Topic: Team Work, Part 2

Natasha Romanoff

Date: 2016-11-26 16:40 EST
Mother Russia had always held her secrets close to her chest. But there were some secrets not even the great Mother Bear knew about, secrets hidden in urban myth and military legend, secrets that were so tightly wound that to unravel them would take a lifetime. Deep in the heart of the frozen wasteland that was Siberia, one such secret lay under the ground, concealed in a former nuclear bunker re-purposed for one goal, and one only house Hydra's laboratories for the recreation and development of the super soldier serum, lost in the dying years of the Second World War. For decades, they had worked on the problem, and only recently had begun to test those developments. Already they had lost four promising subjects, and within the last couple of weeks, word had reached them of another raid on another facility not so very far from their location, Security had been tightened. But there is always a way around such things, if you have the right leverage.

The risk of a double agent was always prevalent, and some double agents are more eager for revenge than their previous employers might think. Reassured of his daughter's rescue and safety, Stefanos Evchenko had provided everything the team needed, but this was no hit and run raid. This was all about stealth and infiltration, and no one was going into this without some nerves.

A small transport jet flew low over the barren, snow-swept landscape, nondescript and almost silent. Radio channels crackled as passcodes were requested and given, and permission to land granted. As the entrance to the hangar bay was opened, Alyona bit her lip, looking over at Clint Barton worriedly before glancing over her shoulder toward Johnny Storm and Sue Reed.

"One barrier down," Sue said, speaking as much to reassure the young Sokovian as to keep the rest of the team, concealed in a stealthed quinjet a fair distance away, informed as to their progress.

They'd been over the plan of attack dozens of times, until it was coming out of their ears; until it was memorized; until they could eat, drink and sleep it. They'd been over various scenarios and as many possibilities as they could possibly think of. Steve wanted to make sure nothing went wrong, though he also knew nothing was certain or could be predicted. Still, he knew he had assembled the best team in the world, and he trusted each and every one of them. Down there on the ground, each team member knew their job and knew what was expected of them. Clint Barton had been partnered with Alyona Evchenko, their job to locate Nicholai Petrov for rescue and extraction.

"Easy, kid," Barton told Alyona in an effort to reassure her, knowing she was likely a bundle of nerves. "You know what you need" You need a good alias. They call me Hawkeye, for obvious reasons. You got any idea what you'd like yours to be?" he asked, chatting quietly but amicably in an effort to keep her calm.

Glad of the gentle way everyone seemed to be trying their hardest to keep her calm, Alyona let out a slow breath as Clint spoke to her, her hands on the steering column just for show. He was the one flying the jet. "Mr. Stark calls me Tinkerbell," she offered, though she wasn't entirely sure if that was an insult or not. Tony had gone out of his way to be nice to her, which was odd in itself, because she knew he wasn't comfortable around her yet.

Nat chuckled over the comm. "Not quite what we had in mind," she said warmly, glancing at Steve in amusement.

"Agreed," Clint replied in full agreement with Nat, whether Tony was listening or not. "Maybe we should dub Mr. Stark Peter Pan - the boy who refused to grow up," he remarked, having a bit of fun at Tony's expense, as he navigated the jet downwards to make a neat landing inside the hangar bay. It was tricky flying without a runway to slow his speed, but it wasn't much harder than landing on an aircraft carrier.

"You do know I can hear you, Legolas," Tony's voice interjected, but he sounded distracted. It probably had something to do with the program he was preparing to jack into the base's communications array as soon as the infiltration team made contact with the Hydra personnel.

"Sure do, Gandalf," Clint replied, with a wink in Alyona's direction. If he was nervous, it didn't how, but everyone dealt with their nerves in different ways.

In the back of the jet Clint was flying, Sue glanced at Johnny, nodding to him as she concentrated. A moment later, the siblings were invisible to the naked eye, just as planned.

"Hangar's closing," Nat reported over the comm. "Just make contact and get it done. We've got you covered."

