Topic: And One Makes Four

Dominic Granger

Date: 2016-04-18 16:22 EST
As promised, the campfire storytelling didn't go on too late into the night. There were simply too many small children in the group who had to be up for school the next morning for it to go on too long into the night, and Elle was just as glad. While she enjoyed spending time with the other families at Maple Grove - people who had come to be her friends - she also cherished the quiet time spent with Dom and Daisy, and especially those rare moments she had alone with her new husband when Daisy was fast asleep in her own bed. Tonight was one such night, as she had been eager to share some news with him all day, but had not been able to get him alone until all was at last quiet both at Maple Grove and Wisteria Cottage, where she lived with her husband and daughter.

Nervous as she was, she had spent an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom, brushing her teeth, combing her hair, and examining her shape in the mirror, all behind a closed door so that Dom could not see what she was doing.

"You know," Dom commented teasingly from where he was already in bed, hands cupped behind his head as he lay beneath the covers, ankles crossed comfortably, "you can scrub all you like, your teeth are not going to suddenly turn into diamonds." He could tell she was nervous, but he wasn't going to push her. He knew his Elle - she'd tell him, eventually.

"If my teeth turned into diamonds, I would be tempted to pull them and sell them for profit or have them made into jewelry," she called back from the bathroom, turning this way and that as she examined her own profile. Whatever it was she was doing in there, it sounded like she was finished brushing her teeth anyway. At last, she flicked off the bathroom light and stepped into the bedroom, wearing a modest but pretty silk black and white nightdress, cut about mid-thigh.

Dom's smile softened as she came into view, the appreciative gleam in his eye all for her. He was, of course, only in his boxers - unless it was below freezing outside, it was rare for Dom to wear anything more in bed. "Everything all right, sweetling?" he asked her gently, a little concerned but not too worried, on the whole.

"Yes, fine," she replied a little too hastily, as she shrugged the robe from her shoulders and dropped it over a chair before climbing under the covers beside him, though it wasn't really cold in the room. She curled up close, resting her head upon his shoulder and a hand upon his heart. "You were quite popular with the younger set earlier," she said, though this wasn't at the heart of what was bothering her.

He raised a brow at her hasty reply, raising his arm easily to wrap it about her shoulders as she settled against him. His lips brushed her forehead with tender affection as she spoke. "A good story can get anyone's attention," he smiled, deflecting the praise adroitly. "And the stories from Yasuo are good stories. I hope it helped, anyway. I may have told Matt a little bit too much about the dojos up there for his mother's peace of mind."

"He's young and hasn't been in Rhy'Din very long. He's eager for adventure, like all young people his age. Wasn't that why you became an anthropologist in the first place?" she asked, looking up at him with absolute adoration in her eyes from where she rested her head against his shoulder.

"Me?" He looked down at her, his own adoration for her evident in his smiling eyes as their gazes met. "I liked stories," he admitted. "We all did, the girls and me, but we all took something different from them. For me, it was always about the people who made the stories. I wanted to know the context, the society that created these myths and legends. I kind of fell into anthropology - I was supposed to be majoring in English Literature, got lost, and ended up in an Anthropology lecture instead. I just switched majors."

"Oh, goodness'd have been bored silly with Literature," she said, turning to face him, resting her arms against his chest as she looked down into his face. "Perhaps I should go back to school, just so I can join one of your lectures and become your pet pupil," she teased.

He chuckled, resting back as she leaned over him, his hands finding their familiarly possessive place at her waist. "Planning on seducing the professor, are you, darling?" he asked her just as teasingly. "I could just as easily give you a private lecture here and now, you know."

"Oh, but I don't want stories and lessons from you, Professor. I want something far more personal," she teased, smiling playfully and batting her lashes coquettishly at him. "Pray tell, what would the lesson be about?" she asked, as she drew lazy circles against his bare chest with a fingernail.

Laughing, Dom caught her hands, rolling to pin her gently beneath himself as his lips teased against her throat. "How about the sexual politics of the Faruinen people of Artrexis Four?" he suggested, quite deliberately waiting until she was relaxed before blowing a loud raspberry right against the hollow of her throat.

She echoed his laughter, her breath catching in her throat as she felt his lips teasing her throat. "Sex and politics should never be mentioned in the same sentence, darling," she said, very nearly seduced by his ministrations until he ruined the mood by blowing that raspberry, and she pulled her hands away to smack his arm. "You ass!" she accused, shoving him off and rolling away with her back toward him, as if she was angry. "Just for that, you can go to sleep without getting laid."

