Topic: A Real Family

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2018-04-15 07:42 EST
The boom of currently hip pop music for the young teen echoed through Juniper Lodge. Brynne looked up from her book with an indulgently annoyed smile, glancing over at Sol. "Who gave them the right to turn into teenagers when I wasn't looking?" she asked mildly, referring to her newly teenaged daughter, Lila, and Lilah's best friend and closest cousin, Zahan, who would be joining her in just a couple of months.

Sol smiled. He'd been around a long time - long enough to know Time didn't stop for anyone - certainly not budding teenagers. It had been a challenge keeping up with the times, but a challenge he had been up to, especially if Brynne and Lila were the reward. "I don't think they do it on purpose, love. It just happens."

She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes. "Well, I just hope they have better teens than I did," she mused. "I was horrible. But I wasn't as focused as they are on what I liked. Or about to be handed a baby brother or sister."

Which was, of course, the reason Zahan was closeted away with Lila in the privacy of the teen bedroom. Lis had gone into labor in the early hours of the morning, and Ed had delivered Zahan to his sister around dawn before driving his wife to the hospital.

"Gods, my teen years are like ancient history," Sol remarked with a chuckle. Those years weren't the happiest years of his life either, but it was a very different world then. "So, would you care to bet on whether you're having a niece or a nephew?" he asked, not for the first time, with an amused grin on his face.

Running a hand though her hair to pull it out of her face, Brynne raised her brow at the challenge. "And again," she smirked back at him. "Do you really think I'm dumb enough to bet on something against you? You probably knew before Lis got knocked up!"

He chuckled, amused by her constant confusion about his abilities. "We have had this discussion before, love. I'm a warlock, not a precog. I can't predict the future. I can change the music from that annoying rumble to something more pleasant to the ear, however," he said, fingers poised in the air to do just that with a snap of his fingers, but waiting for her okay.

"You do that, you get to field the outrage," she reminded him in amusement. She remembered being incandescent with rage in her teens just for being asked to turn her music down; having the entire genre changed from another room by magic would have made her apoplectic.

He lowered his hand with a dramatic sigh. "Ah, you're no fun," he complained, though he really didn't care. Teens throughout the ages were given to annoying their parents about one thing or the other. "When I was a boy ..." he started, but was unable to finish, as he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I seem to recall you find me a lot of fun at certain times," Brynne pointed out, glancing up at the knock. "It's open!" she yelled in the direction of the door. There was only one person expected, after all, and only family tended to drop around without warning on the Grove.

"You don't think it would be fun to exchange that racket for a little Mozart?" Sol asked, as he got up to get the door, even though she had called over that it was open.

"I think living with a teenager who doesn't trust us to let her express herself in the privacy of her own bedroom would be infinitely less fun," was the mother's response, though she was smiling.

"Very well, spoil sport," Sol complained, though he wasn't nearly as disappointed as he was letting on. He was just about to open the door when Ed burst through the door.

"Where's Zahan?" he asked, looking like he was about ready to burst wide open with excitement.

To her credit, Brynne didn't laugh at the wild-eyed excitement on her brother's face. She just pointed to the stairs. "Follow the sound of the music."

"Zay!" Edward called, making a beeline for the stairs, without so much as a "Hello, how are you?" for his sister and her "man-friend". "Zay! Get your things together! Lis has had the baby!"

Sol watched as Ed made for the stairs, his hand still on the doorknob. "Shall I just stand here and wait for them to leave?" he asked, looking amused. Of course, he could have opened the door without even getting off the couch, but he didn't always cheat.

Setting her book aside, Brynne laughed as she rose. "You could leave the door open, and come and watch me mess up making lunch?" she suggested, listening to the sound of footsteps up the stairs as the music was muted.

Lila was the one who opened the door to her bedroom at the sound of Ed's cheerful greeting - visible behind her was Zahan, cramming all her belongings back into her rucksack with a delighted smile on her face. "Was it a boy or a girl, Uncle Ted?"