"Good luck," Steve was heard saying, though he didn't really believe in luck; he believed in good planning. Though he didn't mention it, it was killing him not to be going with them, but they couldn't risk Hydra recognizing his face.

"You up for this?" Clint asked, turning briefly to glance at Alyona as the jet came to a halt on the strip.

"It's a little late for me to say no," she pointed out, with a rare flicker of humor. Her expression sobered at the sight of the delegation coming to meet them. "We should get on." Swallowing to calm her nerves, she rose from her place in the co-pilot's seat, collecting the folder that contained their fabricated orders. It was reassuring to know that Clint knew what he was doing, and that every word would be heard by the rest of the team via the comms. If anything went wrong, there was help right there for them.

Like flipping a switch, Clint's demeanor suddenly changed as he turned serious. He hit the switch that would open the cockpit door and got himself unbuckled from the pilot's seat. "Show's on," he murmured quietly, moving past Alyona to take the lead in greeting the delegation of Hydra agents that had been sent to meet them. He exchanged some Russian with the agents and allowed Alyona to hand them the folder with the fake transfer documents, distracting them long enough to allow Sue and Johnny to make their way past, unseen to both their teammates and delegation alike.

Listening in from the stealthed quinjet, Nat nodded to Tony as Clint and Alyona made it past the guards. "Sting 'em."

Tony nodded, tapping a complex code quickly into his tablet and setting it free. "Okay, we're looking at thirty minutes, tops, before they guess you're not supposed to be there," he relayed via the comms.

Thanks to a camera mounted on a pin in Clint's lapel, Steve had a good view of what they were seeing as the pair walked through the base, past laboratories and testing stations, guard rooms and rec rooms.

Nat glanced over at Steve as Sam checked over his gear one last time. "So what was that Lianne was babbling about when I called?" she asked mildly.

With Clint and Alyona well on their way toward the cryo-suite and Johnny and Sue moving toward the where the power core was located. Everything depended on the information they'd obtained from Evchenko, but so far, so good. If the man truly did value his daughter's life, he wouldn't let them down. "Hmm?" Steve murmured, his attention focused on what Clint and Alyona were seeing as they made their way through the facility. He glanced toward Tony, unsure if he wanted to discuss his personal affairs within earshot, but he was his brother-in-law, and he was bound to find out sooner or later. "Oh, um ....apparently, we're having twins."

Natasha Romanoff

Date: 2016-11-26 16:41 EST
Nat grinned, ignoring the exaggerated gasp of feigned shock from behind them even as Tony spoke up. "Don't tell me, let me guess," Stark commented. "You're expecting a couple of me on April 1st."

Steve actually chuckled at Tony's reaction to the news. "That would be some April Fool's joke, wouldn't it' No, I think one of you is enough, Tony."

"Congratulations, Cap," Sam said, unable to help overhearing.

"It's a little nerve-wracking, but thanks," Steve admitted, flushing just a little in embarrassment. It was strange how shy and almost embarrassed he became when talking about his personal life, and yet how easily he could take charge of a covert operation like this one.

"Congrats," Nat smiled, nudging Steve's arm. "I guess I'll have to start talking to Lucy's belly again."

"Oh God, the wonder witch is going to be heavily pregnant again," Tony suddenly realized in comedic tones. "Do me a favor, don't let her talk to me at all in the last trimester. And don't invite me to the birth this time."

Steve smiled a little sheepishly back at Nat. There was more he wanted to tell her, but not with Tony within earshot, or he might never heard the end of it. "Don't you and Sam have somewhere to be?" he asked, not quite giving the two of them orders. He made no reply to Tony's crack about Lucy, but he figured the feeling was probably mutual.

"Wow, she's that ratty already?" Tony teased, and to be fair, it was a tease. He turned, nodding to Sam. "C'mon then, Falcon, we have a front door to find." He saluted, just to be insubordinate, and took off out through the open ramp.

