Topic: The Growing Family

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:11 EST
A little over a month since the mission that had brought the prospect of enlarging their family once again into sight, Johnny, Liv, and Fliss had returned to Rhy'Din, intent upon preparing their home to receive two special little people who had taken to them remarkably well. Alexei, the six year old boy, had not needed more than to know that the man who wanted to adopt him was the same man who had melted the locks to his cell and saved his life in order to agree; little Maria, at five and silent, had been a little harder to convince. She had taken to Fliss, though, after it had been discovered that she understood everything that was being said to her; the pyromancer teenager had deliberately sung How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria" over and over again until she finally got a smile out of the little girl.

The paperwork would take a little longer to finalize, but everything was in hand, and finally Fliss had bullied her Dad into painting one of the spare rooms a manly shade of green for Alexei. That was what they were up to right now, father and daughter liberally covered in paint as they covered the walls. Liv had slipped out a little while ago on some mysterious mission she hadn't shared, leaving the two fire experts to their painting.

Johnny was trying hard to behave, but it was hard when he was so full of excitement at the prospect of their little family expanding like it was. He had asked Fliss half a dozen times or more if she minded, worried she might not want to share the two people who had taken her into their home and their hearts, but thankfully, it seemed Fliss was almost as excited as they were about the prospect. "Don't look now, but you have a little paint on your nose," Johnny teased, deliberately touching the tip of his paintbrush to the end of Fliss' nose.

Laughing, Fliss went cross-eyed trying to see the smudge of paint on her nose as the brush was drawn back, offering Johnny an indignant laugh. "Yeah, well, not as much as you," she informed him, stooping to get her hands thoroughly covered in the paint before bouncing around behind him. A moment later, there was a hug ....and Johnny had two handprints where he might have had boobs were he female.

Johnny laughed at the handprints on his chest, all the more amused to wonder what Liv would think of them when she got home. It would be obvious that someone had been groping him, and only too obvious who that someone was. He looked down at his own chest which now was displaying two very Fliss-sized handprints in bright green paint. "Do you think if I wore this out, people would notice?" He puffed up his chest and struck a silly pose for Fliss' amusement. Much to his own credit, he wasn't wearing his flame-resistant uniform beneath his t-shirt and jeans at the moment.

"Could start a fashion, you never know," the teen snickered, tilting her head at the sound of Bella barking downstairs. "Sounds like Mom's home. Hey, Dad?" She snickered, putting the handle of her paintbrush between her teeth to free up her hands, and signed Lock the door when you sex her up in his direction. They'd been learning sign language with Maria for the last few weeks, but Fliss definitely had a knack for it.

"Hmm, maybe," he admitted, looking down at his shirt again momentarily before tilting a glance toward the door upon hearing Bella's barking. It was likely to be Liv, since the bark was Bella's "I'm happy to see you," bark and not her stranger danger bark. He looked back at Fliss and her signing, not quite catching it all the first time. "Why do you want me to lock the door?" he asked curiously, wondering if she wanted to surprise Liv with the progress they'd made in painting the bedroom.

Fliss burst out laughing, and offered up the complex signing once again, before innocently taking her paintbrush out of her mouth and returning to the fascinating task of painting very carefully around the edges of the light switch. From below came the sound of Liv's footsteps rising up the stairs, accompanied by the familiar scrabble of Bella's paws.

Johnny got it the second time around, laughing and waggling the paint brush at her as if he was scolding her. "Now listen here, young lady. My sex life is none of your beeswax, got me?" he scolded, though there was no anger in his voice. In fact, from the look on his face it was hard to tell if he was serious at all. "Up here, Livvie!" he called, turning his head toward the door. "Don't blame me you get a spanking," he whispered a warning to his adoptive daughter with a smug smirk on his face.

"Well, it kinda is," Fliss pointed out with an innocent grin. "Because of, you know, the super sperm serum Aunt Lucy made you guys." It said a lot for her relationship with both Johnny and Liv that Fliss had the freedom to tease about that particular subject. They might worry about her feeling sidelined, with two siblings about to be adopted, but Fliss couldn't have been happier with the idea. She wanted normal, more than she could possibly say, and to her, being a big sister was another step on the road to as normal as she could be. She glanced toward the door as it opened, treated to the sight of Liv lunging to catch Bella's collar before the Beaucheron could pounce into the room and cover herself in paint.

"Sorry!" Liv laughed a little breathlessly, pulling the beautiful dog back into the hallway while at the same time trying to hide the drugstore bag hanging off her own wrist. "How's it going in here?"

"What's that got to do with it?" Johnny asked, confused, but before Fliss could give him an answer, Liv was standing in the doorway, and the answer to his question would have to wait. "It's going!" he replied, moving over to Liv to plant a kiss on her lips, whether he was covered in paint or not. From the looks of things, they'd made good progress, even if they seemed to be wearing almost as much paint as the walls.

Kissed, Liv couldn't help laughing at the sight of them both. "Looks like you two have been having fun," she told them, lurching backward hurriedly as Fliss opened her arms, threatening with just the grin on her face to hug her mother. "Don't you dare, missy!"

