Topic: A Very Long Morning

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:24 EST
It had been four years since Lady Keira had wed the Earl of Roslae, and in that time she had given him two sons. The eldest, affectionately known as Freddie, had grown into a precocious three-year-old, while his younger brother, Nate, was a little over a year old. While the youngest might not be old enough to climb out of his crib on his own, the elder of the two was more than happy to help. It was very early this particular morning that found the two boys tiptoeing quietly into their parents' room, unaware they were already well aware of their children's escape from bed, due to the baby monitor that kept watch over the pair of boys.

Of course, part of the fun for their parents was pretending to be asleep so the boys could "startle" them awake together, but not even Keira could pretend without a smile quirking her lips. She could hear Freddie whispering loudly to his little brother as the two small boys edged into the room.

"Shhhh, they sleepin'."

Of course they were sleeping, as was evidenced by their father's very loud, very dramatic snoring. One hand hung down over the bed, his head turned to the side, facing Keira, one eye sliding open to give her a quick wink.

She caught that wink, biting down on her own wide grin with a deep sigh, nestling tighter into her own pillow. They both felt the bed dip near their feet as Freddie shoved his little brother up onto the covers before scrambling up after him, both sets of little hands and knees pressing almost painfully into sensitive parts of their parents' bodies as they approached the head end of the bed.

Jamie gave an enormous snore, the mattress rolling like a ship at sea as he rolled onto his back, careful not to knock either child off the bed, but abrupt enough to give them pause.

Keira actually laughed as she felt Nate grab her hip through the covers, turning the sound hastily into a pseudo-snore of her own. Unfortunately for Jamie, rolling onto his back proved too much of a temptation for his eldest. Freddie scrambled forward on all fours, plunking himself down firmly on his father's chest, and planted a big wet smacker of a kiss on him that enveloped Jamie's nose.

The big man couldn't help but smirk at his eldest's antics, reminded a little of himself when he'd been that age. He'd gotten his younger brother into all kinds of trouble, though somehow he suspected his parents knew he'd been behind the mischief all along. He pried an eye open to glare at his sons, rolling that eye back and forth as though he were a cyclops eying his next meal. He gave a great roar and surged forward to scoop both boys up, one in each arm.

The squealing laughter was exactly the same as it was almost every morning, accompanied by that masculine roar and the feminine snorts and giggles as Keira lurched out of the way. The little boys flailed happily as they were captured, hugging their arms around Jamie as he sat up.

Jamie smooched each of the boys noisily on the cheek, bear-hugging them before lowering them back to the bed to greet their mother.

"And just what are you both doing up and how did your little brother escape his bed?" he asked, eying his eldest.

Laughing, Keira opened her arms to let Nate snuggle up beside her, kissing his hair as Freddie grinned at Jamie.

"We broked his bed," he informed his father cheerfully. "The bottom went bang."

"Frederick Stuart, are you saying you broke your little brother out of his crib?" Keira asked in amusement.

Freddie nodded cheerfully, not at all ashamed of his actions.

Jamie rolled his eyes at his son's admission, noting how the little boy seemed proud of his achievement.

"There's not much point in putting Natty into a crib if his big brother is going to break him out. How do you two feel about sharing a bed?" he asked the pair, a stern look on his face, though he was anything but.

"But what if he falls out?" Freddie pointed out. Keira glanced between the two boys with a faint sigh and a smile. "We could find a bed that is closer to the floor so neither of you get hurt like that."

"What your mother said," Jamie replied, drawing Freddie onto his lap. "What do you think" Would you like to share a bed with your little brother?" he asked. There were ways to make sure the little boy wouldn't fall out, and it might be safer in the long run than having him escape his crib.

Freddie didn't seem to need to think about it too much, nodding happily as he cuddled into Jamie's lap.

"An', an', an' matchin' jammies?" he asked hopefully.

Jamie smirked. He knew there would come a time when the eldest no longer wanted to share a bed with his brother or wear matching outfits, but that time wasn't now.

"If you wish," he replied, tousling the boy's blond hair.

Curled up beside Keira, Nate let out a huge burp suddenly, making his mother laugh. "Do you have a rumbly in your tumbly, little man?" she asked, unsurprised when the little boy nodded.

"Wan' bwekfus," he said hopefully, looking between his parents.

Thankfully, they didn't have to cook, as the Earl had servants a-plenty to do such things for them.

"And what would his Lordship like for bwekfus?" Jamie asked his youngest curiously.


Keira chuckled, sitting up with Nate tucked into her lap. The youngest Stuart's obsession with having fruit with everything was relatively new, but he was holding the line firmly.

"Hmm," Jamie mused aloud, as if this was the first and only morning he had ever asked his sons these questions. "Pancakes or waffles?" he asked, giving them a choice, but a simple one.

"Waffles!" Freddie was the one to answer that question, clapping his hands together excitedly.

Keira smiled. "Well, we should probably make ourselves presentable for the breakfast table then, shouldn't we?" she asked her boys. "Unless you really want to show your jammies to your grandpa."

"As if he's never seen them before," Jamie murmured under his breath. He didn't think his father really cared whether they dressed for breakfast or not, as much as Keira seemed to. He flashed his wife a cheeky smile before leaning close to properly greet her with a kiss. "Morning, love."

"Morning, sweetheart," she answered, smiling into her morning kiss cheerfully. She knew her boys didn't really care if they went to breakfast in their pajamas or not, but she never felt quite right wearing her nightclothes outside the bedroom.

He kissed her again, just for good measure, before turning back to their sons. "All right then, you know the routine!" he told them, tossing the blankets aside so he could climb out of bed. He plucked each boy up, one at a time, and set them on their feet. "Let's go find something to wear!"

"M'kay, Daddy!"

Freddie waited until Nate was set down beside him, and claimed his little brother's hand, both of them toddling back toward their own bedroom as Keira eased out of bed herself.

"You or me dressing the boys today?" she asked Jamie in amusement.

"I can do it, if you like," he told her, moving over to slide his arms around her waist and touch another kiss to her lips. He never got tired of kissing her, even after four years of marriage.

Wrapping her arms about his shoulders, she gave him another smile to taste, hugging close for a long moment. "I think perhaps you should," she agreed quietly, peppering his lips with kisses. "I may need to vomit unexpectedly."

She couldn't have said anything more unexpected than that, but then, they did have a healthy sex life - a very healthy sex life. He arched a brow, eying her curiously. "Keira, are you?" he asked, without spelling it out for her.

She nodded, her eyes bright. "I'm fairly sure I am," she told him confidently. "And if this one is a girl, that's it, we're done," she added laughingly, tweaking his chin with an affectionate giggle.

He laughed, at both the threat and the tweak. "Shall I hope for a boy, then?" he asked, with a smirk before leaning in to touch a kiss to the tip of her nose. Blue eyes sparkled with amusement, though he didn't really mind if the next one was their last, so long as it was a girl.

Nuzzling close, her laugh was softer but no less warm for all that. "Three is enough," she pointed out, "but I do want a little girl. The boys will be completely in love with her if the way they've taken to each other is anything to go by."

"I would like a girl, too," he said, his forehead touching hers, a soft smile on his face. He adored his boys, but their family wouldn't feel complete until they had a little girl.

She smiled up at him, breathing slowly and comfortably for a long moment. "We'll just have to hope, then," she murmured. "If we decide to wait, we won't know until April."

As much as he adored his boys, Jamie smiled at the thought of a daughter - a little girl, who'd take after her mother. "Let's just hope she doesn't have her mother's temper," he teased.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:24 EST
"I like to think my temper has stood me in good stead all these years," Keira countered with a low laugh, giving him a gentle push. "They should have reached their bedroom by now, you know."

He chuckled at her comment. "You keep me in line," he remarked, brushing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Love you," he told her quietly, reluctant to let her go, but the boys were too little to dress themselves and their mother insisted on them being dressed before breakfast.

"Love you back," she murmured, smiling as she stepped away to get herself ready for the day ahead. She'd rescue him when she was done, so that he could sort himself out as well, but right at this moment, she was pretty sure there was vomit brewing.

After being through this twice before with her, Jamie was familiar enough with morning sickness not to argue. He kissed her once more, just because, before heading for the boy's room, a huge roar as he pushed into the room to get the boy's day underway.

Keira smiled to herself even as she bent over the toilet, listening to the squealing giggles emanating from the boys' bedroom. Life was good. About forty minutes later, the little family was dressed and ready for breakfast, heading toward the stairs down to the communal level of the house. Nate insisted on walking himself, clinging to Jamie's fingertips as he toddled along, still unsteady on his feet at just over one year old.

But Jamie was not only a devoted husband, but father, as well, and Keira didn't need to worry about either of the boys getting hurt so long as he was around. Oh, they might attempt to get into trouble now and then, but Jamie, at least, always seemed to be one step ahead of them. It might not always be that way, but for now, how much trouble could two boys under the age of three get into, after all"

Plenty, as it turned out, but they were generally well-behaved around their grandfather, and their uncle. It was when their parents were trying to have a relaxing afternoon that things got wild. With Freddie tugging on her hand impatiently, Keira laughed, overtaking Jamie and Nate when they reached the bottom of the stairs in their unspoken race to the dining room.

They were going to have "the talk" soon and explain to the boys that their mama was going to have another baby and that they'd have to go easy on her for a while, but it didn't have to happen today. Jamie wasn't sure if Nate would understand, but Freddie was probably old enough to remember when his little brother was born.

