Topic: An Exciting Prospect

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:30 EST
((Follows on from Escape From New York. Contains reference to adult situations.))

There are few things anyone dreads more than the sight of an ambulance outside their home as they return from being away. Having been allowed back to work, Vicki's hours had settled to their familiar routine of nine to three at the theater, and thanks to that enlightening experience of being literally in Jon's shoes toward the latter end of her pregnancy, she'd been making more of an effort to present herself properly when she left the house. This, however, backfired on her as she drew up the big house, her eyes worriedly on the ambulance that stood out the front. It was virtually impossible to move at speed in heels over gravel without tipping herself onto her face, forcing her to take her time in getting to the steps.

Tense concern gripped her heart as she pushed into the house - was Humph all right' Or was the ambulance for Emily' Jon' She didn't bother calling to anyone as she entered, running up the stairs to burst into the rooms she shared with Jon, hurrying over to where Emily was still in the midst of her afternoon nap. "Oh, thank God," Vicki murmured to herself in relief, stroking her fingertip down Emily's cheek before turning away. Where was everyone else?

Vicki's question would be answered soon enough as Cosmo bounded his way up the stairs to greet his mistress with a single bark and the wag of a tail. Whatever was going on, Emily had slept through it all, even the bark from Cosmo, who had returned from his adventure in the basement at last to check on his puppy and greet his mistress' on her return home.

Hearing the familiar scrabble of paws on wood before the bark made itself known, Vicki felt herself smiling as she turned to crouch down and greet the over-enthusiastic bundle of fluff that was their dog. "Fancy seeing you here, Cosmopolitan," she chuckled, scritching beneath the dog's ears fondly. "Where is everyone, hmm' The baby's alive and well, and judging by how excitable you are, I shouldn't think Humph or Jon are getting in that ambulance." She leaned forward, rubbing her cheek against the top of Cosmo's head fondly. "What did I miss, fluffball?"

The dog had learned this was one human who didn't appreciate getting slobbered on, and yet, he couldn't help but show his affection for her by licking her cheek. Of course, she could ask all she wanted, but Cosmo had no way of communicating with her what had happened, unless he could convince her to follow him downstairs to the basement. He barked once more, as if to tell her to follow, and wiggled out of her grasp to turn back for the stairs in search of his master.

Predictably enough, Vicki grimaced as Cosmo licked her, giving him a gentle shove away with a stern, "No," to reiterate her no licking rule. The bark made her roll her eyes at him as she stood up, glancing into the crib to check on Emily just once more before she followed him out of the room. "You know, you'd think that being in Rhy'Din, you would have learned how to talk by now," she commented to the Collie's rear end as she followed him down the stairs, frowning at the sight of an unfamiliar man being carried from the house on a stretcher, an equally unfamiliar woman hurrying along after him. "What the hell has been going on?"

Cosmo led his mistress through the big house until they reached the stairs that led to the basement, where he waited a moment for her to catch up before continuing on, scrambling down those stairs to find his master, past the safe room where Jon and Vicki had ended up at least once when emergency had called for a hasty escape, down the hall to the washroom, canine instincts leading the way to his master.

Humphrey was audible in his study as they passed through the foyer, making Vicki wince with sympathy for whoever he was chewing out. Though he'd never gone to town on her, she'd heard a few horror stories about the Old Man's temper. Still, she was following a dog, so who was she to talk" At the bottom of the stairs, she didn't even glance at the safe room, not particularly wanting to revisit those memories, and hurried to quicken her step, catching on to where Cosmo was leading her. "Jon' Jon, are you there?"

A little lost in his own thoughts, the sound of running water drowning out Vicki's voice, Jon didn't hear her calling him as he scrubbed the blood from his hands and shirt. He wasn't really sure why he was bothering with the shirt, when he had so many to take its place. It just seemed like the thing to do, for some reason. The towels lay in a pile, the water in the sink running red with the wounded man's blood. Now that the excitement was over, he had turned thoughtful and worried, hoping Des' friend would be okay and that the danger was over.

He might have missed Vicki calling to him, but there was no way in hell he was going to miss her exclamation as she walked in behind him. Her eyes went straight to the blood, and her mind went straight to the worst conclusion. "Jon, what the hell happened?" Vicki burst out, lurching hurriedly from the doorway to take hold of his arm, pulling him around to search his skin for any injury. "Are you all right, what happened?"