"Ow!" Laughing, Dom let her wriggle away, curling himself close against her back as his arms wrapped about her. "I don't need to get laid to know I'm the luckiest, happiest guy in the world," he murmured against her ear. "Even if the woman I love isn't talking to me, I know she still loves me. And I love her."

She sighed, as he wrapped his arms around her and she covered his hands with her own. "I have never been able to stay angry with you for long," she admitted in a quiet voice. Even when she'd first met him, she'd been charmed by the man she was supposed to be robbing.

"Hence being a very lucky man." He smiled, kissing her shoulder softly as his hand warmed her midriff. "What's wrong, Belle?" he asked her gently. "You've been on edge all day. Can I help?"

She was silent a moment, her hand rubbing his at her waist, wondering if he suspected at all that the reason for her restlessness and worry was just beneath his fingers. "Nothing is wrong, darling. I just have a bit of news, and I'm not sure how you'll take it."

He nuzzled gently against the curve of her neck, drawing her closer into his arms as he breathed her in. He had been alone for a very long time before Elle had burst into his world, bringing with her love and light and a reason to wake up smiling once again. Just knowing that his ring rested on her finger, that she had agreed to be his wife, was more than enough to delight him every time he thought about it. His fingers spread where his palm lay over her womb, lips gently kissing her jaw affectionately. "I'm the one who empties the trash in the bathroom, sweetling," he murmured to her gently, hoping she'd catch the hint.

She drew comfort from his embrace, from his touch, his kisses, even from the timber of his voice, no matter what he was saying. It only took a moment for her to realize what he was telling her, and she turned to face him, eyes bright with tears. "You already knew?" she asked, a questioning look on her face. She wasn't sure why that should surprise her; after all, he'd always been one step ahead of her, even when she'd first met him.

Dominic Granger

Date: 2016-04-18 16:23 EST
He eased back, letting her twist about and see his gentle smile. His hand rose from her middle, tenderly stroking her hair from her face as he kissed her. "I was waiting for you to tell me," he said quietly. "I didn't want to spoil the surprise, but've been so tense all day. It didn't seem fair to make you break the news when you're so worried about how I'm going to react." He leaned close, kissing her once again. "I love you, and I love our daughter. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that you and I and she all get to enjoy the fourth member of our family, together."

She found tears of relief and happiness spilling over onto her cheeks as he took the burden of secrecy from her. "I was afraid you would be angry," she told him, her voice barely a whisper, though she wasn't sure why. She knew well his fears that what had happened to his first wife would happen to her, though the chances were slim. She pressed a hand against his cheek. "Everything will be fine. I promise you, love. I want this. I want to give you a child. I'm not afraid."

Perhaps it was just as well that he had seen the evidence in private, when she couldn't see the initial shock, horror, and fear track across his face. He had been able to work through those first feelings without worrying about frightening her with that reaction, able to rationalize his way through the emotions and find his balance before presenting her with this calm, happy face. "Why would I be angry, sweetling?" he asked her in a loving tone. "We talked about it, we knew it was a possibility. And I can't deny that I'm a little afraid. But I'm happy, too ....I'm happier than I thought I'd be. I cried into the trashcan for a while, I was so surprised and pleased. But I'm hiding behind you when we tell Daisy."

"You cried?" she asked in wonderment, her heart both aching for him and singing with love. "Why did you cry?" she asked, her fingers stroking his jaw. "Were they tears of happiness?" she asked, despite having heard him tell her just that.

"Happiness," he promised her, smoothing his hand down from her cheek to lay his palm over her womb. "I'm happy, and scared, and I might drive you a little nuts being over-protective, but I am happy about it. No anger, no upset. It's a good thing, I promise you."

"Oh, Dom," she whispered, nuzzling against him, burying her face in his shoulder as she lost herself to her own tears of relief and happiness. Having a child was not a new thing to Elle; she had done it once before, and despite the circumstances surrounding that birth, it had been a beautiful thing to bring a child into the world, and now she was going to do it again with this very special man who she adored with all her heart and soul.

"Hey, now ..." He wrapped her up in his arms, kissing her hair as he murmured softly soothing nonsense. Dom had to admit to a little confusion here. He'd thought he would be the one struggling with emotional issues about the prospect of a pregnancy and a baby, and yet here she was, crying on him. "No tears, sweetling. There's no need."

But these were happy tears, relieved tears, tears of a woman who had needlessly worried herself sick about his reaction to her pregnancy. "I'm sorry," she whispered, laughing at herself, even as she was crying. "I was just so worried you'd be angry."