"That is not fair!" Jamie complained, half-heartedly behind Keira and Freddie. After all, Nate had littler legs and had only learned to walk a few months ago.

"You're only saying that because you're losing this morning," Keira called back to her husband affectionately. To be fair, they weren't going that fast, but Freddie was definitely steadier on his feet than his little brother.

"Ha!" Jamie exclaimed. "I could easily overtake you both, but Nate is littler than you are," he complained. And Jamie was bigger, by far, than all of them. He could have easily swept the little boy up and won the race, but it didn't really matter to him that much.

"And he made it all the way down the stairs on his own two feet, which is amazing," she responded, giving Freddie a gentle tug. "Isn't it, Freddie?"

The older toddler stopped, looking back at his little brother with a goofy grin. "You done good, Natty."

"Yes, he did!" Jamie agreed, sweeping their youngest son up into his arms. "Good job, Natty! Now, what was it you boys wanted for breakfast again? Waffles and froo?" he asked, mimicking Nate's request. "Froo!" Nate echoed, triumphantly, a silly grin on his face.

"Waffles and froo, it is!" Keira agreed, pushing open the door to the dining room.

As usual, Duke Oliver was already sitting at the head of the table, ensconced in his newspaper and drinking coffee while he waited for them to arrive. He looked up as they entered, smiling his familiar warm smile. "Well now, good morning to you all."

"Morning!" Jamie greeted his father as they joined him in the dining room. He hadn't been much of a morning person before he'd married Keira, but it seemed having a wife and children had changed him.

Letting go of Freddie, Keira turned to the footman who was there to await the breakfast order, greeting him cheerfully before asking him to relay to the cook what the family wanted for breakfast. Jamie didn't need to worry these days about what his wife was going to order for him; she knew he didn't feel the day had started right without meat of some kind. The three year old rushed across the room to his grandfather, claiming his morning kiss and cuddle with a delighted crow.

Jamie chuckled as Freddie went to greet the duke, just as he and Josh had when they'd been children - before their mother had died and the man had sobered a bit. Even then, Oliver hadn't let his boys forget that he loved them and that their mother would have been proud of them.

"Anything interesting in the morning paper?" Jamie asked as he settled little Nate in his high chair, while Keira arranged for breakfast. It was a question he asked every morning, especially now that he was being groomed to take over the duchy someday.

"It looks as though Parliament has voted through the bill to amend the law on imports," Oliver mused, smiling as he kissed Freddie's hair and hefted the boy onto his own booster seat. He winked at Nate as well. "We should be able to negotiate better trade deals now that xenophobic law is ended."

He smirked, though, and passed the paper over to Jamie. The headline blazed out: LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! above a picture of Dru and Josh in royal regalia from the last official function.

Jamie arched a single blond brow. He'd known what was going on in Parliament, but he hadn't expected to see that headline splattered in the newspapers for some time yet.

"Did I miss something?" he asked, knowing his brother's wife wouldn't truly become queen until her uncle either stepped down or passed away.

Oliver grinned. "As of the new year, Tirisano will be a kingdom, rather than a principality," he told his son, absentmindedly pouring juice out for Freddie and Nate as he spoke. "Julius will remain His Serene Highness, the Prince, but when she ascends the throne, Dru will be Queen Claudia. And Josh might become King Joshua."

"King Joshua," Jamie echoed, frowning thoughtfully at his father. "I have to wonder, Father, if you were hoping for this all along," he mused quietly, not quite an accusation. Odd for a brother who'd never wanted anything but to become an actor; it seemed Josh would be performing on the biggest stage in Tirisano.

Oliver's expression gave nothing away, but he was not quite that much of a schemer. "I don't believe anyone could have predicted that Dru would become the heir, much less that she would take control of the government as effectively as she and Josh have," he pointed out. "For the first time in decades, the Parliament is fully representative of the people. Is it any wonder some things are moving fast?"

"Is it any wonder Josh fell in love with Dru?" Jamie countered. He knew his father couldn't control everything - certainly not his son's feelings - but he had arranged it so that the pair came in contact with each other. He couldn't have predicted they'd fall in love, but he had to have been hoping for it.

"I hoped they might find something in each other," Oliver admitted quite freely. "Indeed, Julius was hoping as well. But neither of us could have predicted just how popular the pair of them are, nor how well they have taken to, essentially, running the country."

Rolling her eyes at the surprise that seemed to be on her father-in-law's mind, Keira kept her mouth shut as their breakfast dishes were brought out to them.

To his credit, Jamie wasn't the jealous sort. He was and had always been perfectly happy knowing he'd follow in his father's footsteps as the Duke of Roslae someday. He'd never had any aspirations to be Prince Consort or even King, but at times, it was a little strange to know his younger brother outranked him.

"Josh has acclimated well to the role," he admitted, voicing rare praise for his brother.

"With the import law overturned and amended, he'll be able to start bringing more culture into the country," Keira pointed out, cutting Freddie's waffles for him so the little boy wouldn't cover her in syrup attempting to do it himself.

"Frooo!" Nate demanded, interrupting the adults and kicking his feet in excitement, until his father popped a blueberry into the little boy's mouth to quiet him.

"I will admit, they are doing better than even I had anticipated," Jamie conceded, as he, too, went about cutting a waffle into bite-size pieces.

"I can't help wondering how they're taking that news, though," Keira said, nodding toward the newspaper even as she sipped her coffee. "Becoming the first monarchs of Tirisano since the region was populated on a wave of popular support has got to be intimidating."

"Is it?" Jamie asked, uncertainly, choosing to see it from a different perspective. "Or is it reassuring?" he countered. It seemed that Josh and Dru had the people's support, as well as Parliament's, and they couldn't ask for much more than that.

Keira considered that for a moment. "I hadn't looked at it that way," she admitted. "Which way will they look at it, do you think?"

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:25 EST
Oliver snorted, swallowing his mouthful of bacon swiftly. "They still need to have a baby or seven," he muttered.

"Seven?" Jamie echoed with a huff of his own. "We  haven't even had three yet!" he blurted, setting a little plate of bite-sized waffle and blueberries in front of Nate's greedy fingers.

"Yet?" Oliver's brows rose above a suddenly delighted smile as he looked back and forth between his son and daughter-in-law.

Keira laughed into her coffee cup. "I should have known it wouldn't stay quiet for long."

"What?" Jamie said, looking from his wife to his father with a look of slightly-guilty innocence on his face. "It's true. We have two sons. We've yet to have a third," he said, trying to cover his faux pas as best he could, though the news wasn't going to remain secret for long.

"I expect to be the first to see the scan," was Oliver's response, but he let it go with a chuckle, prepared to wait until they were ready to share what was apparently very new news.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to be the first in line," Jamie countered with a teasing smirk. Obviously, he would see it the same time that Keira did, but their father would be next in line after that.

"Is this mutiny?" Oliver declared, blue eyes sparkling with bright amusement. "Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!"

Freddie stared at his grandfather, not quite mature enough to understand that this was teasing. "What did Daddy do?"

"Nothing, lad," Jamie assured his eldest, reaching over to affectionately tousle his hair. "It's just you're going to have another brother or sister in a few months."

Freddie seemed to think about this for a moment, and then shrugged. "'Kay."

He went back to his breakfast without another comment, blissfully unaware that this was the reason his mother was now laughing into her oatmeal so hard she looked in danger of snorting it.

"Well, that went over well," Jamie remarked, smirking over at Keira. He wasn't sure whether the three-year-old really understood what he'd just been told or whether he just wasn't too concerned about it.

"He's a little young to understand it before there's evidence," Oliver told them with a grin. "You certainly didn't, when we told you Josh was on the way."

"I remember when Josh was born," Jamie said, though admittedly, the memory of it was foggy. He'd not been much older than Freddie at the time and getting a little brother didn't feel much different than getting a puppy, but over the years, he and his brother had come to be best friends. He hoped the same would be said for Freddie and Nate one day. "All he did was cry and poop," he added, with a smirk.

"What a shocker," Keira teased, setting her empty bowl aside and stealing one of Freddie's blueberries. The little boy almost objected, but since he got a kiss in exchange, that seemed fair, apparently. "We might need to get a nanny, though."

"A nanny," Jamie echoed, brows arching upwards. "What do we need a nanny for?" he asked, though the answer seemed obvious enough. Keira was busy learning how to become a duchess, and with Jamie being groomed to become duke, neither of them had time to focus full-time on child care. And with another on the way, the need for help would only become more obvious.

"Sweetheart, as much as I would love to be able to take our children everywhere with us, it's just not feasible," she pointed out gently. "We have responsibilities that take us away from home for hours at a time, and I have no doubt that a ladies luncheon, art gallery opening, or the Advisory Council would be supremely boring for them. A baby, we can manage in those meetings, but toddlers need a little more active supervision. It isn't as though we'll be handing them over and never seeing them again until their eighteenth."

Jamie frowned, but knew his wife was right. "So long as we don't send them to boarding school," he told her. That was where he'd put his foot down. He knew there were families who thought it made their children stronger and more independent, but he'd always believed children should remain at home until they were grown.

"Of course we won't," she said instantly, shaking her head. "I would never do that. Boarding school was hell for me, why on earth would I put my children through that' I would rather they go through school locally, with the children they should grow up with, who will be the men and women they work with when they are older. That sense of community and belonging just isn't there for anyone who is mostly raised away from their family."

