Topic: A Sudden Change of Heart

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:26 EST
Dom had been true to his word. It wasn't until eight pm that Brynne and Lila finally got home, having been treated to a lovely meal in the city and then taken back to Ash Cottage for an hour or so "to let the food settle". They'd walked in on Edward and Lis sitting together at the kitchen table, talking easily between themselves, and for a moment, things had felt decidedly dangerous. Brynne's expression was completely unreadable as she glanced between them, unnervingly so. Lis swallowed, glancing at Edward, and rose hurriedly from where she sat, offering a hand to Lila and volunteering to put the little girl to bed. An escape, essentially, from what she thought might well be a very uncomfortable conversation between brother and sister.

It was also against the so-called rules Brynne had set down for Lila not to speak to Lis, but with Edward there to witness, he doubted his sister would dare call Lis out on it or bother to scold Lila. Not even Edward could read the look on his sister's face or what sort of mood she might be in. With any luck, Dom had softened her aversion to accepting Lis as anything but an employee, but he knew she could just as easily have refused to listen to anything he had to say. He had promised Lis he'd talked to his sister tonight, and it seemed that time was at hand. He got up from the chair to take the dirty dishes to the sink and fetch his sister a cup of tea. "How was dinner?" he asked, innocently enough.

As Lis and Lila disappeared, Brynne seemed to take hold of herself internally and give herself a good shake, the tension in her shoulders relaxing. She moved to help her brother with the washing up as she answered, dropping her coat over the back of the nearest chair. "It was good," she told him. "Dom decided we were going to try a new place that opened up on the other side of the river. I don't think I've ever seen Lila eat that much in one sitting!"

"Was it pussghetti?" he asked his sister with a sidelong grin and a light nudge of an elbow. He was not only hoping to put himself in her good graces, but simply falling into the customary and comfortable habit of being her big brother. It didn't hurt that he knew just how she liked her tea either.

She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes at him. "No, thank gods," she chuckled quietly, up to her elbows in soapy water as she washed the bowls and plates that had been in use. "She actually wanted to try mussels in this creamy garlicky sauce. With fries. It was an education to watch, let me tell you!"

"Good lord! Don't tell me she was dipping the fries in the sauce!" he said, already knowing that was likely exactly what Lila had done. What kid wouldn't, after all" He hoped no one had explained to her where mussels came from or she would likely declare them disgusting and never touch them again.

Brynne laughed, pulling the plug out of the sink as she reached for a cloth to dry the dishes. "What do you think?" she pointed out with a smile. "And then Dom suggested she finish up all the mussels and dump her fries into what was left of the sauce. I swear, that man seems to have such classy taste, and then orders a beer to drink with his beef wellington."

Edward shrugged, a half-amused smile on his face. It seemed Brynne was in a good mood; that boded well for him, didn't it' But more importantly, he liked to see her happy and thought she didn't laugh nearly enough these days. "Where Dom is concerned, anything is possible," he said, offering her the cup of tea in exchange for the dishtowel. "I'll dry." How many times had they done precisely this" Talking and laughing and sharing the day's news while they cleared and cleaned the dishes" It had almost been a routine with them when they were younger, before he'd gone away.

She handed over the dishtowel without any argument, claiming the proffered cup of tea in return with a smile as she leaned against the counter. "What about you?" she asked him, for once initiating what could only be an inquiry about his relationship status. "Have you had a good evening?"

"I have, actually," he replied as he took up dish after dish to wipe them dry and put them back where they belonged in the cupboard. "Lis and I had a long talk and came to some decisions." A small frown appeared on his face as they reached the part of the conversation that he was dreading. "I'm afraid you may not like it very much, but it can't be helped."

"Well, it seems like a lot of decisions have been made tonight, then," his sister mused over the top of her cup, watching his frown. She and Dom had talked for a good couple of hours, and though she still wasn't entirely happy with the way things seemed to be going, she wasn't an idiot. "Number one being that I need to find a new housekeeper."

Edward opened his mouth, about to argue his point, to tell his sister than though good housekeepers were hard to find, it was even harder trying to find someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and he wasn't going to let her jeopardize his chances with Lis just because she couldn't see past her own nose. "Brynne, I know what you're going to say and I..." he trailed off, as his brain caught up with his mouth and the little speech he'd been practicing in his head for days evaporated from his mind. "What do you mean, find a new housekeeper?"

Brynne watched as his mouth caught up with his ears, pleased with herself for managing to short-circuit her big brother's brain. She was sure the speech would have been very stirring, very eloquent, but why should he feel as though he had to make it' "Well, because I'm going to fire Lis," she pointed out calmly. "I can't expect the two of you to make it work when she's flinching every time I come into a room. So I fire her, you ....hire her or whatever it is you're going to do before you propose, and problem solved. Apart from Lila and I getting used to someone else's cooking."

Whatever it was that Dom had said to Brynne, it seemed to have had more of an effect on her than anything Edward or Lis or even Lila could have said, and for a long moment, Edward was in complete shock, his mouth hanging open in stunned speechlessness. When he did finally find his voice, the only word that found its way to his tongue was, "Propose?"

His younger sister watched him struggle, gently removing the dish from his hand before he dropped it. "Oh, come on, Teddy, we both know that's where this is going," she told him quietly. "All my life, I've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at her, and you've never been so adamant that I behave myself around any of your girlfriends. That, and I think you've got a good chance, between you. You suit each other, obviously. Just ....don't rush it, all right' Mum survived me eloping; she'd kill you."

