Topic: Team Work

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:32 EST
A sleepy forest, quiet under the crescent moon. Half-asleep sentries in bunkers scattered in a half-circle waiting patiently for dawn and the changing of the guard. Every road leading to the strange, dark fortress watched by tired eyes in the cold depth of a winter's night. This place - this forgotten, hidden place deep in the heart of a country that was nowhere special on its own - held a dark secret of its own, a secret that had gone unnoticed, until now.

As the sky began to brighten with the first promise of dawn, weary eyes glanced up, unaware that they were no longer as alone as they had first thought. Unseen hands had been at work for hours, sabotaging weapons, unlocking doors, weakening barriers, guarded all the while by the best eyes freedom could bring to bear on the problem. In the silence of the pre-dawn, a single radio crackled ....and all hell broke loose.

Three figures swooped in from the skies - one winged, one armored, and one all aflame - casting shock in their path as they honed in on the tall fortress, searching for a way to get inside. In the woods, two motorcycles revved to life, bursting through disorganized roadblocks, past the ill-prepared sentries as they scrambled to aim weapons that now no longer fired, themselves under fire from an archer with unerring aim.

And what was the reason for that sudden malfunction in their defenses" She made herself known in the midst of a knot of fighters better prepared for the approach of the motorcyclists - a blonde figure appearing as though from nowhere, and erupting with some invisible force that scattered the entire group, clearing the road for the advancing attack to pass through easily.

Over the personal radios, Ironman made himself known. "Can somebody remind me why we're not just blasting this whole place into the dust from the outside?"

"Because we don't know for sure who or what is inside yet," Captain America replied as his motorcycle cleared the woods, the presumed leader of this mission, whether Tony recognized it or not. "And we need to make sure we wipe out their data before we blow the place up," he added. If they'd merely gone in guns blazing and blown up the Arctic facility, innocent lives would have been lost, not to mention all the data on the serum Hydra had been working on at the time. Tony hadn't been part of that mission, but Nat and Johnny had.

"So why didn't Invisi-Girl just go in and scout for us?" Tony complained, dodging a surface to air attack with a surprising lack of grace as they circled the tower.

"Flameboy, burn those asses for me, would you?" Natasha sighed, revving her engine to catch up with Steve, both of them heading into heavier fire, as Sue's voice made itself known on the radio.

"Because the Invisible Woman is a mother and a wife, and doesn't think she should have to do all the work here, either."

Johnny might have also pointed out that Sue couldn't do everything on her own, but it seemed his sister was handling the most irascible of their group on her own. "As you wish, Hotness!" he replied, in answer to Nat's request. While he was devoted to his wife, he just couldn't help appreciating how Black Widow looked in that suit. With a graceful swoosh of flame, he swooped down to lay waste to the opposing fire with a little fire of his own, tossing one ball of flame after another to blow up the artillery that was trying to take them all out.

"Aw, leave some for me, will ya?" Clint complained from his vantage point where he was picking guards off a couple at a time.

"Thanks, Flameboy." Nat grinned, revving her engine again as she lined up with Steve. They were going to have to jump the main gate to get into the fortress, but they needed a distraction first.

There was a yelp across the comm channel, and somewhere off to their left, an odd ripple in the air. "Shield!" Sue squawked, sounding winded. "Nasty painful shield!"

"I'm on it!" Sam - better known as The Falcon - replied via the comms. "If a couple of you could try to weaken the shield, I'll try to knock out the generator."

"I can do that!" Johnny volunteered. "Tony, you with me?" he asked, as he veered toward the ripple where Sue had encountered the shield. "Out of the way, Sis! Leave this to us!"

Meanwhile, Steve and Nat's bikes were weaving their way toward the others, the vibranium shield knocking out a few more guards before returning to Steve's back.

"Cool your heels, burning buns," Tony informed Johnny over the comm, but he was right there with the Torch as they attacked the shield.

Sue backed off to join Nat and Steve where they were waiting for the shield to come down, perching herself on the back of Steve's motorcycle whether he truly wanted her there or not.

"Get your ass here, Barton," Nat informed her colleague. "When that shield goes down, we're heading straight in."

"Barton!" Sam's voice was heard again. "Could use a little help here!" he said, as he located the generator and swooped in for the attack.

"Keep your panties on, Nat. I'll be there as soon as I can," Clint replied to his former partner, before answering Sam with a volley of arrows that had little trouble finding their mark. Even before Sam managed to take out the generator, the shield was starting to buckle under the relentless attack from Johnny and Tony.

A burst of laser fire erupted from the watchtower above the gate, aimed straight at the waiting heroes, but Sue had them covered - literally. Her mastery over her shields and invisibility had come on in leaps and bounds since she'd been touched by cosmic radiation years before.

"Would you mind not mentioning my panties?" Nat asked in a pained voice, but not before Tony picked up on it.

"You wear panties, Romanoff" I feel cheated."

"Keep your hands to yourself or I'll tell Pepper!" Johnny chided, though he made little secret about his own admiration of the redhead.

"Can we please focus on the mission and save the arguing for later?" Steve put in, all business when it came to work.

"It's okay, Cap," Sam interjected, preferring to call Steve by his rank, at least when they were at work. It reminded everyone who was in charge here and what was at stake. "I've located the generator. Just give me a minute," he said, just before something went boom, and the air in front of them rippled as the shield came down.

"Boo!" Clint said as he suddenly appeared among the group. "Got room for one more?" he asked, as he climbed onto the back of Nat's bike.

"Cutting it fine, Hawkeye," the redhead chuckled, slamming the motorcycle into full throttle to take on the gate at top speed. She knew perfectly well that Clint was more than capable of getting off a few shots even when the scenery was a blur.

"Oh, look, the kiddies are coming out to play," Tony declared as the explosion of the generator vibrated through the fortress, drawing out even more of the garrison inside. "And you're sure I'm not allowed to kill them a teeny tiny bit?"