"Agreed," Jamie said, letting the subject go now that he knew they were in agreement. He sometimes forgot that Keira's upbringing had been different from his own. "What is the plan for today?" he asked of both his wife and father, turning to offer Nate a sippy cup filled with juice.

Oliver shrugged. "I'm visiting some of the farms," he said. "Old friends, mostly, nothing official."

Keira smiled faintly. "I think I just have office work today," she said. "Emails, mostly. I don't actually have to be anywhere but home. What about you, love?"

Jamie shrugged. As far as he knew, there was nothing pressing today. "I was thinking about dropping in on the monarchs and seeing if I can't convince them to take a few days off," he said, trying to keep a straight face, though his eyes were bright with mischief. "Or perhaps we could convince them to come here."

"You're likely to get hit with a flying cushion if you call them that to their faces," Keira pointed out in amusement. Dru had thoroughly embraced the novelty of being able to call her husband's brother her own, and as such, Jamie was definitely fighting fire with fire when it came to teasing her.

"So long as it's only a cushion," Jamie remarked with that smirk of his. He knew as well as Keira did it was likely to be Dru who'd balk at the title, while Josh would likely only roll his eyes at his brother's teasing. "What do you think?" he asked them both of his idea. Besides, they had news of their own they wanted to share, and he'd rather do it in person.

Oliver smiled at his son. "If you can convince them to stay for dinner, I will be back for that," he said, giving his tacit approval to the scheme of getting the pair out of the palace for a day, at the very least.

"I can do that," Jamie said, mostly confident of his claim, so long as Josh and Dru didn't have some urgent political business that needed tending to. And after all, they had to eat sometime.

"Then it would seem we are going to have guests today," Keira said merrily. She had no objection to spending time with her in-laws, after all. "I can probably get through my work while you're off convincing them to come here and pretend they're not royal for a day. Are you taking one of the boys, both, neither?"

Jamie shrugged again as he finished off the last of his eggs. "Up to you," he told her, letting her decide. He didn't really like splitting the boys up, but sometimes it was easier for them to handle them one at a time.

She chuckled softly. "I can handle them," she told him. "It's probably better not to expose them to the media storm outside the palace too much. You'll be good for me, won't you?" This was directed to Freddie and Nate, who were probably going to be happy with paper and crayons if they were allowed into their parents' office for an hour or so.

"They'll be good," Jamie confirmed, looking to his sons, both of whom were elbow-deep in blueberry waffles, the youngest squishing blueberries in one fist. Jamie chuckled. "Glad to see you're enjoying your froo," he told the toddler.

"We can get Hubert to call ahead so they'll know to expect you," Oliver said, despite knowing that Jamie genuinely enjoyed dropping in unexpectedly on his brother.

"We could," Jamie agreed, with a half-hearted shrug. It was so much more fun to drop in unexpectedly, but he was willing to make that small concession. He reached over to wipe - or attempt to wipe - the blueberry mess from Nate's hands, which were currently a weird shade of blue.

Oliver smirked. "Or perhaps just Xoren," he added. The head of Dru and Josh's personal security was quite content to play along with some of the gentler surprises launched at the couple. Keira laughed as she wiped syrup from Freddie's hands and face, deftly removing the napkin from his neck so the toddler could jump down and bounce over to the window as he did every morning to watch the street beyond the gate.

"Dow-dow!" Nate cried, fingers curling and uncurling in the general direction of his brother, who he tended to follow around, like a second shadow.

Accustomed to this early morning routine, Jamie wiped the little boy's face and hands as clean as he could and let him down from his high chair so he could toddle after his brother, well in sight of their parents.

"Xoren needs to remember that I'm Josh's brother," Jamie muttered to himself.

"Unfortunately, my darling, his responsibility is to the wellbeing and safety of the royal family," Keira reminded her husband fondly, moving around the table to claim the seat next to him as she finished her coffee. "And he does let you get away with a lot. Including interrupting at least one marathon sex session, as I recall."

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:25 EST
"I am Josh's brother," Jamie repeated, looking just a little insulted by the implication that he might do something to cause his brother and his brother's wife harm. He huffed at the rest of her statement. "Had I know they were humping like bunnies, I would have happily left them alone," he insisted. That was a sight it had taken weeks of effort - and more than a few bottles of booze - to eradicate from his memory.

"At least try and see it from his perspective, love," she said gently, leaning her shoulder against his, one ear on the burble of chatter from the window. "He never stops you from seeing your brother, after all. And it isn't as though you're the only one who gets checked - everyone does."

"I'm his brother, Keira," Jamie reiterated. "We grew up together," he argued, though that much was obvious. He might not say it out loud, but there was no one he loved more than Josh, save his wife and children.

"And I'm his father," Oliver said, a hint of sternness in his voice. "I have yet to hear myself whine about a good man doing his job to the utmost of his ability just because I share a blood connection with the prince." He eyed Jamie pointedly. "Complaints like this are beneath you, lad, and they demean the people who daily put their lives at risk for the people we love."

"I know that, Father," Jamie said, struggling not to get too defensive. "My point is that I would never do anything to put my brother - or Dru's - life at risk. Ever." In point of fact, there was a good possibility, he'd do the exact opposite and put his own life at risk for them.

"And we know that," Oliver told him. "They know that. Xoren and his team know that. But they have procedures that they must follow, Jamie. There are so many ways you could be used to harm your brother, without ever knowing it. It is not a case of mistrusting you. It is a case of keeping you as safe as they keep Josh."

"Do you think Xoren will begrudge them a visit?" Jamie asked, knowing that was not likely to be the case. He was just feeling a little put out by the fact that he had to go through Xoren first before he could see his brother. It wasn't that he had anything against the man, who was only doing his job, after all, so much as that he missed his brother.

"I highly doubt he will," Oliver said, his tone gentling once again. "He worries about them working too hard almost as much as we do, after all. He's been looking after Dru since she was small."

Keira interjected at this point. "She's still pretty small," she pointed out in amusement.

Jamie let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing as he realized how they all had Josh and Dru's best interests in mind, including Xoren. "Very well. I will agree to suffer the man's scrutiny, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it," he told them, grudgingly.

Keira laughed, kissing his cheek. "You could even try, I don't know, making friends with him," she teased affectionately.

A thump from behind them alerted the adults to the impending wail of shock from Nate, who had just slipped off the window seat onto his padded backside.

Jamie actually scowled at his wife's suggestion. "I'm not sure I want him to scrutinize me that much," he said, turning at the startled wait from Nate and moving over to scoop the little boy up off the floor. "There, now, nothing is broken is it?" he asked, looking his youngest over.

"Natty went plop," Freddie shared, wriggling down from the window seat to toddle closer and make sure his little brother was okay. Keira exchanged an amused smile with Oliver as the Duke rose to his feet. "I should be going if I'm going to visit Roslae and be back for dinner," Oliver announced, bending to kiss both little boys as he squeezed Jamie's shoulder. "Try not to tire yourselves out too much."

"Father," Jamie said, turning to face the man who had raised both him and his brother with love, almost entirely on his own. "Thank you," he said, which was just another way of him telling his father he loved him.

Oliver's smile morphed into a very particular smile that was reserved purely for his sons, a smile Jamie had known since childhood. He squeezed Jamie's shoulder just once more, and turned to kiss Keira's cheek before slipping out of the room.

"Gwanpaw go 'way?" Nate asked, his former mishap forgotten.

Jamie returned his father's smile, something seeming to pass unspoken but understood between the two men. There was no one Jamie respected and appreciated more than his father. The man had always been there for him, and he hoped he could return the favor one day, if he hadn't already.

"Just for a little while, lad. He'll be back in time for dinner," Jamie assured his youngest. "Now, what do you think about a visit from Auntie Dru and Uncle Josh?" he asked the pair.

"Can we play pirates?" Freddie asked immediately. Josh was eventually going to rue the day he had first introduced Freddie to the world of make-believe - it was the boy's immediate desire whenever his "Unca Jos" was around.

"That, my lad, will be up to your uncle," he replied, which was the truth. "But if we are going to have a visit, someone is going to have to invite them," he said. "Can you both be good for your mother while I fetch your aunt and uncle?" he asked the pair further.

Nate nodded happily enough; he was their easy-going baby for the time being. Freddie, on the other hand, looked rebellious for a moment. Keira swooped in with her suggestion for what they could do while they were waiting.

"If you're very good, you can come into the office and draw something spectacular for Auntie Dru and Uncle Josh on the special paper."

"What do you think, Freddie?" Jamie asked, seeing signs of a mild rebellion brewing in the little boy. He was almost too much like himself, he thought, but he was protective of his younger brother, and that was all they could ask for.

The toddler narrowed his eyes as he considered it. "Wiv the eckstar speckle pens?" he asked.

Keira snorted with laughter. "You're going to be an amazing diplomat, young man," she informed him. "Yes, with the extra special pens. If you're good."

The cheer this got turned into an celebratory hug for Jamie, because he was closest.

Jamie chuckled as he was rewarded with a hug he really thought should have belonged to Keira. "I guess that's a yes," he said, smiling over at her. "Now ..." he said, hunkering down in front of Freddie and Nate both as he set the younger of the two on his feet. "You boys be good for your mother, and we'll play pirates later. All right?" he asked, looking from one to the other.

"Yes, Daddy." Beaming, Freddie made the most of his charm by inserting his hand into Keira's and looking innocent. Nate, on the other hand, was too busy chewing his fingers to do more than offer his patented wide-eyed stare in answer.

