Topic: World's Best Boss

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-09-26 16:00 EST
Despite her years of working for Jonathan Granger, Liv still felt awkward going up to the big house on Maple Grove. More so today, given what she needed to ask her boss. With any luck, Sol wouldn't be in evidence - he should still be working from home for the morning. It wasn't that she didn't like her colleague; she just didn't want him there when she talked to Jon. Steeling herself, she made her way inside, offering a quiet hello to Humphrey as he crossed to the study, and headed up the stairs to knock on Jon's door.

The first thing Liv heard when she knocked on the door was the sound of Cosmo barking. That was followed by the sound of something thumping to the floor, a muffled incoherent shout from a decidedly male voice, and a child's laughter. Whatever was going on behind closed doors, it sounded like their day was not off to a good start. There was another muffled shout from behind the door before Jon finally pulled it open, looking a little frazzled and uncharacteristically disheveled. "We'll be down in a ..." he broke off, brows arching to find Liv standing there, not whoever it was he'd been expecting. "Oh, Olivia ....What are you doing here?" he asked, shaking a leg as it seemed he had a child clinging and tugging on his pants.

Listening to what was going on behind the door, Liv couldn't help smiling. She knew the feeling intimately, after all. She was still smiling when Jon opened the door. "Actually, I was hoping to talk to you," she told him, her voice warm with amusement. "Need a hand?"

"Uh ..." He looked a little uncertain for a moment. Though he was obviously in need of some help and she was his assistant, she was also fairly far along in her pregnancy, and he didn't want to trouble her. "Vicki already left for work, and we're running a little late this morning. I'm supposed to give Ludo a read-through, and Emily can't decide what to wear, and I think Benjamin is running a temperature," he explained. "Em, please stop yanking on Daddy's pants," he said, turning distractedly to the small child beside him.

She blinked up at him, her smile growing even more amused. "Well ....the read-through with Ludo is tomorrow morning," she reminded him helpfully. "I can help with the children, though. I've had a bit of practice, I'm not sure if you've noticed." A year ago, she would never have teased him like that; now she had one up on him, so to speak, Liv felt confident to chance her arm a little. "Miss Emily, what is the problem?"

The two-year-old looked up at her, still tugging on Jon's pants. "Wings," was all she said, making Liv smile.

Jon sighed. "Tomorrow, right," he replied, more to himself than to her. Normally, he had no problem handling two small children under the age of three, but for some reason, today was just not going very well - and they hadn't even had breakfast yet. Jon stood back to let Liv inside, frowning down at his small daughter and looking more than a little confused. "Wings. I don't know what she means by that. Does she want to wear wings" I can't just make a pair of wings appear out of thin air."

Liv raised a brow, thinking for a moment. "Did Vicki get her Halloween costume yet?" she asked, the only thing she could think of. As far as she knew, Emily's dress up box didn't contain wings. Yet.

"I don't know. I think so, but it's not Halloween yet," he replied, rubbing at his temple and the headache that was starting there. "I don't know if I'm very good at this parenting thing," he confessed with a frown. What normal parent hadn't thought that from time to time, especially when faced with a challenging day"

"Everyone has days like that," Liv assured him, her smile a little guilty for her own bad day yesterday. "All right, well check Benjamin's temperature and make yourself something to eat, and we, little madam, are going to go looking for what it is you want to wear. Settled?" She held her hand out to little Emily, who eyed her for a moment before inserting her own sticky fingers into Liv's palm. Clearly a woman was a better bet for finding what she wanted than Daddy was today.

Jon nodded his head, letting Liv take charge. She was a woman, after all, and probably understood more about what it was Emily wanted than he did. He frowned a little as Emily so trustingly went off with Liv to get dressed for the day, feeling horribly guilty he hadn't been able to sort out what she wanted, but he was feeling rushed and frazzled and a little stressed out, but now that he knew Ludo wasn't expecting him, he could focus on the children. He went straightaway to the nursery to fetch Benjamin and take his temperature, while Liv got Emily dressed. He didn't want to have to call Vicki at work, if he didn't have to, but this was the first time Benjamin had shown any signs of illness, and it worried him.

