Topic: A Little Adult Time

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:14 EST
Sunday - 18th May

Jon folded the newspaper with a sigh, set it aside, and took a sip of his coffee, obviously annoyed about something, though it was hard to say what that something was unless you were his pretty wife, who he swore could practically read his mind sometimes. It was a quiet morning for a change at Maple Grove, but he knew the quiet was only temporary. As soon as one or the other of their children awoke, all hell would break loose. As for himself, he'd already been up for an hour. Cosmo had already been walked and fed, and Jon was working on breakfast, which consisted of a bagel slathered in cream cheese and his first cup of coffee.

One thing he didn't know, however, was that Vicki had gone out of her way to make sure they got at least this morning to themselves. Miranda's hint-dropping of the past year had finally been rewarded and, while Jon was eating his breakfast, Vicki was packing up their children to spend the morning with their over-excited aunt and her slightly less excitable uncle. Emily was half-asleep as she wrapped her little arms around Vicki's neck, the redhead bending to pick up both bag and baby carrier complete with five-week-old Ben. Satisfactorily laden down with children and accessories, she navigated the door with a grin for her husband as he imbibed his first caffeine fix of the day. "Don't we look like a little ray of sunshine this morning."

Clad in a t-shirt and sweatpants, over which was draped a navy blue bathrobe hanging open at the front, curls mussed from bed and drooping onto his forehead, Jon glanced over the rim of his coffee mug to find his wife looking bright and perky and weighed down with two children and all the paraphernalia that went along with them. He looked less than perky himself, but at least he was awake. It was a start. "Didn't sleep well. Emily had a nightmare, and I sat up with her half the night. Where are you headed" Got a date?" He took another sip of his java, hoping the caffeine would wake him up sometime soon. They had a busy day ahead.

"No, but these two have," she grinned over at him, swaying where she stood to keep Emily from waking up properly and getting grabby. "Miranda and Rufus are taking them for the morning, so we can have a little time for just us." That busy day had just gotten a little less busy, thankfully.

"They are?" Jon asked, brightening and obviously surprised by this development. It wasn't that he didn't love his children - in fact, he adored them - but even the most loving, devoted parents needed and deserved a break now and then. "Are they coming by or are you dropping them off?"

"They're coming by," Vicki chuckled, relieved to see that Jon wasn't put out by this minor bit of household organization she'd managed to arrange without his knowledge. "I would have asked them to take the kids for a full day, but I'm not quite ready for that yet, and I don't think you are, either."

He wasn't put out at all. That meant he might actually get a nap in so that he managed to look somewhat presentable for the premiere party later that afternoon. "Does that mean we can crawl back into bed for a while?" he asked hopefully.

"Definitely," his wife nodded, a certain amount of vehemence in her tone as she agreed with him. "Back into bed for a couple of hours, having a shower without an audience. Little luxuries like that." She flashed him a grin, glancing toward the door as Cosmo barked, apparently greeting someone who hadn't arrived yet.

"Oh! A shower together would be even better," Jon grinned back at his wife, though he wasn't sure if she'd been given the green light by the doctor, and he didn't want to make another baby just yet. He glanced toward the door expecting the unsinkable Miranda to come bursting through any moment now, but nothing happened. "I should probably get dressed," he mused quietly, though he remained where he was. "Cosmo! You'll wake the whole house," Jon called to the dog, who didn't seem bothered in the least by his master's admonishment.

"Oh, I have it on good authority that she's been to see both Fifty Shades... films, so you don't have anything she hasn't seen before," Vicki teased him fondly, brushing a soft kiss against Emily's curls as the little girl stirred. "It's okay, little madam. Auntie Miranda will be here any minute now."

Jon rolled his eyes, scowling at the mention of the films he had unashamedly agreed to do solely for the money and which he considered to be soft porn. "I should have insisted on a body double. I'm never going to hear the end of it!" He set his coffee cup on the table and moved to his feet, if only to bid his children farewell before Miranda swept in to take them off their hands for the day. He leaned close to touch his wrist to Emily's forehead. "Does she feel warm to you? She was up half the night."