Jamie drew both boys in for a hug, kissing each one on the top of their blond-haired little heads. "You're good boys, and I love you both," he murmured to the pair. They weren't angels all the time, of course - no child was - but as far as Jamie was concerned, they were good boys, even when they were getting into mischief.

"Wuv'oo, Dada," Nate mumbled into his shoulder, always happy for a hug even when he didn't know what it was for.

Freddie, of course, couldn't be outdone. "Love you loadest, Daddy!"

"Love you loadest, too, Freddie!" Jamie replied, with a chuckle, kind of knowing what his son meant by that. He moved to his feet, to face Keira. "Are you gonna be okay without me for a few hours?" he asked, though it wasn't like he was going too far.

Rising with him, Keira smiled, leaning close for her kiss and hug. "You won't be too long," she assured him. "It's barely twenty minutes to the palace from here, after all." She kissed him tenderly. "I'll survive. Forsythe is always on hand to rescue me if things go badly."

"All right," he told her, one hand drifting to touch his fingers against her abdomen, though she wasn't showing yet. "Call if you need anything. I won't be long," he promised, touching a kiss to her lips and letting it linger a moment longer than necessary.

"I will, love." She smiled into his kiss, unsurprised to feel little fingers gripping her pants. The boys had a slight jealousy issue when they saw their parents being affectionate to one another.

Jamie smiled, not even having to look down to know the boys were starting to get antsy. "All right then. I'm off," he said, stepping away. "Be good for your mum," he reminded the boys again, pointing to each of them in turn.

"See you soon, sweetheart." Keira chuckled as the boys offered up identical promises of good behavior that would go straight out the window if she didn't get them to the office in good order.

And with that, he headed off before the boys did something that detained him further. Unfortunately, not unlike the monarchs, he couldn't go practically anywhere but the bathroom without an escort of his own. On rare days, he was allowed to take a drive on his own, but today wasn't one of those days. He'd need a car to smuggle the monarchs out of the palace, and so he arranged for someone to bring a car around, along with a driver.

It was easily arranged, however annoying it was to wait the few minutes it took for the car to arrive for him. The driver picked him up at the house, and within twenty minutes, they were passing through the gates to drive around to the back of the palace, where Jamie could enter without being harassed by the press.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:25 EST
He still had to get past the monarchs' ominous head of security though, but that was the price to pay for being of noble birth, he supposed.

To be fair, Xoren was nowhere near as bad as Jamie painted him. At least Jamie got his attention; he was never fobbed off onto a trainee or a lesser functionary. Xoren met him at the door to Josh and Dru's private wing, offering the Earl of Roslae an apologetic smile.

"My apologies, my lord," he said politely, producing the scanner from a pocket. "It is just a formality."

"Yes, yes, I know," Jamie replied, waving a hand at the man to get on with it. He was pretty sure no one had tried to hide anything on his person to smuggle into the palace, but he supposed it was better to be safe than sorry.

With this evidence that Jamie was just as irritated at his existence as always, Xoren kept his mouth shut and swiftly swept the scanner over the earl's body, checking for just about anything with state of the art technology.

"As expected, all clear," he said, stepping back to open the door. "I believe their highnesses are still in the breakfast room, my lord."

He wasn't so much irritated by Xoren's existence as at what Jamie deemed as a humiliating search of his person, as necessary as it might be.

"Thank you, Xoren," he said, in at least a halfway-civilized tone. He did appreciate the man's fastidiousness at keeping Josh and Dru safe, after all.

Xoren inclined his head in acknowledgement, already turning to stand guard at the door. As the head of security, he didn't have to take a turn on the doors, but he did so. His team were almost as proud of being on his team as they were of guarding the prince and princess.

The words of thanks were all Xoren was going to get, as Jamie stepped past the man and into the monarchs' private chambers. He'd been here often enough to know his way around and to be recognized by most of the staff, guards, household staff, and advisors alike. He followed the sound of voices to the breakfast room, knowing it was unlikely he'd catch them in their jammies, but he might get lucky enough to catch a second breakfast.

He actually caught them finalizing the details of their day over the last vestiges of breakfast, going over diaries and signing off on press releases. As the footman opened the door for Jamie to enter, Dru's voice floated out to him.

" not the time yet to release that statement," she was saying. "I have no intention of making our families feel we have been deliberately keeping them uninformed to the point where they had to read a newspaper to know our news. You will wait until we give the all-clear."

Jamie mouth twitched into a smirk, bearing news of his own that he was reluctant to share without Keira there to share it with him. Could it be that the royals were at long last going to give the country an heir"

"What news is that, Majesty?" he dared ask as he strode across the room to greet them. He'd come unannounced, but it wasn't so very unusual considering he was family.

"Don't call me that, your lordship." The words were automatically out before Dru registered that Jamie was actually in the room, half twisting in her seat to offer him a warm smile. "And good morning."

Her secretary rose from her seat with a deferential nod. "I'll leave you now, highness."

"Jamie!" the Prince Consort exclaimed, jumping up from his seat to cross the room and meet his brother halfway with a warm welcome. "What's the occasion' We weren't expecting you," he told his brother, once they had greeted each other with clasped arms and a brotherly pat on the back.

"What, I can't drop in to say hello to my favorite brother and sister-in-law without having a reason for my visit?" Jamie teased in return with a playful gleam in his eyes.

Josh laughed at his brother's not unexpected reply. "I'm your only brother," he reminded him, escorting him toward the table.

Jamie lifted a hand to Dru to keep her in her seat. "Don't get up," he told her, bending down to hug her where she sat. "So, what's this news I'm not supposed to know about yet?" he asked, nicking a muffin from the breakfast table.

"Ah, but I am not his only sister-in-law," Dru pointed out with a smile, happy to take her hug while staying seated. She didn't look any different than usual; perhaps a little more casually dressed than she tended to be, in a voluminous sweater and leggings, but it was nice to see her looking comfortable. "Stay a moment, Hannah," she added to her secretary. "Do you need us for anything today, Jamie?" The schedule had to be finalized, after all, and Dru was always up for taking a random day off.

"But you are my favorite sister in law," Jamie assured her, kissing the top of her head, for no other reason than to show his affection. "Need" No, but the Duke of Roslae is requesting your presence for dinner, if you would," he told her. "That is, if you have no other pressing matters," he added, knowing there were more important matters of state than a visit with their family. He leaned in, lowering his voice a little conspiratorially, "And the boys are officially requesting a game of Pirates."

"Nothing that can't be rearranged," Dru said, glancing at Josh with a raised brow in query. "There are no public appearances rostered for today or tomorrow, that I know of. Josh?"

Josh shrugged, moving over to pour his brother a cup of coffee, knowing he'd want one.  "Why not' There's nothing I know that can't wait," he replied.

"Awesome!" Jamie exclaimed, with a grin. "Keira has missed you."

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Dru agreed, nodding to Hannah. "Cancel everything for today, send our apologies, and reschedule for next week, please, Hannah."

Hannah smiled, nodding to her employers. "Certainly, highness. Should I mention to Xoren that you will be out of the palace for the day?"

Dru chuckled. "If you would, thank you." With a last nod, Hannah left the room, and family group could relax. "I hope you don't mind hosting us for the day, Jamie."

"Of course not!" Jamie assured her with a grin as his brother handed him a mug of coffee. "That's why I'm here," he told them both, taking a seat before being asked. Josh and Dru might be royals, but he was family.

"It will be nice to take a day off," Dru admitted, smiling over at Josh fondly. "Although I have to remember to call my brothers and sister tonight." That couldn't wait until tomorrow; she had a feeling the PR group were going to "accidentally" leak the story ahead of time if she didn't give them a set date in the morning.

"Why not just tell them in person?" Jamie suggested. He had a feeling what that news might be, even if they hadn't shared it with him yet. "How long has it been since you've been to Rhy'Din?" he added, knowing Josh had probably been there more recently than Dru, given his connection to the theater there.

Dru bit down on a smile, her gaze flickering to Josh almost shyly for a moment before she answered Jamie. "About four months," she told him. "Perhaps we should use tomorrow to pop to Rhy'Din briefly?"

"I think we could manage that," Josh replied agreeably. There was nothing so pressing in Tirisano right now that they couldn't get away for a day or two, and the break would do them good.

"It never hurts to take a break," Jamie added, perusing what was left of breakfast.

Just like that, it seemed as though a heavy weight of tension had been lifted from Dru's shoulders. Her smile relaxed as she let out a breath, tilting her head toward Jamie. "Didn't you eat at home?"

"Yes, of course," Jamie replied, as he jammed another muffin into his mouth. But just how much did he get the chance to eat while wrangling a pair of boys under the age of three. "But most of it was cold. Natty had blueberries in his hair."

"How did he get them in his hair?" Dru ask, as much amused as bemused by that statement. "I'm not sure even Luke has managed to get fruit in his hair, and he is one messy little eater."

"He was squishing them between his fingers," Jamie replied, matter-of-factly. "He's a little obsessed with fruit right now. You'll see when you have one of your own someday," he said, a tiny hint of amusement in his eyes, as if he'd already guessed at their news, but didn't want to spoil it.

"That sounds vaguely ominous, you know." Dru chuckled, drawing her feet up onto her chair and underneath herself, elbows resting on the table, chin in her hand. "So I assume you'd quite like us to be ready to go soon?"

Jamie shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee, which he had definitely not had time to enjoy a hot mug of back home before it had turned cold. "There's no rush. Keira has some business to tend to for a few hours," he explained.