As for Emily's little problem, Liv was sneaky about it. She asked the little girl to draw a picture of the "wings" she was so determined to wear today, and discovered that Emily was actually asking to wear her bumblebee sweater and tights. She didn't care what else she had on, so long as she could run around the suite buzzing to her heart's content. That little mystery solved, Liv left the buzzing bee in the main room with a pile of paper and all her crayons, and went looking for Jon.

Taking a squirming child's temperature was a little more complicated than he thought it would be, but he'd managed to distract the boy long enough with a picture book to get a reading on the thermometer. It wasn't as bad as he'd feared - a low grade temperature, probably due to a cold coming on, or so he figured. Without Emily tugging at his leg or Cosmo barking for attention, he finally managed to get his son dressed for the day and to get a little medicine in him to make him feel better. Now it was just a matter of feeding them all some breakfast.

Cosmo, Liv had banished downstairs to go and see Humphrey, taking one hyperactive element out of the suite for the time being. When Jon reached the kitchen, she was making coffee for him, glancing up as he entered. "What's the verdict?" she asked. "No need for a rush to the hospital today?"

He had deposited Benji in the main room with his sister, putting his favorite movie, while he made breakfast, before joining Liv in the kitchen. "No, he has a temp, but it's not too high. His nose is running, too, so he must be coming down with a cold." He frowned, feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry. I'm sure this isn't what you came over for."

"Not really, no," she agreed in amusement. "But I did just finish doing pretty much the same at home, so at least my mind was in the right place." She turned to investigate their fridge. "Small boy with a cold ....boiled egg and soldiers."

"Soldiers?" he asked, brows arching upwards, not understanding that reference. "I'm not sure what you mean," he said, taking a mug down from the cupboard in anticipation of the coffee.

"You've been married to Vicki three years and you don't know what soldiers are?" Liv teased him, moving to set a pan on the stove and start boiling water. "You'll find out in a little bit." As she turned, pulling bread from the bread-bin and eggs from the fridge, she sighed softly, realizing she'd been completely distracted from the whole point of her visit that morning.

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-09-26 16:00 EST
"No, should I?" he asked, taking her question a little too seriously and maybe even a little defensively. He sighed as he realized he was still feeling a little frazzled, not wanting to take it out on her. "Sorry, Liv. You're a lifesaver. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come by." Deal with it was what he would have done.

"Called me, probably," she said with a smile, but there was a guilty cast to her expression as she looked his way. "But you've got Sol now. He'll be taking over when I'm on leave, after all." Which was going to be sooner than Jon was ready for, by the sound of things.

"Sol," Jon echoed with that frown still on his face, feeling a little guilty about that, too, but he was trying to think of her. "Sol is efficient, but he's not you. You're irreplaceable, Liv. And I doubt Sol would know what Emily meant by wings," he added for good measure, having noticed the bees on Emily's sweater.

She glanced over her shoulder, setting a couple of eggs into the pan to boil while the toaster worked its magic on a couple of slices of toast. It said a lot about how often Liv did the occasional thing in here that she knew where everything was. "Sit down and drink your coffee," she told her employer and friend, touched that he considered her irreplaceable. "Maybe you should make Sol your manager," she suggested, trying to make it seem as though the idea had just come to her. "You know, when I'm back from leave. I could stay your P.A., and he could deal with all the outside stuff."

Jon peered through the door to see how the kids were faring, but so far all was peaceful. World War Three had not broken out yet, and both seemed content to wait for breakfast, which gave him and Liv a chance to talk. It was rare he had a chance to do that these days. If it wasn't the family that was tugging at him, then it was work or something else demanding his time and attention. While he loved his life, it was nice to have a few minutes to spend talking to another grown adult now and then, besides the time he spent with Vicki.

He was still frowning as he sat down at the table, his first cup of caffeine for the day in hand. "Manager?" he winced at the word. He hadn't had very good luck with managers in the past, and he wasn't overly keen about the idea of hiring one again. "I don't need a manager, Liv. What I need is someone to take phone calls and go through my mail and sort my schedule and all that." He had never asked Liv to do anything he thought was beneath her, not even to ask her for a cup of coffee, until today.