"Oh, my darling ..." He kissed her tears away tenderly, stroking her hair with one large, gentle hand. "I'm sorry I didn't ask straightaway. I thought you wanted to tell me yourself." Another gentle kiss found its way to the tip of her nose. "I'm an idiot."

"I did want to tell you myself, but it doesn't matter," she replied, sniffling back her tears, even as he kissed them away, a soft smile on her face just for him. "You're not an idiot, Dominic," she told him, fingers caressing his cheek. "I'm an idiot for being afraid to tell you."

"You are definitely not an idiot," he promised her, smiling as she dried her tears. "I should not have made you find the right moment. If it ever happens again, I'll know better." He winked at her, knowing full well that this might be a step too far.

"Again?" she echoed, laughing. "Let's just worry about having one baby at a time, shall we?" she asked, knowing there was a good chance this might not only be their first child, but their last together. "Oh, God ....I must be out of my mind having a baby at my age. What is Daisy going to say?" Not that she was that old really, but it had been six years since she'd birthed Daisy, and it felt like a lifetime ago.

"At your age?" His brows rose in amused dismay. "Elle, how old do you think you are?" he asked laughingly. "I'm the old man in this relationship, don't you forget it. And to be honest, if Miranda and Rufus can do it, so can we." As for Daisy, well ....Dom grinned, gently prodding Elle's cheek. "You seriously think that a little miss who has been asking about babies recently is going to be anything but over the moon about having a little brother or sister?"

"Miranda didn't birth Rowan," Elle pointed out helpfully, but he had a point. She and Dom would certainly not be the oldest couple raising children at Maple Grove. She smiled, a little embarrassed at having worried about any of this. "I suppose not. She has been dropping a few hints, hasn't she?" she asked, with a slightly sheepish grin.

"Just a few," he chuckled affectionately. "And I promise you, I won't let her start thinking that I love her any less than I'll love her little brother or sister. She's as much as my daughter as yours now, and I won't let her forget that."

"I doubt she'll let you forget it. She has you wrapped around her little finger," she said, touching a kiss to his nose and nuzzling close once again, resting her head against his shoulder with a contented sigh.

"True, she does." Dom wasn't too proud to admit that he was absolutely under the thumb of both the women in his life. And to his surprise, he found that he wouldn't mind if those two thumbs became three. He truly didn't mind whether they had a boy or a girl, just so long as Elle came through it safely. "Should I start playing dress up with her again, do you think, or was the trip to the cinema in the princess dress enough?"

Elle laughed. "You do not need to please her that much!" she said. "Really, Dom ....She adores you, but don't spoil her too much. She needs limits, like any other child." It was usually Elle who put her foot down with Daisy these days, though the necessity to discipline her was rare.

"I know," he assured her. "I'm settling into it, slowly. I just ....I think a part of me is afraid to discipline her, or to disappoint her with limits. Afraid that you'll decide I'm not such a good idea after all."

"What?" Elle exclaimed, picking her head up off his shoulder to take a better look at him. "What do you mean' I'd never think that, Dominic," she scolded him mildly, turning to face him again. "Darling, I love you. They are not just words. I know it will take time for you to feel comfortable with ....being a father, but believe me, you will not harm your relationship with Daisy by telling her no when she needs to hear no, and I will certainly not change my mind about you."

"I didn't mean that you would," he rushed to make himself clearer. "And it is only a part of me that's afraid of being stricter. I'm still learning how to be a Dad, and it's scary, saying no to a small girl who can break my heart with even crocodile tears. Maybe I should go and take lessons from Des."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2016-04-18 16:24 EST
Elle smirked, unable to refrain from commenting on Desmond's parenting skills. "Darling, he doesn't say no enough either, but Piper says he's getting better. Besides, you don't need to take lessons. You already know how to do this. You just have to go with your guts. If you really want to go to the cinema dressed in drag, feel free, but it wouldn't break Daisy's heart if you said no. Besides, there's no reason you couldn't dress up as a pirate or a prince instead, is there?" she added with an affectionate and knowing smile. After all, she knew her daughter best.

"What, you don't think the Cinderella look suited me?" he chuckled, rolling onto his back and taking her with him. "Should I have curled my hair, or worn a wig, too?" His hands smoothed down her back, warm and loving. "I love you, you know. And now I can admit something I've been keeping under my hat." His eyes twinkled as he looked up at her.

"Sweetheart, you are the most dashing man I have ever met, but you looked more like one of Cinderella's ugly step sisters than Cinderella," she teased, brooking no argument as he pulled her close. "Are you sure you don't mean under your shorts" Because I'm pretty sure someone's feeling a little spunky tonight."