On the back of Steve's bike, holding a force field around both of them, Sue blinked in confusion. "How can you kill someone a teeny tiny bit?"

There were already bodies strewn in their wake, mostly victims of Clint's arrows. War was hell, and there were bound to be some dead among the living. It was the price of battle, and even Steve wasn't going to lose too much sleep over it, so long as there were no innocent lives lost. "You do what you have to do," he replied in answer to Tony's inquiry. "But that's not what we're here for, so don't lose sight of our objectives." Aware of a passenger behind him, even if he couldn't see her, Steve warned her in advance before revving the bike and following Nat toward the gate. "Hold on tight!"

One hand fisted in the back of his uniform as the motorcycle shot forward, in time to see Nat and Clint land badly. Their bike slid out of control, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the agents as they leaped off and straight into the fray. The scene was absolute chaos, but one thing was for sure ....the Hydra agents were not prepared for such an assault. Steve's team was already inside their inner perimeter, and closing fast.

Steve's landing was a little better than Nat's, one foot hitting the ground to skid the bike to a stop. He paused a moment to give Sue a chance to climb off, sending his shield into the fray ahead of him, taking out a handful of guards before ricocheting back to his arm, like a boomerang. "I like the improvements," he said into the comms, referring to the upgrades Tony had made to his suit.

"Nice to be appreciated," was Tony's response. A smattering of arc blasts cleared the path for Steve toward the main entrance of the fortress itself as he swooped overhead, narrowly missing a straight up collision with the wall. "If it chafes, do me a favor and don't tell your wife I made it."

"Aww, is big bad Ironman scared of his ickle sister?" Sue teased. "Johnny, get out of the way." As she spoke, a massive ripple of energy swept from her form, cutting a fresh swathe through the quickly depleting forces trying to stop them.

"Don't worry. I'm wearing underwear," Steve retorted, though it was unclear if he was being serious or showing that he, too, had a sense of humor.

Johnny just barely made it out of the way before his sister's energy field cleared a path in front of them. "Jeez, Sis! You could give me a little more warning next time!" he told her as he veered back toward the guards before they could reform, to throw up a shield of flame separating them from the small group trying to force their way inside the fortress. "Easy, peasy!" he exclaimed. "And you're welcome!"

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:34 EST
"Not bad, Flameboy," Natasha complimented him, grateful for the chance to catch her breath. "I'm guessing you guys can hold here while we check inside" Sam, we need those explosives."

Sue nodded, following to take up position near the doors. "I can take over when you need to get inside, Johnny," she assured her brother, proud of him for using his initiative to make the fight a hell of a lot easier on them.

"Anything for you, Hotness," Johnny replied, though it was only harmless flirtation. He was totally devoted to Liv, and everyone knew it, including Nat.

"I'm here!" Sam said, as he swooped in to join them and landed on his feet.

Steve took a look around to make sure everyone was there. "Everyone knows what they need to do, right?" he asked, as he looked around. "Nat, you're with me. Clint, search for prisoners. Sam, set the bombs. Tony and Sue, secure the building. Johnny, keep that shield up until we need you."

"You heard Cap," Tony reiterated. "Burnboy and See-thru Girl, you're with me."

Sue's slightly insulted sound made Nat snort with laughter as she headed into the fortress, knowing that the Storm siblings almost certainly had things more under control than Tony did at this point. But once inside the fortress, she felt a chill run through her. It was still and quiet ....and in the depth of that quiet was a chilling sound. Someone, somewhere, was screaming in pain, tormented by something they could only imagine.

It was true. Johnny and Sue didn't really need Tony at this point, but since he was the one with the means for escape, they couldn't let him know that. Steve didn't quite say, "I told you so," but the look on his face as they entered the fortress was one of calm but barely repressed rage.

"That's not good," Clint murmured quietly. "Want me to check it out?"

"No," Steve replied. "You and Sam get the explosives set. Nat and I will look for prisoners."

"Keep in touch," Nat added, her expression tense as they parted ways. She flexed her fingers about the stun batons that were her go-to weapon these days, glancing at Steve. "Sure you want to know what they've been doing here?"

"Don't you?" Steve countered, already knowing the answer to that question. It was a little too quiet in there, a little too eerie, but for that screaming. If someone was being tortured and needed their help, he sure as hell wasn't leaving without finding them first. It could be a trap, but he didn't think so. They'd taken Hydra by surprise; it was doubtful they'd had time to set a trap, but they couldn't be too careful.

"Want to know" Nope, I can live without that," the master spy informed him as they headed into the fortress. "Needing to know, that's different." Whether consciously or not, the turns they took were decided on the basis that the screaming was louder in that direction. The closer they got, the worse it seemed. It was a female voice, it seemed, but there was no cessation to the screaming, but for moments to take a breath. "Where are the scientists?" Nat breathed softly, every nerve ready to react to anything that might happen.

"I don't know," Steve replied as they purposely headed toward the screaming. "Maybe they had another way out," he purported, though any escape route that wasn't already covered by Tony, Johnny, and Sue would have to be underground. "We need to make sure they don't take any research data with them," he told her, though she knew this already. Their primary goal was wiping out any data Hydra might have for re-creating the super-soldier serum. Rescuing prisoners was secondary, but both Nat and Steve knew they wouldn't be able to leave here with a clear conscience if they didn't try. "Could be a trap," he suggested further.

"We need to find a terminal to do that," she reminded him. "Any data we pick up here could tell us where to find the rest of them, and what they've been doing." Her eyes narrowed as they reached an impressive door, behind which seemed to be the source of the screaming. "How'd you wanna do this?" she asked, glancing at him. "No way to know what?s happening in there."

"Doesn't matter. We have no choice," Steve replied, though that much was obvious. "Stand back," he told her, giving her a moment's warning before he threw his weight against the door to force their entry. With his enhanced strength, it didn't take much effort to kick down an unreinforced door.