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:28 EST
It was a good thing she'd taken the dish from him before he dropped it in his utter and complete shock at his sister's abrupt change of heart. He was going to owe Dom big time for this one. Suddenly, a wide grin spread itself across his face and he scooped his sister up in a hug strong enough to lift her off her feet. "I love you, Brynne! You're the best!" He pressed a sloppy wet kiss against one cheek and then the other, laughing happily.

Brynne let out a yell of laughter as her apparently still sickly brother heaved her off her feet in a bear hug that crushed the breath from her lungs. "Ewww ....not the kissing!" she protested, wiping at her cheeks as he set her down again, pulling a face up at him. "Save it for the girlfriend, she'll enjoy it more." She stuck her tongue out at him, deeply pleased by how happy he seemed with her return to actual sanity when it came to his relationship with Lis. Dom had been very stern with her, after all.

He was still beaming a grin from ear to ear, even as she scolded him. He set her back on her feet finally, hardly even realizing he'd picked her up. "You won't regret this, Brynne. I promise!" he declared, hoping she and Lis could one day become friends, once they were all past this.

Snorting with laughter, she poked at him until he let her go, shaking her head at his exuberant display. "Just how scared were you that I was going to be a bad-*ss bitch about it?" she asked in amusement, employing Dom's description of her temper with a certain amount of smug pride in the fact that it was apparently so very formidable. "You really think I'd risk losing my big brother forever just because I was acting like a child?"

"Scared enough!" he admitted with embarrassed laughter. "I was going to talk to you tonight, but it seems Dom beat me to it," he admitted, feeling almost silly for asking his elder cousin to run interference for him with his own sister. "You'll never lose me, Brynne, even if we don't always agree. I'm afraid you're stuck with me," he said, play-punching her shoulder lightly.

Her smile gentled at his embarrassment. "To his credit, he did tell me not to mention that he sort of paddled my butt over dinner," she confessed. "I didn't realize how stressed out I was making you, Teddy, and ....well, I know I've been a bitch to Lis. I'll apologize, I promise. She's good for you, any idiot can see that."

"I didn't plan for this to happen, Brynne," he explained, now that they were talking like civil, mature adults. "I was as surprised as anyone, but yes, I think she is good for me. We're good for each other. We want the same things, and well....I've been alone a long time. It would be nice to have someone to share my life with," he admitted, frowning a little when he realized she was alone, too, though at least, she had Lila. "I'm sure you'll find someone someday, too."

"I don't think anyone could have predicted it, Teddy," she pointed out, setting out a couple of cups. Yes, she was making tea for him, and for Lis, proving that even if she didn't show it, she did pay attention sometimes. "Don't worry so much about me. I'm lonely, but I've been lonely for a long time. I know how to handle it, and if this little episode has proved anything, it's that I need to grow up, don't I" I can't just throw a tantrum and expect everything to go my way anymore. I'm supposed to be an adult."

"No one can be mature all the time, Brynne," Edward remarked, in support of his sister, though he was not and never had been given to anger or temper tantrums, not even as a child. He was thankful she was finally seeing things his way, and he was proud of her for being mature enough to not only see her own faults, but admit to them. "I love you, you know," he said, giving her another hug, even as she prepared more tea.

She sighed, turning to hug her big brother tightly. "I love you, too," she murmured, unwilling to let go for a long moment. "I'm just so used to you and me being on our own and poking fun at people who're all loved up together ....I guess I'm having a harder time admitting that I'm really jealous of the connection, not her."

"Because you have to share me or because you'd like to make the same kind of connection with someone?" he asked, holding tightly onto her for as long as she wanted or needed. It had been a long time since he'd felt this close to his sister, and he was kind of enjoying it.

"Kinda both," she sighed, gently drawing back. "I'm gonna miss being your number one girl, you know?" Her smile might have been a little regretful, but she was smiling, touching a kiss to his cheek affectionately. "But at least I know you're gonna be eating properly, because she'll whup your butt if you don't."

"Does it really matter where you rank?" he asked. "You're my best friend, Brynne. You always have been. I wouldn't have gotten half as much accomplished as I have without you." He repaid the kiss with one of his own, a soft brush of lips against her cheek. "I have one more thing to ask you, by the way."

Her brow rose a little suspiciously as she looked up at her brother, lips twitching with amusement. "Teddy, I love you, but we are not sharing sex tips," she told him, deadpanned for all of ten seconds before she snickered wickedly, patting his cheek. "I think you know what you're doing."

He chuckled at her remark, flushing a little and clearing his throat, hoping she didn't guess what had gone on earlier that evening before she and Lila had returned home. "Um, no, it has nothing to do with sex." As close as they were, sex was a thing he was more likely to discuss with Dom, not Brynne.

"Shame, I figured you'd have tapped that by now." One thing his sister definitely had never been was shy, especially around him. She'd even managed to tease him into his first kiss when they'd been teens, though he'd done the same right back to her in revenge.

"We are not going to talk about this, Brynne!" he said, flushing with embarrassment and turning to fuss over his cup of tea. "Do you have any biscuits?" he asked, in hopes of changing the subject.

She laughed at his embarrassment with a wicked look on her face. "All right, all right," she conceded, allowing him to cool down a little. "Try the cookie jar," she suggested then, gesturing toward it. "Knowing Lis, it's full of chocolate covered ginger snaps." She grinned, moving to plant herself at the table with her own tea cup.

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:28 EST
"That would be the obvious place for them, wouldn't it?" he murmured to himself, at the silliness of his own question, as he snagged a plate from the cupboard and filled it with cookies from the cookie jar. "She does know how to cook," he said. "I feel bad about stealing her from you."

"Oh, don't be a ninny," Brynne told him, waving a hand with a dismissive grin. "I'm not letting her go until she works off her two weeks' notice, anyway, and besides, I'm betting she knows a few people who can replace her. Lila's going to throttle you for not telling her about this, you know."