"Bit of both," he laughed, patting her rear end. He glanced both ways teasingly, lowering his voice as though there were other ears to hear, and confided, "I find pregnant women very sexy. Shhh, that's a secret."

She blinked at him, having expected something a little more, well, secretive, before echoing his laughter. "I'm not even showing yet," she told him. If he hadn't found the tell-tale pregnancy test or she hadn't told him, he wouldn't have even known. "I'm not so far along that we can't still practice," she added, waggling her brows at him.

"Mm, are you offering to recreate the moment of conception, Mrs. Granger?" he asked teasingly, tempted to flip her onto her back once again but restraining himself for once. "Just to make sure I know how it was done?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you know how it was done, but I wouldn't mind recreating the moment of conception, just for, you know, posterity's sake," she told him, grinning down at him. "And please don't treat me with kid gloves just because I'm pregnant. I'm not made of glass, Dom. I won't break if you look at me the wrong way."

"What, not even if I look at you like this?" Wiping his grin from his face, he then proceeded to produce the most gruesome funny face he could possibly muster up, his face so contorted that he couldn't actually see her reaction to it.

She laughed again, touching his face to smooth out the contorted expression. "Okay, maybe if you look at me that way," she admitted. "You know what I mean. I'll be fine, and if I'm not, believe me, you'll be the first one to know."

Chuckling, he let his face relax. "All right, I'll try not to treat you with kid gloves," he promised. "But you need to tell me how you're feeling. I'm more likely to turn into the worrying old man from hell if I don't know what?s going on." At least he had accepted that the next few months were going to be hell on his nerves, and that would affect his behavior. He was just trying to lay the groundwork to help her handle him now.

"It will be hard to hide morning sickness," she told him with a smile, though she was not really looking forward to that part of her pregnancy. Three months of getting nauseous at the smell of cooking meat was a small price to pay for having a baby, she thought. "Right now, I'm feeling fine. I have a doctor's appointment in a few weeks, and we'll know more then. So for now, no worries, okay' Just try to be happy," she said, as she pushed his lips upwards into a smile.

The smile she got was a rictus until he laughed again, batting her hands away to roll her gently over onto her back. "I am happy," he told her once again, punctuating his insistence with kisses that slowly began to travel downward. "Very happy. And you, my darling, are going to learn about all the things this tongue can do."

She laughed as he rolled her onto her back, eager for his attention, whether she was pregnant or not. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I already know what that tongue can do, but you're perfectly welcome to remind me," she said, her breath catching in her throat as he made good on his threat - or was it a promise" Whatever it was Dominic Granger wanted to do with her, she was putty in his hands.

"You'd be amazed," he chuckled teasingly, pausing as he reached her midriff. Gentle hands raised her nightie to let his lips brush a soft kiss over her womb. "And you can shut your eyes and put your fingers in your ears," he told their unborn child. "I want your mom all to myself tonight, okay?"

Elle giggled at the scolding Dom was giving their unborn child. "Darling, I don't think he has fingers yet," she said. Why she'd chosen to use the male pronoun she wasn't quite sure, but she couldn't bear to call their unborn child an "it". Her fingers found their way into his hair, gently combing her fingers through it for the time being.

"Shush, I'm being strict," he teased her fondly, pressing another kiss to her belly before heading south. And that tongue" Well, it could tell a good story, or be disarming honest, but when it came to bedroom antics, it was beginning to become very clear that flexibility and stamina had all sort of applications to benefit the woman he loved.

Elle knew from experience that this was only the warm-up. She was perfectly happy to let Dom take whatever liberties he wanted, but tit for tat, she'd repay his attention with some of her own before long. She had once thought she'd loved Jimmy, but what she'd felt for Daisy's father was nothing compared to how she felt about Dom. She might have warned him that he was in danger of spoiling Daisy, but in truth, he was far more in danger of spoiling Elle.

He was thorough, he was enthusiastic, he was gentle, but above all, he was loving. It wasn't only that he wanted to show Elle how much she meant to him, in every possible way, but that he needed to. He had learned from the mistakes of his past. Elle would never doubt the depth of his feeling for her, and this little display was only a small reminder of the way he showed her his heart every single day.

She had never doubted his love, not for a single instant. How could she when he had made his feelings so clear right from the start and when he kept proving it again and again? Whether he was spending time with Daisy or making love to Elle, there was no doubt in Elle's mind that he loved her. She only hoped she could be worthy of his love and continue to make him happy, not only today, but for the rest of their lives.