Thankfully, by the time she found him, he had scrubbed most of the blood from his hands, though the water in the sink was a sickly shade of pink. It looked a lot worse than it was, at least as far as Jon was concerned. "Vicki, I'm fine," he was quick to reassure her. "It's not my blood," he explained, knowing how things must look. For all the blood on the towels and in the sink, there wasn't a mark on him. "Is Emily okay' I shouldn't have left her alone up there." There was a worried look on his face, though there were plenty of other people in the house who would look in on the baby is she started to fuss.

"She's fine, I've just been up to check on her." His wife frowned at him, not happy with how quick he was to dismiss the fact that he was covered in blood. "You need to answer my question, Jon. Our daughter is still asleep upstairs, Humphrey is snapping at someone in his study - you are down here, covered in blood, and don't give me that "I'm fine" crap. You're obviously not fine, or you wouldn't be within ten feet of the panic room!"

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:30 EST
"It wasn't me," he pointed out, reaching for a clean towel to wipe his hands dry. "It was Miranda and....Did you know she has a daughter" I didn't know that. I don't think anyone knew that." He was frowning as thought he'd been deep in thought trying to sort it all out, not realizing she'd probably think it was Miranda's blood he'd been scrubbing from his hands.

"Miranda?" Vicki's voice climbed a couple of octaves in shocked surprise. "Is she okay' I saw a man being carried out - did he do it?" Her growing distress at not understanding what was going on was beginning to rub off on Cosmo, who had sat himself down beside her to look up at Jon almost accusingly. He barked as Vicki gripped Jon's hands, needing to know what was going on. "Jon, none of this is explaining anything."

"No, it's-it's not Miranda. She's fine. I mean..." He furrowed his brows as he tried to explain what he didn't completely understand. "It was the mob, I think. Something to do with the case Des is working on. Miranda's daughter is involved with one of Des' friends, and they were attacked coming through the portal. Miranda is fine, but..." He frowned again, his worries settling soundly on his brother.

Vicki stared at him for a long moment, her eyes vaguely blank as she tried to process what she was and wasn't being told. "All right, putting aside for the moment that Miranda somehow has produced a daughter without anyone knowing about it and the danger to Des - which, frankly, isn't a surprise, given how he ended up living here in Rhy'Din in the first place," she said, breaking it down pointedly. "Explain the blood. I've come home and my husband is covered in blood. Can you see the problem?"

He jerked his head up, realizing the conclusion she must have come to - either that he'd been injured and if not that, then that he'd had to kill someone. It wouldn't be the first time she saw him that way or the first time he might have had to spill someone's blood to defend himself and his family, but no, that's not what had happened today. "Oh, Vicki, no....It was Jason, Des' friend. He was already injured when he got here, and Lei..." Now, that was the one part of the whole thing that didn't make sense to him. How the hell had Shen Lei ended up at Maple Grove and what was her connection to Miranda" He wondered if Humphrey was getting the answers to the questions in his mind. He also wondered if the Slayer was still wandering around Maple Grove somewhere.

"All right." Despite the annoyance of how slowly the information was coming, Vicki made a supreme effort not to lose her temper with him, letting her teeth grind for a moment before she spoke again. "Jason was injured when he arrived, I assume you helped sort him out before the paramedics arrived. He's been taken to the hospital, possibly with Miranda's daughter in tow." She drew the towel over his hands, drying his skin as she held his gaze. "Where does Lei come into this" I haven't seen her since before we were married."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," he told her, somewhat annoyed at both himself and the situation. "Unless....Unless Miranda called her for help, but why would Miranda call a Slayer for help with a bunch of hitmen?" Jon knew there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing and that piece had to be the man whose name he didn't know. "Are they still here?" he asked, lifting his head toward the ceiling. He'd heard Humphrey calling for Miranda a few minutes earlier and assumed he was questioning her at this very moment.

"If by "they" you mean Miranda and Humphrey, then yes," Vicki told him through her frown. "He's giving her the third degree as we speak." At a loss for anything else to say or do, she shook her head, wetting a towel under the hot tap to wipe the dried streaks of blood he'd missed from his skin. "I'm willing to bet the t-shirt is a write off, or you'd have put it back on."

"I don't care about the shirt," he said, hardly giving it a glance. He'd handled himself well through it all while he'd been needed, but now that the danger was over, he found himself stifling a shudder at all the blood, remembering another time he'd seen that much blood. "I need to take a shower," he told her. Their questions could wait; Humphrey would find out the answers and pass them along soon enough.