The little girl smacked her lips, falling back into her doze as Jon touched her. Vicki smiled, understanding her husband's tendency toward worrying too much. That was why she'd asked Miranda to take the children this morning - a little scatterbrained the woman might be, but there was no one in the family more responsible when it came to little ones. "No, love, she doesn't," she told her husband gently. "I think she's been playing you again. You really have to learn to go in, settle her, and leave, or she's going to sap every single night of sleep out of you."

"But I don't like to hear her cry," Jon admitted with a frown, stroking his little girl's cheek with a gentle finger. While he loved both his children, it was no secret that she was the apple of his eye, a true daddy's girl, in danger of becoming horribly spoiled if it wasn't nipped in the bud.

"You just have to learn to ignore it for a few minutes," Vicki said gently, wondering how it was that she had ended up the expert when it was Jon who had read every parenting book under the sun and a few more besides. "She's trying it on, sweetheart, and if you keep giving in, we're going to end up with spoilt little brat who hates her mother."

He had been in danger of spoiling Cosmo, and now he was in danger of spoiling his daughter, all because he loved them so much. Jon frowned, knowing Vicki was right, but it was easier said than done. "But what if something really is wrong?" he pointed out, uncertainly.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:14 EST
"If something really is wrong, she won't stop crying," his redhead assured him. "Try this one out for size ....when she cries, leave her for two minutes. I guarantee that, nine times out of ten, she'll stop and go back to sleep on her own."

"Two minutes?" he asked. Two minutes didn't sound like much time - except when you were counting down the seconds waiting for a small child to stop screaming. "That's all" I can wait two minutes," said the man who usually got out of bed after about thirty seconds.

"I'll hold you to that," Vicki warned him with a grin, carefully adjusting the weight of Emily on her hip in an attempt not to let the diaper bag drop down off her shoulder and brain Ben in the process. She looked toward the door again. "She's got to be here by now, surely. I had to beat her back from arriving at 7 am down to 9."

"Let me help you," he said, reaching to take Emily from her, though it might be a better idea for him to take Ben, since Emily was so attached to her father. Cosmo barked again, just as footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and down the hallway, followed by a knock at the door.

"Hello!" Miranda's bright, perky voice called from the other side of the door. "Auntie Manda's here to save the day!"

"Good lord, that woman is insufferable," Jon grumbled.

A familiar voice sounded from behind Miranda's. "Auntie Manda should remember to keep her voice down or she'll be fielding a screaming newborn while I hide in my study with the other one," Rufus was audible as he threatened his wife fondly.

Vicki laughed, letting Jon take Emily out of her arm as she moved to open the door, nudging Cosmo out of the way with her knee. "And good morning to you, too, Miranda," she smiled, looking over the woman's shoulder with a fresh chuckle. "Hello, Rufus."

"Oh, hush!" Miranda was overheard replying to her gruff husband. "It's good practice, Grampa!" she threw him a grin, reminding him that their own Bethany was expecting twins. As soon as the door opened, Miranda was hugging Vicki and giving her a peck on the cheek. "Sorry we're late. Humphrey cornered us on the way in with a million questions about Beth and Jason."

Jon snuggled Emily against his shoulder, feeling a tug at his heartstrings at the thought of letting her go, if only for a few hours. And yet, the prospect of a little quiet adult time was too good to resist. "Are you sure she's not feverish?"

Laughing, Vicki rolled her eyes. "He'll be insufferable if he doesn't get to see them before they're a month old," she predicted cheerfully, stepping backwards to let Miranda and Rufus in. "Jon, I am absolutely certain she's not feverish. If she was, she wouldn't be sucking your hair right now."

