Topic: A Pleasant Interlude

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-11-25 13:09 EST
((Contains a brief reference to adult situations.))

Jon emerged from the nursery, quietly closing the door behind him and tiptoeing back toward the bedroom he shared with Vicki. He was feeling utterly content these days in his role as husband and father, and though he was unable to remember it, this was the whole reason he'd returned to Rhy'Din a few years ago to begin with. Without consciously realizing it, he had achieved his deepest desires and it was all because of Vicki.

Behind him, Cosmo trailed at his heels, following his master wherever he went, satisfied that their puppy had been put safely to bed. Jon sighed as he stepped through the door into the master bedroom and closed it behind him. Thankfully, the baby monitor kept them informed of what their baby daughter was up to at all times. It had been hard moving her from their room to the nursery, and Jon had resisted for some time, until Vicki had reminded him that she couldn't remain in their bedroom forever.

"She's asleep," he informed his wife as he rejoined her.

"Bri'yan," was his wife's indistinct response to this information, offered through her toothbrush as she lounged in the door to the bathroom. Bedtime was often Jon's job, though neither of them had really scheduled it as such. Their time was equally shared between their jobs, each other, and Emily, and there had been no upsets since Vicki had gone back to work. The prospect of having another little one in so short a time, though daunting, was not looking half so terrifying as it had done a couple of months ago. At 18 weeks, Vicki had a very definite bump again, but this time there had been no morning sickness to speak of, and thus, a distinct lack of complaining from the redhead. She grinned at Jon around her toothbrush, and turned to bend over the sink, spitting and washing her mouth out.

Jon chuckled at the indistinct response from his wife. Though he knew her pretty well, there were still times when something got lost in translation between them, him being a Rhy'Din native who'd spent a good part of his life shuffling between L.A. and New York, and her a native of England. He went about his own usual evening routine, turning down the bed and dimming the lights before tugging the t-shirt from his torso and tossing it onto a chair. "Gesundheit," he replied with a smirk, his way of telling her he had no idea what she'd just said to him.

Laughing, she wiped her mouth dry, flicking off the bathroom light as she made her way back into the bedroom. "I said, brilliant," she translated herself for him, sticking her tongue out on the way past. "Bathroom's all yours, loveaduck." Patting his rear end, she flashed him another cheeky wink, and began rummaging for her hair brush, preparing to begin the nightly torture - for Jon, at least - of ripping through all the tangles in her wavy mane before bed.

"Next time, just give me a thumbs up," he remarked back at her. "Don't stick out your tongue, unless you intend to use it," he added with a teasing grin as he passed her on his way to the bathroom. Some might think their domesticated life boring, full of scheduled and routines, but after the first few months of parenthood, they'd fallen into a routine fairly easily, helping each other out and swapping chores as was necessary. "So, what do you want to do about your dad" Is he coming here for the holidays or are we going there?"

"You know full well I have every intention of using it when you least expect it," Vicki quipped back to him, finally locating her brush and moving to thump down on the bed as she began the process of dragging the bristles through her hair from the location where she had the best view of Jon's rear end while he went about his evening ablutions. "Oh God, I don't know," she admitted when he mentioned her father. "If we go to Cornwall, we won't be able to stay long because of the wedding. If he comes here, we get the joy of the Humphrey/Maria bitch fest starting up all over again." As charming as Humphrey could be, he had taken against Vicki's stepmother for a comment she had made about the way Vicki handled Emily during a family dinner a few months before, and since then, it had been in everyone's best interests to keep the warring parties separate.

"Do we want to stay long?" he countered, leaning close to inspect his teeth for some odd reason, vain man that he was, before grabbing his toothbrush and squeezing out a ribbon of toothpaste. He thought it only fair that they spend equal time in Cornwall and Rhy'Din for the holidays, allowing Vicki's father to see his daughter and grand-daughter, but it was almost always an impossible task to split their time up evenly. "I wish they'd just make peace and be done with it," Jon grumbled, detesting family drama with a passion.

"Well, we already promised Christmas Day to Humph and Lena, and since it's your birthday as well, we're sticking to that," Vicki told him affectionately, wincing as she found a particularly stubborn tangle to wrestle with. "And we're having dinner with Des, Piper, and Dru on Boxing Day. What if we visit Cornwall the week before Christmas" We can stay a few days, then, and still be back for the party on Christmas Eve."

"Once Season's Greetings closes, I'm off until February," he said, agreeing that should allow time for a visit before the holidays and the weddings that were due to take place at the end of the month. "I think I can get away for a week or so then. Can you?" he asked, quietly a moment so that he could brush his teeth while his wife replied.