She paused, feeling him tense under her touch, blue eyes turning to his face in loving concern. "Hey," she murmured softly, raising a hand to draw his eyes back to hers, away from the bloodied material. "You're fine. From what I've heard, everyone who needs to be fine is fine. And you helped." Her arms smoothed around his waist, hands gentle as she stroked his back. "Everything else is just a memory that doesn't have any bearing on the here and now."

He nodded his head, knowing she was right. "I know. I'm okay. I just....What am I supposed to tell Des?" he asked, not realizing it wasn't his sole responsibility to take care of everyone. Humphrey would mostly likely call Des, since he was the one taking care in getting to the bottom of what had happened. "I'm just an actor, Vicki. I don't want to get dragged into all that cloak and dagger again."

"You don't have to be pulled in," she pointed out gently. As much as she'd just had one hell of a scare, Vicki was good at bouncing back when Jon needed her to be calm and in control, priding herself on her ability to talk him out of some of his moods. "This is Des' situation. You know that, you've known that since before you knew he was involved. This Jason person is Des' friend or colleague, and they'll be able to sort it all out. You don't have to do more than ask your brother in passing how his friend is. And for your information, you're not just anything. Don't make me get stern on you again." Despite the threat, her eyes had warmed as she spoke, teasing him affectionately with that threat.

Cosmo barked, as if to echo Vicki's reprimand and stick his two cents in. "Yeah, but Des and Bethany and Miranda are family. I have to do something," he insisted, needing to at least feel useful, even if he wasn't. Even if all he did was offer his support to his brother, he needed to be there for his family, like he wasn't for so long before. Before what? He couldn't even remember before. "God, what the hell is wrong with me" I think I need a vacation again."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:31 EST
"No, you don't have to do anything," Vicki told him firmly. "Just because you're family, it doesn't mean you have to go rushing off and throwing yourself in at the deep end. Sometimes all you can do is be there, just in case someone needs to talk, or someone needs a place to stay. Family doesn't mean rushing in with guns blazing, Jon. You can't solve this." She drew him down, gently brushing her lips to his, trying to calm him down a little. "I think you need to read the script that arrived today," she told him matter-of-factly, employing distraction finally, since common sense wasn't working. "And bear in mind that Mataya got the same one this morning herself."

They'd been over this before - after his trip back from her past, when he'd felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for her mother's death. He wasn't sure why he always felt the need to do something, that he wasn't doing enough, that he was only an actor and no one of any great consequence. He wasn't a hero, at least not in his own mind. He was only himself. He nodded again, knowing she was right. He returned her kiss, which did more to soothe him than any drug. "What script?" he asked, as she piqued his interest, and skillfully changed the subject, distracting him from his sour thoughts. He furrowed his brows at the mention of his best friend. "'Tay got a script' She doesn't do movies anymore."

"You know, that's what she kept saying over and over," his wife chuckled, smoothing her hands from his back to twine her fingers with his own. It was time to get him back upstairs, to where things were a little more normal and not so ....bloodied. "Seriously, the woman flounced into my office this morning, threw a script down on the desk, and demanded to know if you were gonna do it, because if you're not, neither is she. You could be in for an argument if you say no, though - she seems really excited about whatever it is. Apparently the cover letter states that it was written with both of you in mind."

Jon arched a brow. It seemed his wife had once again managed to distract and derail him from his upset over the attack on his family and the aftermath with talk of a new movie offer that included his oldest and closest friend. "You're kidding me, right' Mataya is thinking about doing a movie?" he asked, sounding pretty skeptical.

"I kid you not," Vicki informed him with a grin, drawing him out of the washroom and back toward the stairs that led up toward house proper, Cosmo loping along ahead of them in his hyperactive way. "She seemed pretty excited about it, really. I assumed it was a good script, but if you haven't checked the post yet today, then I suppose I'm just going to have to hover over you annoyingly until you at least skim the thing, aren't I?"

His fingers twined with hers as she led him out of the basement. He didn't much like being underground, even if it was only the basement beneath the big house at Maple Grove. Being underground made him feel claustrophobic and, though he didn't consciously realize it, triggered memories of the catacombs beneath the city. He was even chuckling in his usual good-natured way at her teasing. "You're going to hover over me until I skim an entire movie script' That could take all night."