The room beyond was compact, but only because of the sheer amount of equipment that had been packed into it. Screens and monitors lined the walls, set above consoles and communications devices that could have been linked to anywhere in the world. The consoles were manned by technicians, scientists stood gaping at the suddenly opened door, but it all paled into insignificance when set against what was in the center of the room. A girl was strapped into some kind of machine, her body held tightly in some kind of strait-jacket, a collar flashing at her neck. Her head was held in some kind of vice, attached to yet more machines, and it was from her that the screaming originated. The sheer brutality of it was enough to snap Nat's usual sense of calm. Whether Steve wanted her to or not, she opened fire on the men and women who were just standing around watching the agony they were inflicting.

"I think we found the scientists," Steve murmured, once again stating the obvious. Steve didn't bother wasting time talking sense into Nat. Though he abhorred killing for the sake of killing, he knew there were times when it couldn't be helped. He let Nat take care of the men and women who were in charge of the torment while he went straight for the girl, knocking aside anyone who dared get in his way.

Not for nothing was the Black Widow kept usually in reserve, even on big missions. Once she was out of bullets, she kept going, for once allowing her rage to drive her onward as she attacked those still left standing, denying any of them a chance to escape. All because somewhere, in the back of her mind, she was that girl, screaming in pain, subjected to torment for someone else's gain. She despised this knowledge that it had never stopped.

As much as Steve hated the bloodshed, he didn't bother stopping her. All of the people in that room had allowed this to happen and would have allowed it again and again. All of the people in that room had knowledge about the serum that couldn't be trusted to escape or go elsewhere. While not everyone in the room was a scientist, they were all guilty of the same crimes.

"Nat, that's enough," he told her calmly, as worked to free their prisoner. "Easy, we're gonna get you outta here," he assured her as he carefully tore away the straps and unfastened the collar. "Nat! I need your help!" he called, unsure how lucid the girl was going to be once he freed her.

WIth a sickening crack, the last of the scientists dropped from Nat's grasp, and she was quick to move over and help him pry the machinery away from the girl's head.

Wild blue eyes looked up at them as the girl panicked, shaking her head to try and avoid any more pain. "Nu, nu, nu te voi lăsa," she rasped, fear and pain in her voice.

"Steve, wait ..." Nat laid a hand against his wrist. "That's Romanian," she identified the language in confusion. "What's a Sokovian doing speaking Romanian?"

"Why don't you ask her?" Steve replied, as he tore off the last of the restraints holding the girl captive. "We don't have much time," he reminded her, and they still needed to wipe any data that Hydra had stored in their computers.

Before Nat could respond, something neither one of them could have predicted happened. The girl's hands rose, a hint of red in her eyes suddenly evident in the tendrils of pulsing energy that shared the same hue pushing out from her hands at both of them. Those tendrils wrapped about arms and legs, restraining the two would-be-rescuers where they stood.

"You are S.H.I.E.L.D.?" the girl asked them, her gaze flickering back and forth between Steve and Natasha. Her tone suggested that she considered S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to be one and the same, and a positive response would not have a happy ending.

Steve's expression darkened as the pulses of energy kept both him and Nat from moving. He thought if he fought it a little, he might be able to break the hold the girl had on him, but he was hoping it wouldn't be necessary. If she proved dangerous, they might have to rethink their plans for rescuing her. "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. We're working on our own to stop both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra from ..." He flicked a nod at her, as if to indicate what had been done to her. "....from hurting anyone else." It was the easiest way to explain what they were doing here.

"Captain America," the girl identified him, looking him over for a moment. "You do not lie." Her voice, hoarse though it was, was deeply accented, betraying that Nat's initial assessment had been right - she was Sokovian. Seeming to be reassured, she released the two she held captive, though her hands still glowed with that strange red energy.

"Thanks," Nat drawled sarcastically, heading over to the nearest terminal to see what she could get off it.

"Rogers," Steve corrected her. Captain America wasn't who he was, really; it was just the name the public knew him by, like Ironman and the Human Torch. He let Nat do her thing, while he worked on finding out who the girl was and what she was doing here. "You're Alyona," he said, taking a guess, prompted by Nat's assumption about her being Sokovian. "We'd heard about an enhanced Sokovian, but we weren't expecting to find anyone here." It was a subtle way of asking what she was doing here, though the answer seemed obvious.

Alyona - for that was her name - swayed a little as she looked up at him, her tired eyes dry as she blinked. "I was caught," she said simply. "I came back to find answers, and ....they think they can force my mind. They should know better, they made me."

Stories could wait until later. The important thing right now was getting her out of here. "Can you walk?" he asked, noticing how she was swaying. He could easily carry her, but that might be a matter of pride for her. He didn't bother to check with Nat, knowing she'd let him know when she was ready. "Sam, how are those charges going?" he asked, tapping his comm set back on.

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:36 EST
"Don't leave me here," Alyona said suddenly, panic flaring on her face even as the energy at her fingertips seemed to intensify. Perhaps it was an emotional reaction, or perhaps she could sense danger nearby ....whatever it was, the Hydra soldiers who stepped in through the door did not know what hit them. As they were slammed bodily against the walls by tendrils of a power that hadn't been seen before, Alyona cried out in pain, sinking down onto her knees. Whatever Hydra had done to her had certainly had consequences.

"Nat!" Steve called, too late to stop the girl from attacking the Hydra soldiers and draining her strength, but quick enough to catch her before she collapsed. "We have to get going."

The comm crackled to life and Sam replied from wherever he and Clint had disappeared to. "We ran into a bit of resistance, but we're almost done here. Five minutes. Johnny, you hear that?"

Another voice was heard, answering that query. "Ready when you are. What's taking so long?"