"Don't let him get to you, Cap. He's just being Tony," Sam assured Steve before following him off the ramp and into the sky.

"Easier said than done," Steve murmured to himself, as he monitored Clint and Alyona's progress.

"He looks pretty pleased about it, to be honest," Nat offered, turning back to the console. She glanced at Steve curiously. "Are you pleased about it?"

"Yeah, of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Steve replied, glancing briefly at his bestie. "I just worry too much I guess, but the doctor said they're doing fine. Lucy, too. I, uh ....I didn't want to say anything with Tony here, but they think we're having girls. Two of them! Can you imagine?"

The redhead's smile didn't waver as she held his gaze for a long moment. It was incredibly easy to imagine another couple of girls added to the Rogers' brood. "Yeah, I kinda can," she nodded. "You got this, Steve. Besides, one of you was going to have to end up with twins. Can you really see Flameboy coping with two at once?"

"Sort of. I mean, they do have a teenager to help out," Steve pointed out, though that was hardly an answer. "We, um ....We're thinking about naming one of them after you, if you're okay with that," he told her, keeping his attention focused on Clint and Alyona as they made their way into the cryo-suite.

The silence beside him shocked and touched, but Nat's attention was diverted for a moment as Clint and Alyona navigated the delicate transfer as quickly as possible. She breathed out in relief when the anti-grav pads were attached to the cryo-pod and their teammates began their journey back through the corridors. "There's a truck in the hangar," she relayed to them. "Load up, Falcon and co are blowing the hangar door in twelve minutes."

Steve wasn't sure if that silence was a good thing or a bad thing, but he supposed he'd find out sooner or later. "Just ....think about it," he murmured, as he watched Clint and Alyona do what they'd come to do. So far, there hadn't been any trouble; everything was going according to plan. It had been easy, almost too easy, but they weren't finished yet.

"Just because I didn't answer straight away doesn't mean the answer's a negative," Nat pointed out. By this point, they were both glued to the console screen. Time was limited, and until they were outside the base, Clint and Alyona were gut-wrenchingly vulnerable in there. "No kid should have me set up as a role model."

"Godmother," Steve corrected. Thankfully, this part of the conversation was not being broadcast to the other team members, especially not to Tony. "What makes you think you're such a bad role model" You're my best friend, Nat. There's no one I trust more than you." Unfortunately, there wasn't much time left for chit chat as the clock was quickly ticking down the thirty minutes they'd allotted for Clint and Alyona to get Petrov out of there.

"Godmother, too?" Nat's mouth dropped open. It was rare to take her completely by surprise, but he'd managed it. And, truth be told, she was deeply moved that he and Lucy would even consider such a thing, much less have already discussed it enough for him to have mentioned it to her. A very small smile flickered onto her face, proof positive that he was getting a glimpse of the real Natasha for a very short amount of time. "I'd like that."

"Good," Steve replied, smiling, relieved and pleased that she seemed to like the idea. "Because we really don't want to name one of them Antonia," he teased further, muttering a rare expletive as he noticed some movement among the guards. "Time's up! Better hurry. You're about to have company!" he warned the pair, who were still making their way back to the hangar with the cryo-pod in tow.

"They broke the encryption," Tony announced at the same moment. "Opening the doors ahead of schedule." A moment later, the base was rocked by the sound of heavy artillery aimed at the hangar doors.

Nat glanced at Steve, already reaching to power up the jet. "We can take a little fire," she murmured, drawing the quinjet up and into the air.

Inside the base, Alyona cast a wild-eyed look toward Clint as they picked up the pace, red tendrils uncurling from her fingertips to take hold of the cryo-pod so it kept up with them.

"It's okay. We just gotta get to the truck. We can do this," Clint assured her. Hell, they'd defeated an army of aliens who'd been bent on destroying New York. This should be a piece of cake, compared to that. "We've worn out our welcome. Double-time, kid," he added, taking the lead, in case they had to fight their way back to the hangar.