"That isn't just what I do, Jon," Liv pointed out to him gently. "I take your calls, I sort your mail, I keep you on time, yes. But I also liaise with producers, directors, script-writers, and casting directors; I manage your accounts; I organize your security when you're out of town. And ....I think it might be too much for me." She felt horribly guilty just admitting to that, but Johnny was right - her husband and her children had to come first. They needed her fully functioning, and to do that, she had to admit that she wasn't the World's Best P.A., no matter how much Jon needed her to be.

Jon sighed and glanced at his coffee cup. He'd had a feeling this talk was coming sooner or later. Liv and Johnny had three kids with a fourth on the way - it was only a matter of time before she decided juggling work and home was too much for her. But he wasn't going to let his own needs take precedence over hers. He only hoped that, no matter what happened, they'd always be friends. He'd grown fond of her and of Johnny, and though they weren't really Grangers, they felt like family. "Okay, tell me what you need," he said as he looked back up at her, a concerned and caring look on his face.

Now that it came to it, Liv found it was much harder to actually tell him what her decision was. But at the forefront of her mind was her little boy, worried that she didn't love him anymore because she had snapped at the world in general. She couldn't let that happen again. Sighing softly, she turned fully to face Jon. "I need to go on leave, as of now," she admitted apologetically. "I'm sorry, Jon. I know it's sooner than I said I would, but I'm starting to crack, and I ....I don't want anyone to suffer because I'm not on form. And when I come back, I can't do everything I've been doing. I'd like to be just your P.A. again. I can keep you organized, but someone else needs to be steering your career. I'm so sorry."

He nodded his head, taking all that in. Put that way, he was far more concerned for her welfare than about keeping him organized. He could hire anyone to do that, but he didn't want to lose Liv entirely, if he could help it. In the end, it was her decision. "Liv, are you sure you want to keep working at all" Four kids is a lot to handle. You saw me this morning, and we only have two. I don't want you to make this decision based on what you think I want or need. You and Vicki are best friends. We're always going to be friends. You are the World's Best P.A., but I want what?s best for you." He sighed again, knowing all of this was partly his fault. "I should have hired someone to help you a long time ago. Ever since Fifty Shades, things have gotten crazy, and I just never thought about it much. I'm sorry. Whatever you need, whatever you want, just say so." He really wished she'd come to him sooner, but better late than never.

Liv couldn't help smiling. "Jon, how insane do you think I'm going to go if I commit myself to spending the next fifteen years essentially a housewife?" she asked him quietly. "I love my family, and I love my job. I would like to say, provisionally, that I will come back to work in the New Year. You don't have anything pressing apart from the theater, and you don't like working away over the holiday period anyway. It's an easy few months for Sol to get used to handling everything that comes with the job, and I'm sure he'll tell you if he needs help. I'll still be around if you absolutely need me, but for now, I need to concentrate on my family. I almost made a dreadful mistake yesterday, and I couldn't live with myself if I did it again. I need to slow down, right now. But that doesn't mean I won't be begging you to let me come back to work in a few months' time."

He wasn't quite sure what she was referring to, other than stress, but he knew as much as anyone what that was like, especially with a couple of small children underfoot. He would never forgive himself if he cracked and let them suffer because he was feeling the stress of too many commitments. It was why he was focusing on the theater these days, whether his fans were clamoring for another movie or not. He understood a lot more than she might give him credit for, but he still needed her to know that he was willing to let her have as much time off as she needed or wanted.

"Okay, let's do this ....Let me know when you're ready to come back, and we'll sort out what you want to do and what works for you. You can even work from home if you want." Though home was only a short walk away. "If you think it's too much, then I'll hire someone to help you, but you're always going to be the person in charge. Not Sol, not anyone else. You. Like you said, Sol can handle the outside stuff, but I'd really like to keep you on to help with my schedule. The truth is, I trust you, Liv. And after the debacle with Mason, I'm not sure I want another manager." Which was as good as saying he wasn't sure he trusted anyone else. The relief was palpable as Liv visibly relaxed. "Thank you," she told him, the sentiment heartfelt as she moved to hug him. "I'll give Sol the work cell and my password to your email account this afternoon. But I will be around, and if you desperately need me, I won't say no, I promise. I just, I need to be Liv, the mum and the wife, right now."

