Topic: Closer

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:11 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

March 16th, 2014

The new day dawned, spreading its light through a window to illuminate the sleeping faces of two young lovers, side by side on the pillow, as close as they could possibly be, even in sleep. There was no sign of the nerves that had touched them when they had retired to bed in the languid curl of their limbs, or the gentle peace in their faces. And this time, there would be no hangover to contend with, either.

Josh was the first to awaken this time around, the first rays of morning tugging him gently from sleep. He'd forgotten at first that he wasn't alone, but as soon as he pried his eyes open and saw the lovely face beside him, peacefully asleep, and felt the warm press of her body so close, he remembered with a smile that she'd asked to stay the night. Though nothing had happened between them other than a few shared kisses and whispered words of love, he felt a deep sense of peace and contentment, just knowing she was there beside him.

Dru was not far behind him in stirring, though she seemed to want to cling to sleep a while longer, refusing to open her eyes as she nestled closer into his arms. Her body pressed snugly to his beneath the blankets, one leg curling absently about his hip as she sighed softly, a quietly girlish sound of contentment slipping from between her lips.

He said nothing, letting her sleep as long as she wanted, content to watch her quietly, study her in the stillness of the morning, taking note of the way she curled herself around him and sighed contentedly, the way her lashes brushed against her cheeks, and the softness of her lips.

Very slowly, she seemed to give in to the inevitable, her eyes blinking open with reluctant laziness to meet his gaze with a small, tender smile. "Good morning," she murmured, her voice just a little rough with sleep, moments before the sweeping blush on her cheeks betrayed that she had noticed how close they were.

Close enough that he could feel the warmth of her body radiating against his and the softness of her skin, but not so close that he had touched her in any way other than to hold her close and keep her safe in his arms. "Morning," he replied with a welcoming smile, reaching up to brush some hair back from her face. "Sleep well?" he asked, trying hard to avoid the awkwardness of the night before.

"Mmm, very well." Her smile deepened as he brushed her hair from her face, aware that unless she'd been very still all night, she likely looked as though a bird had nested on her head overnight. "No nightmares. I told you it was you." A flicker of triumph crossed her face as she gently poked his side, proven right in her assumption that he had kept her nightmares away, not the alcohol from their previous night together.

"Take one Josh and call me in the morning," he quipped, not so sure that he was the remedy for her nightmares, though he couldn't deny that she had yet to have one while she was with him. "I'm better than a sleeping pill," he teased, brushing his fingers against her cheek. He didn't really care whether her hair looked like a bird's nest or not. To him, she was just as lovely as ever.

She giggled, unable to let that quip go by without pointing something out. "But I didn't take you," she grinned impishly, that sense of awkwardness from last night somehow having dissipated now they were lying so close and obviously had been for some time. "Do you think taking you would work even better?"

"Hmm, it might, but you might not be able to handle a full dose all at once. What do you think?" he asked, a slight smirk on his face as they teased each other and danced playfully around the larger issue.

"Maybe I should take a half dose and see what happens," she countered, her smile bright and warm, surprised to find that she was not embarrassed to talk about this now, when last night every suggestion had brought her fumbling to a blushing halt.

"How do we define a half dose?" he asked, wondering where to draw that line. Though he'd had a couple of girlfriends, it had never gotten very serious, and he'd never gotten very far with them in this regard.

"I'm not sure," she mused, unable to keep herself from giggling as a silly thought occurred to her. Easing her hand from his back, she held it up between them, thumb and forefinger held about an inch apart. "Maybe if you only put it in that much once, that's half a dose."

He rolled his eyes and laughed, feeling strangely more at ease in the light of morning than he had the night before, though he wasn't sure why. "That's asking a lot. You think I have that much self-control?"

"Oh, I think you are the supreme grand master of self-control," she teased him fondly, letting her hand fall to gently stroke her fingertips against his chest. But it was a pertinent question ....what, exactly, counted as halfway' "You know, you never did tell me what third base was."

"Third base?" he echoed, nearly blushing at the thought of it and unsure how to explain it without sounding crude. Technically, they hadn't even gotten to second base yet, and she was already asking about third. Well, there was no other way to explain it without just coming out and saying it. "It's, uh....oral sex," he blurted quickly, clearing his throat nervously afterwards.

Unfortunately for him, Dru didn't quite know what that was. She frowned in confusion. "But surely talking about sex is less of a step forward than touching one another," she pointed out. At least she seemed to know what second base was, even if they hadn't gotten there yet.

"No, Dru..." he started, realizing she was even more innocent than he'd originally thought. "It's not talking about sex. It's, uh..." He gestured to his mouth for some reason as if he was hoping she could read his thoughts without him having to explain himself. How was he going to explain it' It would have been a lot easier just to show her, but he didn't dare.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:11 EST
She studied him for a moment, taking in the awkwardness, the gesture toward his mouth, and the penny dropped. "Oh, you mean a blowjob," she said with a relieved smile. "I know what one of those is. I walked in on my first nanny giving her boyfriend one when I was seven."

"Oh, thank God!" he breathed a sigh of relief, before realizing what he'd just said. "I mean....sorry, I don't know what I mean." There was that nervous tension again in the pit of his stomach again that was a mix of desire and anxiety.

She giggled at his obvious relief, but she, too, felt that strange mixture of desire and anxiety as she re-imagined that memory, with both of them taking the place of the main players. She didn't quite know what to say to ease past that moment, and on impulse, decided to embrace it. "I'd like to do that to you, if you'd let me."

That suggestion made his face flame with embarrassment and desire, though in all honestly, he wasn't sure he was ready for third base. He wasn't even sure if he was ready for second base, thinking it might be better to skip right to home or start back at first. "I, uh....I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet." The hell was he saying" It was a dream come true, but it was too one-sided. Should he offer to do the same for her" The thought of that made his face flame hotter.

Her fingers gently touched his flaming cheek, recognizing that perhaps that had been a bridge too far. Odd, how she felt ready to do such a thing to him, but had not even considered if she was ready for reciprocation. Smiling, she leaned close, kissing him once again. "What are you ready for?" she whispered, daring the flickering flare of nervous longing deep inside to let her hand twitch beneath the hem of his t-shirt.

"Actually..." he started, now that she had asked him, the flare in his face easing a little. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous about this suddenly, but he had a thought about something that might help ease the tension between them and get them past at least second base. The only problem was, he wasn't sure what she'd think of the idea, and he was a little embarrassed to suggest it. "I was thinking maybe a shower?" Together, obviously, as taking a shower separately accomplished nothing but getting clean.

She blinked, surprised by the suggestion, but not put off by it. Despite the blush that colored her cheeks, she smiled shyly, feeling her heart beating a little faster at the thought of that kind of closeness. "I ....yes," she nodded, almost ashamed of how breathless her voice sounded. "Yes, let's."

The color in his face deepened with shy excitement and desire. "Shall I, uh....start the water?" he asked uncertainly, feeling a little awkward once again.

She couldn't have explained how it was that she felt so ready for this, though perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she hadn't been exposed to so much media and imagery as he had been. She was more excited than afraid of doing as he had suggested. "Kiss me first?" she asked softly, not wanting him to feel awkward and uncomfortable. Not when they were alone.

He didn't bother to answer her with words, sliding close to touch his lips to hers in a brief but tender display of affection, his heart beating fast in his chest, those butterflies making themselves known once again. Whatever happened between them, however awkward things were, he thought they could only get better with time as they grew to know each other better.

However brief, it was perfect in Dru's eyes, a tender sharing of affection to brace them both against the nerves that were playing with them. And yet what were they really nervous about' Of seeing one another, touching one another" They had already agreed to be together for the rest of their lives; what, then, was there to be anxious of? Gently drawing away, she touched her lips to the tip of his nose gently and smiled, reluctantly releasing him to roll onto her back.

As for himself, he knew what he was nervous about. He was mostly nervous about not pleasing her, about her finding him unattractive or undesirable in some way or of doing something wrong, making some mistake and not pleasing her the way he wanted to. Though he didn't know it, these were the same worries that went through nearly every young person's mind the first time they were intimate with someone they cared for, but in time, those worries would fade as they grew in intimacy and surety of each other's needs and desires. It was all part of discovering and learning each other. He smiled back at the kiss, though he felt like he was trembling with nervousness on the inside. "I'll go first and you can join me when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay." Though some part of her would have preferred to go with him, to stay close to him, Dru seemed to recognize that perhaps he wouldn't like that closeness to continue right to the moment of stepping under the water with him. What was a good distraction for her might not be so much for him, and though she could feel her own nerves racking higher as she considered waiting until he was ready for her to join him, she wasn't going to push to stay at his side while he undressed.

He was being a little shy for a guy who had strutted his stuff on stage for the past couple of weeks, though this kind of a performance was much different than any he'd ever given previously, and he found himself shy to undress in front of her, even though she was going to see him in his full naked glory as soon as she was ready to join him. It was going to be hard to hide his feelings then, hard to hide the fact that he wanted her, hard to control the desire he felt for her. His body would speak for him and there would be no denying what it said. "Whenever you're ready," he told her, not realizing she was ready now, thinking he was doing it this way more for her sake than his own, though that was not entirely the case. He kissed the tip of her nose before rolling away and heading toward the bathroom to start the shower.

