Topic: Coming home

Robyn Granger

Date: 2012-01-20 13:48 EST
The room had that dual stench of sickness overlaid by far too much cleanser; whatever disinfectant they were using did nothing to hide the corruption beneath. Robyn hated hospitals, she hated bad hospitals even more. In another hour or two she would be moved to a better hospital, this one had been convenient and time had been a factor.

Despite the fact there was a dull ache in her side she didn't feel much like she'd just been shot, she was concerned about how her commanding officer would handle this development. She'd been undercover for over a year, someone had published an article in the local paper about her true identity. Where they had gotten the intel and who thought it was a good idea....the author had claimed it was "too good a story' to pass by and wouldn't give their source despite some heavy hitters asking.

It wasn't even her idea to begin with, this undercover work, she'd fallen into by accident and was tempted into staying as an excuse not to go back to Rhy'din. It was true she had believed it would just be a few months and that had stretched....and stretched.

It was in the middle of that thought that her commanding officer, FBI agent Tomas McGillian entered. "Liz, how are you feeling?" She had given her middle name as her first, Elizabeth and had used her mothers maiden name to further obscure her identity.

"Not bad, Sir." There was nothing else to say until he informed her of her status.

"We're sending you home for now, Liz." The man never did believe in sugar-coating anything, Robyn couldn't imagine his childhood and how that staunch adherence to harsh truths developed. "You're not safe here."

This was expected. That didn't mean it wasn't hard to swallow but she would take it like an adult. Until she left Rhy'din she had been living in a type of cocoon; making her tapestries, taking some courses, safe because of her family. She had grown a lot since she'd left, to go back now was nearly unimaginable. Still, she had some fond memories of the place and she had missed her brother, Shane, terribly. They kept in touch via letters and phoning but that wasn't the same.

"Liz, I'm sorry."

Now that was unexpected, perhaps it was something in her expression that broke Tom down enough to say something he thought comforting"

"It's fine, Sir. I suppose I knew the moment I saw the article that would be happening. Home is just so very different." She left it at that, it wasn't like anyone that hadn't been to Rhy'din would believe anything she had to say on the subject.

"Home is different for everyone, Liz. We'll give you a cell to keep on hand. When we have things sorted we'll contact you. Maybe you could spend some time working in a musical that isn't run by the mob, you have a lovely voice."

That nearly caused her to blush. He had come to see her perform, she knew that, but he'd never mentioned it. "Maybe, boss. Maybe."

Robyn Granger

Date: 2012-02-01 14:28 EST
The first few days back were strange but having Shane there made it easier. They had a lot of catching up to do and some of the things Shane had to say weren't good. So much had changed even as so much of the place had stayed the same. All places people called home were probably a lot like that, the more things changed and whatnot.

After the first few days she ventured out to town, wandering around bundled up like some lost polar bear until she got to the Inn. She had hardly removed the layers and made her way toward the bar before a familiar voice called out to her. When she turned it took a moment to place the face with the one in her memory but it was with genuine pleasure that she cried out, "TALI!" Of all her cousins she was thrilled that Tali was the one she ran into first.

There was some catching up done and some shocks, Ollie married and with a child already! She'd only been gone a bit over a year and he hadn't any prospects when she left! Cian in the hospital, something she had a hard time picturing, the boy in her memories was so full of life.

There had been another woman met, Iona, and later that week they ran into each other again. Plans were made to have a night of girly activities and Robyn fully planned on following up on that. She had grown since the last time she had been in Rhy'din but she didn't believe she would ever outgrow the simple pleasures of having a sleep over with friends doing silly things like hair and makeup.

When she got the part in the Morgan Theaters production of Jekyll and Hyde her attention was consumed by that. She had gotten a few minor parts on Broadway but this would be her first lead, which lead to a flood of emotions that took her a week or so to sort through. With all the bad that was happening in her family she didn't feel right sending out invites to help her celebrate, maybe when the show opened? Maybe.

Until that time she drew up invitations on some of her special stash of thick pink parchment and sent them out to Tali and Iona. A girls night would be a great way to relax and ease her way back into the swing of things. Maybe this time in Rhy'din would work out better, it certainly seemed to be heading in that directions, all she had to do was to keep it on the right path.