Topic: A little Peace

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-03-28 08:00 EST
Up in their private suite at the manor, the sounds of the wedding reception were shut out behind the door, leaving Jon and Vicki and their sleepy children in a peaceful space of their own. Even in formal wear, they were practiced enough by now to be able to get Ben and Emily changed and in bed without a huge argument breaking out, leaving them alone to amuse themselves under Cosmo's watchful eye.

Vicki leaned in the doorway to the childrens' shared room, her arms wrapped about her waist as she watched them sleep. "They're such angels when they're asleep."

"And such little demons when they're awake?" Jon asked teasingly as his arms went around her waist from behind and he pulled her against him. The muffled sound of music and voices somewhere below them told them the party was still going strong, but Jon couldn't think of a better end to the day than a little quiet time with his wife. "Cup of tea before bed, or shall we just snuggle?" he asked, his voice close to her ear.

Leaning into him, Vicki let her head tip back onto his shoulder as she relaxed. "Whatever we do, I need to get out of this beautiful, but really uncomfortable, dress," she chuckled softly. "I couldn't bring myself to tell Miranda the truth this morning when we had to squeeze me into this thing, so I've been compressed all day."

"She didn't notice?" he asked, curiously. If Miranda suspected Vicki was with child, it would be all over Maple Grove before it was official. Or maybe Rufus could convince her to keep her mouth shut. It was hard to say.

"She was a little busy with Ash," she considered thoughtfully. "The blonde bride put her heel through the skirt of her dress while Elle was telling me to breathe in and think happy thoughts." She chuckled, easing them both back from the door to draw it to gently. Turning, she looked up at Jon with a soft smile. "Any objection to jammies and cocoa before bed?" she asked hopefully.

"None at all," he replied, touching a kiss to her forehead before leading her by the hand from the bedroom. Jammies first, cocoa second, snuggling third. "I still have to wonder how she managed to convince Isabelle to come."

"I don't have the faintest idea how she convinced her to come, but Miranda works miracles," Vicki pointed out, only too happy to be lead around by the hand. As much as she had enjoyed the last couple of days, with their fun-fueled antics, it was nice to have quiet time again. "Isabelle actually said she'd spoken to Caroline, too."

"That is a miracle," Jon remarked as he led her into the small kitchen that made up part of the suite they shared at the manor. He wasn't sure what had come between the two women and even if he'd known, there was a time for letting bygones be bygones. He and Caroline had once been close, but life seemed to have gotten in the way of that lately. Still, he was glad the two women had made peace, if only for the sake of Dom and Ashlyn.

"With any luck, she'll be a more regular visitor now, anyway," she shrugged, releasing his hand to investigate the piles of clean clothing on the counter that had yet to find their way into closets and dressers. "Undo me, would you? Preferably before I split a seam."

"We're going to have to make an announcement soon, before it become obvious," Jon said, as he moved around behind her to help with her zipper. Conversely, they could have fun letting people speculate, but sooner or later Vicki's growing baby bump would become obvious.

"We're only about five weeks in, you know," she pointed out. "I'm just bulging out because my body is taking advantage of knowing what?s coming." She smiled over her shoulder to him as he undid her zipper, taking in her first comfortable breath of the day. "Oh god, that's almost as good as taking my bra off."

He chuckled, knowing only too well how uncomfortable pregnancy could be, as well as the constraining clothing women seemed determined to force themselves into. "Thank the gods I'm a man," he declared, not for the first time. Their little Freaky Friday incident a few years back had given him new respect for women in general, but more so for those who were carrying children.

Shimmying out of the lovely dress, heedless of being topless in front of her husband, Vicki set the gorgeous piece of formalwear to one side, and shrugged into a clean set of pajamas right there in the kitchen. "Oh, that's much better," she sighed happily, flicking her hair out from beneath the hang of her robe as she turned to Jon once again. "You changing, or just removing the itchy bits?"

"I'll change later," he replied. His suit wasn't half as confining as her dress, and he'd already gotten rid of the jacket, tie, and shoes and had loosened the top buttons of his shirt. "Relax. I'll make the cocoa," he insisted, pulling out a chair. She was likely to be doted on for at least a few weeks, until she got tired of it and told him to stop treating her with kid gloves.

He knew her as well as she knew him. After a long day in heels, though, Vicki was not averse to being coddled a little, sinking down into the chair he offered her with a low groan of relief. "Thank you," she smiled to him. "So's appointments again."

"Sorry," he found himself apologizing as he put the kettle on. "Should I get snipped after this?" he asked, though they had not yet decided how many more children they were going to have before they were through.

"Snipped?" Vicki's brows rose into her hairline. "What on earth for" I thought we were aiming for an even four, unless the idea of adding yet more crazy to our family is starting to overwhelm you a little." She watched him curiously. "You've never shown even the slightest inclination toward getting snipped. You fought me every step of the way when it came to getting Cosmo done."

