So ....when am I being forcibly thrown through the portal without even getting to see Steve?"

The man snorted very lightly, apparently amused and impressed by her move from sleeping to fully awake in less than twenty seconds. But then, she was a doctor. 36 hour shifts required you to be able to catch an hour or two here and there and still be able to find a decent level of consciousness when you were needed.

"Dr Broderick, my name is Nick Fury," he introduced himself, and she knew immediately that this was the voice who had first questioned her. "I am the Director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, known as S.H.I.E.L.D. " He studied her for a moment. "Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"

Lucy raised a brow, rubbing a hand against the back of her neck. "Should I?" she countered, not impressed thus far. She sighed, shaking her head. "All right, I'll play along. I'm going to assume that S.H.I.E.L.D., whatever it is, has something to do with Steve's mysterious not-part-of-the-American-military job that he didn't expound on and I didn't ask about. Which probably means you already knew about Rhy'Din, and that I don't actually originate from there, which means my being here doesn't have anything to do with the portals. I'm here because you think I'm some kind of threat to Captain America."

"Thought," he corrected her, moving to sit comfortably in the single chair that stood by the little table near the uncomfortable bed she was sitting on herself. "And you're quicker than most people to have worked that one out. Does your sister have the same intelligence?"

Lucy's enquiring gaze shut down at that point, solidifying into a frown. "You leave my sister out of this, she has nothing to do with any of what?s happened with me," she said fiercely. "She's happy and settled where she is, you leave her alone."

Director Fury didn't seem even slightly phased by this injunction. "Are you sure about that?" he asked Lucy. "Don't you think she has a right to know who your parents are?"

Lucy's frown deepened to a scowl. "Don't you dare," she told him firmly. "I don't believe it for one minute, and I won't let you upset my sister by telling her that utter crap you spouted to me earlier. You thought I was a threat to Steve - what changed your mind?"

Her change of the subject was respected, much to her surprise, Fury leaning forward onto his knees to address her directly. "Several things," he informed her unhelpfully. "Classified things. Dr Broderick, I have a problem."

"You have an over-abundance of problems," she corrected him. "I doubt I'm one of them."

"On the contrary, you are a major security risk as things stand," he interrupted her. "You are one of the few people who are aware of Captain Rogers' role as Captain America, and given the statements recorded by my people during your little tour of the city's public buildings, you know more than just his name. You are aware of some of the truth in his background. Moreover, you have not signed any form of confidentiality agreement, and as a citizen of the United Kingdom, I cannot detain you for any length of time without just cause."

"So what do you want me to do?" Lucy asked him abruptly, meeting his gaze head on, however disconcerting it was. "Renounce my Britishness" Sign a confidentiality clause" Go back to Rhy'Din never to return" I'm not in the mood to play games and dance around with words, Director. I'm a prisoner in a secret facility somewhere in New York City, I assume, apparently only because I want to find Steve Rogers and remind him that he has a question he needs to ask me."

"Actually, I am authorised by the International S.H.I.E.L.D. Council to offer you a temporary position within our organisation for the duration of the storm that hit the city three hours ago, with a view to it becoming permanent should you so desire."

Lucy's jaw dropped at this. How on Earth did you go from being under escort and suspected of being the vanguard of some alien invasion to being offered a job' She blinked rapidly, her usually quick mind ever so slightly dulled by the surprise. Fury, however, gave her the time to think through what she had been offered, apparently trusting to the intelligence he had already complimented to make things clear to her.

So ....she was a security risk, as things stood. She was also a doctor, and were it not for time restraints in the training process, she would already be a registrar, well on her way to becoming a consultant, years ahead of the rest of her age group. So she had useful skills to offer. She had already stated a wish to be of help during the coming storm, which apparently was not coming any more but here. If she took a position within S.H.I.E.L.D., she would probably have to sign something about confidentiality as a matter of course, which solved their problem for them without denying her any of her basic rights. Her eyes narrowed as she considered the offer.

"I have a question," she said thoughtfully, eyeing Fury as he watched her with one impassive eye. "And it's a deal breaker. I can't make this decision without having this question answered truthfully."

The Director nodded slowly. "Ask it."

"Is Captain Steve Rogers a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" There it was, she'd said it. She had to know if she was on the verge of getting closer to Steve, or sealing herself off from him just by making a single decision.

There was a pause as Fury considered what to tell her, deciding on the truth, much to his own surprise. "Not officially. Captain America is a part of an initiative that originated within S.H.I.E.L.D., but Captain Steve Rogers is not. However, as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. yourself, you will have access to information about Captain America that is not publically available."

"So it's bribery, then," Lucy made a stab, and was actually pleased to see a flicker of humor cross the face of the man sitting in front of her. "You work for us, and we'll let you see your boyfriend."

"Not entirely," Fury conceded. "Once your presence here becomes known, I imagine it will be close to impossible to keep the captain from locating you. I would like to point out, however, that the decision to offer you this position within the medical arm of S.H.I.E.L.D. has little to do with your attachment to the captain. You are Howard Stark's daughter, and as a result, you display the same quickness of mind and aptitude for your chosen specialised field as Tony Stark does. We've been watching you and your sister for several years, Dr Broderick."

Lucy's frown returned on hearing this. "Stop saying that," she snapped obtusely, shaking her head. "I don't know who my real father was, and no amount of digging has produced his identity. He obviously didn't care enough to keep us, so why should I care who he was" Telling me that he was a famous billionaire who had an affair that produced us isn't going to get me on your side, Director." She let out a sharp huff of breath, leaning back on her hands. "If I hadn't come looking for Steve," she ventured, "would you have approached me about this position of yours anyway?"

"Plans were in place to pick you up the next time you passed through our dimensional space," Fury told her promptly. "We would do the same for your sister, but Olivia appears to lack the drive we require in our ranks."

Well, that's one blessing, Lucy thought. At least Liv isn't going to end up in some faceless dorm room being told she's Howard Stark's illegitimate daughter. She snorted at the thought, unsure whether to let it make her laugh or make her mad. On one hand, it was absurd. On the other, it was infuriating. She got around it by not thinking about it at all.

"All right," she conceded slowly. "This temporary position - how long would I be expected to work for?"

"For the duration of this current emergency and its aftermath for a period lasting not more than one month," the Director informed her promptly. "After which you will be approached regarding your decision on furthering your employment with us. And to be honest, I need another Brit on my books. We're supposed to be an International organisation."

"And there's the bullsh*t," Lucy sighed. "Had to happen eventually, right?" She rolled her eyes, rubbing a hand through her hair. "I assume I'm going to need a uniform of some kind if you want me to get started right away. And I would quite like my stethoscope back, thank you very much."

The Director smirked, pleased with her concession to the temporary position. "Your belongings will be returned to you within the next hour, Dr Broderick," he informed her, rising to his feet. "I suggest you take advantage of the hospitality down here to wash up and eat; you will be taken to the nearest S.H.I.E.L.D. operated emergency medical facility by noon, and I imagine that is where you will be staying until you're satisfied that your work is done. Welcome on board."

As the door shut behind him, Lucy frowned once again, wrapping her arms around herself. What was she doing" Joining Stragetic Homeland Blahdee Blahdee Blah, just for the chance to see Steve and find out if he was still as crazy about her as he had been when he'd left over a week ago. Some people would call that crazy in itself, but at this point, Lucy didn't care. She wanted to help with the devastation in the city, and this was her chance. She wanted to find Steve, and this was probably the only way. The only problem she could see was that annoying insistence on declaring her to be Tony Stark's half-sister. Seriously. Was anyone going to believe that"