"And friend," he added with a warm smile, touched by her hug and by the fact that, despite her own problems and worries, she'd stepped right in to help with his. "I shouldn't keep you any longer. You have kids of your own to take care of, and I need to get used to being Mr. Mom."

"I've started now," she chuckled, catching the toast as it popped up. It took practice to be able to butter and slice toast into strips in barely a minute, but clearly that was practice she had already had. A minute or so later, and there were two plates ready for the children - one boiled egg each, and a small pile of soldiers to dip in them. "Now I'm finished," Liv teased warmly.

"Hmm, and nothing for me," he teased, his eyes sparkling with humor. He'd miss her for sure - like Vicki, she helped keep him on his toes - but it wasn't like he was never going to see her again. He wanted to ask her more, invite her to stay and keep him company for a while, but he knew she had three kids to take care of and another on the way, not to mention a husband who at this very minute was probably having this same talk with his own boss at the Fire Station. "You're a good friend, Liv. You and Johnny both. You know, anytime either of you needs anything, all you have to do is ask."

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-09-26 16:01 EST
"Babysitters," she said abruptly, and laughed at herself, shaking her head. "You just volunteered yourself to babysit. Although I could just as easily hand them off to Humphrey - between him, Fliss, and Lucas, you probably wouldn't have to do anything."

"After what you just witnessed, you want me to babysit?" he asked, laughing. Okay, so he'd panicked a little when Benjamin had spiked a fever, but he'd always had a flair for the dramatic. "Em, Ben!" he called. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Well, mine are a little bit older," she pointed out with a chuckle, leaning back against the counter as the patter of small feet announced Emily and Ben, hand in hand, arriving in the kitchen. "You can reason with them, to a certain extent." She didn't mention the empathy or telepathy; no reason to worry him.

"How are they adjusting to Rhy'Din?" he asked, not wanting to keep her there longer than she wanted to stay, but genuinely interested. He only knew that Alexei and Maria and Fliss were orphaned, but not much more than that. He also knew the little girl was mute, but he didn't really know why. He turned to sweep each of his children up into a chair, starting with Emily. "Aunt Livvie made breakfast this morning. What do you think" She calls it egg and soldiers." Sort of like Humpty Dumpty, he thought with a chuckle. He reached over to press a hand against Ben's forehead. The little boy was still sniffling, but thankfully, he felt cooler.

"The perfect breakfast when you're not feeling well," Liv told them, bending to lift Emily up onto a booster seat. Despite being almost eight months pregnant, she didn't find it that difficult. As the little girl tucked in with enthusiasm, Liv sank down into a seat next to Jon. "I think they're adjusting fairly well," she nodded. "Alexei's coming out of his shell and getting a bit sassy in his old age, and Maria seems happy enough. We think she might be developing some kind of empathic telepathy, to compensate for ..." She trailed off, her expression dark for a moment. "They were being experimented on," she told Jon quietly. "The scientists removed Maria's vocal chords. If she wants to speak without using her hands, she's going to have to develop the ability they wanted in her, whether she truly wants to or not."

Jon chuckled, bending to touch a kiss to Emily's cheek before helping Ben with his egg and toast. "He's all of what ....six?" he asked of Alexei. Jon's expression turned grave, his face turning a shade paler as she explained what Alex and Maria had suffered before being rescued. "Gods," he muttered under his breath, thankful his own children were happy and healthy and had never had to suffer such things. "This was on Earth?" he asked further. "Why would anyone want to do such a thing?" he mused aloud, knowing she had no answer for that. As for Maria developing empathic or telepathic abilities, well, it was Rhy'Din, so it wouldn't seem so strange here, as it would on Earth.