"Picked up a stray," Nat answered for Steve, tapping keys on the console she was working at. "Downloaded and wiped, ready to go." She tucked the flash drive into her belt, turning to find Steve holding the semi-conscious Alyona up. "Time to get going. Get the jet here, shovelhead, we're coming out."

There was a crackle on the radio, and Tony answered. "I'm sorry, am I an avenging taxi service now?"

"Let it go, Tony. What we're seeing in here isn't pretty," Steve interjected, knowing Nat didn't mean anything by it and sensing she was more upset about what Hydra had been up to here than she was willing to admit. "Five minutes," he confirmed, slinging the half-conscious girl over a shoulder. This was no time to worry about her hurt pride. "You wanna talk about it?" Steve asked, once the comm was shut down again.

"Nothing else to see here," Nat told him, almost surprised when Tony did exactly what Steve told him to. She glanced at the girl hanging over Steve's shoulder. "Not here," she said, shaking her head. "Not on comms." Privacy was the only way Steve was going to get an explanation of just why Natasha Romanoff - cool, collected, always in control Romanoff - had lost it at the sight of a girl being tortured while onlookers recorded what they saw.

"I'll buy you a beer later," Steve promised with a faint smile that was just for her. Or maybe a vodka, if she preferred. He wasn't into drinking himself, as it did nothing for him, due to his enhanced metabolism, but he couldn't say the same for her. "You have my permission to punch Tony in the nose if he gets out of line," he added with a bit of a smirk, as they made their way out of the room and back down the hall toward the exit. He'd shut his comms off for the moment, so his words were for her ears only.

"Nah, I'll just divert the hot water out of his shower," the redhead said, throwing the threat off to one side as she headed out beside him. To anyone else, it might have seemed as though she was getting back to her usual self; only close friends would be able to see the underlying tension in everything she did and said. "Hey, Flameboy," she added, knowing Johnny would be eager to hear anything that was being said on comms. "You've got a minute - there's an op-room down here that could do with an extra scorching before the place goes up."

"You got it, Nat," Johnny replied, not wanting to push any buttons. He'd heard the tension in her voice when she'd spoken to Tony, and he wanted to stay on her good side. There was nothing else said on the comms for a long while, as Johnny and Sue traded places and he made his way inside, no longer flaming. He caught up with Steve and Nat on their way out, his gaze darting to the girl on Steve's shoulder. "Just one?" he asked, remembering the Arctic mission and the kids they'd rescued and promptly adopted. Like Nat and Steve, he didn't take well to the idea of people being tortured and experimented on, and his expression said as much.

"One's enough," Nat said quietly, pausing to give him directions to the op-room. Her eyes followed Steve's progress, half-torn between concern at how close he was to an unknown quantity, and concern at the way that unknown quantity had been treated here. "Don't forget to catch up to the jet this time. We're all gonna need a debrief."

"Yes, dear!" Johnny replied with his usual flippant sense of humor, though he meant no disrespect. In fact, he respected the hell out of Steve and Nat, more than anyone else in their company, save his sister.

Steve waited until Johnny had departed, his face a mask of carefully-repressed rage. "You know, I swore I wouldn't rest until Hydra was wiped out, and here we are, all over again."

"We're never going to wipe them all out," Nat said, her own voice still tense as they waited within Sue's force field for the others to join them. "Best we can hope for is to knock them back long enough so we can rebuild and counter them in future. Hate to say it, old man, but Hydra's here to stay."

"I'm not gonna stand for it, Nat. This is what they do to people. They're evil, and they need to be stopped," Steve said, his voice adamant on the fact and leaving no room for argument. Even if they couldn't wipe them out completely, maybe they could knock them back a few decades. It was a never-ending fight, and one he wasn't going to be able to finish on his own.

"Regimes make mistakes, but regimes fall," she agreed quietly. "Hydra needs to learn that falling might be their only way to survive." She glanced at the girl hanging over Steve's shoulder, frowning faintly. "I thought I'd never see that machine again," she added, so softly only Steve could possibly have heard her.

"Hey, Cap and kittens, all aboard the magic bus," Tony's voice announced over the comms as above them the air beat down from the quinjet as he brought it in to land.

Steve turned a glance to Nat and arched a blond brow. She'd told him more about herself in that one statement than she'd told him in years. He opened his mouth to reply, but Tony's voice cut him off. From behind them, there came the sound of something exploding followed by the smell of something burning. Johnny was obviously taking care of the op-room.

"It's melting ....melting!" Johnny said over the comms, having way too much fun with his part of the op. "I'll catch up once this place is torched!" he promised.

"On our way," Steve replied, tapping his comm off for a moment, his gaze never leaving Nat's. "If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm a pretty good listener."

"Might take you up on that," the redhead told him soberly, glancing back as Sam and Clint joined them from the fortress. "All aboard, boys, time to go." With Sue covering them from any further fire, she lead the way onto the quinjet, dropping into the co-pilot's seat without another word.

"Take care, Johnny," Sue told her brother, only now letting herself worry about him. She knew he had it under control, but she was still his big sister.

"That's what friends are for," Steve replied, quietly enough that Sam and Clint couldn't quite catch what was said between the pair of them. Of the bunch of them, Clint knew her best, but Steve had a good ear and was more than willing to listen. Steve offered a nod to Sam and Clint, before following Nat onto the jet and carefully depositing the unconscious girl in a seat and buckling her in.

Behind him, Sam and Clint followed, all of them mostly silent now that the adrenaline rush of the mission was starting to fade.

"No worries, Suse! I got this!" Johnny assured her. Fire was his specialty, though it was the inevitable explosion that was most worrisome.

"All right, we're all on," Sue acknowledged, and almost immediately, the ramp began to close as Tony and Nat piloted the jet up and out of the fortress.

Hopefully those soldiers who were left were wise enough to get out, but it was their own mistake if they didn't. It was only when they were in the air that Tony spoke up again, leaving the piloting to Natasha.