"Careful or you'll end up with these!" Johnny exclaimed puffing out his chest again to show off the handprints Fliss had so kindly left on his chest. "Remember when we painted our first apartment, Liv?" he asked, turning back to fill in the space that Fliss had outlined with her brush.

In the midst of waving Fliss away with a loud laugh, Liv's smile turned nostalgic as she looked over at Johnny. That first apartment seemed a world away from where they were now, but she'd always remember it fondly. Quite a few firsts happened there, after all. "How could I forget?" she teased him, leaning in the doorway. "I had paint in my hair for weeks!"

"I remember," Johnny said with a chuckle. It seemed like ages ago, though it had only been a few years. They had come a long way from those humble beginnings when he'd been working at the Wonderplex and she'd been in between jobs. "We should take the kids to the Wonderplex sometime," Johnny suggested as he reminisced.

"We definitely should," she agreed with him, sticking her tongue out at Fliss as the teen snickered. "Make them go on the big roller-coaster with only Fliss to control them, maybe." It was Liv's turn to snicker as the teenager looked at her with something approaching absolute horror.

"Maybe not Maria," Johnny said with a small frown. "I'll take her on the carousel instead," he said, turning quietly back to his painting. As much as he adored Fliss, he was developing a soft spot for the little girl who seemed as lost as Fliss as once been. If he could, he'd have taken in every stray child that needed a home and showed them what it was to be loved, but he had to be content with the few children they were able to save.

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:13 EST
Liv and Fliss exchanged a faint grin, both knowing that Johnny was already wrapped about the silent little girl's finger. It was just as well Alexei already thought the sun shone out of Johnny's rear end, or that could be awkward. "Okay, well, I need the loo, so I'll be back to help in a little bit," Liv told her husband and daughter, shooing Bella out of the room ahead of her. "Try not to set anything on fire."

Oh, Johnny was very fond of Alexei, too. He and the boy had hit it off right away, from the first moment Johnny had melted the lock on his door. Though he wasn't aware of it, Johnny had a way with children, like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, except it was children that seemed to follow him around, rather than rats. He didn't think much of Liv's need to use the bathroom, though he did wonder where she'd been. The bag from the drug store was a big clue, but it still told him next to nothing. For all he knew, she'd run out to get more Bandaids. "Oh, ye, of little faith!" Johnny retorted as Liv stepped out of the room.

"Harken ye all to the crackling sound of Johnny Storm setting his paint boobies on fire and getting spanked by his wife for doing it!" Fliss intoned cheekily, settling herself on the floor to work on the edges by the skirting board. She had a feeling she knew what was in the bag, herself, but then the only reason she was even suspicious in that area was because she and Liv shared that particular shelf of feminine hygiene products in the main bathroom.

"I'm not gonna set my paint boo-" He broke off before he could say the whole word, since everyone knew that men didn't have boobies, not even of the paint variety. "My shirt," he corrected himself. He continued spreading paint across the wall, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Did something seem off to you? With Liv, I mean."

She glanced up at him, going for convincingly innocent. Even if she was right with her guess, it wasn't her place to spill. "Maybe a little," she shrugged. "She's been all stressed out and worrying about getting everything ready for having a bigger family. Maybe it's that."

"Maybe," Johnny replied, though he wasn't too sure. They'd discussed this in depth before making the decision, deciding they just couldn't bear to let the pair get split up. Though they weren't siblings, the pair of children taken to each other and had been inseparable since their ordeal. "Do you think they'll like it here?" he asked, letting her see some of his own worries. "You don't mind, do you?" he asked her for the umpteenth time.

"Dad, they're getting a mommy and a daddy, and the awesomest big sister ever," Fliss pointed out with a wry grin, tipping her head back to meet his eyes. "And if Aunt Lucy's right, and Alexei does have some kind of lingering thing that gives him powers or whatever, they'll be in the best place to grow up." Her smile softened at the oft-repeated question. "Honestly, I really don't mind. I'm excited. I get to be a big sister, and help them settle in, and give them some of the normal that got taken away from them. It's not like you and Mom are gonna suddenly stop loving me, just because Alexei and Maria are gonna be part of the family, is it?"

"No, of course not!" Johnny replied vehemently with a serious look on his face. "We're always gonna love you, Fliss. You know that. You were our first and you're always gonna have a special place in our hearts, but why stop at one when there are so many kids out there who need a good home and family?" He didn't have to explain to her how he and Liv had been orphans and how they didn't want anyone else to have to suffer or feel unloved they way they had; she knew all that already, and knew their reasons for what they were doing. "Besides, you're always gonna be my special girl. Wait 'til I teach you to fly," he said with a grin. Some kids had their parents teach them to drive; this one was going to have her father teach her to fly.

"See" I knew you'd say that." She grinned up at him, taking the opportunity to paint a smiley face on his knee since it was right there. "Wait ....I'm gonna fly?" Her obvious excitement at this was rendered a little moot, because at this point, something else came up. Namely, the sound of something thumping into the wall in the bathroom with a bit of a crash, and Liv's voice raised in utter shock.

"Oh, my GOD!"