"I won't be long," she promised him in a soft voice, leaving him with a smile as he rolled away from her and moved toward the bathroom. As he stepped out of sight, she rolled to press her face into his pillow, breathing in the scent he had left behind with a tiny shiver of anticipation.

It wasn't long before the sound of water running could be heard coming from the bathroom, signaling the fact that he was already undressed and in the shower, awaiting her arrival.

And it didn't take her long to react to that sound, giving him just enough time to step under the flow of water, hoping that it would make it easier for him. Of course, she hadn't considered how shy she would feel until she stepped into the bathroom herself, her fingers twitching in the hem of the shirt she wore, suddenly very aware that not only was she looking at her first naked body, but that Josh would be seeing her naked within moments.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:12 EST
His clothes had been deposited on the floor, proof that he was, indeed, naked, the outline of his tall frame silhouetted behind the shower curtain. If they both thought about it long enough, they'd realize that there wasn't that much they hadn't seen already, other than for the parts of their body that were a matter of privacy. There was nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and very little either hadn't seen already.

Steeling herself, Dru peeled off the voluminous t-shirt, dropping it on top of the pile of his clothing, and felt her blush begin to spread over her skin as nerves and desire combined to leave her body in no doubt as to what it was hoping for. Swallowing, she stepped out of her underwear, and with strangely calm movements, stepped up into the shower, behind the curtain with him.

His back was to her when she stepped in behind him, facing the shower as he was and rinsing soap from his face. If there was one thing about Josh, it was his fastidiousness for cleanliness and his appearance. It seemed he had just finished shaving the meager stubble of hair that had sprouted overnight on his face, though he was not yet able to grow a proper beard.

With shy arms curled about herself, learned modesty far too strong to ignore, Dru cleared her throat quietly to announce her presence behind him, very aware that her gaze was riveted on a very bare rear end.

What met her eyes was not likely to be much of a surprise - a tall, broad-shouldered frame that narrowed to a slender waist, long legs sprouting from that tall, broad torso that was somewhere between a man and a boy in its development. He dunked his head under the water and turned slowly to meet her, lifting his hands to push the wet hair away from his face. His eyes moved over her as he met her gaze, his own face flushed with mingled desire and anticipation, admiring the soft youthful curve of her body as much as she was likely admiring his.

What she first noticed - what she couldn't fail to notice - made her eyes widen as a new flush took over her skin, forcibly jerking her gaze upward to meet his under that first shocking discovery of his nudity. And there, in his eyes, in the gentle admiration of his expression, was something she couldn't deny him, her covering arms falling to her sides to share this very private, very vulnerable part of herself with him. To show him the body that could not be mistaken for belonging to anything but a woman, no matter her efforts to still be a girl in many people's eyes, the softness of her exemplified in the rosebud tipped breasts and slender waist as she bit her lip nervously under his gaze. She didn't know what to do, or what to say, caught in this first moment of unveiling.

There was nothing to be ashamed of - two youthful bodies, unblemished by age or illness - one male, one female, perfectly made one for the other. Josh's gaze traveled admiringly over the gentle curves of Dru's body, more womanly than girlish now that there were no clothes to cover the hills and valleys of her form. Like her, he was no longer able to hide behind the cover of clothing, his desire for painfully obvious. Despite that desire and the catch in his breath at the sight of her, his gaze settled on the bruises left by Claud's overzealous grasp of her arm the night before, and a troubled frown found its way to Josh's face. Gentle fingers touched those bruises, eyes unable to hide his concern. "He hurt you," he said quietly, more concerned than angry. The anger would come later.

She looked down at the bruises on her arm, the fingermarks left behind from the night before, and shook her head. "They're just bruises," she said softly. "They'll heal." Her hand covered his, smoothing her fingers over his swollen knuckles as she raised his hand to her lips to kiss the minor injury he had sustained in defending her honor. Those soft brown eyes, so trusting, so loving, were trained on his, and there was no way to hide the longing desire mingling with shy nerves reflected there. She wanted him, and like Josh, her body was betraying her in some very obvious ways.

His gaze shifted to meet hers, blue eyes full of love and longing, recognizing those same things in hers, seeing the love and the trust she had put in him. He wondered if she knew that she held his heart in her hand. He watched as she kissed his hand, desire deepening, but mingled with the love and affection that was burning deep in his heart. He wanted her, and yet he had made a promise to her sister to be careful and to go slow. He had not realized until this very moment how hard that promise might be to keep.

"Dru..." he started, but just saying her name seemed inadequate, insufficient. There were no words to express what he was feeling, and he had a feeling she understood without him having to say a word. Instead of talking, he communicated with his eyes, with his actions, reaching out to trace the rise of a breast with almost childlike wonder. If he had ever seen or touched one before, it was wiped from his memory. All his prior experiences forgotten and overwritten by this moment with Dru, with the only woman he had ever really loved or would ever love.

Nothing she had been told, nothing she could have imagined, could possibly have prepared her for the moment when Josh reached out to touch her. A soft gasp escaped her throat, colored with the barest hint toward some sound of pleasure as her body reacted visibly. Her back arched, pressing her breast closer into his touch; her eyes closed to savor the feeling; her breath suddenly quickened with the sudden stampede of her heartbeat. And yet all of that was almost nothing to the flood of softer warmth that spread through her, responding as much to the wonder and love in him as to the desire that ate at her self-control. Her own hand rose to answer that touch, fingertips finding the smoothness of his chest to trace downward and pause below his navel, stroking wonderingly at the line of hair that seemed to want to guide her hand lower. Her gaze lifted to his once more, and again, that impulsive bravery made itself known in two soft words. "Touch me."

He held her gaze, even as he felt her fingers against his flesh, holding a breath in anticipation of what those fingers might find if they continued to trail lower, heart beating wildly in his chest. His eyes questioned her words, unsure what exactly she wanted from him. There was so much to explore, and they had only just begun. Water beat against his back, steam rising from the shower, both their bodies damp with moisture. His lips parted, but no words were spoken, surrendering at last to the desire he could no longer keep hidden from her sight. He slid an arm around her slender waist to draw her close, the press of her naked body against his only adding to his distress, and plundered her lips with a kiss that held nothing back, while his free hand glided up against her hip and over the curve of her rear before finding the inside of her thigh, fingers hesitating there as if asking for permission to go farther.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:13 EST
Neither of them seemed able to hide anything from the other, caught up in this slow dance that they were both learning step by step. She had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so willing to bare everything she had. The trust that came with loving him was her greatest ally, knowing he would never hurt her, desperate to prove to him that she could please as well as he could. As his fingers found the tender flesh of her inner thigh, she trembled in his grasp, filling his mouth with the taste of her soft moan as her own hand smoothed down and over his hip. She wanted to touch and be touched, and yet still she didn't know quite what to do, unused to allowing natural instinct to lead the way.

She needn't fear not knowing what to do, as all this was nearly as new to him as it was to her. Going mostly by natural instinct and what little he'd seen and experienced before her, he took the lead in this dance, letting his body lead the way and following what cues she gave him in reaction to his touch and his kiss. His pulse quickened, encouraged by the trembling of her body against his and the muffled moan against his lips. He pulled her up hard against him, their bodies pressed tightly together, no room for mistaking the need that was making itself known between them. He swallowed her moan and deepened his kiss, the eagerness of young love overcoming the awkwardness of inexperience.

Pulled up against him, there was no room to be afraid or shy or even nervous. Without the need for conscious thought, Dru wrapped herself around him, arms and legs rising until he held her slight weight, answering the call deep inside her to kiss and touch, to be as close as they could possibly be. She could feel him against her, so close to that secret part of herself that only she knew, moaning once again with eager delight for the promise that closeness brought. The water beat down on his back and her legs, a strange juxtaposition to the heat they generated with one another, the only clue left to tell her that she was anywhere but in paradise, wrapped up in her lover's arms.

It would have been so easy for him to take her. He sensed her readiness, her eagerness, her willingness to cross that threshold and share herself with him, join together in the sacred dance shared between two lovers. As agonizing as it was, he reluctantly pulled away, kissing her once more as if to silently tell her that he was not abandoning her, not yet. He'd made a promise that he intended to keep, despite the heat and urgency of the moment. He pulled away just far enough that he could focus the attention of hands and lips elsewhere in slow and eager exploration of her body, over every soft curve and valley, lingering where he elicited the deepest moans, slowly traveling downward until he found himself on his knees before her, as if to worship at her feet.

Any disappointment she might have felt at his gentle drawing back was swiftly overcome as he turned his full focus onto her, learning in an instant what it was to be the sole recipient of loving attention. He drove all thought from her mind, leaving her gasping, moaning, clutching at him as his lips and hands traversed the virginal planes of her body, finding places she had never known were so sensitive to linger and tease until she was certain she might soon forget her own name under his ministrations. And yet there was still that longing for something more, something just beyond the edge of her perception that throbbed with need as she found herself looking down at him, on his knees before her, her hands buried in his hair. "Josh ....oh gods ....wh-what are you ..."