"Okay, so ....who's the stowaway?" he asked, pointing at the unconscious Alyona.

Steve flicked a glance to Nat, but she didn't seem to be very forthcoming at the moment. Of all of them, she knew the most about their so-called stowaway, but Steve knew enough to answer Tony's question. "Not a stowaway, a prisoner," he corrected soberly, not always appreciating Tony's sarcasm. "Her name's Alyona. She's Sokovian. Seems Hydra captured her and was ..." He paused a moment, his gaze flicking briefly to Nat's back again before turning to Tony. "Experimenting on her. She's enhanced. Not sure exactly what they did to her, but she seems to have some sort of ability to manipulate energy."

"But she's just a kid," Sue objected, her own frown deep as she looked at the girl. "She can't be more than twenty-one, look at her."

"Some organisations don't care about age," Nat offered quietly. "They care about results."

"Okay, okay ..." Tony leaned back in his seat, turning it around to face the others on the jet. "What is a pre-schooler doing in a Hydra base in the first place?"

"What were my kids doing there?" Steve countered. Though Martin and Lianne, not to mention Liv and Johnny's kids, had been rescued from a different base of operations than this one, he assumed Hydra had had similar intentions in mind this time around. "What's Hydra been doing all these years, Tony?" Steve said, turning the question back around on the man. It seemed obvious once one thought about it long enough.

"Isn't it obvious?" Clint interjected. "They're trying to create an army of enhanced humans."

"Easy, Cap." Thankfully, even Tony could spot the fury behind Steve's calm demeanor. "New question ....what are we supposed to do with her? I doubt she has a passport, they tend not to give them out to weapons of mass destruction."

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:36 EST
Before anyone could object to his wording, the jet juddered, dipping into a brief dive before Nat pulled her straight again. Judging by the ticking muscle in the redhead's jaw, that had not been a malfunction or a mistake.

"For now, we keep her safe," Steve replied. "We'll figure out the rest later." He flicked a glance again at Nat as the jet dipped, not even bothering to hold on tighter. If there was anyone he trusted, it was her. "I'll take full responsibility," he added.

Before Tony could object further, they were interrupted by a massive explosion from somewhere behind them, big enough to rock the jet further. "Seems the Torch is having some fun without us," Sam pointed out the obvious.

Sue managed a faint smile, rising to look out at the exploding fortress. "Well, he always did like the pretty flames," she shrugged, glancing at Sam in amusement. "Are you sure you've never done a mission like this before" You did good."

"Never said never, ma'am," Sam replied, with an almost teasing smile on his face. Like Steve, he was ex-military and had a tendency not to talk too much about those experiences with anyone who wasn't.

"No, no, no, I get that you're being manly and fatherly, and that's great," Tony was saying to Steve, glancing warily at Natasha as he did so. "What I'm saying is, we don't know anything about this kid. We don't know why she was there, we don't know what she can do, and we don't have any way to contain her if she's a problem. Do you see my point here, Cap" She's an unknown. A tiny, kinda hot unknown."

Steve's expression was impassive as he looked to Tony, not revealing what he was feeling, except for the tick of muscle in his jaw. "I see your point. What do you suggest?" he asked, waiting to see what Tony had in mind before making any suggestions of his own.

While the others talked, Clint was quietly watching Nat, hoping it wasn't the calm before the storm.

"Me" I don't solve people, I build genius doo-hickeys that save the world," Tony shook his head, spreading his hands. "You're the touchy-feely one here. You work her out. But if she's a danger, Cap, you know we have to do something about her, and you're not gonna like it."

"She's not a danger."

Tony frowned, glancing toward the co-pilot's seat as Nat spoke up again. "How can you possibly -?" He turned to Clint, and then to Steve. "How can she possibly know that' Is there some secret agent training program I didn't get invited to join?"

"She's just a kid, Tony. What happened to her isn't her fault," Steve reasoned, knowing that probably wouldn't be good enough for him, but it was a start. "I assume you have someplace we can put her for now, until we know she isn't going to wipe out humanity with a single thought?" he asked, choosing to use a little sarcasm of his own.

"If she can manipulate energy, it might be hard to contain her, Cap," Sam pointed out.

"I don't want to hold her captive. Just make sure she's not a danger to herself or anyone else before we let her go," Steve countered, looking from Sam, back to Tony. "You're the boy genius. Can you rig something up?"

"If you call ahead to Reed, he can rig something up that will be ready by the time we get back to New York," Sue pointed out with a shrug. "Just throwing that out there."

Tony eyed her with a disgruntled expression, disliking the solid good sense in that suggestion. "Fine, Richards can have the fun," he conceded. "But I retain the right to tweak it when I get there." He turned, opening up the comm to get in contact with Sue's husband.

Sue caught Steve's eye with a smile. "He won't hurt her," she promised him. "But Stark is right, for once. Until we know her motivations, we need to be able to contain her somehow."

"I know," Steve replied, visibly relaxing a little as Sue offered an alternative. "Thanks. Enough people have been hurt already," he pointed out further, purposely not looking Nat's way. He didn't blame her for what she'd done, but he wasn't ready to play judge and jury either. Before anyone could argue further, there was a knock at the glass, a streak of flame in the vague form of a man flying alongside the jet.

"Opening up," Nat reported, and a moment later, the wind whistled into the jet as the ramp opened to allow Johnny access inside. Ignoring the slightly contentious way Tony was relaying the request on to Reed Richards, she raised a smile for the Torch. "Hey, Flameboy. Have fun storming the castle?"

"It was a blast!" Johnny replied with a grin at his own pun, once he was inside and had turned his flame off. "How's my favorite redhead?" he asked, plunking down in a seat as close to Nat as he could get.

"Glad we're all out in one piece," she admitted, smirking at the irrepressible man. Johnny was harmless, and harmless was something Nat could definitely use right now. "Let me guess, it's a smoking ruin in need of some serious architectural analysis right about now?"