"You knew I'd say what?" he asked, watching as she painted a happy face on a faded knee of his jeans. He would have remarked on the possibility of flying if they hadn't been interrupted by the sounds coming from the bathroom. Without hesitation, Johnny dropped his brush in the tray of paint and headed toward the door, resisting the urge to Flame On. "Livvie" What's the matter" What's wrong?" he asked as he tried the door. Finding the door unlocked, he pushed it open without knocking, worried something was wrong. "Are you okay?" he asked, with a look of obvious concern on his face as he surveyed the room.

Liv was sitting in the bathtub where she'd landed, folded almost double, her feet sticking out at awkward angles as she stared at the pair of little white sticks in her hand. Her eyes were a little wild as she looked up at Johnny and Fliss crowding in through the door, Bella trying to nudge between them to see what was happening for herself. "I ....I ....Johnny, I's ...." Coherence had left the building, it seemed.

Johnny took in the scene, realizing she must have slipped somehow and fallen into the tub, though he wasn't sure how. And then there were those little telltale sticks in her hand. You could almost see the wheels turning in Johnny Storm's head. "Liv" Are those what I think they are?" he asked, before he even had a chance to go over to the tub and scoop her out of there.

Liv nodded, her soft eyes still wide with shock but growing delight. "Uh-huh."

Behind Johnny, Fliss snorted with laughter. "Okay, I'm just gonna ..." She gestured toward the hallway with a loud laugh. "C'mon, Bells, frisbee!" They'd definitely got lucky with their first child; she knew exactly what was happening, and had decided to let them start the celebration themselves.

He only hesitated a moment at the door, a little in shock himself, though he wasn't quite sure whether those little sticks told of good news or bad news. Lucy had seemed quite sure that they wouldn't have any trouble getting pregnant, but he'd had his doubts. After all the disappointments, he and Liv had learned not to expect too much. It was easier that way, just in case things didn't go as planned. He didn't say anything to Fliss, relieved she had the sense to excuse herself, until he knew what was going on. He stepped into the bathroom and crouched down beside his wife who was still splayed in the tub. "Livvie, what?s going on?" he asked her gently. "Are you?" He didn't dare say what he was thinking, afraid he might jinx them.

Liv didn't have any idea what to say. She had bought the tests on a whim this morning while picking up something else, vaguely aware that she'd missed a couple of months but having put that down to stress and activity. And now here she was, folded into a bathtub, staring mutely at her husband as she turned around the little sticks in her hand to show him two very bright positives.

She had taken enough of these tests for him to know what those bright spots meant. His eyes widened at the realization that, if those tests were accurate, their little family was going to increase in size once again in the not-too-distant future. "Oh, my god," he muttered, echoing her words, but in a much quieter tone of voice. "Does that mean' Are you? When" How?" He shook the cobwebs from his head. "I know how, but I mean" I thought ....Oh, my god, Livvie. Are we gonna have a baby?" he asked, his voice not much more than a whisper, as if he was afraid to say it out loud or it might not come true.

Just as shocked as he was, it took a long time for Liv to find her voice, struggling not to end up in a happy, weepy mess in a bathtub of all places. "I-I guess Lucy's better at her job than I thought," she admitted, sniffling as her eyes filled, though her lips were slowly curving into a truly delighted smile. "I never really thought ....Johnny, we're going to have a baby ..."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:15 EST
Johnny reached for her hand, closing his own hands about hers, a soft smile on his face and tears in his eyes. He seemed to have forgotten for a moment that Liv was folded uncomfortably in the bathtub, distracted by this unexpected turn of events. "A baby ..." Johnny echoed quietly. "You're gonna be a mommy." Which meant he was going to be a Daddy. Well, he already was one really, but this was different.

It didn't mean they would love Fliss, Alexei, or Maria any less, or that there would be any inequality in the way they treated their children; they were all family, no matter how it came about. But to see that positive result, after almost two years of heartbreaking disappointments ....Liv burst into tears, gripping Johnny's hands tightly.

"Oh, baby," Johnny whispered, knowing how all those disappointments had broken her heart over and over again, just as they had his. He drew her into his arms and scooped her out of the tub to hold her in his arms right there on the bathroom floor. And right there on the bathroom floor, he cried with her - happy tears, tears of joy and relief. And then, suddenly, he was laughing, joy bubbling up inside him the way it had when she had told him she loved him for the very first time; the way it had when they'd gotten married; the way it had when they'd found Bella and Fliss and Alexei and Maria and made them part of their family; the way it had so many times since he'd met and fallen in love with the sweet, gentle creature that was his Livvie.

Clinging to him, it wasn't long before her laughter joined his, joyful and maybe a little hysterical, sweeping away the tears as she curled into his arms, wrapping her own about his neck. It was wonderful, amazing, unbelievable news, overwhelming if they let it become so. It was the greatest gift Lucy could ever have given them. Drawing back, Liv dashed at the tears staining her cheeks, still giggling a little over the unexpected miracle they were sharing. "God," she whispered. "We're gonna have four children by New Year."

Johnny hadn't really been keeping count until that very moment when Liv pointed it out. Four children, when a year ago they'd been desperate to have just one. Four children to love and care for and to love them in return. He laughed again at that realization. Four children or not, he was unwilling to give a single one of them up, and he had a feeling Liv felt the same. "We're gonna need a bigger house."