"Are you joking?" she laughed. "All I have to do is rub the bump and mention my dad, and 'Taya tries to give me months off at a time. I think being pregnant is making her brain wobbly." Not that she minded; it was fun being the voice of experience. Vicki wasn't going to forget the shopping trip for underwear in a hurry - she had a feeling 'Taya might actually have bought enough undies to wear a different set every day until she gave birth and still not have worn them all.

No reply came from the bathroom for a long moment as Jon was busy fastidiously scrubbing his teeth, rinsing, and spitting. Once that was done, he came up for air, shoving his fingers through his hair in a failed attempt to tame the curls before rejoining her in the bedroom. "Rub the bump and make a wish," he teased, thumping down beside her and doing just that, reaching over to rub a hand very familiarly against the swell of her stomach that was their second child.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-11-25 13:10 EST
Rubbing her fingers through her own tangle-free hair, she chuckled as he smoothed his palm over the rounded swell of her belly beneath the voluminous folds of her t-shirt. "Am I allowed to know what the wish is, or are you going to make me guess, cuddle-buns?" she asked him playfully, tossing her brush back onto the cabinet against the wall.

"If I tell you, it might not come true," he replied, sprawled across the bed and leaning on a elbow as he gently moved a palm across her belly. "What do you think it is this time" A boy or a girl?" he asked, unsure himself, but curious. They already knew there was only one baby growing inside her, but had decided not to ask whether that one baby was a boy or a girl.

At 18 weeks, Vicki could already feel the baby moving beneath his palm, impatient for the day when he'd be able to feel it as well. She leaned back on her elbows, watching his hand smooth over her. It was something she'd missed, she realized, Jon's quiet fascination with the fact that there was a baby growing inside her. "I don't know," she admitted. "Just comparing it with last time, I might be inclined to lean toward boy, but since when have we ever been predictable enough to be able to call a baby's sex without an expert involved?"

"It doesn't really matter, you know," he offered, honestly, the soft contented smile on his face obvious in his voice, though his face was turned to contemplate the child growing inside her. "I'd be just as happy with another daughter as a son." Unlike some men, Jon did not need a son to make him feel like a man or to boost his male ego. He had fallen in love with Emily at first sight and had no doubt he would love their next child just as much as the first, no matter if they were a boy or a girl.

"if you were that kind of man, I'd suggest you place a bet on it," she laughed affectionately, raising one hand to run her fingers through his wayward curls. "Longest odds are on Caroline having a girl this time, but I hear there are pretty good odds on us having twins. The outside bet is that I'm percolating some kind of furry Rhy'Din cross-breed hybrid." She offered him a wide grin that dripped sarcasm, scrunching her nose in the process.

He chuckled as he turned onto his back to lay his head in her lap and smile up at her. "Don't let that get around. Before you know it, it'll be in all the papers." He raised a hand, gesturing as if to indicate a marquee. "Jon Granger fathers were-twins." It was a ridiculous statement, to be sure, but that was the whole point of it. Most of the rumors he heard or read about himself or Vicki were ridiculous, and he wondered why anyone with a brain in their head would believe them.

She couldn't help laughing at the thought of a marquee with that written on it. "Oh, but wouldn't the Photoshopped pictures be adorable?" she pointed out, leaning back on one hand as she stroked her fingers through his hair. "I'm feeling good about being able to handle two at once, how about you? Emily will be walking by the time this one pops out."

Jon looked at the situation a little more realistically, remembering how hard - how utterly exhausting - it had been in the beginning right after Emily had been born, but they had a big family and an overabundance of people willing to help. He had no reason to believe that wouldn't be the case again. "I'm not too worried about it," he admitted, a faint smirk appearing on his face as another thought came to mind. "But I'm not planning on swapping bodies with you this time around. Once was enough, thanks!"

"We didn't exactly plan it last time!" Vicki laughed, dropping down onto her back as she giggled at the strange experience they had shared. "We are not accepting any gifts from Juno until she proves they're completely non-magical. I never again want to know quite that much about my husband. A girl likes a little mystery, you know?"

"What's the matter?" he asked with a grin as he followed her, scooting upwards to lean against an elbow and look down at her, his free hand trailing upwards against the small swell at her belly to just beneath her breasts. "Afraid you won't know what to do with a hard-on again?" he asked with a chuckle. "You always have before."

She stuck her tongue out at him, rolling her eyes in amusement. "I always know what to do to a hard-on," she pointed out cheerfully. "Besides, I wasn't the one who copped a feel and nearly gave himself a heart attack on the toilet."

"Do you blame me?" he asked, smiling in return. "I've never been a woman. I wanted to know what it felt like. I do regret the high heels, though. Those were a mistake." He leaned over to press a tender kiss against her lips, blanketing her in his presence but not pressing his weight against her so that he didn't harm the baby growing inside her. "I love you, Mrs. Granger," he told her quietly as their lips parted, his face hovering close to her.

