Topic: Disturbing Development

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2012-10-09 22:47 EST
The small package arrived at the hotel in London before Jonathan Granger had even entered the country, waiting for him behind the reception desk. It was neatly labelled and wrapped securely, a simple padded envelope containing something relatively bulky but small enough to be posted. His hired security checked it over thoroughly before it ever came within meters of the star, but eventually it was brought to his room along with the other fan mail that that shown up in the hotel's daily intake of post.

Opened up, it was revealed to be simply a small digital voice recorder, with a bright sticker attached to it emblazoned with an arrow pointing to the Play button. A smooth hand had written in pink ink, "Press Me", with a small heart above it. And it was unusual enough, as fan mail goes, to warrant the interest of the star to whom it had been sent.

When Jon pressed the Play button, there was a moment of static sound, and a young woman's voice began to speak. It was a sweet voice, perhaps a little gravelly, as though she were fighting off a severe cough and cold at the time of making the recording, some of the words a little indistinct as she spoke. But her message was very clear.

"Hey, Jon. I can call you Jon, can't I" So many people just assume they can use your first name just because they think they know you, and it's never felt right to me. Your first name is something very personal to you and the people who love you, isn't it' But I feel like maybe you don't mind so much, since you never correct people, so you can't really tell me not to call you Jon.

"I have to tell you, I am seriously your Number One Fan. I've seen every one of your films, and most of the stuff you've done on stage, here and on Rhy'Din. I kinda missed the last year of your work - I haven't been very well. I got into some trouble and it nearly took me out, and I promised myself when I was all better, I'd contact you and let you know I'm still around. We met once, on the last night of Waiting For Godot at the Shanachie. I was at the stage door, and you were just coming out, and you gave me your autograph and shook my hand. I haven't washed it since, not properly. I mean, I had to wash it, but I never wash the part where you actually touched me, even if you were kinda distracted with your boyfriend at the time ....

"Anywho, I love your work, most of it, anyway. You're such a talent, you express everything so effortlessly. It's like every time you pick up a new script, you turn into someone else who is still this gorgeous, wonderful guy deep down. I really enjoyed your Hamlet earlier this year ....I don't usually go for the Shakespeare stuff, but there's just something about you in tights holding a sword ....Man, you're so sexy when you're in the zone. But, you know, not so happy with hearing you did Fifty Shades of Grey. Seriously, what gives the rest of the world the right to see you like that' You're nothing but a sex symbol to them, someone to drool over and fantasize about, and that's just wrong.

"No one loves you the way I do, Jon. No one does. I know you got married, but come on, you and I both know it's just for the baby's sake. You must be so miserable in that marriage, having her always around, never letting you go anywhere on your own. I'll bet she tricked you into it somehow; she's just like all the others you've been with, selfish and cruel and manipulating. No one's that perky all the time without being on something. Do you really want your baby to be born addicted to uppers"

"I wish you'd answered any of my letters; I can get you a baby. You name it, I'll find it for you. I'll do more than that, if you'll let me. I know my last plan kinda didn't come off right. I'm real sorry about that. I swear, you weren't supposed to get in the way. It wasn't supposed to be that messy, it just happened. But it got you outta trouble for a while, so I guess it turned out okay. I'll do it better next time. I already have it all planned out, it'll be done before you know it, and you'll be so pleased.

"All I want is to see you smile, Jon. Smile properly, without having anyone's hand on you telling you to do this or say that or look there. I gave up everything for you, Jon, and you never noticed me before. I'll make sure you notice me this time. It'll be great, I promise."

Another moment of static, and the haunting opening bars of Nancy Sinatra's Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) began to resound from the little recorder.

((I cannot take credit for the above, which was written by Vicki's awesomefantastic player. Creepy, no' Not Vicki. The message! ;-) ))

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2012-10-09 23:16 EST
There was a long pause as the music played, before Vicki pulled her fascinated gaze from the little digital voice recorder to look up at Jon. "Sweetheart, don't get me wrong," she began in a vaguely wary tone of voice, "but some of your fan base are certifiable." Her lips quirked, threatening a smile but holding it back in case Jon was going to take the rather unsettling message seriously. It was not the best way to begin an afternoon off.