Reassured, Alyona nodded, reinforcing her telekinetic grip on the pod to override the grav pads as she broke into a run behind Clint. She could hear footsteps coming up behind them, turning her head in time to see armed soldiers coming around the corner at their back. The pod dropped to the floor with a loud crash as she spun to thrust her hands forward, the crimson energy manipulated through her telekinesis forming a barrier partway along the corridor to protect them.

"Forget the truck," Nat's voice came over the comms. "Just get to the hangar door, we're coming in for pick up."

"I'm leaving you in charge of getting us outta here," Steve told Nat as he left his seat to grab his shield and lift it onto his back. The time for stealth was over. He wished he could have been there with them, but maybe he could at least help them get safely back.

Natasha Romanoff

Date: 2016-11-26 16:42 EST
"Keep going!" Clint shouted to Alyona as the pod hit the floor. If they didn't keep going, they'd get trapped between troops ahead and behind them.

"In a moment!" Alyona yelled back at Clint, exerting what looked like a powerful amount of concentration into the barrier she had created. When she released the tendrils from her hands, the barrier stayed put, allowing her to turn and lift the pod to run and catch up with Hawkeye herself. "That won't last long," she warned him, already breathless but doing her best not to panic. "Which way do we go?"

"Uh, guys?" Sue's voice came across the comm. "Do you need us?"

"I'm not even gonna ask how you did that," Clint remarked, as he waited for Alyona to catch up. "Hangar door," he told her. "Follow me!" And off he went to take the lead again, lifting his right arm to shoot a couple of arrows from a small crossbow attached to his wrist, taking down two guards that were quickly advancing toward them.

"No! Stay put!" Steve ordered Sue. "We're gonna pick them up. We'll let you know when we need you. Johnny, you ready?"

"Ready and raring to go, Cap, Steve," Johnny replied. He was itching to do something other than listen, but he was saving his flame for something bigger.

An almighty explosion from the hangar announced that the door was open, accompanied by a triumphant whoop from the two airborne attackers. Tony might even have swept inside, if he hadn't had to get out of Nat's way quite so quickly. "That's the signal, light it up, Flameboy," Nat told Johnny over the comm, pulling hard on the steering column to back the jet toward the smoking remains of the hangar door as she opened up the ramp. "Clint, you there" Cap's coming out to cover you."

"Copy that, Nat. We're almost there," Clint replied, as he and Alyona fought their way back through the corridors to the hangar deck.

"You gotta get clear. It's only gonna be a couple of minutes before this whole place blows to kingdom come," Johnny warned the entire team, even as he started to flame on.

"We got this, Flameboy, just look after yourselves," Nat promised, turning to look over her shoulder at the hangar. Most of the transport was in pieces, the soldiers and technicians still reeling from the explosion that had opened them to the elements in the first place. At the far end, Clint and Alyona came into sight, but they were being pursued. "Cap, they need cover."

"I'm on it," Steve replied, disappearing from view as he rushed down the ramp to cover Clint and Alyona's escape. He threw back his arm to give his shield a throw, ricocheting off the wall to take out half of the Hydra guards in pursuit, before he rushed in to take on the rest hand to hand.

Once they reached the jet, Clint turned to shield Alyona's back while she got the pod on board. "Petrov better be worth all the trouble, Cap," Clint complained as the two of them fought side-by-side until Alyona was safely inside.

"It's not just about that," Steve reminded him.

"Two minutes to nova burst!" Johnny warned as he heated up, gathering all his body's stored energy and heat for one devastating burst that would wipe out everything in a 900 feet radius.

"Get back on board, boys!" Nat ordered them, barely glancing back as Alyona ran up the ramp and noisily slammed the cryo-pod into the fixture rigged up to hold it. "Sam, Tony, get out of here. We'll pick you up in a few minutes."

"Barton, get going!" Steve ordered, stepping forward to shield them both against a spray of bullets. "That's an order, soldier!"

"I'm not leaving you here!" Clint argued.