He was relentless in his exploration of her body, wondering at every secret she had to share, every gasp and moan of pleasure, each time he felt her tremble at his touch. And still, despite her pleading, he kept his promise, taking his time, letting her blossom slowly and sweetly. Denying his own aching desire that was agonizingly apparent, he hesitated a moment, trembling with mingled fear and excitement. What if he did something wrong" What if she didn't want him to go further" But so far, she only seemed to have enjoyed his ministrations and had done nothing to discourage or stop him. He hesitated only a moment, just long enough for her to stop him, if she wanted, before his kisses found that sacred place that made her a woman, that was at the very core of her center and the key to ecstasy.

It was just as well he hadn't asked - there couldn't be a woman alive who hadn't hesitated when it came to this point for the first time, and Dru was no exception. The shock of feeling his mouth there was unmistakable, her sudden gasp cutting sharply through the sound of the water falling on them as those instincts came into play once again. Even as her hands clenched in his hair, responding to the primal pleasure that lanced white hot through her body, she was embarrassed to find that she had somehow hooked one leg over his shoulder, giving him better access without even considering it, leaning back against the cold tiles as she tried not to squirm or fall over.

He held fast to her, one arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her snugly against him as his lips plundered this new treasure, encouraged once again by her reaction, which seemed to urge him onward. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing or how to do it, relying on her reactions to guide him, awkward at first, a little too gentle, growing bolder as he gained confidence. For a time, he forgot about his own needs, putting her foremost in his thoughts, focusing all her energy and attention on pleasing her, on sending her up and over the precipice of pleasure. Nothing else mattered in that moment - only that he made her understand the depth of his love as evidenced by his willingness to put her needs and desires first and foremost, above all things, even that of his own aching need. She was a goddess and he worshiped at her feet.

If she was his goddess, then he was the reason she fell from grace, crying out as something entirely new ripped through her perception, something she vaguely recognized as an orgasm from one very clinical textbook on the subject. But clinical words couldn't have prepared her for the feeling ....not the physical feeling, which was beyond anything she could have thought to expect, but the surge of tenderness that followed it, the warmth in her heart that was the outpouring of love she felt for him in the shuddering, whimpering aftermath of the pleasure he had given her.

He rode the tide with her up and over the crest, his ministrations turning gentle and tender as he felt her body tense and shudder in delight, not quite realizing how new this all was to her, that he was her first and quite possibly would be her only - the only man to ever touch her and love her in this way for all her life. The thought of it filled him with renewed desire to please her, to love her, to be everything she wanted and needed him to be, terrified of disappointing and failing her. He pulled slowly away, trailing soft kisses against her stomach, hands rising to cup the gentle curve of her breasts before lifting his gaze at last to meet her gaze once again.

Breathless and awed by what she'd felt - what he had given her - Dru forced her eyes to open as he rose once again, unable to catch the last quiet moan from escaping her lips as his hands cupped her breasts once more. She stared into his eyes for a long moment, not a single word passing her lips until she suddenly seemed to find focus under his gaze. "I want to make you feel that."

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:13 EST
Despite his own undeniable desire and the intimacy of what they'd just shared and the gift he'd just given her, he flushed at the suggestion that she return the favor, his body betraying him with obvious arousal at the mere suggestion. "You-you don't have to do that, Dru," he stammered, still tasting the sweetness of her upon his lips, which did nothing to lessen that desire.

"I want to." Pushing away from the wall, she reached up to draw him down to her, touching her lips to his, surprised to find that he tasted of ....well, she assumed he tasted of her. And that realization didn't prevent her from deepening that kiss, eager to show him what he had shown her.

He returned her kiss, putty in her hands, despite his own fears and misgivings. Unlike her, he had a good idea what awaited him if she followed through and returned the favor, though no one had ever done this for him before. He had a dozen excuses for why this shouldn't happen, and yet, when her lips met his, they all disappeared, forgotten under the wake of that kiss, surrendering himself to her care, as she had surrendered herself to his.

As he had done, she took her time in seeking out that ultimate destination, letting her hands and lips roam over his skin, finding those places that elicited the greatest reaction to linger over them, to give him as much from her touch as she had gained from his. From throat to chest to navel, and finally her lips rounded his hip, one hand reaching to touch what had been, until just a little while ago, utterly unimaginable for her.

As he had been, she, too, was rewarded by moans of pleasure, a tremor running through him when he felt her hand touch his own secret and sacred place, unable to hide the rush of desire that swept over him at the slightest touch. He whispered her name, a plea for her to end his suffering and save him from this sweet torment. Like her, his fingers found their way to her head, tangling in her hair, every muscle in his body tensing in anticipation of what was to come.

In an odd echo of his attention to her, she hesitated for a brief moment when presented with the object of her focus, not entirely sure just what to do. But that inquiring mind of hers was prepared to experiment, certain that he would tell her if she was doing something wrong. Small hands stroked and touched, paving the way for soft lips and a warm mouth to explore much as he had done, learning as much about herself in those moments as she learned about him.

"Dru..." he whispered again, surrendering to her touch, her exploration of him more wonderful than he could have ever imagined or duplicated on his own. Like her, there was no other word to describe it but heavenly. He felt himself slowly relaxing, unwinding, closing his eyes as he got lost in the pleasure of the moment. It took less time for her to bring him to the brink of pleasure, and as hard as he tried to hold back, his body betrayed him there, too. His fingers curled into her hair, muscles tensing as she took him higher, and he cried out in ecstasy, calling her name, almost disbelieving this was actually happening.

He had never in his wildest dreams believed it could be like this, and this was only a precursor to the things that might come later, to the pleasures they might find in each other. It was not only a physical feeling, this sweet release of pressure that seemed to have been building for days, but it was an emotional one, as well, like someone had just released a valve deep inside him, letting all the frustration he'd been feeling out in a rush of warm pleasure, coupled with an emotional release that moved him close to tears.

There was so much to learn, so much they had yet to discover about one another, and yet here and now the awkwardness that had colored that discovery was slowly breaking down in the face of the loving trust they shared. They had seen and felt one another at their most vulnerable, their most expressive peak, and lived to tell the tale, sharing in the sweetness that followed beneath the steady rush of hot water from the shower head above them as Dru rose slowly onto her feet, trailing fresh kisses upward until they stood, nose to nose, gazing into each other's eyes.

It took a while for him to catch his breath, to still the beating of his heart. Looking into her eyes, he found what he had been missing all his life; he found the one person who seemed to understand him completely and who was the other half of himself. He had said the words before, had felt them in his heart, but now that they had made the connection a physical one, what he had felt for her before seemed to pale in comparison to the feelings that were making themselves known to him now. There were no words to express such a feeling, and he could only hope this feeling would never end. So, this was what the poets meant when they wrote of love. They'd been only words before, but now those words seemed to take on new meaning as they never had before. He had never considered himself much of a poet, but three little words were simply not enough to share his most heartfelt feelings. "My love for you is like the sea, never-ending and ceaseless in its constancy."

He was so much better with words than she could ever hope to be, touching her heart effortlessly with that swift couplet. All she could hope for was to answer in her own prosaic way and hope that it touched him just a little. Her arms smoothed about his waist, lingering in the intimacy of their embrace as she smiled just a little, unable to do more than offer three words that were so insignificant beside what she felt. "I love you."

He enclosed her in his embrace, holding her close against his chest, heartbeat to heartbeat. He had somehow managed to keep his promise and still find a way to calm the storm of desire that had been waging between them, at least for now. He sighed upon hearing her words, glad she could not see his face or the tears that were stinging his eyes. "I love you," he offered in return, the words catching a little in his throat. All his childhood hopes and dreams of being an actor seemed small and insignificant compared to the life that stood before him now, a life full of love and devotion with her at his side.

Pressed close into his arms, Dru could quite happily have stayed right there for eternity, wanting to save that moment with its awe and wonder and deep, abiding affection for all time. She felt safe and loved, in a way that no other had ever managed to give her, and she knew it was because of Josh. It was all him, and she never wanted to let go. And then the shower-head sputtered, dropping a steady stream of icy cold water on them both.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:14 EST
He, too, was just as content to remain there forever, if not for the traitorous rush of cold water dousing them both. He shrieked and then laughed, moving to shield her from the chilly water as best he could. "Get a towel!" he cried, as he reached behind him to fumble with the faucet.

He wasn't the only one who shrieked, shocked out of the peaceful moment by the sudden intrusion of water that was far too cold for her liking. Dru scrambled to get out of the shower, dripping everywhere as she groped for a couple of towels they could dry off with. "That wasn't funny!" she protested at Josh's laughter, but there was a little smile playing about her lips as she did so. He had sort of screamed like a girl, after all.

He laughed again, finding himself laughing a lot in her presence, even at his own expense. "Sorry! I forgot about the shower!" he exclaimed as he got the water shut off, shivering from the douse of cold water.

Swaddled in one of the towels she had found, Dru waved the other one in his direction, hunched up as she shivered along with him. "That was fun until the water changed," she complained with a grin, tucking the towel as tightly around herself as she could.

Fun wasn't quite the word he would have used to describe it, but he was glad she'd enjoyed herself. It was important to him that he made her happy, not only today but for as long as they were together, as long as she wanted him. He snatched the towel up and wiped the water from his arms and chest before tucking it around his waist. "If I recall correctly, I promised to teach you how to make breakfast."