"They were trying replicate the serum that made Steve what he is," Liv shrugged. "Johnny was on the team that rescued them. We took Alex and Mar, and Lucy and Steve took the other two. We're hoping nothing negative comes out of what was done to them." She reached over to hack the top off Emily's egg, letting the little girl get to the yolk with her toast.

He was getting to that, but it took a little demonstrating for Ben to get the jist of what he was supposed to do with his egg and soldiers. Jon grabbed a napkin and tucked it under his son's chin, knowing a breakfast like this was likely to get messy. "Steve ....Rogers" Your brother-in-law, right?" He knew at least a little of what was going on in Liv's life. It didn't really strike him as odd that each sister was married to what amounted to a superhero. This was Rhy'Din, after all, and their proximity to the Nexus made anything possible. "Lucy's a doctor, right' If anything negative was going to come of it, she'd know, wouldn't she?"

"Yes," Liv nodded. "Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America. And Lucy's still working on analyzing all the data they took from the facility - it's months of work, especially on her own." It occurred to her that Jon wasn't eating, and she rose automatically to go in search of something to cook for him. Being a mother came far more naturally to Olivia Storm than she gave herself credit for. "We're a bit of an odd family, even by Rhy'Din standards."

He wasn't eating yet because he was too busy with the kids, or at least, that's what he told himself. He broke open the egg and showed Ben how to dip his toast in it, looking over to see how Emily was doing before moving to pour them each a glass of orange juice. "Not really. You're talking to a man who traveled back into his wife's past and met her when she was only about Emily's age," he said, not quite remembering if he'd ever shared that story with her before, though it was likely Vicki had. "You don't have to make me breakfast, Liv. I can manage."

She tilted her head curiously at that little revelation - Jon's time traveling trip into Vicki's past wasn't something they shared with many people. "I'm up now, and you look exhausted already," she pointed out. Besides, the frying pan already had a sausage and couple of rashers of bacon in it; she'd add the egg and fry some bread when they were almost done. "I can go home and nap, after all." She smiled at him, glad to see him so comfortable in his domestication. "Anyway, Johnny's virtually banned me from making breakfast because I'm so grumpy in the morning right now."

"Johnny cooks?" he asked, only realizing the pun after it had been said and chuckling at himself. "I mean, in the kitchen." He filled a sippy cup full of orange juice for both Ben and Emily and set them on the table in front of them before returning the juice to the fridge. As for napping, he'd nap when they napped - maybe - unless there were chores that needed doing. "Can I get you anything?" he asked, while he was up.

"He does, rather well, actually," she nodded. "When he concentrates, anyway. He's getting very good at mornings in our house." With a sharp crack, she added the egg to fry along with the meat. "Actually you have any lemon juice" I'm developing a taste for hot water with a drop of lemon in it."

"Um, sure, I think so," he replied, thinking Vicki kept some on hand for nearly the same reason. He wasn't quite sure why anyone would want to drink that when they could have tea or coffee, but who was he to argue" Babies, he knew, were a lot more demanding than children and teenagers, but she'd find out in time. "You know, if you need any help when the baby comes, we're close by, and there are plenty of Grangers who'd be willing to help." He didn't go so far as to say it, but the Storms were practically family now, whether they liked it or not.

"If I'm honest, I think we're going to need all the help we can get," Liv admitted with a loud chuckle, glancing briefly to the table to be certain the children were still eating and not just playing with their eggs.

"There are enough of us," he said with a smile as he put the kettle on to heat the water and rummaged in the fridge for a bottle of lemon juice. Quite a few of them had small children now, but he still thought most of them would be more than willing to chip in and help if they were needed. "You know Miranda and Rufus have a baby now?" he asked, wondering if she'd heard the news.

"I hadn't heard that, " she admitted in surprise. "How did that happen? I thought they were the babysitters for the entire Grove, not planning on starting all over again themselves." A slice of bread halved joined the contents of the pan, and she turned to find a plate to get everything onto.

"It's a long story, but they adopted." She was going to find out sooner or later anyway, and taking one look at Baby Ro, it was perfectly obvious she wasn't their child by birth. He wasn't sure how much she knew about Rufus and he wasn't sure it was his place to tell her. She likely didn't know about his adventures with vampires either, once upon a time.