Jon was silent, lost in thought, face pale. It wasn't like he'd never received strange fan mail before, but there was something about the message that troubled him. It wasn't exactly your usual run of the mill crazy obsessed fan letter. It was downright creepy, and there were parts of it that gave Jon the willies and struck a cord. The message started out innocently enough, but changed about mid-way, turning obsessive and even threatening. Jon hit the playback button, replaying the last part of the message again, the part that talked about the baby.

"I know my last plan kinda didn't come off right. I'm real sorry about that. I swear, you weren't supposed to get in the way. It wasn't supposed to be that messy, it just happened. But it got you outta trouble for a while, so I guess it turned out okay. I'll do it better next time."

Jon hit the Stop button and turned to Vicki, his face pale and strained, looking worried and shaken. "The hell does that mean?" he asked, perplexed and more than mildly troubled. "I'll do it better next time" Do what? The hell is she talking about?"

The urge toward a smile abruptly dropped from Vicki's expression as she really listened that second time, feeling Jon's blood pressure suddenly go through the roof as he absorbed more of the worrying aspects of the message than she had. Her face was a little paler than usual, though, as she looked up at him from where she lounged on the end of the bed. "I don't know," she told her husband truthfully. "I don't want to think about what she might mean, but ....Jon, I think you need to call Liv. Get your security raised. That girl doesn't sound right in the head."

Jon clenched his jaw, lips tightening in a thin line, a sign of nervous tension. There was a lot more to this message than Vicki was picking up on, or so it seemed to Jon. In his estimation, the threat was obvious, and the one being threatened was not him but Vicki. The problem was that as much as he wanted to be honest with her, he didn't want to upset her either, especially in her condition. "Maybe we should cut the tour short and go home," he mused aloud, though secretly, he was considering a lot more than he was letting on.

Of course Vicki hadn't noticed the threat to herself. She didn't consider herself to have any interest for his fans, aside from the passing curiosity that attended her ever-increasing waistline. The message had brought to mind the dark time when Jon had been shot, something she never wanted to go through again, knowing that if it did, there would be no Jon from the future to come and reassure her that everything would be fine. Pushing herself to her feet, she moved over to him, laying her hands against his arms. "Jon, you can't just walk out on your obligations because some nut job has gone loco on you," she pointed out quietly. "It's only another twelve days, and then we're home anyway. We're not even staying in the country more than another two days. If you're that worried, you should contact Scotland Yard and get their advice as to what you should do."

He nodded his head slowly. As much as he didn't want to over-react, this was more than just fan mail from a random nut job. Whether there was any real reason to be concerned or not, he couldn't say, but it was better to be safe than sorry, especially where the safety of his wife and child were concerned. "You're right," he admitted soberly. Even if all they did was tell him to beef up security, someone needed to know what was going on in case something happened. "Maybe they can figure out who sent it." Though he realized the chances of that were slim, it was worth a try. "Do you have the envelope?" he asked, curious if there was any return address or maybe at least a postmark.

Chewing on her lower lip, the redhead glanced around for the envelope he asked for, her gaze alighting on it where it lay on one of the dressers nearby. She moved to pick it up, checking it inside and out as she brought it over to him. "There's nothing else in here," she offered mildly, not sure where his mind was going. Though it was concerning, she didn't think the creepy message was anything to get that worried about. Jon had had worse in the weeks after their marriage was announced, after all, and nothing had come of it.

If it hadn't been for the shooting, he probably wouldn't have thought twice about the message, chalking it up to some nut job with too much time on their hands, but there was something about the message that made him feel edgy. It was too specific in some ways and too cryptic in others, and reading between the lines, it seemed a lot more threatening than a simple fan letter. Jon considered quietly a moment as he looked the envelope over, before grabbing his phone from the nightstand and speed dialing Olivia. He lowered himself to the bed, trying not to let Vicki see just how upset he was by all this.

Realising that this was something she wasn't going to be able to help with until Jon had settled himself, Vicki quietly slipped out of the bedroom and into the sitting room beyond, suppressing the sense of hurt that came with knowing her husband wasn't sharing his worries with her, but with his P.A.