"Well, it's hover over you trying not to be distracting, or read it to you until you give in and call Mataya for her opinion," Vicki laughed over her shoulder at him. Like Jon, she'd developed a dislike of basements in general, though her discomfort with being underground went straight back to being strapped onto a table by an insane ghoul. She breathed more easily when they reached the ground floor, walking through the shafts of afternoon sunlight that pierced the windows. "What can I say' I've been wanting to ask you about it all bloody day!"

He snorted another chuckle. She obviously hadn't looked at herself in a mirror lately. Yes, he'd noticed the slinky dress that hugged her curves and the sexy heels on her feet. "As if you're not distracting enough already," he mumbled, mostly to himself as she led him up the stairs to the ground floor and the very welcome shafts of sunlight. "Okay, tell you what....I'll look at it over dinner. Deal?" His entire mood seemed to lighten as they left the basement behind, no more fond of dark, damp spaces than she was and for mostly the same reasons. There were too many bad memories there, things that still haunted their dreams.

She sighed exaggeratedly, raising his hand until his arm was draped over her shoulders as they began to mount the stairs up to the next floor, steadfastly ignoring the intriguing burble of voices still making themselves known from Humphrey's study. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to make do with that," she conceded with teasingly bad grace. "So long as you think of some way to make it up to me. A girl can't spend all day in anticipation and then be let down without something to make it all worth it."

"Mmm..." He pursed his lips, appearing thoughtful for a moment as if he had to think it over. "You could wash my back," he started, his lips curling in amusement. "And I could wash your front." Of course, that all depended on what Emily had in mind. He did his best to ignore the muffled voice coming from Humphrey's study, not because he didn't care, but because it was really none of their business.

Vicki's mind seemed to be moving along the same lines as his. "Well, now, that all really depends on what time Emily went down, doesn't it?" she mused, rubbing her cheek against his bare shoulder affectionately. "Because if Daddy was a soft touch and didn't enforce nap-time, we've got about another hour and a half, but if he did do naps on time, she'll be awake any minute. So I suppose the question there is ..." She lifted her eyes to his, grinning impishly. "Just how under the thumb have you been all day?"

"Oh, I think we may have a little leeway before Little Miss Spoiled starts screaming for attention," he replied with a smirk. They both knew he was a softie when it came to Emily, and since he was on break between filming and the theater, he was playing Mr. Mom and could afford to be a little more lenient.

She laughed out loud at the not-quite-confession of guilt, rolling her eyes up at him as she turned from the stairs toward the privacy of their own door, glad to have him distracted from the unpleasant events downstairs, even if it was only for a little while. "You're such a soft touch," she grinned up at her husband, turning to walk backwards, drawing him after her with gentle hands at his hips. "She's going to be a nightmare when she starts playing you."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:32 EST
"She can't be any worse than her mother," he pointed out, reminding her of his travels through her past. He'd witnessed firsthand her best and worst moments - the key moments in her life, Dom had called them. He was smiling now, enjoying teasing her and feeling calmer now that she was there with him. There was an old saying that behind every successful man was a smart, supportive woman and while that wasn't true for every man, it was certainly true for Jon.

"If we can get her from two to four without her dissolving into just growling for a full year, we'll have out-done my dad," Vicki snorted cheerfully, drawing a single fingertip from the waist of his jeans to beneath his chin. "You know, I have the strangest feeling that I've missed something," she added teasingly, sweeping the pad of her thumb back and forth over his chin. "Something that happens everyday that just hasn't happened yet today, I can't quite put my finger on it."

Jon smiled, knowing his cheeky wife well enough to know what she was referring to, and it wasn't a cup of tea. "Hm, what could it be? I know! You haven't been spit up on yet!" he teased, knowing fully well that was not what she was trying to get at, but unable to resist teasing her a little. He settled his hands against the curve of her hips, his fingers bunching in the clingy fabric of her dress as he leaned in to brush a kiss against the side of her neck.

"What, the good morning vomit wasn't enough?" she laughed back at him, knowing he could follow her line of thought even if she tried to be subtle about it. Drawn close, her lips softened in anticipation of a kiss that bypassed her mouth altogether to tease against the ticklish line of her throat. Laughing softly, she curled her arms around his neck, nipping tenderly at his earlobe. "Missed you today."

"I missed you, too," he admitted, stepping backwards to draw her toward their door and the privacy of their suite of rooms. It might seem silly to some couples, but he really did miss her whenever they were apart, even if it was only for a few hours while one or the other was at work. Some say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but in their case, the opposite was true. The longer they were together, the deeper they seemed to fall in love.