"I'm not sure there's enough architecture left to analyze," Johnny replied with a grin. He wasn't aware of what had been going on when he'd arrived and wasn't quite astute enough to sense the tension in the air, or maybe he was just astute enough to hope to relieve it with a little levity. "How's the kid?" he asked, with a nod toward the unconscious Alyona, who didn't seem all that much younger than himself.

"Trouble waiting to happen," Tony muttered as he hung up the satellite phone.

Nat's eyes narrowed, and a moment later, she was up and out of her seat, one stun baton held under his unprotected chin. "One more word, Stark," she dared him.

Johnny's eyes widened as Nat threatened Tony, too fast for him to stop her. "Uh, mind if I ask, who's flying the plane?" It was technically a jet, but that wasn't the point.

"Nat," Steve interjected, as gently as he could, moving to lay one hand on hers to steer the stun baton away from Tony's chin. "We're all on the same side, remember?" he told her, hoping she'd trust him to handle Stark.

"He had it coming, Cap," Clint remarked from behind them, even as Sam shook his head at the man.

"I had it coming" What did I say, Hawkeye, or didn't you see it coming?" Tony demanded, frowning warily as Natasha allowed herself to be drawn away from him. They all knew she was fast enough to evade Steve long enough to do Ironman some serious damage.

"Maybe now is the right time for Tony Stark to exercise some of that tact he's never boasting about having," Sue suggested pointedly.

"Relax, Flameboy, I'm flying," Nat said, thumping back into the seat to take charge of the aircraft once again.

"Everyone needs to chill out. Seriously," Johnny said, showing some annoyance of his own. He'd never been part of the Avengers team before, but he knew there were bound to be a few conflicts with so many clashing egos. Or at least, one very big one. "Steve's right. We're all supposed to be on the same side, so why don't we all try to get along just this once?"

Tony opened his mouth, saw the look on just about everyone's faces, and closed it again, taking his place in the pilot seat. "I got this, Romanoff," he said quietly, for once letting go of his ego. "Check on the little witch."

Taking a deep breath, Nat nodded, relinquishing control to Stark, and rose from the co-pilot's seat, moving to crouch down where Alyona had been sat to check on the girl's condition.

Sue watched all this with surprised eyes. "Johnny," she said thoughtfully, "....are you sure you didn't download your wife into your head just now?" She flashed her brother a grin; that was as close to praise for his words as he was going to get.

Steve knew Tony meant well, despite his bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth, but this wasn't the time or place to be shooting his mouth off about a victim of Hydra, when he had never been in that position himself. At least three people sitting there knew all too well what Hydra was capable of, and Tony wasn't one of them. Steve watched all this with wary eyes, as he moved to take the co-pilot's seat. If need be, he could fly the jet as well as anyone and he might be the only one among them that could successfully get between Tony and Nat.

Johnny smiled proudly back at his sister. "Must be rubbing off."

Sue laughed, nudging her brother's shoulder fondly. "You did good, Torch." With the siblings' display of fond good humor, the tension lessened, but it was a safe bet that tension would not cease entirely until certain people had the distance and leisure to cool off and put this mission behind them.

The journey back to New York took far less time than it might have done in a standard aircraft, but the quinjet was in a league of its own. Barely four hours after they'd taken off from Sokovia, they touched down stealthily in the grounds of what Tony was insisting on calling Avengers Mansion - the former Stark mansion, located outside the city itself.

Reed was waiting, ready to talk Tony through the specs of the dampening field he had rigged up to enclose one of the bedroom and bathroom suites after handing Franklin off to his mother and uncle for the duration of that conversation. Sam and Clint volunteered themselves to unpack the equipment and take inventory, leaving Steve to take Alyona inside with Natasha for company. The girl barely stirred as she was laid down on a bed far more luxurious than any she had likely ever seen before, sighing as she seemed to sink deeper, out of unconsciousness and into sleep. Nat pulled up a chair, clearly intent upon watching over the young woman they had pulled out of the fire, alone if necessary.

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:38 EST
Steve had gone off on his own after leaving Alyona with Nat, but only momentarily, returning with a couple of bottles of water - one for each of them. "Sorry, it's not vodka, but it'll have to do for now," he told her, claiming a chair beside her and touching his bottle to hers. "Cheers." He was still in his suit, but the hood was thrown back to reveal a face that was surprisingly youthful for over ninety years old.

"Cheers." Nat's sardonic smile was back, but she was definitely subdued as she opened and sipped from the bottle he gave her. She, too, was still in her combat suit, not ready to abandon their newfound enhanced even to change her clothes. She sighed quietly, her smile fading to a frown as she watched the girl sleep. "I know you read my file," she said in a low tone. "I know there's a lot missing from it. Not sure where to start."

"I've heard it always best to start at the beginning," he replied with a smile that was almost teasing. "You don't owe me an explanation, Nat. You don't have to tell me anything, but there's anything you wanna get off your chest, there's no better time than the present." Especially considering the fact that they were alone, other than for the unconscious girl they both seemed so adamant about watching over. There were no listening devices here that Steve knew of, and the others were off taking care of whatever needed doing. They might not get another chance like this for a while.

She was quiet for a long moment, seemingly needing the quiet to put her thoughts in order, to decide just how much to share with him. "There are two methods for brainwashing that I have seen used successfully," she began, keeping her voice low. "One is the method that was used on me - the Red Room training program utilized it to deadly effect. But that is nothing compared to the brutal alternative. They got us young, trained our minds the way they trained our bodies. But after a certain age, it's not possible to change someone's thinking with training. And that's when they use the machine."

"What Alyona was hooked up to, you mean," Steve said, following along intently. He'd known a little about Nat's past, but she was right - both their files were incomplete, hers more so than his. Hydra had tried to brainwash Bucky, once upon a time, but Steve had gotten to him in time, only to lose him again in the war.