"And I promised to do the dishes," she countered with a faint smile, arms sliding from beneath her own towel to tuck it neatly about her chest. And given the freedom to move now she was a little warmer once again, she took advantage of it, stepping closer to teasingly nip at his chest, soft eyes sparkling impishly as the tip of her tongue circled one nipple. And then she stepped back, some unknown imp of mischief deep inside her urging a wicked little thought to be made known. "I don't think you should get dressed. You should spend the day like that."

He opened his arms to her, expecting her to mold herself to him, to tuck herself into his embrace, but instead she teased him with a nip of teeth and a lash of tongue, surprising him with her unexpected boldness. It seemed that one shower later and the shy girl had indeed blossomed into a woman, and he wondered at the change in her. It wasn't a bad thing, necessarily. In fact, her teasing elicited a sharp intake of breath, and he had to almost push her away before she rekindled the flame that had only moments before flickered out. He smiled a little at her suggestion, knowing that if he agreed, it was likely they'd get to home base before the day was out, so long as no one came looking for her. "Oh, really?" he asked, his eyes mirroring that hint of mischief in her own. "What about you? Can you get through the day in just a towel?"

Perhaps it wasn't so surprising that she had come away from their new found intimacy with a bolder approach to him - innocent she might still be, but with that physical innocence came an innocence of the insults bandied about through the media and popular culture that might have made her ever more shy in the aftermath of their closeness. She saw nothing wrong with expressing herself when she was alone with him; he was privileged, in a way. As he laid down his challenge, she smirked sweetly, fully intending to spend the day there anyway. "I'm sure I can," she told him confidently. "Is this a wager, or simply a test of wills?"

"It's whatever you'd like it to be," he replied, sweeping damp hair away from her face, thinking she was the loveliest creature he'd ever laid eyes on, even with tangled hair and no makeup. She was the only girl - no, woman - he'd ever met who was real, at least to him. "I have nothing planned today, do you?" No school, no job, no rehearsal, no show. Nothing at all to do and all day to do it.

"Nothing," she promised with a warm smile. After the aching absence she had been forced to endure from him last Sunday, when all she'd really wanted was to stay with him, she had rescheduled her phone call home and her debriefing with Xoren to Monday mornings. She beamed up at him as he toyed with her damp hair, finally feeling a little self-conscious of the mess her hair must be in. "I'm glad I have a comb in my bag downstairs, though."

He had to chuckle a little at that. "What' You don't think I own a comb?" he asked, amused by the preposterous nature of it. He had a goodly amount of hair on his head, after all, and with any luck and a set of good genes, he always would. They had just shared something so intimate there were no words for it and she was worried about sharing his comb' The thought amused him to no end. He caught her around the waist and pulled her close, feeling a strange surge of energy, as she seemed to suddenly give his life new meaning. "Who cares what your hair looks like" I love you, messy hair and all," he told her, leaning close to leave a trail of kisses against her neck. If they kept going like this, it would be noon before they ate breakfast.

"I didn't mean -" Whatever she'd been about to say was cut off by the laughing yelp that skipped from her as he caught her close against him, reminded all over again of the heat of his skin against hers as her hands began to roam once again of their own accord. Her laughter eased away as his lips traced the line of her neck, eyes falling closed as she leaned into him. "Josh ..." Her lips brushed his ear as she whispered his name longingly, that flame beginning to flicker once again, only too happy to be rekindled.

"Hmm?" he replied lazily and somewhat distractedly, his attention focused on the slender line of her neck, his own rekindled desire making itself know beneath the flimsy cover of that towel. It seemed like her every kiss and every touch, however innocent, set his soul on fire. There were never going to get to eating breakfast this way.

Her fingertips smoothed their way from his arms to his waist, trailing feather-light patterns over his back as she swayed closer into him, losing herself in sensation all over again. And this time there was no threat of a sudden cold shower to knock them to their senses. "Never mind," she breathed, dismissing any protest she might have made as her own lips found purchase against his shoulder, trailing upward as her hand moved once more, inching between them to curl her fingers into his hair as her lips sought his.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:15 EST
It seemed his appetite for her was stronger and more urgent than for that of food, at least, for the moment, his lips finding hers and returning that kiss with equal fervor. He was tempted to take her back to bed right then and then and finish what they'd started, crossing the final threshold between them and releasing the tension that had been building for weeks, but there was no rush, and they had all day. He broke away from her kiss with a soft sigh of breath, tilting his head so that his forehead came to rest against hers. "We should eat," he told her practically, though he was making no effort to break away from her embrace.

She gasped as he broke their kiss, reluctant to stop but aware that if they didn't, something else was going to happen that would certainly make their day more eventful than either of them had originally planned. Not that it would be a bad thing, exactly ....She swallowed, forcing her eyes open to look into his, her thumbs stroking against his sides as she drew in a deep breath and smiled. "We should," she agreed. "I don't think staying in just a towel is a good idea if we're going to be trying to cook something."

He smiled in agreement. As tempting as it was, he doubted much cooking would get done if they stayed dressed - or more accurately, undressed - as they were, not to mention the fact that it was impractical and downright dangerous. "As long as we aren't cooking sausage," he teased, waggling his brows and grinning madly.

Well, he had asked her not to be so formal, so this was his own fault. Her hand descended as she grinned back at him, seeking and finding something highly pertinent to gently squeeze with a teasing little giggle. "Not this sausage," she assured him, and turned away, bending to retrieve his t-shirt and her panties from the floor.

He jerked a little as she grabbed hold of what was hiding beneath that towel, the squeeze doing very little to discourage his interest in something other than breakfast, but he was amused by the fact that she had followed his drift and had even been bold enough to respond. "You can play with that sausage later," he promised with another playful grin, turning to ogle her rear as she bent over and offered a very tempting view.

"Is that a promise?" Dru asked sweetly, straightening up to turn and look up at him with those soft brown eyes wide and artlessly innocent. A sure sign she was about to do or say something that would either make him blush, laugh, or forget about breakfast entirely. "You should get dressed," she added, and abruptly dropped the towel from around herself. After all, she had what she intended to wear in her hands.

He'd been so busy ogling her rear, he barely registered what she said, until she had turned to face him and then she dropped the towel so quickly, his physical reaction could be seen despite the towel that covered him from the waist to just above his knees. "Uh..." he stammered, eyes moving over her once again, though he'd already had a pretty good look at her in the shower. Was it his imagination or was she growing even more beautiful right before his eyes" "Get dressed, right."

"And yet you're not doing it," she laughed. Who would have thought that his innocent little princess could be so easily turned into an incorrigible flirt for his eyes only' She pulled the borrowed t-shirt over her head, rescuing his rather stunned gaze from being too distracted, and poked him right in the belly button. "Rhy'Din to Josh, come in, Josh."

"Huh?" he muttered, blinking out of his dazed expression as she covered herself and poked him in the stomach, where they both knew he was ticklish. "I'm here, sorry." His cheek reddened just a little when he realized he'd been staring. "I'll, uh....I'll get dressed."

"I'll put my knickers on and do the dishes," she told him with a grin, leaning close to kiss the curve of his chin. "See you in the kitchen, sweetheart." With those panties hanging from one finger, she slipped out through the bedroom and headed downstairs, hopping into her underwear as she went.

"Knickers?" he echoed with a chuckle. No one called them knickers anymore, except, apparently Dru. Or maybe it was the whole royal thing; he wasn't quite sure, nor did it matter. It did make him chuckle though and brought him back to reality, though there was a nagging ache in his loins that wasn't going to go away anytime soon. He found his shorts and his t-shirt from the night before and pulled them on, before making a meager attempt to smooth his hair out with his fingers. He glanced over at the bed that they'd shared, rumpled from sleep, and smiled. It was going to be a good day. He just knew it.

By the time he made it downstairs, the evidence of their evening meal was almost cleaned up. Dru had evidently taken some time to find her comb and brush the tangles out of her hair, which was now beginning to curl damply around her shoulders as she finished washing the dishes, humming quietly to herself. It was a rather sweet scene, and decidedly domesticated, given that she was wearing once again the clothes she had slept in. She might have only just woken up.

He took in that scene almost wistfully a moment, wondering not for the first time if this was what life might be like once they were married. No, not in Tirisano, he thought with a small frown. There they would have servants and aids and bodyguards and advisers and all kinds of people ready to jump to their assistance or offer unwanted advice. No, not in Tirisano perhaps, but here in Rhy'Din, no one cared who they were or where they were from. Here they were just a young couple, like any other, enjoying the first throes of love. Somehow he knew this was where they'd come to get away; this would be their refuge. None of this was said, of course, only thought as he made his way into the kitchen and slid his arms around her, suddenly needing her close, needing her to know that he's always be there for her no matter what.

She startled briefly, not having heard him come down, but that surprise lasted less than a split second before she was leaning back into his embrace, determined to enjoy every moment they had together like this. She hadn't thought so far ahead as he, but if he were to mention it, she would definitely agree - this was the perfect place for them to hide away from the looming specter of their impending rank and title, a place where no one cared what they were, or even who they were. A place where they could be just Josh and Dru. And even better, she had set the royal precedent just by coming here in the first place. No one would be able to object. Shaking her hands dry, she stroked the arms that encircled her, raising her head to smile up at him. "Should I reward you for getting dressed?"