One thing Jon could always guarantee, no matter the time, place, or mood - one kiss could turn his wife into a puddle of adoring goo. Vicki melted into him as he kissed her, drawing her arms about his neck, smoothing her hand down his back, nuzzling close even as their lips parted. "I love you back, Mr. Granger," she promised him tenderly. "You know this will be our third Christmas together?"

"I didn't realize you were counting," he remarked, though he had been keeping track, as well. He'd never been so happy in his entire life until he'd met Vicki. He didn't need a memory or a journal to tell him that. He just knew it, felt it in his heart, knew it in his soul. They were meant to be together, always had been and always would be. He believed that, too. "I know it sounds corny, but as time goes on, I only seem to fall deeper in love with you, Vicki. Three years or thirty, it doesn't matter. I love you, and I'm always going to love you."

"Well, I keep missing our anniversary, so I'm obviously not counting all that accurately," she mused cheerfully, leaning up to kiss him once again. "I've loved you almost all my life, and I really don't see that changing at all. So make that three years or ninety, because you're never getting rid of me now. We spawned, we're stuck together."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-11-25 13:13 EST
He laughed again, mostly at her choice of words. "Spawned. Should I tell Emily that when she's older" You were not conceived; you were spawned." He snuck a hand beneath her shirt, though he didn't much care whether they had sex or not. He only wanted to feel the warmth of her skin against his, to know they were both truly alive.

"Only if I can tell her that you never objected to me calling her a spunk pebble before we knew she was a girl," Vicki countered with a wide grin. "Because, you know, that's the sort of thing every teenage girl wants to know about their time in utero." She winked impishly, reacting as always to his touch against her skin with that telltale flush over her face. Sex or not, Jon always knew how to get her motor running, and he knew it.

Jon rolled his eyes, grinning in amusement at his wife's cheeky sense of humor. "If she's anything like you, I'll be in big trouble." He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her toward him, that telltale flush only encouraging him further. "You know I love you, right?"

She grinned back at him at the thought of Jonathan Granger surrounded by versions of herself. He gave in to the slightest whim of hers without much prompting; what on earth was he going to be like when Emily could actually form sentences to melt his heart with' Caught up against him, Vicki let her nose nudge his, her smile softening in the face of his question. "Of course I do," she promised him faithfully. "Never doubted it."

"Then you won't mind if I interrupt you at work tomorrow to take my two favorite girls out to lunch?" he asked, knowing she wouldn't mind, but asking anyway. He wasn't talking about Vicki and Emily this time, but Vicki and Mataya - his wife and his best friend. He finished off his question with a kiss, his lips drifting away from hers to drop a few tender kisses against her neck as his hand moved higher beneath her shirt. He wasn't trying to seduce her exactly - he didn't really have to - but he just couldn't help himself.

She couldn't help smiling at the query, knowing he was referring to Mataya this time. Humph had commandeered Emily for tomorrow, anyway - he wanted to lavish a day on his littlest niece without the parents lurking. Besides, Jon's kisses were making it a little difficult for her to form coherent thoughts, just as he knew they would. He never had any trouble seducing his wife, after all. She never said no. "I think that sounds great," she agreed softly, her own lips brushing against his temple as her hand began to travel of its own accord, smoothing down over his back affectionately.

Though he hadn't told his wife yet, his own personal goal for the evening was to reduce her to a moaning and relaxed pile of goo, which was never too difficult a task where Vicki was involved. His hand wandered in further exploration, as did his lips, kissing and caressing in that special way that only Jon could. He peeled her shirt up over her head, his lips trailing downward, touching and tasting and kissing every inch of her, knowing just what to do to make her sigh and moan.

And sigh and moan was was she did, more than once. People said the honeymoon period ended after the first child was born, but Emily's arrival didn't seem to have made much of an impression on her parents' sex life, aside from the initial awkwardness of resuming such intimacy. They knew each other inside and out, and still there was always a surprise to be found somewhere, in a touch or a kiss, in a fresh way to caress or tease. Wrapped up in each other, Jon and Vicki could easily lose sight of the rest of the world for an hour or more, and never mind that loss, absorbed into one another by the weight of loving affection they shared.

It was just about an hour, in fact, by the time they were both lying in each other's arms, completely or very nearly satiated, each taking from the other and giving back as much in return. Lovemaking had always been something they had excelled at and thoroughly enjoyed together. Right from the very first date, there had been definite sparks and an energy between them that neither had ever felt with anyone else or would again. There was no explanation or definition for it, though Jon would have simply called it love. Even that was a word that didn't quite go deep enough. He not only loved Vicki but adored her, worshiped her, and simply could not imagine his life without her. She was his other half, his perfect match, his soul mate, and his only heart's desire. Though he was not conscious of it, she was the one he'd been searching for all his life. She was simply his beloved Victoria.

((Quick, sweet little scene to shake us up a bit! Many thanks to Jon's player for being awesome!))