"I thought you said you were firing her," he pointed out, munching on a cookie as he joined her at the table. He arched a brow at her remark about Lila, thinking it was likely Lila already knew or was about to find out. She was present at dinner when Dom was having his little talk with Brynne, though he wasn't sure how much she'd been paying attention. "Actually, it's Lila I wanted to talk to you about."

"Well, yeah, I am firing her," she shrugged. "But you know what she's like better than I do. Can you really see her stopping work right here this minute" Remember, she's seen me cook." She grinned, knowing that cooking was not exactly her strong suit. The change of subject to her daughter, however, eased Brynne's teasing. "What about her?"

"I hadn't planned on asking you about this right now, but it seems this is as good a time as any," he started, seeming a little nervous again, though he really had no reason to be. He couldn't imagine her denying his request to have Lila make a new friend, so long as she didn't need to leave Rhy'Din to do it. "I've been thinking about asking Zahan to come for a visit."

Brynne's brows rose, curious but not disapproving. "Would her parents allow it?" she asked, proving once again that she was mature enough to see things from a mother's point of view first and foremost. "I mean ....Rhy'Din's a hard sell for a lot of people, especially on your Earth."

"That's the problem, isn't it?" he replied with a sigh, taking a sip of his tea before setting the cup down. "I'm open to suggestions," he added, knowing this was a problem. As much as he wanted this to happen, the decision wasn't his to make. It was up to both Brynne and Zahan's adoptive parents, not him. "You know, there was a time when I wanted to adopt her myself," he said, letting her know something he had not shared before.

She blinked, frowning curiously at this little confession she had not heard before. She leaned forward onto her elbows, hands wrapped about her cup. "Why didn't you?" she asked, interested to know quite what had happened there.

He shrugged, unsure if he could explain the situation to her satisfaction. There were so many answers he could give her. At the time, his situation was entirely different. He hadn't really been in a position to adopt a child. He'd been ill, for one thing; single; and far away from home without a real home to offer or solid family structure. "She needed more than I could offer," he replied simply enough.

"Oh, I see." She nodded gently, understanding. The nuclear, 2.4 family was very important to the agencies when they were placing children who had been through trauma of any kind. "Then you should definitely invite her to visit. She should see that you're getting on well, too, you know."

"I miss her, you know. She reminded me a lot of Lila." He sighed again, rubbing a thumb against his tea cup, a sign of nervousness. "But I don't know, Brynne. Maybe it would be better just to let her go." From the tone of his voice and the look on his face, it was obvious he had grown fond of the little girl he'd met while in Africa. He'd even go so far as to say she had stolen a piece of his heart, but when it all came down to it, he just wanted her to be happy.

"Why should you let go of a friend you've made?" she pointed out. "It doesn't matter that she's a child, Teddy. You love her, and it's pretty obvious from the pictures you showed me that she loves you. Maybe not as a father, but definitely as a friend who made things so much better for her. Why should either of you have to let go of that?"

"Because I live in a make believe world that her parents don't believe in?" he ventured a guess, though that wasn't completely the truth. He had a feeling if he wanted Zahan to visit, he was going to have to allow her parents to come along for the ride. "They're going to think I'm off my rocker." Now, that was an honest concern.

"So bring them here, too," she pointed out. "Just for a couple of days, just so they know she's in good hands. And besides, wouldn't they want to see you, too' She's bound to have told them all about you by now, Teddy. If I'd adopted her, I'd want to meet you myself."

"And how do I talk them into that' By the way, I live at the center of the known multiverse, but it's just a step away if you know how to open the portals. It sounds like a bad episode of Dr. Who or something." Seeing was believing, however, and maybe it was all about his approach. "It would be so much easier to say I lived in England or something."

"You do what all of us do when we have to break the news," his sister smiled. "You go and meet them, and bring them through the portal yourself. It's a hard sell to convince anyone that Rhy'Din's real - the best way is to show and tell, you know that."

"Or I could lie," he suggested, though they both knew he was incapable of it and always had been. In the end, he always gave himself away, even in the whitest of lies. "Do you think you'd mind Lila meeting her" I thought it might be good for them both." Not to mention himself.

Brynne held his gaze for a long moment, wondering if he realized what a daft question that was. "Why would I mind that?" she asked him gently. "Lila would love it, and I daresay Zahan would, too. They're both about the same age; there's a lot they can learn from each other. I think they'd have fun, to be honest. And it would take a lot of the pressure off you to be wildly entertaining, because I know what you're like." She blew her brother an impish kiss.

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:29 EST
"Are you saying I don't know how to entertain a small child under the age of twelve?" he asked, looking aghast at his sister's apparent lack of faith in his child-sitting skills. "I'll have you know I taught an entire village how to play football." Not American football, but that which Americans knew as soccer.

She laughed, shaking her head. "No, I'm saying that you don't want to be spending every waking minute obsessing over whether or not she's having fun," his sister told him warmly. "I know you, that's exactly what you'd do. It's very easy to entertain a little girl, especially if you have another little girl around."

"Oh, I see," he replied with a thoughtful frown. "Well, if it wasn't for Lila, I would probably have gone there to visit, but I thought it would be good for the both of them to meet." Not just good for Zahan to make a new friend, but for Lila, as well. It would open both of their minds and hearts to other cultures, worlds, and ways of life, and it could be the start of a lasting friendship that would never have taken place if not for him.

"Well, how about this, then?" Brynne offered thoughtfully. "Instead of dropping it all on them right away, why not set up Zahan and Lila as pen pals for a little while" You're gonna be here for a few months, at least, and the more excited Zahan is about coming to visit, the less likely her parents will say no." Thus spaketh the mother who had been talked into any number of things just because of one very excited little girl.