"Yes, but I'm not the one who has to go through nine months of hell, followed by the gods only know how many hours of labor. Then there's postpartum, breastfeeding, and whatever else." He didn't even want to think about the episiotomy or the possibility of a caesarean section. He shrugged at the mention of Cosmo. "I just thought he should have a little fun before we took it away from him, but maybe it was better he didn't know what he was missing."

She laughed softly. "Jon, I know I complained a lot with Emily, but I actually quite enjoyed being pregnant last time around," she tried to reassure him. "It isn't nine months of hell. It's a couple of months of unpredictable nausea, then a good four or five months of big boobs and gorgeous hair and a really cute bump, and only then do I start feeling fat and achy. It's not as bad as I made out the first time around, I promise."

He knew from experience what it was like to be ready to pop out a baby, and he didn't want to be selfish where children were concerned. "It's up to you. I just ....I don't want you to think we have to have more kids, if you don't really want to," he said, worried she was only doing this for his sake.

"Jon, you're getting angsty again," she pointed out with a wry smile. "Be logical here. You know how practical I am. If I didn't want any more children, do you really think I would still have a womb and ovaries?"

There was something about pregnancy that brought out the worrier in him, and Vicki had a long way to go yet. "I guess not," he admitted, taking a lean against the counter while he waited for the kettle to whistle.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-03-28 08:02 EST
Pushing herself up onto her feet, she moved to tuck herself close against him, nose to nose for a long moment. "I know we didn't discuss it," she said quietly. "And ideally we would have talked about it before it happened. But I can't say I'm unhappy to be expecting another baby, sweetheart. I am happy, very happy. I have a husband I adore, a daughter who drives me nuts, and a son who can't understand the point of a toilet. And I'm happy."

He forgot about the cocoa for now in favor of his wife's embrace, a soft smile on his face at her insistence that she was happy, despite all the difficulties that marriage and family entailed. "You forgot the crazy dog," he teased, brushing his nose against hers as his arms went around her.

She giggled softly, nuzzling with him. "I never forget the crazy dog, but technically, he's yours," she pointed out affectionately. "Christmas present, remember?" Her first Christmas present to Jon, in fact. Just looking at Cosmo brought back memories of their first Christmas together.

"Share and share alike, Vic ....Though you can keep your bras and heels," he added with a smirk. He'd never been into cross-dressing and wasn't about to start now. "I'll try not to worry so much, okay?" Keyword: Try.

"Gonna let it all hang free the way nature intended, huh?" she teased, leaning up to touch a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, you know. Every last thing about you - even the smelly socks and the overthinking."

"Smelly socks?" he echoed, laughing. "Only after Cosmo has been chewing on them for a while," he said, returning the kiss, just as the kettle whistled its readiness.

She snickered, easing away to let him take charge of the cocoa making once again. "So ....are you going to make a prediction this time, or are we going to pretend that we really don't mind whether we get a boy or a girl?" she asked with a grin.

"We have one of each already, so anything after this is a bonus. Do you have a preference?" he asked, turning to spoon cocoa powder into two mugs before adding hot water.

"I wouldn't mind an artist," she mused with a grin, not making any mention of gender at all. "Emily seems to have lost the thrill for coloring, and Ben would rather use his own poo. Maybe the next one will pop out of the womb all Da Vinci'd up."

Jon laughed at that, though teaching Ben to keep his diaper on during naptime had proved something of a challenge. "They're a bit young to worry what they'll be when they're grown, don't you think?" he asked as he stirred the mixture to dissolve the cocoa before turning again to hand her a steaming mug.

She smiled, taking the mug from him. "Can't blame me for hoping, can you?" she chuckled. "I never did anything particularly exciting with my talent when I was a teenager - not that I'm complaining. I love my job. But it would be nice to have a child who was interested in it."

"Well, the more we have, the greater the chances," he told her with a smile as he took a seat beside her and reached to give her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm happy we're having another, Vicki," he reassured her in a soft voice. "I just don't want you to think you have to keep popping out babies to please me. I love you and I will always love you, no matter how many children we have together."

She shuffled over to lean into him, her hand tangled with his. "Jon, I grew up an only child of a single parent," she told him quietly. "I love my dad, and I had a wonderful childhood. But I missed out on not having my mum there, and on not having brothers and sisters. I don't want our family to feel incomplete, or for any of our children to lack what I lacked. I said four a couple of years ago, and I'm sticking to that. Emily and Ben are close enough in age that they're more likely to stay allies than be enemies as they get older, and having younger siblings will be good for them. Children aren't essential for us to be happy together, Jon. But I do like being a mum, especially as they get older. The sooner we have our four, the sooner we can put away diapers and toddler tantrums, and enjoy our little people growing up."

"Four sounds more reasonable than six," Jon admitted with a slightly sheepish grin, his fingers tangling with hers, but he meant what he'd said - no matter how many children they had, he'd never stop loving her. "We should give your dad a call," he suggested, though he wasn't sure that was what he wanted to do just yet.