Olivia's telephone rang a little longer than usual before she answered it, and the giggle in her voice more than attested to the assurance that at least one person was having fun this afternoon. "Hello?"

Conversely, Jon sounded dead serious - literally - on the other end of the phone, no humor in his voice, though he held no grudge against Liv and her boyfriend for having a good time. It was what he and Vicki were doing before they'd opened the package. "Liv" It's Jon." Well, of course, it was Jon. Who else would it be? "I need you to do something for me. Don't freak out, but I need you to contact Scotland Yard and have them send someone over. There's something I need them to look at. And increase security." He lowered his voice, despite the fact that Vicki had left the room. "Especially where Vicki is concerned."

The voice on the other end of the line grew sober, though the initial response wasn't for Jon. "No ....stop it, not now!" Clearing her throat and making an effort to stop laughing so she could attend to her employer's needs, Liv answered Jon with all the confidence of a P.A. who knows her job inside and out. "Is Vicki allowed to know about this increase in security?" she asked Jon thoughtfully. "And I'll need some kind of detail when I contact the police, or they won't be able to spare the resources to send someone over. What's happened?"

Jon rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed at the antics of his P.A. and her boyfriend, but he couldn't say much, since he and Vicki weren't much better most of the time. Relieved she, at least, was taking him seriously, he paused a moment to consider her question. "Yeah, she's allowed. She's going to find out sooner or later anyway." No secrets. It was a promise he'd made and intended to keep, no matter how difficult. "It's gonna sound stupid, but I got a threatening message in the mail, and it's....It's a little too creepy."

There was a short pause before Liv replied, this time a product of her frowning worriedly into space as she finally located her book and scribbled down a quick to-do list. "I see. I take it you're canceling plans to go out this afternoon with your wife, then?"

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2012-10-09 23:18 EST
Jon considered the question a moment, weighing the pros and cons before arriving at a decision. "No, I'm not canceling anything. I'm not going to let one nut job stop me from living my life." Ultimately, it was going to be up to Vicki, not him anyway. "Just make the call, Liv. We'll wait for you to call back."

"I'm on it." And it was Liv who hung up on Jon, not the other way around. She was a little too single-minded when it came to doing what was asked of her as soon as it was asked, but in this case, that was definitely a good thing.

Jon hung up the phone and slid it into his pants pocket, so that it was nearby when Liv called back. He nibbled at a thumbnail, which was really not something Jon normally did, suddenly craving a cigarette, though he hadn't smoked in months. He tapped a finger nervously against the phone in his pocket, debating what to do about Vicki. There was really only one thing he could do, and that was to tell her the truth. He pushed off the bed and made his way into the living area to join his wife, reluctant to worry her, but needing to be honest.

She was sitting on the windowsill, arms crossed over her little bump, staring down at the busy London streets below. The hotels here weren't as plush and high-rise as those in New York had been, and she was able to watch specific people moving back and forth, visible herself if anyone cared to look upward. She'd purposely not listened in on Jon's phone call, informing herself sternly that it was ridiculous to feel jealous of Liv, and chosen to wait patiently. It was up to her husband to tell her the truth or not, but she was definitely aware that she had missed something.

Jon saw Vicki at the window and two thoughts came immediately to mind, both of which were disturbing for different reasons. The first was that she shouldn't be sitting at the window, where anyone could see her from the streets and either know she was there or possibly try to harm her. The second thought was how sad she looked sitting there by herself, and he felt a wave of regret wash over him. Not regret for marrying her or bringing her here, but worry and regret for unknowingly putting her in danger and not being completely forthcoming about it. His first instinct had been to call Liv to contact the authorities and increase security, and though he knew he had done the right thing, he somehow needed to tell Vicki what was going on.

Jon made his way over to the window, gentling his voice, despite his worries. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, hoping to pull her attention away from the window and the crowd in the streets.

It took a moment for Vicki to respond, proving with that delay that she wasn't really watching the street below but lost in her own thoughts. Her lips curved in an absent-minded smile that almost didn't touch her eyes, an expression alien on her usually bright face. She drew in a slow breath, letting it out in a heavy sigh as she turned her back to the window, rising onto her feet to look up at Jon. "I'm fine," she assured him in a quiet voice. "Are you?"