Edward beamed a smile at his sister's suggestion. "That's brilliant! I knew you'd know what to do!" He popped up off his chair just long enough to reward her with a kiss to her cheek. Maybe things would turn out all right, after all. "I want you to meet her, too. I told her all about you and Lila, and what a great mom you are." That was no lie either, though he might be exaggerating just a little.

She laughed at his enthusiastic response to what was, essentially, parental blackmail. Mind you, if Zahan's parents wanted to know what it was like to be in at the deep end, they were going to get it. "I'd love to meet her," she assured her brother, glancing briefly toward the door at the sound of quiet footsteps on the stairs. "You'll need all the help you can get."

He looked a little confused at her remark, wondering what exactly she thought he needed help with, but from the sound of the footsteps on the staircase, he wasn't going to get a chance to ask right now. "We have cookies, Lilabean!" he called with a wink to his sister before sipping his tea.

"Can I have one before bed?" the little girl whined as she shuffled into the kitchen, hair braided and fluffy pajamas on, ready for bed. She looked exhausted as well, more than ready to go to sleep. Yawning, she leaned heavily against Brynne's side, accepting a cookie as she looked at her uncle. "Lis is in your bedroom," she informed him with a cheeky little snicker.

He said nothing more about the cookies, since it wasn't really his decision to make, though he had been the one to mention them. He did arch a brow at her remark about Lis, though, wondering just why Lila was snickering about it. She was certainly not old enough to know about the birds and the bees yet. "Oh?" he asked, obviously taken off guard.

Brynne looked sideways at her daughter as Lila nodded impishly. "She's changing the bed," she informed both adults, utterly unaware of the reason why this information brought a very wide, very teasing grin onto her mother's face. "And I asked her why she was doing it in the night, and she said it was because you were in it all afternoon and it needed to be fresh so you could sleep."

He was just about to take a sip of his tea when she caught him off guard with that statement, and he very nearly sputtered. "Yes, well....I was working on my book," he said, clearing his throat nervously and avoiding his sister's gaze. Though he might fool Lila, he highly doubted he'd fool Brynne.

"Working hard, were you?" Brynne asked innocently, one arm around Lila as the little girl perched on her lap wearily. Thankfully, the tease was completely over Lila's head. She seemed quite content to just sit and nibble on her cookie while they talked, eeking out a little more awake time before bedtime was enforced.

"I was, yes," he replied, peering at her from over his tea cup as he took another sip, not so much because he wanted to as to block her from seeing the guilty expression on his face. It was bad enough he felt a telltale blush creeping into his cheeks. "Lila, your Mum and I were discussing you becoming penpals with my friend Zahan."

The little girl perked up as her mother dissolved into quiet snickers against her braids. "What, like you and me when you were away all that time?" she asked hopefully, tired eyes blinking rapidly above her smile. "Can we be friends with writing and stuff?"

"Yes, exactly like that. You can get to know each other better before she comes to visit," he explained. Not if, but when. He refused to think he might never see Zahan again.

"Goodie." The little girl grinned, brushing crumbs from her fingers as she cuddled into her mother's arms. "Can I start writing tomorrow" And will you help me?"

"Yes and yes, so long as it's all right with your mother and you get your homework done first," he replied. "Would you like a cup of hot cocoa" What do you think, Mum' A cup of hot cocoa before bed to warm one little girl up?" He set down his tea cup, already getting off his chair to fetch a mug.

"I think a small one wouldn't go amiss," Brynne agreed, easing Lila more comfortably onto her lap. It wouldn't be long before she was too big for lap cuddles altogether, so Brynne was making the most of these while they lasted. "Should Uncle Teddy make one for Lisbeth, too, do you think?" she asked the little girl quietly.

Lila blinked, surprised but smiling. "Is Lis stayin' all night?" came her hopeful query. "Cos if she is, she should have cocoa and cookies, and she can have Mr. Bunion if she can't sleep."

Edward glanced over at his sister with a small frown, wondering if she was serious or just teasing him. "No, I don't think so. Not tonight." And more than likely, not ever. Not here anyway. Not in the same house where his sister and Lila lived. It was too risky. He had yet to tell Brynne that he was planning on moving out, but he thought it almost went without saying now that he and Lis were a couple.

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:30 EST
Perhaps surprisingly, Brynne wasn't teasing. She smiled gently at her brother. "Maybe we should ask her if she'd like to," she suggested quietly, and by we, she clearly meant you. "It's late for her to be hitching a ride back to the city, anyway." It said a lot for her new acceptance of things that she was prepared to offer this as an option; they had a spare room, after all. It wasn't as though she was suggesting that her brother imprison his girlfriend in his own bedroom all night.

"Are you sure?" he asked, as he went about warming some milk on the stove. While it was true there was a spare bedroom, he hadn't thought Brynne would be open to such an idea, especially so soon. As tempting as it was to have Lis share his bed, they had Lila to think of, and he was willing to wait a little while longer.

"I'm sure," his sister nodded, gently rocking Lila back and forth as the little girl listened to their conversation without actually absorbing any of it. "I got a good hard look at myself tonight, Teddy, and I didn't like what I saw. So I'm going to be someone I want to be, not try and make everyone conform to how I want them to be. And let's face it, I doubt things will be anything but clear in a few days' time."

"I'm not sure what you mean," he said in response to her statement. What did she mean by clear" Weren't things already pretty clear" Or was she referring to Lila or the family understanding what was going on between him and Lis. It wasn't like he'd asked her to marry him or anything. At least, not yet. There were things he still needed to tell her, that he needed her to understand, but not in present company.