Rufus grimaced cheerfully down at Vicki, reaching to take the diaper bag without being asked, even as he looked over at Jon. "Will I need a crowbar to get you two separated?" he asked with dry good humor, nodding to the warm cuddle being shared by father and daughter.

"She is?" Jon exclaimed, craning his neck to find his daughter's fingers tangled in his curls and trying to get them into her mouth. "Oh, she is!"

"Oh, for goodness sake. Give her to me!" Miranda said, not waiting for Jon to answer her husband's query or hand over his precious bundle before reaching to pry Emily away from him.

"Ow!" Jon exclaimed. "Hair!" A crowbar might have come in handy just then.

Laughing at Jon's predicament with little or no sympathy - she'd been there with Emily's hair grabbing tactics, after all - Vicki raised up the carrier to give Ben a gentle kiss on his crown. The five-week-old didn't even stir, not bothered by the usual noise of his family now he was used to it. "Say goodbye to your son, Jon, and let them get out of here."

Somehow, Miranda managed to pry Emily's tiny fingers away from Jon's hair, and he breathed a sigh of relief before affectionately pecking both children on the cheek, first Emily, then Benjamin. "If you need anything, call!" Jon said as he stepped away, though he was secretly hoping for at least three more hours' sleep before he had to get out of bed again.

"Don't be silly," Miranda countered. "We'll be fine. You two get some rest....or something." She tossed Vicki a playful wink. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Vicki grinned back at Miranda, knowing full well what she intended to do with her time and utterly shameless with it. "I intend to do quite a bit, thank you very much," she told Miranda cheerfully. "Don't tire Emily out too much, or I will hold you entirely responsible for the brat we take out this evening."

Taking the carrier out of Vicki's hand, Rufus smirked at Jon's over-protective parting shot. "We'll bring them back at two," he told them, giving Miranda a gentle nudge to aim her at the door.

Miranda silently corrected her husband, her lips forming the word, "Three," before turning toward the door with sleepy Emily resting peacefully against her shoulder. "Let's go, Grampa. Time's-a-wasting," she chided her husband. How the two of them put up with each other was anyone's guess, but it seemed Miranda's perkiness made up for Rufus' grumpiness and somehow balanced the couple out. "Grampa Rufus is a doofus," Miranda was heard sing-songing as they headed away from the room.

"Yes, o ruler of the known multiverse," Rufus muttered as he followed Miranda out. It was difficult for many people to see just how Rufus and Miranda had ever produced Bethany, much less found each other again to marry, but they seemed happy together.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:15 EST
Vicki rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind them, leaning back against it with a weary sigh. "Right," she said, meeting Jon's gaze with a smirk. "Back to bed."

Jon chuckled to himself. "Did she just call him a doofus?" he asked, finding that ridiculously amusing, for some reason. Here was this big bad slayer trainer or whatever the hell he was, and his wife had just called him a doofus. Cosmo barked once as if to either say goodbye to their guests or to herd his master back to bed. "Yes, dear," Jon replied. "No argument there."

"I'll bet she's the only one who can get away with it," Vicki chuckled, bending to gently scratch Cosmo's ears as she moved to help him herd Jon back to bed. They were both still on the verge of exhausted, but at least now Ben was sleeping eight hours at a time.

Why did it seem that as soon as Ben started sleeping a full eight hours, Emily had decided to get fussy' It seemed that no matter what he did, Jon couldn't manage to get a full night's sleep, but maybe Vicki was right. Maybe he just needed to not spoil them. "I'm not taking that bet!" Jon replied with a chuckle as he headed for the bedroom, not wasting a moment. Thankfully, he hadn't had too much coffee yet, but even if he had, he didn't think it would keep him awake very long.

"Oh, are you learning wisdom in your old age, love?" his wife teased him, unable to resist goosing her tired husband as she closed the bedroom door to, just wide enough for Cosmo to get a paw in if he chose to check on them while they were sleeping.