"By doing what?" he asked, turning quietly thoughtful as he leaned close to brush a kiss against her shoulder, fond and affectionate. "Undressing me?" he teased a guess. "You ever wish you had a normal life?" he asked abruptly, his mind still mulling what their future together might be like.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:16 EST
She would have responded to his tease, were it not for the abrupt question that followed it. Her smile faded, her gaze turning distant as she considered how to answer that question. Of course she had thought about it - for all her privilege, she was trapped. If she'd had a normal life, she wouldn't need to worry about whether or not she would be able to have what she wanted most. If she'd had a normal life, her mother might still be alive. She sighed softly, raising a hand to let her fingertips comb through his hair as she answered him. "It's been my favorite daydream for years," she told him honestly, closing her eyes as she pressed back into his arms. "This is as normal as my life will ever be."

"I wonder if that's what I've been trying to escape all these years," he ventured aloud, not that it mattered. He had already made his decision and had chosen her. There was no turning back now. If anything, he was more determined than ever to share her life and make her happy, knowing how difficult and lonely her life might be without him. "This will be our special place then. Where we go when we want to get away. Our children should know they have family here." Yes, he was talking children, though that was more than likely some years away. He was talking about a future, not only hers, but his own - their future, together.

She twisted in his arms, pressing her face into his chest as her arms wrapped tight around him. Nothing he could have said in that moment would have touched her so deeply as to hear him confirm that the people here were his family, too ....that they did have a future together, that their children would know a little of the normality the Grangers offered and not be trapped by their royal duties. Children, she realized, blushing as she looked up at him. "An heir and how many spares?" she couldn't help asking, curious and just a little teasing.

He smiled down at her, not only seeing his beloved, the woman his heart beat for, but also seeing his future. "As many as we can manage," he replied with that warm smile, leaning in to brush a kiss against her lips. It didn't have to happen today or tomorrow or even next year - it was enough that it would happen, that they both wanted the same thing. It had taken him a long time to realize that the dreams of his childhood were nothing compared to the possibilities that now lay before him.

She smiled against his lips, not even breaking the kiss to make a small point with mumbling words between kisses. "Any chance could cook ....without ....moving me?" As though to illustrate her point, she inched that little bit closer, taking advantage of her new found confidence with him to lower both hands and squeeze his rear end. Albeit with another one of those brilliant blushes.

He chuckled again, both at the question that was being mumbled between kisses, but also at this new found boldness in her, unafraid to touch and be touched, to flirt and to tease and to love. "Mmm," he murmured back between reciprocated kisses. "It would be awkward," he replied, not making any move to disengage or untangle himself from her embrace.

"I think," she mused, pressing a fresh kiss to his lips before continuing, "that after the last week or so, we are possibly experts in awkward." She drew back just enough to let him see her grin, one brow rising in a cheeky challenge.

"Maybe, but if you want me to make breakfast, I think we're going to have to try to keep our hands to ourselves for at least a little while," he pointed out, before dropping a quick kiss against the tip of her nose.

"But I thought you liked having my hands right where they are," she countered impishly, drumming her fingers on his rear end with a teasing chuckle. If he wanted her to move, he was going to have to convince her more forcefully than that, or risk losing his shorts in his own kitchen.

"If you want any chance of an encore performance, we both need to eat," he countered with a smirk. It was pretty obvious that they weren't going to get any cooking or eating done if they couldn't resist the temptation the other posed for at least a little while. He wasn't complaining, but he didn't want her to pass out from hunger either.

Dru sighed, deliberately exaggerating the sound to match her teasing pout as she finally removed her hands from his rear end, wondering if he minded the new possession that colored the way she touched him after their shower interlude. "Fine," she conceded, playing at being grumpy about his pertinent point. "What do we do first?"

"Depends on what we want to eat," he replied, with a slightly amused smirk on his face at her pout. It seemed they'd opened a Pandora's Box in the shower that both were having trouble closing the lid on. "What do you feel like?" The choices were limited, due to his somewhat understocked kitchen, but there were enough of the basics on hand to suffice.

"What do you think I can handle?" she countered his question with her own, stepping back to give both of them a chance to stop filling everything with innuendo and attend to the serious business of trying to teach her how to cook a breakfast without setting fire to anything.

"I think you can handle whatever you put your mind to," he replied seriously, not just referring to breakfast. He pulled open the fridge to take a look at what he had on hand, muttering a thoughtful, "Hmm..." before pulling out bread, eggs, milk, and butter. "You know how to make French toast?" he asked as he set the items on the counts.

From the blank look on her face, it was a pretty fair bet that she'd never eaten French toast, much less made it. "Um ....I would imagine the safest thing to say here would be no," she managed with a chuckle, her eyes bright with warm amusement as she glanced at the collected ingredients.

"Okay, well....I don't have the right ingredients to make it too fancy, but I think it might work." He took charge of the kitchen, pointing a finger toward the cupboard where the pots and pans were kept. "We're gonna need a skillet or a frying pan," he instructed, while he pulled open the cupboard to fish around for a mixing bowl.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:17 EST
She blinked, already lost in the terminology, and headed toward the cupboard he indicated, pulling the door open. "Well, at least I know what a frying pan looks like," she said practically, "so I'll find one of those." Crouching, she disappeared, head and shoulders, into the cupboard, to the accompaniment of several metallic sounding clanks and thuds, finally coming up with a frying pan and a triumphant expression.

He paused a moment to ogle her rear while she half disappeared into the cupboard to look for a frying pan. Whether that was all part of his plan was uncertain, but he was distractedly watching her. He blinked out of his gaze as she came up triumphant and flashed her a smile. "Good! Now, take a pat of butter and melt it in the pan," he instructed, letting her do all the work so far, while he gave the instructions. If she wanted to learn how to cook, hands on was the best way to learn.

"A what of butter?" Laughing at the ridiculous name for something she would probably recognize when she saw it, Dru stood up, setting the pan on the stove. "How much is a pat' Is it like a pinch - you know, it depends on how much you actually want to use?"

"A pat is..." He thought about that a second. "About as much as you'd use to spread on your toast." He paused again as another thought occurred to him. "You have made toast, haven't you?"

She blushed, deciding not to answer that one as she turned her attention to removing a pat of butter from the packet beside her, which she dropped into the frying pan. Nothing happened, and probably wouldn't happen, at least until someone turned the heat on. "How long does it take to melt?"

He smirked, the first to notice that she had yet to turn the burner on. "Forever, if you don't turn the heat on." He reached over to do it for her, slowly so she could see how it was done. First he turned it on, then adjusted it to a lower setting. "See?" As the butter started slowly melting, he picked up the pan and tilted it to slide the butter around to cover the bottom of the pan.

"Oh." That blush got deeper, but she was refusing to let herself hide behind manners or any kind of formality. He'd seen everything she had to offer - she didn't need to hide, no matter how ignorant she might currently be feeling. As the butter began to spit, she yelped, lurching back out of range. "Does it always do that?"

"No, it just doesn't like you," he teased, reaching over again to turn the heat down very low so the butter wouldn't burn while they got the bread ready. "Now for the fun part," he announced with a grin, not to mention messy part. He curled a finger to beckon her closer.

The grin made her raise a brow - in a manner that was very reminiscent of her famous brother, it had to be said - smirking suspiciously as she moved to his side. "What do you mean, fun?" she queried, not entirely sure she was going to survive this part without needing another shower.

"You'll see," he told her, not giving her a single hint. She'd find out herself soon enough. He assumed - probably correctly - that she had never broken a single egg in her entire life, the feeling based on her lack of answer to the question about toast. She clearly had never learned to cook for herself, and he momentarily wondered how she'd survived all these months in Rhy'Din without knowing how. "Watch," he said, as he picked up an egg, tapped it against the side of the bowl, and broke it open perfectly, allowing the insides of the egg to ooze into the bowl beneath it.

She might never have cooked, but she had at least had a little practice at baking, her sense of equilibrium restored by the sight of him showing her how to crack an egg. A mischievous part of her mind wondered just how much of a disaster she could make this if she went along with his assumption in this case, but she wasn't quite impish enough to go through with that. "Raw eggs are revolting," she informed him with a faint chuckle.

"Revolting or not, if you want breakfast, you're going to have to crack one," he told her stubbornly. He didn't remember her telling him that she'd baked a little; if he had, he wouldn't have showed her how to crack an egg - he would have just told her to do it. Confident she could accomplish the task at hand, he handed her an egg and slid the bowl over. "Your turn."

She gave an obviously put on little shudder, taking the egg from him. Her thumb rubbed around the circumference for a moment before she set it against the edge of the bowl. "Like this?" One, two, crack, and there were two yolks swimming in slimy whites. Dru dropped the shell into the bin, and tried to look innocent.

He was onto her now, guessing from that expert egg-cracking that she had not been entirely honest with him. "You've done this before, haven't you?" he asked with a frown, feeling a little silly for trying to teach her something so basic she knew it already.

She smiled, gently brushing his arm with her own. "I've done a little baking, remember?" she reminded him in a soft voice. "I promise, I really haven't even heard of French toast. But I have cracked an egg before."