Josh handed Dru a cup of tea, just the way she liked it, before going to refill his own cup.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She smiled at Josh affectionately, wrapping her hands about her cup. "So, hold on ....Keira has work to do, and you didn't bring the boys with you? Does Oliver have them, then?"

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:26 EST
Jamie smiled at Dru's question. "She promised them special paper and markers if they were good," he told her, which was basically a form of bribery parents used to encourage their children's good behavior. "I may have promised them a game of Pirates later," he added with a shrug.

Josh chuckled. "You mean, you promised I'd play a game of Pirates with them later," he corrected his older brother.

"Same thing," Jamie said, taking another swig of his coffee.

"No one plays Pirates better than Uncle Josh," Dru agreed laughingly, sipping her tea. "Sadly, I think Mum is going to have to be the damsel in distress today."

Jamie arched a brow at Dru's remark. She was always the damsel in distress, and the boys were bound to have questions if she begged out of the role. "And why's that?" he asked, already having his suspicions regarding the answer to that question.

Josh exchanged glances with Dru, allowing her to decide whether they share the news with his brother now or wait until later.

Dru caught Josh's glance, her smile blossoming into a wide grin. She looked over at Jamie, and lifted up the hem of her sweater, revealing a sweet little baby bump. "Well, this rather gets in the way."

Jamie glanced briefly at the baby bump before a huge grin appeared on his face. "I knew it! Keira will be so pleased!" he said, not only because the family would be growing, but because the two women would be pregnant for at least a few months together.

Dropping the sweater, Dru laughed at her brother-in-law's exuberant reaction to her condition. She could only hope that everyone would be that pleased with it. After all, speculation had been rife for a couple of years now that perhaps she or Josh were infertile, which had been hilarious to read about.

"What about you?" Josh asked, wondering how his brother felt about the news.

"Me?" Jamie echoed, with another shrug. "I'm eager enough to be an uncle, if that's what you mean," he assured the pair.

"So off-hand, darling brother," Dru teased him. "You can hug your brother, you know. I won't get jealous." To be honest, she was looking on this as a sort of test run for telling Des, Jon, and Lena tomorrow.

"I knew it was going to happen sooner or later," Jamie replied, his reaction somewhat subdued, but happy, nonetheless, if the grin on his face had been anything to go by. No, he hadn't shouted and jumped up and down, but he'd already guessed it as soon as he'd walked through the door. "I'm sure Father will be overjoyed," he told them. As well as relieved. The entire country would no doubt find it cause for celebration and exhale a collective sigh of relief.

"Clearly, you have more faith in my uterus than the gossip rags," Dru told him laughingly, sliding her fingers between Josh's as she spoke. "Uncle Julius is over the moon, but he's the one who told us to keep it secret until it was too late."

"I agree," Jamie told her. It was better to keep it secret until they couldn't anymore, not only for Dru's safety but her sanity, too, just in case something went wrong. There was no reason to think anything might happen, but it was better to be safe than sorry. He tapped a finger against his coffee cup, as if he was debating something, his thoughts his own, at least momentarily.

"There's something you're not saying," Josh said, knowing his brother almost as well as he knew himself.

Dru glanced between the brothers, curious to know what it was Josh had picked up on that she had not. She knew she was mostly oblivious to the unspoken words that passed between the Stuart men, but they'd never held it against her.

Jamie smiled, a final tap of fingers against his cup, as though that would dismiss the matter. "I think perhaps I should wait for Keira," he told them, though he couldn't help it if they guessed his own news before that.

"A-ha!" Josh said, waggling a finger at his older brother. "You see" There's something he's not telling us."

Dru's eyes narrowed teasingly as she considered Jamie's evasive response. "You're pregnant again, aren't you?" she accused rather merrily, taking a shot in the dark.

"Me?" Jamie said, with a huff of laughter, tugging his shirt up to check if he had a baby bump where there had only been a six-pack earlier that morning. "Now that would be a feat, wouldn't it?" he teased, eyes flashing with humor. He knew what she'd meant, but couldn't help teasing her.

Josh rolled his eyes. "You know what she means."

Dru snorted with laughter, throwing a fresh bread roll directly at Jamie's bare midriff as he showed it off. "You are a ridiculous hack, James Stuart," she informed him, "and I am never going to stop being pleased to be able to call myself a Stuart because you're all wonderful. Not as wonderful as Josh, of course, but I shouldn't be too greedy."

Jamie laughed as he caught the bread roll and took a bite. It almost seemed as if he had a voracious appetite that was never truly appeased.

"Be careful, brother, or you're going to look pregnant, even if you aren't," Josh warned.

"And if you say something like I'm married, I don't have to look good, the next thing I throw will be heavier," Dru added cheerfully. With nothing to do today but be herself with family, she was definitely more relaxed than usual.

"Don't worry. He's far too vain for that," Josh interjected, seemingly contradicting his previous warning. He knew his brother better than that, but he still couldn't help teasing him when the chance arose. "So, are you or aren't you?" he asked. Or rather, was Keira or wasn't she"

"Yes, do tell." Dru leaned forward onto the table again. "After all, you are in the privileged position of being the first person outside the palace to know our big secret."

Jamie smiled sweetly at them both and replied with a simple and blunt, "No." He took another bite of the roll before setting it aside. "But if you two would get your arses moving, I'm sure Keira will tell you herself."

"Oooh, you stubborn brute." Giggling, Dru leaned back, unfolding her legs to rise to her feet. "Let me find my shoes, wherever they ended up, and I'll be right with you." Of course, finding her shoes was code for talk Xoren out of sending the entire secret army with us.

"I brought a car and a driver," Jamie informed her as Josh moved to help his wife up from her chair, even though she probably didn't need any help just yet. They should be able to sneak away without the press noticing.

"You thought of everything, then." Dru smiled, squeezing Josh's hand gently. "I'll be fine," she promised her husband. "My ever-present shadow will be on me like glue the second I leave the room, you know that."

"He's just doing his job, Dru," Jamie pointed out, ironically, considering how he'd just been complaining about said shadow a short while ago. Josh didn't bother to echo that, knowing how much Xoren cared for her, almost as though she were his own daughter.

"Says the man who has a tendency to look at him as though he's produced a particularly odious fart," Dru drawled. She kissed Josh's cheek. "I'll be back in just a few minutes."

"I just don't like being fondled, unless it's by my wife," Jamie retorted with another shrug and a smirk.

Josh nodded his acknowledgment. He would have accompanied her, but someone had to entertain his brother while he waited for them to be ready to leave.

A few minutes later, and Dru rejoined them, flat shoes on her feet and a scarf wrapped about her neck, ready to put her coat on to go outside in the blustery autumn.

"Subtlety is the watchword of the day, it seems," she told the men cheerfully. "No one's coming with us, but they'll be keeping watch on the house."

"Good! Shall we?" Jamie declared with a grin, as he moved to his feet, allowing Dru to lead the way through the palace to their inevitable exit.

Josh had grabbed a jacket, while Dru had been chatting with Xoren, and if no one was the wiser, the trio looks like ordinary citizens, casually dressed for an ordinary autumn day.

Buttoning her coat, Dru slid her hand into Josh's, wishing they could walk through the city to the Stuart house for once. But it just wasn't safe to do so. They could never be wholly certain that everyone on the street wished them well, and they were too well-known to take that risk.

But that was something they could do in Rhy'Din, as they were nothing but ordinary citizens there. Even Jamie and Keira enjoyed the ability to get away every now and then and not be recognized, but they all had their fair share of responsibilities here. The car was waiting for them, as expected, the driver ready to take them to the house Jamie and his family called home when they were in the capital.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:26 EST
With the tinted windows, the press had nothing to go on but to speculate that the Earl of Roslae had dropped in on his brother and sister-in-law for a quick breakfast, which was just as well. There was no hiding the fact that Josh and Dru also got out of the car when they reached the door of the Belle Epoque, but any press there were held outside the gates, and were too far away for either a decent picture or to ask invasive questions.

There was nothing suspicious about a visit to the ducal mansion, given the fact that they were family, but it was a relief all the same that the press wasn't close enough to harass them. Jamie took the rear, just to make sure no one got close, as if he, too, was one of their security guards, not the future Duke of Roslae.

It was a relief to step inside, knowing they could trust the staff here to keep their mouths shut about the royal news before it was announced. Dru smiled as Forsythe, the butler, took her coat and scarf.

"A pleasure to have you here, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart," the man greeted them. "I believe the lady of the house is still in the office, but would likely welcome a break."

Josh smiled as he helped Dru with her coat, relieved the staff here at the mansion didn't bother too much with formality. Besides, Forsythe had been butler here for years and likely remembered when Josh and his brother were mere tykes.

"Thank you, Forsythe. It's always a pleasure to visit."

"Thank you, sir." The old butler smiled as he nodded, handing the coats to the nearest footman. He didn't bother offering to show them the way - they all knew their way about this house.

"I love being called that," Dru commented as they began to head in the right direction.

"It is accurate, in a way," Josh pointed out. He might have said more if Jamie hadn't arrived just then, slapping a hand affectionately against his brother's back.

"Shall we go intrude on Keira?" he asked them both with a grin.

"You mean rescue her from your terrible twosome?" Dru countered, smiling as she tucked herself against Josh's side. There were so many rules about how they had to behave in the public eye that being able to be thoughtlessly tactile was a luxury.