"Old age! I'm not even thirty yet!" He said, yelping as he got goosed, and turned to grab hold of his wife's hand and tug her into the bedroom behind him. "Just for that, you are getting a spanking, Christian Grey style."

She laughed, not even pretending to resist as he pulled her into the room behind him, looping her arms around his neck to kiss him tenderly. "After a nap, you can do what you like to me, hubby-dubby-doo-dah," she promised him. "But right now, if you turn me over your knee, I'll be asleep before you get the first spank onto my arse."

"That wouldn't be any fun, would it?" he asked with a pout as his arms went around her waist to lead her backwards toward the bed, hoping he didn't trip over anything in the process. He had a feeling he was going to be out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Not particularly, no," she chuckled, moving awkwardly with him as he drew her toward the bed. Like him, she knew she was going to pass out the moment she settled down, which was why she'd refused to stay in her pajamas when she'd got up this morning. At least if she was dressed, her body would wake her up before she slept for too long.

He had only gotten half dressed, the bathrobe still hanging loosely from his shoulders, but that wouldn't stop him from falling asleep, not after spending half the night up with Emily. He dropped back onto the bed, pulling her down with him, not even bothering to take the robe off before his eyes drifted closed. "Wake me in a few hours," he told her, hoping she would.

"That's the plan." But Vicki was already a little bit slurred from weariness as she, too, dropped down onto the bed, crawling over to her own pillow, one arm draped over Jon's waist. Seconds later, she was fast asleep, desperately in need of that little bit of extra rest Miranda had given them.

Sleep came like a drug, both of them falling into a deep sleep almost as soon as their heads had hit the pillows. Hours passed, and no sound or movement came from the bedroom. Cosmo had moped for a little while, a little bit lost without his puppies to care for before he'd joined Old Man Granger downstairs, both of them in need of a little companionship. It was well past noon when Jon finally stirred, groggy and hungry, but feeling a little more rested than he had earlier.

Despite her best intentions, Vicki had passed out with him, falling deeply asleep and only stirring when he did, far later than she had been expecting to wake. She blinked her eyes open, groaning as she stretched, and abruptly sat upright, looking around wildly for Ben's bassinet before remembering that he was with family elsewhere."Oh, good grief," she muttered, rubbing her eyes. "So much for making the most of the morning."

"What time is it?" Jon asked groggily beside his sleepy wife as he pried his eyes open and yawned. He hoped they hadn't slept the whole day away. No one had yet come to wake them, so he assumed the kids were still with Miranda and Rufus.

Scratching her hand through her hair, Vicki let her eyes turn, blinking, toward the clock, relieved to find out that it wasn't yet three. "About half past twelve," she told her groggy husband. "I suppose we needed the sleep more than anything."

"Doesn't seem like we slept that long," Jon remarked, stifling another yawn as he rolled toward his wife and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Still tired?" he asked, wondering if she wanted to catch a few more z's or take advantage of this rare time alone.

She lay back, a warm smile on her face in spite of the sleepy eyes that turned to him. "I could be persuaded to wake up," she mused teasingly. "With the right incentive, of course."

"And what incentive might that be? A bit of sausage for breakfast?" he asked, a mischievous smile on his face, as he ducked his head to slide his lips against her throat.

The last time they had been in this position, after Emily's birth, it had taken weeks of careful preparation and equally careful encouragement to get Vicki anywhere near ready to be touched. This time, however, she remembered how wonderful Jon had been about the whole thing. And it helped that she'd lost most of the baby weight already, thanks to running around after Emily as well as looking after Ben. She laughed her familiar husky laugh as Jon's lips found her throat, that weak spot he enjoyed exploiting so much, and turned just a little toward him, trailing her fingertips up along his arm. "Mmm, sausage sounds good," she murmured impishly against his ear, ignoring the little voice in her head that was screaming in terror at the thought of him touching her wobbly belly.