"Oh, right..." he muttered when she reminded him about the baking. "I forgot." Well, who wouldn't forget a detail with that when they'd both just gotten to third base in the shower" He blushed, feeling a little embarrassed, but handed her another egg. "Two more," he instructed.

She nuzzled his shoulder affectionately, that gesture as much an apology for embarrassing him as an excuse to kiss him through his t-shirt, and turned her attention to cracking the eggs that remained in quick succession. "What, exactly, is French toast, anyway?" she asked curiously. "Because I am fairly sure we have the basic ingredients for fried eggs here."

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:17 EST
"Fried eggs are so ordinary. I want to make you something special," he said, forgiving her without so much as a thought for teasing him. He had it in mind to do a little shopping sometime soon and make her a really nice meal, but that would take a little more planning and a lot more time. "French toast is..." He furrowed his brows, unsure how to explain. "It's French toast," he declared with a shrug. "Can you get me a fork?" he asked, as he took up the carton of milk and poured a little into the bowl that already held the raw eggs. He couldn't really explain this part. He'd never had a recipe for how to make French toast. It was something he'd learned from helping his mother in the kitchen on Sunday mornings when she'd insisted on giving the cook the day off and doing things herself. Like his mother, he just instinctively knew how much milk to add without measuring.

"Nothing is ordinary with you," she murmured softly, letting her hand stroke down the groove of his spine as she moved away in search of a fork. "Where did you learn all this, anyway' I didn't think anyone in our rank knew how to do more than mix a drink."

He could have told her he'd taught himself, and that was in some cases true, but not when it came to breakfast. "Promise you won't laugh?" he asked with a small frown as he waited for her to come back with a fork, distractedly thinking he'd probably melted the butter too soon.

"Of course I won't," she promised him, returning with the fork. Like him, she spared a thought for the butter, lifting the pan to swirl the contents before they burned and give it a chance to cool off before it was returned to the heat.

"My mom taught me," he replied with a slight flush of embarrassment again. While Jamie was off learning how to become a proper duke, Josh was in the kitchen cooking breakfast with his mother, like the daughter she'd never had. He shrugged again, a little embarrassed but unashamed, not bothering to offer any excuses. He thought he'd put his mother's memory to rest years ago, but every now and then he'd think of her. He didn't want to linger on that right now or talk about it much, more for Dru's sake than his own. He knew she had to be missing her own mother, and it didn't seem right to dismiss her own grief by thinking of his own. He'd held onto the happy memories, and breakfast was one of those happy memories. He slid the bowl with the milk and egg mixture toward her. "Stir that up until it's mixed."

"Oh." Again, just a single syllable, but there was no pity or sadness in it. Just understanding, and a very subtle hint of envy. As close as she had been to her mother, they had never shared anything like that. She'd been taught how to be the very best princess she could possibly be, and it was a little distressing to realize that she'd never done anything but those lessons with her own mother. As she set the fork into the mixture to beat it as firmly as she could, she made a decision. "We'll do this with our children," she promised him quietly. "You can teach me, and we'll teach them."

He knew from her reaction that he'd hit a nerve, and he felt horrible for it, but he wasn't sure if he should apologize or just let it go. He hadn't meant to poke at any open wounds, but she'd asked, and he'd promised not to lie to her. Her suggestion made him smile, if a little wistfully. "I'd like that," he replied, reaching for the loaf of bread. "Now comes the fun part," he said. The messy part.

She glanced at him, glad to see the smile, however wistful it was. "The fun part?" she asked a little warily, her lips parting in a smile of her own. "Dare I ask what you are about to do with that bread?"

It wasn't so much what he was going to do with the bread as it was what he was going to teach her to do with the bread. "I'm about to show you," he told her with a smile before moving around behind her and sliding his arms around her waist to hand her a slice of bread.

Surrounded with no room to escape even if she had wanted to, Dru chuckled, tilting her head back to look up at him as she took the slice from his hand. "How much of this am I going to end up wearing?"

"None of it if you're careful," he breathed in her ear, as he leaned forward to guide her hand toward the bowl so that she could dip the bread into the egg mixture. It was a messy business, and there was no real way to do it without getting at least a little of the mixture on your fingers. He gave her no mercy, purposely dunking the bread deeply into the mixture so that both their hands came away dripping, along with the bread.

She couldn't help but react to his breath on her neck as he spoke into her ear, momentarily forgetting what it was they were doing as, despite the loose hang of his t-shirt on her, that very physical reaction made itself known through the thin material. "That is very distracting," she murmured back to him, but her distraction lasted only as long as it took for him to immerse her hands in the slimy, cold mixture. "Oh, this is disgusting."

"We're going to do it three more times!" he exclaimed with a smirk in his voice that made it obvious how amused he was by her reaction. He guided her hand toward the pan that held the sizzling butter so that they could fry up the egg and milk covered bread. "Just wait. The mess is worth it. Trust me." He had planned to let her dunk the next slice herself, but it was too much fun trying to distract her while she was cooking, and so he stayed where he was.

She grimaced at the revolting feeling on her hands, dripping the milky eggy mixture as they dropped the first slice into the pan. "You're enjoying this far too much, you know," she accused him, genuinely unused to willingly getting herself dirty in any way.

"I know," he admitted with a grin, taking up another slice of bread to do the same thing all over again, only this time, he tried to distract her further with kisses against the side of her neck and t-shirt covered shoulder while she tried to make breakfast.

He was in the perfect position to tease her and enjoy how helpless she was to retaliate, at least for now, having caught her between the lovely distraction of his kisses and the revolting dunking of the bread. "Oh, this isn't fair," she breathed, her head falling back to offer him more skin to play with. She let go of the bread to slide her slimy fingers over his in the mixture, breakfast forgotten already.

His fingers slid between hers, half tempted to grope her breasts with the slimy mixture still on his hands, but he thought that would be going too far. The thought, however, had a strange effect on a certain part of his anatomy that seemed to have a mind of its own, and he pulled back a little so she wouldn't notice. Besides, he was hungry, and they did need to eat. He wondered what she'd think if he told her he was fantasizing spreading the egg mixture all over her and licking it off.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:18 EST
The smell of the frying toast was just enough to catch her attention, despite his very effective distraction technique, unaware of his thoughts, though she wouldn't have been averse to anything of the kind. But breakfast might burn if she played along too much. "The pan," she managed, blinking her eyes open reluctantly.

"Right, the pan," he echoed reluctantly. His fantasy would have to wait. "You want to dunk or fry?" he asked, assuming she'd rather take charge of frying since she found the French toast mixture so revolting.

She considered the options, and knowing that she didn't actually know when the toast was done, realized she only had one option, really. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'm already slimy, I'll dunk."

He didn't argue the point, his thoughts turning back to something she'd said earlier, about sharing this tradition with their own children one day. "How many do you want' Children, I mean," he asked as he moved over to the sink to wash the mixture from his hands before manning the frying pan. She'd asked him the very same question recently, but he was curious what her own answer might be.

"Enough so that they will have options," was her answer. "Enough so that the firstborn son doesn't have all his choices taken away from him." She dropped a second slice into the pan, making a face at the feeling of the mixture on her hands, and took another slice of dry bread from the packet.

He took up a spatula and checked to see how the bread was cooking, flipping each slice over as they browned on the bottom, so that they'd be evenly browned on both sides. Her words got him thinking again and he wondered if his brother had ever felt that way - that he'd had no choices. He'd been the first born, and it had always been assumed that he would be duke one day. James Arthur Stuart, Duke of Roslae. Josh had never questioned that Jamie would one day be duke, but he had never expected that he might become a Prince. "I wonder if Jamie ever felt that way," he remarked thoughtfully.

Concentrating on her fingers as she dunked the third slice, Dru bit her lip with a pensive look on her face. "I think perhaps he still does, sometimes," she said softly. "All of us do, one way or another. But it is a little different for a firstborn son - they know from birth that they will be the duke, or the earl, or the prince. I didn't know until I was twelve. I had all my options taken away from me. I don't ever want to do that to anyone else."

"I'm sorry," he said, finding himself apologizing for something that wasn't his fault. It had been her uncles who'd failed to produce an heir; it had been their responsibility, not his. Most people would find her situation an enviable one, but he wasn't most people. He understood her position better than most because he was also of noble birth. "You don't have to do it alone, Dru. I'll be right there with you," he reminded her, shifting his attention momentarily from cooking to study her expression, realizing in that moment that all he wanted to do was make her happy.

"There's no need to feel sorry for it," she assured him softly, the third heavily saturated piece of bread finding a place in the big pan in front of him. "No one could possibly have imagined that this was how it would turn out." Her lips curved in a soft smile. "And I will have you. That, in itself, is worth having every other door closed to me. So long as you love me, I won't mind the rest."

"Are you quoting Joseph?" he asked with a teasing smile, referring to one of the songs in the musical that had just closed the day before. He slid the spatula beneath one of the slices of fried bread and dropped it onto a plate before doing the same to the next. "So long as you love me, I'm not going anywhere," he assured her, his smile softening.