She nodded. "It was pioneered during the Second World War," she told him, though she figured he already knew that. "The K.G.B. perfected it in the 50's. It's a neural scrambler - basically, it fires calculated bursts of electricity directly into the brain, frying memories and personality traits. The desired side effect is malleable confusion; the subject is left needing answers to fundamental questions, and if the right person gives them answers, they don't question the source. It's brutal, and it can lead to long-term brain damage if used multiple times. They never bothered to figure out a way to make it painless."

Steve glanced to the unconscious girl, a frown on his face at the knowledge that was likely what Hydra had tried doing to her. "Is it reversible?" he asked uncertainly. If he understood Nat correctly, she hadn't suffered that particular form of brain-washing, but what she had suffered was bad enough.

"With time and care, and a guarantee of no further treatments in the machine, sure," Nat said, shrugging gently. "I delivered people to them, Steve. People who were scrambled and retrained over and over again, until there was nothing left of them but the skills they'd been given. They were like the walking dead; there was nothing human left about them. And it wasn't just used on operatives and agents; they used it on innocent people, to make them guilty scapegoats; they used it to turn good men bad; sometimes it was a punishment to keep someone in line. And every damn time, the room would be full of people - scientists, technicians, ranking officers - just watching, completely impassive, while some poor sap was tortured and rewritten right before their eyes. I was one of those watchers once. I thought, after I joined S.H.I.E.L.D., I would never have to see anything like that again."

"Nat, this isn't your fault. None of this is your fault," Steve assured her, presuming she was feeling guilty somehow because of the things she'd been forced to do in the past, or maybe she was just explaining why she'd reacted the way she had in the control room. "Look, those people ....the things they've done ....They're evil incarnate. I can't even imagine some of the things you've been through, but I saw things during the war. Horrible things. Sometimes you have to make hard choices. I don't have any problem with the choices you made today."

"Calling it a choice is letting me off light." She shook her head, looking down at the bottle in her hands. "A choice implies there was thought involved. I didn't think. I reacted. And some of the people I killed today in that room were there for the same reasons I was once there. Because they were ordered to be. It doesn't make them innocent, but it doesn't make them guilty, either."

"And they would have died anyway when we blew up the building," Steve reminded her. Even if they'd had a chance to escape, it was unlikely they'd have been able to put enough distance between them and the facility to make much of a difference. He glanced at Alyona, who in his estimation was only a few years older than Fliss. "We save who we can, but we can't save everyone." It saddened him to know that, but it was a simple fact of war, and no matter what they wanted to call it, this was war.

Natasha was silent for a long while once again, frowning thoughtfully as she watched the young woman sleep. "She said they should have known better than to try using the machine on her, that they couldn't force her mind," she said in a pensive tone. "She said they made her. And that power's a form of telekinesis, I think, with a visible element in the energy patterns she creates. But what if she's a telepath, too?"

Steve arched a brow. He hadn't really stopped to consider what powers the girl might have or what that might imply. "Then we need to find out how much control she has, and until we do, we keep all of this to ourselves," he told her, lowering his voice, even though no one was around to hear them. It wasn't that he didn't trust the others, but there was no use in telling them anything until they knew what exactly they were dealing with. And it went without saying that none of this got passed along to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nat nodded slowly. "You or I can talk to her, even if she's more comfortable speaking in Romanian," she added. "The others wouldn't be able to. You're the one she decided to trust. If I had to guess, my money would be on her talking to you when she wakes up."

"That's only because she thinks I'm Captain America," Steve replied with a frown, hinting at his own uncertainty where his alias was concerned. He wasn't quite sure why she would trust him, just because of some trumped up hero created mostly for propaganda purposes during the war.

Natasha tilted her head toward him curiously. "You know that Captain America doesn't actually represent America to people, right?" she asked, wondering if he had worked this out yet. "He wears the stars and stripes, but Captain America protected Britain and Europe during the war, not the United States. He's a global figure, a guy who underwent an horrific experimental process in order to be able to stand up for what was right and good at the time. And now, after all those years in the ice, he's still standing up for right and good, and for the little guy. Most people around the world don't see you as a symbol of a single power, Steve. You represent a protective force, their shield against what they don't understand and what wants to hurt them. You were up there on TV for everyone to see, coordinating the defense of New York - not because it was New York, but because the people needed to be protected. The average guy on the street gets that."

"That was a disaster, Nat. There was too much destruction, and I have to bear most of the responsibility for that. I was in charge. I was giving the orders. I'm the one that told Hulk to smash, remember?" he countered, alluding to some of the personal guilt he'd been carrying around on his own for a few years.

"You know have a bad habit of only hearing what you want to hear, and it's never the good stuff," she informed him. "We're all responsible for what happened, and at the same time, none of us are responsible for it at all. If we hadn't been there, it would have been a whole lot worse, and the world doesn't know how much worse it would have been. They don't know that a nuclear strike was ordered on a civilian population. We do."

"That doesn't help our image in the eyes of the public, and it doesn't help our cause with the Council either." He knew Fury had had to answer to the World Security Council after the debacle in New York, and whether they'd saved the world from a nuclear strike or not, the Council hadn't been happy with the way it had been handled. And now what were they doing" They were still handling things, without the knowledge of S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Council. He knew better than anyone that there would be consequences at some point.

"Are you listening to what I'm telling you?" she asked him bluntly. "The public might blame us as a collective entity for the destruction, but they lay individual differences on us. You, Barton - they saw you on the ground, actively protecting the people, putting yourselves between the innocent and the army attacking them. The Hulk, Thor, and Stark - they're the ones who the public see as reckless dangers. Me, they don't know how to take. You're the face of their protectors, Steve. It counts for a lot."