Should he tell her the truth, that he wasn't okay, or should he lie just to reassure her and allay her worries" Was he over-reacting, or trying to play it safe" He figured the truth was probably best and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I've just got a bad feeling about it."

"Are you going to tell me about it?" It was gently asked, but Vicki just wasn't good enough at schooling her expression to hide the dull suggestion of jealous pain that flickered in her eyes as she went on, truthfully laying out with a deliberately wry smile her objection to his immediate reaction. "I'd like to know what has you worried enough to call your P.A. rather than talk to me first." She shrugged her own shoulders, not liking how petty that sounded, and shook her head. "That's not supposed to sound like a criticism, Jon, I just ..." She sighed again and gave up being diplomatic. "I'm jealous."

"Jealous?" he echoed, arching both brows. That was the last thing he expected to hear from her. He reached for her hands to pull her away from the window. "Vicki, there's nothing to be jealous of. She's my assistant. She works for me. That's all." He wanted to explain, but gently, not all at once, not wanting to worry her too much.

"I know." Her smile was more a grimace, self-deprecating and touched with guilt for even feeling that ugly emotion, much less admitting to it. Her hands slid into his as he drew her out of the autumn sunshine peeking in through the window. "But I've obviously missed something that has you worried, and rather than talk to me about it, you called Liv. It's a ridiculous reaction, I know, I just ....I can't help it." Hadn't Humphrey warned Jon that his wife might become a little irrational as her pregnancy advanced"

He pulled her away from the window to the couch that was positioned a safe distance from the window, at least in Jon's estimation, and took a seat, pulling her down with him. Whatever warning Humphrey had given him was temporarily forgotten. The last thing Jon wanted to do was upset her, but he knew if he kept his concerns from her and they were valid, there would be far worse consequences to deal with than just his wife's moodiness. "I called Liv first because I want her to increase security and contact the authorities. I know I'm probably over-reacting, but I'd rather over-react than do nothing."

Vicki's eyes dropped to her hands, still clasped in his as he drew her down to the couch beside him. "I'm sorry," she apologised for her fit of bad humor, making an effort to pull herself together. She had a vague feeling that she'd only reacted that way because of her current hormonal tendency to take everything too much to heart, and she didn't like it. Lifting her eyes to his, her expression was lighter, if still solemn, as she spoke. "What did I miss, love" What is it that has you so worried?"

The moment of truth had arrived, and he had no choice but to tell her what was worrying him, no matter her reaction, and he had to do it before Scotland Yard arrived to poke around and ask questions. He needed her to know before they did. He licked his lips, eyes meeting hers, despite his nervousness. "It's about the shooting," he started, waiting a moment for that to sink in, not wanting to frighten her by spitting it all out at once.

Vicki paled, her freckle-dusted face turning from pink-flushed porcelain to luminescent white. Unlike Jon, she remembered the shooting; she remembered the terror of thinking him about to die. It was the darkest part of her history, and a place she tried hard to avoid returning to in her mind. But it was brought to the fore here and now, and if he thought it had some bearing on what was happening, then she had to listen. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she squeezed her hands about his fingers, swallowing hard. "What about it?"

His frown deepened at her reaction, and he gave her hands a reassuring squeeze. "I don't want to scare you, but..." He paused again as he searched for the right words, feeling like this was quite possibly the hardest thing he could ever remember having to do. "They never caught the shooter and....The message....I know it might be nothing, but I don't want to take any chances." "Vicki, if the shooter sent that message, then I don't think it was me she was after." It had never occurred to him before that the shooter might have been a woman, but now, it sort of made sense. The pieces of the puzzle were falling slowly into place, though he hoped to God he was wrong.

There was a moment where his wife was absolutely still, utterly expressionless, her alarmed eyes fixed on his ....and quite suddenly, those familiar blue eyes blazed with absolute fury. "If she comes anywhere near you, I'll kill her myself," Vicki flared suddenly, though they both knew that was never likely to happen. She could barely bring herself to kill a spider, much less a human being. But the flare of anger was damped by his continuation, one hand slipping from his to curl over the swell of their baby in her womb. "They wouldn't. Would they?"