She laughed softly, realizing that she had very nearly done just that. The fourth slice dropped into the pan as he made space, and she paused, glancing down at what was left of the contents of the bowl. "I'm not going to let you go anywhere," she promised him in return, gently nudging his arm with her elbow. "How many more slices can I get out of this?"

He glanced over at the bowl and the last of the egg mixture. "One more slice maybe," he guessed. He thought five slices of toast should be plenty. The trick was going to be figuring out what to top them with. He was fresh out of maple syrup, but strawberry jam would probably do in a pinch.

"One more, right you are." At least there wasn't enough of the slimy mixture in the bowl to make her shudder at the feeling of it on her fingers any longer as she used the fifth slice to mop up every last drop remaining. "How do we eat these, then?" she asked Josh, waiting patiently for there to be space in the pan to drop the last slice in.

"With a fork and knife?" he replied with a playful smirk. He flipped the two slices of bread in the pan to get them to brown evenly on both sides. "We can top them with butter and jam." He set the spatula aside a moment so he could get a pot of coffee started.

"Oh, so we're not going to eat like savages and use our fingers, then?" she teased him in return. Just for that playful smirk of his, she waited until his back was turned and planted her slimy, wet hands firmly onto his rear, squeezing to leave the material of his shorts clinging. Evidently she wasn't worried about going too far.

"No, we're..." He broke off when he felt her grab his rear, slimy hands and all, and glanced over his shoulder at the hand prints on his shorts with a frown. "Just for that, I'm tempted to eat breakfast naked," he said, unsure if that was much of a threat or if much eating would get done if he did.

"May I sit on your lap, if you do?" No, Dru was definitely not lacking in boldness this morning, nor was she going to let herself be intimidated by his frown. All she did was throw him a soft giggle and slip away to the pan, transferring the two slices in there to the plate and dropping the last in to brown.

"Not if you want to get any eating done," he replied, grabbing a towel and reaching around behind him to wipe as much of the egg slime off his rear as he could. It seemed he was somehow bringing out the playful, mischievous side in her, which he hoped was a good thing. "You're lucky I'm a gentleman or I might have taken you over my knee."

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:18 EST
She blinked, confused by that allusion. Whether it was a kink or pure discipline, no one had ever raised a hand to her in her life. "What in heaven's name for?" she asked with another quiet laugh, using the spatula to peek underneath the slice in the pan. "I have no idea what I'm doing here."

"For..." He trailed off again, furrowing his brows quizzically at her, wondering if she really was that naive or if she was teasing him again. "You're doing fine, Dru. Just flip it over when it gets golden brown on the bottom." He turned his attention to the coffee, leaving her in charge of the toast.

He missed the look of sheer panic in her eyes when he turned away again. The thought of being in sole charge of whether or not something burned was genuinely scary to the little princess, resulting in her obsessively checking the underside of the toast every few seconds, just in case it had turned golden brown without her noticing.

"So, you've really never been spanked?" he asked, curiously as he went about getting the coffee going and setting the table for breakfast. He asked as nonchalantly as he could, knowing he could count on one hand the times his own father had laid a hand on him. He couldn't imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt Dru for any reason, but kids were kids.

She shook her head, still concentrating fiercely on not burning the toast. There was a sizzle as she flipped it over. "No, never," she told him. "Not that I remember, anyway. But as far back as I can remember, there was another little girl the same age as me in the palace, and I was told that if I was naughty, she would be punished for it. So I was never naughty."

Josh glanced over at her with an undisguised look of shock on his face, surprised by this little revelation and wondering how different her childhood must have been from his, despite both being noble-born and bred. "That doesn't seem right," he said, understanding the reasons behind the sort of thinking but still not agreeing with it.

She hesitated, frowning herself as she glanced up at the same time. "It-it's all to do with treason and what constitutes it," she tried to explain. "Anyone who lays an aggressive hand on a member of the royal family without consent is technically committing treason. It hasn't been enforced for over a hundred years, but it's still there, in law. If anyone had spanked me as a child, they would have been risking the death penalty."

It still didn't seem right to Josh, though he didn't really agree with spanking as a good form of punishment anyway, but maybe it was different with girls. "There were a few times when I thought my father was going to kill us," he said, presumably referring to both himself and his brother. He turned back to set two place settings at the table, his memory turning back to his own childhood for a moment.

Startled, Dru turned to look at him, horrified by the thought of any violence coming his way, even if it was parental, mild, and earned as a child. "What happened?" she asked, clearly shocked by the suggestion that Duke Oliver could get that angry with his sons.

He shrugged at the memory, as if it was no longer important, which it really wasn't. It had been a long time ago, and his father had long since forgiven them. "We took the horses out on our own, and one of them got spooked. I fell off and broke my arm. I thought my Dad was going to kill us both. He said I was lucky I didn't break my neck."

"You were," she agreed in retrospect with his father, belatedly turning back to the pan just in time to rescue the last slice of toast from burning. "Um ....this one is a little overdone," she confessed, dropping it onto the plate still smoking at the edges.

"It's okay. It's extra anyway." He went to the fridge to fetch the jam and add it to the growing still life of objects on the kitchen table that made up breakfast. "Anyway," he continued. "That was the last time we did that. We were both grounded from riding for six months. It hurt Jamie more than it hurt me, I think. My Dad was pretty hard on him, being the older brother and all."

Turning off the heat and setting the pan in the sink to soak, Dru could imagine what Jamie had gone through. The responsibility of being the firstborn, especially with a younger sibling who had gotten hurt ....that was something Josh's brother was never going to escape. "You both turned out pretty well, though," she mused, bringing the plate over to the table. "Admittedly, I'm biased - I think you turned out best - but Jamie will do in a pinch."

"Oh, I see how it is," he teased with a good-natured smirk. "If it wasn't for me, you'd be satisfied with my brother." He was only teasing, but there was a part of him who hoped it wasn't true. There were people growing up who'd always compared him to his elder brother. Thankfully, his father wasn't one of them. "You want some coffee?" he asked as he moved to fetch the pot. "They say it stunts your growth," he teased, knowing she wasn't going to get much taller than she already was, which wasn't very tall compared to him.

"Oh, yes, your brother, who doesn't seem to be able to get through a conversation with me without mentioning every woman he currently has his eye on," she drawled in amusement, setting the plate down with a roll of her eyes. His comment on the coffee made her gasp in protest, turning to look at him with an indignant smile. "I am not that small!"

"Actually, you kind of are, but don't worry. It's kind of cute," he pointed out with a smile. "You didn't answer the question," he added, as he stepped over to the table to pour himself a cup. "There's milk and sugar, if you like."

"Perhaps you're just freakishly tall," she countered playfully. "Yes, I would like some coffee, thank you. Black, no sugar." She slid down into a seat, waiting politely for him to settle himself before her attention could turn to actually eating the fruits of their labors.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult," he laughed, but did not deny it. He was tall, taller even than his brother, though he wasn't sure if six foot three was freakishly tall. "You want to hear something funny?" he asked as he leaned over to fill her coffee cup.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:19 EST
She smiled, eyes bright with playful affection as he leaned over to her. "Amuse me."

"Everyone thinks I should be playing basketball....because of my height. Funny thing is, I can't dribble." It was something of a joke back home, that he was taller than most of his peers, tall enough that he should be a wiz kid at basketball, only he couldn't bounce the ball to save his life. But get him up on a stage, and he felt like he was at home.

"Can you spit?" she asked, seemingly innocent but for the grin on her face. Of course she knew what he was talking about, she was just enjoying having the freedom and confidence to tease him. "Dribbling is just so infancy, these days." She flashed him a grin, glancing at the stacks of toast. "What am I supposed to do with this to eat it?"

"Haha, very funny," he told her and actually, perhaps for the first time ever since he'd met her, stuck his tongue out at her before turning to return the coffee pot to the counter and claim a chair across from her. "Watch and learn," he answered as he took his seat. He skewered a slice of toast from the pile and set it on his plate, then added a pat of butter, swirling it around on the slice as it slowly melted. "Most people like maple syrup, but I prefer jam."

She watched and copied, not entirely sure what this was going to taste like when she finally got it into her mouth. "I've always found maple syrup too sickly sweet," she shared with him in a soft tone. "Even a drop of it on something can turn my stomach."

"Really?" he asked, a little surprised as he reached for the jar of strawberry jam and spooned some out onto his toast. "A drop on anything"" he asked, trying hard to hide the smirk on his face at the subtle innuendo. Once he was finished with the jam-spreading, he swapped plates with her with a triumphant, "Ta da!"

The innuendo was certainly subtle enough to pass straight over her head, but whatever she might have said in reply was startled into nothingness by the sudden switch of their plates. "But ....I thought I was supposed to be watching and learning?" she protested laughingly, bare toes touching against his calf beneath the table.

"You are," he told her, not taking no for an answer. It would be rude to fix his own breakfast without helping her with hers. "Tell me what you think," he said, licking jam from a finger, once their plates were switched. He watched her with rapt attention, hoping she found the French toast as good as she did the grilled cheese.

The sight of his tongue flicking out to clean his finger did something interesting to her insides, remembering where else that tongue had been in the not so distant past, distracting her from hearing a word he'd said. She stared, lips parted, for a long moment, the look in her eyes telling him that her mind was a long way from breakfast right now.