She laughed, teasing her fingers gently against his cheeks, despite the fact that his own tears had dried easily. "I'm going to have to talk to Jon about my job," she said softly. "I won't be able to put so much time into his business as I have been doing." Guilt flared at the thought of disappointing the best employer she'd ever had. "Oh, God, what if he fires me?"

Johnny chuckled at her question. Even he knew her boss wouldn't fire the Best P.A. Ever, though he might get her some help. "He's not going to fire you for wanting to have a family, Liv, but we're gonna have to make some choices." And the sooner, the better, since their family was growing at an unexpectedly rapid pace.

She nodded, trusting him where she didn't trust her own habit of irrationally worrying about everything. "And the first thing to do is tell Fliss that she's obviously guessed right," she said warmly, stroking her fingers against his cheek. "And then make a doctor's appointment."

"Guessed right?" he echoed, a little confused for about ten seconds before he realized what she was talking about. He looked around, as if only just realizing that Fliss and Bella weren't there. He'd been so worried about Liv that he'd totally forgotten about Fliss. "Oh, crap. Do you think she's okay with it?" he asked, worried again.

It was Liv's turn to be reassuring now, a role she was more accustomed to when it came to their daughter. "Sweetheart, we won't know until we tell her," she told him gently. "And even then, she might not let us know if she's not that okay with it. But it's Fliss. She trusts us, and she knows she can talk to us about anything. If she needs reassuring, she'll look for it."

"She said she likes the idea of being a big sister," Johnny told her, sharing a little of the conversation he'd had with Fliss just a short while ago. It wasn't so much that he was worried about though - it was the fact that this child was going to be their own flesh and blood, but he couldn't imagine loving any child - adopted or not - he adored more than Fliss. She was special, maybe in part because they had chosen her.

"Then we shouldn't worry about it until she gives us something to worry about," Liv pointed out softly, leaning in close to kiss him tenderly. "And besides ....we're going to need her to help us pick out something wonderful for Lucy, and something for Reed, too. With their research and work, we have a miracle."

Johnny winced a little at the mention of Reed. The two of them had never really gotten along very well, but he supposed he could suck up his pride to give the man his due credit - so long as Reed didn't go into a long dissertation on the scientific details of it. Reed Richards was always a bit of a sore subject, as far as Johnny was concerned. "I suppose," he admitted a bit grudgingly.

Cradling his jaw, Liv kissed him once again. "You never know, the two of you might actually be able to get along better now you're both parents," she mused softly, unable to resist one last gesture. Taking his hand in hers, she drew his warm palm over her flat womb. "Your baby is in there. And they'll have such a wonderful family to get to know when they arrive - big sisters and a big brother all ready and waiting."

Johnny settled his palm against the flat of her stomach, warmth radiating from his hand, full of wonder at the thought that there was a baby growing inside her and he'd been the one to put it there. "You had trouble getting pregnant because of me, you know. Because of the radiation. Lucy told me months ago, but I didn't want to worry you." Instead, he'd blamed himself and worried she wouldn't want him anymore, but thankfully, that hadn't happened.

"You did tell me," she reminded him gently. "And it might not happen again. I would have been happy with Fliss, and Alexei, and Maria, and any other children we bring into our lives. But I'm not going to deny that I am very happy to be carrying your child, sweetheart."

Johnny couldn't help but smile at that, flooding with relief and excitement and every other feeling that new parents feel when they find out they are having a child for the very first time. "Let's go tell Fliss then," he suggested, sliding his arms around her to help her to her feet. "I love you, Liv," he told her quietly before laughing again, feeling excitement bubbling up inside him, which was noticeably raising his temperature.

Drawn up onto her feet, Liv coiled her arms around his neck, lifting her feet off the floor as she let loose a peal of delighted laughter. "I love you, too, sparky," she promised him, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. Her hand drew gently against the back of his neck as she set her feet down again, her smile growing to a grin. "Should I get some spare clothes for you before we go downstairs?" she asked impishly. "Since, you know, you're not wearing the suit today."

"Why?" he asked, with an equally impish grin on his face. "Don't trust me or don't want Fliss to see me naked?" She knew him well enough to know he was likely to Flame On, if he got too excited, soaring into the sky to burn off excess heat and energy, though he was trying to keep himself grounded.

"Thinking maybe Fliss would try and burn your bits off if she got a good look at them," she teased her husband affectionately. "Boys still have cooties, to her." Laughing, Liv gently eased out of his arms, tweaking his nose between thumb and forefinger. "C'mon, before you set fire to all the new paint."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:16 EST
"That's not gonna last long," he said, presuming Fliss actually liked boys. She had dropped a few hints in the past, but so far, she didn't have any boyfriends flocking around - much to Johnny's relief. "Yes, dear," he replied with a smirk, crossing his eyes as she tweaked his nose. He couldn't wait to see what Miss Smarty Pants had to say about having a baby brother or sister.

Turning him about, Liv gave him a gentle spank to the rear to get him moving. "Go on, shoo," she encouraged her husband affectionately. "She said something about frisbee, so my guess is the garden, sparky." She goosed him, just because she could, and crowded into his back, guiding him toward the stairs with a low chuckle against his ear.

Johnny smirked as she spanked and then goosed his behind. "I guess we know which part of me you like best," he teased, though he wasn't so sure about that. She had never really said which part of him was her favorite, and he had a feeling she liked the whole package.