"Good for them," Liv smiled, turning the bread over in the pan as the rest of the food was carefully picked out and laid on the plate she'd found. A moment later, the bread joined the meal, and she set the plate down at the table. "Now you eat, while they're quiet."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied with a grin. "The kettle's on," he told her, leaving the bottle of lemon juice on the counter for her to fix her drink however she wanted it. He refilled his coffee and retook his seat, reaching over to dab a bit of egg yolk from Emily's cheek with a napkin. "You know, when Vicki and I got engaged, I told her I wanted six kids, but now I'm not so sure. I can hardly handle two!"

Olivia Storm

Date: 2015-09-26 16:02 EST
Liv chuckled, sorting out her own drink on auto-pilot. "Well, I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but we're working backwards," she laughed, pouring the hot water into a small cup. "First a teen, then two smalls, and in a little over a month, a baby."

"Yeah, but at least, you had practice before you had a baby thrust at you!" he pointed out, unsure which way was harder. He couldn't imagine what it was like raising a teenager yet, and swapping diapers and bottles for hormones and boyfriends. Maybe their way was better, after all - one child at a time starting at birth. "Can you imagine how Gabi feels" I can't imagine having more than one baby at a time. She seems to handle it well though."

"Oh god, I couldn't imagine handling twins," Liv laughed, easing down at the table once again, drink in hand. "I have nothing but respect for anyone who can handle two identical tantrums in public places without losing their cool. Did she get engaged yet, or is it Dominic everyone is watching for that?"

"Yes, and yes," he replied as he cut into his sausage. "George proposed, but they're being very traditional about it. I think Gabi wants the twins to get used to the idea of having a stepfather before they get married. And I'm not sure what Dom is waiting for. I think he might be a little scared after what happened to Gwen." But that was just a guess. "Have you met Elle yet' I think you two would get along well."

"Uh, no, I don't think I have met Elle yet," Liv admitted, sipping her water. "I know that Daisy goes to school with Alex and Maria, though. We should probably meet up sometime." She smiled thoughtfully - there were so many Grangers to keep track of. "I did hear something about Cian getting a boat?"

"She's English," he told her bluntly, with a grin - just like her and Vicki. He was certain the three of them would get along famously. "Uh, yeah ....I'm not sure what?s going on with him exactly. He and Leilani don't seem to be too worried about jobs or money, so I assume they're doing well. They bought a boat and are building a house near the sea ....I think. But not at King's Cove. They're a little reclusive, to be honest." Or so he thought, anyway.

"Well, Johnny and I could be considered reclusive," Liv pointed out. "We don't go out much these days. Maybe they're still in their honeymoon period. It does last a while for some people, you know." Not that Liv would know from experience, but she'd heard a few things.

"Maybe," Jon admitted, though he wasn't too sure. He and Cian had made amends, but he still hadn't seen much of Cian and his bride since they'd officially gotten married a few months ago. "You know Lena and Jaz are due in December, right' We're gonna have babies coming out of our ears here!" He had segued away from Cian, not really knowing what to say there. He missed his sisters - both Lena and Dru - and secretly wished they still lived at the Grove, but they had to live their own lives and make their own decisions.

She laughed, discreetly stretching out her back. "The Christmas gathering is going to be merry, that's for sure," she smiled. There was a suspicion that perhaps some of the Christmas gathering was going to take place in a couple of the bedrooms, given just when Jaz and Lena were due, and she was secretly hoping to convince Lucy and Steve to spend Christmas on Rhy'Din this year so they could all go to the big house on Christmas Eve.

"It always is!" he replied with a laugh, as he finished his breakfast. They had remarked on just about everyone in the family, save for a few he wasn't sure Liv knew very well. "You and Johnny should come around more often. Humphrey has a standing invitation to Sunday dinner for anyone who's considered family. That would be you," he teased, reaching over to poke her in the shoulder.

"Well, I'll have to put that on the blackboard so we remember," she promised with a smile, glancing to the children once again. Ben was falling asleep on the table while Emily finished off what was left of his breakfast. Liv snorted with laughter. "I think I should leave you to it. You might get a few hours of peace."