"Noooo," Jamie replied, drawing the word out. "I mean, rescue her from work," he explained, not considering the fact that looking after two small children could be considered work, too.

"Oh, I do beg your pardon." Dru laughed comfortably. "After you, then, your lordship." She couldn't imagine what it must be like to try and get work done with two toddlers in the room, but it was only a matter of time now.

"If you insist," Jamie replied, as he turned to lead the way toward Keira's office. "The boys promised to be good," he informed his companions, though that didn't mean they'd follow through with that promise. Did toddlers even understand what such a promise meant' And it was probably nearing nap time, which meant they might be getting cranky.

As it turned out, Keira was in control. Freddie was lying on the floor, happily scrawling all over his special paper with his special pens, but Nate was on her lap, already blinking sleepily but determined to stay awake until his uncle and aunt arrived at the very least while his mama typed one handed. She did look relieved when the door opened, though.

"See" Didn't I tell you they'd be here soon?"

"I'm home!" Jamie declared as he stepped into the room and pushed the door open so they could see who he'd brought with him. "And look who came to visit!" It should be no big surprise to find Josh and Dru there, as he'd told them he was going to fetch them.


As Nate perked up on Keira's lap, Freddie launched himself up from the floor and careened excitedly over to Jamie, thumping into his legs with a loud cackle of laughter.

"Good grief, anyone would think he'd been gone for days," Keira laughed, shaking her head.

"That's my boys!" Jamie declared with a wide grin. There was no mistaking he was not only proud of his sons but that he clearly adored them - and the feeling seemed mutual. "Were you good for your mum while I was gone?" he asked, as he scooped Freddie up in one arm and Nate in the other.

Josh chuckled at Keira's remark. "If they're still doing that when they're teenagers, you can start worrying."

"If they're still sitting on my lap when they're teenagers, we will have done something terribly wrong with their upbringing," Keira countered, rising from her desk with a smile to come and greet Josh and Dru. She handed out hugs easily, blinking and pulling away to look accusingly at the swing of Dru's sweater. "You're pregnant!"

"Gosh, is that what this is?" Dru answered innocently. "I thought I was just eating too much."

"I thought you swallowed a pumpkin!" Josh added with a smirk.

"All right, you two," Jamie said, one toddler in each arm. "Say hullo to your aunt and uncle and then it's nap time! They'll still be here when you wake up."

"Awww!" Freddie grimaced, but he knew better than to argue about naps. The kisses he gave out were a little perfunctory, but his hugs were always worth waiting for. Nate was half-asleep already, so it was likely he'd do his hellos after naptime.

Dru giggled softly as she stepped away. "They really are an adorable pair."

"And you're going to have one of your own in a few months," Jamie teased with a wink at Dru,  pausing to let Freddie greet his aunt and uncle and give his mother a hug before submitting to a nap.

"As if we could forget," Josh murmured with a smirk of his own.

Gently kissing Freddie's cheek, Keira smiled. "Go on then, gentlemen, go and nap," she told them, tweaking Jamie's nose fondly. "We'll be in the ghastly green drawing room."

Jamie wrinkled his nose at the tweaking, knowing she didn't mean him when she mentioned a nap. "I won't be long," he promised her, leaning in for a kiss of his own before turning to carry the boys to their room and settle them in for their nap.

"Well, then, shall we?" Keira said, turning to their guests with a smile. "You know where to go, and the seats are most comfortable. And also ....when are you due" How did you manage to hide a bump that size?"

Dru laughed, slipping out through the door in the direction of the green drawing room. "We could ask you the same thing," she countered cheerfully. "Well, not about the bump, but the dueness."

Josh inwardly winced, unsure how Keira would feel about Jamie spilling the beans without her knowledge or permission. "To be fair, he didn't tell us flat out. We sort of wheedled it out of him," he confessed.

"I haven't had a scan yet," Keira pointed out with a smile. "But we're family, why should I mind you knowing" He only found out this morning, after all."

Dru snorted with laughter. "That explains why he was so cagey about it."

"That explains why he's so excited about it," Josh said. Though it admittedly didn't take much to excite his older brother, he hadn't had much time to get used to the news before he'd shared it. "He came to visit to tell us the news, didn't he?" he thought aloud, as the real reason for Jamie's visit finally dawned on him. It wasn't about seeing them, so much as it was about the need to tell someone that he and Keira were having another child.

"And to see if you'd like to spend the day with us," Keira assured Josh. "The contents of my womb aren't the only reason he wants to see his little brother, you know."

"Are you sure about that?" Josh asked, though if anything, he looked more amused than anything else. He reached for Dru's hand, drawing her close. "No one knows yet, outside of the palace," he explained. No one but them, anyway.

"You must be, what, five months in?" Keira asked, ushering them into the green drawing room and nodding to the footman by the door, who would deliver a request for tea and sandwiches to the housekeeper before returning to his post.

"Four," Dru corrected her quietly, squeezing Josh's hand. "Due in February."

"Does she look like she's five months?" Josh asked, curiously. They hadn't had a scan yet and had no idea if they were having a boy or a girl, but the doctor had assured them that there'd only been one heartbeat.

"Well, I can't see it very well, there's the world's biggest sweater in the way," Keira pointed out in amusement.

Rolling her eyes, Dru lifted her sweater to reveal her little bump, covered snugly with a t-shirt. Keira, of course, took the opportunity to touch - even having been pregnant herself and hated the touching, she couldn't resist.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:27 EST
"No, you look about four months to me," she said with a grin. "Maybe closer to the end of four months than the beginning. It's only going to get bigger from here on out."

"What about you?" Josh asked, as Keira examined Dru's bump. He couldn't yet tell whether his sister-in-law was pregnant just by looking at her, but from what she'd said, it seemed it was true.

"A little under two months, I think," she told him, settling herself on one of the couches comfortably. "I think we are probably due in April."

Covering herself over again, Dru smiled as she sat down on the other couch, toeing off her shoes to get properly comfortable. Josh took a seat beside his wife, fingers still tangled with hers.

"Congratulations," he told Keira, a soft smile on his face that indicated genuine joy for her and for his brother.

"Well, Freddie put up a little fight," Jamie interrupted as he joined them, dropping onto the couch beside Keira. "But we should have at least an hour of peace and quiet."

"Before someone has to put on a dress to play Pirates," Dru said, throwing Jamie a cheeky grin. After all, the two likeliest candidates should be treated gently for a while, right'

Keira snorted with laughter, leaning into Jamie's side. "Congratulations to you two, as well," she said finally. "When will you be announcing it?"

Jamie huffed. "Are you suggesting I play the damsel in distress?" he asked, though it seemed the conversation had moved on without him.

"You do have the legs for it," Josh interjected with a smirk before glancing at Dru in anticipation of an answer to Keira's question. It was really up to her to decide that.

"Why, yes, James, I do believe I am," Dru told her brother-in-law innocent, catching Josh's eye with a gentler smile. "We'll be going over to Rhy'Din tomorrow to tell the rest of the family, so I'll give the PR department permission to make the announcement a couple of days later. Any longer than that, and someone there is going to leak the story."

"Are you going to take a leave from the theater?" Jamie asked his brother curiously, at the mention of Rhy'Din. It was a gentler way of asking if he was going to quit now that his responsibilities in Tirisano were increasing. 

Josh looked at Dru once again, this time with a small frown on his face. "I haven't really thought about it much," he admitted, though he supposed he should.

Dru bit her lip. "We are going to be under more scrutiny from now on," she admitted. "But we can work around it. I know how much you love performing, sweetheart."

"A boy's dream," Josh replied with a shrug. A dream his mother had encouraged and that he'd spent most of his life working toward, but that was before he'd met Dru. Now, nothing else seemed as important as her, their family, and their country.

"Not just a boy's dream," Dru argued, shaking her head. "We'll work something out, I promise." She squeezed his hand, her brow furrowed with worry now that it seemed Josh was once again volunteering to squash his own ambitions for her sake.

Jamie looked between them, wondering why they didn't realize the simplest solution was the best one. "Why don't you just take a leave until after the baby is born and you're settled, and see how things go?" he suggested.

Dru didn't dare show any reaction to that suggestion, knowing from experience that Josh would agree to anything if she showed interest. This had to be his decision. The theater was his dream.

What he'd said was true though - the theater had been a boy's dream. Now, there were far more important things to consider than a career in the theater. Josh sighed. If he'd known how things were going to turn out, he might not have auditioned this past summer.

"Jamie's right," he said, his attention on Dru, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "You and the baby are the most important thing to me right now, and the theater isn't going anywhere."

"I'm sorry."

The guilt in her eyes was plain to see, absorbing all the blame for his having to give this up, despite the fact that the decision to get pregnant had been an agreement between them both. Across from them, Keira rolled her eyes discreetly, glad she and Jamie had never had to navigate this.

Jamie moved to his feet, pulling Keira up with him. "I think I hear Natty crying. We'd better go check on him. Would you excuse us?" he asked the other pair, tugging Keira from the room.

Keira flickered an encouraging smile to the royal pair as she was tugged out of the room, missing Dru's wince that they had felt the need to leave at all. The princess sighed, shaking her head.

"I can't believe it didn't occur to me," she murmured. "I'm so sorry, Josh."

"Sorry for what?" Josh asked confused. He'd never blamed Dru for any of his own decisions and he wasn't about to start now. He curled his fingers against her cheek with a gentle touch and a soft smile on his face. "I love you, Dru, and I have no regrets."