But Jon had never complained about Vicki's body, post-pregnancy or otherwise. He loved her just the way she was and found her just as desirable carrying a little post-baby weight as he did before she'd been pregnant. Desire had never been a problem for either of them. It was more a question of finding the time and energy now that they were juggling two small children under the age of three. "If you want me to stop, you better tell me now," he murmured as his lips continued their tender exploration of her neck, while his hands were starting to wander.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:16 EST
"If you stop, I'll make sure you're never able to do to it again," his lovely wife threatened affectionately, arching to him as his hands skimmed over her. In her own turn, she knew Jon missed this as much as she did, his innate sense of fair play forcing him not to mention it at all until she offered him a hint in the right direction. She'd made him wait almost two months last time. This time, there was no need.

"No, you won't," he replied with a smile, but he got the message - she didn't want him to stop any more than he wanted to. It wasn't that he wasn't patient and couldn't wait, but theirs had always been a steamy relationship, right from the beginning. She had practically seduced him in his trailer on the set of Crowes when she'd finally gotten up enough nerve to ask him on a date. He'd never known that she'd known him all her life, that she'd only been waiting for her past to catch up with his future. But none of that mattered now. They were old lovers, and yet, each time they came together, their shared passion was as deep and intense at it had been the first time, ever growing deeper, and never boring.

Patience and perseverance were the name of the game today, and a healthy sense of humor. They knew each other entirely too well for Jon to take offense when Vicki got a fit of the giggles when she got her hands on him, or for Vicki to feel insecure when Jon blew raspberries on the belly she was slowly but surely making history of. They were lovers, but more than that, they had become the very best of friends, too, able to share more than just love every day of their lives. That understanding of each other paid off in dividends in moments like these, when they needed to be clear with each other without losing their sense of intimacy. It takes a lot to pull off intimate laughter, but somehow, they managed it. Vicki grinned up at Jon from the pillow as they lay back together. "I think you've been reading Cosmopolitan again."

"Ten ways to drive your lover crazy or something like that," he admitted with a grin as he collapsed on the pillow beside her with a deep contented sigh. Okay, so maybe he had been a little impatient the last few days, knowing the time was drawing close when the doctor would give them the green light again. "I love you, you know," he said, as he slid an arm around her to draw her close.

She laughed, rolling easily into his side. As much as she enjoyed their love-making, it was the closeness they'd built together over the past years that meant the most to her. "Love you back," she promised him affectionately, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. She sighed contentedly, nestling close. "Thank you. No more babies until Ben's walking, at the very least, though."

He arched a brow at her, a little surprised by the mention of more children. "You aren't satisfied with a perfect pair?" he asked, curiously. He had once teased her about wanting half a dozen children, but now that they had their hands full with two, he wasn't so sure.

Vicki chuckled at his expression. "Baby, I'd be happy with none at all if I could have you, you know that," she pointed out. "And I do love our terrible twosome. But that doesn't mean I'm saying no to having more at some point. Unless you would rather we stopped producing little Jons."

"And little Vickis," he added with a smile. "I'm not saying no either, but I agree we should wait a while before having more. At least, until Emily is out of diapers. We're both exhausted as it is and we haven't even gone back to work yet." Of course, they'd been exhausted when Emily had been a newborn, too, and Jon knew things would get easier as Ben got older, but he was satisfied with the two of them, at least for now.

"And we don't have to worry about me forgetting my pill this time around," she assured him, since that had been the mistake that had landed them with two children under two. "I got the doctor to give me the implant, so we're good for at least two years unless I ask him to take it out." She winked at her husband, pretty sure he wasn't going to like the idea of that, but also pretty sure he wasn't going to object to having the possibility of three children under three well and truly nixed.

"Oh, really?" he asked, blue eyes alight with mischief, a playful grin on his face as he rolled over on top of his wife just about ready for a second round. "So, I don't have to worry about getting you knocked up again anytime soon' Is that what you're telling me, Mrs. Granger?"