"Clock's ticking. No time to argue, son," Steve insisted, though it could be argued that Clint was the elder of the two.

Clint knew Steve was right; he also knew that while Steve was capable of taking care of himself, he doubted that shield of his would protect him against a blast equivalent to that of a nuclear bomb.

"One minute!" Johnny warned.

As Steve and Clint argued over who was going first, a shield of crimson passed through them from behind, emanating from Alyona's hands as she stood on the ramp.

"Guys, you're doing nothing for my blood pressure," Tony warned over the comm.

"Move your ass or I'm gonna tell your wives you're being unnecessary heroes!" Nat added fiercely.

Hero or not, Clint had no desire to commit suicide and turned to quickly make his way onto the jet.

"Alyona!" Steve called. "Can you toss up a shield to block any pursuers?" he asked, rather than ordered, as he, too, turned to return to the jet. He could have easily overtaken Clint and beat him back to the ship, but that wasn't his way. Instead, he used his own body to try to shield his friends from enemy fire.

Scowling, Alyona concentrated. "Yes," she nodded firmly. Sweeping her hands forward, she solidified the shield protecting the retreat and thrust it into the hangar, knocking the soldiers back.

As soon as Clint and Steve were firmly on the ramp, Nat slammed the quinjet into full acceleration ....and almost lost Alyona off the end of the ramp in the process. The sudden motion beneath her feet knocked the young woman off-balance, tossing her toward the edge as the ground dropped away.

"Going somewhere?" Clint asked as he caught Alyona around the waist before throwing them both to the floor.

Steve hit the button to close the ramp door, before grabbing something solid to hold onto. "Brace for impact!" he warned, knowing Johnny's minute had to be about up.

"Accelerating!" Nat fought to get the quinjet to a decent distance, even as ominous rumblings from below declared that Johnny was well on his way to one of his favorite tricks.

Lying flat on the floor of the jet, Alyona wound her wrist into one of the cargo nets hanging from the hull and closed her eyes, whimpering a little as she tried not to throw up. The sensation of abrupt acceleration was not something she'd ever experienced before.

The rumbling that preceded Johnny's nova burst grew louder and more intense, as the energy inside him built until he could suppress it no longer. Sue and Reed had once warned him of the dangers of losing control of his flame, and he'd taken heed of that warning. This was only the second time he'd ever gone nova, and though he hadn't said so, it wasn't something he particularly enjoyed. The nova burst sapped all his strength and energy, as he'd learned when he'd blown up the Arctic Hydra facility, and would leave him weak and without flame for at least half a day. The burst would also take out everything in its path - there would be no survivors. The rumbling suddenly stopped, followed by a single moment of silence - the calm before the storm, as it were - and then there was a burst of light and heat and flame not unlike that of a nuclear warhead exploding and destroying everything in its wake.

Natasha Romanoff

Date: 2016-11-26 16:43 EST
That blast was definitely no fun to be caught in, either. Thankfully, between Stark's tech and Nat's skills as a pilot, only the tail end of the blast hit the jet, shaking them about without dropping them from the sky. Judging by the swearing over the comm, Tony's attempt to find out if his suit could take the strain was resulting in a fascinating headache. Slowly, the aftershocks in turbulence died away, and Nat turned the jet about, heading back toward the smoking ruin Johnny had created. She opened the ramp to let Tony and Sam back on board as she passed them, only then glancing back at the others on the team. "Everyone okay?"

Landing lightly on the ramp, Tony frowned as he opened his mask, moving to kneel down beside Alyona, who was curled tightly in a ball with her eyes still closed. "Hey ....Tinkerbell, wake up. All done, kid."

Sam had made sure he was well out of way of the blast range before it occurred, as that pair of wings would do little to shield him from the violence of the nova burst, but once the shockwaves had eased, he made his way back to rendezvous with the others. Once Steve was sure Tony and Sam were back on board, he retook his seat beside Natasha, leaving Tony to play the fatherly figure for a change. "Sue, Johnny, do you read?" he asked, secretly praying the pair was okay.