"Poppycock," she teased against his ear, and yes, her hands did go wandering a little, simply because he was teasing her. "I love my Sparky, no matter what part of him he presents to me." Giggling, she eased back, falling into step behind him as they headed down the stairs.

He turned his head to look at her over his shoulder with that silly smirk still on his face. "You don't have a favorite part?" he asked, waggling his brows at her. Distracted by his teasing, his foot missed a step and he went down hard on that rear she had been goosing only a moment ago.

"Nope, I - Johnny!" She reached out to catch him as he went down, her hands grasping onto thin air while her husband bounced down a couple of steps on his rear end. Instead, she ended up grabbing the railing to keep herself from tumbling over his head. Clumsy Liv falls were definitely out of the question for the next seven or eight months.

Johnny uttered an "Ow" each time his rear bounced off a stair for a total of three before he caught himself. Thankfully, his rear was somewhat well-padded, but he was likely going to be sore later. His ability to cover his body in plasma flames might protect him from all sorts of danger, but it didn't help much when it came to simply clumsiness.

Clinging on desperately, Liv swung around and bounced off the wall, laughing at their combined clumsiness. "Oh dear," she giggled, rolling her eyes as she righted herself. "Are you all right, love?" One sneakered foot gently nudged his shoulder as she moved a little further down the stairs, unable to keep the grin off her face. "Need me to kiss anything better?"

Johnny came to a halt finally on the stairs, his pride hurt more than his rear, though he might change his mind about that later on. "I'm okay. You?" he asked, turning to lay a hand against her tummy, his face betraying his worry over her and the baby. While it was unlikely the little tumble did either of them harm, he was going to have to be more careful in the future. "Maybe I should wrap up in bubble wrap until the baby is born." Though that would only melt with him around.

Her hand covered his over her tummy, her gentle smile confident as she looked into his eyes. "I didn't fall," she promised him, squeezing his hand. "We're both fine." Stepping down until she was only one stair above him, Liv kissed her husband once again, reveling in his warmth and his concern. "I'd rather not have to use scissors and a spatula to get you naked at night, you know."

"I meant wrap you up!" he said with a chuckle, leaning over to touch a kiss to her lips before pulling them both to their feet. He hoped Fliss hadn't heard them or she might get the wrong idea. She'd mentioned something once already about hearing the bed banging, though he'd assured her it was Bella's fault.

Giggling, she let him draw her safely down to the bottom of the stairs. It didn't seem as though anything was going to effect her buoyant mood today, not after that wonderful shock. One hand in Johnny's, she pulled him toward the garden, where Fliss and Bella were rough-housing excitedly together on the grass, the frisbee totally forgotten.

Johnny's pride was a little more hurt than his rear, but he couldn't stay moody for long with Liv giggling behind him and Fliss and Bella obviously having fun outside on the lawn. He drew her outside to stand quietly beside her hand in hand while the two of them watched the first two orphans they'd opened their hearts, too. Johnny couldn't help but smile at the thought of that. He'd wanted this so badly for so long.

On her hands and knees with Bella, Fliss bounced about, laughing as the Beaucheron offered her a play-bow and then pounced her, knocking the teen over onto her back to cover her with wet doggy kisses. "Bells! Get off, you big slobber cake!"

Beside Johnny, both her hands wrapped about his one, her cheek on his shoulder, Liv laughed, exceptionally proud of how very settled their daughter was. "She's going to be a fantastic big sister."

"Do you remember how scared she was when we first met her?" Johnny whispered back to Liv, one warm hand held between her two, warmth radiating off him in waves. "She's come a long way," he said, proud of their eldest daughter. No matter how many children they decided to share their lives with, Felicity would always hold a special place in his heart as the one they'd chosen first.

"And how good she is with Maria and Alexei," Liv agreed softly. She'd been worried that Fliss might feel sidelined, or pushed away, and yet the teen had completely surprised her. If it weren't for Fliss, Maria might not even have acknowledged them, much less agreed to being adopted by them. She hugged Johnny's arm tightly. "You're right, we're going to need to move. Again."

With two girls, a boy, and another baby on the way, the house they'd picked out at Maple Grove was already getting too small for them. Johnny frowned a little, not wanting to be any trouble, but he liked living at Maple Grove and didn't really want to leave. "You think there's a house big enough for us on the grounds somewhere?"

"We can always ask," she said thoughtfully. "I don't think anyone would mind us moving from here to somewhere a little bigger on the grounds. They were very enthusiastic about getting us onto the Grove in the first place, I don't think they're going to unhook their claws now we're here." She laughed softly, aware that, somehow, they had become honorary Grangers.

Johnny had a feeling they'd become honorary Grangers because of Liv's connection to Jon as his P.A., but that wasn't really true. The truth was that Old Man Granger had taken a shine to them both, for some reason, and they were in like Flynn. And who wouldn't like a guy who could charm the socks off every kid he met, whether he knew it or not' The fact was that Liv and Johnny were orphans themselves who craved family, and with Steve and Lucy away in New York, they had adopted the Grangers as much as they'd been adopted. "Unless you'd rather move to New York," he suggested mildly.