"I never once thought about what you might have to give up for this," she said, gesturing to the bump at her middle. "It seems selfish to have asked to have a child when I know how much performing in Rhy'Din means to you."

"Dru, I knew when I married you that I might have to give up the theater someday. I know how important having a child is to the nation, but most importantly, I know how much I love you and how much I want this baby. Nothing else is more important than that. Nothing," he tried to assure her, taking her hands between his.

She sighed, twisting to rest her brow to his, clinging to his hands. "I love you so much," she whispered. "I couldn't bear it if I did anything to hurt you, or to make you resent the position being with me has put you in. Promise you'll tell me when you want to go back?"

"I wonder sometimes if my mother knew what she was doing when she encouraged my interest in the theater. After all, we're more comfortable in front of a crowd because of it, aren't we?" he asked, a soft smile on his face as her brow rested against his and he lifted one hand to touch her cheek again.

She smiled faintly. "It did help," she admitted a little ruefully. "At least we know how to deliver a good speech." Her cheek tilted into his palm, her guilty tension fading once more under his reassurance. "Josh you want to be a king?"

He smiled, glad to see his reassurance was helping her to relax, but that question surprised him a little. "King?" he echoed, brows arching upwards. He knew that was a possibility, but it was one he hadn't really thought much about. "I want to be your husband, your partner, and the father of our children, but king?" He shrugged. "If you want me to be, but that's not why I'm with you."

She laughed, a soft huff of breath colored by her smile. "I know," she promised. "And before everything, I am your wife, your partner, and the mother of your children. But it seems more and more likely that Uncle Julius will abdicate within the next few years, and now Parliament wants to name me a queen. Your role won't change, no matter which title you take. Would you rather be king, or prince-consort?"

"I ..." Josh started, trailing off, brows furrowed. "I really don't know, Dru. I'm sure my father would want me to be king, but is the title that important?" he asked, uncertainly. It was just a title, after all. It wouldn't really change anything, would it"

"Perhaps we should wait and see what the public opinion is," she mused. "The title won't change anything for us, but it could change the way you are viewed. Most people expect a king to take precedence over a queen, after all."

"But you were born to be queen, Dru. I am only the second son of a duke," Josh pointed out. "And I do not care if I'm king, so long as we're together," he assured her again. The people might not take well to the second son of a duke rising to become king, when they were so fond of their queen.

"I wasn't even the heir to the throne five years ago," she reminded him, but her expression was more relaxed. "I just want you to be comfortable with how people perceive you, how they look at you. We're under a microscope so much of the time."

"Something we both got used to being performers at the Shanachie," he reminded her with a grin. "I don't mind being a prince, so long as I outrank Jamie," he told her, only half serious. "We can stop at the theater and talk to Mataya while we're in Rhy'Din. I'm sure she'll understand."

Dru snorted with laughter. "You're always going to outrank Jamie," she promised, inching closer to kiss him affectionately. "This might turn into an overnight visit, you know. But that's fine. It's been four months since we took any real time off."

"We might end up with a curious three-year-old waking us up in the morning," Josh told her, returning her kiss with one of his own. Or was she talking about an overnight visit in Rhy'Din" But it hardly mattered. She was right - they deserved a little time off, especially now that she was with child, and they had another family to share the news with.

"Well, whether we stay overnight here or in Rhy'Din, that's usually a gimme," she pointed out. Despite the fact that they had a house of their own on the beach, somehow her nephews always managed to convince an adult to bring them to the house around dawn.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:27 EST

"Or both," he said, which was more likely. He brushed a kiss against her lips again, lowering his voice for her ears only. "Should we tell them they can come back in now?" he asked with a smirk.

"Oh, I daresay they'll reappear when lunch gets here," Dru predicted. Jamie had a tendency to be ruled by his stomach on occasion. But she appreciated that they had chosen to give up space so that this conversation could be had.

"Will you go with me to talk to Mataya?" he asked, sounding just a little nervous about that conversation, as much as he knew the woman would understand. His only regret was the fact that he didn't want to let Mataya down.

"Of course I will." Dru's smile warmed at the thought of seeing old friends in Rhy'Din again. Mataya had once employed both of them, and she was Jon's best friend. Even if she was deeply disappointed, there was no way Mataya De Luca would take it out on Josh.

And there was nothing that said they couldn't perform again someday, if the circumstances were right. "I love you, Dru. More than anything," he told her, resting his brow against hers. More than politics, power, and money, and even more than a career in the theater.

"I love you back," she murmured, leaning into him with a warm sigh. "No one will ever make me feel the way you do. When I'm with you, I feel safe. I'm home."

"I'll always do my best to keep you safe, to love you, and to take care of you," he assured her, though she had to know that already. "Both of you," he said, settling one hand against the bump she'd been trying so hard to hide.

Her hand covered his, a soft blush touching her cheeks at the knowledge that they had made a baby together. "This time next week, no more hiding," she said in amusement. "I finally get to wear those maternity clothes Lucia has been fitting me for."

"It has to happen sometime," he told her, chuckling. Thankfully, she had made it past the first trimester, but she wouldn't be able to hide the pregnancy much longer.

Dru grinned, genuinely looking forward to not having to wear less-than flattering fashions or hold things in front of herself in public. A soft knock at the door announced the arrival of a pair of maids, bearing trays of tea and fruit juice, sandwiches and cake, and immediately behind them, the other Stuart couple, not even trying to make it look as though they hadn't been waiting for the perfect moment to return.

The male half of the other Stuart couple beamed a grin as he rejoined them. "Did you miss us?" he asked, his excuse about Natty crying completely forgotten.

"Oh, were you gone?" Dru countered, her mood beautifully restored with just a few minutes of vulnerable honesty with her husband. "I had no idea."

"Funny girl," Jamie grumbled, but with a smile on his face. "Hungry?" he asked, eying the tea and sandwiches. He could easily devour it all himself, but thankfully, he did have some manners.

"You're the one that has an appetite like a horse," Josh pointed out.

Jamie looked insulted. "Have you ever seen what a horse eats" No thank you."

"And here I thought you liked sugar lumps," Keira teased her own husband fondly, already pouring the tea for the four of them.

Dru eased forward to the edge of her seat, reaching out to snag a plate and fill it. "Goodness, how long is it since we've had a simple lunch like this?"

"I was referring to the hay," Jamie replied, resisting the urge to stick out his tongue. Instead he helped Keira pass the cups of tea around as she poured them. "How long is it since we've spent any real time together?" he added.

"Too long," was Dru's immediate response, handing her full plate to Josh and picking up another to fill it for herself. "I can't help thinking it would be so much more fun if we all lived in the same building."

Keira raised a brow. "No, we are not moving into the palace," she said with comical dismay.

"Why not?" Jamie said, glancing at Keira as he popped a finger sandwich into his mouth whole. Was it because she didn't want to live under that kind of scrutiny or did she think she'd feel out of place living there" Or was it something else?

"Because it will cause concern among some of the nobility, which will, in turn, cause comment among the population at large," Keira explained with a gentle smile. "You don't want the tide of public opinion to turn against the Stuart family as a whole, do you?"

Dru sighed. "She's right," she admitted. "If you lived in the palace with us, it would be taken as a sign that the Stuarts are making a play for the crown."

Jamie shrugged, unconcerned, and scarfed up another sandwich. "We don't live too far away anyway," he said, though that depended on which house they were staying in at any given time.

"We will simply have to make an effort to set regular time aside to spend with you," Dru said, and it was obvious that she was making a very large mental note in big red letters to make sure that happened.

"Especially now that we're both starting families," Josh pointed out. He understood why Keira and Jamie wouldn't want to live at the palace, but he wanted to make sure they stayed close enough that they could spend time together, especially now that both families were having children.

"Oliver will enjoy spending regular time with you as well," Keira added with a smile. "He's visiting Roslae today, but he'll be back for dinner."

There would come a time when Jamie took over his father's position as duke and they'd have to spend more time in Roslae, but that time wasn't quite yet. "He's going to have two more grandchildren to spoil," Jamie pointed out.

"And he'll love every second of it," Keira predicted. Sitting back with her teacup in hand, she smiled across at the other couple. "So do we know if this is a prince or a princess yet?"

Josh glanced briefly at Dru before answering. "Not yet. There's enough pressure on us to produce an heir, without the pressure of knowing if it's a boy or a girl." It hardly mattered anyway, at least as far as ascendency was concerned. "What about you? Are you hoping for a girl this time around?" he asked the other couple.

"I definitely would like a little girl this time," Keira nodded in agreement. "I'm surrounded by testosterone in this house."

Dru snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes. "Tell me about it."

"What's wrong with testosterone?" Jamie asked, looking just a little defensive. He thought Keira liked being surrounded by men. "At least, we aren't as catty as your sisters," he pointed out, making a clawing motion with his fingers curled and feigning a hiss.

"There's nothing wrong with it," Keira promised laughingly, batting his curled fingers away. "Is it so very wrong to want a little girl to be girly with on occasion' She's going to turn out to be a tomboy with those two leading her down the path, anyway. If this is a girl."

Jamie smirked and bumped her shoulder lightly. "Truth is, I'm secretly hoping for a girl, too," he told the trio, lowering his voice into a conspiratorial whisper. 

"If she's the only girl, she's going to be spoiled rotten," Josh pointed out, knowing his brother.