With Tony surprisingly actually giving a crap about the most inexperienced member of the team, Nat glanced to Steve as he sat down, everyone listening hard for any sign of life on the other end of the comm. It seemed like an age before they got a reply, and even then, it was weak and broken.

"W ....all good ....cli ....the surface"

"Come on, Johnny," Steve murmured, more to himself than anyone else, his memory flashing back to another mission when he'd lost his oldest friend. He looked over at Nat, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard Sue's voice on the other end of the comm. "You're breaking up, Sue. Sit tight. We'll use the comm signal to find you," he told her, hoping she could hear him better than he could her.

"Coming up on the ....crater," Nat reported, peering out through the windshield to the disaster zone Johnny had created. It was a very impressive blot on the landscape, but they needed to pick up the siblings and get gone within the next five minutes.

"Barton, take the kid, would you?" Tony said, startlingly gentle as he handed Alyona into a seat. He looked to Sam, already heading for the ramp once again. "Let's get burning buns and his foxy sister."

"I got her," Clint replied as he helped Tony get Alyona buckled into a seat. "You did good, kid," he praised her with an almost fatherly smile. "You can relax now. The hard part's over." At least, for them. The tricky part now was picking up Johnny and Sue before Russian radar picked up on them and launched missiles after them.

"I'm with you, brother," Sam replied, right on Tony's heels. "Before you freak out, it's just an expression," he added, just for good measure.

"Brotherly love means you just broke Steve's heart, you ruthless bird," Tony smirked, both men jumping out of the jet to fetch the siblings from deep in the crater below.

"Okay, we've got a ping on the distance radar," Nat said, checking the console once again. "We're stealthed, but they'll be able to pick up Tony and Sam before too long."

"No hearts are getting broken today, Tin Man," Sam replied, proving Tony wasn't the only one who could come up with witty nicknames for people, friend or not. "I'll take the pretty one," he volunteered, letting Tony decide what that meant.

Steve nodded at Nat's warning, having read the display himself. "Hate to put an end to this party, but make it quick before we have company," he warned the flyers.

Behind them, Clint was checking Alyona over for injuries, thankful to only find some bruises. "Welcome to the Avengers. You passed the audition," he told her with a grin.

Alyona was pale, but managed to produce a faint smile for the praise. "Is it always like that?" she asked worriedly. "So ....frantic?" Nat flickered a grin at Steve.

"Sometimes it's worse," she offered, not particularly helping with Alyona's peace of mind.


"It doesn't always go without a hitch," Steve interjected, his attention divided between the rescue on the ground and the blip on the radar. "It's gonna be close," he said quietly, his words mostly meant for Nat.

"Once they're on board and the ramp's closed, I'll take us high and go sonic," she told him. "Even if they catch a glimpse, it'll be disregarded as a blip. The Russians will have their hands full trying to work out what the base was in the first place, too much to worry about what it was that destroyed it."

"Sleeping Beauty and the amazing Disappearon have been found," Tony reported over the comm, and a stray glance through the opening of the ramp showed that he and Sam were already making altitude with their cargo.

"Sleeping Beauty' Is that Johnny?" Steve asked Nat quietly, off comm. He understood the reference, but wasn't Sleeping Beauty female" As brilliant as he was at military tactics and strategy, he still wasn't caught up on popular culture.

"Snoring Beauty, more like," Tony offered, again surprising those who knew him with how gentle he was being with Johnny's unconscious form. "His core temperature's down, Cap."

Sue stumbled as Sam helped her onto the jet. "He needs warming up," she said, sinking down into a seat next to Alyona. "He can do it on his own, but a little help will get him started."

"We can do that, but first, we gotta get outta here. All aboard?" Steve queried, as Tony and Sam made their way onto the jet, with the siblings in tow.