It was Lila that was the main issue in Brynne's mind, and she had every intention of explaining things to her daughter the next day, regardless of the sleeping arrangements tonight. Catching her brother's eye, she stroked her hand against Lila's hair, offering the hint she knew he was intelligent enough to pick up on. "I think things are gonna clear up starting tomorrow, personally."

He flicked a glance from Brynne to Lila and back, catching her meaning. "Oh, I see," he replied, turning to finish concocting the cup of hot cocoa. He wasn't sure what Brynne was going to say when he told her he was moving out, but it had to happen sooner or later. Besides, he was hoping to stay at Maple Grove, so even though he wouldn't be living in the same house, he'd still be close. "Marshmallows or no marshmallows?" he asked as he poured the hot chocolatey concoction into a mug.

As Lila opened her mouth to answer, Brynne laughed, shaking her head. "No marshmallows this close to bedtime," she vetoed the query gently. "A sugar high at ten in the evening is not anyone's idea of fun."

Lila pouted, but didn't argue, knowing she was pressing her luck just being awake at nearly nine in the evening as it was.

"Marshmallows tomorrow then," he promised. They'd made a little habit of visiting together when she got home from her Saturday activities, and from school during the week, before her mother got home from work, and he had to admit, it was the part of the day he looked forward to most.

Mollified, the pout smoothed away into a smile as Lila nodded in agreement, making no attempt to hide her yawn as she shifted. "Uncle Teddy ..." she asked thoughtfully, watching him move around with sleepy eyes. "Are you going to stay forever and ever now?"

He set the mug of cocoa on the table in front of his young niece, a small frown on his face at her question. He'd never been a very good liar and he wasn't about to start now, but he didn't want her to worry either. "I don't know, Lilabean, but I promise no matter happens, I'll never stay away as long as I did before. I'd miss you and your mother too much," he said, reaching over to nap a finger lightly against her nose.

"M'kay," she nodded, giggling a little at the tap to her nose as she took the little mug between her hands. "Only 'cos you're all excited about Zahan, and you might go away and be with her, and I'd miss you lots if you did."

For a moment, he looked a little surprised at her statement, as if she was worried he'd choose Zahan over her. "I'm not going away to be with Zahan. She has a family of her own to take care of her, just like you have me and your Mum and Lis and everyone else here who loves you. Even if I do go away again, I'll always come back. I promise."

"We're family, Lila-bear," Brynne murmured against her daughter's hair. "Doesn't matter how far away we go, we always come back to each other. And it doesn't matter if any of us falls in love with someone else - that person becomes part of our family, they don't take our family away from us."

Reassured by them both, Lila smiled, sighing happily as she sipped her cocoa.

Edward smiled his thanks at his sister, not only pleased by her change of heart but touched by words he knew probably did not come easily. Maybe, with any luck, someday she would see that Lis was not the enemy and they could become friends. They had him in common, after all, and Lila, too. He just hoped Brynne wouldn't change her tune when she found out that he and Lis were hoping to open a clinic together somewhere.

Fresh footsteps made themselves known, and Lis slipped quietly through the kitchen, her arms full of bed linens to be washed. She offered a smile to Lila on her way past, not quite daring to meet either Edward or Brynne's eyes, and disappeared into the utility room.

Edward said nothing as Lis passed through, but followed her momentarily with his eyes looking back at Brynne and Lila. "Brynne, would you mind very much if I did the tucking in tonight?" he asked, feeling the need to further reassure his young niece that - unlike her father - he was always going to be a part of her life.

Brynne smiled gently, understanding what he didn't say. She knew Lila still had a little insecurity about the absence of her father, not remembering the circumstances, and though she tried, she couldn't alleviate it all alone. "Of course I don't mind," she assured him, rescuing the mug before it slipped out of Lila's hands entirely. "I think we're at that time, anyway." She kissed her daughter gently on the forehead. "Bedtime, sleepy bear."

Edward moved to his feet to scoop the sleepy girl up from her mother's arms. It was a testament to his improving health that he was able and willing to pick her up and carrying her up the stairs to her bed without asking for help. "Let's go, Lilabean. It's sleepytime."

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:31 EST
With a quiet murmur of a goodnight to her mother, Lila looped her arms around Edward's neck, cuddling in as he scooped her up. She'd had an exciting day - school, then an unexpected treat of a meal with Mummy and Dom, and after that, a late night with cocoa and cookies. No wonder she was wiped out. Brynne smiled at the pair of them indulgently. "Sleep well, baby bear."

He shifted the bundle in his arms that was Lila and started toward the stairs, leaving Brynne and Lis alone on the first floor and trusting they would be civil to each other now that Brynne had softened. Slow, careful steps took him up the stairs to Lila's room, as she cuddled against him.

Once inside, he laid her gently on the bed and pulled the blankets up over her, before searching for Bunion the Elephant to tuck in beside her. It had been a long time since he'd been part of her life like this, and the more he thought about it, the less he wanted to leave. He wasn't quite sure what her usual routine was. Did she get a story' Did she say prayers" Or was he just supposed to tuck her in and say goodnight' "I'm not quite sure what you're used to," he told her quietly, afraid he'd do it all wrong.

It took a bit of persuading to make her let go once he put her down. Only the substitution of Mr. Bunion rescued Uncle Teddy from becoming an actual teddybear for the night. Given the late hour - well, late for her - it was safe to assume that her routine didn't really count for tonight. "Story," she murmured, one hand groping for his. "Tell m'about Africa."

"Hmm, Africa?" he asked, unsure just what to tell her. There was, of course, good and bad there, but he thought she was too young to know too much about the bad things. "The sunsets in Africa are the most beautiful I've ever seen," he told her, choosing to share something that had awed him right from almost the first day he'd arrived there, roughly ten years ago.