She brushed a fond kiss against his jaw as he drew back, moving with him past the threshold of their rooms. As one hand fell to flail behind herself, fingertips catching the edge of the door to push it firmly closed, she smiled tenderly up at her husband. "But at least I'm not a bitch from hell anymore, right?" Because she had definitely been going that way before Mataya had lifted her ban on Vicki entering the Shanachie once again.

No matter what she thought of herself or how much she criticized herself, he was always there to disagree and prove her wrong. "You've never been a bitch, Vicki. Even when you were pregnant and hormonal. You are perfect." Perhaps he saw her through rose-colored glasses, but they had been together long enough to see each other's good and bad sides, and he still knew there was no one else he'd rather spend his life with than her.

"Perfect, huh?" Her grin was back to its familiar, affectionate curve as she reached up to cradle his face between her hands, drawing him down into one of those languid, tender kisses she'd perfected on him over the two years they'd been together. "You're just full of compliments today, aren't you?" Nuzzling tenderly to him, she let her hands smooth down over his bare chest, making no attempt to hide how much she enjoyed the feeling of him beneath her palms. "I think a shower was mentioned," she murmured impishly. "So I taking off my shoes, or are you, stud muffin?"

"Would you like me to?" he asked, as his arms reached around her to unzip her dress. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with a little afternoon delight - or anytime delight really - so long as Emily was snoozing happily. Cosmo had disappeared and gone quiet, which more than likely meant the collie was standing guard near his puppy until she awoke.

Vicki chuckled, her back arching as he drew the zipper down from between her shoulder-blades, pressing closer into him with fond affection. "You're the one with the foot fetish," she teased him. Ever since he'd let it slip that he found the sight of her taking her shoes off sexy, she'd taken every opportunity to tease him about it, trying to get her husband to admit just what it was he found quite so enticing about either her bare feet or her empty shoes.

His lips grazed the line of her neck as his fingers nudged the dress from her shoulders, a low appreciate murmur at his lips. "Mm, guilty as charged," he admitted, brooking no argument. There was just something sexy about a woman's bare feet, but then, there was little about Vicki that Jon didn't find sexy. She had seduced him from that very first encounter in his trailer when she'd gathered enough courage to ask him on their first date.

She was always reluctant to let go, even to let him slide her clothes from her body, and this time was no different. Vicki loved the feel of Jon under her hands, almost more than she loved the feel of his hands on her. Rolling her shoulders, she sighed softly under his appreciative attention, dropping her hands just long enough that the dress she'd chosen for work had a chance to give into gravity and drop around her feet. "And what should I sentence you with, I wonder?" she murmured playfully, nipping his shoulder before easing back. If she let this go on too long, the shower wouldn't happen, and that was what he'd said he needed before she'd started her campaign to make him feel better.

"You can punish me later," he murmured against her skin as his lips followed the line of her neck down along a bare shoulder, before drawing back and taking hold of her hands to lead her away from the door and toward their bed, the shower forgotten for the foreseeable future in lieu of a more pressing need. She was still far too dressed for him, though she posed a pretty picture in just her lingerie and heels.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:33 EST
Vicki couldn't help smiling at how serious he'd become as he stripped her of her dress, following along with a gentle sway in her step thanks to the heels she had yet to take off. "Oh, the possibilities," she laughed softly, letting her fingers flex within the curl of his, glad that Emily was old enough now to sleep in a different room. They weren't going to disturb her nap-time by enjoying each other. This was certainly one way to be welcomed home from work.

It was only fair, since she had welcomed him home that same way many times before. "Have you been picking up tips from the Fifty Shades ....movies?" he asked, with a smirk as he came to a halt not far from their bed, far enough away from the baby that they wouldn't disturb her sleep, but close enough that they'd hear her if she woke up. He lowered himself onto his knees, his hands sliding down along her body, lips leaving a slow trail of kisses against her stomach, which - as far as he could tell - had returned to its pre-pregnancy state. His arms went around her hips to grab hold of her bottom and pull her close as lips and tongue traced tender kisses against her bare skin.

The question made her laugh, not entirely understanding the inference and, to be honest, a little too distracted by the enticing play of lips and hands over her skin. "What?" Copper hair spilled forward over her shoulders as she looked down at him, swaying into the lean of him where he knelt before her under the wrap of his arms about her, fingers playing in and out of his hair. A quiet moan rippled from her throat as she gazed down at him, rising higher onto her toes as he teased her. "You lost me."