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2012-10-09 23:22 EST
The words of the message came back to her. "No one loves you the way I do, Jon. No one does. I know you got married, but come on, you and I both know it's just for the baby's sake. You must be so miserable in that marriage, having her always around, never letting you go anywhere on your own. I'll bet she tricked you into it somehow; she's just like all the others you've been with, selfish and cruel and manipulating." Vicki's frown drew deeper as she considered this, not even vaguely reassured by a decidedly imperious kick delivered directly to one of her kidneys. "But if they do come after me, they'll hurt the baby."

"That's what she seems to be saying," Jon confirmed her suspicions, a worried expression on his face. "That's why I had Liv call Scotland Yard. I'm not taking any chances, not where you or the baby are concerned." Had she only been threatening Jon, he might have made light of it, but he wasn't taking any risks with the lives of Vicki or their baby. They were too important to him. "I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I didn't want to scare you." To his credit, he had told her, as soon as he was off the phone with Liv.

Her hand rose, touching her fingers to his cheek as the color began to resume its place in her cheeks. "You had better not be taking any chances with yourself, either," she pointed out, almost stern in her own concern for him. "I know you don't want to scare me, love, but how can I help you if I don't know what?s weighing on your mind" Liv's good at what she does. I'm sure we'll be fine."

"It just hit me all at once. It makes sense now. It was Correy she was after, not me." He still looked worried, but he was relaxing a little now that he was opening up and explaining all this to Vicki. He frowned, shifting close to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or the baby, Vic. I swear."

"Or you," she insisted even as he drew her in, leaning back just enough to hold his gaze with her own frown of deep concern. "Seriously, Jon, don't you dare take any risks with yourself. I know you'll look after us, and you'll make sure we're safe. But I want you to promise me that you'll make sure you're safe, too. Promise me right now."

"Trust me, I'm not taking any chances either. I'm no superhero," he remarked. Even though he had helped take down a pack of vampires, that wasn't something he wanted to repeat any time soon, not even if the shooter was nothing more than an obsessed, psychotic fan. He brushed a kiss against her cheek, lovingly and protectively, as he settled a hand against her swollen stomach. "Until they catch whoever was responsible, we're both taking no chances." His tone of voice left no room for argument. For once in his life, he was taking charge of the situation as best he could and taking every possible precaution.

She sighed softly, knowing she hadn't got the promise, but reassured that he wasn't going to leave himself open in his insistence on protecting her and their child. Leaning close, Vicki rested her head on his shoulder, her forehead tucked close to the crook of his neck as she wound her arms about his waist. This was not the relaxing afternoon they had been hoping for. Just as her mind turned toward the thought of Liv and wondering how long it took to make two phone calls, Jon's phone began to ring from his back pocket. Vicki smiled a little. "At least you have the universe's most obsessive assistant to balance out the freak sending you creepy messages."

"I'm sorry, Vicki," he apologized quietly as he held her close in his protective embrace. Though none of this was his fault really, she was involved and in danger because of him, and he idly wondered, not for the first time, if he'd been wise to accept the role of Christian Grey, though to Jon, it was just another acting role, nothing more, and he couldn't live his entire life worrying about all the nut jobs out there or he'd go stark raving mad himself. He was about to mention this to Vicki when his phone rang, and he released her from his embrace to grab the phone from his pocket. "Yeah," he said, as he answered, assuming it was the world's greatest P.A. on the other end.

"Spoke to Scotland Yard," Liv leapt straight in with her information, not particularly wanting to interrupt anything that might be going on at the other end of the line. "They're sending an inspector to the hotel, who should be there in about an hour. He'll want to see the recorder and envelope and probably take them away with him. He's going to ask about security arrangements, so Felix is on his way over to you right now, and he'll answer those questions. He's laying on extra guys, and they're in the process of hiring out a couple of heavy-duty cars for you guys to use, as well as recommending that we switch your flights from public to private, which I am working on right now. I've called ahead to the venues for the next couple of days, and they'll be working with Felix to amp up security." She paused, checking down her list. "I think that's everything. Did you think of anything else you wanted me to do?"