Small fingers wrapped about his hand as she nestled into her pillow, the bug-eyed elephant squeezed under her arm as she blinked sleepily up at her uncle. "They pretty like Mummy?" she asked, fighting off sleep for as long as she possibly could, and no doubt losing that battle.

"Mmm, pretty in a different way," he replied, touched by the obvious love and admiration she had for her mother. "And when the moon comes up, there's only one of them," he added. It had always fascinated him when he'd first arrived on Earth, marveling at how dark the nights could get, especially when they were moonless.

Lila blinked, rubbing her sleepy eyes as she frowned. "But there's two moons," she pointed out through a yawn. "I can see them, look." Her hand pointed to the window, where Rhy'Din's two moons were visible in the night sky.

"Not on Earth," he explained. "There's only one moon and sometimes, there's no moon at all," he told her. He smiled as she rubbed at her eyes. "That's enough for now. I can tell you more tomorrow." He leaned close and brushed a kiss against her forehead. "Time for sleep, Lilabean."

She wrapped her arm around his neck as he leaned in close, one clumsy kiss leaving his cheek a little wetter than he might have liked it. "Love you, Uncle Teddy." It was so quiet, it might have been easily missed, but for the little sigh that followed it as she relaxed back against her pillow, already almost asleep.

"I love you, too, Lila," he whispered back, tucking the covers up over her and staying just a moment longer than necessary to watch her as she drifted off to sleep. He wondered what it felt like to be that young and innocent again, to have not a care in the world. Once her breathing became regular and he was sure she was asleep, he slipped quietly away, leaving the nightlight on and tiptoeing his way out of the room and back down the stairs to rejoin his sister.

With Lila oblivious to anything but happy dreams, he was no doubt a little concerned about what he might find in the kitchen. The last time he had walked in on Lis and Brynne alone in a room together, they had been very close to an all out shouting match. This time, however, it seemed things were different. He reached the bottom of the stairs in time to overhear his sister. ", you sit down. You're not on duty anymore, you're family. So shut up and sit down, and get yourself a chocolate mustache for once."

He was admittedly a little concerned what he might find in the kitchen, but he had found Brynne's change of heart encouraging, and so when he heard what was going on between the two women, he couldn't help but laugh, loud enough for them to hear him and give his return away. "Why don't you both sit down" You've been waiting on me hand and foot for the last few weeks, so maybe it's time I return the favor for a change."

The looks he got from both women were almost identical, concern and surprise warring with outright denial. Brynne had her hands on Lis' shoulders, physically holding the woman into a chair, but it didn't stop either of them from looking straight at Edward and declaring, almost in unison, "You're ill."

He laughed again as the two of them tried to argue with him at once. "Not that ill anymore. I carried Lila all the way upstairs and I wasn't even winded. Now, sit down, both of you. There's something I need to talk to you both about."

Given that she was already seated, Lis didn't really have much choice. She did, however, find herself unable to quite stifle a giggle as Brynne stepped behind a chair of her own, grinning at Edward. "I bet I can sit down faster than you," she challenged her brother, exactly the way she had done when they were children. "And if I win, Lis stays over tonight."

Edward scowled at his sister, wondering what the devil had gotten into her, besides Dom's ire. "That's not really fair, you know. You've had a head start," he pointed out, hoping she wasn't trying too hard, just for his benefit. He really wanted her to like Lis, and the only way for that to happen was to let them get to know each other.

"I'll give you a chance to catch up before we get started," Brynne grinned at him. She and Lis had just discussed a few things that she had a feeling Edward was about to reiterate, so getting in her retaliation for having the same conversation twice was what she was after here. "Lisbeth can judge if it's fair or not. Can't you?"

Lis blinked, glancing up at the pair of them in surprise. "You would trust me to be impartial?"

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:33 EST
"I'm not playing a game of musical chairs with you, Brynne," Edward warned with that big brotherly scowl on his face. Okay, so he wasn't all that ill anymore, but that didn't mean he didn't still tire out easily, and it had been a busy day. "No!" Edward replied. "I'm pretty sure the two of you would love to gang up against me," he said with a serious look on his face, though the sparkle in his blue eyes gave him away.

"No, I get to do the teasing and bullying, and she gets to lick your wounds," Brynne informed her brother, thumping down into her chosen chair. "And I won, so she's staying. Right, Lisbeth?"

Again, Lis blinked in surprise, glancing between both of them with a bemused smile. "I ..." Should she really answer that"

Edward rolled his eyes at his sister's silliness. "You already decided to invite her before I put Lila to bed," he reminded his sister, albeit on the condition that she sleep in the guest room. He took up his cup and went over to make himself a fresh cup of tea. "She's asleep, by the way." He completely ignored the part about licking his wounds, as that could have been taken several different ways.

"True, but then I won the bet," Brynne smiled impishly. "No choice now." Her smile softened as he mentioned Lila. "I thought she might go quickly. She's had an exciting day."

Beside her, Lis was wisely keeping quiet, her cheeks flushed just a little at the proffered invitation to stay the night. Dark eyes flickered to Edward's for a moment, a secret little smile on her lips, before she looked down at her cocoa once again.

He noticed the look from Lis, but said nothing about it, refusing to let Brynne tease him into revealing what had happened between them earlier that day. Instead, he turned away to fix his tea, effectively hiding any tell-tale sign of embarrassment that might be showing itself on his face, at least for now. "So, what have you two been talking about while I was tucking Little Miss Muffet into bed?"