"All present and accounted for, Cap. Closing ramp," Sam replied, his wings folding and disappearing from view as he tapped the controls to secure the door, so Nat could get them out of there.

"We've got incoming. Engaging stealth mode," Steve told Nat, though it was hardly necessary.

Natasha Romanoff

Date: 2016-11-26 16:43 EST
"Accelerating," Nat said once again, and this time, there was nothing to outrun as she steered them high above the clouds that were scattered across the sky. As Steve dropped them into stealth mode, the suggestion of movement through the clouds below them told how close they'd come to getting caught. The Russian reaction time had improved since the last test, it seemed. "Okay, taking us into the upper atmosphere just to be sure," Nat said, not wanting to risk being spotted. "I'll go sonic when we're out of range."

"Copy that," Steve replied, though he was sitting right next to her.

"Did we do it?" Johnny asked weakly from wherever Tony had deposited him. He was visibly shivering and just barely conscious, his face pale and pulse week, but he needed to know.

"You did good, Johnny," Sue smiled at her brother, reaching over to stroke his cheek with a shaking hand of her own. Her smile faded to a frown. "Cap, he's cold," she said, the worry showing on her face as she looked over at Steve.

"Wilson, there's a medi-chest behind you," Tony pointed out, gesturing toward it as he examined the cryo-pod. "Barton, give me a hand here, would you? I wanna make sure this guy doesn't wake up on us unexpectedly."

"That would not be a good thing," Clint remarked in agreement. Satisfied Alyona was going to be okay, he got up to help Tony with the pod to make sure Mr. Freeze didn't thaw out too quickly.

"There should be an emergency blanket in there," Steve told Sam, who was looking through the medi-chest for something to something to warm Johnny up with.

"What he needs is a hot cup of coffee," Sam said as he unwrapped the blanket and tucked it around Johnny's shoulders. "You're gonna be okay, kid," he promised, but Johnny had already gone quiet again. "Okay, so much for hot coffee. Sleeping Beauty's passed out on me again, and I'm not kissing him to wake him up."

"I can help," a small voice offered. As Sue looked up in surprise, Alyona unbuckled herself and moved over to where Johnny was slumped. She took the Torch's cold hand between her own, closing her eyes as she concentrated. A warm red glow surrounded her hands, and for a moment, everyone could feel the warmth rising from her before she somehow managed to siphon that heat into Johnny's body.

Nat glanced over at Steve. "Well, that answers the question about energy manipulation," she murmured.

"She's more than earned her keep," Steve replied, turning to watch as Alyona helped to raise Johnny's core body temperature to a more normal level, at least for a human. It would still take many hours before his temperature rose to what was normal for him.

"Well, I'll be damned," Sam muttered as he watched Alyona at work.

"Team work," Steve murmured further. They'd just proved anyone who thought they couldn't work together as a team wrong.

"Timber," Tony muttered. He'd been testing Alyona's abilities over the last week or so; he knew what was coming next, even without needing to look.

And sure enough, as Johnny's temperature rose to a safe human level, Alyona pitched backward, out for the count, her own body clammy and slightly feverish. Hopefully Sam was close enough to catch her.

Fortunately, Sam was right there to catch Alyona as she collapsed, carefully maneuvering her back into her seat and buckling her securely in. He checked her pulse and her temperature to be sure she was okay. "Just exhaustion, I think. Looks like a successful mission, Cap. One less Hydra base to worry about."

"Thanks to all of you," Steve replied, smiling warmly at his team, and more importantly, his friends. "Let's go home, Nat. We've all earned a good rest."

"Setting coordinates for home, Cap," Nat nodded, tapping in the appropriate keys.

As the auto-pilot kicked in, she leaned back in her seat, twisting to look at their team. No injuries, and only two suffering from exhaustion. That was a good day, in her book, but it wasn't over yet. Her gaze wandered to the cryo-pod, a quiet frown touching her brow. Until that was open and they knew what they had recovered, they couldn't call it a good day. She just hoped they weren't bringing a time bomb home with them.