Topic: A Message for Lola Granger

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-04-16 09:53 EST
Upon returning to the Plaza she took care of business:

She didn't hear the elevator as she was just finishing up a phone call, leaving a message for Lola Granger regarding her interest in a residential property: "Hi, Miss Granger? This is a Fiora Shantalaine with Shantalaine Realty and I was just callin to make sure ye'd found the place of yer dreams cuz that's what I do, make people's dreams come true, not in the hot wet kinda way but in the findin a place to live and maybe do the hot wet kinda thing in, wait. I don'tthink I meant to say that, okaywhat I am tryin to say is that if ye still need help findin a place I'm yer girl! For the findin not the other. Right. Yea. Umm Bye."

Lola Granger

Date: 2011-04-16 16:16 EST
Lola had not fully mastered her phone. She knew how to make and answer calls - but figuring out how to retrieve her messages was still a challenge. Eventually she figured out the steps and listened to Fiora's perky voice while she stood in her kitchen, sipping a mug of tea. She blushed, and laughed, at the bit about 'hot wet kinda thing', and then when the message finished she found her way to the 'call back' option.

"Hello, Fiora? This is Lola - I'm so sorry that I never followed up with Miss Beaumont about a place to work. Fashion Week came up and I got so busy and it just completely escaped my mind after that. I really do still need a place to work outside of my house and if it has enough display space in a front area to show my things that would be even better. Uhm - the place in Zen Gardens really looked perfect, but I understand if it's already been taken. Anyway, uhm - call me back! Thank you."

It all came out in one long, breathless rush. Lola hated talking on the phone or leaving messages. And so with that taken care of, she took her mug of tea with her into the increasingly crowded space of her workroom.