"A girl!" Edward replied with a proud and happy grin, looking a little flushed with excitement. "She looks just like her mother," he added. He wasn't too worried about any jealousies between the women in his life, both young and old. They all had a special place in his heart, and the same could be said for this newest addition. "Hurry, Zay! Lis can't wait to see you!" It had been hard dragging himself away from his wife and new baby, but Zahan was an important part of their family and deserved to be the first to meet her new baby sister.

"I got a little sister?"

Unfortunately for Ed's patience, this news resulted in Zahan throwing her arms around Lila and the two girls dancing around the room for a minute or two squealing together.

Ed laughed, relieved Zahan was happy with the news, though he'd had no doubt she would be. "Yes, yes! Now, do you want to meet her or not?" he asked, an amused grin on his face.

"Yes!" Grinning, Zahan kissed her cousin's cheek, throwing her backpack on her shoulder, and all but body-tackled Ed in a warm hug. She'd missed him and Lis today, but only Lila really knew that.

He returned her hug, dropping a kiss against the top of her head. She'd had a hard life full of grief and sorrow, and all he and Lis wanted to do was make her happy. "You can meet her, too ..." he promised Lila. "Soon!" But not right now. It was Zahan's turn first. He swung an arm around his daughter and steered her toward the door.

"Okay, Uncle Ted," Lila called after him. "Give her kisses from me!"

Zahan laughed as she was steered down the stairs toward the front door. "See you tomorrow, Lila! Oh, and thanks for having me, Auntie Brynne," she added as they passed by the kitchen. "And sorry I kicked your face, Mr. Spencer."

"Anytime, Miss Zahan!" Sol called back, from somewhere near Brynne. The door opened again without anyone near it, just in time for Ed and Zahan's exit.

"I'll call you later, Auntie Bry!" Ed called as he steered Zahan out the door.

"You'd better," was Brynne's answer to her brother. "With pictures!"

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2018-04-15 07:42 EST
Zahan giggled as the door closed behind them, falling into step with Ed toward the car. "Is Mama okay?" she asked, her first real thought for Lis rather than the baby. Babies were babies, but Lis was mom.

"She's fine," Edward assured her, with a smile on his face that had always only belonged to this girl, who'd found a place in his heart long before he'd become her father. "She's tired and sore, but that's to be expected. She's anxious to see you," he told her, breaking away from his clasp on her shoulders so that he could open the door and let her into the passenger's seat.

Tossing her bag into the footwell, Zahan folded her lean figure into the passenger seat with a relieved smile. She'd bee quietly worried about her family all day - excited, of course, but worried as well. Despite this being Rhy'Din, and very little happening that was generally bad, sometimes things went wrong. But not today!

"We haven't named her yet," he admitted, as he joined her in the car and pulled out onto the gravel drive that would lead to the main road. "We were waiting for you." They had discussed names as a family beforehand and decided to wait for Zahan to make a final decision.

"Wow, really?" As included as she'd been in everything right from the start - even down to knowing a little bit too much about Lis' bathroom needs in the later trimester - this was an amazing surprise for Zahan. "You'd really trust me to give her a name?"

"Well, we have some ideas, but we thought we'd wait to see if you like them or not," he admitted. Zahan wasn't a small child anymore, and it was important to him and Lis that she feel like part of the family, even if she wasn't related by blood.

"It should be a pretty name, because she's going to be pretty," she said confidently. "Is she pretty' Only Helena's new baby was kind of scrunched up and grouchy. But Daisy's little brother was like that, and he kind of smoothed out, and now he's all adorable. And Daisy's going to have another brother or sister soon! Isn't that cool?"

"I think she's pretty," Ed replied, though he knew he was probably more than a little biased in his opinion. He chuckled a little at Zahan's enthusiasm. "Our family is certainly growing," he remarked, happy to be part of it again, after so many years away from home. "I know I don't say it much, but I'm so happy you're here, Zay."