That, at least, Liv had an answer to. "I'm not ready for New York," she told him, shy but honest. "I spent three nights in Lucy and Steve's house as the adult, and I was terrified. It was too noisy, and I didn't feel safe. That isn't to say I won't be ready for it in the future, but ....right now I'm happy here, with you and our family. We're only a portal step away."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:18 EST
He smiled and leaned over to touch a kiss to her cheek, relieved that she wasn't ready to move to New York. The truth was, he wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready to move back to New York. "We have the best of both worlds here, Livvie, and to be honest, I think it's safer here." He wanted to raise a family in a place where they wouldn't be seen as freaks, the way he was when he was a teenager.

"I think you're right," she agreed, her own smile relieved that he felt the same way. "And besides, our children are going to struggle enough. They don't need to be labeled freaks, not when they're so wonderful in their own way. Rhy'Din's the best place for them, and for us."

They weren't Steve and Lucy, after all; they weren't working for S.H.I.E.L.D., and now that Johnny had been on his own for so long, he had no intention of going back to living in the Baxter Building, no matter how luxurious it might be. Johnny and Liv had their own lives now, their own family, and their own home. The decisions they made were no longer just about them, but about their children, too. "We can visit New York anytime we want," Johnny pointed out, and Steve and Lucy could visit Rhy'Din whenever they wanted. Sue and Reed were another matter, but the same still applied.

"Absolutely," Liv agreed warmly, kissing his shoulder. A soft, gently sad smile touched her lips as she thought of Peggy, and how pleased her great-aunt would be to know they'd finally gotten pregnant. At least, even if she went before the end of summer, she'd live long enough to know that both Elizabeth's daughters were continuing her line.

"So," a voice from the grass asked, drawing their attention to where Fliss was now lying on her back, pinned to the ground by Bella's recumbent form, "when do we get a little brother or sister to throw around like a basketball?"

Johnny's thoughts didn't wander to Peggy, just yet, but maybe they would later. She was family, too, after all, and he knew she wasn't getting any younger. Hopefully, she'd live long enough to meet the youngest member of the family after he or she was born. "How's about seven months sound?" Johnny called back, turning toward the teen who was sprawled out on the grass, a teasing smirk on his face.

"November, huh' Just in time for Christmas!" There was a loud grunt as Fliss heaved Bella off her with a laugh, ignoring the indignant look on the dog's face to scramble up onto her feet. Johnny just about had time to brace himself before his teenaged daughter thumped into him, one arm reaching out to gather Liv into the hug as well.

"Should we put a bow around your little brother or sister's neck and put them under the tree?" Johnny teased, opening his arms to wrap them both in a hug while Bella barked to remind them that she was part of the family, too.

"Only if we can put a bow around your thing and make Mom open it on Christmas morning," Fliss grinned innocently, squeezing them both as Bella nudged her way in between them. "Are you gonna tell Alex and Mar?"

Liv chuckled, rolling her eyes at the automatic nicknames that came so easily to the teen.

Johnny snickered at Fliss' suggestion. "If that happens, I promise you won't be there to see it!" Once he and Fliss got going, there was no stopping them. Was it any wonder Liv was rolling her eyes" Fliss' question sobered him a little, and he looked to Liv for guidance. "Uh, we haven't got that far yet."

"Of course we're going to tell them," Liv nodded firmly. "And as much as some people might think that it's bad timing, I think it's perfect timing. Because they can help the three of us get ready for the baby, and by the time he or she arrives, they'll be just as much family as we are. How does that sound?"

Liv seemed to have thought this through better than him, but he was in complete agreement with her answer. "It's probably better they find out sooner, rather than later," he pointed out. There was no reason to keep it a secret, and he hoped they would be as excited about the news as Fliss was. "We might have to move again, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind rooming with Maria until she feels more comfortable here."

"You're kidding, right?" Fliss raised her brow at Johnny as though he'd lost his mind. "I was counting on it. There's no way you guys are gonna be able to hear us if we sit up late talking." She snickered wickedly, squealing as Liv poked at her ticklish side for that cheeky comment.

"You know what? Just for that, I'm going to check on you at unpredictable times in the night from this time forward."

Johnny smiled as he watched the two of them teasing each other, but privately, he was worried about Maria most of all. Though both Alexei and Maria had suffered at the hands of their captors, Maria would never be the same again. Not even Rhy'Din's most powerful mages could heal her. Liv could probably read his thoughts from the look on his face, though he said nothing about it. "So long as you don't go sneaking out your bedroom window at all hours of the night," he teased Fliss with a faint smile.

"What, you mean I'm not allowed to steal Mar and go late night shopping without you guys?" the teen teased back, though they all knew she'd never do that. To be honest, at this point, if she asked to go to a friend's party, or anything that would have her out late, they'd jump to agree, provided one of them could collect her at the end of the evening. Fliss needed some friends her own age, but it seemed to be taking a long time for her to gather enough trust in her classmates to make that leap.

"Definitely not!" Johnny replied without hesitation, though he knew she was only teasing. Of the two of them, he was probably the most protective one. Though they were doing what they could to encourage Fliss to make friends, he knew it was hard when you felt like you were different, and even harder when you were worried you might hurt anyone who got close to you. "Do you think they'll mind having another sibling" A baby will take up a lot of our time and energy in the beginning." He remembered what it was like babysitting Emily when she was first born. Johnny had been scared silly about it, but she had taken to them pretty quickly.