"Do you know, Mr. Granger, I think that might be exactly what I'm saying," she teased him in return, laughing as he rolled atop her once again, letting her hands skim down over his sides. She raised a finger to gently bop the end of his nose. "One more, and then we shower. I'm not having Miranda walk in on either of us naked."

That brought a chuckle from him. "What's the matter" Don't want to hear her scream?" Whatever had been bothering him earlier seemed forgotten, all his worries melting away with each and every kiss shared with his Victoria. Like the song, nothing healed him like she did. Sometimes two people meet who just belong together. It was that way with Jon and Vicki. He had no explanation for it; he simply knew there was no one else for him but her.

She snickered, drawing him down to her. "If she ever gets a look at my naked body, she'll have me in a new wardrobe by the end of the day, and I'm still getting used to wearing skirts on a daily basis," she informed her husband, nipping at his lips. "Distract me, I'm thinking about my flobbly belly again."

"Mmm," he murmured as he distracted her with a few well-placed kisses, before returning to her lips. "How about if I make you scream instead?" he teased, grinning down at her. Humphrey was half deaf anyway, wasn't he?

"Oh, do," Vicki laughed, drumming her fingers on his bare *ss playfully. "I've been dying to know what would happen if Cosmo came charging in here ready to rescue me while you're mooning the doorway."

"It's not Cosmo I'm worried about," he pointed out, but he said no more, instead turning his attention to more pressing matters, and while he might not make her scream exactly, he most certainly knew how to make her moan, knowing just where to kiss her and touch her to entice and excite. He knew her almost as well as she knew herself and though he could be gentle and tender, he also knew how to be wild and passionate.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:17 EST
She answered his attentions in kind, knowing as well as he did where to touch and kiss, following his lead in a brazen attempt to make him scream for once. No matter who won that contest, it was a safe bet that they both got a lot more out of it than hoarse vocal chords.

They could have spent the entire day in bed and had many times in the past, if it wasn't for the fact that Miranda and Rufus were due back with the children in a few hours. They made the most out of the short time they had alone together, sharing kisses and caresses, taking each other past the pinnacle not once but twice; laughing with each other and rekindling the fire between them that never quite burned out, even if it had been neglected for a while.

By the time three o'clock rolled around, they were sated, showered, dressed, and curled up together on the couch, swapping the fillings in their sandwiches until they both had what they actually wanted to eat for lunch. Rufus was the one who reached their door first, with Emily perched on his shoulders, small hands gripping his hair as she giggled. "Daddy, Mummy, 'ookit!"

It might have only been a short respite from parenthood, a few hours alone, but those few hours alone together were just what the doctor ordered to rejuvenate and refresh the weary parents. As much as the two of them loved their children and loved being parents, they had been a couple first and it was their love and devotion and closeness that kept them together and helped them overcome every problem that came their way. Yet, as soon as they heard Emily's voice and saw her smiling face, they realized how much they had missed her, if only for a little while. "Emmykins!" Jon exclaimed. "Did you have fun with Uncle Rufus and Auntie Miranda?"

"Lookit, I touch!" Okay, so maybe Rufus wasn't quite that tall, but Emily was absolutely positive that she was touching the ceiling, terrifyingly confident in the grip he had on her legs as her little arms flailed in the air.

Vicki laughed, leaving it to Jon to rescue Rufus from having his back broken by a downwards dive from their daughter. Instead, she peered around them to seek out Miranda with a grin. "I see you survived, too."

Jon hopped off the couch to rescue Rufus from Emily, rather than the other way around, sweeping her off her uncle's shoulders and into her father's arms like an airplane in flight, complete with the zooming sound.

"Of course, we did!" Miranda exclaimed as she followed her husband into the suite, Benjamin sound asleep in the baby carrier. "Did you have any doubts?"