"You don't have to say it, Papa," she promised him, leaning over to bump her head against his shoulder. "I'm happy I'm here, too. I mean, I've got you and Mama, and a baby sister, and Lila and Daisy and my friends, and dancing, and, and ....well, everything I ever thought I wanted!"

Everything but a boyfriend, but the older she got, the more likely that was to happen. It made him sad in a way to know she'd someday meet a young man who meant even more to her than he did, but she would always be his daughter. That was something no one could ever take away from them. "I'm glad you're happy, Zay. Lis and I love you very much," he told her, though she already knew this, too.

"You know I love you guys too, right?" she answered, her tone just a little anxious. "I mean, I know I'm really focused on dancing, and it doesn't leave much time for us, not when I hang out with my friends as well, but I do love you. You're everything!"

"We know, Zay," he assured her, a soft smile on his face. Sometimes he wished she was small again, but he knew there was no going back and he was so proud fo the young woman she was quickly becoming. "I just want you to know that we love you both equally," he told her, though again, that hardly needed saying. Babies just needed a lot more care and attention than teenagers.

She tilted her head with a grin. "I know," she promised him. After all, what more proof did she need of that than what was happening right now" He'd come rushing away from the hospital as soon as the baby was born, just to bring her back to see her little sister and her mama, and give the new baby a name!

The trip to the hospital didn't take long, but was made shorter by the familial camaraderie between father and daughter as they discussed just about everything under the sun - from possible boyfriends to plans for the nursery. In less than an hour, they were tiptoeing their way through the maternity area on their way to visit Lis and the new baby.

The new baby who was just coming down from an enormous screaming fit over having been washed, dried, and dressed in an adorable onesie and hat. Lis looked tired and ever so slightly pained by the wailing going on next to her ear, but her smile was bright as Zahan peered around the door.

The girl hesitated, glancing up at Ed. "And I can go in?"

"Mmhm," Ed confirmed with a smile and a nod of his head. Judging by the sounds emanating from the room, it sounded like the newest addition to the family didn't have any problem with her lungs anyway. "Go ahead. There's nothing to be scared of."

"But if she's already crying, I might make it worse," Zahan worried, still hesitating on the threshold. Her eyes followed Lis as her mother sighed wearily, still jostling the baby girl on her shoulder. "Mama looks so tired."

"Babies cry a lot, Zay. Besides, maybe we can help," he said, encouragingly. She couldn't hover there in the doorway all day. "Trust me," he added, hoping she would.

Still uncertain, but reassured by the fact that just maybe the crying would stop soon, Zahan inched into the room, delighted when Lis' smile returned to brighten her face at the sight of their older daughter.

"Mija! Come and see your little sister!"

Ed waited for Zahan to inch her way into the room before following her inside, going around to Lis to greet her with a kiss. That done, he held out a hand to draw Zahan closer, confident the little red face would brighten at the sound of her big sister's voice.

"She's very loud," was Zahan's first comment, though her expression brightened when this elicited only a low laugh from Lis.

"She did not like having a wash," Lis assured her gently, casting her smile to Ed for a moment as Zahan crept closer, drawn by his hand in hers. "She will quiet in a little while, mija."

Zahan considered the little white hat that was all she could really see of her new little sister. "What if she doesn't like me?"

"She already knows you from the sound of your voice," Ed pointed out. "Remember how she'd kick every time you talked to her?" he reminded her, drawing her closer. "Say something. See what she does."

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2018-04-15 07:43 EST
"But ..." Her objection trailed off as Lis lowered the baby into the crook of her arm, letting Zahan see the screwed up red face that was her little sister. Zahan giggled suddenly, reaching out to gently boop the baby's nose. "She looks like a really angry sweet potato!"

"A sweet potato with a face!" Ed remarked with a chuckle. Of course, he was already enamored of that face, whether she looked like a potato or not. "She does look a little put out," he said, finding that baby's pout more adorable than worrying.

"Some sweet potatoes have faces," Zahan pointed out, distracted from the baby by this piece of information she had to share. "Dom grew one that looked like Grampa Humphrey, only Humphrey said anything that looked like him deserved to be fried, so they ate him as fries."