"Never mind," he murmured. "Not important." Certainly not as important as making love to his wife. His hands trailed upwards, but instead of unclasping her bra and removing it completely, he tugged the fabric downwards, the curve of her breasts spilling into the cup of his hands, while his lips moved lower, leaving a soft trail of kisses against the lace of her panties, lower and dangerously lower, feeling the heat of her beneath his lips, setting his own body on fire.

"Jon ..." Her voice was a soft whine of pleasure as he turned his focus up another few notches, a little surprised by the half-job he was making of her underwear, but more than a little aroused by it. Somehow, Jon always managed to do something unexpected that shocked her entirely onto him, narrowing her thoughts and feelings until he was all she could comprehend. Her fingers smoothed over his shoulder, up into his hair, to grip and tug gently as she shuddered under his touch.

He didn't stop there, of course, nor did he waste any time. If there was one thing that could distract him from his troubled thoughts, it was making love to his wife, and it was something he looked forward to doing as often as possible. Now that Emily was old enough to sleep a few hours between feedings, Vicki's needs were definitely not neglected. In fact, if they weren't careful, she was going to find herself in a family way again soon enough, the way they were going. He played her body skillfully, knowing every inch of her and yet always managing to surprise her and be surprised. Tender kisses and caresses stoked the fire in her before he'd even stripped her of the last lacy vestiges of lingerie that were the only barrier between them.

It wasn't just Vicki's needs that were being tended to whenever they had time to enjoy one another. She was virtually impossible to hold still unless he asserted himself, rising to meet his warmth, his desire, with her own, curling her arms around him as her knees began to buckle under his insistent tenderness. His name was a quiet plea on her lips as she tugged at his hair, falling back onto the bed when the strength in her limbs gave out, rising to a cresting peak she couldn't deny herself at Jon's hands. And even then, she didn't pause, reaching to draw him to her as she grinned up at him. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were getting better at that."

"Practice makes perfect," he replied with a smile as he moved over her, fingers nudging the purple panties from her hips at last and down her long legs, past ankles, and over those shoes that made her look like sex on two legs. He left the heels and the bra where they were, finding her oddly more captivating in that state of rumpled half-undress. He tossed her panties carelessly over his shoulder before covering her with his body again, growling against her ear and murmuring a whisper: "I want you."

"Oh, I'll never deny you chances to keep practicing," she promised him through her tender grin, her hands smoothing over his back as he leaned over her, arching up in a very physical welcome to the intimacy she so loved to share with her husband. The growl made her shudder, her grip on him tightening as she moaned in answer. "Get on with it, then," Vicki purred into Jon's ear, tugging on his earlobe with her teeth as she drew her hands down his back, forcing a little space between them to get his jeans off him before things got too urgent to handle.

Somehow he managed to get his jeans off without too much trouble, followed by his shorts, and at her urging, did as she asked. No more time wasted, taking advantage of every last minute of freedom that Emily allowed. He filled her with himself, coming together as one, moving together in the familiar dance of passion shared between two lovers. Together they climbed the slope of passion, cresting the summit, and plummeting over edge amid a tangle of arms and legs and a cadence of whispered moans and entreaties, until at last the fire mellowed and they settled into a lazy embrace, breathless and completely satiated.

A last wriggle to toss the bra over the side of the bed, and Vicki relaxed into Jon's arms, ignoring the thuds as her heels finally fell off her feet to hit the floor hard. Her lips nuzzled fondly at his chest as she smiled contentedly, lifting her head to transfer that tenderness to his lips. "I love my husband," she murmured dreamily to him, reluctant once more to release him from their tangle of limbs, at least for a little while longer.

"He loves you, too," Jon murmured back, almost as sleepily, though it was nowhere near time for bed yet. The days of lounging in bed for hours on end were mostly over now that they had a small child who was solely dependent on them for all her needs. It made these quiet moments between them both rare and precious, to be cherished and taken advantage of whenever they presented themselves. He returned her kiss with equal fondness before rolling onto his back so he would not risk crushing her. His fingers brushed her cheek as he pushed her hair away from her face. "I must be the happiest, luckiest man in all of Rhy'Din."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-08-05 10:33 EST
She grinned, tucking herself close as he lolled with her in that sweet aftermath. They had to take these lazy moments where they could get them these days, but that only made such moments more enjoyable. "I don't know what that makes me, because I'm pretty much off the scale of happy and lucky. Also contented, sated, and all round phantasmagorical." She chuckled, brushing her lips against his skin. "And you have a script to read over before your best friend explodes with excitement."