"Not if you keep them involved, they won't," Fliss informed him, rather wisely for her age. "You can't be jealous of someone else when you're just as responsible for feeding them and changing them and making sure Mom and Dad get time to snuggle with you."

Liv smiled, glad that Fliss, at least, was confident that they could do it all successfully.

Perhaps it was odd having a teenager reassure him, but if Johnny thought about it too much, he might freak out. Most people's families expanded slowly, one child at a time, while Johnny and Liv were going from zero children to four children in less than a year. It was a lot of responsibility for someone who wasn't much more than a big kid himself. "When did you get so old and wise?" he teased, playfully nudging Fliss' arm.

"When I got an awesome mom and dad, of course," she informed him, squeezing him once more before darting off to startle Bella, who had been inspecting something she'd found in the grass.

Liv chuckled, leaning into Johnny's side affectionately. "Something tells me she's going to be as much the mommy as I will."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:18 EST
"It'll be good for her," Johnny replied, as much to reassure her as to reassure himself, though he didn't want Fliss growing up having to deal with too much responsibility before her time. He was filled with pride at her compliment, though he wasn't so such she was right. Even after all this time and everything he'd accomplished, Johnny still felt a little unsure of himself and his ability to be a good husband and father. "We should do something to celebrate," he said, tearing his eyes away from Fliss and Bella, back to Liv.

Liv didn't dare share her own concerns, not yet. She knew Johnny needed time to absorb everything, and she refused to be anything but confident until he was feeling more balanced about the whole thing. She could freak out later and blame it on hormones, if she had to. "We should," she agreed. "Maybe we should go out, do something fun together. It's been a while since we had a family outing."

Celebrating with the Storms was more likely to consist of pizza, a movie, and popcorn, rather than a meal at a fancy restaurant, but Johnny didn't mind. He wasn't really a fancy type of guy. A thought came to mind. He wasn't sure Liv would be up for it, but it wouldn't hurt to suggest it. "Isn't the Wonderplex open?"

"Yes, I do believe it is," she nodded in agreement, smiling. She'd been hoping he'd suggest it; she loved the way he lit up when his suggestions for outings were what they ended up doing. "Are we thinking dogs, popcorn, and rides?"

"Yes!" Johnny exclaimed with a big grin on his face. In his opinion, if they didn't have tummy aches by the end of the day, they hadn't done things right. Who needed prime rib and champagne when they could have hotdogs and soda pop" "You're the best, Livvie," he said, smooching a wet kiss against her cheek.

She smiled, hugging her arms around his waist. "No, I think I've got the best," she countered. "Best husband in the multiverse, for starters." She let her lips brush his teasingly. "But first! I should put some jeans on, because there's no way in hell I'm going to the Wonderplex in shorts at this time of year."

"And I have to take a shower," he told her, as evidence by the green paint that was splattered all over his clothes and even in his hair. "Hey, Fliss!" he called over with a wink to Liv. "We're going to the Wonderplex. Wanna come along?" Of course, he knew she would, but he couldn't help teasing her.

"What' Ooof!" Distracted from her game with Bella, Fliss took all 160lbs of dog in the stomach as she was pounced off her feet yet again, laughing as she wheezed. "Love you too, Bells ....We're going to the 'plex" Seriously?"

"Yeah, but, uh ..." He frowned a little as he looked between the two of them. "I think we're gonna have to leave Bella here. Maybe she can spend some time with Cosmo while we're gone." He didn't really like having to leave her behind, but the Wonderplex wasn't really suited for dogs.

"We can pick her up something special for dinner on our way home," Liv suggested, gently nudging him. They both knew a bored Bella could be wildly destructive when she wanted to be, and the Wonderplex would bore their beautiful dog out of her mind. "Besides, Cosmo likes having company."

"Bella has a boyfriend," Johnny said with a chuckle, though he knew Cosmo was incapable of siring puppies. It was probably for the best. Cosmo was hyper enough as it was, and their house was going to be crowded enough without adding a batch of puppies to the mix.

"We really should get Bells done next time she's out of season," Liv mused, reminded of something she'd been continually forgetting for almost a year now. "I love her, but wiping up doggie period as well as baby poop is not something any of us want to be doing."

Fliss snickered as she came up to them. "What, you wanna give up the female solidarity when everyone syncs up and just lies on the couch groaning?"

"Unless you want her to have puppies," Johnny mused aloud, though he didn't think it was a very good idea with their family already about to grow the way it was. Johnny rolled his eyes at Fliss' remark. "Alex and I are surrounded by girls!"

Liv stared at Johnny, the look on her face more than enough to send Fliss off into gales of laughter. "You wouldn't do that to me, would you, Bells?" Liv asked their dog worriedly, getting a bark and a dance that ended in her cheek being licked enthusiastically. "If you ever get pregnant, Johnny can do all the training and stuff, deal?"

"What training?" Johnny asked, confused. What did he know about puppies - or babies, for that matter" Everything he knew he'd learned from Jon and Vicki, and he'd never known anyone who had puppies.