"No, that's..." Jon blinked at the relay of information Liv was giving him, as well as the speed at which she was getting things done. "Remind me to give you a raise," he said with a small smile, his first since they'd listened to the recorder.

"Don't you dare," Liv laughed, reassured by the response that she'd done her job properly once again. "Uh ....I had a suggestion for you, actually. You're pretty aware of Johnny's extra-curricular talents, aren't you? I thought that perhaps - while we're still on Earth - he could be Vicki's escort when you're working." There was a pause and the sound of a hand being slapped gently, followed by Liv's voice once again. "Shh, I'm asking ....Only if Vicki agrees, of course, but Johnny would like to be able to help, if he can."

Jon arched a brow, well acquainted with Liv's boyfriend's, er, particular talents. The guy had bragged enough, after all, the last time they'd all had dinner together, and Jon had had trouble getting a word in edgewise. Between Johnny and Vicki, he wasn't sure which was more hyper. "Uh..." He glanced at Vicki, unsure what she'd think of that suggestion. "Let me check with Vicki, and I'll get back to you." He wasn't worried about Johnny making a move on his territory; the guy was obviously head over heels in love with Liv, but he wasn't going to agree to something that would make Vicki uncomfortable. "Is he faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?" Jon asked, familiar with Superman, but not so much with the Fantastic Four.

"Um ..." Liv's blush was practically audible, just like the male laugh that pronounced her hesitation to be as comical as it sounded. "Are we talking about day to day, or just sex here?"

"Uh, I think we're talking about superhuman abilities. He is a member of the Avengers, isn't he?" So much for secret identities and all that. Secrets weren't exactly Johnny Storm's strong suit, but hey, at least the guy was honest.

"You might be more familiar with him from the Fantastic Four," his P.A. offered in a mild tone, but unlike her boyfriend, she didn't like to brag or linger on the fantastical side of her lover. It did him more good to realise that she'd be with him even if he couldn't combust at will, after all. She cleared her throat. "So, uh, I'll check on the flights in a couple of hours, and you can get back to me on the Johnny thing. I'll, um, let you get back to Vicki."

"Sounds good. Thanks, Liv. You're the best," Jon replied, hanging up the phone, confident he'd done the right thing in hiring Liv for the job. He'd watched her bust her *ss for Lelah and knew firsthand what she was capable of. He slid his phone back in his pocket and turned to Vicki. "They're sending an investigator over. He should be here in about an hour. Felix is bumping up security," he passed the information along to Vicki, leaving nothing out. "She wants to know if you want Fireball following you around for a few days."

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2012-10-09 23:25 EST
His wife leaned back to look him in the eye with a flick of a smile he was a little too familiar with. "Seriously' You two would trust us out and about on our own?" she asked in vague amusement, knowing the clash of vibrant personalities between herself and Johnny Storm was the cause of a certain amount of consternation between Jon and Liv.

He shrugged, not really happy about the prospect, but thinking she might be safer with a superhero tagging along, rather than just a bodyguard. "So long as he keeps his hands to himself, I'm fine with it. She said he wanted to help." And who was he to stop him' Besides, Jon wasn't planning on letting Vicki out of his sight very often, so Liv's boyfriend wouldn't have much of a chance to cause trouble or get on Vicki's nerves, he hoped.

Vicki chuckled softly, shaking her head to dismiss the worries over something they didn't really have any control over in the first place. "You really think he'd dare?" she smiled, touching the tip of her nose to his fondly. "He's still so happy about having the condo, he'd strangle himself before risking Liv's job." She touched her lips gently to Jon's. "Sweetheart, you've done everything you can. There's no point upsetting yourself with worrying about it any more."

"Not if he doesn't want Liv to castrate him." Though he wasn't really sure Liv would do that. Her sister Lucy would, but Jon didn't know that. He sighed, frowning a little as he returned her kiss. She was right; they'd done everything they could, at least for now. He wondered if he should start carrying a handgun again, at least when they got back to Rhy'Din, but he was really hoping all of this would be resolved before they got back. If it wasn't, he was going to have to seriously think about what precautions to take once they got there, but one thing at a time. He rubbed a thumb against his temple, which was starting to pound from the stress. "I just don't want to take any chances, Vic."