Lis chuckled, stroking her hand gently over Zahan's dark cheek fondly. The baby was already quieting down, no doubt because her family was all there and relaxed together around her.

"Humphrey would say that," Ed agreed with a grin. "What do you think, Zay' Should we keep her?" he asked, though they obviously had no intention of getting rid of her.

"I don't think you can put her back where she came from, Papa," Zahan answered with another quiet giggle, jumping just a little as a tiny flailing hand caught her finger. "Oh ....she's so strong!"

Ed wished he'd known Zahan when she was that little, but it hardly mattered. They were together now, and he intended to make good on his promise to love her always. "Nothing wrong with her lungs either," he added. "We were thinking of calling her Milena," he said, with a glance at Lis, almost as if for permission.

"That's a real pretty name," Zahan agreed, her tone almost absent as she watched her baby sister investigating the long finger in her grip. "She kind of looks like a Milena. Can-can we call her Milena Lily?"

"It means 'love'," he told her. What better name for their new baby girl than a name that epitomized how they felt about her. "Lily?" he echoed, with a questioning glance at Lis. "What do you think, love?"

Lis seemed to think it over for a moment, but the decision was already made. It was a beautiful name, in her opinion. "I think that is very fine," she agreed with Zahan. "What do you say, Eduardo" Can you live with a little girl named Milena Lily?"

Zahan glanced at her mother's face, grinning at the teasing expression she found there.

"I think I can do that," Edward said, though it was hardly asking much of him. Some men might have been disappointed not to have had a son, but he was not one of those men. He adored all the women in his life, from his sister and niece, to his wife and two daughters. He couldn't have asked for any more than this. "Milena Lily," he rolled it over on his tongue. "I like that. It's very pretty. What do you think Lila will say?"

Zahan giggled softly. "She's gonna be kind of jealous," she admitted impishly. "But we can share, right' Until Auntie Brynne makes a baby with Mr. Spencer."

Lis bit her lips, trying not to laugh at this turn of phrase. "We can certainly let Lila learn how to be a big sister from you, mija," she promised.

Ed winced, unsure his sister had any intention of having another child, and he certainly wouldn't dare to suggest it. But maybe once she met her new niece, the baby bug would strike. Either way, he wasn't going to get in the middle of that decision. "I meant, what do you think Lila will think of her name?" he clarified. "That is where you got Lily from, right?"

"Oh." Zahan blushed, glancing between her parents. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked. "Only, with Milena meaning love and that means you guys, Lila's the reason I started fitting in at school and stuff, and she's my best friend. We don't have to call her Lily, I just ....I thought it was a nice name."

"Zay, stop it. It's fine. It's a pretty name, and I'm sure Lila will be honored to share it with her," Ed assured her, rubbing a gentle hand against his daughter's back.

"It's a beautiful name, mija," Lis added her own assurance warmly. "I think it is lovely that you would want to name your little sister after someone you love so much."

Zahan brightened at their reassurance, gently tugging her finger from Milena's grip. "Can I you think I could hold her?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course you can hold her," Edward replied, glad she wanted to hold her little sister and get to know here better. He was anxious to bond with her, too, but it was more important Zahan bond with her little sister. There would be plenty of time for father-daughter bonding later.

"She's heavy," Lis warned with a grin. "Do you want to sit down first?"

Given this option, Zahan inserted herself into the visitors' chair beside the bed, eyes wide as she watched Lis gently hand Milena into Edward's arms. Lis wasn't feeling confident enough on her feet to try doing the transfer herself.

Edward held out his arms to carefully accept the tiny bundle into his embrace before just as carefully transferring her to Zahan. "Cradle your arms like I am, and be careful to support her head," he instructed as he leaned close to make the transfer.

"Just like we practiced," Lis murmured, unsurprised to see Milena threaten to cry again as she was shifted over to Zahan's arms.

"Oh ....oh, she doesn't like me," Zahan fretted, her expression torn between hurt and terror as Ed laid her sister in her embrace.