Jon frowned over at his son, wishing Vicki was here to make sure he was all right, but he was pretty sure it was just a cold. "Poor little guy. He's such a good boy most of the time. I better put him in for a nap." What did they say about colds" Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids" Well, he'd drained his orange juice, anyway, and it looked like it was already time for a nap. "What do you say, Emmykins" Shall we tuck Benji in for a nap and watch Frozen ....again?"

Mouth full of toast, Emily grinned at her father. She wasn't that bothered about her brother being a bit sickly; it meant she got Jon all to herself for a while. "M'kay," she nodded cheerfully, belatedly remembering to turn to Liv with, "'nk you, Auntie Livvie."

Liv smiled, reaching over to tuck a red curl away from the little girl's face. "You are very welcome, Emily."

Jon arched a brow, secretly wondering why his little girl was being so quiet today. Hopefully, she wasn't coming down with something, too, but at least, it had given him time to talk to Liv and sort some things out. "All right, you are officially on maternity leave starting now, but that doesn't mean you should be a stranger!" he said, moving to his feet to clean the kids up before tucking Ben in for a nap.

"Oh, I won't, I promise," Liv chuckled, rising to her own feet. Force of habit made her put the plates and pan in the sink to soak, but she stopped herself from actually washing them up. "I need to go and walk Bella before she turns into the nutbag from hell, and I'll call Sol and let him know what he needs to know. Thank you for understanding, Jon."

He let her move about the kitchen, not bothering to scold her about cleaning up. He'd finish up after he laid Ben down, while Emily was coloring or watching a program, or maybe he'd let her help. "Thank you for telling me, Liv. You're as good as family, you know," he reminded her, not for the first time. She might have started out as his P.A., but they had since become good friends.

She'd known him longer than he'd known his wife, though Liv would never point that out. It had taken time, but she was finally no longer intimidated by Jon or Vicki, or their easy-going ways. It was a friendship she was very proud to say she had. "We'll have to have you over for dinner sometime," she heard herself say, and immediately giggled. The whole point of their talk was to lessen the work for herself!

"We'll order out," he suggested, matching her giggle with a laugh of his own. He saw the irony in her invitation and thought it would be quite a while before she and Johnny were throwing any dinner parties. "Give me a hug," he said, opening his arms to her before she could escape without one.

Shy though she might have been once around him, Liv wasn't any longer, moving easily to hug her friend and employer fiercely. She didn't even consider apologizing when the baby in her womb kicked him hard in the stomach for the squash it was subjected to in the process. "Take care, all right' And call me, if you need me."

He chuckled at the kick from the baby, letting them both know he or she was there - he'd experienced that often enough with his own wife during her pregnancies. He hugged her close for a moment, almost like a brother might to a sister before letting her go. "You do the same. There are two of you to think about now. Give the kids a hug for me, and say hello to Johnny. And make sure you let us know how things are going," he told her. He didn't promise to call her though; he was going try and get by on his own until she told him she was ready to come back to work.

"I will," she promised him, and it was a promise she intended to keep. Drawing away, she bent to kiss Emily's hair. "You be good for your Daddy, little madam, okay' Or I'll tell on you to Mummy." The three-year-old snickered at that threat, puckering up for a kiss of her own before Liv straightened again. "I'll see you later, Jon," she smiled, heading for the door. "Bye!"

Jon smiled as he watched her go, glad she had felt comfortable enough with him to come to him with her concerns. He'd have felt horrible if any harm had come to her or the baby because she'd been too afraid to come to him and ask for time off. But if that conversation had proved anything, it was this didn't need to be the World's Best P.A. to have and hold a good friendship with the man who had pegged you with that title in the first place. First and foremost, the Storms were friends, and that was what really mattered.

With that done, Jon turned back to Emily and Ben to get on with their day, happy he'd been able to help Liv and she'd helped him in return. Wasn't that what friends were for"

((So Liv is now officially on maternity leave. This can only be a good thing, right' :grin: ))