"As little girls should be," Keira countered with a smile. Dru chuckled, swallowing her mouthful. They all knew that Keira was not about to let any spoiling get out of hand - that war had been won when Freddie was tiny.

"What about you?" Jamie countered, with a nod of his head at the other couple. "Any preferences?"

Josh frowned thoughtfully and looked over at Dru's ever-growing bump. "I know it sounds cliché, but it doesn't matter to me, so long as the baby is healthy."

"Pretty much," Dru agreed with her husband. "And this won't be the only child we have. I want our children to have at least some choice about their future, even if that means naming a younger one heir."

Keira looked surprised, but impressed, glancing between the other couple with a half-smile at her lips.

"Really?" Jamie said, looking equally surprised. "What do you think Parliament will have to say about that?" he wondered aloud, though it was a long way away.

"I think they'll take what they're given," was Dru's answer. She and Josh had, just a few years ago, wrested power back from the old Parliament and enforced the fair election of the new, and were active in the ruling of the country in a way her uncle had not been for much of his tenure as monarch. "This is an archaic form of government, anyway, and we have a young Parliament. I don't think there will be too much objection."

"Things are changing," Josh confirmed, though Jamie must know this already. Even if that change was slow, he hoped it was change for the better. The most important thing to him, though, was Dru's safety, now more than ever.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2019-10-14 13:28 EST

"And for the better," Keira agreed. "This isn't something that will come up for a few years, anyway. They'll name this child the nominal heir, no matter what."

Dru sighed. "That is true. But this family still holds the power, and we will exercise it if we have to."

"Enough talk about politics," Jamie said, hoping to change the subject to more pleasant topics of conversation. "How long are you staying in Rhy'Din?"

"Just a few days at most," Josh replied, though he didn't think it would even be that long.

"Two days?" Dru ventured, looking as Josh as though wanting to confirm that. "We won't be away for long. And you are due at the palace for dinner at some point, you know. Uncle Julius' guest lists have been getting stranger."

"Why's that?" Jamie asked, licking his fingers as he finished off a piece of cake. He knew Dru's uncle was getting older, but he wasn't sure about his health.

Dru laughed as she leaned. "We had ....who was it last night?" She looked as Josh as she racked her memory. "A beekeeper, and a trapeze artist who moonlights as burlesque dancer?"

"Something like that," Josh said, not too sure himself.

"Why's he inviting beekeepers to dinner?" Jamie asked, as surprised as he was curious. "Are bees in danger?" That didn't really explain the trapeze artist though.

Chuckling, Dru shook her head. "The public/private dinners are about meeting people who are foremost or notable in their fields," she explained to Jamie in amusement. "But my uncle doesn't usually stretch much beyond politicians, teachers, and musicians usually."

"Maybe it's for your benefit," Jamie suggested. Now that Dru was going to be queen, maybe Julius was hoping to introduce her to more than just the usual round of politicians and affluent citizens.

"Possibly, but the impromptu demonstration of how to make nipple tassels twirl over dessert was a little much." Keira stared at Dru for a moment, and abruptly burst out laughing, hastily setting her tea cup down as she tried to imagine that.

Josh frowned, looking more worried than amused by Dru's admission. "It's a bit strange," he admitted, which was a bit of an understatement.

Meanwhile, Jamie's jaw had dropped open, clearly shocked. "A bit?" he asked, sarcastically.

Giggling faintly, Dru shook her head again. "There are other people we would have chosen to invite, but if he is trying to broaden our horizons, it's rather sweet."

"Why else do you think he'd be doing that?" Jamie asked curiously, hoping it wasn't because the man was starting to lose a grip on his sanity.

Dru's smile faded. "He's not well," she said quietly. "Honestly, I don't think he ever really recovered from that stroke. There's a good chance he'll abdicate within the next few years. These new people at the dinners might be his way of trying to keep himself interested in his position until we're more established as parents."

"You don't think he'd step down before that?" Jamie inquired. He didn't want to see it come to Parliament having to force the issue, but he wasn't sure how unwell her uncle was.

"Well, with the whole queen thing decided, I'm a little concerned he might announce his abdication at New Year," Dru admitted. She did not want to go through a coronation while heavily pregnant.

"How bad is he?" Jamie inquired uncertainly. From the little they'd told him, he wasn't too sure, and it didn't seem like a good time to leave Josh and Dru to deal with the responsibility of running a government when she was pregnant with their first child.

"He's not confused or anything like that," Dru tried to reassure him. "I think he's just tired. A lot has happened in the last few years, after all."

Keira nodded. "I doubt your uncle would simply abandon you to rule alone, even after abdicating," she pointed out. "He loves you both too much to do that."

"I'm sure he will continue to advise us even after he steps down," Josh remarked. For some reason, he didn't really like the word abdicate. It seemed to have a negative connotation to it, for some reason. "What about Father?" he asked, changing the subject slightly. "He hasn't mentioned retirement yet, has he?"

"I don't think anything has been said about that," Keira mused, looking to Jamie. "He's just as vital and involved as ever he was. Case in point, driving out to Roslae today to take tea with four different farmers."

"That sounds like him," Josh replied, chuckling a little to himself. He used to think his father kept himself busy because he missed their mother so, but as he got older, he realized it was just the way he was.

"He did promise to be home for dinner," Jamie said, glancing at his watch. It wasn't that late yet, but it was nearing time to wake the boys from their nap.

"There is no way he is going to miss having the pair of you here for dinner," Keira added in amusement, She caught Jamie glancing at his watch, just as the soft sound of someone scrabbling at the door made itself known. "I swear those boys have internal alarm clocks."

"Did they get out of bed by themselves?" Josh asked, arching his brows in astonishment. He'd assumed at least one of those boys was still sleeping in a crib. Then again, he didn't know much about raising children ....yet.

"Freddie has worked out how to break Nate out of his crib," Keira told him with a resigned smile, rising to her feet to open the door. Two little boys, blonde hair disheveled from their nap, came tumbling into the room, bright-eyed and smiling.

Anything Josh might have said about that was put on hold as they were joined by the two boys in question.

"There they are," Jamie said, opening his arms to give them each a hug - if they wanted one. "All bright eyed and bushy tailed, I see," he remarked, grinning from ear to ear.

Freddie lurched over to hug Jamie, but Nate was already toddling toward Josh and Dru, climbing up into Josh's lap with a wide grin. "'Lo," the youngest Stuart said happily, eyes focusing on the leftovers of lunch. "Sammich."

"I wonder which one takes more after his father," Josh teased, reaching for a finger sandwich while the little boy made himself comfortable on his lap.

"I don't know, they're both pretty food oriented," Dru said, nodding to Jamie's lap, where Freddie was reaching for a piece of cake. Keira chuckled as she sat down. "Just you wait - give it a year, and you'll have half of this problem, too."

"Not if we have a girl," Josh said, though he knew what she meant. He hadn't told Dru, but he was secretly hoping for a daughter - a little girl just like her.

"You'd be surprised," Keira drawled, switching out the cake for a sandwich before Freddie got hold of it.

The little boy pouted at her, but munched away happily nonetheless. "We gon' play Pirates, Unca Jos'?"

"Sure, we can play pirates, but you have to go easy on your Aunt Dru," Josh warned. "You remember when Nate was still growing inside your mum?" he asked the little boy. "Aunt Dru is gonna have a baby, too, so we have to be careful not to hurt the baby growing inside her."

Freddie stared at him. "Mummy got one too," he said, looking suspiciously at Dru. "Did you give Mummy a baby, Arnie Dru?"

Dru opened her mouth to reply, and abruptly squeaked as Nate prodded her bump through the sweater. "Well, excuse me, little man!" she laughed instead.

Josh chuckled. "It's not catchy like a cold, Freddie," he told the boy, glancing at Dru to find Nate poking her bump. "See that bump" That's the baby," he explained to both boys, though he wasn't sure whether little Nate would understand.

Nate looked up at Josh for a moment before a wide grin split his cheerful face.

"No," he giggled, denying the miracle of pregnancy with all the confidence of a small child.

"Arnie Dru gon' play wiv us?" Freddie asked, dismissing the whole conversation as boring.

"I can play little games, sweet cheeks, but not big moving ones," Dru told the toddler with a smile. "Making a baby is tiring."

Freddie rolled his eyes, apparently already fed up of babies, and slithered off Jamie's lap. "C'mon, Unca Jos'," he declared. "Me an' Natty got a tree house."

Jamie couldn't help but chuckle a little at his boys' reaction to the news that they were going to have a cousin. "Sorry, Dru. I guess they're not that easily impressed," he told her.

Meanwhile, Josh let Nate slid off his lap before taking the little boy's hand. "Lead the way!" he told Freddie, though this was the first he was hearing of a tree house.

Claimed by the two little boys, Josh was in for an entertaining afternoon at the very least. It had been a long time since the two brothers had been able to bring their families together without ulterior motive, and once Oliver arrived, the evening became even more comfortable for everyone involved. With so many high political players at the table, it was nice to remember every once in a while that they were, first and foremost, a family.

Given all their duties and responsibilities, it was an important point to remember. While the rest of the nation might only think of them as royalty, here among family they could just be themselves. Just Josh and Dru, Jamie and Keira, Oliver, and the boys. Whether they lived in a palace or a mansion or a cottage, home wasn't about the place where they lived, but the people they called family. And tomorrow, Josh and Dru would be traveling to another place to see another family - back to Rhy'Din, another place they called home.

That was what would get them, all of them, through the struggles that were bound to come - family.