"So we won't take chances," she assured him, leaning up to kiss his temple, recognising all the signs of a massive headache in the making. "But we're not going to stop living our lives, either. I love you, but I will slap you silly if you try and turn us all into recluses over this." The smile that broke as she offered up this threat was reassuringly Vicki once again, the stress and upset easing out of her as she sought to calm him down.

"How do you know I won't like that?" he asked, with a strained smirk, the stress starting to take a toll via the headache. What he needed was a drink and a couple of aspirin, but he didn't think it would be wise for the investigator to smell alcohol on his breath. "No, we're not going to stop living just because some nut job is sending me creepy messages, but we are going to be careful," he agreed, reaffirming his intentions to keep her and the baby safe from harm. He leaned heavily against the couch, closing his eyes, and rubbing at his temple. Maybe a cup of coffee would be a better idea, but caffeine would probably only wind him up more. "So much for a relaxing day," he grumbled with a frown.

She sighed softly, gently removing his hand from his temple and replacing it with her own, rubbing the pad of her thumb in light circles over the throb in his head. "We can still relax," she told him softly. "Let's not go out, though. What do you say to a long hot bath, and dinner up here in private" Just like home, or as close as we can get. And, no," she hurried to assure him, "I'm not saying this because of everything that's happened. I'm saying this because I want to spend some time with my husband without wondering if the next person to walk by is going to demand a photograph or an autograph, or want to touch my stomach. Which, by the way, is incredibly annoying."

He smiled, looking relieved at her suggestion, just wanting to relax and spend some time with her without the prying eyes of his adoring and unadoring public. "Are you sure?" He didn't want to hold her back from doing anything she wanted to do while they were in London, but he was just as happy to spend it alone and in private. "Want me to get you a shirt that says 'Do Not Touch'?" he smirked, his sense of humor slowly returning.

"Wouldn't suggest it if I wasn't sure," she countered fondly, settling in close beside him. The roundness of her bump pressed into his side, allowing the baby to stretch into him as much as her under the pressure of the close contact. "You know, I'm pretty sure there are shirts around that say "Hands Off The Bump"," she added with a low laugh, touching another light kiss to his cheekbone. "Or we could get one made ...."Jon's Bump, No Touchy"."

"I'll buy you one in every color possible," he smiled, reaching over and resting a hand against her baby bump, feeling the movement beneath his hand with a renewed sense of wonder. "Is that the baby?" he asked. Though it was pretty obvious that it was, it was all new to him, and he was still in awe of it.

"Mmhmm." She nodded in confirmation, her smile softening at the awe in his voice. Though the worry was still going to press on them both, they could push it away in equal enjoyment of the child growing inside her for now. "Feels as though its stretching out for a bit."

"We're gonna have to make a list of names," he remarked thoughtfully, as he turned to face her, gently rubbing a hand against the baby that was growing inside her, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of responsibility and protectiveness well up inside him. She meant more to him than life itself, and the child growing inside her was just as precious. "I love you, you know. Both of you," he told her, unable to hide the emotion from his voice.

His wife leaned close, her lips brushing his as she answered him with her reassuring refusal to take anything particularly seriously, especially romance. "Well, I should hope you do love me," she murmured in an impish tone. "I'm not in the habit of letting just anyone plant a baby and fondle it from the outside, you know." She grinned, nestling close into him, letting him wrap her up in his protective embrace. "I love you back."

He smiled, somewhat relieved that she was her usual self again, despite the threat hanging over their heads. He wrapped her up in his embrace, pressing an affectionate and protective kiss against her cheek. "A long, hot bath sounds nice, but don't expect me to dance to the Spice Girls again today. I don't think I have the energy." Though that could definitely change. Stranger things had happened where they were involved.

The storm had passed, for now, at least. By the end of an hour, they would have Scotland Yard asking questions, and Felix, the head of the security firm Liv had hired for their protection, laying down the law anew with what they could and couldn't do. But once they were gone, the Grangers would have the luxury of the rest of the day to themselves, and a plan of how to spend it in one another's company. Despite the new threat and renewed worries, things didn't get much better than this.

((Humongous thanks to Vicki's player for the above scene and for allowing me to cause a little trouble for our newlyweds. :grin:))