Ducking the now zooming Emily, Vicki caught the door before it hit Cosmo in the nose. The collie had heard his puppies' return and was back to make the most of it. "They're my children, I know how difficult they can be," she told Miranda cheerfully, taking the carrier from her. Ben didn't even stir as he was set down by the couch, not even when Cosmo put his cold nose right in the baby boy's face. "So what did you do to them' I mean, with them?"

"Oh, not much. We took a walk in the park and stopped at the playground for a little while, then we went out for lunch. I don't know what you're doing with them, but they were absolute angels!" Miranda beamed. Was it any wonder Rufus looked exhausted after chasing after a toddler at the playground"

"Oh, sounds like you had fun! Did you have fun, EmilyWemily?" Jon asked the little girl as he balanced her against his hip.

The little girl nodded, clinging onto her father with a wide grin. "Manda ketchit," she informed him with a certain amount of smug pride, which made Rufus burst out laughing as he deposited the diaper bag down beside the changing station.

Vicki's gaze homed in on Miranda with curious amusement. "What was she doing with ketchit, and how much will it cost to replace whatever she decorated with it?" she asked with a grin.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It was out of season and style anyway," Miranda replied with a smile as she told the little white lie. She had plenty of clothes and wouldn't miss one silly sweater. Besides, she'd found a mage who knew spells capable of removing the most stubborn of stains. "Besides it was Rufus' fault for letting her squeeze her own ketchup, wasn't it, dear?" she said with a pointed look at Rufus and a strong emphasis on the dear.

"Yes, darling, of course," Rufus offered with a long-suffering sigh. He waited until Miranda was looking the other way, and added under his breath to Jon, "She squeezed, I aimed. That sweater is revolting."

Jon chuckled, but before he could reply, Miranda chimed in. "I heard that," Miranda said in a singsongy voice, but thankfully she was still smiling. "Anyway, they were both angels. Did you two have a nice morning?" she asked, arching her perfectly-plucked brows and glancing between them, hoping they had made the most of the few hours they'd had alone.

Laughing at the banter between the older couple Vicki crouched down to release Ben from his carrier, lifting him up to rest against her shoulder as he fussed and settled once again. She met Jon's eyes with a wicked little quirk to her smile as she answered Miranda's query. "Oh, I wouldn't say nice is entirely appropriate as a description."

"Good!" Miranda said with a smile as she moved over to her husband and slid her arm into his. "You'll be much better parents if you make time for each other, too." How she knew this was anyone's guess, since she had raised Bethany on her own. "We'd be more than happy to take them for a few hours again sometime. We need all the practice we can get!"

Rufus eyed his wife with wry amusement. "I think that's code for Miranda wanting to sit back and watch while a small girl runs me halfway to the moon and back," he commented, but he was smiling too. For all that he didn't seem the sort to appeal to children, Rufus was one of those men who tended to get on with anyone and everyone, regardless of mitigating factors.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2014-05-21 17:17 EST
Vicki grinned, swaying as Ben coughed and gripped at her collar with one tiny hand. "Thank you for taking them," she said to the older couple. "We really do appreciate it."

"Yes, well....We are just a phone call away!" Miranda reminded them, as she tugged on Rufus' arm to steer his toward the door.

"Thanks so much!" Jon echoed his wife's thanks, grateful they had such a supportive family who were always ready and willing to step in and help out. "Will we see you later tonight at the screening?" he asked, while Emily played with her father's curls.

"Lei's intending to be there," Rufus answered as he was pulled toward the door. "Trying out normal things for a change. I don't know about us. Will we be there?" he asked his wife curiously.

"I'm not sure yet. It depends on how the rest of the day goes," she said with a sparkle in her eyes as she grinned up at her husband. That was as good as a no. It seemed she had plans for him.

"Ah, yes, babies," Vicki teased, warming a bottle one-handed as she spoke. "The ultimate aphrodisiac."