"Just trying to do the right thing, Nat, but sometimes it's not easy figuring out what that is," he explained, modestly. He paused a moment before turning the subject back around on her. "You know, I can't absolve you of your sins, but I can tell you there's no one I'd rather have at my side during a battle than you. No one I trust more. No one." And that was saying a lot, considering the people he could have picked to take her place.

"You just like throwing me at the bad guys," she drawled, but her smile was back, and that was proof enough that he'd been heard. She appreciated his faith in her more than she could possibly express, and so, she didn't even try to. She just trusted him to know that she wouldn't be at his side if she didn't feel as though he needed her.

"Well, there is that," he replied with a smile of his own. For some reason, he had chosen her as his partner and confidante and, most importantly, as his friend. He didn't even confide in Johnny the way he confided in her. "So, what now?" he asked, as he unscrewed the cap on his bottle of water. "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. I'm not sure if I trust Fury. And this isn't gonna sit well with Hydra."

Steve Rogers

Date: 2016-11-20 19:38 EST
"Hill's been talking to Fury," Nat told him. "Last time we spoke, he was headed to the Council to inform them that S.H.I.E.L.D. is compromised. How they respond is going to figure into what he does next, and what we do in turn. If the Council doesn't believe him, or is already affiliated with Hydra ....we have problems."

"So, then, we go underground," Steve replied, which they had already contemplated anyway. "Figure out who we can trust, who we can't. I hate going behind Fury's back, but if S.H.I.E.L.D. is compromised, it might be better for him if he doesn't know what we're doing."

"We can recruit eyes and ears via our contacts in the intelligence services," she agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "First thing to do is analyze the data we picked up today. There might be a few clues in there about who she is, and about where else Hydra is concentrating their resources."

Steve knew enough to recognize that where there was smoke, there was fire. "You know, she's not the only victim of Hydra," he pointed out, though they didn't know just how widespread Hydra was just yet or how many facilities like the one in the Arctic and Sokovia were spread across the globe.

"I know," Nat nodded once again. "And there are no guarantees when it comes to how successful they've been with their experiments. If they'd had a full success, though, they would have deployed it. That's kinda hopeful."

"Unless they're building up to something," Steve reasoned. "You know what we need?" he asked, though the thought may have already occurred to Nat. "We need someone inside of Hydra." The big question there was who.

"Who were you thinking of?" she asked, her tone very carefully blank. Her mind had wandered in a different direction, based on a what if that revolved around their new friend in the bed. "There's no way to be certain that whoever we recruit inside Hydra is on our side, you know."

"Not if we don't recruit from inside Hydra, but send someone in from the outside." He glanced to the girl again, but didn't want to use her in that way. From the looks of things, she'd been through enough already.

"That's one hell of a risk," Nat pointed out with a frown. "We'd need to carefully co-ordinate to prevent that mole from becoming indoctrinated." She leaned back in her seat, considering the options. "Your CIA contacts could be a way in. Didn't you say one of them has a direct line to a known Hydra affiliate?"

"That's what I was thinking, but you're right ....It is risky, which is why it would have to be someone who knows how to handle the risk." Not to mention someone who was willing to take that risk. Steve might have volunteered for it himself, if he didn't have such a recognizable face.

"Or there's the other route," Natasha suggested mildly. "If this one really is a telepath, all we'll need to do is get her within range of Hydra officers, and she can pick their secrets right out of their heads."

"What if she already has?" Steve countered, glancing to Alyona again. Whatever the circumstances, they wouldn't be able to make any further plans until she woke up and until Nat analyzed the data she'd downloaded from the Hydra base. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, but before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I've got a couple of kids who are waiting on a phone call."

"Yes, you do." Nat's expression relaxed as she smiled. "Go on, I got this. I won't let her wake up alone in a strange place." She sighed, making herself comfortable in her seat. "Say hi for me."

"I'll be back once they know I'm okay. You hungry' I'm gonna see what Tony's got around here to eat, too," he told her further. None of them had eaten in some hours and even enhanced humans had to eat sometime.

"Bet you five bucks Barton's already in the kitchen," she drawled, drawing one foot up onto the seat to wrap her arms about her knee. "I'm good, Steve. Go and talk to your family. You need it as much as they do."

"I'll tell them Aunt Tasha says hello," he assured her, as he got to his feet. On a whim, he leaned over and pressed a kiss against her cheek in a rare gesture of affection, whispering, "Thanks, Nat."

She smiled, touching his hand briefly before he pulled away. "Anytime," she promised him, and she meant it. Anytime he needed her, she would be there, the best mentor and guiding friend she could ask for to set her on the right path. "Stop stalling, or I'll tell Lucy you've been playing ....what does he call it' Oh, yeah ....playing hide the zucchini with Stark."

Steve laughed. "I've got better things to do than play games with Tony." He had never really understood that reference anyway. What the heck was hide the zucchini?

"Still stalling," she laughed, waving him away. "Seriously, your wife will come after me if you don't call her soon. And make sure Flameboy calls his, too. I don't want a horde of small children ambushing me if I ever pass through Neverland because their dads forgot to call home one time."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, tossing her a mock salute and chuckling a little as he headed for the door. No matter how awful things got, he was at least thankful he had such a good friend in Nat. She kept him on the right track and from getting too lost in his own head.

But that was what friends were for, wasn't it' And this team he had pulled together was made up of friends. They might not always get along, but when it came down to the wire, each one of them knew they could trust the others to have their back, as they had proved today. Not only had they destroyed the Hydra base identified to them by their contacts in the CIA and MI6, but they had gathered valuable data and rescued a possible ally from the organization's clutches. Despite everything, it had been a good day. With luck, there would be many more to follow it.

((That was lots of fun, but I can't take credit for it all by myself. HUGE thanks to my partner in crime for taking half the parts here, especially that of Tony Stark. Hopefully, he and Steve won't end up beating the crap out of each other. :D ))