The two women exchanged a glance that resulted in a fresh blush from Lis as she giggled quietly under Brynne's grin. "I am sorry to tell you, Eduardo, that I have been relieved of my duties here," the former housekeeper told him through her laughter. "I believe it is in order that I may ..." She looked at Brynne enquiringly as she went on. "....may assist you in whatever manner you see fit, on a personal level?"

Brynne nodded, making no attempt to conceal her grin. "I suggested she start that tonight, but she got shy on me," she added for her brother's enjoyment.

Edward turned, tea cup in hand, and eyed his sister suspiciously. "Are you sure you aren't feverish?" he asked pointedly as he made his way back to the table and finally claimed a chair. He knew she had turned over a new leaf, but he had never quite seen her so accommodating. She was like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning.

"I'm behaving like an adult, isn't it obvious?" His sister grinned, enjoying having two of them to tease. She knew she wasn't going to get away with it for long.

Lis cleared her throat, brushing her hair back out of her eyes. "You said you had something to speak about?" she asked Edward, a brief flare of something quite close to help me in her eyes. Apparently Brynne had not stopped teasing her since they'd cleared the air.

"Yes, well..." He glanced between the two of them, furrowing his brows mostly at Lis, as he wasn't quite sure what all had been said between them while he was upstairs. "I'm going to go talk to Humphrey tomorrow about moving into one of empty cottages on the Grove." There, he'd said it. He was planning on moving out, but not going very far.

Brynne's smile wavered a little, but she made an effort not to lose it entirely. "I guess I expected that," she nodded, swallowing her sigh. "Can't be living with your little sister all your life, can you?" Her eyes flickered toward Lis, but she didn't say anything about that development. "It makes sense, anyway. Just ....not too far, okay?"

"No, not too far. I'll still be on the Grove. To be honest..." he started, glancing down at his tea cup for a moment before looking back up. "I don't really want to go far from home for a while. I've missed enough." He looked a little guiltily at Lis, not having had a chance to discuss this with her too much yet, though their plans weren't set in stone yet. "Is that all right with you, Lis?" he asked. "I've missed so much being away. I have a lot of catching up to do." And a book to write, besides; that should keep him busy for a while.

Lis looked up, startled to be addressed directly. "I is your choice," she pointed out, shy of addressing him with the endearment on the tip of her tongue in front of his sister. "You have a great deal to do. It makes sense for you to live here on the Grove for the time to come."

Beside her, Brynne looked as though her jaw was going to bounce off the table, genuinely surprised to find that Lis seemed to know exactly how to talk to Edward without offering an opinion at all.

"Yes, but this involves you, too," he said, reaching across the table for her hand, in full view of his sister. If this was going to work, there had to be no secrets between them. Nothing had really changed. These were immediate plans they had already discussed. "I still want you to move in with me and help me with the book, but I want to be near my family, too. I've been away too long." And that family wasn't just Brynne and Lila, but encompassed all the Grangers he knew and loved.

Her fingers curled into his as he reached for her hand, her eyes lifting to his own with something that might almost have been shock. "I would never ask you to leave your family, querido," she told him fiercely, a little hurt that anyone would think she might. "No one should have to live apart from their blood, from the people they love. How could you possibly think that I would find anything to object to in such a decision?"

"I just needed to be sure," he replied, looking between them both with that serious look on his face again. "I love you both, and I don't want to choose between you. I don't expect you to become best friends overnight, but I would ask that you at least try to get to know each other, if not for my sake, than for Lila's." It seemed half of that battle was over already with his sister's change of heart, but he still had to convince Lis.

Lis, who didn't know how to be a lover, a sister, or an aunt, lacking her own family and afraid of asking to be accepted into another. It might be a bit of a hard sell, especially given the glimpse she had been given of Brynne's temper in recent weeks.

Brynne cleared her throat. "We can get on," she said, offering a compromise. "Takes time to change the way things have been to the way they should be." And she knew she'd done more than a little damage over the last week or so. "Lila's going to be so pleased for you."

"I want you to be pleased for me, too, Brynne," he said, letting go of his tea cup so he could reach for her hand as well, one of each of their hands held in his. "We're going to be fine. You'll see," he told them both with that charming Edward smile of his. "Since I'm going to be close, you can have Lila come over after school if you want until you get home from work, or we can come here. I'm not abandoning you, Brynne. Promise."

"I am pleased for you, Teddy," his sister insisted, gathering his hand between her own. "And if you're happy to have Lila invade your space every day after school, you're welcome to her. I would rather have her with people she knows and loves, than have to get used to trusting a stranger again." The way her eyes flickered to Lis was telling - Lis had once been that stranger, but now she was included in the list of people Lila knew and loved.

It was a touching realization, one that made the shy woman's smile falter as she struggled with it. "If ....if you would like," she offered quietly, "I feel sure you would both be welcome to eat with us each evening, when you come for Lila."

Brynne Granger

Date: 2015-01-16 12:35 EST
Edward smiled, pleased with the effort his sister was making to make Lis feel like part of the family, as well Lis' willingness to forgive and forget and start over again. "That's a splendid idea!" he exclaimed, before his sister could protest. There was no way anyone could claim they were feeling left out or ignored if they saw each other everyday. They might not always get along, but that was to be expected amongst family. The important thing was that they tried.

Brynne laughed at the pair of them. "You really think I'm going to pass up Lisbeth's cooking five days out of seven?" she pointed out with a smile, gently nudging the other woman's arm. "It would be lovely, so long as we're not intruding on your time."

"Shall I leave the two of you alone to work out the details?" Edward asked, with a teasing smirk on his face. He wasn't stupid enough to think things were going to be perfect all the time, but he felt hopeful at this sudden change in Brynne. He was definitely going to have to thank her later - along with Dom.