Rufus snorted with laughter at this, rolling his eyes at Jon's Englishwoman. There were three of them married into the Grangers now, spreading their dry sarcasm and silly humor wherever they went. "Have a good day, children," he told him, patting Miranda's rear end just to see how she was going to react. "We're off."

She reacted as she always did with a happy sparkle in her eyes and an adoring smile for her husband. He could really rarely do any wrong in her eyes, and anyone with eyes in their head could see how much she adored him, even when she was teasing him. "Come along then, Uncle Doofus. I want to hear all about my revolting sweater."

"Would that be before or after I handcuff you to the bed and spank you silly for calling me by that ridiculous name in public?" Rufus' voice trailed off as he shut the door behind him, the grin evident in his tone as he teased his wife in reply. Vicki chuckled softly, looking over at Jon and Emily. "Sounds like they had a blast."

And Miranda's voice was heard trailing off in reply: "I love it when you talk dirty to me."

Thankfully, Emily wasn't old enough to understand what that meant yet, but Jon and Vicki did. Jon chuckled and turned his gaze to Emily, fingers gently tickling her tummy. "What do you say, Emmykins" Did you have fun with Auntie Manda and Uncle Rufus?"

The little girl giggled, batting at her father's hand as she nodded wildly. "Ketchit, an' run, an' cuddle Bun," she told him, as seriously as though she had just given him her entire morning in highly colorful detail. Thankfully, that was some way off - for now, Emily's one word details would have to do.

Vicki smiled as she sat down, settling Ben with his bottle as she listened to their daughter. "That sounds wonderful, Emmy."

"Looks like we can add Miranda and Rufus to the list of babysitters," Jon remarked as he swooped Emily toward her mother for a kiss and a snuggle before naptime. "Naptime!" he declared, always trying to make that time of day seem like more fun that it really was. If they were going to take Emily with them to the premiere party later, she was going to need a nap so she wouldn't get tired and cranky.

Predictably, Emily's pout made an appearance as the dreaded N-word was mentioned, but Jon's quick thinking in letting her snuggle close to kiss her mother and brother seemed to do the trick.

Vicki hugged her free arm around her daughter, kissing her hair affectionately. "If you're good and have a nice nap, we'll take you out to the park tonight and to the fair," she told the toddler, employing bribery as a means to an end. "But only if you go down for your nap without making a fuss. Can you do that?"

Emily pouted again, but nodded, raising her arms to Jon. "Nap," she sighed in her world-weary way, making it seem as though they'd just told her to complete three hours of calculus.

Jon scooped his daughter up into his arms again, pressing a messy, noisy kiss to her cheek. "That's a good girl. Now, let's go find Edward the Bear and tuck you both in for a story." And off he went to do just that, just in time for Cosmo to sneak back into their suite of rooms to check on his puppies.

Emily's giggles guided Cosmo in the direction of Jon and his daughter, leaving Vicki and Ben to revel in the quiet of the main room. "Your father, little man," Vicki informed her son as he suckled at his bottle, "is spoiling your big sister something rotten." She grinned, gently jostling him into a better position, and let her head rest back.

Yes, it had been lovely to have a few hours alone with Jon, but this was what felt right. To have Emily giggling, Jon telling her a story, the thump of Cosmo's tail against the door frame, and Ben drinking loudly from his bottle ....those were the sounds she equated with home and safe. This was the family she'd waited a very long time for, since the first day she'd met Jon, when she was two years old.

Though Jon didn't remember it, this was the reason he'd returned home to Rhy'Din a few years ago, and while things hadn't gone exactly how he'd planned, he had accomplished what he'd set out to do. His life was complete, and he couldn't be happier. He had everything he'd ever wanted - home, family, friends, a career that he loved, and most importantly, a loving wife and children. What more could any man want from life? He was a very lucky man, and not a day went by that he wasn't thankful for it.

Now if he could just work out how to get his daughter to sleep without having five stories read to her in a row would be perfect.