"She'll be fine," Ed assured her. "Give her a chance to get settled. She just doesn't like the movement. She knows your voice. Talk to her, Zay," he encouraged her, as he took a seat on the edge of the bed beside Lis.

"What do I say' It's not like she understands anything yet," the girl protested, but Milena was already calming down now the jostling was over and done with. Unfocused blue eyes blinked up at her big sister as Zahan looked down ....and Lis smiled, leaning into Edward comfortably.

"I think we are witnessing love at first sight, querido."

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2018-04-15 07:43 EST
"But which is falling in love with which?" Ed whispered back, a soft smile on his face. He drew an arm around Lis as the two of them watched their children meet each other for the first time. "Try singing to her, Zay. Babies usually find that soothing."

As Zahan took this advice and started humming something that sounded vaguely classical to the baby in her arms, Lis relaxed even further. "If everything is in working order with me by the doctor's round, I will be able to come home tonight," she murmured to Ed. "Apparently we are both disgustingly healthy."

"Already?" Ed asked, looking just a little surprised by that. Seeing as he was a medical professional and that a doctor lived nearby, there was hardly any reason to be worried though. If the doctors here thought she was well enough to come home, who was he to argue with that' "How do you feel?" he asked, looking concerned. It wasn't that he didn't want them to come home; he just wanted to make sure they were well enough to do so.

"Tired and sore," she admitted in amusement. "But good. Although you think it would be selfish to use some of our income to invite Rebecca to visit and do her magical healing on me" I do not want to drop all of the parenting on you simply because I am too stiff to get out of bed."

"If that is what you want," he said. It wasn't like they couldn't afford it, and if it would make her feel better, he saw no reason to deny her that. "I'm willing to help as much as I can," he assured her further, though they'd already had this conversation. He was taking time off of work, just as she was, at least until they could settled into a routine.

"I know," she assured him, brushing a kiss to his cheek. "But the least I can do is keep feeding you in the manner to which you have become accustomed." There was a teasing sparkle in her eyes as she said this - after all, she was the reason he was a little spoiled when it came to home cooked food.

He chuckled a little at her teasing. "I do know how to cook, you know," he reminded her, though his cooking was not nearly as good or as edible as hers was.

"We may not have to," she pointed out. "Not for a while, at least. We have a certain number of favours we can call in." Mostly down to the fact that every time someone had a baby on the Grove, Lis and Ed showed up the next day with a month's worth of portioned meals ready to freeze.

"That's true," he agreed, smiling. "Let's just hope Brynne doesn't decide to send us any of her inedible tuna casserole," he said with a chuckle. Then again, if she did, Sol would more than likely have a hand in making sure it was edible. He looked back over at Zahan and baby Milena for a moment, sighing happily. He knew there would be some difficult days and nights ahead, just as there were for any parents, but it looked like they were starting off right anyway.

"She is getting better at cooking," Lis defended his sister, but even she had to add, "Very slowly." She followed his gaze to where Zahan was cuddling her new baby sister, smiling at the sweet sight they both made. "I think it is safe to say that we made a family, querido."

"I think you are right, querida," he agreed quietly, leaning close to touch another kiss to her cheek with a whispered, "Love you." It hadn't been too long ago that he'd come home from Africa alone, sick, weary, and heartbroken, and here he was now with all his most heart-felt dreams coming true.

"Te amo, querido," she whispered back to him, nestling close. "You, and our girls."

Edward smiled back, his heart swelling with feelings of love and pride and happiness. He had fallen in love with the little lost girl who'd been Zahan years ago, and though he had promised her to always be part of her life, he had never expected this. He had never expected to make her part of his family, much less to include a wife and newborn daughter in that equation. It was more than he could have ever wished for, and in that moment, he was happier than he'd ever felt in his whole life.

It wasn't an ending, or even a beginning. It was another chapter in a life that had already seen enough to fill a whole shelf of books, and was only just starting on the meat of the story. There would be many more to follow.