Fliss snickered as Liv crouched to hug Bella. "You know, Dad," she teased him, nudging at his ribs impishly. "You get to teach them not to poop and wee in the house, and how to walk on a lead, and not to eat the furniture or hurt the kids."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Johnny asked, uncertainly, brows crinkling with worry, before he realized they were teasing. "Okay, okay, one thing at a time, but I don't think we should have her fixed yet." He crouched down beside Bella and turned her to face him. "You want to have babies, too, someday, don't you, Bells?" he asked her soberly, for which he was rewarded with an affection lick of a tongue against his cheek.

"All right," Fliss grinned, leaning on his back since he was down there anyway. "You can be her prophylactic, and we can laugh."

Next to Johnny, Liv laughed aloud at that, her imagination bringing up all kinds of unsavory images to illustrate just how he might manage that.

"Her what?" he asked, eying the teen over his shoulder. "The only other dog she sees is Cosmo and he's been snipped," he pointed out helpfully, forgetting all about Milo. He winced just a little at the word snipped, hoping Liv didn't have that fate in mind for him someday.

"And Loki, and Milo, and every other dog she sees on her walks," Liv pointed out with a quiet giggle for the look on his face. She could guess where his mind had gone - she still remembered listening to the back and forth discussions between Jon and Vicki over getting Cosmo snipped in the first place.

Johnny frowned, having nearly the same reaction to the idea of Bella getting fixed as Jon had to Cosmo. "But Liv ..." he pleaded, turning Bella's face to hers. "Look at that face. How can you tell that face no?" he asked, though Bella didn't look very bothered by whatever it was her master and mistress were discussing. It was Johnny who was pouting.

Liv rolled her eyes. "Easily. Because that face is relying on us not to saddle her with puppies before she's ready for it," she pointed out with a grin, reaching out to smoosh his cheeks between her thumb and fingers. "And this face is the one who will have to deal with the puppies if it happens before we're ready for it." She blew him a kiss. "Seriously you want to be wiping multiple doggy bums when you should be spending time with your children?"

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-04-25 09:19 EST
"Well, when you put it that way ..." Johnny said, still pouting. She seemed adamant about this, and while Johnny didn't want to deal with puppies just yet, he wasn't sure if they'd change their minds. "But Bella's family, too," he pointed out. "Do you really think this is a choice we should make for her?" He said all of this through a mouth squished between Liv's thumb and fingers.

Liv considered him for a moment, aware that Fliss was watching her from over his head and the teen's expression betrayed that she wasn't exactly eager to get Bella done either. She sighed. "All right, how about this?" she offered. "We don't get her done yet. But we make damned sure she doesn't get pregnant until we're in a position where we can take care of her and her babies properly."

Johnny's face lit up with a pleased grin, and he jumped up to scoop both Liv and Fliss into a hug. "Yay! Thanks, Livvie. You won't regret it. I promise!" That, of course, would remain to be seen. Bella barked up at them, her tail wagging happily, though she wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about.

Johnny's cheer was joined by Fliss', and Liv found herself squished between them, laughing at their silly delight in a decision that apparently they just couldn't make without her. It made her even more glad Bella was a girl; she couldn't imagine how long the argument would have been over snipping a boy dog with two small children expected and a baby on the way. "All right, all right!" she protested laughingly. "Both of you need to shower and change, I'll call Jon."

The argument over a boy dog might not have been as bad, actually; it was the prospect of puppies that Johnny found intriguing. "Yes, ma'am!" Johnny exclaimed with a grin, snapping off a sharp salute to his wife. They both knew who wore the pants in the family, and it wasn't Johnny!

"Aw, man, you are so whipped," Fliss teased him, throwing her own teasing salute more to mock him than to be obedient to Liv, though they all knew who could crack the whip around here if she chose to.

"Go on, both of you," Liv chuckled, wiggling her fingers at them. "All the paint off, or I'll take Bella to the 'plex by myself."

"Ha! And do what? Take her on the Ferris wheel?" he teased back with a smirk, though he was already heading for the house. The sooner he showered and dressed, the sooner they'd be on their way.

Following along, Liv snickered softly, looping an arm around Fliss as the teen hugged her. "How about get her pregnant just because Daddy Storm isn't there to be a prophylactic?" she said, sending their daughter into a loud eruption of giggles once again.

"I heard that!" Johnny called back from ahead of them. "Besides ....I'm no good as a rubber. I'd just melt!" he retorted, breaking into a fit of laughter himself as he headed inside at his own joke.

"That's just ....eww." Fliss snorted with laughter, drawing Liv to a halt just before they entered the house. She turned to face her mother, wrapping her up in a warm hug. "I'm really happy for you," she promised softly. "It's gonna be amazing, having this beautiful big family. Thank you."

Squeezing her once more, the teen turned and skipped into the house, leaving Liv almost speechless in the doorway, one hand hovering over her flat womb. Very slowly, a smile crossed her face, and she felt herself relax. They could do this. All they'd ever wanted was to build a family together. No one could possibly say they hadn't managed it now.

It was too bad Johnny hadn't witnessed that or it would have been an "aww" sort of moment. Despite all his worries, he was happy. It had been their dream to have a big family, and it seemed that dream was finally coming true.

((From nought to sixty in six seconds! Just as well the Grangers like the Storms, isn't it' Many thanks to my awesome play partner!))