"No, I think you should be alone with your girlfriend," Brynne teased warmly, shifting to stand. "I have movies to watch and cocoa to drink. And you two are owed snuggle time." Her hand gently squeezed Lis' shoulder as she passed behind the woman, bending to murmur something in her ear. Lis' eyes snapped to Edward as she started giggling.

Edward eyed the two of them suspiciously at their whispering and giggling, like a couple of schoolgirls. In the past, he probably would have been invited to watch movies and drink cocoa with Brynne, but now it seemed she was content to spend some quiet time alone so that he and Lis could do the same. "Brynne, I'm still your brother, you know," he pointed out. "Nothing's changed as far as that is concerned."

"Oh, I know," she nodded, moving to hug him. "Which is why I just told your girl there where you're most ticklish." She winked at him affectionately. "Stop trying to look after everyone, Teddy. Look after yourself for once."

He would have hugged her back, but it was awkward with him sitting in the chair, so he just smiled up at her and let her hug him. "It's been a long time since I've been able to look after you," he admitted. Years, in fact. There had been a time when they'd looked after each other.

"Ease back into it, then," she suggested, ruffling his hair playfully. "I'm more of a handful these days. You're welcome to come and watch movies with me, by the way. I'm not banishing you from the family room." She winked at the pair of them and slipped out of the kitchen, leaving them to make that decision themselves.

Snuggle with Lis or watch movies with Brynne - it was a difficult decision, though at the end of the evening, that snuggle would still be there, unless she decided to try out the guest room. He was a little confused about that, as it seemed Brynne wasn't saying one way or the other what she expected, but this was her house and while he was living in it, he would abide by her wishes, especially where Lila was concerned. He ducked his head at the hair ruffling and batted her hand away, though he was chuckling. "Not if you're watching chick flicks!" he replied cheekily back.

"Me, chick flicks" Never!" There was a minorly witch-like cackle from the living room as Brynne made herself comfortable; a few moments later, the familiar sound of something Marvel-esque made itself known in the background.

Across the table, Lis blushed, not sure quite what was going on here or whether she wanted to play along. "I should go home," she murmured quietly, not wanting to intrude on the time brother and sister usually had to themselves.

He chuckled at Brynne, overhearing the Marvel theme and wondering which one she was watching, but turning to Lis, the smile quickly faded. "I thought you were going to spend the night," he said, torn once again between the two women he adored most, not counting his mother.

"I do not know if that is what either one of you truly wishes, querido," she said softly, reaching out to draw her fingers over his palm. "I do not wish to cause harm, no matter how suddenly changed she has become. You are very close, and you are used to being alone together at this time of night."

Edward sighed. "Why don't you come sit with us for a while before bed then?" he asked, not wanting to choose between them and not wanting Lis to go home. "We're going to have a place of our own soon," he reminded her. And then, it would be just the two of them. No Brynne, no Lila, just him and Lis alone together.

She hesitated, dark eyes warm as she smiled at him, knowing she had caused him some discomfort with her honesty yet again. "Would you like me to stay, querido?" she asked him softly.

"Yes, I would," he replied without hesitation. Why wouldn't he" And so long as Brynne was okay with it, why shouldn't he be? He tangled his fingers with hers, lowering his voice for her ears alone. "I want to spend every night with you for the rest of my life," he told her quietly, knowing exactly what that implied. What did it matter if he'd only known her a few weeks" He knew enough to know what he wanted.

"I said to you before that I do not want to leave you," she said in her quiet way, drawing his hand between her own as her eyes held his. "I meant it. If you would have me stay, then I will stay. It is only that I am afraid of causing harm between you and your sister. I do not know what it is to be a family, Eduardo. I am so very afraid of hurting yours."

"You aren't going to hurt anything, Lis, and you already are part of this family, even if you don't realize it yet. I love you, and Lila adores you. Brynne will come around. I know you two didn't get off to the best start, but she's trying. You don't get to know someone overnight. It takes time. In time, I think you two could become good friends, if you're willing to try."

"I am willing," she promised him, keeping to herself the information that she was genuinely frightened of his little sister and her temper. She didn't think that would help him to relax. "Te quiero. For you, I would do anything."

"Even sit through a really silly movie?" he asked with a fond and sympathetic smile, overhearing the sound of the movie - whatever it was Brynne had chosen to watch - from the other room. It had been a long time since he'd sat and watched a movie with his sister. He had been out of touch with modern society for a while, and that included the theater.

She laughed softly. "Even sit through a silly movie," she promised him, squeezing his hand gently. It sounded as though Brynne had put on a favorite of hers - Captain America - proving the good mood wasn't a sham at all. "Shall we join her, querido?"

"I'd like that," he replied. "But after the movie, it's just you and me," he added with a smile, lifting her hand to lips for a soft kiss before moving to his feet to join Brynne in the living room.

Lis smiled gently, rising with him to be led by the hand into the living room. For all the changes this evening had brought, one thing seemed immovable - her quiet affection for the man she had given everything to in so short a time. For him, she would brave the gauntlet of his family, no matter how much they scared her. Perhaps, in time, she would be able to call them her family, too. And that was a day she couldn't help but look forward to, knowing that it would never have even been a prospect, were it not for Edward. She was determined never to let him down, never to disappoint him. Life was worth a few awkwardnesses for that.

Awkward though it might be, there was only one way they could become a real family and that was for them all to make an effort. There was nothing as important as family, and if everything went the way Edward hoped, it wouldn't be long before Lis was as much a part of the Granger family as any of them.

((Big bad Dom to the rescue! Hopefully, they'll have things on an even keel from now on. Many thanks to Edward's player!))