"Not tonight," she told him, cuddling in close. "Tonight is for us. You never know, we might eventually get him to visit here, for once." Vicki chuckled; as much as she loved her father, he was more than a little set in his ways. She had a feeling his girlfriend wasn't going to be content with staying just a girlfriend for much longer, and she didn't know how her father would respond. He seemed very sure he would never marry again.

It seemed a little silly in that moment that they'd bothered with the cocoa, when all either of them wanted to do was hold the other close. For Jon and Vicki, it had always been the simple pleasures. It was why they'd moved to the manor to begin with - foregoing the luxury of their condo to be close to family and friends. It was the simple pleasures in life that made life worth living, after all - not how many cars you had in your garage, treasures in your safe, or money in the bank.

A loud cheer from below made Vicki snort with laughter, glancing up at the sound. "Sounds like the happy couples are off to get naked together," she chuckled, brushing a kiss to his cheek. "At least we know for certain that Ash isn't smuggling our children out under that skirt of hers."

Jon chuckled. "I'm not sure those two are ready for kids yet," he remarked, though who ever was really' "My bet is on Elle, if she can manage to convince Dom that the world won't come to an end if she gets pregnant." And that was a fairly big if.

"Well, it would be nice if they had a house before they have kids," Vicki laughed, sipping her cocoa. "I think Elle wants to talk to Dom about that first, you know," she said thoughtfully. "Not about having children, they've had that talk, thanks to you. But I don't think she wants it to happen as an accident or unexpected. I think she'd be more comfortable if it was planned, and if it is, Dom will at least feel as though he has more control over what?s going on."

"I just hope his fears don't stand in the way of their happiness," Jon said, though he didn't think it would. "Maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine and see if I can find a potion that gives him a glimpse of his own future," Jon added, though he wasn't sure if such a thing existed. After all, the future was changeable and depended on decisions that were made in the present.

"If it comes to it, I'm sure we can find some way to reassure him," Vicki promised her husband firmly. "Ask someone if he can sit in on their birth, maybe, or at least get him a tour of a hospital antenatal and labor ward."

"Or ask them to be the godparents of our next child," Jon suggested, though convincing Dom to become a father might require more immediate intervention than waiting nine months.

"That's a good idea," Vicki agreed warmly. "The sooner he realizes he's already a father with Daisy, the better, though. I think some part of him is still a little shy of disciplining her, in case Elle doesn't like it."

"Daisy doesn't seem like the kind of kid who needs much disciplining," Jon said, lifting his cup of hot cocoa for a sip. Some children were just born old for their age, due to the circumstances of their childhood, and he thought Daisy might be one of them.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-03-28 08:03 EST
"True, she's nothing like Emily," she laughed cheerfully. Their eldest was going to be a handful as she got older, that much was certain. "But there will come a time when she slips up, and Dom will have to deal with it. Remember how uncomfortable Des was disciplining Lyneth' But now he's settled into it, he can do that and not be afraid that Piper's going to shout at him for it."

"Yeah," Jon replied, remembering that with a chuckle. Poor Des had come to Rhy'Din at Miranda's behest having no idea what to expect here, and had found himself charmed by Lyneth and her mother. "Sometimes I wonder whatever became of Ollie," Jon mused, frowning. The last time he'd seen the man, he'd been acting strangely, and Jon had been worried for Piper's safety.

Vicki frowned, uncomfortable thinking about that. She had learned from Piper that Fae could not do something to a person without their permission, and that meant that Ollie had agreed to allow a Fae into the home he shared with his then-wife and daughter. That did not say much for his state of mind at the time. "Who can say' Caroline will never stop looking for him."

"Some people don't want to be found, Vic," Jon pointed out with a small frown. He didn't remember much about his relationships before the shooting, but he did remember his last conversation with Ollie before he'd disappeared. It was one of those mysteries that would probably never be solved, and perhaps it was better that way. Piper was safe and happy now with Desmond, and Jon didn't want to see anything upset that.

She reached up, gently stroking the frown from his face. "We're here," she reminded him softly. "We're not going anywhere." Some might never come back, it was true, but others would reappear, she was sure of that.

"I know," he said, the frown turning to a soft smile as he reached for her hand and gave it another soft squeeze. They had been through too much together to let anyone or anything come between them now. "I love you, Vicki," he told her quietly and simply. It wasn't quite poetry, but the words were honest and sincere and full of meaning.

"Always," she promised, just as soft, and just as simple, but no more or less powerful than his quiet declaration. She nuzzled to him tenderly, kissing the tip of his nose. "Let's go to bed, love," she suggested softly. "I love being cuddled up with you."

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiled as she touched a kiss to his nose, before moving to his feet to rinse out the mugs. Maybe it was corny, but here in Rhy'Din, where happy endings were rare, Jon had found his happily-ever-after in the arms of Victoria Granger.