"Dru?" he asked, a small smirk on his face as he realized she was staring at his lips. He didn't have to wonder very hard where her mind had gone. Instead of trying to distract her from her thoughts or insist that she eat her breakfast, he reached over and cut into her toast, before offering a forkful of the jam-laden stuff to her parted lips.

Startled out of those intriguing thoughts more by his movement than by the sound of her own name, she blinked, blushing as she realized she'd been caught. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear a word of that," she admitted, looking down to find a laden fork inches from her mouth. Raising her eyes to his, she leaned forward to take the mouthful from the proffered cutlery, moaning softly in delight at the taste that exploded on her tongue as she chewed. "Oh, that's wonderful."

What he'd been saying while she'd gone all moon-eyed over his jam-licking hadn't been important, and so, he didn't bother to repeat it. He smiled at her praise of the French toast, pleased that she approved, just as he'd been at her reaction to the grilled cheese. "Food always tastes different when you cook it yourself," he remarked, taking up a forkful for himself with a grin. He wasn't sure why that was true, but it seemed to be. He started spreading butter and jam on his own toast, now that she had come out of her daze.

"It must taste fantastic when someone you love makes it for you, then," was Dru's comment on that, slightly disappointed that she couldn't test this theory on him. If she tried to cook a meal by herself, he would probably have to call the fire department. Taking up her knife and fork herself, she began to tuck into the toast with gusto, consuming quickly what was on her plate and helping herself to another slice without feeling the need to ask for permission.

"Maybe," he replied, uncertainly. They had made this meal together, and while it had been nothing particularly difficult, they'd had fun doing it and he couldn't help but admit that it tasted pretty good, too. "I suppose we'll have servants in Itana," he mused aloud. Cooks, maids, butlers, drivers, security men. He wondered if they'd have any privacy at all, other than in their bedroom at night. They'd have to grant them that if they wanted an heir.

She looked over at him, wondering whether this was something that would truly bother him. "One of us will be in charge of our household," she told him quietly. "Servants would be that person's responsibility. We wouldn't have to have too many to keep us from having privacy."

He assumed that person would be her. What the hell did he know about running a household? What did he know about running a country' But he shoved that thought aside. He'd already talked to his father about that and had been reassured that he had time to prepare. He had already decided and he wasn't about to change his mind, but there was something special about this time they had alone together, here in Rhy'Din, and he didn't really want to give it up. He nodded his head, having no choice but to believe her. It would only make their holidays here that much more cherished.

She didn't dare mention that it would be his responsibility, feeling as though he probably had enough to contend with right now as it was. He could ask her for details later on, when they were both more comfortable with one another, when he was more comfortable with the decision he had made so quickly. The rest of the meal passed in relative silence, both of them distracted by their own thoughts and the food they had created together. Dru didn't think she knew what to say, in any case.

Dru Granger

Date: 2014-03-20 12:21 EST
He almost wished he hadn't brought up the future that was looming before them. It wasn't that he dreaded it - that wasn't it at all. How could he dread the prospect of spending the rest of his life with this gentle, sweet, lovely girl that had won his heart with hardly any effort at all" That wasn't the problem at all. It was fear that was the problem, mostly the fear of failure, and yet, they had nearly a year to prepare for that future. A year he knew would fly by and be there before they knew it. A year of freedom, he thought. They should make the most of it.

When it came time to clean up, Dru was the first to rise, but before she lifted anything, she leaned down to Josh, turning his head to catch his lips in a slow, tender kiss that seemed to steal her own breath from her. "I love you," she whispered to him, needing him to know it, deep at the center of his being.

She succeeded in drawing him out of his thoughts, a smile on his lips as she kissed him. He didn't doubt her love. It was because of that love that his whole life was changing. Love wasn't the problem at all. "I love you, too," he whispered back, once again thinking the words were insufficient to properly express what he was feeling.

With a gentle brush of her nose to his, she straightened, moving to collect their plates and cups, to take them to the sink. The water was still warm, the pan soaked enough to be easy to wipe clean as she plunged her hands into the bubbles, resuming once again the very domesticated sight of a princess in nothing but a t-shirt and panties, washing the dishes.

"Do you think it's weird to like this kind of life, Dru?" he asked abruptly, out of the blue, as he got to his feet to return the butter and jam to the fridge and help clear the rest of the dishes. "I mean, have you ever wondered what it's like to know..." To be what? A commoner living a simple life of your own choosing"

"Of course I have," she assured him, glancing over her shoulder with a smile that was far too wise for her years. "But if I wasn't who I am, someone else would have to be, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. This isn't my right, it is a privilege, and one I intend to enjoy for as long as I am allowed it."

"So," he started as he brought the remaining dishes to her and grabbed a towel to dry, just like he had the night before. "You don't think it's silly of us to play this game for a little while?" he asked, needing to know what she thought. If they were going to be together for the rest of their lives, he wanted to know everything about her, every thought, every dream, every wish, everything past and present and future.

"No, I don't," she said confidently, handing him the pan now it was dripping clean. "Because this isn't a one-off, and it will happen again. We have a chance that so many people don't - a chance to learn each other, to get to know each other, in our own time and our own space, without too many restrictions or responsibilities hanging over us. I don't think it's a game. I think it's a gift."

A gift, she'd said. He considered that, realizing she was right. In a way, they'd both run away from home, just for different reasons, hoping for different things, but more alike than different when all things were considered. That was the important part. "Yeah, you're right," he admitted, taking the pan from her and wiping it dry before setting it aside to put away later. "I'm just....I don't know. Scared of something. Scared that going back will change us. It won't change us, will it, Dru" It won't change how we feel about each other."

"Nothing will change the way we feel about each other," she promised him, sounding more confident in that than she actually felt. "We'll make time for each other when we get back home. I won't let them fill each and every day and leave me with no time for what makes it all worth it. I refuse to."

"I don't want it to change us, Dru. I don't want them to change us." Them meaning Parliament and anyone else who had any say in their lives besides themselves. They were in this together now, and were going to be for the rest of their lives. But he didn't want her to think he was having any second thoughts because he wasn't. He just needed to make sure she felt the same.

"Whatever they try to do to us, they can't touch us here," she told him softly. "And we can come here every year, every few months. We can decide when we come back here and how often. This place belongs to us now, and we know we can be ourselves here. Don't we?"

"That's just it. We should be able to be ourselves there, too. Not in front of the cameras maybe, but..." He sighed, leaning one shorts-clad, egg-mixture-covered hip against the cupboard. "I love you, Dru, and nothing's going to change that. I know how to play my part, but it's not just a part in a play anymore. It's real. I can pretend to be who they want me to be, but deep down, I'm just Josh."

"I don't want you to be anyone else," she rushed to tell him, shaking the water from her hands as she turned to meet his gaze. "Yes, there's a part to play, but it isn't 24/7, I promise you. And we will have plenty of time to be ourselves, with each other and with everyone else. It isn't all pretending, Josh."

He nodded his head, a lock of brown hair falling over his forehead, forcing a smile, mostly for her sake. She believed in him, even if he didn't believe in himself, but more importantly, she loved him, and he had fallen hopelessly in love with her. "I tried to resist you, you know. The first time I met you. I promised my father I'd befriend you, watch over you, but I never thought I'd fall in love with you," he told her quietly, as if he was sharing some deep dark secret, when she should know all of this already. He reached over to brush his fingers against her cheek, his heart aching for her. He wanted to keep that promise to his father, but more importantly, he wanted to keep the promises he'd made to her. He just wanted to make her happy.

Her cheek tilted into his touch, the trust in her gaze slowly becoming familiar to his eyes as she smiled faintly, reaching up to brush that fallen lock of hair from his brow. "I will never be safer than I am when you're watching over me," she heard herself say quietly, and knew she didn't mean safe in a physical sense. Josh guarded her, body, heart, and soul, from everything that threatened to make her life a true misery until the day she died. He was all she truly wanted, all she truly wished for, her heart aching with the tenderness she felt for him. "I am the luckiest person alive, because you love me."

He smiled softly back at her, knowing she was wrong. She wasn't the luckiest person alive because he loved her; he was the luckiest person alive because she loved him. "I'm the lucky one, Princess," he countered, his fingers in gentle caress of her cheek as she tilted her head into his hand. He knew she'd never agree with him, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that they had found each other and that they were together and always would be, from this day forward, Parliament or no Parliament, vow or no vow. He spared her the words that he'd already said, letting his lips tell her how much he loved her with a kiss, rather than words.

Kisses could say so much. They could comfort, or tease; they could express love, or mere affection; they could share passion with barely a moment's notice. And Josh's kisses could alter the world, in Dru's eyes. She melted into him, pouring her heart into that kiss as her arms curled about his waist, making the most of her slightness to tuck herself very firmly into his embrace, giving everything up to him. No marriage vow could compete with a kiss like this.

For a little while, the rest of the world faded away, forgotten for another day. Nothing else existed or was important but the two of them. Whatever the rest of their lives would bring, they would always have each other, but for now, they had this moment to share, to cherish, and to hold onto for the rest of their lives.

((Another somewhat epic for our lovebirds. All this domesticated bliss is going to spoil them! ~chuckles~ Huge thank yous to Josh's player for being awesome!))