He laughed and tapped the end of her nose playfully. "That is not even a real word!" he pointed out, blue eyes shining with amusement and happiness, despite the drama in the basement a short time earlier. If anyone had a way of making Jon forget his troubles, it was his Vicki. He sighed contentedly at the touch of her lips against his skin. "Doesn't matter if I read it or not. You know I can't tell 'Taya no."

"It is a word!" Laughing, Vicki wriggled against Jon, vaguely indignant that he was questioning her grasp of the language, but mostly pleased to see him relaxing and smiling once again. Crawling up to lean over him, she gently touched the tip of her nose to his. "I think you and she need to talk it over before either of you make a decision," she told him. "But I did get a chance to read the cover letter. It's a two-week shoot, with an independent director who has somehow got big studio backing. In Vancouver. And it's after Shakespeare."

Jon arched a brow up at his wife, wondering if she and Mataya were scheming together to convince him to do this movie, when he'd just finished filming the Fifty Shades... sequel, and more importantly, why. The fact that Mataya was even considering the project spoke volumes to Jon that it must be well worth looking at. "Why do I get the feeling I'm being set up?" he asked suspiciously, trying to hide the smirk of amusement at that thought.

His darling wife made no attempt at all to hide her smirk as she looked down at him, combing her fingers through his curls with her familiarly tender affection. "Well, that could have something to do with the fact that she told me about it first," she snickered softly. "Or it could have something to do with the fact that I think Mataya's got something she really wants to tell someone, and this movie just happens to give her the perfect excuse to corner you and make you the first recipient of her other news." She winked at him, refusing to give out anything else. But she knew Jon; that should be enough to whet his appetite.

"Other news?" Jon asked, furrowing his brows. What other news" His mind was suddenly a-whirl with possibilities. Was she leaving Rhy'Din" Had she decided to go back to Broadway' Had she had enough of theater and wanted to focus her career on films and was hoping he'd join her" There was no telling what was going through Mataya's mind, and he'd have no way of knowing until he talked to her. "Has she told you?" he pried further, his curiosity duly whetted.

"Nope, she's told me exactly nothing," Vicki snickered cheerfully. "But if it's what I think it is, I really don't want to spoil that moment for either of you. So my lips are sealed, Mr Granger." She nipped at his lips fondly, nuzzling close. "Didn't you say something about a shower?"

It had to be something about her career; it couldn't possibly be personal, could it' Jon appeared thoughtful a moment as he tried to puzzle it out, like he was a million miles away. Her kiss pulled his wandering mind back to the present as he returned her kiss almost absentmindedly. "You don't think she's closing the theater, do you?"

His favorite redhead actually laughed out loud at that worry. He should have known better than to jump straight to the worst conclusion - if Mataya De Luca was going to close the Shanachie Theater, she wouldn't have handed him a schedule of productions that lasted until the new year of 2015. "Why the hell would she do that?" she asked laughingly, rolling to his side to sit up and stretch. "She loves that theater, silly man."

Whatever it was, it seemed it was a good thing, not a bad one, so he assumed it was professional and not personal, but maybe he was wrong. He looked up at her as she sat up and stretched, admiring the view, though from the look on his face, he was still puzzling over Mataya. Maybe it was personal. There was only one thing he could think of that would have Mataya that excited - other than an Oscar nomination. "Are they adopting?"

"Didn't they already do that with Juno?" It was a little unfair, answering a question with a question, but Vicki's suspicion was just that - a suspicion. Besides, she didn't want to ruin the moment for Mataya if she was right. Her fingers tickled at Jon's side. "C'mon, stud muffin, let's get that shower in before Little Miss Spoiled wakes up."

"Yes, but..." Jon's contemplation over Mataya's news was sidetracked as Vicki reminded him that their free time was running out. Emily wouldn't remain napping forever and though she was adorable, once she was awake, she was a little demanding. He smiled as she tickled at his sides and pulled him back out of his thoughts. He hadn't lied when he'd told her he was the happiest, luckiest man in Rhy'Din. Ever since he'd met Vicki, he had felt like just that, and nothing - no problem however great or small - could ever change his mind. They were simply made for each other.

((Thrumdiddly thankipoodle pies to Jon's player!))